Satellite map of Mongolia. Map of Mongolia with cities Show map of Mongolia

Map of Mongolia from satellite. Explore the satellite map of Mongolia online in real time. Detailed map Mongolia was created based on high-resolution satellite images. As close as possible, the satellite map of Mongolia allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and attractions of Mongolia. The map of Mongolia from a satellite can easily be switched to regular map mode (diagram).

Mongolia is a country of ancient traditions. Everyone knows about the world's famous tourist centers, where you can ski, swim in the warm sea or ocean, and visit ancient temples and museums. But few people know that there are countries on our planet that do not have ski resorts, warm and snow-white beaches, and a dense and green forest is generally a luxury. To one of these mysterious and unique places belongs to Mongolia.

After studying the world map and viewing the territory of Mongolia on it, practically no associations arise. This country has not distinguished itself in anything in the modern world community, except for a small “but”. Everyone knows that a long time ago there were Mongol-Tatars who conquered many countries and created their own unique culture, cities made of gold. Everyone knows the great commanders - Genghis Khan, Batu Khan. Yes, the descendants of these Mongols currently live in this country; the local population is reluctant to use modern achievements of science and technology, since they still lead a nomadic lifestyle, driving their herds across the wide steppes.

Any person will have a question: what to do in this country? The answer will be this: despite the unacceptability of modern technology and other scientific and technical discoveries by many Mongols, who live according to the traditions of their ancient ancestors, these people are very friendly and will never offend a guest. There is a lot to see in this country: wide steppes, small mountain streams and lakes. wild nature preserved very well in Mongolia. If a tourist is going to travel by car, then it is immediately necessary to recommend a good off-road truck or SUV. The lack of roads in Mongolia is not the country’s poverty, but a tradition, since the horse and camel are the best transport for a Mongolian.

The country is very rich in various burial mounds. The local population says that the mounds are located in bad places and warn of danger. Of course, it is better to travel with a guide who will show you all the interesting places in the country and give you a good excursion.

A holiday in this country will be more like a safari across the steppe and mountain ranges, but it’s worth it if the tourist wants to breathe fresh air, look at nature untouched by man, and get acquainted with the traditions of the local population. In this country, even tea is specific, as milk, flour and salt are added to it, so it is salty. Those who are tired of lying under the scorching sun, welcome to the Mongolian steppe, where you can turn into a nomad for a couple of weeks and get a lot of unusual pleasures.

Where is Mongolia located on the world map. Detailed map of Mongolia in Russian online. Satellite map of Mongolia with cities and resorts. Mongolia on the world map is a landlocked state in East Asia. The capital of Mongolia is the city of Ulaanbaatar. Official language– Mongolian. But Russian, Chinese and Kazakh languages ​​are also common.

Detailed map of Mongolia in Russian:

Mongolia - Wikipedia:

Population of Mongolia- 3,119,935 people (2016)
Capital of Mongolia- Ulaanbaatar
Largest cities Mongolia- Ulaanbaatar, Erdenet, Darkhan
Mongolia telephone code - 976
Internet domains of Mongolia- .mn

Climate of Mongolia moderate, characterized by distinct seasons. Mongolia is quite hot in summer and very cold in winter. The most severe month is January, the month with the highest temperatures is July. The average winter temperature in most of the territory is -14...-17 C. In summer it is very warm - +24...+27 C. The most severe climate is in the Gobi Desert: in winter the thermometer reaches 50 degrees below zero, and in summer there is a heat of +40 C.

Mongolia called one of the most beautiful countries Asia. There aren't many in this country historical places and attractions, but the untouched, very beautiful Mongolian nature is especially attractive. These are wild mountain landscapes, blue Lakes, green steppes, fields and meadows.

To get to know the history of the country better, you should go to capital Ulaanbaatar. There are many museums in this city, cultural centers and libraries. There are also interesting places near the capital. For example, the Mazushir monastery of the 18th century and Mount Bogd-Ul, sacred to the Mongols, which is the birthplace Genghis Khan.

