Sightseeing in Tobago Island - what to see. A complete guide to iconic places. Trinidad Island: the origin of the name, where it is located

Official name : Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (English) An island nation in the southern part caribbean(West Indies), located off the northeast coast of Venezuela, opposite the Orinoco Delta. Includes 23 islands that are part of the Lesser Antilles group: the island of Trinidad is separated from the mainland by the Gulf of Paria and two straits - the Dragon's Mouth (northern, 19 km) and the Snake's Mouth (southern, 14 km) Venezuela is a neighbor of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in the south and west , in the north are Grenada, Barbados, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, in the east - the open Atlantic Ocean.

Capital- Port of Spain

Square: 5128 km², of which Trinidad 4828 km², Tobago 300 km²

Population- 1 million 343 thousand people (2008 estimate), 12.9% - city dwellers

Major peoples: African American 56.2%, Indian 37.5%, mulatto and mestizo 18.4%, white 0.6%

Official language : English (de facto) (Creole Patois, Spanish, Hindi, Chinese spoken)

Political system - parliamentary republic

head of state - President elected by an electoral college from among the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives for a 5-year term

Head of the government - prime minister appointed by the president, usually the leader of the majority party in parliament

Parliament bicameral convened for a term of 5 years. It consists of the Senate (31 deputies: 16 appointed by the ruling party, 9 by the president and 6 by the opposition party) and the House of Representatives (36 deputies elected by direct universal suffrage, with 2 deputies from Tobago required)

Telephone code 8-10-1-868

Time difference with Moscow : -8 hours during summer time in Russia, -7 hours during winter time

Currency unit : Trinidad and Tobago dollar (denoted $ or TT$, ISO code TTD), in 1 dollar 100 cents.

Trinidad Islandwas discovered in 1498 by Columbus, who christened it La Isla de la Trinidad in honor of the Holy Trinity. The Spaniards, following in the footsteps of Columbus, enslaved the Arawak Indians who inhabited the islands at that time or resettled them in other South American colonies. But the complete lack of minerals and relatively poor soils led to the fact that the conquistadors quickly lost all interest in this land. As a result, the first European settlement on the island (Jose de Oruna, modern St. Joseph) appeared only in 1592. Over the next two centuries, the colonialists made two unsuccessful attempts to develop the island, but the tobacco and cocoa they planted categorically did not want to grow on local soil. As a result, the Spaniards almost abandoned all attempts to develop this colony, and in 1797 the island came under the jurisdiction of the British crown. After the abolition of slavery in 1830, thousands of workers from India began to arrive on the islands, as well as immigrants from the poor areas of Spain, Portugal, England, France and China, who were the main consolidators of the people known today as the Trinbagonians (Trinidadians).

Surrounded by the lush green hills of the Nord Range City of Port of Spain since 1757 it has been the capital and main business center of oil-rich Trinidad. Quite unusual in its architecture and general layout, the city stretching along the Gulf of Paria is literally saturated with buildings of all styles and eras - typically Caribbean bazaars coexist here with modern skyscrapers, and minarets of mosques - with domes and spiers of cathedrals. The tumultuous mixture of architectural styles may seem rather unsightly at first glance, especially given the abundance of docks, warehouse complexes and cranes in the very center of the city. However, in general, Port of Spain is quite colorful, and among its modern skyscrapers and office complexes, you can easily find many beautiful buildings of the nineteenth century and the “magnificent” buildings characteristic of the region, which got their name from the exquisitely carved facades and balconies.

The heart of the city is Independence Square (Brien-Lara-Promenade), located north of the docks. Around it is a network of small streets, pierced by the bustling Frederick Street, which together form the city's famous shopping district, more commonly referred to simply as the Center. Halfway between it and Independence Square is a pretty local analogue of London's Hyde Park - Woodford Square, which is a pleasant green area, propped up from the south by the same cathedral, from the north by the Town Hall Library complex, and from the west by the majestic colonial parliament building Red House. Southeast of the central quarters rises the Cathedral of Immaculate-Concepción (beginning XVIII c) and the heart of the entire transport system of the island - City Gate on South Kwai.

