The most extreme places on earth. The highest mountains on earth

Incredible facts

Imagine living in a place so remote that you only get mail once a year, or making it to the top of the highest place on Earth.

There are places that are unique in their kind, difficult to reach, and famous for their extreme temperatures, altitude, depth and other characteristics.

Highest point on Earth

Everest, at an altitude of 8848 m, is known as the highest peak on Earth, and this is true. However, it still depends on how you look at it. Technically, Everest's rocky peak is the highest piece of land above sea level. But since the Earth is not a perfect sphere, some lower points are actually "higher" in space. Mount Everest is less close to the moon and stars than another mountain that is relatively obscure and is - Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador. Its height is 6268 m, and although it is not as tall as Everest, it is actually closer to outer space due to the uneven shape of the Earth.

The highest point that can be reached by transport

In Tibet, road Semo La, whose height is 5,565 m, will take you through incredibly beautiful views and a dangerous pass. It is believed that the road Marsimic La is the highest pass in the world, but it all depends on which road can be considered accessible. Semo La road can be reached by vehicle. Authorities believe that there are other higher and more distant roads, but they have not yet been documented.

The most remote island on Earth

The most remote inhabited archipelago in the world is considered Tristan da Cunha, which is located in the South Atlantic Ocean. Its main island is so small that it has no airstrip. The island is home to about 300 people sharing only 8 surnames, which is why residents of the country suffer from hereditary diseases such as asthma and glaucoma. The island was annexed by Britain in 1800 and has a British postal code. And although residents can order goods online, delivery of goods takes a very long time. The island settlement itself is located 3,200 km from the nearest continent.

Deepest point in the ocean

Mariana Trench, southwest of Guam in the Pacific Ocean, is the deepest point in the world's oceans. Its depth is 10,924 meters. If Mount Everest were placed in a trench, it would be covered by more than 1 mile of water. The pressure at the bottom of the trench is a thousand times stronger than at sea level. In 1960, the US Navy sent two naval officers to the bottom of the trench in the bathyscaphe Trieste. They were able to observe fish, shrimp and other creatures living on the ocean floor.

Lowest point on Earth

Dead Sea is the lowest piece of land that is below sea level, being 423 m. On the border of Jordan and Israel, the road around the Dead Sea is also the lowest road on Earth. Due to its extreme salinity, the Dead Sea is considered literally dead, as no creature can live there.

The coldest, driest and wettest place on Earth

Antarctica- This is a place of continuous extremes. It is not inhabited by people all year round because it is too cold here. In 1983, scientists recorded the lowest air temperature on Earth and it was 89.2 degrees below zero. Antarctica is also considered the wettest place and at the same time the driest place on Earth. It is considered the wettest not because of rain, but simply because it is 98 percent covered in ice, and is technically very wet. However, since it is the coldest place on Earth, it experiences the least amount of precipitation - less than 5 cm per year, which makes Antarctica practically a desert.

Largest net elevation difference on Earth

Mount Thor V Auyuittuq National Park on Baffin Island in the province of Nunavut in Canada represents 1.2 km of net vertical elevation change. Mount Thor is the most famous peak in Canada and it is made of pure granite. It is one of the favorite peaks for thrill-seekers and climbers.

The deepest ice on Earth

Bentley's Hollow in Antarctica, this is a phenomenally thick layer of ice, whose depth is 2,555 m. This is the lowest point on Earth not covered by an ocean. The Bentley Deep is the size of Mexico and is technically covered with water (ice), which is why the Dead Sea is still considered the lowest point on Earth.

The hottest place on Earth

Death Valley known for its heat, but the hottest place that was officially recorded was the city El Azizia. In 1922, the air temperature here reached 57.7 °C. The record high temperature in Death Valley is 56.7°C.

We still know very little about our planet. This is especially true for the depths of oceans and seas. But even on land there are places that capture the human imagination. For example, the deepest places on Earth. What we know about them and where the lowest points of the earth's surface are located - more on that later.

Huge holes or cliffs are rarely encountered in everyday life, but our planet has a diverse landscape. Along with the highest mountain peaks there are also the deepest places on our planet- both natural and man-made.