Particularly developed in Mongolia active tourism. Its main activities are horseback riding tours and walks, sport fishing, camel riding, mountain climbing and rafting. Big variety holidays in Mongolia allows you not only to have a good rest, but also to spend time usefully, learning about the nature and culture of the local Mongolian population.

What to see in Mongolia:

Museum visual arts named after Dzanabadzar, Gandantegchenlin, Zaisan Memorial, Bogdykhan Palace, Amarbayasgalant Buddhist Monastery, Uushgiin-Uul Mountain, Khongoryn Els Sands, Erdene Zuu Monastery, Choijin Lamin sum, Mongolian National Library, Khustein-Nuruu, Gorkhi-Terelj National Park, Museum of the Special Services of Mongolia, Winter Palace Bogdo-gegen, Ancient city of Karakorum, House-Museum of the Roerichs, Khamaryn-Khiid Monastery.

On a rocky plateau in the East Central Asia The parliamentary republic of Mongolia is located - a country of nomads and warriors with a rich and unique culture, with ancient history, leading during the great campaigns of Batu and Genghis Khan.

The republic borders on Russia from the north, and China from the west, east and south. The landscape of Mongolia is a plateau located at an altitude of up to 1500 m above sea level with endless steppes, semi-deserts and deserts.

The plateau is surrounded by a number of mountain ranges and ranges, the highest of which is the Mongolian Altai, stretching 900 km from west to southwest of the country. The entire south and southwest of Mongolia is occupied by the famous Gobi Desert.

Detailed interactive map of Mongolia

The dry, sharply continental climate of the country is characterized by a large number of precipitation, cloudless skies for more than 260 days a year, for which Mongolia is called the Land of Blue Sky. Very hot summers and harsh winters with day and night temperature changes up to 30°C in summer and 30°C in winter. Seasonal temperature changes range from +40°C in summer to -35°C in winter.

The national cuisine of Mongolia is famous for its abundance of dairy and meat dishes. The most popular dish of Mongolian cuisine can be considered milk froths, which are prepared according to a special recipe.

Unique dishes found only in Mongolia are bortsog (dough fried in lamb fat or oil) and khalmag (a combination of foam and flour). Drinks of Mongolian cuisine include tea with milk, butter or lard and salt.


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(Mongolian Republic)

General information

Geographical position. Mongolia is a state in Central Asia. It borders on Russia in the north, and China on the east, south and west.

Square. The territory of Mongolia occupies 1,566,000 square meters. km.

Main cities Administrative division. The capital is Ulaanbaatar. The largest cities: Ulaanbaatar (600 thousand people), Darkhan (90 thousand people), Erdenet (58 thousand people). Administrative-territorial division of the country: 18 aimags; the cities of Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan and Erdenet are designated as special administrative units.

Political system

Mongolia is a republic. The head of state is the president, the head of government is the prime minister. Supreme body state power - the State Great Khural.

Relief. Mongolia is located in desert, semi-desert and steppe zones. Most of the country lies at an altitude of 1,000-2,000 m. Highest point - mountain Munkh-Khairkhan-Ula (4,362 m). Part of the Gobi Desert enters the territory of Mongolia. The most significant river, the Selenga (600 km across the territory of Mongolia), belongs to the Arctic Ocean basin.

Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil contains reserves of oil, coal, copper, iron ores, tungsten, molybdenum, phosphorites, tin, nickel, and gold.

Climate. The climate of Mongolia is continental.

Where is Mongolia? - country on the world map

Temperatures in winter range from -15°C to 30°C, in summer - from + 10°C to +27°C. Precipitation is 100-200 mm (in the mountains up to 500 mm) per year.

Inland waters. The main rivers are Selenga, Kerulen, Kobdo, Dzabkhan, Orkhon. Large lakes - Uvsu-Nur, Khubsugol.

Soils and vegetation. Steppes predominate; in the south there are semi-deserts and deserts, in the mountains there are forest-steppes and coniferous forests in places. Great Gobi Nature Reserve.

Animal world. Mongolia is home to the marmot, jerboa, hamster, hare, wolf, fox, wild boar, lynx, kulan, goitered gazelle.

