What wonders of the world have survived to this day. Modern seven wonders of the world. Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Asia

Many things that are familiar to you and me are in one way or another connected with the number 7.

These are the seven days of the week, seven notes, seven deadly sins, seven sacred church sacraments, “flower - seven flowers,” Snow White and the seven dwarfs, and many others. The number 7 is considered symbolic and lucky by many peoples. In ancient civilizations (Babylonian, ancient Greek) it denoted the completeness, perfection of the world, the sum of its main components (4 parts of the world and the basis of life in the person of parents and children). The city of Rome was built on 7 hills. To describe all such examples you need to spend a lot of time, so let’s move on to describing the history of occurrence 7 Wonders of the World.

The first mentions of the wonders of the world appeared in Ancient Greece . So the historian and philosopher Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century. BC, listed 3 wonders of the world:

1) Temple of the goddess Hera on the island of Samos;

2) An aqueduct delivering water through a system of tunnels (Samos Island);

3) A dam protecting the port from sea storms (Samos Island).

Since then, people increasingly began to describe the most grandiose and significant architectural buildings, so Herodotus’ list was completely updated and expanded two centuries later.

The writer from Sidon (Phenicia) Antipater, in the third century BC, became the author of a new list 7 Wonders of the World the ancient world, which has reached our time almost unchanged. Traveling around different countries he left reviews about each of them, focusing on the most important architectural monuments Special attention. He could only tell us about those architectural masterpieces that were not destroyed by natural disasters or military actions, otherwise the list of wonders of the world could have become much more voluminous. Also in the classical interpretation of the list 7 Wonders of the World, did not include structures built by man later than the 3rd century BC.

Thus, such grandiose man-made architectural projects as: Tower of Babel, walls of the city of Babylon, Library of Alexandria, Palace of Cyrus in Persepolis, Acropolis of Athens with a statue of the goddess Athena, Temple of King Solomon, Roman Colosseum, Capitol and many others.

Let's move on to the description miracles Sveta in the classic version according to chronology.

1) The Pyramid of Cheops, built by the Egyptians around 2550 BC. AD. Located in the Giza Valley (Egypt), and intended as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheops. This is one of seven wonders of the world, which has survived to this day almost in its original form and is very popular among tourists from all over the world.

2) Hanging Gardens of Babylon, were built around 600 BC. AD in the city of Babylon, (modern Iraq). The gardens were presented as a gift to the wife of King Nebuchadnezzar II. This architectural monument has not survived to this day, as it was destroyed by an earthquake 200 years after its construction.

3) Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, built in 550 BC. AD Greeks, Lydians and Persians near the city of Ephesus (Türkiye). This temple was built in honor of the ancient Greek goddess Artemis. The Temple of Artemis was plundered and destroyed 2 times (first by Herostratus in 370 BC, and then by Gothic tribes in the 3rd century AD). As a result of the fire, the temple was completely burned down.

4) Zeus statue, created by the ancient Greek sculptor Phidias in 435 BC. was originally installed in Olympia (Greece), where the Olympic Games were held every 4 years, in the Temple of Zeus. The god Zeus is depicted as a statue seated on a throne, holding a scepter on which Zeus' messenger Eagle is located. The temple statue, impressive in its size, execution and cost, was destroyed during a fire that occurred at the Hippodrome of the city of Constantinople in the 5th century AD.

5) mausoleum in Halicarnassus erected jointly by Carian, Persian and Greek architects in 351 BC. under the leadership of the architect Pytheas. The mausoleum was the tomb of the ruler of Caria - King Mausolus and his wife, Artemisia, and was located near the city of Halicarnassus (Turkey). Only architectural fragments and the foundation of the mausoleum, destroyed in 1494 by a strong earthquake, have survived to this day. Miraculously, 2 statues survived - King Masol and Queen Artemisia. They are currently kept in the British Museum in London.

6) The Colossus of Rhodes a huge 18-meter statue in a bronze case, dedicated to the sun god Helios, in honor of the victory of the inhabitants of the island of Rhodes (Greece) over the troops of Demetrius Polyocretos in 304 BC. The work was completed in 280 BC. The statue stood for just over 66 years, after which several elements of the statue fell off during an earthquake. In the 7th century. AD the bronze body of the statue was completely dismantled.

