Types of air transportation. Classification of air transportation A passenger has a special relationship with the carrier when he checks in his luggage for transportation and is formalized in an agreement for air transportation of luggage


Air transportation is usually classified by direction, cargo category and type of loading.

Simple transportation

Also called “general transportation” - they involve the transportation of general cargo to the destination, and the customer of such a service is the owner of the transported goods. The main advantage of general transportation is high efficiency.

Associated transportation

imply the use of free transport traveling in the required direction. The advantage of this format of cargo transportation is its low cost.

Shuttle transportation

Main article: Shuttle transportation

In aviation, this format is accepted for transporting passengers. A distinctive feature of shuttle transportation is the return of the vehicle to the point of departure without passengers on board.

Groupage transportation

Consolidated transportation is the most common format for transporting piece goods, in which goods from various senders are consolidated in a warehouse and sent as their optimal volume accumulates. They are characterized by low transportation costs.

Classification of special cargo.

The current “Guide to Freight Transportation on Domestic Air Lines of the USSR” (RGP-85) contains references to special (special) conditions of transportation: “Some types of cargo (perishable, dangerous, radioactive, animals, etc.) are also accepted for transportation by air. ), which require special transportation conditions. (clause 2.4.3) In this document there are points: - Transportation of heavy and oversized cargo (clause 2.9), - Transportation of perishable goods (clause 2.16), - Transportation of dangerous goods and radioactive materials (clause 2.17), - Transportation living creatures (clause 2.18), - Transportation of self-propelled and tracked vehicles (clause 2.19), - Transportation of coffins with the dead (clause 2.20). Classification of special cargo. . Archived from the original on March 28, 2012.

Legislation in the field of air transportation

Intercity and international air transportation is regulated by a number of regulatory documents, which can be divided into several groups. The first of them is documents of state regulation of aviation, including relevant laws, certification standards and licensing rules. The second category is aviation rules applicable to federal level. The third group of regulatory documents is the internal Russian rules for the transportation of passengers and cargo transportation using aircraft.

Separately, it is worth noting the Chicago Convention on International civil aviation 1944 and the Warsaw Convention for the Unification of Rules for Air Transport of 1929. These documents have been ratified by most countries of the world and are mandatory for implementation in Russia.

Consolidated cargo and customs clearance

International transportation of goods by air requires mandatory customs procedures. Customs clearance is carried out by declaring goods and paying all necessary fees. Mandatory payments for customs clearance of imported goods include excise tax, value added tax and duty. Indirect payments for clearance of goods at customs are fees for the issuance of licenses, qualification certificates, storage of goods in a customs warehouse and their transportation.


  • History of air transportation development and current trends
  • Federal Law “On Freight Forwarding Activities”

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    See what “Air transportation” is in other dictionaries: air transportation - air travel ozki, zok, units. ch. zka, and...

    Russian spelling dictionary Commercial air transportation - Commercial air transportation transportation of passengers, cargo and mail, carried out by flights available for public use for a fee and for hire... Source: Order of Rosstat dated 08/18/2011 N 365 (as amended on 09/06/2012) On approval... ...

    Official terminology Local air transportation - Local transportation transportation performed on flights when the points of the flight being performed are located in the territory of one subject Russian Federation - Commercial air transportation transportation of passengers, cargo and mail, carried out by flights available for public use for a fee and for hire... Source: Order of Rosstat dated 08/18/2011 N 365 (as amended on 09/06/2012) On approval... ...

    (republics, territories, regions)... Source: Order of Rosstat dated August 18, 2011 N 365 (as amended on September 6, 2012) About... ... Air transportation is irregular - Commercial air transportation transportation of passengers, cargo and mail, carried out by flights available for public use for a fee and for hire... Source: Order of Rosstat dated 08/18/2011 N 365 (as amended on 09/06/2012) On approval... ...

