Antigua and Barbuda on the world map: capital, flag, coins, citizenship and attractions of the island state. Where is the state of Antigua and Barbuda located and what are tourist reviews about it? What's worth seeing

The unitary island state of Antigua and Barbuda consists of two large islands and smaller ones located near their coast. The country is part of the Lesser Antilles group of islands Caribbean Sea, on the eastern side the islands are washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Antigua is the largest and most populous, with an area of ​​280 km2. Barbuda - located approximately 50 km from Antigua, the second largest island in the country, area - 161 km 2. The state includes the island of Redonda; it is uninhabited and has an area of ​​only 1.6 km2. The head of the country is the Queen of Great Britain.

St. John's is the capital of Antigua and Barbuda, a cultural economic center, located in a cozy bay (the main port of the country). By local standards, it is a large city with a population of 31,000 people. The city is a link with other regions of the islands, main node highways.

Antigua and Barbuda has a population of approximately 87,000 people. More than 91% of the country's population are African Americans, 4.5% are mulattoes, and Europeans are about 2%. A third of the residents of Antigua and Barbuda live in so-called cities (by our standards, the capital island state comparable to a small regional center).


The official language is English, but most locals speak Antiguan-Kriol. This language is a mixture of English and African languages, but true English is understood by everyone without exception, since the official authorities reject the specifics of local communication, and school instruction is conducted in the British language.


This island nation has no official religion. The religious composition of the population is very diverse. Main religions:

  • Anglicanism - professed by 24% of the population;
  • 7th Day Adventists - 12%;
  • Pentecostals - 11%;
  • Moravian Church - 11%;
  • Churches of God - 4.5%;
  • Catholics - 10%;
  • Methodists - 8%;
  • Baptists - 5%;
  • Other religions - 2.5%;
  • Atheists - 12%.

Regions and resorts

The island of Antigua is divided into 6 districts.

The two separate regions of Barbuda and Redonda are considered dependent territories and generally constitute integral parts of the country.

The most popular resorts of the islands:

  1. Jolly Harbor
  2. Bucclays
  3. Bolans
  4. English Harbor
  5. Barbuda Resort

Difference in time

Clocks do not change between summer and winter time in this country. The time difference with Moscow is -7 hours.


The islands have a warm tropical climate with constant and comfortable temperatures throughout the year.

At times, this climate brings heavy rainfall and strong winds. There are practically no obvious differences between summer and winter. The beginning of spring is considered the coldest, the average temperature drops to 27 - 28 degrees, during the peak season (July-August) 31 - 33 o C.

The sea water is comfortable for swimming all year round. In the coolest months it is 23 - 24 degrees, and in the summer - up to 29. This means that you can visit the most popular resorts regardless of the time of year.

Visa and customs

To enter Antigua and Barbuda, if the tourist’s stay does not exceed 30 days, then a visa is not required. When arriving at your destination, you do not need to pay any taxes. Upon arrival in the country it is not necessary to register health insurance, however, it must be taken into account that in case of unforeseen circumstances, you will have to pay a decent amount.

How to get there

Practically the only one affordable way to get to Antigua and Barbuda - by plane. It is necessary to take into account the possible consular fee for obtaining a visa for the country in which you will need to make a transfer.


There are no direct flights from Russia to the main state airport V.C. Bird. I'll have to use it charter flights. Most a budget option to Antigua and Barbuda and back will cost a tourist about $700.

One of the best options is to fly from Sheremetyevo to New York using the services of Aeroflot. An intermediate transfer at an American airport can take up to 21 hours. Then another 4.5 hour flight with jetBlue. One more nuance must be taken into account: in this case, you will have to apply for an American transit visa.

Option number 2 - through the UK. Although the cost of tickets is slightly higher (about $1,100), the flight time will be slightly shorter. In this case, you will need a British visa. However, if you have an Australian, Irish, Canadian or American visa or a residence permit from one of the Schengen countries, you do not need a visa.

There are ways to fly through Norway and France with two stops, but this is even more expensive routes, and the journey may take two days. This option is not suitable for everyone.