7) Alexandrian lighthouse , erected in the 3rd century. BC. at the direction of Alexander the Great. The lighthouse was located on the island of Pharos, near the newly built city of Alexandria (Egypt). It was a grandiose architectural structure more than 130 meters in height. It was crowned with a statue of the god Zeus. The lighthouse made it possible to navigate not only during the day, but also at night. From the name of the island on which it was located (Pharos) in the 19th century. lighting devices for cars were named - headlights. Having stood for more than a millennium, the lighthouse nevertheless fell under the pressure of the elements. In 783 AD. The lighthouse of Alexandria was destroyed by a strong earthquake. And in its place in the 15th century. The Turks built a fortress that remains to this day.

7 wonders of the world, as well as a description of each of them - incredible structures that have gained glory of the past and present. The uniqueness of each building is associated with the time of construction, the loss or wealth and talent of the creator. Today there are two lists with photos - ancient wonders of the world and new ones, which were selected in 2007.

7 wonders of the world, photos and descriptions of which will not convey all the beauty of the sights, were designated by two creators. The first mention belongs to the work of Herodotus “History”, where he gives the title of miracle to 3 structures. An addition to this list was highlighted by Antipater in his own poems.

The Pyramid of Cheops

In modern times, one of the seven wonders of the world has been preserved - the Pyramid of Cheops. The date of creation is 4500 years ago. The pyramid is a pharaoh's tomb with corridors filled with traps and dead ends. It was originally covered with white limestone and topped with a gilded pyramidion (a stone often used to decorate the top of tombs).

In the 12th century, during the burning of Cairo, the pyramid was looted, the covering was removed, and the stone was lost. The structure is considered the largest in Egypt. There are three crypts inside the tomb, located one below the other. The King's and Queen's chambers have the appearance of ventilation shafts, which are of a religious nature.

Not all of the 7 wonders of the world have survived to this day. The only existing representative is the Cheops pyramid. Photo and description below.

The Egyptians believed that the soul passed through several gates before entering the afterlife. Therefore, the ventilation shaft has several doors. At the end of such a “path” there is a small space with signs painted in red ocher, indicating the entrance to the afterlife itself.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

One of the most mysterious miracles is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which were built by King Nebuchadnezzar II for his wife. The creation of this miracle is associated with a romantic story. In the fight against the Assyrians, the kings of Media and Babylon entered into an alliance, strengthened by a marriage between Nebuchadnezzar (king of Babylon) and the daughter of the Median king.

The girl yearned for her native flourishing country, and to make her smile, Nebuchadnezzar ordered the construction of hanging gardens.

But the daughter of the Median king was not called Semiramis. This name belonged to the queen who ruled in Assyria 200 years before. It is mistakenly believed that Semiramis had at least some contact with Nebuchadnezzar. In 126 BC, the miracle was destroyed during strife with the Persians, without even standing for a century.

Temple of Artemis of Ephesus

According to legends, Artemis is the goddess of fertility and prosperity. Thanks to her there was a rich harvest and healthy children. The predecessors of the future wonder of the world were three sanctuaries. After which, at this place, the inhabitants of Ephesus decided to honor the goddess by erecting an incredibly beautiful temple. The architect of the project was Chersifon, and funds for construction were provided by Croesus.

A statue made of ivory and gold was erected in the building itself. For some time, the temple served as a meeting hall for solving important economic and political issues of Ephesus. There is an opinion that in the 4th century BC two grandiose events took place in one night - Herostratus burned the temple, desiring glory, and at the same moment Alexander the Great was born.

It was the king of Macedon who subsequently restored the miracle, making it several feet taller. But 600 years later the temple was plundered by the Goths.

Zeus statue in Olympia

The Olympic Games were originally dedicated to the god Zeus to demonstrate the willpower and body of a person. To further exalt the ruler of the gods, it was decided to build a statue in his honor. The role of sculptor and creator was given to the Athenian Phidias. To confirm this, archaeologists found a bowl that stood in front of the statue with the inscription “Belongs to Phidias.”

According to legend, Zeus was created from 200 kg of gold, a mountain of precious stones and wood using a special technique.

During Christian times, all pagan temples were banned, and internal property was sold for the benefit of the city. There are two versions of the disappearance of the statue of Zeus - during transportation to Constantinople, a fire occurred that destroyed the sculpture. Or it was simply sold due to lack of funds.

mausoleum in Halicarnassus

The Halicarnassus Mausoleum is a monument in honor of the ruler Mausolus, which was supposed to have posthumous significance. However, its construction was started by Mavsol’s wife before her husband’s death. The peculiarity of this building is its unusual style for that time. The mausoleum was made in a square rather than rectangular shape, and also had at least 330 statues.

Also unusual was the base of the structure, which was significantly superior to analogues of that time. The miracle stood for almost 2000 years, after which it suffered during strong earthquake. Parts of the rubble were used to build the fortress of St. Peter.

