Yalta coastal castropolis. Resorts of Crimea: Beregovoe (Big Yalta). Accommodation in Castropol

It is unclear who came up with the idea to rename the sonorous Greek Castropol to Beregovoe, but in the end, Crimea received a third village with that name. There are already two on the peninsula: one in the Western Crimea on the shore of the Kalamitsky Gulf, the other in the East, on the shore of the Feodosiya Gulf.

The Crimeans themselves, as before, call the Coastal South Coast of the Crimea - Castropol, and this name was preserved at the stop of the Yalta highway and is printed on tickets for public transport. In the text, in order to avoid confusion, we will also call it this old sonorous name.

Rest in Kastropol (Beregovoe)

Now this urban-type settlement is a popular southern coastal resort, into which you can exit the highway in two places. On one road you will get to the upper Castropol, where the local population mainly lives, on the other to the lower, more designed for vacationers. The whole territory, a rather steep slope, immersed in greenery, and therefore looks very picturesque. The roads are narrow, going down to the sea in serpentines, but unlike neighboring settlements, there are quite a few cars here, even in the high season. Therefore, if you prefer a quiet beach holiday, then choose this particular village.

Accommodation in Castropol

There are many options. These are sanatoriums, hotels, boarding houses and the private sector, from guest houses and mini-hotels to rooms and turnkey apartments. Accommodation in Upper Castropol is much cheaper, because it is farther from the sea. On foot you will have to go to it for about a kilometer, if by car - almost three.

In lower Kastropol, the range of prices is also very significant, there are options for both poor students and those who are used to resting in comfort. There are many reviews on the Internet about holidays in Castropol, be guided by them. A few words about the Kastropol boarding house: for those who feel nostalgia for the Soviet past, this is an ideal option. Here it has been preserved so much that it resembles a walk in a time machine. Everything is identical - everyday life, food, staff attitude.

If you are going here on vacation during the high season, be sure to book your accommodation in advance. In early June and September, it is not difficult to rent a room even by the sea.

History of Castropol

They lived here since time immemorial, they called their settlement Kastropulo, that is, a fortress. They fished, cultivated grapes, olives and even cereals, which you cannot find in the South Coast at all. Gradually, the village grew richer, passing either into the hands of Chersonesos, or under the Roman or Bosporan protectorate. Only after the arrival of the Turks, the people began to be poor, the Orthodox ceremonies were carried out secretly - in a cave above Mukholatka. Therefore, the Greeks from here at the first opportunity moved to the Mariupol steppes.

Soon after joining Russia, these lands were bought by Nikolai Nikitich Demidov, started extensive vineyards here, was engaged in winemaking himself, then his heirs. At the beginning of the 20th century, the upper part of the village belonged to the engineers from Moscow, the Pervushin brothers, and the lower part to the St. Petersburg manufacturer E.N. Peltzer. In 1903, the writer N. Garin-Mikhailovsky lived at the Pervushins' castropol dacha, whose research became the basis for the project of a new route Sevastopol-Yalta (now a memorial plaque reminds of this). Here he also wrote his story "The Engineers" - practically documentary evidence of how agricultural and feudal Russia was turning into a modern industrial power.

During the Soviet era, wealthy houses became state property and served as sanatoriums and rest homes for ordinary people. During the Great Patriotic War, German fascists were based here. In the winter of 1941, a scouting group of the Black Sea Fleet under the command of F. Volonchuk made a rustle here, as the memorial plaque at the turn to Nizhny Kastropol reminds of.

Such popular films were partially filmed here. like "Amphibian Man" and "Prisoner of the Castle of If", the actors lived in the village.

Climate of Castropol

The southern coast of Crimea is especially valued for its unique climate, reminiscent of the Mediterranean, and the microclimate of Castropolis is no exception. There are mild, humid winters and long sunny summers, the heat of which is softened by sea breezes. In June, the average daily air temperature is 20.2 ° С, in July it reaches 24 ° С, in August just below 23 ° С. Water heats up to 25 ° C by mid-summer. You can swim from the first days of June to the end of September, and in some years to the end of October.

