When is the best time in the UAE? UAE. Climate, holiday season by month, water temperature, weather, where and when to go on holiday. A trip to the Emirates in autumn

Let's figure out where it is better to relax in the UAE by the sea. What beaches are there at the resorts, what to do and what to see.

Map of resorts and beaches of the UAE

Beach holiday in Dubai

Where is the best place to relax in the UAE if you want to combine a beach holiday with shopping and excursions? Dubai is a versatile city and will suit you best, especially if you are there for the first time. It is convenient to go on excursions to other emirates, and in the city itself there is something to see on your own - we visited the beaches, Deira and the Old City, singing fountains and the Dubai Mall, and the aquarium. In Dubai you can live on different budgets - from quite modest to luxurious.

Shopping in Dubai is wonderful, there are plenty of shopping centers. In addition to the famous Dubai Mall (which can be considered as a separate attraction), visit the Dubai Marina Mall, Mall of the Emirates, Outlet Mall Dubai, as well as the markets in Deira.

For those for whom it is important to live by the sea, we advise you to settle in Jumeirah - this is where there are great long beaches. In Jumeirah there is the Burj Al Arab sail hotel and the Atlantis water park hotel. Another beach area in Dubai is Marina Beach, a local Manhattan. Expensive yachts, glass skyscrapers, very beautiful.

When asked where to relax in the UAE with a child, the answer is the same - the best place is Dubai. The beaches there are good, the entrance to the water is smooth, and the infrastructure is developed. There are water parks and amusement parks for children - Wild Wadi and Wonderland.

Dubai Mall. The famous aquarium can be viewed for free, but only partially, from the outside.

Interesting video! TV presenter and blogger Anton Ptushkin takes a video tour of the rich life in Dubai:

Beach holidays in Abu Dhabi

Some believe that in the UAE it is better to relax in the capital - Abu Dhabi. It is in many ways reminiscent of Dubai: the same ultra modern city with skyscrapers, too good beaches And shopping centers, you can go on excursions.

If you just want to lazily lie on the beach, then Abu Dhabi has everything for this. The beaches are good and suitable even for small children.

What to do and what to see? Be sure to visit the sixth largest mosque in the world, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque. This marble shrine of 82 domes and 1000 columns can accommodate more than 40 thousand worshipers. Take your children to Ferrari World, Al Mushrif Children's Garden and Hili Fun City amusement parks, as well as Waterworld water park - lots of fun and delight are guaranteed!

Clear water in Abu Dhabi (Photo © Michaela Loheit / flickr.com)
A huge funnel on the Dawwama tornado slide at Yas Waterworld.

Beach holiday in Sharjah

Some tourists believe that in the UAE it is better to relax at sea in the emirate of Sharjah. This Cultural Center countries and an ideal place for a relaxed family vacation. There is no noisy entertainment here, like in Dubai, but there is a lot of greenery and great beaches. It’s also cheaper to live in Sharjah, and Dubai is about 30 minutes to 1 hour by bus or taxi! True, there may be traffic jams in the morning and evening, take this into account.

The beaches are clean and the entrance to the sea is smooth. The bottom is sandy and flat, so you can relax in Sharjah even with infant- however, like almost everywhere in the UAE.

However, Sharjah has strict laws - you can sunbathe in a swimsuit only on hotel beaches, where entry is paid if you do not live in this hotel. Men are not allowed to come to public beaches on Mondays.

Alcohol is also prohibited, but you can drink in the hotels. For some, this is, on the contrary, a plus.

What to see? This is the oldest emirate, so there are many museums here - archaeological, ethnographic, historical. For children - Al Majas Green Park, Desert Park, national park, themed Adventureland, aquarium and water park.

Beach in Sharjah (Photo © sophiemachin / flickr.com)
Sharjah Desert Park (Photo © unsplash.com / @chinkinthearmour)

Beach holiday in Fujairah

Here's where it's best to relax in the UAE for families with children or lovers of solitude! The emirate of Fujairah is very, even too calm and quiet - mass tourism has not yet reached here and there is no noisy entertainment. But in the capital of the emirate and at the resorts next to it there are many good hotels, including all-inclusive meals.

