Warm changing rooms and comfortable slopes: where to swim on Epiphany. The authorities of the Moscow region introduced Russians to places for swimming for baptism, media Where to take a dip for baptism

On the night of January 19, the rite of Epiphany bathing will take place. The events will take place from 18:00 on January 18 to 12:00 on January 19. It is expected that about 130 thousand people will take part in the ceremony. If there are more people interested, the opening hours of the sites will be extended. Read about where you can swim on the night of Epiphany in our material.

Central Administrative District

  • Temple on Chisty Vrazhek.
  • Big Garden Pond;
  • Coastal passage, 7;
  • Water stadium "Dynamo".
  • Palace Pond.

All places for Epiphany bathing have safe approaches and descents to the water, as well as heated changing rooms, toilets and parking for cars.


  • Lake Svyatoe;
  • Lake Beloe;
  • Terletsky Ponds;
  • Red Pond;
  • font "Vernissage";
  • Babaevsky Pond;
  • May Pond.
  • Shibaevsky pond.

Southern Administrative District

  • Borisovsky Pond (according to Rospotrebnadzor, the water in the pond does not meet sanitary standards);
  • Tsaritsynsky pond;
  • Becket pond (according to Rospotrebnadzor, the water in the pond does not meet sanitary standards).

During the events, the safety of citizens will be ensured by about 2.4 thousand people and 180 pieces of equipment, including 776 rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and volunteers, 21 rescue hovercraft, 163 vehicles, 1,587 police officers and 60 medical teams. At the same time, there will be almost three thousand vigilantes.

South-Western Administrative District

  • Vorontsovsky Pond;
  • pond of the sanatorium "Uzkoe";
  • Troparevsky Pond;
  • pond on Nakhimovsky Prospekt, 8;
  • Chernevsky Pond;
  • pond near the temple in Zakharyino.


  • Meshchersky Pond;
  • Moscow River – Rublevo village;
  • Moscow River – Filevskaya street, 40A;
  • Moscow River – Filevsky Boulevard, 21.
  • Baryshikha pond in Mitino;
  • pond in the village Rozhdestveno;
  • Derivation channel;
  • pond No. 4 on the Chernushka River;
  • PKiO " Northern Tushino";
  • Stroginskaya floodplain;
  • Kirov floodplain;
  • Bottomless Lake;
  • Karamyshevskaya embankment, 13-15;
  • Zhivopisnaya street, 50;
  • South Tushino, Lodochnaya street, building 19.


  • Black Lake;
  • Lake Shkolnoe.

For those Muscovites who prefer to stay at home on the night of January 19, the Window to the City portal will host a...


  • Troitsk, Desna River, Zarechye recreation area;
  • pond on the Treshna River, Chernetskoye village;
  • pond in the village Epiphany;
  • pond in the village Pokrovskoe;
  • pond in the village Bylovo;
  • pond in the village of Knutovo;
  • pond in the village Oznobishino;
  • pond in the Voskresenskoye educational establishment;
  • pond in the village of Svinorye;
  • pond of the Ulyanovsk forest park;
  • pond in the village Mosrentgen;
  • font in the village DO "Pleskovo";
  • temple complex of the icon of the Mother of God in Shcherbinka;
  • Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Vasyunino;
  • font in the village DSK "Michurinets";
  • park "Rucheyok", Marushkino village;
  • font in the village of Tovarishchevo;
  • font in the village of Evseevo-Kuvekino;
  • font in the village of Puchkovo;
  • font in the village of Shishkin forest.

