Meeting foreign guests at the airport. How to meet a foreign guest without paying a fine later? Entry documents

Due to the situation on the foreign exchange market, it has become profitable for foreigners to come to our country. Our family and friends living abroad are drawn here.

Let's compare. In 2015, the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia in North-West Administrative District issued 899 invitations to enter the Russian Federation for foreign citizens. And in 2016, in just six months, the migration department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-West Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow has already issued 700 invitations. The most active people traveling to our country are citizens of Georgia, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, Turkmenistan and the USA.

Nearby countries

Citizens Russian Federation, as well as those with a residence permit in Russia have the right to invite guests from abroad. At the same time, they are responsible for the entry, stay and exit of foreigners outside the country. To avoid problems with the law, you need to know the rules for the entry and stay of friends and relatives in Russia.

You need to understand that the rules are different for countries near and far abroad. But how can we determine where the near abroad ends and the far abroad begins? For example, the Baltic countries, Turkmenistan and Georgia bordering Russia are considered far abroad.

— Citizens of our country who are visited by foreigners must register them with migration authorities within seven days by contacting the migration department at their place of residence. – says the head of the Migration Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-West Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Mikhail Butin. – This rule does not apply to residents of countries with which the Russian Federation has additional agreements - Belarus and Kazakhstan. Visitors from these countries also enjoy other privileges.

If you do not register a foreign guest according to the law, you face a fine of two to four thousand rubles. A legal entity can even be punished in the amount of 400 to 500 thousand.

Distant countries

With distant countries visa regime. To invite, for example, a brother from Canada, you need to come to the local migration department a month before the visit and provide documents: an application, a questionnaire, a photocopy of the foreign citizen’s passport, a certificate of income of the host party (at least 13,760 rubles) and pay state duty in the amount of 800 rubles. Having received the invitation, the Russian citizen sends it to the embassy of our country in Canada, where the relative receives a visa.

Upon his arrival, you, as the receiving party, must register the guest. To do this, you need to provide it to the territorial migration department migration card, application and photocopy of the foreigner’s passport.

If a foreigner (even from neighboring countries) moves across the country, he must register at his new place of residence. If migration rules are violated, the party inviting the foreigner faces the penalties mentioned above.

Next time they won't let me in

A foreign citizen has the right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation for no more than 90 days, unless he has concluded an employment contract with a Russian employer or otherwise has a temporary residence permit, which allows him to stay in Russia for three years without leaving. After three years, a citizen can obtain a residence permit.

— If the migration regime is violated, of course, they will not search for a foreigner with dogs, unless he commits other offenses. But they will be included in a special list. And it will be very problematic for this citizen to cross the border of the Russian Federation in the future. – says Mikhail Butin. — Guests from non-CIS countries will not even be allowed out of the country - they will be detained at the airport, and the foreigner will have to apply for a transit visa through the court.

Translators who do not have extensive experience in interpreting often encounter problems of a completely non-linguistic nature. One of these difficulties is meeting guests at the airport.

It seems that there is nothing difficult - meeting a delegation or a group of tourists at the airport, making acquaintances, taking them to the hotel and accommodating them. If the translator does not perform any other function other than translation and a specialist protocol officer (secretary, etc.) is present, then problems usually do not arise.

However, translators sometimes face a number of difficulties. This is especially true in cases where you have to combine the duties of a translator, guide and protocol specialist in one person. This is where the problems begin:

  • With whom from the delegation (group) should I discuss protocol issues and the daily routine?
  • What to do for foreigners on the way to their accommodation?
  • what to do with them throughout the day?
  • who and how to pay for small and unexpected expenses?

This is not a complete list of emerging issues. In addition, sometimes completely abnormal situations happen (someone gets sick, gets lost, loses money/documents).

How to prepare and what to do?

Before the meeting at the airport, you need to clarify a number of questions from the receiving company or organization:

  1. Who in the host company itself can the translator contact on issues related to the visiting delegation?
  2. Who in the company is responsible for organizing meetings and other protocol issues.
  3. What is the composition of the delegation (it is advisable to know as much as possible in advance - even gender and age).
  4. What is the purpose of the foreigners’ arrival, their status.
  5. If you have to receive not tourists, but a commercial or government delegation - who exactly is its leader, and which specific foreigner is responsible for organizing the trip.
  6. What is the specific role and tasks of the translator (is it only to provide transfer, accommodation, or additionally - food, cultural program, etc.).
  7. Financial issues - whether the receiving party bears any unexpected and minor expenses, whether the translator must pay them, and whether he will be allocated an appropriate budget.

This, of course, is not a complete list of issues, but a priority one. In general, the more the translator clarifies for himself from the receiving company, the better. But the very first thing is to know who to contact in emergency situations.