Popular excursions:

  • Dolly Roger Pirate Ship Cruise;
  • Antigua tour (by helicopter);
  • Montserrat tour;
  • Tropical adventures.


For travelers from Russia, road obstacles in this country are not significant. You can feel at home here. Sometimes adventures await the tourist in the pits; in some places the asphalt may run out and turn to a dirt road, but some of the main routes are of quite acceptable quality. From the British, the indigenous people inherited left-hand traffic.

Public transport

Minibuses are one of the most popular ways of transportation. It’s not difficult to recognize them; you just need to pay attention to the license plates, headed with the letters BUS; the vehicle itself is white. In general, minibuses are quite spacious, designed for 15 seats, however, carriers manage to take twice as many passengers.

There are 2 bus stations in St. John's: one of them is located near the central market, the other is near Botanical Garden. Bus stations are open from 5:30 to 18:00. Great luck catching the bus on Sunday. Minibuses constantly run between St. John's and other settlements, but for some reason they do not stop at the airport. Therefore, it is not possible to get cheaply from the airport to the hotel. Many hotel and guesthouse owners provide transfers for an additional fee.


Taxis are easy to hire at the airport, as well as near large hotels or in St. John's itself. They are easy to identify by their yellow license plates with the letters TX. Taxi prices are not exorbitant, because the state regulates this type services. If you order a taxi in advance, the price will be exclusively fixed. Some nuances:

  • The price does not depend on the number of passengers;
  • The taxi driver indicates the price for a one-way trip; a round trip will cost 2 times more;
  • If you need to make a stop (for example, to buy beer), you need to expect that you will have to pay extra.

Car rent

To rent a car, it is not enough for a tourist to have an international driver's license. You will also have to buy a temporary license, which will cost you about $20. This document can only be issued at some car rental agencies, as well as at large hotels.

Renting an economy class car will cost a traveler an average of about $280 per week. A small minibus costs from $400 to $700. Some nuances:

  • The island speed limit is 40 mph (64.3 km/h);
  • Rental offices do not provide travelers with child seats, but seasoned tourists they advise you to purchase them yourself, taking into account the “ultra-modern” highways and the aggressive driving style of local drivers;
  • There are very few signs and road signs in the country, so a GPS navigator will be useful.

Communications and Wi-Fi

Guests of the island state should not have problems with mobile communications. From here it is easy and simple to call anywhere in the world, the only question is the price. On average, a minute of conversation with Russia in roaming will cost approximately 160 rubles, SMS - around 27 rubles. And only 10 MB of mobile Internet - approximately 400 rubles. per day. Therefore, using roaming services is expensive.

A SIM card from a local telecom operator costs about $7; a regular tariff plan includes 100 minutes of domestic talk, several thousand SMS and 700 - 800 MB of mobile Internet. The Internet on your smartphone will not be superfluous so that, if necessary, you can use Google Maps. This will give confidence, especially since the country is not very big.

All hotels and guesthouses offer Wi-Fi, which is usually included in the room price. But in public places this is worse; if in Antigua you can find a free hotspot in some establishments, then in Barbuda there are none at all.


The national currency of Antigua and Barbuda is the East Caribbean dollar. With the exchange of currency into the national payment unit Russian tourists Some difficulties may arise. The easiest way to carry out exchange transactions is in St. John's, since there are no banks in other cities. But even those in the capital can puzzle the Russian traveler with their operating hours:

  • From Monday to Thursday, working hours are from 8:00 to 14:00;
  • On Friday - until 16:00;
  • Saturday, Sunday - closed.

You can use a bank card, but you can use it only to purchase goods in large stores, pay at hotels and rent a car. All other services are for cash only.

Advice. When exchanging money, it is a good idea to stock up on small bills. If you want to buy some trinket or delicacy on the street, local sellers will accidentally not have change.


The local population in Antigua likes to dine in the evenings at roadside cafes. They mostly eat meat and drink local beer; a tourist can easily join their company and have fun together.