Population and language

The population of Mongolia is about 2.579 million people, the average population density is 1.6 people per 1 sq. km. Ethnic groups: Khalkha Mongols and Buryat Mongols - 90%, Kazakhs. Language: Mongolian (state).


Traditionally, the Mongols were adherents of Lamaist Buddhism, but the majority of the population is now believed to be atheists.

Brief historical sketch

Mongolia is one of the oldest government entities in the world. Mongolia reached the peak of its power in the 13th century, when Genghis Khan and his descendants conquered China and influenced all countries up to the borders of Poland and Hungary. However, after a few centuries, Mongolia became a province of China called Outer Mongolia. In 1924, Mongolia declared independence and became known as the Mongolian People's Republic; in 1991, the name and type of government were changed.

Brief Economic Sketch

Mongolia is an agrarian-industrial country. Agriculture is dominated by livestock farming (cattle, horses, sheep, goats, camels; yaks are raised in the mountains, pigs and poultry in the suburbs. Fur farms. They cultivate grains, fodder crops, potatoes and vegetables. Mining of coal, copper, molybdenum, tin, uranium, fluorite. Processing of livestock products. Wool, leather and footwear, sheepskin and fur coats, carpets, meat and dairy, flour mills, glass and ceramics, metalworking and woodworking enterprises. Export of mining products, meat products. , leather, leather goods, wool.

The monetary unit is the tugrik.

Brief sketch of culture

Art and architecture. Among the attractions of Mongolia: Central State Museum; Museum of Fine Arts; The Museum of Religion, located in the former Monastery of the Living Buddha, the residence of the country's spiritual leader until 1924. There are also a large number of paleontological excavations in the Gobi Desert - about a third of the dinosaurs known to science were found in Mongolia.

Mongolia map

Detailed map of Mongolia in Russian. Explore a map of Mongolia from a satellite. Zoom in and see streets, houses and landmarks on a map of Mongolia.

The country is located in East-Central Asia Mongolia. The neighbors of this state are Russia and China. Cattle breeding is developed in the country, since the steppes are perfectly adapted to this type of activity. The city of Ulaanbaatar is considered the center of the Mongolian state. Almost all residents of the country speak their native language, which is also the state language. Mongolian is used by 95% of the population. Climate in Mongolia sharply continental. There is a clear difference between winter and summer.

Mongolia has preserved many architectural monuments dating from the 18th and 19th centuries. Many places deserve attention, various museums, the house of the ruler of Mongolia.

Mongolia on the map

The entire other part of the country consists of small urban-type settlements. There are about 26 towns throughout the country. Total number major cities is 63%.

Mongolia can also boast of its own art movement called “Mongol Zurag”. The brightest point in art is color, brightness. Mongolian culture carries a legacy for the entire world culture. The Mongols achieved a lot in inlay with precious stones, metal engraving, bone carving, and filigree. Recognizable features are considered to be expressive, clear forms, individual patterns and ornaments of the work.

Tibetan Buddhism is preached in the country. Numerous monasteries have been built on the territory of the state, attracting travelers with their splendor. You can see the architectural values ​​of different cultures, mainly Chinese and Tibetan. On the territory of Mongolia there are sights of many eras. One of the main ones is considered a nature reserve Bogdo-Ula. No less interesting place A waterfall in the desert is recommended to visit Gobi.

The Mongolian state boasts of its nature and animals. Among them there are species that live only in China and Mongolia, such as antelope (drezen), desert bear and wild camel. Mongolia is a great place for fishing.

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Countries > Asia > Mongolia > Mongolia. general information about country

Mongolia. General information about the country

Mongolia- a state in Central Asia. It borders with Russia in the north and China in the east, south and west. It has no access to the sea.

Mongolia is a country of eternal blue skies, endless steppes and vivid impressions. In the homeland of Genghis Khan, travelers will find an amazing mix of contrasts: traditional yurts here border on modern skyscrapers, hot desert - with snow-capped peaks. A country of natural contrasts, with its own unique culture and history.

