Water boundaries of the Caspian Sea. Why is the Caspian Sea considered a lake? Entertainment and active recreation on the Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea is called the most big lake on our planet. It is located between Europe and Asia and is called the sea for its size.

Caspian Sea

The water level is 28m below the level. The water in the Caspian Sea has lower salinity in the north in the delta. The highest salinity is observed in the southern regions.

The Caspian Sea covers an area of ​​371 thousand km2, the largest great depth is 1025 meters (South Caspian depression). The coastline is estimated to be from 6,500 to 6,700 km, and if we take it together with the islands, then more than 7,000 km.

The seashore is mostly low-lying and smooth. If you look at the northern part, there are many islands and water channels cut by the Volga and the Urals. In these places the shore is swampy and covered with thickets. From the east, a semi-desert and desert area with limestone shores approaches the sea. The region of the Kazakh Gulf, the Absheron Peninsula and the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay have winding shores.

Bottom relief

The bottom topography is divided into three main forms. The shelf is in the northern part, the average depth here is from 4 to 9 m, the maximum is 24 m, which gradually increases and reaches 100 m. The continental slope in the middle part drops to 500 m. The northern part is separated from the middle by the Mangyshlak threshold. Here is one of the most deep places Derbent depression (788 m).

2. Heraz, Babol, Sefudrud, Gorgan, Polerud, Chalus, Tejen - https://site/russia/travel/po-dagestanu.html;

4. Atrek - Turkmenistan;

Samur is located on the border between Azerbaijan and Russia, Astarachay is on the border of Azerbaijan and Iran.

The Caspian Sea belongs to five states. From the west and north-west, the length of the coast of 695 km is the territory of Russia. Most of the 2,320 km coastline belongs to Kazakhstan in the east and northeast. Turkmenistan has 1200 km in the south-eastern part, Iran has 724 km in the south and Azerbaijan has 955 km of coastline in the south-west.

In addition to the five states that have access to the sea, the Caspian basin also includes Armenia, Turkey, and Georgia. The sea is connected to the World Ocean by the Volga (Volga-Baltic Route, White Sea-Baltic Canal). There is a connection with the Azov and Black Seas through the Volga-Don Canal, and with the Moscow River (Moscow Canal).

The main ports are Baku in Azerbaijan; Makhachkala in; Aktau in Kazakhstan; Olya in Russia; Noushehr, Bandar-Torkemen and Anzali in Iran.

The largest bays Caspian Sea: Agrakhansky, Kizlyarsky, Kaydak, Kazakhsky, Dead Kultuk, Mangyshlaksky, Hasan-kuli, Turkmenbashi, Kazakhsky, Gyzlar, Anzeli, Astrakhan, Gyzlar.

Until 1980, Kara-Bogaz-Gol was a bay-lagoon, which was connected to the sea by a narrow strait. Now it's salt Lake, separated from the sea by a dam. After the construction of the dam, the water began to decrease sharply, so a culvert had to be built. Through it, up to 25 km3 of water enters the lake annually.

Water temperature

The greatest temperature fluctuations are observed in winter. In shallow water it reaches 100 in winter. The difference between summer and winter temperatures reaches 240. On the coast in winter it is always 2 degrees lower than in the open sea. Optimal heating of the water occurs in July-August; in shallow water the temperature reaches 320. But at this time, northwest winds raise cold layers of water (upwelling). This process begins already in June and reaches intensity in August. The temperature at the surface of the water decreases. The temperature difference between the layers disappears by November.

The climate in the northern part of the sea is continental, in the middle part it is temperate, and in the southern part it is subtropical. Temperatures are always higher on the east coast than on the west coast. One day, 44 degrees was recorded on the east coast.

Composition of Caspian waters

About salinity is 0.3%. This is a typical desalinated pool. But the further south you go, the higher the salinity. In the southern part of the sea it already reaches 13%, and in Kara-Bogaz-Gol it is more than 300%.

Storms are frequent in shallow areas. They arise due to changes in atmospheric pressure. Waves can reach 4 meters.

The water balance of the sea depends on river flows and precipitation. Among them, the Volga makes up almost 80% of all other rivers.

In recent years, there has been rapid water pollution with petroleum products and phenols. Their level already exceeds the permissible level.


Hydrocarbon production began back in the 19th century. These are the main ones Natural resources. There are also mineral and balneological biological resources. Nowadays, in addition to gas and oil production, marine salts (astrakhanite, mirabalite, halite), sand, limestone, and clay are mined on the shelf.

