Spain in passing. Fortress of Santa Barbara (Alicante). Spain, Alicante - “Alicante - Spanish flavor, clear sea, Santa Barbara Castle.” Castle Santa Barbara in Alicante how to get there

On the Mediterranean coast of Spain, on the top of Benacantil, in Alicante stands a magnificent castle with beautiful name Santa Barbara. This is one of the main symbols of the sunny resort city.

Fortress of Santa Barbara (Spain) is a widely visited and popular place among tourists.

Even the most exciting journey to the castle is fraught with many unexpected and pleasant surprises. A one and a half hour excursion through its territory gives a lot of positive emotions and vivid impressions.

general description

The medieval castle is a triumph of engineering and military architecture. He rises majestically above beautiful city at an altitude of 166 meters. This is one of the largest fortresses in Spain. The rock itself resembles a face in its outline, which is why it is also called the “face of the Moor.”

The castle consists of three levels located at different heights, each representing the history of different eras. This magnificent building is actually located in the central part of the city, near the seashore.

The fortress, built about 10 centuries ago, evokes great admiration among numerous tourists and townspeople. Thanks to the multi-level design, amazing views of the city’s landscapes open from almost all points. And the castle is perfectly visible from afar and is an excellent landmark.

The Santa Barbara fortress in Alicante is amazing and interesting both for its architecture and centuries-old history.

Its address: 03002, Spain, Alicante city, Plaza del Cuarter, 1.

Architectural elements

The main attractions of the fortress are the following: the Armory Courtyard, the Military Building, the Hall of Philip II (King), the Queen's Bastion and the Guard Corps. The interiors correspond to the appearance of the castle; they are also decorated in a medieval spirit.

You can go up to the fortress using elevators with entrances located opposite resort beach Postiget. You can take the elevator for a small fee, but those who want particularly thrilling sensations can walk up the mountain along a rather long staircase with bridges.

Ancient history of the castle

A long time ago, in the third century BC. e. The Greeks built defensive impregnable fortifications. A very good location for the bastions was strategically chosen. Thanks to this position of the fortress, it was convenient to monitor the entrances to the city and maintain power over a large territory.

In honor of St. Barbara, whose feast day is celebrated annually in these places at the beginning of December, the Santa Barbara fortress got its name. Its history is full of numerous events.

One of the most heroic historical moments is the year 1296. At that time, the commandant of the fortress named Nicholas Paris, who defended it from the enemy army of King Jaime II, fighting to the last, immortalized his name. With one hand, stained with the blood of his enemies, he held a sword, and with the other hand he firmly held the key to the fortress. According to legend, the enemies were able to obtain it only by cutting off the hand of the hero commandant only after his death. And now in the very high point There is an inscription carved in the castle dedicated to the feat of Nicholas Paris.

About the destruction and reconstruction of the castle

Over the long period of its existence, the Santa Barbara fortress changed owners several times and, accordingly, was reconstructed. In January 1844, during the uprising under the leadership of Colonel Pantaleon Bonet, the castle was occupied by them, but due to the betrayal of one of his subordinates, Bonet himself fell into a trap. And as a result, the castle was captured by Espartero's people. All the rebels were executed right within the fortress walls. At the site of their execution today there is a Memorial dedicated to the Martyrs of Freedom, which is dedicated to the fallen comrades of Pantaleon Bonet.

The castle suffered serious damage during the war of 1873. He was severely damaged due to shelling from the Spanish battleship Numancia, controlled by rebels from Cartagena.

20th century castle

At the end of the 1930s, the Santa Barbara fortress was used as a prison for Republican prisoners during the Spanish Civil War. Witnesses of those times are the inscriptions and engravings they left on the walls. After the end of the war, the fortress was abandoned for some time, and only thanks to the city authorities it turned into a unique monument historical heritage.

Since 1963, restoration of this structure began. 2 elevators were built, lifting visitors to the fortress in just one minute to the very top of the mountain (path length 204.83 meters).

Fortress today

Thus, the Santa Barbara fortress today is perfectly equipped for convenient inspection by numerous visitors.

In addition, great concerts and festivals take place here on summer nights, and picnics are organized in winter. On the territory of the lowest level there are tables and benches.

Inside the castle you can visit educational exhibitions.

From the fortress, having found any way out, you can go down the so-called Great Wall of China (Spanish) and get into the preserved ancient quarter called Barrio Santa Cruz. These are narrow streets with white houses, where the voices of children can be heard kicking a soccer ball.