On the outskirts of the city is located the main fortress of the island - Fort George(1804-1826), from the walls of which there is an excellent view of Port of Spain and the mountains of northern Venezuela that are easily distinguishable from here. in the valley Diego Mountains, 16 km north of Port of Spain, is one of the island's most beautiful waterwheels.

And just an hour's drive to the south lies the country's main conservation area - Caroni and the bird sanctuary of the same name. This is the only habitat scarlet ibis- the national symbol of the island, as well as home to 157 other species of birds, caimans, snakes and silky anteaters.

Third largest city in Trinidad Arima was founded by Capuchin monks in 1757, making it one of the oldest settlements on the island. Nestled in the idyllic foothills north range, the city has long been the religious center of the country, which has passed many upheavals of local history, so many old buildings and historical traditions of the colonial era have been preserved here. After laying in these places the first railway on the island, Arima's economy shifted from agricultural processing to industries, gradually growing into factories and residential areas. But its main "trump card" is a large Indian community, which has preserved almost all the traditions of its distant ancestors, but easily fits into the rhythm of modern life. Therefore, the Santa Rosa Festival (the last week of August), along with the host Museum of the Indians at the Cleavers Woods Recreation Center in the west of the city, is the largest celebration of pre-Columbian American cultures in the Caribbean.

The Guanapo Road starts from Arima - a fantastically beautiful route through the surrounding mountains and valleys to the breathtaking Guanapo Gorge and the cascades of La Laja (20 m) and Sombasson (50 m) waterfalls. The Arima-Blanchisso Highway begins from here, passing through the North Range, rising to the misty peaks of low local uplands and descending to green tunnels of mahogany, teak or cedar branches hanging over the canvas. 13 km north of Arim there is a natural Asa-Right center(area 80 hectares) - the most popular bird sanctuary in Trinidad. About 40 species of exotic tropical birds live here, and the most accessible guajaro colony is located in Dunston Cave ( Steatorniscaripensis) on the planet.

In the northwestern part of the Trinidadian coast, just a 40-minute drive from the capital, lies the island's most popular beach area - maracas bay. An almost 1850-meter arc of fine creamy sand is framed by palm groves and various tourist sites, bounded on the west by the village of Maracas Bay Village, and on the east by the fishing village of Ankle Sam. The recreation infrastructure is excellently developed here (not surprising, given the popularity of the bay among the residents of the capital), so sometimes it gets quite crowded here. However, a little to the east, the quieter Tairiko Bay begins, more suitable for families with children, and the good shores of Las Cuevas stretch even further (only 8 km to the east).

The second largest city of the island and the main commercial center of the southern regions of Trinidad, San Fernando spread in the most northwestern part of the region, in the southern part of the Gulf of Paria. The first mention of San Fernando dates back to 1595, when Sir Walter Raleigh, who landed in the Gulf of Paria in search of Eldorado, drew attention to the favorable location small mountain, which the Indians called Anaparima ("a detached mountain"). In 1687, the Capuchin monks founded a mission in these parts, called Purissima Concepción de Naparima, in 1784 the governor José Maria Chacon granted these lands to the first settlers from Europe, and in 1792 he named the mission that quickly grew up on the site and the first farm town named San Fernando in honor of the son of the Spanish king Carlos III . Like most Spanish colonies, the city developed according to a strict pattern with a central square near the coastline and a scattering of administrative buildings around it. Already by 1818, the population of San Fernando was close in number to Port of Spain, and the two cities were connected by a line of coastal shipping.

One of the amazing natural phenomena of Trinidad - Pitch Lake- located near the city of La Brie, 25 km southwest of San Fernando. The uniqueness of this place lies in the fact that here, under the influence of tectonic factors, oil-bearing layers communicate through several underground faults with the mouth of an ancient volcano, and their “contents” turn into first-class asphalt under the influence of temperature and pressure (there are only two such objects in the world - Rancho La Bri in Los Angeles (USA) and the Venezuelan asphalt basin of Guanaco). Asphalt extracted from the lake is used to build the best roads on the planet, it also paved the Pall Mall alley leading to Buckingham Palace in London.