Alexandrian lighthouse

The 7 Wonders of the World are largely associated with Alexander the Great. On the way to Alexandria Bay there was a large number of reefs, which is why ships often crashed, and the Faros lighthouse was of strategic importance. According to the description, construction was supposed to take 20 years, but everything was completed in 12 years. Today you can only see photos of reproductions of that structure.

The structure became huge, as for that time, which is why it was included in the list of seven wonders of the world. Soldiers lived in the lower part of the lighthouse. There was a fire burning in the top cylindrical one.

The wonder of the world was doomed to destruction during the destruction of the Alexandria Bay. The ships did not enter the port, which is why the need for the lighthouse disappeared, and it was empty. About 200 years later, a strong earthquake occurred, which finally destroyed the lighthouse.

The Colossus of Rhodes

The statue of the Colossus of Rhodes was erected in honor of the sun god Helios, who, according to legend, helped win the battle of Rhodes against Demetrius Poliorcetes. Despite all the military might of the Macedonian king, the city withstood the siege and forced the king to retreat. The inhabitants of Rhodes believed that the island itself was born by Helios, so he subsequently defended it.

The sculptor Hares was hired to immortalize the god in the form of a giant statue. According to legend, he was first ordered a figure 10 times the height of a person, but then the volume was doubled, paying the same amount. However, more materials were required, so the sculptor had to complete the construction at his own expense.

To date, no reliable image of the statue has survived, since it stood for only 50 years. It was destroyed due to a strong earthquake and was not restored, since the oracle predicted God's wrath to the one who touched the fallen figure of Helios.

New 7 wonders of the world with photos and descriptions

7 wonders of the world (photos and descriptions of them can be seen later in the article) by new version were proclaimed during a 2007 project sponsored by the New Open World Corporation. Elections took place among candidates for the most amazing structures through simple voting through SMS messages and calls. The result was announced in July 2007 in the capital of Portugal.

The winners were:

  • Amphitheater Colosseum.
  • Protective structure The great Wall of China.
  • Machu Picchu.
  • Lost City Petra (Jordan).
  • Taj Mahal Mosque.
  • Modern statue of Christ the Redeemer.
  • Ruins of ancient civilizations of the city of Chichen Itza.

Another 14 finalists competed for a place among the wonders of the world. The Pyramid of Cheops was among them, but did not participate in the voting, since it is the last surviving wonder of the ancient world.

the great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China was built as a symbol of the unity and power of the country. It was not built from scratch. The kingdoms of Qin, Zhao, Yan and Wei erected borders to protect against attacks by nomads. In the third century BC, Emperor Qin Shihuang issued a decree on the need to build a protective wall, which would be called the Great Wall of China.

The design included all parts of pre-existing kingdoms, which were strengthened and complemented to form a whole image.

Managed the ten-year construction of Meng Tian. The construction was difficult due to the lack of roads and food supplies. The number of people involved in the construction is not known exactly - from 300 thousand to a million.

Most of them died while working. The following ruling dynasties completed the construction of the Great Wall of China. Most of its surviving part was built during the Ming Dynasty.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer

The history of the Brazilian Statue of Christ the Redeemer is connected with the then approaching centenary of the state's independence (1922). In honor of this, a fundraiser was announced for the construction of the statue. As a result of the action, almost 3 million in local currency was collected, including a significant part of the church’s funds. Construction lasted 9 years.

The details of the figure were made in France, as its dimensions were too large. The idea for the sketch of outstretched arms was in association with the cross. By 1931, the entire statue was being transported by railway and collected into a single figure. It was consecrated only 34 years later.

Over time, Christ the Redeemer was repaired and restored, and in recent years, night lighting was added. The first service was held only after the statue was elected as a New Wonder of the World.

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum that was built in honor of Shah Jahan's wife who died in childbirth. Subsequently, the padishah himself was buried there. Inside the mosque itself are the tombs of the ruler and his wife, but the remains themselves are located on an underground level, hidden from the eyes of visitors.

It is considered a pearl of Muslim culture due to the combination of several movements of architecture: Indian, Persian and Arabic.


Colosseum is translated from Latin as huge or colossal. Made on the principle of an open amphitheater. In the 1st century, Emperor Nero ruled, who adhered to a despotic policy. After his death and period civil wars, Vespasian came to power. He wanted to perpetuate his own name, erasing the memory of his unsuccessful predecessor.

Nero's palace at that time was enormous in size and had a lake in the very center of Rome. Vespasian himself remodeled the palace for his own needs, and ordered the reservoir to be filled up and an amphitheater built in its place to entertain the people. During the time of Christianity, the Colosseum lost its urgent need, and with the invasion of barbarians in the same century it began to collapse.