Animal and plant life

The fauna of the Caspian Sea includes up to 1800 species. Of these, 415 are vertebrates, 101 are fish species, and there is a world stock of sturgeon. Freshwater fish such as carp, pike perch, and roach also live here. They catch carp, salmon, pike, and bream in the sea. The Caspian Sea is the habitat of one of the mammals - the seal.

Plants include blue-green, brown, and red algae. Zostera and ruppia also grow; they are classified as flowering algae.

Plankton brought into the sea by birds begins to bloom in the spring, the sea is literally covered with greenery, and during flowering the rhizosolinium paints most of the sea area yellow-green. Clusters of rhizosolenia are so thick that they can even calm waves. In some places near the coast, literally meadows of algae have grown.

On the coast you can see both local and migratory birds. In the south, geese and ducks winter, and birds such as pelicans, herons, and flamingos arrange nesting grounds.

The Caspian Sea contains almost 90% of the world's sturgeon stocks. But recently the environment has been deteriorating; you can often meet poachers who hunt sturgeon for their expensive caviar.

States are investing a lot of money to improve the situation. They are purifying wastewater and building fish breeding factories; despite these measures, sturgeon production has to be limited.

The Caspian Sea is the world's largest endorheic body of water, 28.5 m below the level of the World Ocean. The Caspian Sea stretches from north to south for almost 1200 km, the average width is 320 km, the length of the coastline is about 7 thousand km. As a result of a decrease in level, the area of ​​the Caspian Sea decreased from 422 thousand km2 (1929) to 371 thousand km2 (1957). The volume of water is about 76 thousand km3, the average depth is 180 m. The coefficient of coastal indentation is 3.36. The largest bays: Kizlyarsky, Komsomolets, Kara-Bogaz-Gol, Krasnovodsky, Mangyshlaksky.

There are about 50 islands with total area 350 km2. The most significant of them are: Kulaly, Tyuleniy, Chechen, Zhiloi. More than 130 rivers flow into the Caspian Sea. The Volga, Ural, Emba, Terek rivers (the total annual flow is 88% of the total river flow into the sea) flow into the northern part of the sea. On its western coast, the Sulak, Samur, Kura and other smaller rivers account for 7% of the total flow. The remaining 5% of the flow comes from the rivers of the Iranian coast.

Bottom relief of the Caspian Sea

Based on the nature of the underwater relief and the peculiarities of the hydrological regime in the Caspian Sea, the Northern, Middle and Southern Caspian Seas are distinguished. The Northern Caspian (about 80 thousand km2) is a shallow, slightly undulating accumulative plain with prevailing depths of 4-8 capes. A ridge of banks and islands - the Mangyshlak threshold - separates the Northern and Middle Caspian Seas. Within the Middle Caspian (138 thousand km2) there is a shelf, a continental slope and the Derbent depression (maximum depth 788 m). The Absheron threshold - a chain of banks and islands with depths between them of 170 m - limits the Middle Caspian Sea from the south. The Southern Caspian (1/3 of the sea area) is distinguished by a very narrow shelf off the western and southern coasts and a much more extensive shelf off the eastern coast. In the depression of the South Caspian Sea, the greatest depth of the sea is measured at 1025 m. The bottom of the depression is a flat abyssal plain.

Climate in the Caspian Sea

The main oaric centers that determine the atmospheric circulation over the Caspian Sea are: in winter - the spur of the Asian high, and in summer - the crest of the Azores high and the trough of the South Asian depression. Characteristic features of the climate are the predominance of anticyclonic weather conditions, dry winds, and sudden changes in air temperature.

In the northern and middle parts of the Caspian Sea, from October to April, winds from the eastern quarter predominate, and from May to September, winds from northwestern directions prevail. In the southern part of the Caspian Sea, the monsoon wind pattern is clearly pronounced.

The average long-term air temperature in the warm months (July-August) over the entire sea is 24-26° C. The absolute maximum (up to 44° C) is noted on the east coast. On average, 200 mm of precipitation falls over the sea per year, with 90-100 mm on the arid eastern coast and 1700 mm in the subtropical southwestern part of the coast. Evaporation in most of the water area is about 1000 mm/year, and in the eastern part of the South Caspian Sea and in the area of ​​the Absheron Peninsula up to 1400 mm/year.