It's worth going to Fujairah just for beach holiday, snorkeling and diving. The emirate is wide and clean sandy beaches- all belong to hotels. Best beaches are located in the north, where it is better to snorkel and dive. Tourists prefer the beaches of Al Aqah Beach, Dibba Al Fujairah and Shark Island. The climate is milder, and you can relax at any time of the year, except summer.

What to see? See the fort and Old city, Fujairah Museum and Madhab Ethnographic Park, Mosque and

Heritage Village. Visit gardens, waterfalls and healing springs.

Snoopy Island, Fujairah (Photo © nate2b / flickr.com)
Al Aqah Beach in Fujairah (Photo © _ _steven.kemp_ _ / flickr.com)

Beach holiday in Ajman

Ajman is an alternative to beachfront Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. Yes, there are no amazing skyscrapers, grand mosques or amusement parks here. However, if you just want a calm and relatively inexpensive holiday in the UAE by the sea, then this emirate is for you.

The beaches are clean, with fine white sand. Private closed beaches are well cleaned and have all the infrastructure there. Many hotels, cafes and restaurants.

Another advantage is that the laws are not as strict as in Sharjah, plus you can buy alcohol in a bar, restaurant or store.

Things to do? The list of entertainment is meager: go to historical Museum and the ancient fort, admire the mosques and the shipyard, visit the camel races and mineral springs. If you get bored, go to Dubai or Sharjah - they are nearby.

Beach strip in Ajman (Photo © tutanh_blog / flickr.com)
Camel on the beach in Ajman (Photo © Shelley M Lantz-Burrell / flickr.com)

Beach holiday in Ras Al Khaimah

In this little popular among tourists, but very colorful emirate of the UAE, you can have a good rest - there are the same long beaches as anywhere else on the Persian Gulf. And also - a beautiful canyon of the Hadjar Mountains, sand dunes, desert villages, ancient valleys (wadis) with oases and archaeological excavations, mangroves and picturesque hills.

Climate in United Arab Emirates traditionally attracts many people who want to bask in the gentle sun in the middle of the stormy European autumn and winter. In addition, the developed tourism industry provides luxurious facilities for numerous guests.

To make your vacation as comfortable as possible, you should take into account the climatic features of the country.

The most suitable period to visit the UAE: October-April

In summer (July, August) the heat is sweltering. The thermometer rises to 40-45°C, the sand gets so hot that it doesn’t cool down overnight, so you shouldn’t hope for night coolness. The water in the bay heats up to thirty-eight degrees.

Such temperature regime combined with high humidity (up to 95% on the coast), it is very difficult to tolerate not only for people accustomed to other climatic conditions, but also for local residents who escape the heat under air conditioning and in pools with chilled water or go to other places during this period , less hot countries.

During the hot summer months, the cost of holidays in the UAE is significantly reduced: hotels and airlines offer big discounts to avoid financial losses and fill the seats as much as possible. Also during this period, the Summer Surprises festival takes place in Dubai, where you can attend various performances and sales are held.

September brings a little relief: during the day 37-38°C, at night it’s already a pleasant 26°C, sea water temperature is 30°C.

From October, climatic conditions become comfortable: during the day the air is 35°C, the water is 25-27°C. Humidity is still high (58-60%), but is gradually decreasing. On the coast of the Gulf of Oman it is several degrees cooler. The opening of the tourist season in the Emirates.

In November, during the day the air warms up to 30°C, at night the temperature drops to 19°C. The only significant drawback to visiting the UAE during this period is the likelihood of sandstorms.

December is great for those who like to meet new year holidays on the beach. Daytime temperatures reach a comfortable 25-26°C, but the water in the bay becomes cool - 18°C. This small drawback is more than compensated for by the wonderful pools with warm water.