The biggest changes came with an earthquake in 1349. After this, the broken parts began to be used to build new buildings. Subsequently, the stones that did not fall off during the earthquake began to be taken away.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is called the city among the clouds, as it is located high in the mountains. It is considered the site of the existence of the Inca civilization until the arrival of the Spanish conquerors. Was the imperial residence, the third largest for the glorification of the name.

However, Machu Picchu could not be called big city that time. There are no more than 200 buildings within its boundaries. For a long time the city was lost. It was discovered 400 years after the conquest.


Petra is ancient city The Nabataeans, who were carved into the city. It was located at a strategically important intersection of trade routes. This is what brought Petra a lot of income for a long time. After Rome opened the eastern sea route, the intersection of routes disappeared, as a result of which the city itself gradually became impoverished and ruined.

It has not yet been fully explored, since an incorrect movement could lead to the destruction of the entire wonder of the world. Today it is a center of pilgrimage.

Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza is the center ancient civilization Maya in the first part and Taltecs in the second. In the 11th century, the city became the capital of the Taltec state. During the wars of one people with another, it was destroyed to ruins. By the time of the Spanish invasions, the city was completely deserted, having lost any influence on neighboring regions.

Some settlements of local residents were located near Chichen Itza, but no one lived in the area itself. The Indians considered this city to be the center of pilgrimage journeys. It has not been fully explored, as it has a huge number of underground labyrinths and traps.

Among the ruins of this city, the remains of a skull with trepanation were found - a complex modern surgical operation, which indicates a high medical level of civilizations.

7 natural wonders of the world from CNN

7 Wonders of the World (photos and descriptions compiled according to CNN) are associated with natural phenomena:

7 new wonders of nature with photos and descriptions

The 7 wonders of the world (photos and descriptions of each can be seen in the article) in natural terms have existed for a long time.

Therefore, a project about new miracles was put together:

The eighth wonder of the world

07/07/07 (July 7, 2007) 7 new wonders of the world were selected, but the Pyramids of Giza were not included. This happened because they are already on the list of 7 ancient wonders of the world, but the people of Egypt believe that their Pyramids do not need any voting and are a miracle in themselves.

The Pyramids of Giza are a complex of several ancient monuments, namely the Pyramids of Cheops, Menkaouar and Khafre.

They are located in the suburbs of Cairo and were created around the XXVI - XXIII centuries. BC. They are the unrecognized eighth wonder of the world.

Other wonders of the world

During determination modern miracles 20 applicants were selected, of which 7 were selected:

Wonder of the world Description
Eiffel Tower One of the most recognizable buildings in the world, located in the city of love - Paris, its height is 324 meters. The tower was designed in 1887 by Gustave Eiffel. The total weight of the structure is 10 thousand tons.
Angkor Previously, it was a city in the Khemer Empire, and has survived to this day in the form of numerous ruins. Recognized as a World Heritage Site.
Athens Acropolis The Acropolis is located on a hill approximately 160 meters high and is a complex of buildings and temples. It was built before the classical era of Athens.
Sydney Opera House

Perhaps one of the most recognizable musical theaters in the world, it is also a symbol of Australia. It was recognized as an outstanding architectural structure.

Statue of Liberty One of the most famous and recognizable buildings in the world, a symbol of US freedom, is located in New York. Its height is 93 meters. The statue is made of 3 components - copper, steel and concrete. The total weight of the entire structure is approximately 27,156 tons, including the base.
Neuschwanstein A romantic castle located in Germany. For its construction, the rock was undermined by order of Ludwig II.
Timbuktu An entire city located in Mali. Population of this city is 33 thousand people and has 3 of the oldest mosques in West Africa.
Kremlin The fortified city is located in Moscow. The main socio-political complex modern Russia. The height of the walls ranges from 5 to 20 meters, and the width is approximately 4.5 meters.
Moai Huge stone statues, weighing up to 80 tons, are located on Easter Island. There is still debate about exactly how they were delivered and for what purpose.
Alhambra Architectural park ensemble, located in Granada, Spain. Many consider the Alhambra to be the most beautiful building of Moorish art. Now it is a museum.
Hagia Sophia Hagia Sophia, which for thousands of years was one of the largest in the world. It is a symbol of the golden age in Byzantium. The building was both a cathedral and a mosque, however, on this moment This is museum.
Kiyomizu-dera One of the most famous Buddhist temples in Japan, located in Kyoto. There is a waterfall on its territory, and it itself is surrounded by green forest.
Stonehenge A World Heritage whose purpose has not yet been revealed. It is made of large stone blocks set in a circle.