Lying between Trinidad and the open ocean, the island of Tobago measures only 41 by 14 kilometers. For a long time almost unknown to tourists, recently it has been developing at an amazing rate, demonstrating an almost two-fold increase in the number of guests every year. And this is not surprising - a luxurious underwater world, untouched nature, deserted shores and lush tropical forests - these are the main "trump cards" of this island. Tobago, like its southern neighbor, was also discovered by Columbus and captured by the Spaniards. However, unlike most other islands in the Caribbean, there have never been serious attempts at colonization, although in XVIIFor centuries, the British, French, Dutch and even Latvians fought for the right to own the island! In 1704, the island was declared a neutral territory, but after the pirates set up their base here, the British established their colonial administration in 1763. In 1888, Tobago united with Trinidad, in 1889 received its own independent Legislature, and since 1946 becomes a self-governing territory within the Federation of the British West Indies. In the early 60s, Tobago, along with Trinidad, sought the right of internal self-government, and in 1962 both islands received full independence.

The administrative center of the island and its main port, a thriving city scarborough(population of only 18 thousand people - a third of the population of the entire island) is almost completely devoid of tourist claims. Running up the slopes to the top of a hill crowned with a lighthouse, the city became the capital of Tobago in 1769 (then called Port Louis), replacing the city of Georgetown in this "post". Even today, Scarborough is very small, there is not even regular public transport, since almost all of it can be walked around in just an hour and a half. And its main landmark is the mighty King George Fort, built by the British in 1779, towering 47 meters above the city. The old stone walls of the fort are crowned with the same old cannons, which still look out over the strait between Trinidad and Tobago, and the numerous buildings of the fort have been carefully restored and today host most of the tourist facilities of the capital. It houses the local Crafts Center with a small landscaped park, the Tobago Museum with a small but very informative collection of artifacts from Indian cultures and colonial period items, as well as the Tourist Office and the beautiful red brick building of the old Weem Plantation.

Basic moments

The unique nature of the island of Tobago, and especially its evergreen tropical forests, must be carefully protected. Several reserves have been created in a relatively small area. Particularly popular with tourists are the Buccoo Reef Marine Reserve and the large Tobago Forest Reserve.

Unlike other islands in the Caribbean region, Tobago was not colonized for a long time, although in the 17th century it was claimed by England, France, Holland, and even the small Duchy of Courland. At the beginning of the 18th century, the island territory was declared neutral. However, pirates began to use it, so in 1763 Great Britain created its own administration here.

Travelers discovered the island of Tobago relatively recently. Today, tours here are in demand among lovers of tropical nature and beach holiday, so the island began to turn into one of the fastest growing beach resorts planets.

The underwater world of the coast attracts many divers to the island of Tobago. To the north of the city of Charlotteville lies one of the most popular areas for diving - Pirates Bay. It is devoid of strong currents, so both experienced divers and beginners can dive in the bay. While diving, they have the opportunity to admire the rich underwater world - schools of fast tropical fish and colorful corals.

island capital

The main city of the island of Tobago is Scarborough, which is home to 17,000 people. The city is small and easy to get around on foot. Here you can find historical monuments, nice restaurants and souvenir shops.

From anywhere in Scarborough you can see the old Fort King George, rising to a height of 47 m. It was built in 1779 by the British colonialists and for a long time served as the main defensive structure of Tobago. The fort has been perfectly preserved, and today various tourist institutions are located in historical buildings.

In the Craft Center, which is housed in an old hospital, travelers can get acquainted with the crafts and traditions of the islanders. The doors of the Crafts Center are open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00.

At the nearby Tobago Museum, you can learn about the history of the island's colonization and see ancient finds discovered during archaeological excavations. Not far from the museum are a beautifully landscaped garden and the red-brick building of Wim Manor, which recalls that there used to be extensive plantations here.