Attractions of Castropol

Despite the miniature size of the village, there are sights in Castropol. The main one with which offers a beautiful view of the sea and picturesque surroundings. The temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God looks especially beautiful, immersed in greenery - white, graceful, with a golden dome. On the rock itself there is a cross in memory of Christians, who, according to local legend, were once crucified here by the Romans. Not far, above the neighboring village of Olivaya, is the popular tourist pass "Devil's Ladder". You can see the ruins of the Isar-Kaya fortress.

In general, the location of Castropol is such that you can easily visit the main attractions of the South Coast from here - all palaces, parks, museums, etc.

Castropol Attractions

The village is small and quiet, so don't expect any events, concerts and noisy discos here, you need to go to Yalta or Alushta for them. The main attractions of Castropol are beach holidays, walking tours, excursions to interesting places in South Crimea. Be sure to book a sea excursion - the South Coast is unusually beautiful from the sea.


You can immediately book accommodation with meals. This service is offered by both boarding houses and private traders. Moreover, not necessarily three meals a day, you can only agree on breakfasts or breakfasts and dinners. There are also cafes in the village, you can eat in them, fortunately, the prices are quite budget. If you prefer to cook yourself - choose a home with a kitchen, buy food - there are shops and a small market in the village and cook. Black Sea fish is also sold, right on the beach or at the local market.

How to get to Castropol

Buses do not go to the village itself, but to stops on the highway: "Upper Kastropol" or "Lower Kastropol". Coming out on the first one, you will find yourself two steps from the upper part of the settlement; in the lower one you will have to walk about 15 minutes. From the second stop, in 10-12 minutes, the serpentine will lead directly to the lower part of the village. Any public transport that goes along the Sevastopol-Yalta highway will suit you. Even if the stop is not indicated on the ticket, the driver will drop you off at the right place.

The resort area is protected by the Main ridge of the Crimean Mountains from cold northeastern and northern winds. Rich natural vegetation (coniferous and deciduous species) is combined with parkland; Evergreen trees and shrubs predominate.

The village is divided into two historically formed parts: Upper Castropol located to the west, and Lower Kastropol or simply Castropol, located to the east.

In Upper Kastropol there is a residential one-story manor building, a large VIP-residence, an Orthodox church built in 2010, consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. There is a mineral spring near the temple.

Below the level of the buildings of Upper Castropol above the sea is located Iphigenia rock... The mountain range with a height of 120 and a length of 450 m along the edge of the sea is a cape separating Kastropol from the village of Oliva. The base of the rock is a volcanic cone made up of volcanic ash deposits (tuffs) with inclusions of volcanic bombs related to the volcanism of the Upper Jurassic period (150 million years ago). The rock massif is divided by a steeply sloping gorge-fault into two parts - the eastern part, called Iphigenia proper, and the western part, also known as rock dragon; the top of the latter is covered with characteristic stone peaks.

There is an Orthodox cross on the eastern top of the rock. To the slope of the eastern summit of Iphigenia at level 50 below its upper point from the rear (relative to the sea) side, a turn of the Upper Castropol serpentine approaches.

The name of the rock is associated with the myth of Iphigenia in Taurida and was assigned to the rock by the owner of the estate, N.N.Demidov, in the 1820s.

In Nizhny Kastropol there is a private building, as well as a seaside resort area. This zone consists of a group of buildings of the Kastropol boarding house, several hotels and mini-hotels.

In addition, between the Lower and Upper Castropolis there is a kilometer zone of sub-Mediterranean forest. In the forest zone, Crimean pine, Scotch pine, Pistachio dull-leaved, Hold-thorny tree, Evergreen cypress, Common juniper, Cossack juniper, Crimean cistus, Pontic butcher, etc. grow.

According to the legends recorded by local residents at the end of the 19th century, before the creation of the fortress, approximately in the 7th-10th centuries, an Orthodox monastery was located near the Iphigenia rock. The same legend claimed that the monastery was dedicated to the memory of the martyrs who were crucified on this rock to intimidate seafarers around the 3rd century. n. NS. Roman authorities during the persecution of Christians. Until now, no documentary and material evidence of this legend has been found. However, it was she who served as the basis for the erection of the presently existing cross on the top of the Iphigenia rock.