Prices in roadside cafes and mid-level restaurants

Average prices in markets and large stores

Name Price,$
Milk, 1 l 3,20
White bread, 0.4 kg 1,87
White rice, 1 kg 1,92
Chicken eggs, 12 pcs. 3,99
Cheese, 1 kg 14 - 15
Chicken breast, 1 kg. 7,75
Apples, 1 kg 7,50
Oranges, 1 kg 2,97
Tomatoes, 1 kg 4,05
Potatoes, 1 kg 1,95
Bottle of water, 1.5 l 2,00
A bottle of wine 8 - 11
Bottle of local beer, 0.5 l 4,00
Marlboro pack 3,10

Prices for travel, fuel, communications, utilities, excursions

Prices for clothes and shoes

Apartment rental cost

Name Prices,$ /month
Rent a 1-room apartment per month 360 - 380
Rent a 1-room apartment per month, in the center 420 - 480
Rent a 3-room apartment per month 1000 - 1250
Rent a 3-room apartment for a month, in the center 1100 - 1400

How to avoid problems

In general, the islands are quite safe and comfortable; the only thing a tourist may encounter is petty fraud. It is enough to follow the usual safety rules to avoid trouble. Recommendations from experienced tourists:

  • You should not give in to temptation and buy drugs;
  • You shouldn’t expect to leave by minibus in the evening; they simply aren’t here at that time.

Big cities

Since the country is small, by our standards the cities are not that large, but nevertheless...

Large settlements in Antigua and Barbuda


Despite the fact that the country is small, Antigua and Barbuda is a great place for shopping lovers. In St. John's, there are entire neighborhoods with branded stores that operate under the Duty Free system. When going shopping, you should not forget about your passport and return ticket. They are necessary to provide discounts when filling out documents.

In this country you can buy watches, clothes, jewelry and cosmetics from branded manufacturers. The local range of goods includes souvenirs, jewelry, textiles, rum and coffee. You can also easily purchase inexpensive Chinese consumer goods in Antigua.

Jewelry made by hand by local jewelers and colorful clothes sewn by fashion designers in the Caribbean style are in great demand among tourists.

St. John's Main Market begins early Saturday morning with local vendors offering fruits and vegetables at bargain prices. Only here can a tourist truly learn the customs and culture of communication of the country in which he has arrived. There is also a handicraft market nearby.


The indigenous people of Antigua and Barbuda are big fans of good food and drink. Favorite foods: fish, eggs, salads, chicken, pork, beef. During carnivals and holidays, a liquid stew is prepared in large containers from pork joints, legs and tails with the addition of copious amounts of onions and spices. Locals love blood sausage; in addition to the main ingredients, it includes rice and meat.

5 dishes that every visitor to the islands should try:

  1. Dukanoo is a local dumpling based on sweet potatoes with the addition of coconut milk, grated coconut, flour and sugar. Grated nutmeg is used as a spice. Add a pinch of salt and vanilla extract to the dish. The mixture is wrapped in a banana leaf and boiled for half an hour.
  2. Roasted corn. There are plenty of grannies on every corner of St. John's with grills roasting corn. A good way to grab a bite to eat while exploring the local sights.
  3. It is worth trying fried pork, beef or chicken marinated in local spices.
  4. Roti (similar to our pita bread). Meat stewed in a special sauce and boiled potatoes are wrapped in a flatbread.
  5. Don't miss popular desserts: ice cream, fruit pies and cakes.

Among the drinks tourists can try are juices native plants from passion fruit, hibiscus, guava, mango.

Local rum is considered national pride; Ponche Kuba is extremely popular. It is a thick, sweetish-tasting cream liqueur, which is sold in special elongated bottles.


  • Devil's Bridge (Devil's Bridge);
  • Shirley Heights (beach parties);
  • Hell's Gate;
  • Antigua’s Donkey Sanctuary (elephant shelter).


  • Fort James (defensive structure);
  • Nelson's Dockyard (historic naval base);
  • Fort Barring;
  • Admiral’s House Museum (house museum);
  • Museum of Antigua & Barbuda.

Holidays and Events

March-April - Good Friday.

March-April - Easter.

April-May - Trinity.

The first Monday and Tuesday of August is Carnival. The largest festival in the country, at this time circus performances, concerts, parades and processions take place everywhere.

