A glass observation deck has opened in China. Extreme observation deck in China. Glass observation decks and trails

Acrophobia is the fear of heights. When at altitude, a person suffering from acrophobia experiences nausea and dizziness. Do you feel familiar? If yes, then forget about this attraction. China already has several glass suspension bridges over the abyss and glass walkways along the cliffs. And recently another transparent one appeared Observation deck made of glass, protruding from the edge of a mountain at an altitude of 768 meters above sea level. An extreme terrace near Beijing rises 400 meters above a picturesque valley.

However, crowds of adrenaline junkies know no fear, and the observation deck is already breaking all attendance records. This is the largest platform of this type in the world, which has already become famous throughout the world. Tourists from all over China and beyond come here to admire the unique view and test their willpower.

The Glass Platform is located in the tourist spot of Shilinxia in the Pinggu district near Beijing. The width of the suspension bridge is 32.8 meters. The length is 11 meters longer than that of a similar structure in the USA - the SkyWalk observation deck in Grand Canyon. On this moment it is the longest observation platform in the world.

The futuristic design fits well into the picturesque gorge - as if a flying saucer had landed here. Stunning views of the mountains and forest are open to brave tourists, but not everyone dares to set foot here. Navigating a glass floor is not for the faint of heart. The glass platform is absolutely safe - it is made of titanium, steel and bulletproof glass that has passed all the necessary tests.

It really can be called a crime if you come here without a camera. Therefore, tourists use every second to take stunning pictures above the abyss. The glass floor and fence give the feeling of flying in the air. It’s worth overcoming yourself and your fears and walking along the circular bridge across the valley, admiring the villages, mountains and forest, and feeling like a part of nature.

China already has several glass suspension bridges over the abyss and glass walkways along the cliffs. And recently, another transparent glass observation deck appeared, protruding from the edge of the mountain at an altitude of 768 meters above sea level. An extreme terrace near Beijing rises 400 meters above a picturesque valley.

However, crowds of adrenaline junkies know no fear, and the observation deck is already breaking all attendance records. This is the largest platform of this type in the world, which has already become famous throughout the world. Tourists from all over China and beyond come here to admire the unique view and test their willpower.

The Glass Platform is located in the tourist spot of Shilinxia in the Pinggu district near Beijing. The width of the suspension bridge is 32.8 meters. The length is 11 meters longer than a similar design in the USA. It is currently the longest observation platform in the world.

The futuristic design fits well into the picturesque gorge - as if a flying saucer had landed here. Stunning views of the mountains and forest are open to brave tourists, but not everyone dares to set foot here. Navigating a glass floor is not for the faint of heart. The glass platform is absolutely safe - it is made of titanium, steel and bulletproof glass that has passed all the necessary tests.

It really can be called a crime if you come here without a camera. Therefore, tourists use every second to take stunning pictures above the abyss. The glass floor and fence give the feeling of flying in the air. It’s worth overcoming yourself and your fears and walking along the circular bridge across the valley, admiring the villages, mountains and forest, and feeling like a part of nature.

By the way, Acrophobia is the fear of heights. When at altitude, a person suffering from acrophobia experiences nausea and dizziness.

Several glass pedestrian bridges have been built, arousing great interest among tourists and local residents. They give a delightful sensation when crossing over an abyss and allow the pedestrian to test his courage and bravery.

Glass bridges are a national hobby of the Chinese. Nowhere in the world are there so many such structures as in China. They are very popular, and their number increases exponentially every year.

Today these bridges are trending in China. Their construction is inexpensive, and the effect of the influx of tourists quickly pays for the investment. No less in demand here are glass paths over steep cliffs and observation decks with glass floors.

Glass bridges

1) . It is located at an altitude of about 300 m, has a length of more than 400 m and can simultaneously support up to eight hundred people.

The glass covering of the lower part of the structure was subjected to a huge number of safety tests for pedestrians, incl. for resistance to high and low temperatures environment, their sudden changes, strong winds, etc.