The observation decks of the fortress offer a delightful panorama, combining a superb city, views of the beautiful sea, road forks, the beach, the port and neighboring cities.

What else can you see in the castle?

The Fortress of Santa Barbara in Alicante is a rather complex and impressive structure. It consists, as noted above, of three levels that arose in different eras and are monuments of bygone times.

The towers and walls represent traditional knightly architecture. Some parts of the structure (upper) have been preserved since Arab times.

Today, the territory of the fortress is well equipped for the convenience of tourists visiting the museum. There are exhibition halls with permanent and temporary exhibitions, the contents of which are dedicated to the glorious history of the castle and its changing appearance over the centuries.

It is worth noting the observation platforms of the fortress, of which there are several. They offer stunning views, especially during sunset and at night, when the city is transformed by night lights.

On the territory of the fortress there are equipped recreation areas with souvenir tents and a cafe.

How to get to the castle

Anyone has the opportunity to visit the Santa Barbara fortress in Alicante. Entrance there is free.

The easiest way is the high-speed elevator, the entrance to which is located in the center of Mount Benacantil, near Postiguet Beach. Moreover, the climb is quite fast, and the cost for services (for the climb only) is 3 euros. Young children and elderly people can use the elevator free of charge.

You can also get to the castle by taxi or own car along the highway. For transport, there is free parking on the lower level of the castle.

For lovers of romantic travel, there is a more interesting way to climb, on foot, which will bring additional pleasure. Thanks to this hike, you can see two more amazing sights: the Santa Cruz quarter and Parque de la Ereta. In the first, as noted above, you can see ancient Moorish buildings from the 13th century, and in the exotic green park you can relax on benches near the fountain and stroll along the paths.

The most courageous and fearless climb right up the rock, but this is quite dangerous and prohibited.

Let me tell you about our vacation in Alicante. One day we planned a wonderful trip. From Kaliningrad we went by car to Zakopane, after living there for a week, we went to Krakow, after resting in Krakow for three days, we flew to Spain. And in Spain we divided our vacation like this: a week in Alicante (with a trip to Elche), a week in Benidorm (with a trip to Valencia).

Alicante is a port city located on the Costa Blanca. It's not far from the airport, about 20 minutes. The city is in many ways typical Spanish))) Clean and well-groomed.
We lived in an apartment hotel, we had a room with a kitchen, so we often cooked ourselves. As usual in Spain, we bought groceries at the Mercadona supermarket, which was located in the city center not far from the coast and our hotel. When using a plastic card, we were almost always asked for a document confirming our identity (we showed our driver’s license), and once, without malicious intent, we caused a collapse in the store))) Having collected 35 euros worth of groceries, we provided a 500 euro bill for payment, We just didn’t have any other money with us. We collected change from all the cash registers, and we must give credit to the employees: they did not lose their composure and did not send us to hell))) We really like Mercadona for its selection of products, especially seafood and fruits, and there is simply a lot of new things... that , which is not available in our stores. Pay attention to what they take local residents, they know better what products are worthy of their meals))) I’ll say something about wine. As we were once told on an excursion during our first visit to Spain: do not be afraid to buy inexpensive Spanish wine in stores - it is young and it flows like a river here, which is why it does not cost a lot of money.

Take a look at the pineapple I posted. We bought it in this convenient form at Mercadona (well, probably, these are sold not only in this store). It is cleaned, given a cylindrical shape with a hole, packed in thick polyethylene (I didn’t take a photo), the shelf life is a day. Wonderful - bought it, quickly cut it, ate it.)))

Did you know that the Spaniards don’t really say “bon appetit”, because they always have a good appetite anyway?))) In Spain they say “buen provecho” - good digestion))))

Development in Alicante is dense, not all hotels have their own parking, or parking is available, but it is very small and insufficient for all guests. In the city center there is a multi-storey paid large parking lot, with which some hotels enter into an agreement, giving you the opportunity to leave your car there (we rented it at the airport). From this parking lot you will, of course, need to walk to the hotel, but for us this journey took 5-7 minutes.