There are other attractions in Scarborough. One of the hotels is located in the building of an old mill. Large mill wheels built in the middle of the 19th century are preserved here. Arriving in Scarborough, tourists also try to visit the Botanical Gardens and the Orchid House.

Attractions Tobago

The small city of Charlotteville in the northeast of the island of Tobago has the status of "fishing capital". People come here to get acquainted with the culture of the local population and admire the picturesque seaside landscapes. Near Charlotteville are located the highest point on the island - Mount Pigeon Pike, the beautiful observation point of Flagstaff Hill and Manowar Bay, the beaches of which are covered with dark volcanic sand. Every year in the middle of summer, the Tobago Fishing Tournament takes place in the bay, which attracts many tourists.

Those travelers who are interested in the history of the island of Tobago will certainly look into the city of Plymouth, where the ancient Fort James, built at the beginning of the 19th century, is located. It is noteworthy that it was built from durable coral limestone, so it has been perfectly preserved to this day.

Fans of sea fishing and relaxing on secluded beaches should pay attention to the city of Castara. The coast does not yet have a developed infrastructure, so those who want to spend time on a wild, deserted beach can relax for their own pleasure.

Tobago's natural attractions include waterfalls, picturesque Kings Bay, Bon Accord Lagoon and the Little Tobago Islands, home to nesting seabirds.

Where to stay

There are not so many hotels on the island of Tobago, however, existing hotels try to keep the brand and satisfy the most diverse needs of guests. Travelers coming to the island can find both budget apartments and luxury five-star hotels. Some of them are built right in the cities, like the upscale Bacolet Hotel in Scarborough. Others, like Turtle, offer secluded beachside getaways.

On the island of Tobago, there are also good ecological hotels built next to natural attractions. One of them - "Acajoi" - is located in one of the most picturesque bays of the island, the Grand Rivière. Ecological hotels offer accommodation in wooden cottages built from natural materials.

How to get there

Tobago Island is located 30 km northeast of the large island of Trinidad. From the capital island nation- the city of Port of Spain - ferries go to Tobago. There are no direct flights from Russia to Port of Spain. In about 17 hours, you can fly to the capital of Trinidad and Tobago with a transfer in London, Amsterdam or Frankfurt.

There are many interesting things on earth beautiful places for recreation, but there are still attractive and little-known land areas lost in the blue waters of the oceans - small curious islands. For example, the tiny island of Tobago.

What is the island of Tobago?

The island of Tobago is of volcanic origin and is one of two major islands. Its dimensions are about 40 km long and 14 km wide, and the area is 300 square meters. km.

More than 70% of the population are Africans, mulattoes and moles - the descendants of slaves brought to the plantations. The rest of the inhabitants are descendants of immigrants, Creoles, Indo-Pakistani and about 1-2% are Chinese. In all hotels and other objects of tourist infrastructure they communicate in the state English, and among themselves the inhabitants speak Indo-Aryan or Spanish.

Religious denominations are represented evenly: Catholics, Protestants and Hindus are approximately equally represented, about 6% are Muslims.

The republican currency, the Trinidad and Tobago dollar, is in circulation on the island, but the US dollar is also in free circulation.

Where is Tobago located on the world map?

Tobago Island is located 30 km northeast of the main island. They are both part of the Lesser Antilles group, and are located in the southern zone of the Caribbean.

If you look at a world map, you will find Tobago Island a few kilometers off the northeast coast of Venezuela.

Climate Tobago

The island has a subequatorial climate, with an abundance of trade winds, there is practically no difference between the seasons of the year, but it is always humid and hot. Average winter temperatures are about +24+25 degrees, and in September, this is the hottest month, the thermometer never drops below +27+30.

From the beginning of the calendar summer until December, hurricanes continually attack the island from the northeast, there are often stormy winds and stronger tropical downpours. Moreover, precipitation on the windward slopes falls in the amount of 3500-3800 mm, and on the western slopes it does not exceed 1500 mm. From January to May lasts a relatively dry season, the most comfortable for European tourists.