November 1 - Independence Day (a holiday of national significance). Many events are held - craft fairs, yachting competitions, golf tournaments, etc.

Historical facts

  1. The islands were discovered by Columbus during his second expedition to the Indies.
  2. Since 1632, the islands became a British colony. Since 1674, sugar cane began to be cultivated here.
  3. The state gained independence on November 1, 1981.
  4. The first people appeared on the islands more than 5 thousand years ago.
  5. Below the island of Barbuda there is an underground lake that is connected to a network of caves where people lived in ancient times.
  • You need to beware of pickpockets, whose favorite habitats are airports, public institutions, and markets.
  • Homosexual relations on the islands are punishable by law, but swimming and sunbathing topless is possible without problems.
  • Hunting for fish with harpoon guns is prohibited; fishing is permitted only from aboard a ship that has the appropriate permit.
  • Local residents do not like being photographed without their consent.
  • In Barbuda restaurants there is no shame in haggling and asking to add some ingredient to a dish. Cooks and waiters are happy to respond to the client's request.
  • It is not recommended to travel around Antigua with a child on foot or by minibus. Public transport working here is not according to schedule, most the best option For holidays with children there will be car rental.
  1. On desert island Redonda is a national park that covers the area of ​​the entire island.
  2. The most popular sport is cricket.
  3. Antigua and Barbuda has 365 official beaches (you can swim, changing your vacation spot all year round).
  4. There are no freshwater rivers or lakes on the islands. All water sources are underground.
  5. Only in Antigua and Barbuda you can try the sweetest variety of pineapple, which is black in color.
  6. The origin of the island of Antigua is volcanic, while Barbuda is coral.
  7. Pirated discs are only legal in this country. In 2007, the WTO officially allowed this country to violate intellectual rights.
  8. Residents of two inhabited islands different accent.

“Look long enough at the sea and you will have all the stories you want.” Jojo Moyes. Well guys, this is the Caribbean Sea, what kind of plane. I’m always ready to smell and touch it again. So, to explore the island, I need a car. This is one of the few places in the world where the coastline is such an unusual color! Black pineapple. It looks like a tent, well, it looks like a tent, but what’s there? And to find it, go to the island of Antigua, to the end of Valley Church Beach. Today I was lucky enough to meet a Caribbean reef shark. beautiful beach to Antigua. Its name is “Halfmoon Bay”. It is a bay shaped like a perfect crescent. Bordered by stripe , well, let's see. After half an hour of waiting, it finally took the bait! white sand!

- 18 steps to the sea If you want, get relaxation. - Watch, enjoy, remember. If you want, look for adventure. - These are fantastic creatures, I’m absolutely delighted, I’m getting goosebumps. And it doesn’t matter whether you have a gold card or 100 dollars - there are enough beaches for everyone!

- I take my hat off to Antigua and Barbuda - you look like that from above and you understand that this is a real gem in the Caribbean.

- Of course, there is no luxury or frills here, but look how soulful it is.
- And there is nothing to add.

- We are trying for you. I love. - They are just so cosmic. One didn’t bite me, but kissed me on the shoulder.

- Woohoo! The holiday has arrived! Hello! - That's for sure! Hello! - So how are you? Tell me, I’m already burning with impatience.

- Very good. These islands are truly paradise. There are 365 beaches.

- How did you make it? 365 beaches, have you been everywhere?

- No, I was at five or six, but they were incredibly beautiful. Just like the picture.

I also had contact.

- You mean with aliens?

- Well, actually. Ha ha ha! With stingrays! But they really are like aliens.

They are just like that.. - This is all good, of course, Alinka, but this is just a warm-up.

- Oh, what did you do? Caught a mahi-mahi? I don't know.. - For a second I caught a mahi-mahi mahi-mahi mahi-mahi!

-Did you catch the mahi-mahi?

International dialing code

Internet domain zone


Climate and weather

The climate in Antigua and Barbuda is tropical. The average temperature of the coldest month is +25 °C, the hottest - +28 °C. The rainy season lasts from May to October. Winds blow almost all the time in the country, which become stronger closer to September. The islands of Antigua and Barbuda are located in the path of tropical hurricanes. The strongest of them sweep through here from June to November.