The weather is wonderful in January and February. During the daytime the air is 23-25°C, at night it is refreshingly cool (12-15°C). Sea water It’s still cold (16-17°C), so tourists prefer heated water in the numerous swimming pools. Scattered showers and thunderstorms are possible.

The beach season opens from the third decade of March. During the day - 26-28°C, at night the air warms up to 17°C, the water in the bay is 20°C-23°C. Fog is possible on the coast in the morning.

April is the most popular among vacationers, as the temperature is 32°C, which feels very comfortable, allowing you to go on excursions and sunbathe on the beach. When the night temperature is 20°C, you can sit on the open terrace of the restaurant, take a walk, and enjoy the sea air. The temperature of the bay is 23°C, so you can safely swim and dive. Precipitation is unlikely.

May in the UAE is still favorable for tourism, although it is already quite hot: during the day - 37°C, at night - 24°C, sea water - 27°C.

In June, the influence of the dry subtropical climate is already strongly felt: during the day - 37-38°C, and at night - at least 26°C. The bay is no longer refreshing (30°C), but swimming is still quite comfortable. Vacationers mainly prefer chilled (up to 26°C) water in swimming pools.

Climatic features

The oxygen content in the air is twenty percent lower than normal, so many tourists at the beginning of their stay may feel a little lethargic and drowsiness, which, however, soon passes. Rains are short-term and irregular - precipitation falls mainly in winter, in the form of short showers. In summer, the air on the coast is very humid: 90-95%. On the territory of the Emirates there is one of the hottest and largest sandy deserts in the world - Rub al-Khali, where in July-August the daytime temperature is 45-50 ° C and higher (up to 57 ° C), the sand underfoot heats up to 70-80 ° C, despite the fact that the night temperature does not exceed 20°C. In winter, daytime temperatures fluctuate around 25°C and drop to 0°C at night. Tourists who are going on an excursion to the desert should take into account sudden temperature changes and take warm clothes. Climatic conditions in the Emirate of Fujairah, located on the Gulf of Oman, it is milder than in other parts of the country; the average annual temperature is several degrees lower.

What to see?

The Emirates is a rapidly developing country that has implemented the most daring, grandiose architectural projects. IN major cities ultra-modern skyscrapers harmoniously coexist with mosques and traditional palaces, in addition, you can visit various museums and galleries contemporary art. Amusement parks are distinguished by their special scope - in addition to various attractions, there is usually a water park located on their territory.

Huge shopping centers where you can buy items from the most fashionable brands, unique gold items, as well as souvenirs and traditional oriental sweets attract tourists from all over the world.

The UAE is a unique country for tourism, where you can relax with pleasure at any time of the year.

Unfortunately, they have become a regular occurrence in the UAE in recent years.

In 2013, a storm struck on November 17th. IN different places coast received from 80 to 190 millimeters of rain. Schools and colleges have closed. Dubai was even going to cancel the Dubai Airshow. Fujairah and Ras al-Khaimah suffered the most. Roads, houses and parks were flooded. One person was killed - Lieutenant Hasan Rashid Al-Shamili, his car was washed away by the flow of water.

In 2014, on March 25 and 26, a storm hit Dubai and Sharjah. The roads were flooded, and drivers took 3-4 hours to get home instead of the usual 30-40 minutes. A huge traffic jam has formed on Sheikh Zayed Road between Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

In 2016, on March 9, there was a downpour in Dubai. Car traffic in the city has almost stopped. Almost 300 millimeters of precipitation fell.

In 2017, on March 24, storms hit all coastal emirates Persian Gulf. Wind up to 75 kilometers per hour, 95 millimeters of precipitation fell. In Ajman, the stage of The Desert Warrior Challenge was postponed, Etihad planes could not fly to Abu Dhabi, and many kilometers of traffic jams formed in Dubai. The level of road flooding in Dubai can be seen in the photo above, click on the photo to enlarge.