The 7 Wonders of the World are known for their distinctiveness and uniqueness. The buildings brought something new to culture or religion, this made it possible to learn historical description that time. The photos very clearly convey the majesty of each of them.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about 7 wonders of the world

List of all seven wonders of the world and their features:

Seven Wonders of the World, photos and descriptions of unique architectural structures show the greatness of ancient history.

The ancient era, with its greatest cultural and historical monuments, laid the foundation for the outstanding creations of mankind, which continue the legacy with new discoveries and genuine miracles.

What are the wonders of the world, how many of them exist, what are they, why is the word “miracle” used in relation to them, what significance do these objects have for world history and culture - we will try to answer these questions, as well as give a definition , short description and provide photographs of those that exist in the 21st century.

Since the times of Ancient Hellas, it has been customary to call a wonder of the world an ancient work of architecture and art, which has no equal in beauty, majestic size, precious decoration and originality.

There were 7 such miracles in the ancient world. Who hasn’t heard about the Eighth Wonder of the World? Probably everything. Can you name him? List them and you will see that there are only seven of them in our time. Not a single list or table in the textbook contains it. And all because the 8th wonder of the world does not officially exist - it is just an expression designed to evaluate something truly amazing and grandiose, or... to emphasize the extraordinary curiosity of some phenomenon or incident.

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7 wonders of the world - list

So what's included in the list:

  1. - the age is about 4.5 thousand years, every day crowds of tourists visit this attraction of Egypt.
  2. - an amazing and unusual gift made by a husband for his beloved wife. Beautiful, green gardens full of exotic plants, birds and animals grew among the dusty Babylon.
  3. Zeus statue in Olympia- only this miracle was located on the territory of continental Europe. The Olympic Games had been held for 300 years, and only then did the construction of the majestic and main temple begin.
  4. Temple of Artemis of Ephesus- a beautiful building, burned to “glorify” the name.
  5. mausoleum in Halicarnassus- stood in its place for quite a long time - nineteen centuries.
  6. The Colossus of Rhodes- a huge statue of the sun god, whom the people worshiped.
  7. Alexandrian lighthouse- not just a lighthouse, but a fortress city, on the top of which a fire burned day and night. Firewood was transported by mullahs along a winding road inside the structure.

Detailed description of the seven wonders

The Pyramid of Cheops

The first wonder of the world is the Pyramid of Cheops. The ancient heritage of Egypt is located in the northwestern part of Cairo. The location points to 4 parts of the world and shows the unique precision of the structure. The greatest Egyptian wonder of the world took 20 years to build. The labor of about a million slaves was used for its construction, whose work continued even after the death of Pharaoh Cheops.

The base area of ​​the pyramid reaches 53,000 square meters. m, and the height at the end of construction reached 147 m. You can get inside the tomb of the pharaoh only through one entrance, which is located above the ground at a level of 15.5 m.

It is worth noting: Caliph Abdullah Al-Mamun decided to disturb the chambers of the pharaoh, who dug a tunnel into the pyramid with the intention of profit, but in the end did not find any treasures.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The second wonder of the world is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. They present a luxurious gift from Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian ruler, for his beloved wife. Subsequently, the wealth and splendor of the city were destroyed by flood. The structures and buildings where the gardens grew were washed away and broken under the influence of a powerful water flow.

The attraction confuses contemporaries about its location. Many archaeological scientists have made repeated attempts to find traces of this ancient phenomenon.

Zeus statue in Olympia

The third wonder of the world - the majestic Zeus was a masterpiece of jewelers. The author is the great master of that time - Phidias. Wonders of the World, described on Wikipedia, say that the author spent about 10 years creating his creation. To date, the exact dimensions of the statue have not been determined; it is believed that the approximate height was 12-18 m.

The pedestal for the throne was of impressive size and was decorated with fragments from the Olympic Games and the lives of the gods.

On it sat a bare-chested Thunderer, supported at his feet by two lions. On the body there is a golden cloak with images of animals and plants. There is a wreath on his head, the Thunderer holds a scepter in one hand, and a golden statue of the Goddess of Victory in the other.