The continental origin of the island of Tobago has provided it with a rich flora and fauna. The island is buried in evergreen tropical forests, there are both South American and very specific plants that grow only in the Antilles. Of the rare plants, one can single out the butterfly orchid, which is listed in the Red Book; sandalwood, cypress, vanilla and other valuable trees also grow in the forests.

Animal diversity is very similar to South America: caimans, iguanas, capuchins, red ibis and others. About 40 species of hummingbirds live on the island of Tobago, white-tailed nightjars and Caribbean swallows nest, and a huge number of bats also live.

The island's mountain ranges are considered an extension of the Venezuelan mountain ranges. A mountain range 29 km long runs through almost the entire island. A little less than half of the entire surface is covered with forest, there are many streams and small rivers. There are never floods in Tobago.

Beaches and entertainment

For a long time, the island of Tobago was unknown to tourists, because the main source of income for the republic is oil and natural asphalt. But over the past decade, the tourism industry of the island began to develop very actively, annually increasing the number of tourists several times. The amazing underwater world, virgin forests and clean coast cannot be ignored. marked as best resorts Caribbean Sea.

If you decide to rest on the windward side, be sure to pay attention to Turtle Beach, Sandy Point, Pigeon Point and Crown Point - this best places by the sea. A few kilometers from the airport, Store Bay, Kurland Bay, Castara, Parlatuvier Bay, Kings Bay and Englishman's Bay flaunt.

On the windward side, there are excellent beaches in Butto, Kings Bay, Speyside and Manowar bays, a wonderful coastline for relaxing from Baku to Plymouth, and Manzanilla Beach is considered the best area on the eastern coast.

Tobago Island is good for any water and underwater activities, especially for diving, in almost every bay there are reefs and beautiful corals. One of the favorite places for divers is the islands, St. Giles Island and Goat Island. And Baku Reef is the largest reef of the Republic, it will stretch over 12 square meters. km. and is over 10,000 years old. The reef is inhabited by 150 species of fish and several dozen species of corals, some of which are specially protected and exceed 6 meters in diameter.

The Caribbean coast is dotted with small fishing villages and suits lovers of a relaxing holiday. Favorite by tourists The place is the fishing village of Charlotteville. Here are the most populated resorts and tourist infrastructure.

History of Tobago Island

Tobago Island, like all other islands, even before our era. was inhabited by South American Indians. And much later it was discovered by Columbus on August 4, 1498 and joined the Spanish territory.

In the 16th century, the first attempts to colonize the island began, there were very few settlers, and local natives periodically attacked them. In addition, no minerals were found here, and the soils were poor in comparison with other islands. In 1511, all Indians were recognized as Caribs, which made it possible to use them as slave labor for pearl fishing and plantation processing.

In the 17th century, four powers became interested in the island at once: England, Holland, France and Courland, but things did not go beyond heated disputes, the island remained deserted until in 1704 it turned into a pirate base as a neutral territory. But already in 1763 Tobago became part of the British Empire.

At the beginning of the 19th century, slavery was abolished on the island of Tobago, migrants from Asia were drawn here. The development of Tobago began after the discovery of oil, which made it possible to unite it with Trinidad into one colony, which lasted until August 1, 1962, having gained its independence.

Attractions Tobago

More than a third of all residents of Tobago live in its administrative center - Scarborough, which is also the main port of the island. The city is located at the foot of the hill, on which there is a lighthouse and an old British fort built in 1779. The fort has been preserved almost in its original form: ancient cannons are aimed at the strait between Tobago and Trinidad, the buildings have been well restored, and the main tourist organizations are located in the fort.

The building of the old hospital houses the Crafts Center and a beautiful park. The Tobago Museum invites you to get acquainted with the objects of Indian cultures and the colonial period of the island. The fort also has a beautiful red brick building - the office of the old Wim plantation.