Hydrological regime

Currents in the Caspian Sea are formed as a result of the combined influence of wind conditions, river flows and differences in density in individual areas. In the northern part of the Caspian Sea, the waters of the Volga River flow are divided into two branches. The smaller of them runs along the northern shore to the east, merges with the waters of the Ural River runoff and forms a closed circulation. The main part of the Volga runoff flows along the western shore to the south. Somewhat north of the Absheron Peninsula, part of the waters of this current separates and, crossing the sea, goes to its eastern shores and joins the waters moving north. Thus, a circulation of waters moving counterclockwise is formed in the Middle Caspian. The bulk of the waters spreading to the south. along west coast, enters the Southern Caspian Sea and, having reached the southern shore, turns east, and then goes north along the eastern shores.
The current speed is on average about 10-15 cm/s. Frequent recurrence of moderate and strong winds causes a large number of days with considerable excitement.

The maximum wave height (11 m) is observed in the area of ​​the Absheron threshold. The water temperature of the surface layer of the sea in August is about 24-26 ° C in the Northern and Middle Caspian, up to 29 ° C in the Southern Caspian, 32 ° C in the Krasnovodsk Bay and over 35 ° C in the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay. In July–August, upwelling and associated temperature drops to 8–10° C are observed off the eastern coasts.

Ice formation in the northern part of the Caspian Sea begins in December, the ice remains for 2-3 months. In cold winters, drifting ice is carried south to the Absheron Peninsula.
Isolation from the World Ocean, the influx of river waters and the deposition of salts as a result of intense evaporation in the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay determine the unique salt composition of the water of the Caspian Sea - a reduced content of chlorides and an increased concentration of carbonates in comparison with the waters of the World Ocean. The Caspian Sea is a brackish water basin, the salinity of which is three times less than normal ocean water.

The average salinity of the waters in the northwestern part of the Caspian Sea is 1–2 ppm, in the area of ​​the northern border of the Middle Caspian Sea it is 12.7–12.8 ppm and in the Southern Caspian Sea it is 13 ppm; the maximum salinity (13.3 ppm) is observed on the eastern shores. In the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay, the salinity is 300 ppm. Seasonal changes in the salinity of the waters of the Middle and Southern Caspian Sea are 0.17 and 0.21 ppm, respectively. In the Northern and Southern Caspian Sea, due to a reduction in inflow and salinization during ice formation, salinity increases in winter. In the Southern Caspian at this time, salinity decreases due to decreased evaporation. In summer, an increase in river flow causes a decrease in the salinity of waters in the Northern and Middle Caspian, and increasing evaporation leads to an increase in the salinity of water in the Southern Caspian. Changes in salinity from surface to bottom are small. Therefore, seasonal fluctuations in temperature and salinity of water, causing an increase in density, determine the winter vertical circulation of water, which in the Northern Caspian extends to the bottom, and in the Middle Caspian - to a depth of 300 m. In the Southern Caspian, the mixing of deep waters (up to 700 m) is associated with the overflow of cooling in winter, the waters of the Middle Caspian Sea through the Absheron threshold and the sliding of cooled waters of high salinity from the eastern shallow waters. Research has shown that due to the increase in water salinity over the past 25 years, the depth of mixing has increased significantly, the oxygen content has accordingly increased, and hydrogen sulfide contamination of deep waters has disappeared.

Tidal fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea do not exceed 3 cm. Short-term non-periodic fluctuations caused by surge phenomena can cause an increase in the level to 2-2.2 m and a decrease to 2 m. Seiches are observed with a period from 10 minutes to 12 hours and an amplitude about 0.7 m. The range of seasonal fluctuations in the level is about 30 cm. A characteristic feature of the hydrological regime of the Caspian Sea is sharp interannual fluctuations in the average annual level. The average level from zero of the Baku water gauge for a century (1830-1930) was 326 cm. The highest level (363 cm) was observed in 1896. From 327 cm (1929) the level dropped to 109 cm (1954), i.e. by 218 cm. In the last decade, the level of the Caspian Sea has stabilized at low levels with interannual fluctuations of the order of ±20 cm. Fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea are associated with climate changes over the entire basin of this sea.

A system of measures is being developed to prevent a further drop in sea level. There is a water transfer project northern rivers Vychegda and Pechora into the Volga River basin, which will increase the flow by approximately 32 km3. A project was developed (1972) to regulate the flow of Caspian waters into the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay.

Holidays on the shores of the Caspian Sea– an excellent alternative for those who want to have a pleasant rest away from the hustle and bustle.

And also gain new impressions and vitality, to improve the health of children, but does not have the financial means to travel to distant warm countries.

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General information

The Caspian Sea, which is the most large lake in the world, stretches from North to South for about 1200 km. Its width is on average up to 320 km. The water surface area is about 370 thousand km2. The level of the Caspian Sea is almost 28 meters below ocean level.

