Minibus schedule to China City. Shopping and entertainment center China City. How to get there, where to change trains

Staying with friends, late flight or train leaving at three in the morning? We tell you how to get from one end of the city to the other at night using public transport.

Every night - from 00:00 to 05:30 - buses and trams take to the streets on 10 routes: nine buses and one tram. There are also 24-hour routes. Usually the service interval is half an hour, only bus B runs every 15 minutes at night.

They all intersect with each other in convenient places, run along main roads and metro lines. Thus, late passengers can get to their home at the other end of the city, train stations or airports.

How to get there, where to change trains?

The common interchange hub for night buses H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 and M7 is located on Slavyanskaya Square near the Kitay-Gorod metro station. Other routes intersect with them along the way.

You can take the H1 bus, which runs from 00:00 to 05:00, from Ozernaya Street in the south of Moscow to Sheremetyevo Airport. Along the way, you can get off at the Yugo-Zapadnaya, Leninsky Prospekt, Lubyanka, Kitay-Gorod, Tverskaya, Mayakovskaya and Belorusskaya metro stations. Then the route goes along Leningradsky Prospekt parallel to the green metro line.

Route H2 (00:00-05:30) connects the center with Kutuzovsky Prospekt and Mozhaisk Highway, and bus route H3 (00:00-05:30) runs from the Kitay-Gorod station to Ussuriyskaya Street parallel to the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya metro line .

By bus H4 (00:00-05:30) you can travel from the center to the Novokosino district in the east of the capital.

Buses N5 (23:35-06:00) run from the Kitay-Gorod metro station to the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with Kashirskoye Shosse. Along the way there are the stations "Taganskaya", "Kuzminki" and "Textilshchiki", and then the bus turns south - to "Maryin" and "Domodedovskaya".

By bus N6 you can get from the Kitai-gorod metro station to the northern stations of the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya metro line and Ostashkovskaya street. There is also a 24-hour bus number 15 in Moscow. It runs from the VDNH metro station through the center to the Novodevichy Convent.

Bus B runs around the clock on the outer and inner sides Garden Ring, and the M7 bus - from Lubyanka through Kitay-Gorod to Vykhino.

Night tram number 3 can be used from 01:00 to 05:30. It runs from the Chistye Prudy metro station past the Paveletsky station, Tulskaya and the ZIL platform to Akademika Yangelya Street in South Chertanovo. During the daytime, tram No. 3 runs from the Chistye Prudy metro station to Balaklavsky Prospekt.

Simple and convenient

Travel on night transport in the capital is paid for with regular city tickets “United”, “90 minutes”, “TAT”, and a “Troika” card. Cost - from 55 to 65 rubles. All established benefits apply on buses, trolleybuses and trams.

By the way, since the beginning of summer, the number of passengers on night flights has increased by 20 percent compared to the spring months. Since June, about 250 thousand people have already used night routes.


There are several flights from Moscow to China. Three of them are Moscow-Beijing, departing from Sheremetyevo Airport. Another Moscow-Sanya. He flies from Domodedovo. Sanya is on the tropical island of Hainan. The flight from Domodedovo is quite popular among tourists who prefer a seaside holiday.

It also runs from Moscow to Beijing. It departs from Yaroslavsky railway station. The train travels for five and a half days. It crosses the entire territory of vast Russia. This trip will be of interest to those who want to take a mini-tour across half the continent.

To buy a ticket to Beijing, you need a foreign passport. It is the only way to sell international tickets. They begin sixty days before the train departs. You can purchase tickets at international ticket offices. They are at every station, but at Yaroslavsky - there will definitely be tickets to China. You can also contact the IRA (International Railway Agency). It is located in Moscow, at the address: Maly Kharitonyevsky lane, 6/11. Ticket sales for the current day begin at eight in the morning.

You can travel from Khabarovsk and Vladivostok to China by ferry on the Amur River. The ferry stops in several cities in China, and most often ends its journey in Seoul. Also from these large Russian cities there are regular flights to Beijing and Seoul. Planes take off every day. Travel time is about three hours.

You can get to China from another Far Eastern city - Ussuriysk. From there there is an international connection to the Chinese border city of Suifenhe. The bus station is located next to the railway station. Therefore, it’s quite easy to get to Suifenhe via Ussuriysk from Khabarovsk and Blagoveshchensk. This Chinese city is very popular among Russian tourists. There are shopping arcades with inexpensive clothing, hairdressers, massage parlors.

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China is not only one of largest countries world and the most densely populated part of the planet. China has centuries-old traditions, these are special rules of behavior and communication, and therefore those who are going to visit this country as a tourist are simply obliged to familiarize themselves with them.