Mongolia has an area of ​​1,564,116 km² (18th place in the world, after Iran) and is mainly a plateau (an elevated plain with a flat or undulating weakly dissected surface, limited by distinct ledges from neighboring plain spaces) elevated to a height of 900-1500 m above level seas. A series of mountain ranges and ridges rise above this plateau. The highest of them is the Mongolian Altai, which stretches in the west and southwest of the country for a distance of 900 km. Its continuation are lower ridges that do not form a single massif, collectively called the Gobi Altai.

The climate in Mongolia is sharply continental with harsh winters and dry, hot summers. In the capital, Ulaanbaatar, located approximately midway between mountain ranges the northwest and the desert arid zone of the southeast of the country, temperatures range from minus 25° C - 35° C in winter, to plus 25° C ÷ 35° C in summer. Ulaanbaatar is one of the coldest winter capitals in the world: the coldest month is January. The warmest month is July.

Capital: Ulaanbaatar

Largest cities: Ulaanbaatar, Erdenet, Darkhan


Population - according to national statistics (and UN data) in mid-2010 was 3.1 million people.

Ethnic composition - Mongols 94.9%, Turks (mainly Kazakhs) - 5%, Chinese and Russians - 0.1%

Mongolian is spoken by more than 95% of the population. Traditional Mongolian writing is also taught in secondary schools.

It is believed that about 9 million Mongols live outside Mongolia, including about 7 million in China, in Russia, according to the 2010 census, there were 2,986 Khalkha Mongols, in addition, the Buryat peoples related to the Mongols live in Russia (461,389 people) and Kalmyks (183,372 people).

State structure

Mongolia is a parliamentary republic. The Constitution of Mongolia dated January 13, 1992, which came into force on February 12, 1992, is in force here.

On November 21, 1991, the People's Great Khural decided to change the name of the country and after the new constitution came into force (February 12, 1992), the MPR began to be called Mongolia.

The head of state is the president, elected on an alternative basis by universal direct and secret ballot for a period of 4 years. The President can be re-elected for another term.

In the absence of the president, the functions of the head of state are performed by the chairman of the State Great Khural. The President is also the Commander-in-Chief of the country's armed forces.

Legislative power is exercised by the parliament - the State Great Khural.


Tibetan Buddhism was officially adopted in the country in 1578, but shamanism continues to be practiced by a small part of the population (primarily in the north of the country). By the time of the People's Revolution of 1921, there were 755 Buddhist monasteries and 120 thousand monks and priests in the country. The freedom of religion declared by the 1960 constitution was ensured only in the late 1980s, and the revival of traditional Buddhism, shamanism, and Islam began (among the Kazakhs). Since the early 1990s, foreign Christian missions, Baha'is, Moonies and Mormons began their activities

Transport in Mongolia

Mongolia has road, rail, water (river) and air Transport. The rivers Selenga, Orkhon and Lake Khubsugul are accessible for navigation.

Mongolia has two main railway lines: the Choibalsan-Borzya railway connects Mongolia with Russia, and the Trans-Mongolian railway starts from the Trans-Siberian railway in Russia in the city of Ulan-Ude, crosses Mongolia, passes through Ulaanbaatar, and then through Zamyn-Uude goes to China at Erenhot, where it joins the Chinese railway system.

Most land roads in Mongolia are gravel or dirt roads. There are paved roads from Ulaanbaatar to the Russian and Chinese border, and from Darkhan.

Mongolia has a number of domestic airports. The only international airport is international Airport Genghis Khan near Ulaanbaatar. Direct air service exists between Mongolia and South Korea, China, Japan, Russia, Kazakhstan and Germany


The monetary unit is the Mongolian Tugrik (MNT). 100 MNT = $0.05

US dollars are unofficially widely used in all areas. Russian rubles are accepted to a limited extent only in some stores and sometimes in markets.

Country telephone code: +976.

Time: Mongolia is 5 hours ahead of Moscow, time zone UTC+8
Mains voltage 230 V at 50 Hz, socket types C, E.