The maximum depth was recorded in the South Caspian depression and is 1025 meters.

The unique sea-lake is rich in small islands, about 50 of them.

More than 100 rivers flow into the sea, among them the Volga, Ural, Kura, Atrek, Terek and others.

The Caspian Sea is famous for its unique flora and fauna.

In its warm waters you can find more than 850 species of fish and animals, and more than 500 species of plants. Many representatives of flora and fauna are listed in the Red Book.

The sea is rich in fish, including valuable sturgeon. The Caspian seal lives in warm waters. There are no sharks or other fish that are predatory and dangerous to humans.

Nature lovers can visit the famous Astrakhan International biosphere reserve. This is a magnificent natural monument.

In spring and summer, people especially come here to admire the amazingly beautiful phenomenon: fields of blooming lotus.

Russian resorts of the Caspian Sea

The length of the coast of the Russian part of the Caspian Sea is more than 600 kilometers.

Large sandy beaches, warm sea, pleasant weather - excellent prospects for organizing a quality summer holiday.

The best Russian resorts of the Caspian Sea are located in Dagestan.

Makhachkala, Kaspiysk, Izberbash, Lagan, Derbent, Dagestan Lights - famous seaside resort towns.


The coast of the Astrakhan region has a temperate climate. Warm weather lasts from the first days of May until the first half of September.

During the season, clear, warm weather prevails ( average temperature 24-25 0 C). Cloudy days and rain are rare.

The hottest month is July.

In summer, the sea water warms up to 23-28°C along the entire length of the Russian coastline.


There are more than 150 boarding houses and recreation centers on the Caspian coast of Russia.

Vacationers can buy a ticket in advance or register on the spot.

In Derbent and Kaspiysk, tourists will be warmly greeted by the staff of large, comfortable hotels.

Small cozy hotels are also available for vacationers. family vacation. You can find comfortable housing in the private sector. Prices are very affordable .

How to get there?

You can get to the Astrakhan coast of the Caspian Sea by the following route: by train or plane to the regional center of Astrakhan, and then by bus, taxi or water transport to your destination.

The resorts of Dagestan can be reached by local transport(bus, taxi) from the capital of the republic, Makhachkala, which can be reached by train or intercity bus.


Those who wish can relax and undergo treatment at the Caspiy sanatorium, which is located on the seashore 40 km from Makhachkala.

This hydropathic clinic with healing mineral baths is equipped with modern diagnostic equipment.

The course of treatment is designed for 21 days, which gives a noticeable balneological effect.

Sanatorium "Lezzet"- climatic, sea, balneo-mud resort on the Caspian Sea. It is located 8 kilometers from Makhachkala airport.

Specialized areas: diseases of the nervous, musculoskeletal, genitourinary, digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory systems, gynecological problems and infertility.

The resort will help you combine seaside relaxation with treatment "Talgi". The health resort is located in Makhachkala.

Specialization: treatment and prevention of diseases of the joints, nervous and genitourinary systems. Unique sulfide waters with hydrogen sulfide are used for treatment.

Recreation and entertainment

All resorts and health resorts on the Russian coast have developed infrastructure and created conditions for a good rest:

  • athletic facilities;
  • cafes, restaurants;
  • various attractions;
  • Boat trips, fishing, and thematic excursions are organized for those interested.

Holidays in the Astrakhan region

The city of Astrakhan is located in the Caspian lowland in the delta of the Volga River. This old City included in tourist tours and is popular among travelers.

Guests are attracted by wonderful architectural ensembles, majestic churches, and interesting museums.

At the end of summer and autumn, you can enjoy the famous Astrakhan watermelons and fragrant melons from the garden.

From the regional center to the Caspian Sea is only 60 km.

The most common and affordable housing for vacationers and tourists in the Volga delta and on the Caspian coast are recreation centers. As a rule, these are small cozy houses located in picturesque corners.

"Dardanelles", recreation center

The Astrakhan region is an excellent region for lovers of fishing and outdoor activities.

Fishermen have long chosen the Dardanelles recreation center, located in the Volga River delta.

In the modern building, the rooms are equipped with air conditioning, refrigerators, and bathrooms.


For vacationers, high-quality meals are provided three times a day.

In the restaurant, the base can prepare delicious dishes from its own catch.

Vacationers have a sauna and billiards at their disposal. Guests are offered a variety of excursions, including to Astrakhan, boat trips on the sea and the Volga.