Here's what you need to know if you decide to go for a swim:

  • Before swimming in the ice hole, warm up your body by warming up or jogging.
  • Approach the ice hole in comfortable, non-slip, easy-to-remove shoes to prevent loss of feeling in your feet. You can wear special rubber slippers, which also protect your feet from sharp stones and salt, and also prevent you from slipping on ice.
  • When heading to the ice hole, you must remember that the path may be slippery. Move slowly.
  • It is best to plunge up to your neck, without getting your head wet, in order to avoid a reflex narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain. You should not dive into the hole head first.
  • Jumping into water and immersing yourself in water are not recommended, as this increases temperature loss and can lead to hypothermia.
  • Do not stay in the ice hole for more than one minute to avoid general hypothermia of the body.
  • If you have a child with you, be sure to keep an eye on him while he dives into the ice hole.
  • Getting out of the hole is not so easy. When exiting, do not directly hold onto the handrails, use a dry towel, a handful of snow from the edge of the ice hole, or you can scoop up more water into handfuls and, holding the handrails, quickly and vigorously rise.
  • After bathing (dipping), dry yourself and your child with a terry towel and put on dry clothes.
  • To avoid hypothermia, it is best to drink hot tea, for example from berries and fruits.
  • MOSCOW, January 18 – RIA Novosti. In Russia, on the night of January 18-19, Epiphany bathing will take place, with which Orthodox citizens of the country traditionally celebrate one of the main religious holidays - Epiphany. Almost 60 places for the ceremony will be organized in the capital. Muscovites this night will experience mild weather by January standards - down to minus 10 degrees, and the number of swimmers, according to authorities' estimates, could reach 120 thousand people. At which bodies of water the longest queues are expected and how safety is supposed to be ensured on thin ice - in the RIA Novosti material.

    The weather is favorable

    Officially, Epiphany bathing in Moscow will begin on January 18 at 18:00 and end on January 19 at noon. As Pyotr Biryukov, deputy mayor of the capital for housing and communal services and improvement, said on Tuesday during a meeting of the presidium of the Moscow government, there will be 59 official places for the ceremony in the city, most of all in the TiNAO.

    “The number of swimming participants can exceed 120 thousand people,” the deputy mayor noted.

    Head of the Moscow City Search and Rescue Service at water bodies Vasily Maryan explained to a RIA Novosti correspondent that 120 thousand are only those who decide to dive into the icy water, but those who do not intend to plunge into the ice hole will also come with them.

    “This year we are predicting a fairly serious increase in the number of people (both those who simply want to be present at the reservoirs and those taking direct part in the rite of Epiphany bathing), because, judging by the forecast of Roshydromet, the temperature will be quite comfortable. If last year there were 170 thousand people were at water bodies, and 109 thousand of them swam, then this year we predict 120 thousand only swimmers,” said Maryan.

    The longest lines to the ice holes will probably be in the Northern District of the capital - on the Bolshoy Garden Pond, in the Eastern District - on lakes Svyatoe and Beloe, as well as on Terletsky Pond, in the South-Eastern District - on the Shibaevsky Pond, in the Southern District - on the Upper Tsaritsynsky Pond and in the area of ​​the Stroginskaya floodplain, in New Moscow - on the territory of the Gloria recreation area.

    A complete list of official places for Epiphany bathing can be found on the website of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for Moscow.

    On thin ice

    However, the influx of people wishing to plunge into the consecrated ice hole is not the only thing that the organizers of Epiphany bathing and rescuers will have to face. The main difficulty is that the ice is too thin.

    “This year, the thickness of the ice cover on the capital’s water bodies does not exceed 15-20 centimeters, which means that large numbers of people cannot be allowed to go out on the ice. We are equipping special approaches for swimmers with decking with anti-slip coating, safe descents and lighting,” said Deputy Mayor's agency Petr Biryukov.

    “The thickness of the ice, taking into account a slight drop in temperature, increases by an average of 1-2 centimeters per day,” explained Vasily Maryan. “The ice will not reach a safe thickness of 25 centimeters.”

    The agency's interlocutor emphasized that on Moscow ponds and lakes the ice thickness is approximately 10-20 centimeters. On the Moscow River (where it is already frozen) the maximum ice thickness is 18 centimeters, but sometimes it barely exceeds five.
    For this reason, in all places of Epiphany bathing, the ceremony will be carried out either from the shore or next to it.