Because of the glass floor, the bridge looks invisible, and pedestrians have the feeling that they are walking on air, floating in the clouds. But such a trip is not possible for children and people suffering from actophobia - fear of heights. They may have a nervous attack.

2) The second bridge in Hunan Province can be found in Zhangjiajie Park. It is called the Bridge of the Brave. It is about 300 m long and hangs between two hills at an altitude of about 180 m.

Previously, the bridge was made of wood, but gradually the interest of tourists and vacationers in the park began to fade away, and a modern decision was made: to make it of glass. First, we conducted an experiment: we covered a small part with glass.

Visitors to the park liked to walk high above the ground in the clouds, then it was decided to make this entire pedestrian walking bridge glass. Since then it has enjoyed deafening popularity.

Experts are confident that a 6 cm thick glass floor is completely safe and you can jump on it. But few people dare to take such actions. The vast majority of pedestrians move across the bridge with their eyes closed or crawling.

3) "Cracking" glass bridge in China near Mount Taihanshan is located at an altitude of almost 1,200 meters. In fact, the appearance of “cracks” is an attraction or a special effect, a way to once again test pedestrians’ courage.

It is important to note that such a special effect can simply cause a myocardial infarction for an unprepared pedestrian. Local authorities believe that this is just a playful “provocation”, but continue to be criticized among the population.

But in 2015, the special effect glass actually began to crack, so it was removed and repaired. But after the renovation, they installed “cracked” glass, explaining this by the great popularity of the attraction among spectators.

4) A new glass bridge has appeared in southern China, only the most courageous and reckless people will be able to walk along it. It goes around a sheer cliff at an altitude of more than 1,500 meters, called "Writhing Dragon" and leads to Mount Tianmen.

The length of the bridge is more than 100 meters, it is narrow - about 1.5 meters. Walking along it, pedestrians see pictures of the surrounding nature of extraordinary beauty: the valley below and the mountains floating past the clouds.

Glass observation decks and trails

1) Near Beijing there is the famous Shilin Forest. This forest has a platform with a glass floor. It has an area of ​​more than 400 km. m, a height of more than 400 m and gives an excellent overview of Shilin: huge stones mixed with trees.

2) In the south of China, a path more than 250 m long was opened in the mountains in 2015. It is located on the steep side of the mountain, and in order to walk along it, considerable courage is required, which the Chinese love to demonstrate.

3) The Yunduan glass observation deck is located at an altitude of more than 700 m. It was opened in the summer of 2015, extends far into the abyss from the mountain cliff to which it is attached, and offers viewers a magnificent view from above.


For many years now no one has been surprised by glass walls and roofs. But there are also many structures in the world in which transparent is floor. Most often these are buildings that are related to tourism. And today we will talk about 10 most beautiful and unusual similar cases from all over the world.

Glass balcony in a Chicago skyscraper

On the 103rd floor of the Sears Tower in Chicago is one of the most unusual observation decks in the world. Its most interesting element is the all-glass balcony that protrudes outward. Even the floor in this building is made of strong transparent material. architectural element, which gives it a special extreme.

For five years it was believed that this glass floor was absolutely safe for visitors. But recently an emergency occurred - the strongest glass in it burst. There were, of course, no casualties. But the company that operates this observation deck in the Sears Tower has taken measures to ensure that this never happens again - it has installed even stronger and thicker glass.

And if the Sears Tower skyscraper was put into operation in Chicago in 2009, then in Moscow there has been an observation deck with a glass floor for several decades. It is located at an altitude of 337 meters in the Ostankino TV tower.

But this is not a balcony. The glass floor on the observation deck in Ostankino is built in separate blocks into a regular floor. Each of these elements is designed to support a weight of up to 10 tons.

Observation deck over the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River

The Grand Canyon is one of the most popular and most visited tourist attractions in the United States of America. And in 2007, on one of its slopes, a very unusual object- Observation deck Grand Canyon Skywalk.