Kastropulo is one of the best estates here for its proximity to the sea, the beauty of the location and the property of the vineyard. There is no doubt that there was once a rather significant settlement of the ancient Greeks here. Proof of this, in addition to the name, meaning the existence of a fortress in it, are the traces of fortification on a rock, close to the sea, noticed by Academician Köppen and the discovery in the earth of clay amphorae or huge jugs in which the ancients kept their wines. Inhabitants of the former Tatar settlement Mikhalatki, who have now moved to Turkey, told me that according to the legend passed to them from the fathers, Kastropulo was left by the Greeks at the time when the Christians left the Crimean Khanate to the Mariupol steppes; that this settlement was extensive before the Turkish rule on the southern coast, but later, when the Turkish ages began to treat them cruelly and prevent them from free worship, the oppressed could only pray in a cave and were happy to leave their homeland at the first opportunity. According to the same Tatars, the surroundings of Kastropulo under the Greeks were incomparably richer in various kinds of vegetation and abounded in grain, which is not sown here anymore. From them I also learned that the cave, which served as a Temple for the unfortunate Christians and up to the present time, presents traces consistent with the legend, and is located in the rock opposite the villages of Mikhalatka and Kuchuk-koy, which are at an insignificant distance from Kastropulo.

On the military topographic map of Major General Mukhin in 1817, just a natural boundary is indicated Castrop... In 1823, the Kastropulo estate was acquired by a representative of one of the richest families in Russia - Nikolai Nikitich Demidov - with the aim of turning it into an "economy" (a separate economic unit) of the experimental viticulture direction. To save money, in a short time, more than 20 thousand vines of French and Spanish origin were planted, wine cellars were dug on the slopes, and mass production of barrels was established.

After the death of N.N.Demidov (1828) Castropulo was the joint estate of his sons, patrons of the arts - Kursk governor Pavel Nikolaevich Demidov and Anatoly Nikolaevich Demidov (Prince of San Donato). In 1837, Kastropulo was visited by the natural history expedition of Anatoly Demidov (the group of scientists was headed by the professor of the Paris School of Mines F. Le-Play), which left a brief description of the economy. By the decree of Nicholas I of March 23 (old style), 1838, on April 15, a new Yalta district was formed and the village was transferred to the Derekoy volost. On the map of 1842, Castropol is already indicated by the conventional sign "small village", that is, less than 5 courtyards.

According to the division of the property of the Demidovs in 1861, Kastropulo went to the son of P.N.Demidov - Pavel Pavlovich Demidov (Prince of San Donato), later the mayor of Kiev. According to "The list of populated areas of the Tauride province according to the information of 1864", compiled on the basis of the results of the VIII revision of 1864, Castropol is a proprietary Russian economy, with 1 yard and 7 residents, by the Kuime stream... On three-verst the map of 1865-1876, separately, as small villages, are marked Kostropol and Demidov's dacha.

In 1873 P.P.Demidov-San Donato sold Kastropulo to the Russian diplomat Baron Karl Karlovich Toll, who transferred the estate to his daughter Margarita (married Izvolskaya). After that, the name of the village of Kastropulo was transformed into Kastropol, by analogy with the city names of Greek origin common in the southern Russian region [ ]. On mile On the map of 1889-1890, on the site of Beregovoye, the Nizhny Kastropol estate is marked.

In 1882-1892, Martha Sabinina, the organizer of one of the first Communities of Sisters of Mercy in Russia, lived the last years of her life at the Castropol estate of Baroness M. K. Toll; here she wrote her autobiographical Notes. In those same years, the friend and colleague of M. Sabinina for charity, the maid of honor of the imperial court, Baroness Maria Fredericks, often visited Castropol. At the initiative of M. Sabinina, at the expense of M. Fredericks, a portable Orthodox church was built and consecrated in Kastropol (soon, however, it was transferred by the will of the patrons themselves to Feodosia, where it served as the basis for the construction of the Kazan Cathedral).