China attracts tourists from all over the world, first of all, with its centuries-old culture, customs and cultural values. Tourism in China is aimed at attracting the attention of the world community to cultural heritage people, the features of unusual architecture, because this country is rightfully considered the cradle of civilization, which has made a huge contribution to the development of world culture. In China, traditions have not changed for many centuries; certain ceremonies are observed, which are radically different from similar ones in other countries. In addition, indigenous people are characterized by special religious canons and beliefs. They have their own, unique view on some things, on the worldview as a whole.

Peculiarities of behavior in China

Holidays in Asian countries, and especially in China, are becoming extremely popular. But the countries of this continent have their own certain orders and customs, rules of behavior. What is possible in European country, is considered almost a crime in China. For example, it is not recommended to interrupt a conversation between two Chinese, it is unsightly to leave food on a plate, it is better to take the amount of food that is needed.

An attempt to photograph the interior of temples or private houses is considered a much more serious offense, but you can do this in a museum. You can photograph people as much as you like, but only outdoors.

In some cities of the country it is not customary to tip; this can offend the owner of a restaurant or cafe. In Hong Kong, taxi drivers do not give change and do not know English at all, and the tourist must provide them with a note with the address of the place where he needs to go.

Both in small markets and in large markets, it is necessary to bargain; agreeing to buy an item at the appointed price is considered bad form. And you definitely need to smile - the Chinese are very friendly and almost conflict-free people, they are confident that any problem can be solved simply by discussing it and expressing their opinion.

What else do those traveling to China need to know?

To pay for services and buy souvenirs in China, it is best to use Chinese national currency. Moreover, it is better to take care of exchanging money before the trip, and not upon arrival in the country.

When walking along city streets, you need to be extremely careful, since neither motorists nor cyclists, as a rule, follow traffic rules.

And one more feature - you cannot take expensive lighters to China, since they are allowed in there, but not allowed out.


  • What those traveling to China need to know
  • What should a tourist traveling to China know?

China is one of the most interesting countries in the world for independent tourists with an unforgettable atmosphere that combines ancient traditions and cutting-edge technologies. When planning a trip to China, there are a number of tips you should follow.

Obtaining a visa

To travel to China, Russians need entry visa, which can be obtained through an agency when purchasing a tour or at the consulate if you plan to travel independently. To obtain a visa, you need to submit an application and the following documents: passport, photo, application form, documents confirming hotel reservations, original and photocopy of insurance certificate (coverage of at least $15,000), photocopy of airline tickets or printout electronic tickets. Visa issuance times vary from 3 to 7 days depending on the urgency of the visa.

Choosing a holiday region

In order to successfully travel around China, it is worth deciding on the direction of your vacation. For beach holiday and a “smooth” introduction to the culture of the Middle Kingdom, it is worth choosing Hainan Island. Firstly, a visa to Hainan can be issued upon arrival at the airport, secondly, Hainan is tourist area, where you can communicate in English or even Russian (there are Russian-speaking travel agencies on the island). For traveling around mainland China You should immediately take a phrasebook with you, or download an online translator, since residents of the country in 90% of cases do not speak English.

Transport for travel

The choice of transport on which the trip will take place is quite important. Renting a car in China is quite dangerous due to the very chaotic traffic. China has developed buses, excellent railway connections (with high-speed trains), and in addition there is a network of low-cost airlines. If you have a specific plan for visiting attractions and resorts, it is best to select modes of transport for it. Don't forget that smoking is allowed on Chinese buses and trains.

Food while traveling

When traveling around China, you should pay close attention to the national cuisine, known throughout the world. In all populated areas The country has a huge number of eateries of different levels: from expensive restaurants designed for tourists to eateries “for their own.” Since the names of dishes in English will not be on the menu, you can choose from a picture or simply point to the dish you like, which is being eaten at the next table.

Accommodation reservation

Booking accommodation in Chinese cities is also not difficult: in fact, all hotels are listed on two global booking systems and Agoda, room rates start from 300 rubles per day for a guesthouse room. You don’t have to book a hotel in advance: in each big city there are entire streets given over to travel agencies, hotels and hostels.


The level of security in Chinese cities is standard for Asia, so it is not recommended to carry all your money and credit cards in one place.

They called it the Great Posad. These are the most ancient historical districts Moscow. The name “Kitai-Gorod” refers to a part of the metropolis inside the Kitai-Gorod wall, which includes Varvarka, Nikolskaya, Ilyinka streets and the Zaryadye area.

The emergence of this wonderful area was caused by security considerations. The rich Great Posad has needed protection since ancient times. In the XIV-XV centuries, it completely burned down four times after Tatar raids on Moscow. To protect the city, Muscovites surrounded it with a ditch and built earthen ramparts, on the crests of which they placed two rows of palisades. The space between them was filled with stones. The original rampart was called Kitay-Gorod. It was probably the Turkic word “katai” pronounced in Russian, that is, “fortress” (but there are many other, no less interesting, versions of the origin of the name).