What makes it unusual is that this horseshoe-shaped structure, hovering over the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, has a glass floor. And people walking along it are essentially walking over a 350-meter abyss of one of the most beautiful places on the ground.

Statistics show that about 10 percent of Grand Canyon Skywalk visitors, after seeing this glass floor with their own eyes, refuse to walk on it, even though they have already paid money to enter the site.

Even more terrifying for some visitors is walking along a scenic path in the Tianmen Mountains in Hunan Province, China. After all, about seventy meters of the path pass through a structure with a glass floor. And this is at an altitude of 1.2 kilometers!

However, several years ago the path in this place was even more terrible and dangerous. After all, the modern tourist path is located on the site of the old path of the monks who lived in these mountains. And they didn’t have any glass floor or safe railings - they walked along separate ledges, clinging to hooks driven into the rock and ropes stretched between them.

The futuristic-looking Apple store in New York became the first building of a huge network that later entangled the whole world. It has spawned many imitations all over the planet. And not only the walls and ceiling, but also the floor are made of glass in this building. True, the latter is slightly foggy so that people on the lower floors cannot “admire” from below the intimate parts of the body of store visitors walking on the level above.

A glass floor inside a building is possible not only in tall skyscrapers or multi-story stores. It is quite appropriate to do it in . Especially if it is located somewhere in the Maldives and stands on stilts in the middle of the warm azure ocean.

One of the buildings of the LUX* Maldives hotel boasts such an interior. In the living room of this bungalow, a coffee table sits on a glass floor, and armchairs and sofas are arranged around it.

There are similar design elements in other hotels in the Maldives. For example, in Water Villa on Nunu Atoll.

Radio tower Sky Tower, like the Ostankino TV Tower, boasts an observation deck with glass floor elements located at an altitude of more than 300 meters above the earth's surface. But still, another similar element of the Sky Tower design is more interesting to us.

When ascending to the above-mentioned observation deck in the Sky Tower, the tourist rides in a high-speed elevator, which has part of the floor also made of glass. True, he has to admire not the panoramas of the city of Auckland, but the elevator shaft of the tower.

In some booths cable car Ngong Ping 360 in Hong Kong, even those people who, in principle, are calm about heights, are afraid to sit down. But they also cannot travel in a trailer flying through the sky, which has strong, bullet-proof glass installed instead of the usual floor.

These cabins on the Ngong Ping 360 cable car are called Crystal Cabins, and travel in them costs more than in ordinary cars with a metal floor.

In another Chinese metropolis, Shanghai, it's not the cable car cabin that has a glass floor, but the pool at the Holiday Inn. Moreover, this part of it is a balcony located on the twenty-fourth floor of the building.

This is one of two cases in this review where best views They open onto the glass floor not from above, but from below. A person swimming in such a pool will look like an airplane flying across the sky to others.

The Sundial Bridge over the Sacramento River in the Californian city of Reading is known throughout the world for two facts. Firstly, it was built according to the design of one of the greatest architects of our time - Santiago Calatrava.

Secondly, the surface of this pedestrian bridge is completely covered with transparent glass, which allows you to achieve incredible visual effects both during the day and in the evening.

See what emotions a height of 400 meters evokes.


An observation deck has opened in China, not for the faint of heart - it is made entirely of glass and is located at an altitude of 400 meters above the ground, surrounded by a picturesque valley.

The glass platform will test visitors’ courage: not everyone will dare to take a walk, seeing the abyss below them. The Daily Mail reports: visitors have mixed feelings. Some look quite scared and walk unsteadily, while others happily pose for unusual photographs.

The glass platform covers an area of ​​415 square meters, making it the largest in the world.

During the construction of this unusual attraction, especially strong glass and titanium were used. The creators of the project promise absolute safety of visiting. A place that may well become a test of fearlessness is located 70 kilometers from Beijing, on the territory of the famous stone forest

Shilin. By the way, tourist sites