1,642 m

It would be a mistake to think that the deepest places on Earth are only in the oceans and seas. Baikal has a depth of 1,642 meters and is among the lakes. Therefore, local residents often call Baikal the sea. This depth is explained by the tectonic origin of the lake. Many other records and amazing discoveries are associated with this place. Baikal can be called the largest natural reservoir of fresh water on Earth. This is the oldest lake on our planet (it is more than 25 million years old) and two-thirds of the flora and fauna of the reservoir are found nowhere else.

Krubera-Voronya Cave 2,196 m

There are also giants among the caves. The Krubera-Voronya cave (Abkhazia) is one of the deepest places on Earth. Its depth is 2,196 meters. It should be noted that we are talking about the studied part of the cave. It is possible that the next expedition will go even lower and set a new depth record. The karst cave consists of wells connected by passages and galleries. It was first opened in 1960. Then speleologists were able to descend to a depth of 95 meters. The two-kilometer limit was overcome by a Ukrainian expedition of speleologists in 2004.

TauTona Mine 4,000 m

The TauTona Mine in South Africa is the deepest mine on Earth. It is located in the Republic of South Africa, near Johannesburg. This world's largest gold mine goes 4 kilometers into the ground. At this incredible depth there is an entire underground city with a network of kilometer-long tunnels. To get to their workplace, miners have to spend about an hour. Working at such a depth is associated with a large number of dangers - humidity, which reaches 100% in some branches of the mine, high air temperatures, the danger of an explosion from gas leaking into the tunnels and collapse from earthquakes, which occur here quite often. But all the dangers of work and the costs of maintaining the functionality of the mine are generously paid for by the mined gold - over the entire history of the mine’s existence, 1,200 tons of the precious metal were mined here.

12,262 m

The deepest well on Earth is the Kola superdeep well, which is located in Russia. This is one of the most unusual and interesting experiments carried out by Soviet scientists. Drilling began in 1970 and had only one goal - to find out more about the Earth's crust. The Kola Peninsula was chosen for the experiment because the oldest rocks on Earth, about 3 million years old, come to the surface here. They were also of great interest to scientists. The depth of the well is 12,262 meters. It made it possible to make unexpected discoveries and forced us to reconsider scientific ideas about the occurrence of rocks on the Earth. Unfortunately, the well, created for purely scientific purposes, did not find use in subsequent years, and a decision was made to mothball it.

9,810 m

In 1873-76, the American oceanographic vessel Tuscarora surveyed the seabed for laying an underwater cable. The lot, abandoned off the Japanese Izu Islands, recorded a depth of 8,500 meters. Later, the Soviet ship Vityaz in 1955 established the maximum depth of the depression at 9810 meters.

10,542 m

- This is not only one of the deepest places on Earth, the trench is also the narrowest in the Pacific Ocean. The width of the trench is 59 meters, and the maximum depth is 10,542 meters. The depression is located in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. In the middle of the last century, Soviet scientists studied it on the Vityaz ship. No further detailed studies have been carried out. The trench was discovered by the American ship Tuscarora and bore this name for a long time until it was renamed.

10,047 m

Located in the Pacific Ocean near the Kermadec Islands. The maximum depth of the depression is 10,047 meters. Explored by the Soviet ship "Vityaz". In 2008, a previously unknown species of sea slug from the snail fish family was discovered at a depth of 7 kilometers in the Kermadec Trench. The researchers were also surprised by other dwellings of this deepest place on Earth - huge 30-centimeter crustaceans.

10,540 m

Unlocks the three deepest points on the planet. 10,540 meters is its depth. It was formed millions of years ago as a result of the collision of the earth's plates. Located in the east of the Philippine archipelago. By the way, scientists have long believed that the Philippine Trench is the deepest point in the Pacific Ocean.

10,882 m

Located in the southwest Pacific Ocean, near the Tonga Islands. This area is extremely interesting because it is a very active seismic zone. Several strong earthquakes occur here every year. The depth of the trench is 10,882 meters. It is only 100 meters smaller than the Mariana Trench. The difference is about a percent, but it makes the Tonga Trench the second deepest place on Earth.

10,994 m

It is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean and is shaped like a crescent moon. The length of the trench is more than 2.5 thousand kilometers, and the deepest point is 10,994 meters. It is called the Challenger Deep.