Address: s. Zaton, Kamyzyaksky district, Astrakhan region (base 9 km).

"Tortuga", fishing base

"Tortuga" in terms of cost of living is not very different from "Dardanelle".

A standard house has comfortable furniture, household appliances, necessary utensils, and bathrooms. It is very comfortable for families with children to stay here.

Those who wish can stay in a floating house. The necessary fishing equipment can be rented on site.

Address: s. Vyshka, Limansky district, Astrakhan region.

Country of mountains - Dagestan- offers tourists the sandy beaches of the Caspian Sea, ski resorts, unique nature and culture, ancient monuments and wonderful national cuisine.

And although the idea of ​​holidays in Dagestan is perceived ambiguously due to doubts about safety, many guests come to the republic. This mountain region is very beautiful and original.

Resort complex "Chindirchero"

This popular holiday destination welcomes guests all year round.

In summer, guests can enjoy relaxing by the sea.

For vacationers:

  • windsurfing;
  • kiting;
  • rafting.


All conditions for paragliding and rock climbing have also been created.

In winter, Chindirchero is a popular ski resort.

Address: s. Ginta, Akushinsky district, Makhachkala,


Derbent, a city with a history of 5 thousand years, is one of the most attractive resorts for tourism on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

Derbent region is a subtropical paradise with the riot of nature and plenty of sun. The beauty of the sea coast is framed by picturesque mountains.

Derbent has many ancient monuments and interesting sights. Vacationers can enjoy exciting excursions, including helicopter ones. There are hotels, inns, and tourist centers both in the city and in its surroundings.

The most popular hotels in Derbent:

  • Hotel Krasny Bak;
  • Hotel Complex Europe;
  • Elit Hotel.

The resort can be reached by train or regular minibus from the bus station of Makhachkala or Kaspiysk. The Moscow - Baku train stops in Derbent.


This colorful city located at the foothills of the Greater Caucasus, covered with picturesque forests.


The warm sea, extensive sandy beaches, and amazing landscapes attract tourists.

A combination of marine and mountain air, the presence of healing mineral springs makes it possible to improve health.

Tourist base "Priboy"

The windows of the three-story building of the tourist center offer magnificent views. The living rooms have all the necessary amenities, air conditioning and televisions. Vacationers have a clean, well-maintained beach at their disposal.

The camp site offers delicious, healthy food, a cozy bar, and a guarded parking lot.

Address: pos. Primorsky, Izberbash.


“We came for the first time from Orenburg. Nature is simply a miracle! Everything is so beautiful – I didn’t part with my camera. The base itself is a most picturesque corner. An ideal place to relax. It’s a pity that we didn’t provide complete information and came for a three-day tour.

Next time we'll try to stay longer. Excellent service. Such hospitality and cordiality is rare to find. We left with great regret. We will definitely come back."

“There are beaches in Derbent. But most of them are rented from private owners. City beaches usually quickly fill with garbage and are poorly cleaned, and this fact does not even soften the charm of clear, beautiful, warm sea water.”

Resorts of Kazakhstan on the Caspian Sea

Amazing nature and warm healing water of the sea make holidays in the Caspian Sea very attractive.

People come to Kazakhstan to the coast to relax and improve their health. It offers comfortable sandy beaches, natural mineral springs and healing mud.

Aktau – the only city near the Caspian Sea in Kazakhstan.

On the Kazakh coast, the infrastructure is not yet very developed. However, there are already many pleasant places where tourists come with pleasure.

How to get there?

You can only get to Aktau by train or plane.

Getting there by road is difficult not only because of the very long distance, but also because of the quality of the local roads.


On the coast of the Caspian Sea, winters are mild and summers are dry and warm.

On a summer day, the air temperature rises to +30..+32 degrees, and at night drops to +20 degrees.

The beach season lasts from May to September.


There will be no problems with accommodation in Aktau, even if you do not come with a tour package. There are more than 20 modern comfortable hotels in the city.

The most popular of them:

  • "Aktau";
  • "Chagala" ;
  • "Zheruyik".


On the Kazakh shore of the Caspian Sea, two large medical and health complexes can be distinguished:

  • “Kenderli” – 300 km from Aktau;
  • Steagle, near the city.

The unique balneological hospital “Chagala” is located within the city.

Recreation and entertainment


A sports and fitness complex is located near Aktau. It attracts lovers of active recreation.

This modern complex meets all international norms and standards.


Guests stay in small cozy cottages located on the shore or in comfortable hotel rooms, which include a sauna, indoor swimming pool, solarium and winter garden.