The beaches of the city are wide and clean. We went mainly to the main city beach of Postiguet, I’ll tell you more about it. A flag of the appropriate color is always placed on the beach: green - you can swim; yellow - you can generally swim, but do not forget that the sea is rough; red - swimming is prohibited. There are lifeguards on the tower, and if you decide to swim when there is a prohibitory signal, they will come for you.))) Maybe they will even come, but this is not certain)))). On the beach there is a small playground and lonely, rare palm trees. You can hide from the heat under a palm tree, but most often you have already been overtaken and there is someone under it.))) From time to time, a guy from a beach cafe will walk past you along the beach with a tray and an offer to buy cool sangria in a plastic glass or sliced ​​fruit. Walking dogs on the beach is prohibited. The sea is pleasant, clean, beautiful with a soft entry into the water, we really liked everything.

And this is a device like an underground passage, but only above the ground. Overpass.))) You can get to the beach this way. Well, or just from the city along pedestrian crossings))). Moreover, note that there is an elevator near this overpass, a good idea if you don't want or can't take the stairs.

Alicante has a nice wide embankment, walks along which give visual pleasure and saturation with sea air. Along the embankment there are shopping arcades with souvenirs, local sweets, beach towels, benches, exercise equipment. Sometimes a stage is opened here and chairs are installed, organizing small concerts.

The Santa Barbara castle-fortress on Mount Benacantil deserves special attention in Alicante. This is one of the largest medieval fortresses in Spain. The entrance to the fortress itself is free, but you need to walk to it; if you wish, you can use the elevator. We took advantage.

The fortress offers a wonderful, magnificent, mesmerizing view of the sea, Alicante and its surroundings.

The Santa Barbara fortress was completed, destroyed in places during the wars, and rebuilt again... It’s interesting there, you walk on different levels... and you want to go higher, higher) There are arches, paths, steps, rooms everywhere... Lots of trees, bushes, you can meet pigeons, many of which are white. There is a cafe, a souvenir shop and a toilet.

In Alicante, like many places in Europe, you can walk along narrow streets, admire the historical center, ancient basilicas, and refresh yourself by sitting on a bench near the fountain. For me personally, it is very important that vacation is not limited to just beach vacations.

Proudly spreading its majesty over Mediterranean Sea, rises on Mount Benacantil Castle of Santa Barbara. It is located almost in the center of the famous Spanish resort Alicante at an altitude of 166 m in close proximity to the sea. The fortress is the main thing tourist site in the city and can be seen from almost anywhere in the city. And from its observation decks you can see simply stunning views of the picturesque bay, city and port.

The first fortifications on the rock took place in the 3rd century BC, when the ancient Greeks founded their settlement here. And then this territory passed to the ancient Romans and then to the Iberians. And in the 9th century, the Moors (Muslims) began to build their citadel on this rock, and it already had a look more or less close to that of the castle today. This citadel was the most important strategic point in those days and could control all entrances to the city. From it you can see the entire bay, as well as nearby areas right up to the mountains. No one dared to attack these impregnable walls. But the castle dates back to the 13th century, when it received its current name and came under Christian rule. So, on December 4, 1248, namely on St. Barbara’s Day, the future king Alfonso the Tenth, who bore the nickname the Wise and was then still the Infante Alfonso of Castile, recaptured this fortress from the Moors. That's why it was named after Saint Barbara.

The castle was rebuilt many times over several centuries, it withstood several sieges and was bombarded by the British. The most serious reconstructions of the fortress took place in the Middle Ages. Among the most significant architectural parts of the castle are the Tower of Honors, the Chapel of St. Barbara, the English Bastion and the Queen's Bastion, the Philip II Hall, and the Governor's House. In addition, on the territory of the fortress there are cannon platforms and a powder warehouse, an underground prison, drawbridges, various residences and bastions. As for the cannons, on some of them you can see images of a double-headed eagle and Russian-language inscriptions. This indicates that these guns were probably captured.

Currently Various exhibitions are held in the castle premises. These are works of modern as well as ultra-modern art, graphics, exhibitions of avant-garde painting, photography, sculpture, intricate and whimsical installations.

To get to Santa Barbara Castle without any difficulty, you should use a special elevator, in which a green arrow indicates the approximate location of the passage to it. The fare there and back is about 2.4 euros. The schedule needs to be clarified. You can also get there by car, following the red arrow on the roadway and leaving your vehicle (if there is space, of course) in the free small parking lot at the top. For lovers hiking It is also possible to get to the fortress. To do this, there are two walking passages, indicated by blue and red arrows on the diagram.

Opening hours of the Santa Barbara Castle:

The fortress-castle of Santa Barbara (Castillo de Santa Bárbara) in Alicante, rises on top of Mount Benacantil located in the center of the city, offering stunning views of the city, port and sea at the foot.