Algorithm of an interpreter's actions during a meeting of a delegation

When meeting a delegation at the airport, you must immediately introduce yourself to the head of the delegation and ask which member of the delegation is most convenient to contact on protocol and organizational issues.

When making a transfer, you can simultaneously talk about what foreigners see - they are almost always interested in this, especially those who came to the country for the first time. At the same time, it is worth trying to conduct a conversation not only as a guide, but also to talk about the life of the city, its pressing problems. They are always keenly interested in this too. In addition, this approach helps to start a more or less relaxed conversation.

The most important thing is that when meeting a delegation at the airport, you should not get lost. Foreigners expect help from a translator above all else. Therefore, you should immediately ask whether the newcomers have any problems or questions (usually they appear immediately from the first steps in a foreign country). It would be a good idea to think through an algorithm for your actions in emergency situations before accepting a foreign group. This will not only give confidence when receiving this particular delegation, but will also be useful in future work.

LLC Elite Taxi "Important Person" offers transfer services to the airport. The service helps to get rid of many difficulties.

There are hundreds of people at the airport every day, so all the surrounding highways and parking lots are often overloaded. It is almost impossible for residents of the capital to get there by their own transport in time to catch their flight or a planned meeting of arriving guests. Ordering a taxi is the best solution if you need to get to Sheremetyevo or Domodedovo!

The cost of the trip is 2500 rubles.
(seeing off/meeting at the airport)

Transfers between airports
Airport Sheremetyevo 1 Sheremetyevo 2 Vnukovo Domodedovo Bykovo
Sheremetyevo 1 1000 3000 3000 3000
Sheremetyevo 2 1000 3000 3000 3000
Vnukovo 3000 3000 3000 3000
Bykovo 3000 3000 3000 3000
Domodedovo 3000 3000 3000 3000

24-hour taxi services: transfer to the airport, seeing off, meeting at the airport

A car is often the calling card of a business person. It demonstrates the status, financial position, image of both an individual and the entire company. In addition, the luxury cars that we offer for transfer are superior to all other types of transport in a number of criteria. They are comfortable and functional. Right in the salon you can start solving business issues or relax a little after the road.

Advantages of the “Important Person” taxi

  • High speed of movement. The car will arrive at a strictly agreed time. There will also be no delays along the way.
  • Equipping cars with everything necessary: ​​air conditioning, ergonomic seats, advanced multimedia system, active and passive safety systems.
  • Experienced drivers. They know the city well, easily overcome traffic jams using bypass routes, and help passengers seat their children or stow their luggage. Meeting at the airport by taxi is accompanied by uninterrupted communication with the dispatcher.

Meeting foreigners at the airport/Transfer to the airport

If you have to meet high-ranking foreign guests, then calling a taxi is the best solution. Respectable Mercedes-Benz E-Class cars are a suitable option for this purpose.

Meetings at the airport by taxi will exceed all expectations. New prestigious black cars will be waiting for you at the terminal. They can also be used as escorts. Please note that there are no additional logos or branding on the car.

  • With us you can maintain your reputation as a hospitable host.
  • In addition, meeting at the airport will save time. By ordering services, you can go about your business and have confidence that your guests will be met and brought to the right address.
  • You don't overpay. We offer discounts and participation in special promotions to our regular customers.

Meeting at the Moscow airport has a number of specific requirements. The importance of observing time intervals when ordering a taxi in this direction is almost fatal. Since most of the fateful meetings in people’s lives happen at airports, and being late in a couple of minutes changes people’s lives radically and not for the better. By placing a taxi call “Important Person” you insure your order against delays and incidents. In addition, the meeting at the airport will turn out to be a pleasant surprise for the client in the form of a kind driver and a sparkling car. That's why by placing an order to call a taxi with us, you get a pleasant and reliable way make a meeting at any airport in Moscow.

When people come to St. Petersburg they hope to have a good time here. Basically, many people succeed. It’s simply impossible not to fall in love with this place. There is beautiful architecture, pleasant weather and many attractions. There really is a lot to see here.

Some tourists come here for leisure, while others come here for work. Whatever the purpose of the trip, everyone will be able to take something interesting with them from this place.

People fly to the airport from different corners Earth. And each of them has their own desires and needs. But they all hope for a warm welcome, help and reception. And all this can be provided to them.

When a foreign delegation arrives in this city, they should first be greeted by people who know their language well. You can order similar services on the website There is also interesting information about this theme. The services mainly consist of the following list:

  • meeting with guests;
  • providing translation;
  • transfer them to the hotel;
  • assistance in case of controversial issues;
  • as well as entertaining guests and guaranteeing them an interesting pastime.

Basically, today many people speak English and other languages ​​well and are able to provide assistance to guests. In principle, in order to meet foreigners, most often, only good knowledge will be enough in English. But, if people do not know it, then they will need knowledge of additional languages.