Temple of Artemis of Ephesus

The fourth wonder of the world is the Temple of Artemis of Ephesus. The ancient pilgrimage center is located in Turkey. It was built by the forces of the Amazons, who were considered the founders of the city. Soon the city was burned by Herostratus. In the 6th century, a new building project led by Hersiphron included white marble columns. Its construction lasted 120 years and took place according to the same project, with preliminary collection Money

and jewels of the townspeople. Good to know: born on the day of the temple fire Alexander III

Great, and the phrase “Gerostratus’ glory” has become a symbol of a bad deed.

mausoleum in Halicarnassus

The fifth wonder of the world is the mausoleum at Halicarnassus. Governor Mavsol built his tomb under his personal supervision. The three-level mausoleum rose 46 meters. The lower level was faced with marble. It contained the tomb of the king. The next level featured a colonnade supporting the roof, creating a pyramidal shape.

The top was personified by the figures of King Mausolus with Artemisia, in a chariot with 4 horses.

The sixth wonder of the world is the Colossus of Rhodes. The islanders of Rhodes erected a monument to their patron Helios in gratitude for the victory against the invaders. The monument is the personification of the freedom and independence of the island’s inhabitants. The construction of the statue took 12 years. According to numerous descriptions of contemporaries, the Colossus was located on an embankment, which was a kind of gateway to the city. In one hand the young man held the blazing fire of Helios.

The height of the statue reached 36 m. The supporting pillars of the structure turned out to be unreliable and, just 65 years later, collapsed as a result of an earthquake. The statue of the Colossus of Rhodes is a wonder of the world that lasted less than all the others.

It is worth noting: the fragile structures later became known as the “Colossus with Feet of Clay.”

Alexandrian lighthouse

The seventh wonder of the world is the Lighthouse of Alexandria. The tower got its name from city ​​of the same name, located near the island of Pharos. The lighthouse fulfilled its direct role, illuminating the path of ships lost to the shore with flame at night. The designer of the gigantic structure of 140 meters was Sostratus of Knidos.

Consisting of several tiers, the lighthouse served as housing for sailors and port workers. At the top of the octagonal tower there was a light source - a large fire. The unique creation lasted until the 15th century, when an earthquake completely destroyed it.

Note: the second name of the lighthouse is Zeus the Savior.

Who first described the 7 wonders of the world

The founder of the work “On the Seven Wonders of the World” was Philo of Byzantium. His short 12-page essay consists of eyewitness accounts of unique buildings.

Philo of Byzantium did not see any of the described miracles with his own eyes, and wrote about them from the stories of others

Information about the life and work of the great engineer and poet consists of small facts that are famous for their great discoveries. The wonders of the world were described by many talented authors: Herodotus, Strabo, Pausanias, Sequester, Cassiodorus, etc. However, they did not have a single idea and uniquely defined unique monuments.

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The famous wonders of the world that have come into our lives constitute wonders ancient world. Why are there not five or six wonders of the world... but 7?

"7" is a number associated with the sacred god Apollo, signifying completeness and perfection in the minds of ancient civilization.

Compiles a list of venerable rulers of the ancient century. Based on their significance, grandiose monuments of that time were created.

Each monument on the list is the embodiment of architectural art. Since the beginning of the Hellenic era, writings about unique monuments distributed on papyri by Greek authors. They were widely studied at school and served as a teaching aid.

How many wonders of the world have survived to this day?

Only one Cheops pyramid has been completely preserved to this day. The Egyptian miracle of antiquity still holds the secrets of its great ancestors. At the moment, this is the largest architectural structure made of stone, reaching 137 m. During its existence, it decreased by almost 10 m.

Architectural sights, interesting to many researchers in the world and constituting the wonders of the ancient world, have been preserved partially or in the form of a copy:

  • The lighthouse of Alexandria was destroyed by an earthquake and could not be restored. To date, only the fortress has survived.
  • A copy of Zeus is on display in the Hermitage. This is the tallest ancient sculpture of our time with a height of 3.5 m.
  • Having existed for 19 centuries, the mausoleum in Halicarnassus was destroyed by an earthquake. The tombs of Artemisia and Mausolus are in the British Museum.
  • Only the German historian Robert Koldewey managed to discover the Gardens of Babylon over 18 years of excavations. The buildings of Ancient Babylon and the structures surrounding the gardens were found.

Seven Wonders of the World of Our Time

On July 7, 2007, a list of 7 modern wonders of the world was compiled. We will give a description and present a photo of each object that is included in the list, which is called the list World Heritage UNESCO.

the great Wall of China

The construction of the greatest defensive structure began in the 3rd century BC, and now it is still fraught with many legends. During construction, the main goals were pursued: protecting the territory from the Mongol invasion and creating a guarantee of the protection of one state from another. Lack of attention to the great structure gradually destroyed it in some places. Since the end of the twentieth century, a large-scale restoration of architecture began.