The trend is scary

Since 2013, storms have hit the UAE every year. It is impossible to predict the moment of a storm; therefore, it is difficult to plan a vacation in such a way as to avoid it. Fortunately, the storm will not completely ruin your vacation, but will only “eat up” a few days.

The Emiratis themselves are very afraid of these hurricanes. It is not surprising, because they rarely see rain, a banal puddle is an extraordinary phenomenon for them, and they are afraid of ordinary lightning. In addition, they have no experience driving on wet roads, hence a large number of accidents

Snow in the UAE

Snow in the United Arab Emirates has been observed three times in the modern era in the mountains in the emirate of Ras al Khaimah.

On December 30, 2004, snow fell for the first time. At the time, this caused widespread reaction in the press in the UAE itself and the world. Sheikh Saud ibn Saqr Al-Qasimi (ruler of Ras al-Khaimah) personally climbed the mountains to look at the snow and took a little to show his subjects.

Snow fell in 2004 as a result of a sharp cold snap, which led to disastrous consequences in the rest of the emirates. More than 500 road accidents have been reported in Dubai, including one fatality.

On February 5, 2017, there was the last case, snow fell on Mount Jabel Jais. A huge line of cars lined up to the mountain, wanting to look at the snow. The authorities did not allow people onto the mountain, but some Emiratis managed to get there and ride the snow slides, as reported by CNN.

In ancient times, the climate in the territory of the modern UAE was not so harsh, it was similar to the Mediterranean. There were even ancient agricultural civilizations here - the Hafit, Umm an-Nar, and Wadi Souk cultures. Read about them in detail in our article “”;

It is sad

We wish that your holiday in the UAE is not spoiled by storms and storms, and read our interesting articles about this country ( links below).

In winter, many people plan to relax in hot countries - such a sharp climate change has a beneficial effect on a person’s psycho-emotional background. The UAE is one of the countries that can offer tourists luxury beach holidays during the coldest months of the year across much of the world. They most often visit Dubai, its mass of unique attractions, comfortable climate, clean sea and high level of service guarantee a quality holiday.

When is it cheaper to vacation in Dubai: summer, autumn

Dubai can be visited all year round - the air temperature here is even winter months does not fall below 25 degrees Celsius, the sea remains warm, hotels and shops are open without holidays or weekends.

According to experts, the most unfavorable months for holidays in this eastern city are considered to be summer – in June, July and August the air temperature rises to 50 degrees Celsius.

It is especially important to know this nuance for those who have health problems - hypertension, any diseases of the heart and respiratory system are contraindications to such trips.

But seasoned tourists claim that these months have several attractive features:

  • the flow of tourists is decreasing - you can calmly stroll the streets of the city, visit the sights without crowds and enjoy a relaxing beach holiday;
  • the cost of tours is low, even independent trips will be profitable - accommodation and food in the UAE in the summer are very adequate due to the unpopularity of the season;
  • stores offer huge discounts - shopping lovers will appreciate this moment;
  • in August there is a three-day holiday after the end of Ramadan - interesting, fun and financially profitable, because sellers reduce the prices of their goods as much as possible.

And the heat in the summer months in Dubai is quite easy to bear - absolutely all buildings are equipped with air conditioning, they are even available at bus stops.

The most successful months for holidays in the UAE are October – March. The air warms up to a maximum of 35 degrees, the sea water temperature is within 21 degrees above zero - these are comfortable conditions for your stay. True, this season is considered the busiest, tourists come to Dubai from all over the world and “demand creates supply”: prices for accommodation, excursions and souvenirs rise to incredible levels.

There are two main seasons in the UAE:

  • hot and humid - lasts from May to October, during this period you will have to not only put up with high air temperatures, but also stuffiness;
  • warm with low humidity – begins in November and ends in April.

Also, a sand/dust storm can occur at any time of the year. It is always sudden, but short-lived and rarely brings discomfort into the life of a tourist.