It is best to use the services in advance. In this case, you can be absolutely sure that the guests will find an accompanying person and get to the hotel without any problems. If you leave everything until the last minute, it is quite possible that many unforeseen situations will arise.

Also, to avoid any troubles, it is best to greet guests with a sign. It should contain the name of the company or some designations understandable to foreigners. Today, it is thanks to people with signs that many people easily find the information they need and get to the right place.

Business visits to friendly companies and firms are a common occurrence when partners or clients are in different cities or countries. You can agree on a lot of things over the phone and by email. But personal contact is given special importance. Reception of the client/partner at the airport/train station is important. It is from this meeting that any business visit begins.

Not long ago, one of our good friends experienced such a force majeure situation at work. A full-time translator has fallen ill, and tomorrow foreign partners are arriving, who need to be met at the airport with a sign, taken to the hotel, helped with accommodation, and shown around Moscow a little in the evening. The company's leaders were on edge, the entire department was in panic and bustle. Of course, we helped a friend, because... For knowledgeable people there is nothing super complicated about this. So if you, dear greeters, need to meet your dear foreign guests and make a good impression on them, we invite you to use our services. Of course, as creative people we know how to work impromptu, but before the meeting we would like to clarify the following points:

What kind of people are these
- the purpose of their visit
- budget
- stay program agreed upon by the parties
- wishes of the customer.

We look forward to your guests! And just in case, we post small phrases and expressions if you still have to meet guests yourself.

1. Meeting a foreign partner at the train station / airport

Upon arrival at the site, guests are greeted by one of the authorized employees of the company, but not by management. The conversation comes down to phrases like: “How did you get there?” In the office, management personnel who are directly involved in this meeting join in the communication. Here the list of topics for conversation is quite wide.

The host Guest
You see a guest who has arrived at your place, greet him and at the same time
introduce yourself: "Mr. Princeton? Welcome to Moscow. My name
is Peter Timurov. I"m Mr. Brown`s personal assistant. I"ll show you around
the town and take you to the hotel / our office..."
You answer: "Thank you, Mr. Timurov. I appreciate your help"…
Next, you ask the guest routine everyday questions. Kit
questions may vary, but there are still a few
constant topics."How was the flight / journey?"
"I hope you had a good flight?"
"Did you have a good flight trip journey?""Is it your first time in Moscow?"
"Is it your first visit to Moscow?" If your interlocutor mentioned something,
related to your city, country..., you can ask him
a few additional questions to create
casual conversation: “Mm, restaurants? So you like Russian cuisine. What is your favorite meal?”…
You answer questions asked of you with “politeness.” As a rule, in this
In case of similar questions, you do not ask the accompanying party."It was fine / nice / OK...Thank you"
"The flight / journey wasn't good actually, because (give the reason)." "Unfortunately,..."
If the answer is positive or negative, you must say something else
about the place they are asking you about."Yes, it"s my first visit to Moscow. I "ve never been here before but have always wanted to. I heard a lot of interesting things about your city..."
"No, I was here two years ago. I remember visiting The Kremlin, very beautiful."
It would also be quite appropriate to ask: “How long are you staying
in Moscow?”, “How long are you here for?” There is also such a routine question: “Do you travel a lot on business?” “What countries have you visited?” “Do you enjoy travelling?”
"Just for a few days"… "It depends on how quickly I settle the business matters with your company."
"No, not very often. I usually travel on holidays. Last winter I was in ..."

2. Visit of a foreign partner to the office

In the office, the foreign guest communicates with the office staff and with the official who will conduct business negotiations. An informal acquaintance conversation may include phrases that the guest has already exchanged at the airport/train station.

Office/company workers Guest
Your guest apparently came to you from the hotel, so the appropriate question would be: “Is your hotel comfortable?”, “Is everything with your hotel OK?” "Yes, the hotel is fine"…
If your guest has not been to your city for the first time or for a long time, then you can ask him: “How do you like it here in Moscow?” "Your city has changed so much since I visited it 7 years ago. It has become so European" …
The guest will be pleased if the owner of the office inquires about the affairs of his hometown: “How are things in London?”
And if the host and the guest have a very friendly relationship, then you can exchange questions with him about the family: “How is your family?”, “How are the kids?”… "The family is fine, thank you..."
Other possible questions with polite offers of readiness to provide some service to the guest: "Can I take your coat / get you a drink?..."
"Do you need anything?"
"If you need to… use a phone or fax? Please say"
"Can we do anything for you?"
Other possible guest requests: "There is one thing I need..."
"Could you get me..."
"Would you be so kind to reserve me a table in Metropol?..."
"Could you help me to arrange..."
"Can you recommend me a good restaurant?"