1997 was marked by inclusion in the status of a miracle modern world. architectural structure extends for almost 9 thousand km, has a height of 6 to 10 meters.

Do you know that: the construction of the wall led to tens of thousands of deaths due to hard labor and epidemics.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer

The famous symbol of the Brazilian people is located at the very top of Mount Corcovado. Rising above the city with outstretched arms, Christ the Redeemer, with his 38-meter height, seems to embrace all the inhabitants of the metropolis, and at the same time, he warmly welcomes guests from afar.

The construction of the monument is timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of independence. All residents of the country collected funds for the construction. The detailed production of the statue took place in France.

Taj Mahal

The pinnacle of the Mongolian architectural style is the snow-white palace, located on the banks of the Jumna. Construction took two decades and it was built by the middle of the 17th century.

The mausoleum contains the tombs of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan, a descendant of Tamerlane. The presence of four minarets along the edges of the palace helps protect the tombs from tremors and destruction.


The largest amphitheater of the ancient era seats more than 50 thousand people. The beginning of construction during the Flavian dynasty lasted 8 years. In the 8th century, due to its impressive size, it began to be called.

At the beginning of their existence, gladiators practiced their art in the arena of the amphitheater. After the plunder by barbarians and the earthquake of the 14th century, the Colosseum was literally taken away brick by brick. Only since the 18th century has the building been protected as an important architectural mega-object.

Machu Picchu

This is the nickname for the city in the sky, which is located at an altitude of about 2500 m above the sea. Previously it was the residence of the emperor. The almost untouched ancient city architecture did not suffer from the attacks of the Spanish conquerors.

The clear structure of the city is a delightful architectural design. However, little is known about the urban population and the city.


Jordanian Petra is a city in the rock, located above the sea at a level of 900 meters. The road to it is laid through a natural gorge, which serves as city walls.

The remaining ruins of houses built using the traditional stone method stretch for kilometers. Ed-Deir is a 45-meter monastery carved into the rock. The main attraction - the El-Khazneh mausoleum - still preserves the legend of countless treasures. Previously, the city served as a trade route, connecting Damascus and the Red Sea regions.

Note: The Indiana Jones adventure film was filmed in Petra.

Chichen Itza

Mexico is famous for the legendary city with a name reminiscent of legumes, beloved by the way local residents. Chichen Itza - a Mayan civilization, has a 24-meter pyramid, the Temple of Kukulcan, which has 365 steps.

There are as many steps in a year as there are days. The natural well located is the Sacred Cenote. Its depth is “deadly” - 50 m. Previously it was used for the ritual of sacrifice. It is known that living people were thrown into the cenote. Now tourists swim in it.

The change of civilizations leaves behind a grandiose heritage of architecture, which has been partially preserved to this day. The question - how many wonders of the world there are in the world and what they are - can now be answered definitely. The emergence of new miracles is evidence that there are still many mysterious places to study and recognize their significance for all humanity.

We bring to your attention an interesting film about the seven wonders of the ancient world:

The only one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world that has survived to this day is the Great Pyramid of Giza - the Pyramid of Cheops. In the suburbs of Egypt's capital, Cairo, this ancient monument was designed and built as the tomb of the most famous pharaoh Cheops (Khufu) and is recognized as the tallest structure of its time. It’s hard to believe, but the height of this miracle of art is almost 147 meters (imagine five nine-story buildings stacked on top of each other). Initially, the pyramid occupied an area larger than seven football fields, and the length of one of the sides of its base was over 230 meters.

Source: version. info

Construction Great Pyramid, By official version Egyptologists, ended in 2540 BC. To create this truly extraordinary miracle, it took the joint efforts of 100 thousand people. According to archaeologists' calculations, the work lasted about 20 years.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

It is generally accepted to be the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which, according to one of the many versions, were built around 600 BC by order of the Neo-Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II for his wife, the Median princess Amytis. Later, the daughter of King Cyaxares began to be called after the Assyrian queen.

Source: wikipedia.org

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were a four-story building, shaped like a pyramid, the tiers of which, supported by powerful columns, were both balconies and terraces. Hanging unique plants combined with fountains and ponds turned the Babylonian structure into a real oasis.

To supply the gardens with water, a special irrigation system was designed: hundreds of slaves turned wheels with buckets all day long. When Babylon fell into decay, there was no one to do the irrigation, and the unique flora of the hanging gardens died. Frequent earthquakes completed the job - finally destroying the palace. Babylon disappeared from the face of the earth, and with it the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the the most beautiful monuments antiquities.