The average annual water temperature in the Caribbean Sea is +25°C.

The winter months are considered the most favorable time to visit the islands.


The nature of the country impresses with its majesty and exoticism. Here, in a small area, there are three volcanoes: Agua, Fuego and Acatenango. In Antigua and Barbuda you can enjoy amazing sights and aromas of exotic plants. A typical landscape for the country's city streets is lush bougainvillea bushes growing on cracked stones.

The coastline of the island of Antigua is formed by many bays and lagoons, which, in fact, are the craters of ancient volcanoes. By the way, volcanic activity ceased on these lands about 8 million years ago, so recreation here is safe.

There are no freshwater rivers or lakes throughout the state. Therefore, there are practically no large forests on the islands. Water suitable for drinking is obtained from underground sources.


The country has many interesting historical buildings that deserve the attention of tourists. Among others, one cannot fail to mention St John's Cathedral. It was built in 1683. For various reasons, the cathedral was rebuilt many times. The last of the reconstructions dates back to 1845. There is a version that the statues of John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist located in the cathedral were taken from one of the ships belonging to Napoleon Bonaparte himself.

If you want to take a closer look at the amazing history of Antigua and Barbuda, you can visit the state museum. It is located in a courthouse built in 1750. The museum hosts exhibitions dedicated to the geology of the country, its culture, as well as the political vicissitudes of the state.

The Devil's Bridge is a breathtaking sight. The stormy waters of the Atlantic Ocean seemed to carve the likeness of a bridge out of stone. This bridge has a sad reputation. Fugitive slaves often jumped from it into the foamy waters of the ocean, thereby gaining long-awaited freedom.

Today it reminds us of the country's colonial past fort james. Built in 1675, it has been perfectly preserved to this day. Here you can still see barracks, powder magazines, canteens, as well as guns that once ensured the inaccessibility of the harbor.

Particularly charming neo-baroque St John's Cathedral, which combines both stone and wooden elements.

The island of Barbuda has large deposits of limestone, so the main attraction here is the caves. IN Barbuda caves you can see real stalactites and stalagmites, admire the underground pools where the ancient Indians drew water.

In the capital of the country, a former slave market has been preserved, also open to tourists. In addition, it is in Antigua and Barbuda that you can see with your own eyes the English naval base where Admiral Nelson’s military career began.


The local cuisine is similar to Mexican or Brazilian. The diet of the local population is based on meat and vegetables. Particularly popular here are pies filled with meat, served with spicy seasoning. Of course, in a country located on the Caribbean Sea, they eat a lot of fish. Special flavor fish dishes infused with spice mixtures prepared by local herbalists.

The main drinks in Antigua and Barbuda are juices, coffee, and all kinds of date drinks.

Antigua and Barbuda, like any other major tourist centre, has a developed public catering network. The average check in local cafes is approximately $30.


Antigua and Barbuda has an excellent network of hotels to suit every taste. However, hotel prices vary greatly. So, a night in a four-star Catamaran Hotel Marina, which is located in the capital, right on the seashore, will cost $155. But spend the night at the four-star Cocos Hotel Antigua All Inclusive available for $374.

On the islands there is a practice of renting out villas to tourists. Renting a villa with eight beds for a week will cost $2,300.

Entertainment and relaxation

60% of Antigua and Barbuda's budget depends on tourists, so there is plenty of entertainment here. There are 365 beaches in the country - one for every day of the year, as the locals joke. The island of Barbuda has pink and white sand beaches that are open for swimming.

The national sport of Antigua and Barbuda is cricket, a legacy of the country's colonial past. Diving is no less popular here, because near the islands there are coral reefs, as well as coral gardens that are impressive in their beauty and exoticism.

Along the shores of the island of Antigua a restored Pirates' ship "Dolly Roger" On it you can take a cruise with a stop in a remote bay, where it will be pleasant to swim, sunbathe, and maybe even snorkel. In simple terms, swim on the surface of the sea with a mask and a breathing tube, observing underwater life. This pastime enjoys undiminished popularity in Antigua and Barbuda.