At the service of vacationers billiard room, gyms, tennis courts, outdoor summer swimming pool, football and volleyball courts, bowling alley, dance floor, bars and restaurant.

"Chagala", sanatorium

The sanatorium-preventorium “Chagala” (“Chaika”) offers quality rest and recreation. This is a unique balneological hospital. It is located on the shores of the Caspian Sea, within the city of Aktau.

Guests are offered single and double rooms with private facilities. The sanatorium building has a comfortable winter garden where you can relax and admire exotic plants.

Vacationers can visit Entertainment Center, casino, technology park, roller skating area.

New impressions will be given sightseeing tours By historical places And natural monuments Mangyshlak.

Address: Aktau, mn 1, coastal zone.

On the seashore, 18 kilometers from Aktau, there is a modern sports and recreational entertainment center “Stigl”.

There are two hotels on the territory of the center. This complex is equipped in accordance with international standards.

On its territory there is a unique sea sauna, SPA salon, fitness center, massage rooms, as well as cafes, restaurants, and attractions.

On Sunday, August 12, in Aktau, Kazakhstan, the presidents of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan signed the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea. Previously, its status was regulated by Soviet-Iranian treaties, in which the Caspian Sea was defined as a closed (inland) sea, and each Caspian state had sovereign rights to a 10-mile zone and equal rights to the rest of the sea.

Now, according to the new convention, each country is assigned its own territorial waters (zones 15 miles wide). In addition, the provisions of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea will not apply to the Caspian Sea, the seabed will be delimited into sectors, as is done by neighboring seas, and sovereignty over the water column will be established on the basis of the principle that it is a lake.

Why is the Caspian considered neither a lake nor a sea?

To be considered a sea, the Caspian Sea must have access to the ocean; this is one of the most important conditions for which a body of water can be called a sea. But the Caspian Sea has no access to the ocean, so it is considered a closed body of water not connected to the World Ocean.

The second feature that distinguishes sea waters from lake waters is their high salinity. The water in the Caspian Sea is indeed salty, but in its salt composition it occupies an intermediate position between the river and the ocean. In addition, in the Caspian Sea, salinity increases towards the south. The Volga delta contains 0.3‰ salts, and in the eastern regions of the Southern and Middle Caspian Sea the salinity reaches 13-14‰. And if we talk about the salinity of the World Ocean, it averages 34.7 ‰.

Due to the specific geographical and hydrological characteristics, the reservoir received a special legal status. The summit participants decided that the Caspian Sea is an inland body of water that does not have a direct connection with the World Ocean, and therefore cannot be considered a sea, and at the same time, due to its size, water composition and bottom features, cannot be considered a lake.

What has been achieved since the signing of the Convention?

The new treaty expands opportunities for cooperation between countries and also involves limiting any military presence of third countries. According to political scientist, director of the Institute of Modern States Alexey Martynov, the main achievement of the last summit is that its participants managed to stop any talk about the possible construction of military bases and NATO infrastructure facilities in the Caspian Sea.

“The most important thing that was achieved was to fix that the Caspian Sea will be demilitarized for all Caspian states. There will be no other military personnel there except those representing the countries that signed the Caspian Agreement. This is a fundamental and main question that was important to fix. Everything else, what is divided proportionally into zones of influence, zones of extraction of biological resources, zones of extraction of shelf resources, was not so important. As we remember, over the past twenty years the military has been actively seeking to enter the region. The United States even wanted to build its own military base there,” says Martynov.

In addition to the distribution of each country's shares in the oil and gas fields of the Caspian basin, the Convention also provides for the construction of pipelines. As stated in the document, the rules for laying them provide for the consent of only neighboring countries, and not all countries of the Caspian Sea. After signing the agreement, Turkmenistan, in particular, stated that it was ready to lay pipelines along the bottom of the Caspian Sea, which would allow it to export its gas through Azerbaijan to Europe. The consent of Russia, which previously insisted that the project could only be implemented with the permission of all five Caspian states, is now no longer required. They plan to subsequently connect the gas pipeline to the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline, through which natural gas will flow through the territory of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey to Greece.

“Turkmenistan is not a foreign country to us, but our partner, a country that we consider very important for us on the territory post-Soviet space. We cannot be against them receiving an additional impetus for development through such pipeline projects. Gas has long been coming from Turkmenistan and other countries through another pipeline system, somewhere it is even mixed with Russian gas, and there is nothing wrong with that. If this project works, everyone will benefit, including Russia. Under no circumstances should the project be considered as some kind of competition. The European market is so large and insatiable, I mean the energy market, that there is enough room for everyone,” says Martynov.