Outside the walls of King George you can admire the Scarborough Botanical Gardens and the Orchid House, where all kinds of these beautiful flowers from the Republic Islands are collected, there is also a huge collection of imported plants. Of the old buildings of the city, it is worth noting the Court House (1825) and the building of the old sugar plantation (1857) with huge wheels from the mill. For souvenirs, you should look into the port market.

The Atlantic coast of Tobago is a narrow strip between the sea and the hills, along which the island highway is laid. For local attractions, stroll through small villages such as Goodwood or Roxborough, visit Studley Park, or marvel at the beauty of the ancient Richmond Great House sugar plantation. Landscape lovers should definitely visit Tobago's highest waterfall Argyle - 54 meters, and the island, which is a bird park: many sea birds nest here.

On the Caribbean coast, you should pay attention to the Tobago Forest Reserve, which was founded in 1764, and the oval Bon Accord lagoon, adorned with mango forests. In Plymouth, the main attraction is Fort James - this is the oldest fort of the island, besides it is built of coral limestone, and its fortresses and guns are still the coast guard of the water area.

Cuisine and restaurants

Tobago cuisine is Creole, Indian, European and Chinese traditions. An abundance of seafood and coconut milk sauces will brighten up your evening on a beautiful beach. Please note that a separate locality usually specializes in one particular cuisine. There are many cafes and restaurants, especially on the coast.

In the city of Tobago of the same name, we recommend visiting the Cafe Havana restaurant, where you can taste the best dishes in the entire region of Caribbean cuisine, a variety of meat dishes, and the legendary baked shark in curry sauce. A separate menu is brought for appetizers and desserts.

One of the most amazing restaurants on the coast is Jemma's Seaview Kitchen in the northeast of the island in Tyrels Bay. Firstly, it is one of the few restaurants in the world that is open to visitors 24/7. Secondly, it is a cozy home with gazebos and playgrounds, built in the crown of a real tree.The whole building is surrounded by branches and greenery.The basis of the menu: fish dishes, lobsters and chickens, enjoy a wonderful dinner will help a wonderful view of the island and the sea.

Where to stay in Tobago?

There are many options for hotels of various stars on the island; you can easily find both expensive apartments and mini-boarding houses. Small family hotels are especially popular, but not all of them are located near the coast. It offers guests transparent swimming pools, tennis courts, attractions and fun playgrounds. Luxury hotels usually have their own beach.

Not to mention the Blue Haven Hotel on the very shores of Rockley Bay in Scarborough. Comfortable rooms with air conditioning and wicker furniture, vacationers can stroll through the tropical garden, visit two restaurants and fitness rooms. The hotel is located near many interesting attractions.

In the east of the island in Tyrels Bay in the city of Spiesail, on the very coast, the Speyside Inn hotel flaunts. This is a three-star mini-hotel with only 20 rooms on the very shore of the ocean, from each window a wonderful sea ​​view. Private pool and free sun loungers, spacious bathroom and breakfast in the room. The hotel is located in a green area and in relative proximity to the airport.

How to get there?

Direct air communication with the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is not possible from every country, even despite the presence of large international airports.

The most convenient way to fly via London from Gatwick airport to Tobago airport is with British Airways, the flight time is about 10 hours. The second country where you can make a convenient transfer to the island of Tobago is the United States: airports in the cities of Miami, Houston, Atlanta and New York.

There are no direct flights from Russia to the island.

The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, located on the border between the Atlantic and the Caribbean, next to Venezuela, combines two large islands of the same name and many small ones.

About this amazing country, its geographical location, delightful nature, climate and attractions will tell this article.

Trinidad Island: Geography

Part of the Antilles archipelago, Trinadate and Tobago occupy part of the continental shelf South America and are separated from the mainland only by straits that have traditionally exotic names - Boca del Serpiente and Boca del Dragon. The area of ​​Trinidad - a very solid and largest in the archipelago (80 km long and 59 km wide) - is 4768 km 2. An island, a neighbor of Trinidad, located at a distance of 30 kilometers, Tobago is the owner of a significantly smaller size. It occupies about 300 km2, its length is 41 km and its width is 12 km.