For extreme sports enthusiasts, there is the opportunity to take a jeep safari to remote corners of the islands. Just the name of such a safari - "tropical adventures"- It sounds promising.

In January and July, on the island of Antigua you can see windsurfers competing, and later try yourself in this sport.

A couple of times a week, crab races are held in bars and cafes in Antigua and Barbuda. By betting on one of the crabs, you can win a small amount.

Every spring, a classic regatta is held in Antigua, which has long been among the main ones in the world. And the island of Barbuda delights visitors with an annual folklore festival in the spring. Here you can see colorful processions, rituals, and dances of the aborigines. An equally striking spectacle takes place in August on the island of Antigua. The annual carnival brings together a huge number of people dressed in a variety of costumes on the streets of the capital. They walk along the city streets, sing and dance. In a word, they create a festive atmosphere.


There are many duty free shops on the islands. Local jewelry is especially famous for its low price but good quality. In addition, you can buy rare Colombian emeralds here.

However, the shops in Antigua and Barbuda have one drawback - they are only open until 17.00.


You can enter the country by plane. The national airport is located 6 km from the capital. There are no buses from the airport, you will have to take a taxi. Trips to Antigua and Barbuda have a fixed cost. In addition, taxi drivers here are qualified as tour guides.

Public transport is poorly developed. There are only a couple of flights connecting the main cities of the country.

Tourists can rent cars. To rent a car, you must have a national driver's license, a credit card, and a local driving permit. Such a permit can be purchased directly at the rental office for $20. Traffic in the country is on the left.


The country has GSM cellular communications, so most mobile operators support roaming for Antigua and Barbuda. In the capital and major cities you can find an internet cafe. The cost of one hour is $5.


Antigua and Barbuda has a very low crime rate, but cases of theft still occur. You can contact the police at 462-01-25.

There are no mandatory vaccinations to enter the country, but vaccinations against hepatitis A and polio are recommended. It is also not recommended to drink water directly from the tap; it is better to purchase bottled water.

Business climate

Antigua and Barbuda became one of the first countries in the Caribbean where gambling can be licensed. By the way, the gambling business is very popular here, because the legislation regarding it is quite liberal. Today, 32 online casinos operate legally in the country. The procedure for obtaining a license does not take much time: you need to register a company in Antigua (about 3 weeks), and also wait for a decision on issuing or refusing a license - another 30 days.

Real estate

Real estate in the state is not cheap. For a one-bedroom home here you will have to pay about $300,000. For luxury housing in Antigua and Barbuda they are asking approximately $9,000,000. To this amount it is necessary to add the costs of paperwork: 5% of the cost of the property will be used to obtain a license to own housing for a non-resident of the country. The service of transferring ownership from the state to the buyer will cost another 2.5%. Lawyers' services to support the transaction will need to be paid in an amount equal to approximately 1% of the cost of the property.

Although the currency of Antigua and Barbuda is the East Caribbean dollar, US dollars are also accepted here. Before you go on vacation, you need to check the dress code at the hotel. Some hotels and restaurants require certain appearance(for example, a suit for men or a dress for women in evening time days).

Visa information

Russian citizens do not need visas to enter the country. When crossing the border, you may be asked to show proof of a hotel reservation, as well as sufficient money.

Please remember that all citizens over 12 years of age will be charged a $20 fee when leaving the country.

There is no embassy of Antigua and Barbuda in Russia. The nearest state embassy is located in Germany, in the city of Hamburg, at Van-der-Smissen-Strasse 2. The embassy phone number is +49-40-3899-8911.

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Antigua and Barbuda is a state on the islands of the same name and the island of Redonda in the Lesser Antilles group (Caribbean Sea).

The state consists of two relatively large islands and several small islands off their coast. Antigua is the largest and most populated island. The island of Barbuda, located 48 km north of Antigua, is the second largest island. The small uninhabited island of Redonda, located 40 km west of Antigua, is also part of the state of Antigua and Barbuda.

Airports in Antigua and Barbuda

Codrington Airport

St. John's V. C. Bird International Airport

Hotels Antigua and Barbuda 1 - 5 stars

Antigua and Barbuda weather

The climate is tropical, trade wind, hot. The wet season is from May to November. Hurricanes are common in autumn. The best weather- from late November to early May.