Today, almost all Turkmen gas is supplied to China, where Russia also intends to supply blue fuel. For this purpose, in particular, a large-scale project for the construction of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline is being implemented. Thus, the geography of gas supplies for both countries can expand - Turkmenistan will gain access to the European market, and Russia will be able to increase its gas supplies to China.

CaspAndyskoe mOre(Caspian) is the largest enclosed body of water on Earth. In size, the Caspian Sea is much larger than lakes such as Superior, Victoria, Huron, Michigan, and Baikal.

According to formal characteristics, the Caspian Sea is an endorheic lake. However, given its large size, brackish waters and a regime similar to the sea, this body of water is called a sea.

According to one hypothesis, the Caspian Sea (among the ancient Slavs – the Khvalynsk Sea) received its name in honor of the Caspian tribes who lived BC on its southwestern coast.

The Caspian Sea is elongated in the meridional direction and is located between 36°33΄ and 47°07΄ N latitude. and 45°43΄ and 54°03΄ E. (without Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay). The length of the sea along the meridian is about 1200 km; average width – 310 km. The northern coast of the Caspian Sea is bordered by the Caspian lowland, the eastern coast by the deserts of Central Asia; in the west the Caucasus Mountains approach the sea, in the south the Elburz ridge stretches near the coast.

The surface of the Caspian Sea is located significantly below the level of the World Ocean. Its current level fluctuates around -27...-28 m. These levels correspond to a sea surface area of ​​390 and 380 thousand km 2 (without the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay), a water volume of 74.15 and 73.75 thousand km 3, average depth approximately 190 m.

The Caspian Sea is traditionally divided into three large parts: the Northern (24% of the sea area), the Middle (36%) and the Southern Caspian (40%), which differ significantly in morphology and regime, as well as the large and isolated Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay. The northern, shelf part of the sea is shallow: its average depth is 5–6 m, maximum depths are 15–25 m, the volume is less than 1% of the total water mass of the sea. The Middle Caspian is an isolated basin with an area of ​​maximum depths in the Derbent depression (788 m); its average depth is about 190 m. In the South Caspian, the average and maximum depths are 345 and 1025 m (in the South Caspian depression); 65% of the sea's water mass is concentrated here.

There are about 50 islands in the Caspian Sea with a total area of ​​approximately 400 km2; the main ones are Tyuleniy, Chechen, Zyudev, Konevsky, Dzhambaysky, Durneva, Ogurchinsky, Apsheronsky. The length of the coastline is approximately 6.8 thousand km, with islands – up to 7.5 thousand km. The shores of the Caspian Sea are diverse. In the northern and eastern parts they are quite rugged.

Here are the large bays of Kizlyarsky, Komsomolets, Mangyshlaksky, Kazakhsky, Kara-Bogaz-Gol, Krasnovodsky and Turkmensky, many bays; off the west coast - Kyzylagachsky. The largest peninsulas are Agrakhansky, Buzachi, Tyub-Karagan, Mangyshlak, Krasnovodsky, Cheleken and Apsheronsky. The most common shores are accumulative; , areas with abrasion shores are found along the contour of the Middle and Southern Caspian Sea.

The main feature of the Caspian Sea, as an endorheic reservoir, is instability and a wide range of long-term fluctuations in its level. This most important hydrological feature of the Caspian Sea has a significant impact on all its other hydrological characteristics, as well as on the structure and regime of river mouths and coastal zones. In the Caspian Sea level varied in the range of ~200 m: from -140 to +50 m BS; at -34 to -20 m BS. From the first third of the 19th century. and until 1977, sea level dropped by about 3.8 m - to the lowest level in the last 400 years (-29.01 m BS). In 1978–1995 The level of the Caspian Sea rose by 2.35 m and reached -26.66 m BS. Since 1995, a certain downward trend in level has been dominant - to -27.69 m BS in 2013.

During major events, the northern shore of the Caspian Sea shifted to the Samara Luka on the Volga, and perhaps further. During maximum transgressions, the Caspian Sea turned into a drainage lake: excess water flowed through the Kuma-Manych depression into the Sea of ​​Azov and further into the Black Sea. In extreme regressions South coast

The Caspian Sea shifted to the Absheron threshold.