    - Irregular transportation transportation performed on irregular (charter) flights, i.e. on aircraft flights operated outside the published schedule in accordance with the air transportation agreement concluded between the customer and... ...- Regular transportation transportation carried out on regular flights, i.e. on aircraft flights operated in accordance with the schedule published in the prescribed manner, including transportation on additional flights, i.e. on flights... ... - Commercial air transportation transportation of passengers, cargo and mail, carried out by flights available for public use for a fee and for hire... Source: Order of Rosstat dated 08/18/2011 N 365 (as amended on 09/06/2012) On approval... ...

    Approval of flight operation of organizations performing air transportation- Flight operation approval is the process of technical inspections and assessments of organizations engaged in commercial passenger or cargo air transportation, carried out by a Contracting Party using standards agreed upon by the Contracting Parties... ... - Commercial air transportation transportation of passengers, cargo and mail, carried out by flights available for public use for a fee and for hire... Source: Order of Rosstat dated 08/18/2011 N 365 (as amended on 09/06/2012) On approval... ...

    Perth International Airport ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 Passenger transportation 1.1 Regular routes (total volume) ... Wikipedia

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    The rights of an airline to carry out international air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and mail for a fee. The granting of commercial rights is the prerogative of the state to or from whose territory air transportation is carried out.… … Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

Regular flights- These are flights operated on a regular schedule by airlines. For example, daily Lufthansa flights from St. Petersburg to Frankfurt. This is the most ordinary flight that we are all accustomed to. Purchase and order air tickets to regular flights, or you can simply make a reservation at airline offices, special agencies, or book them online on websites specializing in the sale of air tickets.

Low-cost airlines(discounters) is the collective name for a number of airlines operating regular flights. Low-cost airlines try to save on many things: they fly from cheap airports that are far from cities, they do not give out free food during the flight, they do not issue paper tickets, and in general they only allow you to order and book a flight on their websites - they cannot be bought through a travel agency. Due to this, the price of an air ticket is greatly reduced. Budget airlines are quite a common phenomenon in Europe (these are so-called flying buses), but for us they are still new. Their routes connect even the smallest airports (not to mention European capitals). The price depends not only on when the ticket is purchased, but also on many other factors. Having paid by card through the website, you can print out a confirmation, which will be your ticket. Otherwise, everything is as usual, you just need to keep in mind: some companies boarding passes without seats - whoever came first has the opportunity to choose, everyone else sits in the empty ones. The only low-cost carrier within Russia in this moment– SkyExpress airline. Very conditionally, KD Avia airline can also be considered a discounter, which positions itself as a low-cost airline, but in reality it is simply an airline with low fares. As a rule, low-cost discount airline tickets can only be booked online through the low-cost airline’s website. Some online agencies also order and sell such air tickets for their users.

Charters- irregular flights. That is, an airline, regular or specializing in charter transportation, makes the same flight usually from big city to the resort, and often at inconvenient times - since airports primarily give preference to regular flights. Very often, all seats on a charter flight are purchased in advance by the tour operator and are sold only as part of a tourist package - that is chartered flight to the resort, accommodation and return charter. In any case, a ticket for a charter flight, even if it is sold separately, must be ordered and purchased not from the carrier airline, but from the tour operator that owns the flight. On our website in the “Last Minute Tickets” section travel companies Such offers are being made for upcoming dates.

At one time, air transport was a curiosity and simply inaccessible to ordinary citizens. Nowadays, everything has changed dramatically; now airplanes are widely used not only for transporting passengers, but also various cargoes abroad. very quickly became very popular, thanks to the huge number of advantages with which they are endowed.

Advantages of air transportation

The most important advantage is high speed. This service is simply indispensable when transporting valuables, medicines and organs for transplantation, which must be in as soon as possible delivered to their destination.

Another advantage of this service is the ability to quickly cover vast distances. Oceans, mountains and deserts - all this can be overcome with ease; in flight, only air pockets can cause inconvenience. All other types of cargo transportation cannot compete in this with air transportation.