Language of Antigua and Barbuda

Official language: English

The local dialect "Patois" is also used, which is a mixture of English, Spanish, Portuguese, French languages and local dialects.

Currency of Antigua and Barbuda

International name: XCD

The East Caribbean dollar is equal to 100 cents. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 dollars and coins in denominations of 1 dollar, 50, 25, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cent.

American dollars are accepted almost everywhere. Credit cards and tourist checks are accepted for payment in almost all hotels, restaurants, and shops.


Facilitated entry regime

Citizens of Russia do not require a visa to enter Antigua and Barbuda provided they stay in the country for a period of no more than 1 month.

To enter the country, you must have a valid passport (must be valid for at least 6 months after the end of your trip) and round-trip tickets. Cruise ship passengers can stay in the country without a visa if they arrive in the country in the morning and depart in the evening of the same day.

Mains voltage


A 10% gratuity is automatically added to the bill by most hotels and some restaurants. Also, government tax (7-8.5%) is added to the price of the service. Therefore, it is recommended to always ask in advance what is already included in the quoted price and what will be added later. Some restaurants list prices in East Caribbean dollars, others in US dollars, and many in both. In lower-level establishments, tips are left at the discretion of the client (10% is quite acceptable).

Tipping in taxis is 10%, although in most cases it is also left at the discretion of the guest. Porters at the airport are supposed to leave US$0.5-1 per piece of luggage, hotel staff - 8.5% of the bill, maids and doormen - about US$1.


Duty-free shops - an undoubted attribute of these islands - offer a large selection of goods: jewelry, precious stones, watches at the lowest prices.

Office hours

Banks are open from Monday to Thursday from 8.00 to 17.00 with a break from 13.00 to 15.00, on Friday from 8.00 to 17.00 with a break from 12.00 to 15.00.

Shops are open from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 12.00-13.00 and from 13.00-15.00 to 17.00-18.00. On Saturday - from 09.00 to 13.00-14.00. Many shops close for lunch at 12.00 and open their doors again only at 14.30-15.00.

Photo and video shooting

Taking photographs of local residents without their consent is not recommended.


The country has a relatively low overall crime rate, but the number of personal property thefts is quite high.

Code of the country: +1268

Geographic top level domain


The level of medical services and quality of services on the island are quite high and are based on British standards.

Emergency numbers

Police Headquarters - 462-0045.
Unified rescue service - 999 or 911.

Antigua and Barbuda are West Indian islands that are part of the Lesser Antilles archipelago.

Antigua and Barbuda is a paradise of nature surrounded by mighty mountains, the clearest waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, endless coral reefs, unforgettable sunrises and sunsets, developed infrastructure and a total of 365 beaches for complete relaxation.

The area of ​​the islands is just over 440 square kilometers, and the local population is almost 87,000 people.

The capital of the state is located on the island of Antigua and is called St. John's.

Most Big city archipelago - St. John's. Excellent here beach holiday, tasty food, beautiful nature, a variety of entertainment and a rich excursion program.

The island of Barbuda is no less exotic and a nice place, and recognized as one of the most beautiful on the planet. Barbuda has good conditions for divers and snorkelers.

The third island of the archipelago, uninhabited, Redonda, is considered a national park and is preferred by yachtsmen.

There are no direct flights between Belarus and the archipelago.

The best option would be to fly to London, and from there take a direct flight to the islands.

Connecting cities could also be Frankfurt am Main or Vienna and New York, Warsaw and Toronto.

In any case, the flight will take almost 30 hours.

Climate of Antigua and Barbuda

A tropical trade wind climate dominates the territory of Antigua and Barbuda.

All year round, the average air temperature on the islands ranges from +26 to +32 degrees, but the intense heat is moderated by winds constantly blowing from the ocean.

The rainy season is usually observed in the period August-September - December. And the period June - November is characterized by tropical hurricanes, stormy winds and heavy rains.

Beach holidays on the islands are most comfortable from the second half of December to the first half of April.