Long-term fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea are explained by changes in the structure of the water balance of the Caspian Sea. Sea level rises when the incoming part of the water balance (primarily the water flow of rivers) increases and exceeds the outgoing part, and decreases if the influx of river water decreases. The total water flow of all rivers averages 300 km 3 /year; while the five largest rivers account for almost 95% (the Volga gives 83%). During the period of the lowest sea level, in 1942–1977, the river flow was 275.3 km 3 /year (of which 234.6 km 3 /year was the Volga runoff), precipitation - 70.9, underground flow - 4 km 3 /year, and evaporation and outflow into the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay are 354.79 and 9.8 km 3 /year. During the period of intense sea level rise, in 1978–1995, - respectively 315 (Volga - 274.1), 86.1, 4, 348.79 and 8.7 km 3 /year; in the modern period - 287.4 (Volga - 248.2), 75.3, 4, 378.3 and 16.3 km 3 /year.

Despite the relatively small size of the reservoir, there is strong excitement in the Caspian Sea. Highest altitudes waves in the Southern Caspian Sea can reach 10–11 m. Wave heights decrease in the direction from south to north.

Storm waves can develop at any time of the year, but they are more frequent and more dangerous in the cold half of the year.

In the Caspian Sea as a whole, wind currents predominate; Nevertheless, in the estuary coastal zones of large rivers, runoff currents play a significant role. In the Middle Caspian, cyclonic water circulation predominates, in the Southern Caspian - anticyclonic. In the northern part of the sea, patterns of wind currents are more irregular and depend on the characteristics and variability of the wind, bottom topography and coastal contours, river flow and aquatic vegetation.

Water temperature is subject to significant latitudinal and seasonal changes. In winter, it varies from 0–0.5 o C at the ice edge in the north of the sea to 10–11 o C in the south. In summer, the water temperature in the sea averages 23–28 o C, and in shallow coastal waters in the Northern Caspian Sea it can reach 35–40 o C. At depths, a constant temperature is maintained: deeper than 100 m it is 4–7 o C.

In winter, only the northern part of the Caspian Sea freezes; in severe winter - the entire Northern Caspian and coastal zones of the Middle Caspian. Freeze-up in the Northern Caspian lasts from November to March.

Water salinity changes especially sharply in the northern part of the sea: from 0.1‰ at the mouth shores of the Volga and Ural to 10–12‰ on the border with the Middle Caspian. In the Northern Caspian Sea, the temporal variability of water salinity is also great. In the middle and southern parts of the sea, salinity fluctuations are small: it is generally 12.5–13.5‰, increasing from north to south and from west to east.

The economy of the Caspian Sea is associated with oil and gas production, shipping, fishing, seafood, various salts and minerals (Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay), and the use of recreational resources. Explored oil resources in the Caspian Sea amount to about 10 billion tons, shared resources oil and gas condensate are estimated at 18–20 billion tons. Oil and gas production is carried out on an ever-increasing scale. The Caspian Sea is also used by water transport, including along the river-sea and sea-river routes. The main ports of the Caspian Sea: Astrakhan, Olya, Makhachkala (Russia), Aktau, Atyrau (Kazakhstan), Baku (Azerbaijan), Noushehr, Bandar-Anzeli, Bandar-Torkemen (Iran) and Turkmenbashi (Turkmenistan).

Economic activities and hydrological features of the Caspian Sea create a number of serious environmental and water management problems. Among them: anthropogenic pollution of river and sea ​​waters

(mainly petroleum products, phenols and surfactants), poaching and reduction of fish stocks, especially sturgeon;

damage to the population and coastal economic activities due to large-scale and rapid changes in the level of the reservoir, the impact of numerous dangerous hydrological phenomena and hydrological-morphological processes.

The total economic damage for all Caspian countries associated with the rapid and significant recent rise in the level of the Caspian Sea, the flooding of part of the coastal land, and the destruction of coastlines and coastal structures, amounted to an estimated amount of 15 to 30 billion US dollars. Urgent engineering measures were required to protect the coast.

A sharp drop in the level of the Caspian Sea in the 1930s–1970s. resulted in less damage, but it was still significant. Navigable approach channels became shallow, the shallow seaside at the mouths of the Volga and Ural became heavily overgrown, which became an obstacle to the passage of fish into the rivers to spawn. Fish passages had to be built through the mentioned seashores. Among the unresolved problems is the lack of an international agreement on the international legal status of the Caspian Sea, the division of its waters, bottom and subsoil. The Caspian Sea is the object of many years of research by specialists from all Caspian states. Such domestic organizations as the State Oceanographic Institute, the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, the Caspian Research Institute of Fisheries, the Faculty of Geography of the Moscow State University took an active part in the study of the Caspian Sea.