    The thinner the ice, the more dangerous it is to swim in unauthorized places where there are no railings, anti-slip rubber mats are not laid out and there are no specialists on duty, not to mention going out into the middle of the reservoir. As Maryan noted, in 2017 there were attempts to make an ice hole on their own and swim in it, but the patrols did not allow this.

    “We had preventive conversations with people and closed these places,” he explained. The agency's interlocutor noted that the favorite places of unauthorized divers are the Stroginskaya floodplain and the section of the Moscow River next to it.

    Safety and convenience

    More than 2.5 thousand people and about 170 pieces of equipment will protect the life and health of visitors to Moscow reservoirs, the deputy mayor said. These are more than 600 rescuers and volunteers, about 700 utility workers, 700 police officers and 60 medical teams.

    From the capital's Department of Civil Defense and Emergency Safety, 360 people will go to Epiphany, as well as 16 hovercraft and other equipment, including four mobile rescue posts. These are mobile rescue bases equipped with inflatable boats, scuba gear and all necessary rescue equipment, the department explained.

    Each official bathing place is equipped with lighting systems, toilets, warm changing modules, separate for men and women, as well as medical aid stations and food stations where bathers will be offered hot tea. There will be a police cordon in the area of ​​Epiphany bathing, and there will be parking for cars.

    The capital's regional security department advised participants in Epiphany bathing to stock up on warm clothing, comfortable non-slip shoes and towels, and also reminded that plunging into the water while intoxicated is strictly prohibited. In addition, believers were advised to soberly assess their health before performing the ritual. This is especially true for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

    In 2017, Epiphany bathing took place virtually without incident. In the Northern District of the capital, a girl became ill in the water, she turned to doctors. No cases of violation of order were registered.

    Believers are preparing to celebrate another important church holiday - the Epiphany of the Lord, which will be celebrated on January 19, 2018. This holiday is always accompanied by swimming in ice-cold Jordan baths - they are opened the day before in many cities and villages. It is believed that at Epiphany the water becomes holy, it washes away all the bad and gives rise to good things.

    On the evening of January 18 - Epiphany Eve - a festive liturgy will be held in all churches, after which the water in churches and fonts will be blessed so that those who wish can plunge into them. Festive services will also be held on the morning of January 19. It will be possible to perform the ritual of immersion in water starting from 18:00 on January 18th until the evening of January 19th.

    History and traditions of the holiday

    Baptism for the Orthodox is a symbol of the beginning of the emergence Christian religion, the moment from which the worship of God, who ceased to be unknown, began. After all, it was on the day that Jesus was baptized that people knew great secret worship of God, witnessing the appearance of the Holy Trinity: the Father (God), the Son (Jesus) and the Spirit, who appeared in the form of a dove.

    The literal meaning of Baptism is “immersion in water.” The Old Testament speaks about the wonderful properties of water - its ability to wash away everything bad and give rise to everything good. In pre-Christian times, ablutions were used for moral cleansing, but now baptism with water brings deliverance from sins and contributes to the emergence of spiritual life.

    How Epiphany 2018 is celebrated

    Before the holiday of Epiphany, Orthodox Christians observe a strict one-day fast. January 18 – On Epiphany Eve you can eat exclusively lean flatbreads made with hemp oil, popularly called sochen and kutya. Housewives do general cleaning and cooking before the holiday festive table. It should have a lot of meat, honey and cereal dishes. The main treats of the Epiphany table are cookies in the shape of crosses, which are baked from sweet dough, pancakes and baked pig. in the old days, the meal was organized strictly in order: first, cross cookies and blessed water, then pancakes, and then everything else. Believers were confident that the heavens would open at Epiphany, and therefore all sincere prayers would be heard and wishes would come true.

    The main event of Baptism is the blessing of water. This ritual is performed in all temples. Epiphany water is used to treat diseases, cleanse the home, and protect against troubles and evil forces. Holy water retains its miraculous properties for exactly a year.

    Another holiday tradition is swimming in open reservoirs where ice-holes-Jordans are built. Bathing allows you to wash away your sins. According to tradition, you need to plunge into the water three times.