The deepest place on Earth was discovered in 1875 by the English ship Challenger. Today, the trench is the most studied of all other deep-sea trenches. They tried to reach its bottom during four dives: in 1960, 1995, 2009 and 2012. The last time director James Cameron descended into the Mariana Trench all alone. Most of all, the bottom of the trench reminded him of the lifeless lunar surface. But, unlike the Earth’s satellite, the Mariana Trench is inhabited by living organisms. Researchers found here toxic amoebas, mollusks and deep-sea fish that look very scary. Since a full-scale study of the trench, other than short-term dives, has not been carried out, the Mariana Trench may still hide a lot of interesting things.

Everyone knows that the highest mountain is Everest. Can you name the second tallest? Or at least three more from the TOP 10 list? How many eight-thousanders in the world do you know? Answers under the cut...

No. 10. Annapurna I (Himalayas) - 8091 meters

Annapurna I is the highest peak of the Annapurna mountain range. The height of the mountain is 8091 meters. It ranks tenth among all the peaks of the world. This peak is also considered the most dangerous - the mortality rate of climbers for all years of climbing is 32%, but in the period from 1990 to the present, the mortality rate has decreased to 17%.

The name Annapurna is translated from Sanskrit as “Goddess of Fertility.”

The peak was first conquered in 1950 by French climbers Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal. Initially they wanted to conquer Dhaulagiri, but found it impregnable and went to Annapurna.

No. 9. Nanga Parbat (Himalayas) - 8125 meters.

Nanga Parbat is one of the most dangerous mountains to climb among the eight-thousander mountains. The height of the Nanga Parbat peak is 8125 meters.

Among the Europeans, the peak was first noticed in the 19th century by Adolf Schlagintveit during his trip to Asia and made the first sketches.

In 1895, the first attempt to conquer the peak was made by British climber Albert Frederick Mummery. But he died along with his guides.

Then several more attempts were made to conquer it in 1932, 1934, 1937, 1939, 1950. But the first successful conquest occurred in 1953, when Hermann Buhl, a member of the German-Austrian expedition led by K. Herligkoffer, climbed Nanga Parbat.
Nanga Parbat has a climber mortality rate of 21%.

No. 8. Manaslu (Himalayas) - 8156 meters.

Manaslu (Kutang) is a mountain that is part of the Mansiri Himal range in Nepal.
In 1950, Tilman made the first reconnaissance of the mountain and noted that it was possible to climb it from the northeast side. And only 34 years later, after several unsuccessful attempts to conquer the peak, on January 12, 1984, Polish climbers Ryszard Gajewski and Maciej Berbeka climbed the main peak of Manaslu for the first time, conquering it.
The mortality rate among climbers on Manaslu is 16%.

No. 7. Dhaulagiri I (Himalayas) - 8167 meters.

Dhaulagiri I is the highest point of the Dhaulagiri mountain range in the Himalayas. The height of the peak is 8167 meters.

From 1808 to 1832, Dhaulagiri I was considered the highest peak in the world. Climbers paid attention to it only in the 50s of the 20th century, and only the eighth expedition was able to conquer the peak. A team of the best climbers in Europe, led by Max Eiselin, conquered the peak on May 13, 1960.

In Sanskrit, dhavala or dala means “white” and giri means “mountain”.

No. 6. Cho Oyu (Himalayas) - 8201 meters.

Cho Oyu is the sixth highest mountain peak in the world. The height of Cho Oyu is 8201 m.

The first successful ascent was made in 1954 by an Austrian expedition, which included Herbert Tichy, Joseph Jächler and Pazang Dawa Lama. For the first time, an attempt was made to conquer such a peak without oxygen masks and cylinders, and it was a success. With its success, the expedition opened a new page in the history of mountaineering.

Today there are 15 different routes to the top of Cho Oyu.

No. 5. Makalu (Himalayas) - 8485 meters.

Makalu is the fifth highest peak in the world. Located in the central Himalayas, on the border of Nepal with China (Tibet Autonomous Region).

The first ascent attempts began in the mid-50s of the 20th century. This can be explained by the fact that most expeditions wanted to conquer Qomolungma and Lhotse, while Makalu and other lesser-known neighboring peaks remained in the shadows.

The first successful expedition occurred in 1955. French climbers led by Lionel Terray and Jean Cauzy conquered the peak on May 15, 1955.

Makalu is one of the most difficult peaks to climb. Less than 30% of expeditions are successful.

To date, there are 17 different routes to the top of Makalu.

No. 4. Lhotse (Himalayas) - 8516 meters.

Lhotse is the fourth highest peak in the world, at 8516 meters. Located on the territory of the Tibet Autonomous Region.