On the site of most of the estate and park of the estate of D. Pervushin, two sanatoriums for teachers were created in 1924. In 1960 they were merged into the Kastropol boarding house. According to the Kikineiz village council of the Yalta region, there were two farms: Kastropol with 19 yards, of which 5 were peasants, the population was 36 people, of which 32 were Russians, 31 were Crimean Tartars, 1 was Ukrainian and Kastropol Nizhny (3 yards, 11 Russian residents) ...

The list of settlements of the Crimean ASSR according to the All-Union census on December 17, 1926

The episode is connected with Upper Castropol, and other filmmakers.

The mild climate of the Mediterranean type does not differ significantly from the climate of Yalta (see also in the stations South Coast of Crimea and Simeiz). Natural and climatic conditions are favorable for carrying out climatotherapy of chronic respiratory diseases, functional diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and for climate prophylaxis. The beach of small pebbles and sand (length approx. 2 km) is convenient for thalassotherapy.
There are boarding houses "Kastropol", "Kryvyi Rih miner"; a sanatorium complex is under construction.

Travel to Beregovoy is possible along two serpentine slopes adjacent to the Sevastopol highway to Cape Aya and other attractions of the southern coast of Crimea.

In Upper Kastropol, pedestrians can cut the turns of the serpentine road by a poorly preserved multi-span staircase built in 1960. In the past, a staircase led to the seashore at the Iphigenia cliff. Now the remains of the lower flight of the stairs rest against the fence of a private area located under the rock.

The village lacks its own authorities and law enforcement, medical services (including no pharmacy points), cemeteries, street lighting. There is a post office. Local residents are served by state institutions of Simeiz and Yalta.

There is one permanent store and a mini-market in Nizhny Kastropol. During the summer season, numerous retail outlets and cafes open on the territory of the Castropol Pension and the nearby beach promenade.

Castropol. General information

Since 1971, the village has been officially called Beregovoe, although no one calls it that, except in official documents - only Castropol. Even two beautiful stopping complexes bear the names "Upper Kastropol" and "Lower Kastropol".

Conventionally, Castropolis is divided into two parts - the Upper, more precisely the northwest, and the Lower - the southeast. Upper Kastropol is sparsely populated, it is a steep coast, crowned with the Iphigenia rock and a massive forest above, making this part of the village attractive for elite development. Not far from the Iphigenia cliff, in a young coniferous forest, a wild tourist camp opens every summer.

In the Upper Kastropol, there is the Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, built in 2010. The new temple harmoniously blended into the local landscape. Tourists use its terraces as observation platforms from which a delightful view of Castropol, the sea and the Iphigenia rock opens up. This temple has two thrones. The upper one is dedicated to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the lower one - to St. George the Victorious, and the latter was consecrated quite recently - in 2015.

Lower Kastropol is more like a modern resort. There is a good pebble beach here, open to the public. Numerous trade establishments and cafeterias work on the embankment in summer; it is a favorite place for leisure travelers both in the private sector and in the Kastropol boarding house. This large boarding house occupies most of the Lower Castropolis. It will be discussed below.

The northern part of Castropol is simply buried in greenery. It is impossible to see anything from the track, even a rather big boarding house. From the Yalta-Sevastopol highway to Nizhny Kastropol, there is a road - a rather winding serpentine. This route allows you to inspect the entire territory of the Kastropol boarding house before going to the embankment.

View towards Foros from the embankment of Castropol Merdven-Kayasy, view from the Upper Kastropol stop

If you look at Castropol as a whole village, then in general terms the following can be said about it. It is located between the village of Parkovoye in the east and state dachas No. 6 and No. 9 in the west. Closed private buildings are located between Upper Castropol and the sea, which are clearly visible in detail from the Iphigenia rock. From the side of Parkovy, first of all, the traveler will meet again fences - there is a closed recreation center "Zhukovka". Among the abundance of fences, the long and wide central beach of Castropol beckons with relaxation.

The entire western part of the embankment of Castropol is littered with stones so much that only savages who camped higher up in tents risk resting and swimming here. The village itself does not give the impression of being overloaded with vacationers.

Castropol gave its name to the rocky wall located directly above the village. The height of the highest point of the Kastropol wall, also called Mount Kastropolskaya, is 955 meters.

View of the Castropol wall
from the church
View from the Iphigenia cliff
to the church and the mountains

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