The construction of the building began under the minor Tsar Ivan IV in 1535. Petrok Fryazin supervised the construction, and Metropolitan Daniel laid the first stone. The powerful fortress wall was 2.5 km long and stretched from Arsenal Tower to Lubyanka Square, and then sharply turned to the Moscow River and walked to the Beklemishevskaya Tower of the Kremlin. In comparison with the Kremlin walls, Kitaygorodskaya was lower (6.5 meters), but much thicker (6 meters). A bulky artillery piece could easily be mounted on it. Construction lasted three years, and everything was done according to the latest achievements of fortification science of those years. The barriers and towers withstood the heaviest fire from any artillery.

Centuries passed, Moscow lived its own life, and Kitay-Gorod was not only a trade and administrative place in it, but also a scientific and cultural center. The printing house, and later the Synodal printing house, was located here. The Slavic-Latin Academy worked in the Zaikonospassky Monastery, and the Moscow University was located in the premises of the Zemsky Prikaz under Tsarina Elizaveta Petrovna.

Gradually, the borders of Rus' strengthened, and Kitay-Gorod lost its military significance for Moscow. In the 18th century, the first plans to demolish the Kitai-Gorod wall appeared, but Tsar Alexander I did not give his consent. At the end of the 19th century, the Moscow architect S. Rodionov carried out a serious restoration of the protective system. In 1935, a “construction fever” occurred in the capital - many ancient buildings in Moscow were demolished, and new ones were erected in their place. A large section of the Kitai-Gorod wall was also destroyed. Its remains can be seen near the Metropol and Rossiya hotels. Part of the foundation, made of white stone, was dug up by builders when they were constructing an underground passage near the Kitay-Gorod station. A few years later, the Russian public realized that the Kitai-Gorod Wall was a unique historical monument, and it was partially restored.

In any era, Kitai-Gorod was in full swing with a vibrant life - here were the centers of control of Moscow and the state: orders, banks, all kinds of Russian offices selling wholesale, and foreign representative offices. During Soviet times, the district concentrated party and government institutions, including the Central Committee of the CPSU. And today China Town has hospitably “sheltered” the offices of corporations from the most different countries, insurance companies and banks. The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation also works here.

Within this area there are such invaluable for a Russian historical monuments and places dear to the heart, like, and other attractions that give Moscow a unique image. There are no residential buildings in these places, so it is only during the day that bustling business life boils here. And in the evenings, China Town resembles a deserted but beautiful scenery from some science fiction film.


TC "China City" is a unique retail space that houses Chinese manufacturers and sellers. This project is a new word for St. Petersburg. Every resident will be able to find a suitable and affordable product for themselves. Chinese manufacturers have prepared many unique and useful things for you.

IN shopping complex“China City” presents more than 100 manufacturers of such categories every day as: clothing for the whole family, shoes, underwear, bags, cosmetics, optics, appliances, dishes, toys, accessories, chandeliers and household goods, fishing products.

Chinese restaurants on site will offer dishes national cuisine after an exciting shopping trip.

How to get to the shopping and entertainment center "China City"

The location of the complex - on the Vyborg highway, in close proximity to the ring road, provides it with high transport accessibility and makes it attractive for residents not only of St. Petersburg, but also of the suburbs. The complex has its own parking for 700 cars.

Nearby are...

Lacerta Car wheels and tires

Jasmine Clothing Store
Vyborgskoe highway, 503, bldg. 1A, Pargolovo village

ABC of furniture Upholstered furniture
Vyborgskoe highway, 503, bldg. 1A, Pargolovo village

Lens mat Visus Contact lenses
Vyborgskoe highway, 503, bldg. 1A, Pargolovo village

Anti-theft Auto accessories
Vyborgskoe highway, 503, bldg. 1A, Pargolovo village

Technical door Doors, roller shutters, automatic doors and gates
Vyborgskoe highway, 503, bldg. 1A, Pargolovo village

China town Shopping center, entertainment center
Vyborgskoe highway, 503, bldg. 1A, Pargolovo village