The predominant terrain in Trinidad is a plain. There are three mountain ranges on it, two of which are located in a clear parallel to each other, and the third is a continuation of the Venezuelan Cordillera. The two rivers that cross the island of Trinidad empty into the Atlantic Ocean.

Tobago crosses a 30-kilometer ridge, on both sides of which are fertile lowlands and forests. Many small rivers and streams on the island contribute to the lush development of vegetation.


The climatic conditions on the islands are typical for these humid subequatorial latitudes and have a clear distinction between dry and rainy seasons. The dry season, which lasts from January to May, is quite mild, since it does not differ in sweltering heat - it is largely neutralized by tropical trade winds.

The rainy season lasts from June to August. This is the period of visiting the islands with tropical downpours, plentiful and protracted. The best time for a tourist trip to Trinidad are February and March, bright, warm and full of unforgettable events and entertainment months. Trinidad and Tobago, whose resorts are waiting for tourists, are most attractive at this time.

The nature of the islands

Striking with a riot of colors, evergreen forests are very carefully protected by the state - on such a small territory on a planetary scale there are many reserves. Tobago is a unique island, famous for its superb coastline views, long narrow white sand beaches and mighty palm trees. Back in the eighteenth century, Tobago authorities declared the tropical forests of the island a protected area - the first precedent of this kind. Buccoo Reef with picturesque harbors, amazing fish and corals has been protected by the state since 1973.

The islands of Trinidad and Tobago are distinguished by an amazing variety of flora, including not only South American species, but also exclusively in the archipelago. In the northern part of Trinidad, rain forests have been preserved where up to fifty species of valuable tree species grow. The center and western regions are occupied by evergreen forests. Sandalwood, fustik and cypress are typical representatives of island forests. In the lowlands and foothills of these areas, savannahs and cultivated plantations extend, where coconut and oilseeds are grown for export. Along the coast at the mouths of the rivers there are thickets with intricately intertwined trunks and roots.

The fauna is also extremely diverse: there are howler monkeys and capuchins, representatives of marsupials (possums), rodents (agouti), predators (ocelots), bats and reptiles - turtles, alligators, lizards, snakes. Numerous colonies of birds with bright multi-colored southern plumage.

There are more than 40 varieties of hummingbirds alone. The waters of the islands abound with fish.


The island of Trinidad is rich in minerals: in the southern part and the shelf, oil deposits and reserves of accompanying gas were found, natural asphalt is mined a little to the west, sulfur and diorites are mined in the north, the Sangre Grande region is famous for deposits of lignite and brown coal. Iron ore, gypsum and limestone are mined in the north of the island.


Today, the island of Trinidad is a popular center for eco-tourism. At the disposal of vacationers - a set of all types of beach holidays, the opportunity to do water sports, diving, horseback riding, yachting, etc. The Calypso Music Festival is held here annually, traditionally gathering a huge audience of fans. The island of Trinidad, Brazil is the birthplace of this most interesting show.

Markets on the islands are overflowing with handicrafts. Bamboo crafts and paintings by island artists are in demand here. Trade flourishes both in huge supermarkets and on street stalls, where, however, unlike boutiques, you can successfully bargain.


In addition, tourists are always interested in local cuisine, which is a mixture of Oriental, Caribbean, Spanish and Chinese. The variety of ethnic types of cooking gives rise to unlimited possibilities - you can taste any, the most exotic dish. The recent "New Caribbean" trend to add local flavors to gourmet cuisine makes it possible to fully experience the culinary specialties. Visits to small home restaurants specializing in catering to foreign tourists will help complete the picture. In the reviews of vacationers on the islands, it is precisely such small catering points that are safe, comfortable, with an unforgettable cuisine. A specialty in Trinidad is charcoal-grilled and sugar balls rolled in sesame seeds.