The main branch of the economy is livestock farming. Horses, cattle, goats, sheep and camels are bred here; their natural pastures are the steppes, which occupy a large part of the territory of Mongolia. Wheat, barley, millet and potatoes are grown in river valleys. The country has deposits of fluorites, copper and molybdenum ore, brown coal, tungsten, nickel, tin, silver and gold. The latter is mined not only industrially, but also by a mass of miners. Not far from Ulaanbaatar, a brown coal deposit is being developed, and rock salt is extracted from salt lakes. Mongolia's economy has picked up significantly, mainly thanks to foreign capital. Construction is also developing rapidly.

Banks and currency exchange

Banks and exchange offices are open from 9.00-9.30 to 12.30 and from 14.00 to 15.00-17.00.

You can exchange currency in officially authorized banks in the capital, in specialized exchange offices, which are located almost everywhere in large cities, or in some hotels. The easiest way to exchange is US dollars (banknotes issued before 1988 are not accepted for exchange). Outside cities, it is almost impossible to exchange currency.

The use of credit cards and traveler's checks is only possible in the capital. Credit and debit cards are accepted for payment only in commercial banks, large hotels and some shops in the capital.

Mongolia on the world map

Traveler checks are usually accepted only by the Development and Trade Bank of Ulaanbaatar. To avoid additional fees for cashing travel checks, it is recommended to carry checks in US dollars. Outside the capital, it is almost impossible to use non-cash means of payment.

VAT and tax-free

A number of stores charge a “government tax” (10%), but usually it is only taken into account in high-end restaurants and hotels in the capital; in most places it is “not even heard of.” Some restaurants add a “commercial tax” on alcoholic drinks (3-13%) to the bill.

Sights of Mongolia

Gorkhi-Tereljnational park, located in a ring of granite rocks, which human imagination has turned into a “sleeping dinosaur”, “a man with a book” and “a huge turtle Melchii-hal”. In Gorkhi-Terelj you can also visit the dinosaur sculpture park, Buddhist temple Aryaabal, take a photo against the backdrop of the glacial lake Hagin-Khar and walk along the wooden bridge over the Tola River.

Monument to Genghis Khan(Golden Whip) is a majestic statue of Genghis Khan, considered to be the tallest equestrian statue in the world. There are 36 columns around the 40-meter monument, which symbolize the 36 khans who ruled after Genghis Khan. According to legend, it was in this place that the history of the Mongol Empire began: on the top of a hill, young Temujin found a golden whip, which symbolized good luck. This was a sign that the gods were blessing the future khan to unite the nomadic tribes of the Mongols.

Choijin Lamyn Sum- huge temple complex in the center of Ulaanbaatar. This is the former residence of the famous oracle Luvsanhaidav. Today the Museum of the History of Religion is located here.

Gobi- a huge desert stretching from Altai to Nanshan. It describes the whole of Mongolia as a sandy arc. The Gobi is as if drawn by nature itself from yellow sand, salt marshes and rocks, between which the hot air vibrates.
The Bogdo Gegen Palace is a majestic complex of buildings in the center of the capital. This is the temple of the “living Buddha” and the residence of the head of the Buddhist community. The complex consists of a winter and summer palace, within their walls there are numerous museums, in particular “ National Museum Mongolia."

Gandan Monastery- one of the nine wonders of Mongolia. The Gandan Tegchinlin Khiid complex, whose name translates as “Great Chariot of Comprehensive Joy,” includes temples, suburgans, pagodas and a Buddhist University.

Khubsugul- the deepest lake in the country with crystal clear water that is suitable for drinking raw. The lake was formed in the crater of an extinct volcano. It is often called “Baikal’s younger brother”

Historical complex "Mongolia of the 13th century"- museum under open air, where you can see the country through the eyes of Genghis Khan. The park is located on small homeland legendary commander.

Erdene-Zuu- the most ancient Buddhist monastery Mongolia, which has survived to this day. Its name translates as “Hundred Treasures”. During the construction of the monastery complex, which consisted of 62 temples, materials from fires and ruins of the glorious capital of Karakorum were used.