    How to swim in an ice hole for Epiphany

    To ensure that the ritual of swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany does not lead to undesirable consequences, you must follow a few simple rules.

    There is no need to plunge into the water suddenly - go knee-deep, wash, and then take a plunge (for this there is no need to go completely into the hole). The maximum time spent in cold water is 15 seconds.

    You should take off your clothes immediately before you are about to take a plunge. The longer you stand in the cold without clothes, the greater your chances of getting sick after swimming.

    After finishing swimming, you need to quickly dry yourself with a towel and put on warm clothes. Then go indoors and drink hot tea. Remember that you cannot drink alcohol after swimming.

    Where you can swim at Epiphany in St. Petersburg

    The main baptismal font in Northern capital will be open for the ceremony at the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress - the blessing of water will be performed by Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Barsanuphius on January 19 at 13:00. Every year, more than 10,000 people take a dip in the font at Peter and Paul Fortress, and over 25,000 citizens come to the festive events. It is known that the font in 2018 will have a rotunda and a dome. Rescuers will closely monitor the swimming, and warm tents will be set up near Jordan for changing clothes. There will also be hot tea and pies. In total, as the Petersburg Diary writes, 26 fonts will be equipped in St. Petersburg ( full list can be found on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for St. Petersburg).

    The publication notes that district administrations, together with relevant departments, will ensure safety in public bathing areas. In total, it is planned to involve more than 400 rescuers.

    Where you can take a dip in the hot tubs in Moscow

    Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that in 2018 the authorities prepared 59 places for Epiphany bathing, which will be equipped with safe approaches, descents to the water and lighting. Heated changing rooms and toilets will be installed next to the swimming pools, parking lots and places where everyone can warm up and drink tea will be equipped. In the North-East Administrative District and the Central Administrative District - 1 font, Zelenograd - 2, the Northern Administrative District, the Southern Administrative District and the South-East Administrative District - 3 fonts each, the Western Administrative District - 4, the South-Western Administrative District - 6, the Eastern Administrative District - 7, the North-Western Administrative District - 10, the TiNAO - 19. Since winter this year in Since the central part of Russia is warm and the ice cover has not yet formed, it will not be possible to see ice holes in the form of crosses everywhere. But this will not become an obstacle for the clergy to bless the water. By the way, in those areas where there are no open bodies of water nearby, they will install fonts - special barrels of water, which will also be blessed before the ritual.

    A complete list of addresses of places where Epiphany bathing will be held can be found on the Moscow government website.

    In Moscow, 60 places have been designated for Epiphany bathing - 62 lanes and 10 fonts. All places will be illuminated, equipped with changing rooms, tea tents, observation posts for rescuers and entrances for ambulances.

    Epiphany bathing takes place on the night of January 18-19 and during the day in special baths (Jordans), which are made in the shape of a cross and consecrated. Rescuers ask citizens to follow the rules of winter swimming.

    In order not to risk their health, swimmers are not recommended to swim and limit themselves to a minute stay in the water. After bathing, you need to rub your body with a terry towel, put on dry clothes and drink hot tea.

    This year, about 120 thousand people are expected to take part in Epiphany bathing. The number of bathing participants varies annually. So, in 2016, 105.3 thousand people plunged into the water, and in 2015 - 112.1 thousand people.

    List of places in Moscow where Epiphany bathing will be organized in 2017

    An object


    Ice hole


    Revolution square

    Big Garden Pond

    B. Akademicheskaya, st. 47

    Coastal passage, 1-7

    Water area of ​​the Khimki reservoir

    Leningradskoe highway, 47-49

    Palace Pond

    Between st. Academician Queen and 1st Ostankino

    Lake "Holy"

    st. Orangereinaya, 18

    Lake "White"

    st. Zaozernaya, 2-6

    Recreation area "Terletskaya oakbrava", Alder pond

    Svobodny Prospekt, 9

    Red Pond

    Izmailovsky Forest Park, Main Alley

    Font "Vernissage in Izmailovo"