Entertainment industry

Trinidad and Tobago is not only the intersection of the culinary traditions of many countries, but also a whole universe of attractions that gives tourists an indescribable experience that remains in their memory for a long time: picturesque nature, hill walks, sea voyages, pristine beaches, amazing colors and rhythms of the annual Calypso carnival!

To participate in it, the islanders make original drums from empty iron barrels. Musical compositions "calypso", extracted from the drums by rhythmic beats, have long been recognized as a symbol of the carnival and the island itself. This kind of local folklore is a small witty musical opus, performed in an African style, saturated with local dialectic expressions. An approximate analogy is observed in many countries of the world - ditties in Russia or couplets from the time of the French Fronde.

Carnival - rampant and noisy - is held shortly before the onset of Lent. This is the most incredible procession that Trinidad and Tobago is famous for. The islands, Brazil and others have such celebrations every year.

The islanders begin preparations for the carnival from the onset of the New Year - they come up with costumes, create drums. The most amazing action takes place in the Royal Park of the capital. In contrast to the vast majority of the world's carnival processions, on the islands, from the first moments, the border between spectators and participants ceases to exist. No one stays aside, mulatto mermaids draw tourists into their ranks and everyone dances to the rhythms of "steel" music.

Holidays in Trinidad and Tobago

Resorts on the islands are famous for their clean, magnificent beaches, such as Maracas Bay, Tyrico Bay or Las Cuelvas. The most inhabited and most famous Russian tourists is the western part of the coast facing the Gulf of Paria. The capital and main ports are located here.

There is something to admire in the capital of the Republic of Port of Spain: the Ginderbrad House residence, Magnificent Seven Park, the National Museum, the Art Gallery, the Trinidad and Tobago Historical Museum, the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. The architecture is remarkable, dominated by wooden houses with a unique carved gallery running along the second floor of the buildings. Most of the buildings, public and private, were built at the beginning of the 19th century in the style of classicism that prevailed at that time.

The Asa Wright Natural Complex, a former coconut plantation now turned into a wildlife sanctuary, is a real treat for tropical bird lovers. And in the Karoni reserve, located not far from the capital, you can observe the life of the loaf - a representative of the ibis family, which is one of the symbols of the republic. The island of Trinidad is famous for many more sights. A visit to this amazing place will leave a lot of unforgettable impressions.

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  • Tobago is located about 30 kilometers northeast of Trinidad. This island is much smaller and quieter than Trinidad. The rolling plains of Tobago are covered with dense tropical forests, making the island ideal for fans of ecotourism. The island's forests are considered one of the oldest forest communities in the Western Hemisphere and have long been protected.

    Weather in Tobago

    Tobago beaches

    On the coast of the island there are many picturesque sandy beaches. Main tourist centers concentrated in the southwest of the island near the town of Crown Point. There are many diving centers here, as the southern border of the distribution of coral reefs lies in the coastal waters of Tobago.

    Tobago Island

    Entertainment and attractions of Tobago

    The evergreen forests of the islands are carefully protected, for which numerous reserves have been created for such a tiny territory, as well as the unique Buccoo Reef marine reserve. In this natural park you can see picturesque harbors, many tropical fish, different types corals. Hundreds of birds nest in the nearby Bon Accord Lagoon, including the Caribbean swallow, flycatcher and white-tailed nightjar.

    Local attractions include the villages of Mount St. George (Georgetown, the first British capital of the island), Goodwood, Roxborough, Goldsborough and Pembroke, the colorful First Historical Cafe in Studley Park, the beautiful building of the old sugar plantation Richmond Great House (now there is a hotel, a restaurant and an extensive collection of African art and textiles), Argyle Falls (the highest on the island - 54 m), beautiful Kings Bay (one of the few places on the coast that have nice beach with a fairly developed infrastructure), as well as the Speyside and Little Tobago Islands conservation areas, which protect nesting sites for many seabirds.

    • Where to stay: on the main island of Trinidad, where there are hotels for every taste, in particular in its capital, Port of Spain, or on the miniature and calm Tobago.
    • What to see: vibrant and eclectic capital