How to save money on a trip to the UAE

Holidays in the United Arab Emirates, in particular in Dubai, cannot be called economical - you have to pay for comfort and pleasure.

To avoid large expenses, you need to remember three important rules:

  • Do not use a taxi that does not have a meter, or agree in advance on the price of the trip with the driver. Otherwise, the announced cost may greatly surprise and upset you.
  • Throw garbage only into trash cans. Even accidentally dropping a piece of paper can result in a fine of $200 (approximately).
  • It is better not to communicate with local women at all, or to be restrained in gestures and glances - this rule applies to male tourists. Violating it can result in a fine of $2,000 to $18,000 or arrest.

Watch the video about holidays in Dubai and useful tips:

What to see in Dubai

Dubai has a large number of attractions and interesting tourist sites. It is believed that even during a 2-week stay in this city, a tourist will not be able to see and appreciate every place. Experienced travelers and travel agents highlight several must-see attractions on your first visit:

      • National Museum in Al-Fahidi Fortress. Guests who come here seem to be transported in time - there are exhibits here that tell about the centuries-old history of the emirate, household items, National clothes, jewelry. The cost of visiting is about 50 rubles (25 UAH).
      • Sheikh Said's house. This is the real residence of the sheikh, which has already been turned into a museum. The guide will tell you about the history of the ruling Maktum family, you will be able to appreciate the decoration of the rooms of the Arab nobility, and admire traditional Arab architecture. The cost of visiting is about 100 rubles (45 UAH), on Friday the house opens for tourists at 15-00, on other days - at 8-00.
      • Aquarium Mall. It is the largest in the world, as confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records. Visitors move through a tunnel surrounded by huge containers of water and inhabitants. ocean depths. The view here is 270 degrees, it is allowed to take photographs and videos of the 33,000 representatives of marine fauna that live here permanently.

    The entrance ticket costs about 750 rubles (340 UAH), the aquarium is located in a shopping center, so you can combine useful things with pleasant shopping.

    • Dubai Creek Canal. You can take a leisurely walk along it on a small boat, it is better to do this in the dark - Dubai is simply luxurious when illuminated. By combining a trip with a walk along the embankment, you will be able to get maximum positive emotions, and there are cafes literally “on every corner”, so you won’t have to go hungry.
    • Such a walk on the water will cost only 15 rubles (about 8 UAH), but only if you hire a small boat for entertainment, and not a full-fledged excursion ship, the ticket for it costs several times more.
    • Dubai Butterfly Garden. It is better to plan a visit here in weekdays– there are few visitors, so you will be able to fully enjoy the view of the unique butterflies. They are large and small, brightly colored and soft pastel, they are happy to pose for guests - the photo shoot will certainly be successful. Entrance to the kingdom of butterflies costs about 100 rubles (45 UAH).
    • Museum of Women. Representatives of the fair sex in this Arab country appear to guests as modest and inconspicuous creatures. And you can find out whether it has always been this way and whether the role of beautiful representatives in the world of sheikhs has changed in the Women’s Museum. Paintings by the most famous UAE artists are also exhibited here. The cost of visiting the museum is about 300 rubles (140 UAH).

And this is only a small part of the attractions of Dubai! There are a lot of places that you can visit absolutely free - for example, the Coffee Museum. Here you will be able to see the traditional decoration of the rooms, dishes and tools for preparing an invigorating drink, hear its history and recipes from the attendant.

Dubai is a city that is perfect for family and romantic holidays. It optimally combines modern buildings and buildings of ancient architecture, shopping centers and a classic oriental bazaar. Adding to this the always sunny weather and the opportunity to save money, you can be sure of a comfortable stay.

Reading time: 4 minutes. Views 8.9k. Published Sep 22, 2016

Dubai is a very interesting and modern city. You can go here in any season and never be disappointed. But this post is not about that. We will tell you about the best time to go to Dubai. You will find out what time of year is the best weather for a beach holiday and when is the best time to go to Dubai with children. Let's talk about when the cheapest air tickets to Dubai are sold. Indeed, for many, the cost of the flight is sometimes decisive.