When sending cargo by air, there is no need to go through a control procedure at each customs office. Checks are carried out only upon dispatch and upon arrival of the cargo. It is also worth noting the high reliability of this method of transporting goods, since the risk of theft of goods in the air is as close to zero as possible. The transported goods can be damaged only during loading or during customs control.

And another quite important advantage is that it provides the opportunity to track the location of the goods using a special website. Air transportation provides the opportunity to transport a wide variety of goods, regardless of size and weight.

Transportation of perishable goods

The group includes all products with a short shelf life when kept under normal conditions. When transporting such goods, it is necessary to ensure special temperature regime, and in some cases, humidity. If this is not done, the quality of the product may deteriorate, which, in turn, will bring losses to its owner.

This group includes fruits, vegetables, citrus fruits, fresh flowers, cosmetic products, medicines, meat and fish products. To ship such goods, the owner of the product must provide all necessary certificates issued on the day of shipment. Moreover, the certificate must be obtained separately for each batch of goods.

Typically, such cargo is delivered on direct flights, but if this is not possible, then one transshipment from one side to another is permissible. Fresh flowers can only be transported by direct flight. To transport such cargo, a request for transportation must be submitted at least ten days in advance.

If fruits and citrus fruits are to be transported, then at the time of loading you need to take into account the load on the boxes when placing them on top of each other. At the time of loading, you must also ensure that there is a certain distance between the boxes to ensure free air circulation. If fruits and fruits are transported on the same flight, they must be located in different compartments.

Air transportation of dangerous goods

The group of dangerous goods includes substances that, if loaded or transported incorrectly, create a danger to others and can also cause significant damage to the aircraft and environment. Cargoes of this type have their own classification according to the level of danger:

  1. The first category includes various types of explosives.
  2. The second category includes liquefied, dissolved, and compressed gaseous substances.
  3. The third category includes liquids that are highly flammable.
  4. The fourth category includes spontaneously combustible and solid substances that are easily ignited, as well as substances that emit flammable gases when in contact with water.
  5. The fifth category includes organic peroxides, as well as oxidizing substances.
  6. The sixth category includes infectious/poisonous substances.
  7. The seventh category includes cargo that emits radiation.
  8. The eighth category includes corrosive and caustic compounds.
  9. The ninth category includes other dangerous goods that are not included in the eight classes mentioned above.

Air transportation of dangerous goods is carried out according to standards approved by a special UN commission. To transport cargo of this type, the following requirements must be met:

  • The cargo must be marked, a special sign warning of its danger, as well as instructions for handling it.
  • Dangerous goods must be accompanied by a Dangerous Goods Declaration, as well as an AWB air waybill.
  • must be carried out in strict accordance with IATA (ICAO) requirements.

Air transportation of heavy and oversized cargo

The load is considered heavy if its weight exceeds 80 kilograms. If the dimensions of the cargo exceed the dimensions of the loading hatches of aircraft, then it is oversized.

Transportation of heavy/oversized cargo is carried out on aircraft that are equipped to handle such tasks. Cargo of this type can be transported both in packaging and without it, if the carrier allows it. Loads without containers that are heavy are transported on specialized pallets, under which wooden beams are placed to prevent the maximum pressure on the floor from being exceeded. Oversized/heavy cargo must be delivered to the loading location exactly within the pre-agreed time frame.

Heavy transport aircraft are used for air transportation of oversized cargo. Oversized cargo whose height or width exceeds 6.4 meters is not allowed for transportation by air. This is due to the fact that the size of the loading hatch is the largest transport aircraft An-124 "Ruslan" is 6.4 meters. Air transportation of oversized cargo is more expensive than transportation by other modes of transport. But at the same time only air transport is able to ensure high efficiency of cargo delivery.