The basis of Mongolian cuisine is meat dishes from lamb, beef, goat meat. Dairy products are actively used for food: cow's, mare's, camel's milk, which is previously fermented or fermented. Wheat flour (for making bread, flat cakes) and cereals is widely used. Spices are practically not added to dishes.


Mongolian slippers, handmade from genuine leather, will be an original souvenir brought from such a unique country. Tourists bring items from Mongolia national clothes, Mongolian dagger, masks of shaman gods, musical instruments. Cashmere products are famous all over the world. Mongolian vodka “Arhi”, which uses milk in its preparation, is popular.

Precautionary measures


(Mongolian Republic)

General information

Geographical position. Mongolia is a state in Central Asia. It borders on Russia in the north, and China on the east, south and west.

Square. The territory of Mongolia occupies 1,566,000 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital is Ulaanbaatar. The largest cities: Ulaanbaatar (600 thousand people), Darkhan (90 thousand people), Erdenet (58 thousand people). Administrative-territorial division of the country: 18 aimags; the cities of Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan and Erdenet are designated as special administrative units.

Political system

Mongolia is a republic. The head of state is the president, the head of government is the prime minister. The highest body of state power is the State Great Khural.

Relief. Mongolia is located in desert, semi-desert and steppe zones. Most of the country lies at an altitude of 1,000-2,000 m. The highest point is Mount Munkh-Khairkhan-Ula (4,362 m). Part of the Gobi Desert enters the territory of Mongolia. The most significant river, the Selenga (600 km across the territory of Mongolia), belongs to the Arctic Ocean basin.

Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil contains reserves of oil, coal, copper, iron ores, tungsten, molybdenum, phosphorites, tin, nickel, and gold.

Climate. The climate of Mongolia is continental. Temperatures in winter range from -15°C to 30°C, in summer - from + 10°C to +27°C. Precipitation is 100-200 mm (in the mountains up to 500 mm) per year.

Inland waters. The main rivers are Selenga, Kerulen, Kobdo, Dzabkhan, Orkhon. Large lakes - Uvsu-Nur, Khubsugol.

Soils and vegetation. Steppes predominate; in the south there are semi-deserts and deserts, in the mountains there are forest-steppes and coniferous forests in places. Great Gobi Nature Reserve.

Animal world. Mongolia is home to the marmot, jerboa, hamster, hare, wolf, fox, wild boar, lynx, kulan, goitered gazelle.

Population and language

The population of Mongolia is about 2.579 million people, the average population density is 1.6 people per 1 sq. km. Ethnic groups: Khalkha Mongols and Buryat Mongols - 90%, Kazakhs. Language: Mongolian (state).


Traditionally, the Mongols were adherents of Lamaist Buddhism, but the majority of the population is now believed to be atheists.

Brief historical sketch

Mongolia is one of the oldest government entities in the world. Mongolia reached the peak of its power in the 13th century, when Genghis Khan and his descendants conquered China and influenced all countries up to the borders of Poland and Hungary. However, after a few centuries, Mongolia became a province of China called Outer Mongolia. In 1924, Mongolia declared independence and became known as the Mongolian People's Republic; in 1991, the name and type of government were changed.

Brief Economic Sketch

Mongolia is an agrarian-industrial country. Agriculture is dominated by livestock farming (cattle, horses, sheep, goats, camels; yaks are raised in the mountains, pigs and poultry in the suburbs. Fur farms. They cultivate grains, fodder crops, potatoes and vegetables. Mining of coal, copper, molybdenum, tin, uranium, fluorite. Processing of livestock products. Wool, leather and footwear, sheepskin and fur coats, carpets, meat and dairy, flour mills, glass and ceramics, metalworking and woodworking enterprises. Export of mining products, meat products. , leather, leather goods, wool.

The monetary unit is the tugrik.

Brief sketch of culture

Art and architecture. Among the attractions of Mongolia: Central State Museum; Museum of Fine Arts; The Museum of Religion, located in the former Monastery of the Living Buddha, the residence of the country's spiritual leader until 1924. There are also a large number of paleontological excavations in the Gobi Desert - about a third of the dinosaurs known to science were found in Mongolia.