Thanks to its advantageous location, the castle was an important strategic site during the era of the rule of the Moors, who founded the fortress, and in later periods of the country's history. In Russian, the attraction is also known as the Fortress of St. Barbara.

History of the Castle of Santa Barbara

Castle of Santa Barbara in Alicante was built in the 9th century by the Arabs and for several centuries it was an impregnable citadel, preventing the complete expulsion of the conquerors from the country. In December 1248, the castle was captured by the troops of the Infante Alfonso, son of Fernando of Castile, later known as Alfonso X the Wise. To commemorate the brilliant victory on St. Barbara's Day, the fortress was named Santa Barbara.

Almost half a century later, in 1296, the Santa Barbara castle was captured by the troops of King Jaime II of Aragon, on whose orders large-scale reconstruction and strengthening of the castle began. The work took nearly a hundred years and was completed during the reign of King Pedro IV the Solemn. At the beginning of the 16th century, by order of King Charles I, work was carried out to strengthen the Santa Barbara fortress. New buildings appeared on the castle grounds from 1562 to 1580.

The Castle of Santa Barbara in Alicante played a significant role in the defense of the city during the wars that arose in different periods of Spanish history. It received significant damage in 1691 during the shelling of the city by a French squadron. No less significant damage was caused during the War of the Spanish Succession in 1707-1709.

During the uprising of Colonel Pantaleon Bonet against the regime of General Baldomero Espartero in January 1844, the castle fell into the hands of the rebels, but the betrayal of one of the colonel's supporters sealed the fate of the rebellious Bonet and his followers. The fortress fell, the uprising was crushed, and Bonet and all the rebels were brutally executed. In commemoration of this tragic event, a Memorial to the Martyrs of Freedom.

The castle suffered serious damage during the civil war of 1873, when it was fired upon from the sea by the battery battleship Numancia, captured by rebels from Cartagena.

At the end of the 19th century, during the reign of Alfonso XIII, the castle of Santa Barbara in Alicante came under the control of municipal authorities. After restoration work, the fortress became a prison for several decades. During the civil war of 1936-1939, political prisoners were held there - republicans and opponents of General Franco. On the walls of the castle, drawings and inscriptions scratched by prisoners of the Francoist regime have been preserved to this day.

Santa Barbara Castle: what to see

Second World War devastated the walls of the medieval citadel and after its completion, Santa Barbara remained desolate for a long time. Only in the early 60s of the 20th century the castle was recognized as an important tourist attraction.. Restoration work was carried out, and to lift tourists to the top, shafts were drilled into the rock inside the mountain, where two high-speed elevators were installed, which can be accessed from Jovellanos Boulevard. Elevator ascent is paid, €2.7, descent is free.

Paved hiking trails and a serpentine road lead along the slopes of the mountain to the top. There are parking lots for tourist buses, rental and personal cars.

From the outside, Santa Barbara Castle is a grandiose fortification structure located on three levels. The oldest buildings, erected during Ottoman rule, are located on the top of the mountain:

  • Moorish watchtower La Torreta:
  • ruins of an ancient fortress.

On the first level the foundations of medieval buildings are located:

  • English Bastion;
  • Hall of Fame;
  • Engineering Park.

On the second level buildings from the mid-late 16th century are located:

  • Queen's Bastion;
  • Armory yard;
  • Military Corps;
  • Noble Hall;
  • Hall of Philip II;
  • ruins of the chapel of St. Barbara.

The third level, located at the foot of the mountain, is a complex equipped for visitors and consisting of:

  • approaches to the castle;
  • parking.

Nearby are the beach and Parque de la Ereta, where official and public events are held, as well as theatrical shows dedicated to the history of the city and the Castle of Santa Barbara.