Features of air transportation of lightweight cargo

Light cargo includes cargo with a volume of more than 0.006 cubic meters per gross kilogram. The cost of transporting bulk cargo depends on its volumetric weight. Determining the exact volume required to transport a lightweight load is done by multiplying its width by its height and length. To calculate a gross kilogram, the volume it occupies in the aircraft is divided by its weight.

The cargo service dispatcher is responsible for calculating the volume of lightweight cargo. When calculating the cost, not only the volume of boxes in which bulk cargo is packed is taken into account, but also the gap between them. In order not to overpay for air transportation of lightweight cargo, it is packed in boxes as tightly as possible.

Domestic air transport- air transportation in which the point of departure, the point of destination and all intended stops are located on the territory of the same state. The conditions of domestic air transportation and the responsibility of the carrier are determined by the national legislation of the relevant country.

International air transport- air transportation in which the place of departure and place of destination, regardless of whether there was an overload or interruption in transportation, are located:

· on the territory of two states;

· on the territory of the same state, if a stop is planned on the territory of another state.

International air transportation can be either commercial (carried out by civil vessels for a fee) or non-commercial (free of charge).

Internationally air traffic Passengers, luggage, cargo and mail can be carried. These transportations are regulated by the Air Code of Ukraine, bilateral and multilateral agreements, as well as the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Air Transportation (Warsaw Convention of 1929, Hague Protocol of 1955, etc.). International air transportation of mail is carried out in compliance with the rules of international postal agreements.

An international flight is any flight in which an aircraft crosses the state borders of two or more states.

Flights on international airlines, according to the form of their execution, are classified into regular, carried out in accordance with the terms of air services agreements between states, and irregular, carried out on the basis of special permits for one-time flights.

Regular flights are carried out in accordance with the published schedule for contractual airlines based on air services agreements between contracting states. The schedule indicates the flight route, intermediate landing points, departure and arrival times, and each route point, frequency and type of aircraft. Changes to these conditions for the operation of regular flights can only be made with the mutual consent of the contracting countries.

Irregular flights performed on a one-time or group basis in accordance with special permission. They, in turn, are divided into additional, special and charter.

Additional flights are operated on the same airlines as regular ones, but on a special schedule. An additional flight may be carried out with the partner's consent, provided that the load cannot be carried on the partners' scheduled flights. An additional flight, as a rule, is operated on the same day as the regular one, but in any case not later and not earlier than 24 hours from the time of the regular flight indicated in the flight schedule.

Special flights are carried out with a special task both on the route of regular flights and on a special route. As a rule, permission to operate special flights is requested through diplomatic channels.

Charter flights are carried out on a commercial basis in accordance with a special charter agreement between the carrier (charterer) and the customer (charterer). Transportation on an irregular commercial basis is called air freight transportation.

The above classification of international flights according to the form of flight operations must be supplemented by a classification according to the purpose of the flight, according to which flights are divided into flights for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

Flight of an aircraft for commercial purposes- this is the flight and landing of an aircraft:

· to the point provided for in the flight schedule or a one-time permit, to which the carrier has commercial rights, regardless of changes in the commercial load of the aircraft;

· to a point not provided for by the schedule or a one-time permit (alternate airport) with a change in commercial load without continuing the further flight to the destination according to the schedule.

Flight of an aircraft for non-commercial purposes- this is the flight and landing of an aircraft:

· to a point provided for by the schedule, but to/from which the carrier does not have commercial rights (technical landing) and the commercial load of the aircraft remains unchanged;

· to an alternate airfield, provided that the commercial load remains unchanged;

· during flights of aircraft of government departments that do not have a paid commercial load on board;

· during flights of search and rescue vessels;

· during test and training flights;

· forced landings of ships due to malfunction of the equipment, in the event of violence or other reasons, but subject to the same commercial load.

4.2 Commercial rights and “freedom of the air”

All scheduled flights are operated on a commercial basis for the carriage of passengers, baggage, mail and cargo and are subject to either an intergovernmental air services agreement between two countries or a special government permit issued on a temporary basis pending the conclusion of an air services agreement. Special place in bilateral agreements the issue of commercial rights when flying on agreed lines is taken up.