Kitay-Gorod is a large settlement that surrounded the Kremlin from the east. It starts from Red Square (previously considered part of it), borders in the north with Okhotny Ryad, Teatralnaya Square and Teatralny Proezd, in the east - with Lubyanka and Staraya Squares, in the south - with the Moskva River. Scientists have been arguing for many years and interpreting the name of China Town in different ways. The most important thing is that it clearly has nothing to do with China and should be translated into English language it's called "China Town" - wrong. Many are inclined to believe that this is a “medium” city or a “fortress” city like that of the Pechenegs and Polovtsians. In Podolia, where Elena Glinskaya (mother of Ivan the Terrible) is from, the word “china” or “kytai” means fortress. Moreover, in 1538, by her decree, to protect against the invasion of the Tatars and Lithuanians, a large wall was erected around the entire Posad, which included, in addition to the houses of many noble citizens, all merchant shops, trades, or markets, holy churches and Red Square. The wall was built in three years, had a length of approximately 2.5 km, a wall thickness of up to 6 m, a height of about 6.5 m. The wall had 14 towers, the most famous of which are Neglinnaya or Iverskaya (so named after the chapel built later), Troitskaya, Vladimirskaya, Ilyinskaya, Varvarskaya and Moskvoretskaya. The wall stood for almost 400 years and was dismantled in 1932-1935. There are two pieces of the wall left - from Revolution Square behind the Metropol Hotel and from Varvarskaya Square to the embankment. We will start our walk around Kitay-Gorod from the Kazan Cathedral, which opens Nikolskaya Street.

    We look opposite, at the GUM building

    Let's go to Vetoshny Lane, to house 7

    We will go along the alley to house 11

    Let's return to Nikolskaya street

    Let's go to the neighboring monastery

    Let's turn into Epiphany Lane to look at the beautiful cathedral of the ancient Epiphany Monastery

    Let's go back to Nikolskaya Street

    We look at the interesting building opposite

    The famous Slavic Bazaar hotel borders the building.

    Let's turn to the building opposite

    Undoubtedly, Tretyakovsky Proezd, which is also closely connected with trade, attracts attention.

    We look at the building with columns next to the passage

    The last house on Nikolskaya has a very sad history

    From here we turn into Bolshoi Cherkassky Lane, named after the possessions of the Cherkassky princes

    Opposite the courtyard is a beautiful house, now occupied by the Central Election Commission

    We move on to the next house in the alley

    Immediately behind this building is the courtyard of the Koznov-Baskakov merchants

    Let's take a look at the corner building

    We approach house 5 in Staropansky Lane

    Opposite it is the oldest church of Cosmas and Damian

    We walk along the alley to Birzhevaya Square

    We look at the building on the left

    We approach the Exchange building on the other side of the square

    We go out onto Ilyinka - the most important banking street in Kitai-Gorod.

    A little ahead and to the right we have the Old Gostiny Dvor

  • Trade on Ilyinka has been going on since ancient times. Ivan the Terrible resettled all the merchants to Kitay-Gorod, where he ordered the Gostiny Dvor with wooden benches to be built for them. The site of this courtyard, or rather the stone Gostiny Dvor, which appeared to replace the wooden one, was taken up in 1791 by the architects S.A. Karin and I.A. Selekhov to build a new Gostiny Dvor. The project by Giacomo Quarenghi was sent from St. Petersburg. The elegant Gostiny Dvor in the classical style occupied the entire space between Ilyinka and Varvarka, including the old shopping arcades and the former courtyard building. It became a model for Gostiny Dvors in all trading cities Russia. A giant quadrangle, surrounded by an arcade, towered over the low buildings of Kitay-Gorod. Individual shops were grouped together, but isolated inside by thick walls. Large warehouses and comfortable shops met all the requirements of the Moscow merchants. Only wholesale trade was carried out here.

    We approach house 8 on Ilyinka

  • "Embassy Compound"

    Behind the Exchange building, which we have already talked about, there is the building of the Volga-Kama Bank, built by the architect Freudenberg, in a very magnificent style of beautiful eclecticism. In the 17th century on Ilyinka, on the site between the Church of Dmitry Solunsky in Rybny Lane and Nikolsky Lane, was built The Embassy Courtyard is a huge building intended for foreign ambassadors and their retinue. The name “Embassy Court” remained for this site until the revolution of 1917. The courtyard stood here for more than a hundred years and is described in detail in the memoirs of foreigners who visited Moscow during this period. At the end of the 18th century. the property ended up with the merchants A. Pavlov and N. Kalinin. The merchants decide to build a large apartment building. The building project is being developed by architect M.F. Kazakov. On the site of the old Ambassadorial Courtyard, a spacious commercial and residential building appears, built in a classical style - with a portico, Corinthian columns, reminiscent of the Ambassadorial Courtyard with the arched vaults of the first floor windows. The building belonged to two owners and was therefore divided by a main wall into two unequal parts. The building stood in this form until 1888, when the Moscow Merchant Society acquired a plot of land for the construction of two buildings that could be rented out to various commercial enterprises. The reconstruction project was entrusted to the architect B.V. Freudenberg. The building was leased by the Volzhsko-Kama Commercial Bank, which existed here until 1917.