    Izmailovskoe highway, 73Zh

    Babaevsky Pond

    st. Kurganskaya, 5-9

    Nizhny Maysky Pond

    Sokolniki Park

    Upper Kuzminsky Pond

    St. Kuzminskaya 10

    Shibaevsky Pond

    St. Zarechye vl.14

    Lower Lublin Pond

    St. Shkuleva 2 b

    Tsaritsynsky pond

    st. Dolskaya, 1

    Becket Pond

    Zagorodnoe highway, 2

    Borisov Ponds

    st. Borisovskie Ponds, 2g

    Vorontsovsky Pond

    st. Ak. Pilyugina, 1

    Pond of the sanatorium “Uzkoe”

    st. Profsoyuznaya 123B

    Troparevsky Pond

    st. Academician Vinogradova 7

    Pond on Nakhimovsky Prospekt

    Nakhimovsky prospect, house 8

    Chernevsky Pond (decorative pond No. 1)

    st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 62

    Pond on the Temple grounds

    Nikolay Sirotkin St., 28 “a”

    Lake Meshchersky

    st. Voskresenskaya 3a

    Moskva river

    p. Rublevo, st. V. Botyleva, 41

    Moskva river

    st. B. Filevskaya, 40 a

    Moskva river

    Filevsky Boulevard, no. 21

    Landscape park

    st. Baryshikha vl. 4

    Pond in the village Rozhdestveno

    Pond in the village Rozhdestveno (behind the Church of the Nativity), Mitino district

    Kirov floodplain

    st. Isakovsky ow. 2

    Lake Bezdonnoe

    st. Tamanskaya, 91

    Moskva river

    Karamyshevskaya embankment, 13-15

    PIK "Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo"

    Natural and historical park "Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo" Chernushka No. 4

    PKiO "Northern Tushino"

    st. Svobody 56

    Stroginskaya floodplain, Moscow River

    st. Tvardovsky vl. 16 building 3

    Diversion channel (left bank)

    st. Boat ow. 19

    Diversion channel (right bank)

    st. Malaya Naberezhnaya 3, building 1

    Embankment of the Moscow River (left bank)

    st. Zhivopisnaya 50

    Lake "School"

    10 microdistrict, Filaretovskaya street, next to the beach area

    Lake "Black"

    6 microdistrict, Forest Ponds alley near building 621 A, font on the west side

    Holy spring and chapel-font in honor of the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan

    Moscow, Vnukovskoye village DSK "Michurinets", st. Arseny Tarkovsky, next to the river. Setun


    Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God

    Moscow settlement Voronovskoye village. Pokrovskoe

    Trinity Church d/o Voskresenskoye

    Moscow, Voskresenskoye village, pos. Voskresenskoye, d/o "Voskresenskoye"

    Font at the spring near the village of Evseevo-Kuvekino

    Moscow, Desenovskoye village, Evseevo-Kuvekino village

    Equipped font, Pechenka River, Tovarishchevo Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

    Moscow, pos. Klenovskoye, Tovarishchevo village

    Equipped place for Epiphany bathing in the village of Tovarishchevo

    Moscow, pos. Klenovskoye, Chernetskoye village

    Epiphany font

    p. Krasnopakhorskoye village Bylovo, pond near St. Michael the Archangel Church

    village Marushkino People's Park "Rucheyok"

    Moscow, Marushkinskoye village, Marushkino village, Rucheyek People's Park

    Bolshoye Svinorye near the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands

    Moscow, pos. Marushkinskoye, Bolshoye Svinorye village, near the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands

    Church of the New Martyrs of Podolsk in Shishkin Les

    Moscow, Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoye village, Shishkin Les village, 43

    Temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh

    village d/o Pleskovo, on the territory of LLC “New Construction”

    Moskovsky village, Ulyanovsk forest park village, block 30, Gloria LLC

    p. Moskovsky,

    n. Ulyanovsk forest park, LLC "Gloria" Temple-chapel of the icon of the Mother of God "Unfading Color"