Commercial rights, in international air transportation, mean the right to transport commercial cargo during scheduled flights, granted to the carrier by government authorities of those countries to, from which or through which international flights are carried out. Commercial rights are usually specified in intergovernmental air services agreements.

Protecting the interests of their national carriers, states, whenever possible, seek to limit or even prohibit airlines of other countries from operating transportation between their territory and third countries in cases where their national airline itself operates flights to the relevant country.

In some cases, commercial rights are limited even in relation to transport between points located in the territory of contracting countries, when the right to transport is limited to certain objects.

The use of commercial rights on intermediate legs of long-haul airlines with many landing points in different countries is of great commercial interest to the airlines operating these airlines and has an impact on big influence to improve the economic efficiency of these lines.

Until recently, international air law divided commercial rights into five “freedoms of the air.” The definition of the concepts of “freedom of air” was first given in the Agreement on International Air Transport, signed on December 7, 1944 in Chicago (Chicago Conference 1944) Art. Paragraph 1 of the agreement states that each contracting state guarantees to the other contracting states the following “freedoms of the air” relating to scheduled international air services:

1st "freedom of air"- the right to carry out transit flights over its territory without landing;

2 - I "freedom of air"- priority right to land with non-commercial

3 - I "freedom of air"- the right to disembark passengers, unload mail and cargo taken on board in the territory of the state whose flag the aircraft flies;

4 - I "freedom of air"- the right to accept passengers, mail and cargo on board an aircraft on foreign territory for transportation to the territory of the state whose flag the aircraft has;

5 - I "freedom of air"- the right to transport passengers, mail, and cargo into the territory of any other contracting state and the right to disembark passengers, remove mail and cargo delivered from any state. In addition to the 5th “freedom of air” in its pure form, in the practice of international air transportation, a partial 5th “freedom of air”, or the so-called “stop-over” is also used.

· "Stop-over" - a stop at an intermediate point with the right to further transport passengers who made a stop in this country. A distinction is made between "on-route stop-over" and "off-route stop-over".

· “Stop-over on the route” - the right of the airline to transport passengers with a stop at the stopover point. The stop can be made for a period from one day to one year (during the validity period of the air ticket). After a stop, transportation can be continued to the final destination only by the carrier that delivered the passenger to the intermediate point.

· “Off-route stop-over” - the right to transport passengers to an intermediate point by one carrier, and from an intermediate point by another, on the same air ticket."

6th Freedom of the Air- the right to transport passengers, cargo and mail between third countries through the territory of the state in which the carrier is domiciled;

It is customary to highlight another “freedom of air” - the right of cabotage transportation within the country. However, cabotage is generally reserved for national carriers.

Thus, the first feature of the commercial operation of international air lines is the international legal regulation of air transportation. In addition to the already mentioned intergovernmental agreements on air services between states, regulation of air transportation is also carried out by interdepartmental documents on civil aviation issues of the contracting states, which are concluded between departments in the field of air transport. In addition to intergovernmental agreements and interdepartmental documents, economic operating conditions international airlines are also determined by bilateral agreements at the airline level and other commercial agreements, in particular agreements between airlines and their transportation sales agents, etc.

The main commercial agreements are agreements on commercial cooperation, agreements on the registration of air transportation, agreements on the general agent, etc. The basis of such agreements is the payment of commissions and in excess of commissions for providing commercial load and selling transportation on flights of the relevant airlines.

In addition to the above, regulation of international air transportation is carried out at the multilateral level through the mechanism of various international conventions in the field of civil aviation, as well as international air transport organizations, the main of which are the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). States that have joined ICAO undertake to promote in every possible way the successful and profitable operation of international airlines. Economic relations between airlines at the multilateral level are regulated by IATA tariffs and regulations.

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