Antigua and Barbuda Hotels

Accommodations in Antigua and Barbuda are small, cozy hotels with approximately 200 rooms. The cost of accommodation is usually all-inclusive. The level of such hotels usually corresponds to the usual 3* - 5* for us. Everywhere you will find a high level of service, a magnificent view of the ocean from your room, a balcony or terrace with a hammock - also right in the room, and there may also be a swimming pool with a wellness center on the hotel premises.

There are practically no large hotels on the islands.

There are 365 beautiful things in Antigua and Barbuda sandy beaches. All of them belong to the state, and admission to them is free.

Gully Bay is characterized by the presence of nudist beaches.

The entire coastline of the islands provides excellent conditions for divers, snorkelers, surfers and fishermen.

Half Moon Bay is a comfortable place for families with children to relax – the beach is located within the national park.

English Harbor is home to many historical monuments.

Banks, money, exchange offices

The currency of Antigua and Barbuda is the East Caribbean dollar, equal to 100 cents. There are paper banknotes in denominations of 5,10,20,50,100 local dollars and coins in denominations of 1 local dollar, 1,2,5,10,25,50 cents. The US dollar is also freely circulated throughout the country (the cost of goods is indicated in two currencies - local and American).

Banking hours:

IN weekdays– from 8.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 17.00

Some - on Saturdays - from 8.00 to 12.00

Currency exchange can be done in banks, hotels and large stores. The most favorable rate is in St. John's banks.

You can pay with any credit cards almost everywhere, but you should clarify the terms of conversion (if the price is indicated in local dollars, and the card is in American dollars). Travel checks (preferably in US dollars) can also be cashed almost everywhere.

Tips are accepted (if the service charge is not included in the total price) in the amount of 10 - 15% depending on the quality of service, for taxi drivers - 10%, for porters - 0.5 dollars for each suitcase.

Tourist safety

Antigua and Barbuda is practically safe for tourists, but following simple rules will help you avoid any troubles.

It is prohibited to be topless on the beaches.

You should only drink bottled water, and before your trip it would be a good idea to get vaccinated against hepatitis A and polio.


There are well-established air connections between the islands, but there is no railway service as such.

The movement of passengers to Antigua and Barbuda is carried out by buses and taxis.

Travel by bus is relatively inexpensive, but not all places can be reached by this type of transport. settlements, and some run only on Sundays.

The taxi service operates in a very civilized manner: the cost is calculated according to certain tariffs, which will be indicated on the receipt that you will be given. Taxi drivers have undergone special training and can double as tour guides.

You can also rent a car yourself, with only one amendment - traffic here is on the left.

Entertainment, excursions, attractions

The capital of the archipelago offers to alternate a beach holiday with excursions, of which there are many available - in historical places, to museums, to sights. In Saint John, you can visit the local market, where farmers offer their freshest products, or you can go on a jeep tour, kayaking, or a boardwalk on motor boats. There are golf courses for those interested.

The island of Barbuda is full of mysterious caves and rare species birds, as well as large golf courses. Various festivals, carnivals and holidays are regularly held on this island.

You can take a walk along the coast on a pirate ship, fly in a helicopter, or swim with dolphins.

Cuisine and restaurants

All countries in the region have in one way or another left their mark on the culinary traditions of Antigua and Barbuda.

For Europeans, lobsters, shellfish, shrimp and shells prepared in a certain way are exotic and preferred. Unusual dishes include sunfish, flying fish and red snapper.

Be sure to try the lamb and rabbit stew, as well as the local sweet potatoes with coconut and herbs.

Coconut milk is often offered as a drink on the islands.

Shopping and shops

The archipelago is home to duty-free shops where you can get great deals on jewelry (even the popular emeralds from Colombia), watches and other goods.

The main souvenirs of the islands are ceramics, jewelry made from shells and corals, and wooden crafts.


Large sums of money must be declared upon entry, but their quantity is not limited.

You can export amounts within the limits entered in the declaration upon entry.

There are restrictions on the import of cigarettes and alcohol.

It is prohibited to import narcotic substances and weapons to the islands, and to export objects of artistic and historical value.

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