    Middle pond of the Trinity Estate cascade

    Moscow, Mosrentgen village near house No. 39

    Pervomaiskoe village,

    Puchkovo village, Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

    Moscow, Pervomaiskoe village, Puchkovo village

    Vasyunino village, Holy Trinity Church

    Trinity Church in the village of Vasyunino

    R. "Desna" within the boundaries of the city district Troitsk Recreation area "Zarechye"

    Pond in the village of Knutovo

    Moscow, Filimonkovskoe village, Knutovo village

    Font in the village of Oznobishino

    Moscow, Shchapovskoye village, Oznobishino village, near the Holy Trinity Church

    Temple complex Icons of the Mother of God "Vsetsaritsa" and the Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth in Shcherbinka

    Moscow, Shcherbinka, st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, building 15


    Safe swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany

    Before you decide to swim, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for bathing at Epiphany. It is not recommended to dive into the ice hole for more than 2 minutes. You must wear shoes before reaching the ice hole, as your feet begin to freeze first.

    It is better to undress before swimming gradually: first remove your outerwear, after a few minutes your shoes, and only then your swimsuit. After swimming, you first need to rub yourself well with a towel, then get dressed and drink something hot.

    Immersion in cold water is especially dangerous for people with bronchopulmonary diseases, weak hearts, and blood pressure problems. If it is high, then a person may experience vasospasm or a micro-stroke, and if it is low, convulsions may occur.

    Today in Perm they celebrate Epiphany - one of the main Christian holidays that ends the Christmas holidays. However, for a significant part of young people this day has become a fashionable reason to overcome themselves - to dive into an ice hole. Be that as it may, you need to take ice baths wisely and in the right places. “P-Journal” collected valuable advice from “experienced” people, found out the opinion of a cardiologist and asked the most famous meteorologist in the Perm region about the weather on Epiphany night.

    Safety precautions

    1. Get into the water as quickly as possible.
    You shouldn’t hesitate, “test” the water with your foot and hesitate at the edge of the ice. We quickly entered, quickly took a dip and ran into the warmth.

    2. From 10 to 20 seconds is the optimal time to stay in the water.
    For those who are diving for the first time, 10 seconds is enough - during this time you can dive into the water three times.

    3. After leaving, you should not actively dry yourself.
    Active rubbing after ice water and in the cold can damage the fragile small capillaries of the skin. Just pat your body dry with a towel.

    4. Get dressed quickly!
    To do this, you need to make sure in advance that your clothes have a minimum number of fasteners and buttons.

    5. After swimming - physical activity.
    The best way to warm up is to do some physical exercise, for example, jogging, and drink a cup of hot (not strong!) drink in a warm room.

    The most common mistakes

    A sharp temperature difference between the body and head can provoke vasospasm. Therefore, immerse yourself completely, after putting on a swimming cap if you have long hair. Diet bread and fruits are unlikely to be able to provide the energy the body needs in the right quantity. The best solution on the eve of swimming is lard with black bread, nuts, dried apricots, raisins. The reason is the same as with a towel - possible microtraumas. IN ice water heated muscles can also be injured. The blood vessels dilate only for a short time; then you risk freezing very quickly.

    You can't dive into the water

    children under 6 years old; pregnant women; people with acute diseases, as well as chronic ones in the acute stage, especially for those with urinary tract diseases and gynecological inflammations; heart patients, hypertension and diabetics.

    So after all... to dive or not to dive?

    Here's what experts and Perm residents who have already done this say:

    Sergey Dybal, cardiologist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences:
    – I myself have never dived into an ice hole, I won’t, and I don’t advise you, there’s no benefit from it. Urologists are also against it, since it is easy to develop acute prostatitis. In general, alternating hot and cold is a dangerous thing. This is an extreme load on the body. If you want to harden up, you need to do this gradually, starting with a contrast shower.

    On the other hand, according to Sergei Dybal, if you are a completely healthy person, then there will be no harm from diving into an ice hole, the main thing is to follow the rules stated above.