Zeus statue in Olympia

In the 5th century BC, the sports and religious center of Ancient Greece was Olympia, where the god Zeus was most revered. It was to him, the head of the ancient Greek Pantheon, that the Olympians unanimously decided to build a majestic temple. To implement the plan, the Athenian sculptor Phidias, famous for his sculptures, was invited to Olympia. The master faced a difficult task: to create a structure that would surpass all his previous creations in its monumentality. Phidias gave the go-ahead. Work has begun.

It took the sculptor and his apprentices ten years for the Ancient World to see this wonder of the world. The temple was entirely made of marble. Columns made of limestone were installed along its perimeter. On the walls of the temple there were picturesque bas-reliefs depicting Zeus and the twelve labors of Hercules.

Source: pinterest. ca

The thunder god himself, called “the embodiment of male beauty,” was made of ivory and reached a height of 13 meters. He sat majestically on a throne carved from ebony and covered with chased gold plates, and almost touched the ceiling of the temple.

Phidias' masterpiece did not go unnoticed. For many years, writers and philosophers admired him, attributing the statue of Olympian Zeus to the best creations humanity. But in 476 there was a fire, during which this wonder of the world was lost.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

The initiator and “sponsor” of the latest version of Artemision, the temple of Artemis of Ephesus, was. The construction of this wonder of the world, which began in 323 BC, made of limestone and marble, continued for many years. The “highlight” of the temple, its main distinguishing feature, were 127 giant columns installed in nine rows. The interior decoration of Artemision was mesmerizing. There was everything here: marvelous statues made by the best architects of that time, and beautiful paintings by famous artists. And in the center of this splendor stood the statue of the goddess Artemis, the patroness of love relationships and the family hearth.

Source: journal. tapigo.ru

Artemision, rebuilt by Alexander, lasted six centuries. It was plundered and destroyed by the Goths, and was inundated by numerous floods. Today, the existence of this wonder of the world is evidenced by only one single column, restored from the rubble.

Great, and the phrase “Gerostratus’ glory” has become a symbol of a bad deed.

Ancient Halicarnassus, where the “father of history” Herodotus was born, was famous for its architectural beauty. White marble temples built in honor of Ares and Aphrodite, the Salmakin fountain, theaters and palaces attracted foreign guests to the city. But the real “pearl” of Halicarnassus, a wonder of the world, was the tomb of the despotic king, which he began to build during his lifetime.

Pytheas and Satyros, the best architects of that time, worked on the tomb, which consisted of three tiers and reached a height of 46 meters. Leochares and Skopas were entrusted with decorating the building - creating marble figures of gods, animals and horsemen.

Architectural buildings of the past are considered miracles of architectural thought and architecture. These include the Colosseum, the Tower of Babel, the Ishtar Gate and dozens of other buildings of past millennia. But there are buildings that are included in the “7 Wonders of the World” group. Read about it in our article. The choice of the number 7 is not accidental, since it was considered sacred.

7 Wonders of the Ancient World: List

The list of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World includes structures from three cultures: Babylonian, Greek and Egyptian. Today, of the 7 wonders of the world, only the pyramids at Giza have survived, while the other 6 have been completely destroyed and only a few remain in ruins.

The Pyramids of Giza are the oldest of the. They were built approximately 4300-4600 years ago. The tallest of them is the Cheops Pyramid, which for a long time was the tallest structure on the planet.

All the rest (and this is the Alexandria Lighthouse, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Temple of Artemis of Ephesus, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the statue of Zeus at Olympia and) were built between the 7th and 3rd centuries BC.

Most were destroyed within the first thousand years. But the Alexandria lighthouse and mausoleum were destroyed only in the 15th century. You can read more about it using the link.

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: Causes of Destruction

The destruction of three of the 6 wonders (colossus, lighthouse and mausoleum) was caused by earthquakes. Two more burned down (the statue of Zeus and the temple of Artemis), and the gardens of King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon were destroyed by the Persians.

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: Evolution of the List

The first list of wonders was created by Herodotus and included 3 wonders of the island of Samos. They are no longer mentioned in the new lists. Later it expanded and changed. Thus, the Tower of Babel was excluded from it.

Nowadays, the list of wonders of the world has been revised and expanded. Also in 2007, an alternative list of “7 Modern Wonders of the World” was created, which included:

    — Colosseum;
    - The great Wall of China;
    — Machu Picchu;
    — Petra;
    — Taj Mahal;
    - Chichen Itza;
    - Statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio.

There are other variations of it, more complete ones, and lists of wonders by country.
Also on the site you can read about other interesting miracles ancient architecture, both European and other civilizations. I especially recommend reading about the Great Wall of China.