The Castle of Santa Barbara in Alicante is a huge complex, on the territory of which interesting exhibitions and museum relics are located. The following are very successful:

  • exposition of heraldic symbols
  • photo gallery
  • exhibition of antique ceramics
  • Ravelin Bon Repo
  • Sant Jordi Tower
  • exposition “The Capture of the Castle” and the Museum of Torture in the Military Corps
  • Santa Catalina Tower
  • area where ancient siege weapons are displayed

Useful information about the Castle of Santa Barbara

5 Interesting Features of Santa Barbara Castle

  1. Worth paying Special attention on the coat of arms of the castle, one of the elements of which is a hand clutching keys. This symbol is associated with the events that occurred during the battle of a small detachment led by the commandant of the fortress, Nicholas Paris, with the superior forces of King Jaime II. The fortress fell only after the death of all the defenders, and the hand of the deceased commandant continued to squeeze the keys. A monument to Nicholas Paris was erected on the territory of the fortress, and the image of his hand appeared on the castle’s coat of arms as a symbol of inaccessibility. According to legend, Alicante will not be conquered until the hand unclenches and the keys drop. Indeed, the city and the castle have never been occupied by enemy troops since the capture of Jaime the Just.
  2. Local residents claim that from a certain area of ​​the city
    in the outlines of the mountain you can see the Moor. Mount Benacantil even has an unofficial name - The Face of the Moor (La cara del moro), which is associated with an ancient urban legend telling about the tragic love of a Moorish princess and a young Spanish nobleman. The old Moor, the girl's father, executed the young man, and the princess, distraught with grief, threw herself into the sea from a cliff. Thus, the features of a cruel father appeared in the outlines of the mountain.
  3. The most picturesque views open on the way to the fortress
    from the Santa Cruz area. Convenient walking paths without steps lead to the top. The ascent will take no more than 20 minutes.
  4. You can drive to the castle along a serpentine road by car, but seasoned tourists It is recommended to leave the car in the lower parking lot and go on foot or take the elevator, since tourist buses often cause traffic jams on the highway.
  5. A stunning view of the city, surrounding area and bay opens from the highest platform, Macho del Castillo.

Castle of Santa Barbara in Alicante on the map:

Background information on the Castle of Santa Barbara in Alicante

Visit to the castle:

  • From April to September: from 10.00 to 22.00 every day
  • From October to March: from 10.00 to 20.00 every day
  • Closed: January 1, January 6, December 24, 25 and 31

The cost of visiting the Castle of Santa Barbara in Alicante is free. The road to the top of the mountain starts from the street Vázquez de Mella.

If you want to get to the top of the mountain quickly and effortlessly, use a special elevator. The cost of the elevator ride is 2.70 euros. However please note:

  • If you are on the second level, the lift to the third level is free
  • Descent from the second or third level down by elevator is free
  • Use of the elevator after 19:45 in July and August is free

Castle of Santa Barbara in Alicante on video:

Archaeological finds indicate that people began to settle in Benacantil back in the Bronze Age. Also, many Roman and Iberian artifacts were discovered on the slopes. The construction of full-fledged fortifications began only at the beginning of the 9th century, when the Iberian Peninsula was under Arab rule. In the 13th century, the castle was captured by the troops of Alphonse the Wise, who later became the king of Leon and Castile. The citadel was given over to Christians on the day of St. Barbara, in whose honor it received its name.

Already at the end of the century, the fortress was captured by Jaime II of Aragon, who began its expansion and reconstruction. The reconstruction of the castle continued under subsequent rulers: Pedro IV, Charles V and Philip II. At this time, most of the outbuildings and halls were erected and fortifications were improved. In 1691, the citadel was fired upon by a French squadron; in the 18th century, it was held for several years by the British who took part in the War of the Spanish Succession. Another 100 years later, Santa Barbara withstood the fire of the frigate Numancia, captured by the rebels.

Starting from the 18th century, the fortress gradually lost its strategic importance and fell into disrepair. During the bloody years Civil War its walls were a prison for nationalists and, later, defenders of the Second Republic. Many inscriptions scrawled by the doomed prisoners still survive. For a long time, the Santa Barbara fortress remained abandoned. Only in 1963 it was recognized as a historical monument of national importance and restored. Since then, the citadel has been open to tourists all year round.

View from the Santa Barbara Fortress

Legends of the ancient citadel

Several beautiful legends are associated with the Santa Barbara fortress, passed down from mouth to mouth. The first story dates back to the period of Moorish rule and tells of tragic love. The Spanish nobleman Ricardo and the Muslim princess Zahara were inflamed with passion for each other. They met outside the castle under cover of darkness to hide the relationship from the girl's strict father. But the ruler had already promised to give his daughter as a wife to the Sultan of Damascus, and she was faced with separation from her lover.

Having learned about her father's plans, the princess became seriously ill. The ruler learned about the reason for Zakhara’s worries and, seeing how she was fading every day, decided to use a trick. He promised to bless his unwanted marriage with a Christian if the earth turned white by morning. The princess prayed all night for a miracle, and it happened - flowering orange trees completely covered the city with petals.