The first successful ascent was made on May 18, 1956 by a Swiss expedition consisting of Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger.

Of all attempts to climb Lhotse, only 25% were successful.

No. 3. Kanchenjunga (Himalayas) - 8586 meters.

Until 1852, Kanchenjunga was considered the highest peak in the world, but after calculations based on data from the 1849 expedition, it was proven that the highest mountain is Everest.

All peaks in the world tend to have a decreasing mortality rate over time, but Kangchenjunga is an exception. In recent years, the mortality rate while climbing to the top has reached 23% and is only growing. In Nepal, there is a legend that Kanchenjunga is a woman mountain that kills all women who try to climb to its peak.

No. 2. Chogori (Karakorum) - 8614 meters.

Chogori is the second highest peak in the world. Chogori was first discovered by a European expedition in 1856 and was designated Mount K2, that is, the second peak of the Karakoram.
The first attempt to climb was made in 1902 by Oscar Eckenstein and Aleister Crowley, but ended in failure.

The summit was conquered in 1954 by an Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio.

To date, 10 different routes have been laid to the top of K2.
Climbing Chogori is technically much more difficult than climbing Everest. In terms of danger, the mountain ranks second among eight-thousanders after Annapurna, the mortality rate is 24%. None of the attempts to climb Chogori in winter were successful.

No. 1. Chomolungma (Himalayas) - 8848 meters.

Chomolungma (Everest) is the highest peak on Earth.

Translated from Tibetan, “Chomolungma” means “Divine (jomo) Mother (ma) of vital energy (lung).” The mountain is named after the Bon goddess Sherab Jamma.

The English name "Everest" was given in honor of Sir George Everest, the head of the British India Survey in 1830-1843. This name was proposed in 1856 by George Everest's successor Andrew Waugh after the publication of the results of his collaborator Radhanath Sikdar, who in 1852 first measured the height of "Peak XV" and showed that it was the highest in the region and, probably, in the whole world.

Before the first successful ascent to the summit, which took place in 1953, about 50 expeditions were carried out to the Himalayas and Karakoram (to Chomolungma, Chogori, Kanchenjunga, Nanga Parbat and other peaks).

On May 29, 1953, Everest was conquered by New Zealand climber Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay.

In subsequent years, the highest peak of the world was conquered by climbers from different countries - the USSR, China, USA, India, Japan, and other countries.

Over the entire period of time, more than 260 people died while attempting to climb Everest. Nevertheless, more than 400 people try to conquer Chomolungma every year.

The answer to the question about eight-thousanders is that there are 14 of them in the world, 10 of them are in the Himalayas, and the remaining 4 are in the Karakoram.

Since humanity mastered the art of construction, people have always strived upward, building cathedrals, temples, pyramids and other buildings whose heights will take your breath away. In the modern world, of course, there are a huge number of high places created by human hands: skyscrapers, bridges, Ferris wheels and so on. Let's find out which of them can be called the highest.


The material was prepared with the support of the site - ABAC compressors. Not a single construction, let alone a multi-storey one, can be completed without the use of compressor units.

1. The tallest private house.

This unique house called "Falcon's Nest" is located in Arizona, USA.

2. The tallest building.

The height of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper, located in Dubai, UAE, is 828 meters.

3. The tallest hotel.

The height of the 72-storey JW Marriott Marquis hotel in Dubai is 355 meters.

4. The highest open elevator.

Bailong Elevator, whose name translates as “Hundred Dragon Elevator,” is located in Hunan Province, China. It provides transportation for tourists to a height of 330 m.

5. The tallest sand castle.

A sand castle almost 15 meters high was built on the coast near the Indian city of Puri.

6. Highest open bar.

The Sky bar rooftop, located in the capital of Thailand, is also known for the fact that the Hollywood film “The Hangover 2” was filmed there.

7. The highest bridge.

The height of the Chinese Beipanjiang Bridge, passing over the Nizhu River, is 565 meters.

8. The highest water slide on a cruise ship.

The 10-deck tall waterslide is located on Royal Caribbean's Harmony of the Seas cruise ship.

9. The tallest residential building.

The height of the residential skyscraper at 432 Park Avenue, New York is 425.5 meters.

10. The highest restaurant.

Scirocco Restaurant, located on the 63rd floor of the State Tower in Bangkok (Thailand).