High season in Dubai

The best and also high season in Dubai is from October to April. It is then that the heat becomes less intense, and staying outside becomes more comfortable. At the same time, as many tourists note, even this best season in Dubai can be further divided into two: from October 15 to December 10 And from March 15 to April 30. I will explain why this is below. Where about children)

When is the best time to go to Dubai with children?

But when: from mid-October to mid-December or from mid-March to the end of April. The fact is that between these two mini-seasons in Dubai it is “quite” cool. At night the temperature drops to +15 and local residents I'm starting to feel sad. And yes, in the sea with children in January you won’t be able to swim much either, and the sand can be a little cold for little ones.

When is the best time to buy flights to Dubai?

The best months to buy air tickets to Dubai are the summer months.

To buy cheapest flights to Dubai, it is better to buy them in advance. 3-4 months before the trip. The Aviasales service gives excellent prices on tickets to Dubai for both early and late bookings.

By the way, using the calendar of low ticket prices, you can find and choose the month when it is cheapest to fly to Dubai. Try it! It is very comfortable!

When is the best time to go to Dubai - an overview of the seasons

Dubai in winter

Winter in Dubai is quite nice. In terms of weather, it’s like Indian summer in central Russia) But we must remember that the temperature at night can drop to +10 +12 degrees

Dubai in December

Air +22 +23, water +23. Average quantity rainy days – 4

Information for lovers of luxury cars. The Dubai Motor Show takes place here in December.

Dubai in January

Air +19, water +20. Average number of rainy days – 6

January, time for golf and the Desert Classic Golf Championship

Dubai in February

Air +21, water +21. Average number of rainy days – 4

In February, a very important event in the world of tennis takes place in Dubai - the Dubai Open tournament.

Also, in winter, New Year sales begin in Dubai. Discounts reach up to 80%. The grand Dubai Shopping Festival takes place in January and February.

Dubai in spring

As you already know, Dubai is simply beautiful in the spring. The weather is very comfortable for both adults and children.

These are the average temperatures here in spring:

Dubai in March

Air +22 +24, water +23. Average number of rainy days – 6

In March, a grandiose wedding exhibition is held here - Bride Show

Dubai in April

Air +26 +29, water +27. Average number of rainy days – 2

Dubai in May

Air +32 +34, water +28. Average number of rainy days – 0

By the way, Dubai in the spring is also a great time for diving and surfing lovers.

Dubai in summer

It's hot here in the summer! Very hot!!! High humidity and sometimes sandstorms cover the city. Therefore, summer in Dubai is considered a low season. However, recently this trend has been going away. Dubai attracts tourists with the Dubai Summer Surprises shopping festival and other equally interesting events

Dubai in June

Air +32 +36, water +30. Average number of rainy days – 0

Dubai in July

Air +36 +38, water +32. Average number of rainy days – 0

Dubai in August

Air +38 +41, water +33. Average number of rainy days – 0

By the way, another advantage of visiting Dubai in the summer is low prices for hotels and air tickets.

Dubai in autumn

The heat is gradually subsiding, and there are more and more tourists. By the way, a very comfortable time to spend a vacation.

Dubai in September

Air +32 +35, water +29. Average number of rainy days – 0

Dubai in October

Air +29 +32, water +28. Average number of rainy days – 0

The high tourist season begins here in October

Dubai in November

Air +25 +31, water +27. Average number of rainy days – 1

Attention to all jewelry lovers! In November, the grandiose jewelry exhibition Dubai International Jewelery Week takes place here.

When is it cheaper to rent a hotel in Dubai?

The cost of living in hotels in Dubai is very dependent on seasonality. Therefore, if you want to save on a hotel, you need to look at offers from May to September. Here is a very convenient hotel search where you can find the best prices for Dubai hotels.