But the girl’s father was not going to keep his word - on his orders, Riccardo was hanged before sunrise. The inconsolable girl threw herself off the cliff. Realizing the consequences of his treachery, her cruel father followed her. They say that if you look at the mountain from the north, you can see the face of a grieving Moor in its stone outlines.

The second legend tells of the heroic deed of the commandant of the citadel, Nicholas Paris. In 1296, the garrison of the Santa Barbara fortress tried to repel the attack of the army of Jaime II - the soldiers fought fiercely for every step. Nicholas was the last to die, tightly clutching his sword in one hand and the keys to the main gate in the other. Even after death, his grip did not weaken, so his enemies were able to get the treasured bundle only by cutting off his hand.

The commandant earned the respect of not only his allies, but also his opponents. The coat of arms is engraved with a hand clutching a key, and a monument to Nicholas Paris was erected inside the citadel. It is believed that since then the Santa Barbara fortress has never been captured in battle.

What to see

The Santa Barbara Fortress is located in the city center, in walking distance from the beach, so ignore this monument ancient history impossible. In summer, it is preferable to visit the site in the morning or late afternoon, as it gets hot during the daytime. It is enough to allocate 2-3 hours for a visit, during which you will have time to go around all corners of the citadel, visit the museum and current exhibitions, have lunch in a cafe, and choose souvenirs.

To enjoy a walk through the Santa Barbara fortress, you don’t have to buy a tour - the history of the castle and the entire city of Alicante is clearly presented here. The building consists of three levels, erected in different eras. The earliest fortifications were built at the very top. At this level there is a Watchtower founded by the Moors. Medieval buildings have also survived here: the Hall of Glory, the English Bastion, and the Engineers' Park. This site offers the most impressive view of the city and the sea, equally mesmerizing day and night.

At the middle level, fortifications from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance have been preserved. Here you will see the Queen's Bastion, the Armory Courtyard, the Hall of Philip II, the ruins of the Church of St. Barbara, the residence of the governor. The lower level of the building dates from the 18th century. Here are the first Observation deck with a monument to the military leader Felix Berenguer and parking.

The Santa Barbara fortress has a large number of internal premises: barracks, dungeons, officer shelters, kitchens, ammunition depots. The restored halls contain historical and modern exhibitions dedicated to military craft, culture, and art (painting, photography, sculpture, installations). Visiting museums on site is free.

Engineering Park remains the main venue for craft fairs. The Armory Square is reserved for performances, concerts, and dance evenings. In the evening, on the territory of the Santa Barbara fortress there are performances by artists in national costumes.

The productions are dedicated to ancient traditions and way of life. The actors speak exclusively Spanish, but the event is enjoyable even without knowledge of the language thanks to the expressive intonations and colorful outfits of the participants. The most popular events take place at the foot of the mountain in Ereta Park.

How to get there

There are several ways to get to the Santa Barbara Fortress.

  • By elevator - the entrance is located at the foot of the mountain, opposite the Postiguet beach (Jovellanos Boulevard). You can easily purchase a ticket for it right there in the machine.
  • By car - enter from Vázquez de Mella street along the road that runs along the northern slope. This path is absolutely free; there is parking on the first level of the fortress.
  • With your feet - walking route coincides with the automobile one. It is chosen by tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of the ancient area of ​​Alicante. Here you will see houses, some of which are considered the same age as the fortress. The ascent from the city center takes about 10-15 minutes, allowing you to view the mountain from several angles.

Opening hours and address

The citadel is open to the public on all days, but the exact opening hours depend on the time of year:

  • in winter (01.10-31.03) – from 10.00 to 20.00;
  • in summer (01.04-30.09) – from 10.00 to 22.00.

On major events, the Santa Barbara Fortress is open until 11:45 p.m. The MUSA City Museum welcomes visitors daily from 10.00 to 20.00 (break from 14.30 to 16.00).

The elevator has been operating since 1963, traveling through a 205-meter tunnel carved into the mountain. Its operating mode coincides with the fortress schedule. The last ascent is 40 minutes, the last descent is 20 minutes before closing. The cost of an elevator ticket is 2.7 euros for adults. Pensioners and children under 5 years old can ride for free. There is no additional cost for the descent.

Address: 03002, Alicante, Plaza del Cuartel, 1.

Phone: (+34) 965 15 29 69.