11. The highest roller coaster.

The height of the Kingda Ka attraction at the Six Flags Great Adventure amusement park (Jackson, USA) is 140 meters.

12. The highest pool in the building. 13. The highest glass observation deck. 14. The tallest Ferris wheel.

The High Roller Ferris wheel in Las Vegas, USA, has a height of 165 meters.

People have explored almost every corner of our planet, measuring the highest mountains and the deepest depressions. However, nature creates amazing, unique creations, and everything cannot be measured by one size.

Over millions of years, the Earth's topography changed many times before becoming the way we see it now. Of course, many more millennia will pass, and some records will be replaced by others. But for now we can observe the unique landscape of our planet.

This collection contains the most interesting geological records of our planet!

1 Highest point

Everest, Shenmufeng, Chomolungma, Sagarmatha - all these are the names of the highest peak on the planet. The mountain rises 8848 meters above sea level. Despite its impressive size, it attracts many tourists. Everest is more than 60 million years old, but the first attempts to conquer the summit began only in the 1920s. The history of its discovery is full of failures and victims - about 280 people died only according to official statistics.

2 Tallest mountain from base to peak

Of course, Everest is recognized as the highest point on Earth - taking into account sea level. However, if we take into account what is hidden under water, Chomolungma is displaced from its pedestal by the Mauna Kea volcano. Most of it is located under water, and only 4205 meters protrudes above sea level. If we consider the entire height of the extinct volcano, it will be about 10 kilometers. Mauna Kea formed in Hawaii about a million years ago during an active eruptive period.

3 The highest settlement in the world

The highest points on the planet are simply unsuitable for human life. But there is still a place on Earth far from sea level where people live. On the border with Bolivia, in the middle of the Andes, is the town of La Rinconada. It is home to about 30 thousand people, although the climate at an altitude of 5100 meters is quite harsh. The population is attracted by the huge reserves of gold ore, for which this city was founded.

4 Farthest point from the center of the Earth

But there is another peak that claims to be the highest. The Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador was considered the highest point on Earth for several centuries, and this is partly true. Its peak is the most distant from the center of the planet. According to the latest data, this extinct volcano rises to 6384 meters. During the research, it was possible to find out that if compared from the center of the planet, Chimborazo is a couple of kilometers higher than Everest.

5 The deepest depression in the world

The sea hides many secrets, and one of them is the deepest depression in the world, created by nature. The deepest point on the planet, the Challenger Deep, is located in the Mariana Trench. The name was given to this location because of the Challenger II, which first recorded the point in 1951. Later it was established that the depth reaches 11,023 meters. By the way, an interesting fact - director James Cameron was able to visit the Abyss alone in 2012.

6 The deepest man-made well in the world

Not only nature works on the appearance of our planet. Man also actively interferes with the Earth's topography, especially for mining. The Guinness Book of Records includes the ultra-deep Kola well, the depth of which no one has yet been able to exceed. At the moment, this place is mothballed, but the depth is still 12,262 meters. There are wells in the world that are longer, but not deeper.

7 Lowest point on land

Our planet is truly amazing, because there are places on it where you stand in the middle of the sand, and the sea level shows that you are already at sea. This place is the shore of the Dead Sea, located at a level of 417.5 meters. In fact, this point is located at a depth of almost half a kilometer, but still on land. However, the Dead Sea is unique in many other ways. Its water has healing properties, and a person can calmly lie on its surface while reading a newspaper.

8 The deepest cave in the world

The caves also have their own record holders. For more than 15 years, until 2017, it was believed that the deepest cave in the world was Krubera Cave. It is located in Abkhazia and is 2199 meters deep. However, in 2017, it was possible to establish that the cave named after Verevkin, which is also located in Abkhazia, moved deeper by 2204 meters.

9 Tallest waterfall in the world

Separately, waterfalls can be noted on the list of the highest points in the world. These incredibly beautiful creations of nature with a flowing stream of water are even more beautiful. And the tallest of them is Angel, which is located in Venezuela. Its height is 979 meters, but the free fall height is lower, 807 meters.

10 The deepest lake in the world

There are many lakes all over the planet, but the deepest of them is Baikal. According to available data, its maximum depth is 1642 meters. However, the underwater secrets of Baikal have not yet been discovered, and the lake is constantly being studied. Its volumes are amazing - about 19% of the total fresh water on the planet.

Our planet is unique and beautiful. Its relief took millions of years to form, and the result is impressive!