    Elena Petrova:
    - Put on boots big size, swimsuit and terry robe, bring a towel. You take off your robe and dive right in! Cheerfulness, great mood, you get out of the water and it’s very warm. I dived twice and plan to do more. It's nice that every year organized places they put up tents for those people who do not have the opportunity to quickly run away somewhere to stay warm. There you can change into dry clothes. Then you get in the car and go straight to the bathhouse. Bliss!

    Grigory Loginov:
    – The first time I dived was as an experiment. Then I was engaged in spiritual practices, and there was a suitable state of mind. I can say that on these holy days, it is impossible to get sick in holy water.

    I remember diving for the first time, and it was as if an emptiness had formed inside. It was neither cold nor hot, and then I began to observe the state of my soul and thoughts - there was silence there, and I waited for what would fill it. Will it be a surge of energy, or depression, or will I even get sick? This is a very subtle state, I don’t know what to compare it with. Every time everything is special, different sensations.

    The main thing is to maintain a state of calm, do not think about yourself, about problems, about how cold it is. You have to think that when you enter the water, you give off energy into space.

    As much as God needs, he will take as much. In this state it is very easy to plunge. After this, the main thing is to keep your head warm, cover it with something, and your body will not freeze, even if you dive again.

    The sensations are indescribable, it’s not like being in a bathhouse – from warm to cold and back again. Basically, you just take off your clothes outside and go into the water.


    Maria Starkova:
    – Once about 6 years ago, I went with my relatives to plunge into the font. It’s something like a well, it has a fixed bottom, you can’t drown or slip, and it’s hidden from view and it’s convenient to undress. Mom was the first to take a dip: the sight is shocking - after the first dip, the breath stops, and the person cannot inhale air, he lets go only after a minute, but during this time you manage to plunge 3 times. I couldn’t climb all the way in because my body immediately cramped. So they poured water on me from above. I lay with a fever for 4 days. Most likely, she just let herself go, everything went down into her lungs.

    In general, of course, it’s worth a try, but be sure to do it in a friendly company, so that they can help you, warm you up, and clothe you - everyone’s reaction is different.

    Ilya Novozhilov:
    – I believe that swimming in an ice hole is very dangerous for both men’s and women’s health. If we talk about the religious component, Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, and it was warm there. When the body is not hardened, there is no point in exposing it to such stress. This is a tribute to fashion.

    Experts confirm that swimming on Epiphany night is stressful for the body.

    Epiphany frosts and Epiphany rains

    According to the forecast, at Epiphany in 2018 the temperature is expected to be slightly below the climate norm: about -18... -20 degrees below zero. Can such weather be considered Epiphany frost?

    Andrey Shikhov, GIS Center Engineer at Perm State National Research University:
    – In general, the concept of “Epiphany frosts” does not exist. If we take the average climate norm for 30-50 years, then it does not change significantly within a month. That is, cold weather can happen with equal probability or not. Perhaps everyone still can’t forget the abnormal frosts of 2006, which happened on January 16-20. But at the same time, Epiphany rains also occurred during this period.

    “We should expect significant cooling on January 22-23. There will be a strong wind, which will make the frost even more noticeable,”– Andrey Shikhov summarizes. So we can consider that Perm residents were lucky with the weather for the holiday.

    Three places for swimming will be equipped in the city. In the Sverdlovsk region - on Pristantsionnaya Street, 38 (on the territory of the Mother of God of Kazan Seraphim-Alekseevsky Monastery). In the Motovilikha district - in Verkhnyaya Kurya, on 1 line street, 53 (in the area near the Church of the Epiphany) and on the Motovilikha pond. They will all be sanctified.

    The bathtubs in these places will be equipped with special handrails and gangways. Near the swimming pools there will be places where everyone can change clothes and warm up.

    In addition, those who wish to plunge into the font can do so in the Perm region in seven rural settlements. For example, a specially equipped place and duty of the relevant services will be organized in the village of Gamovo on the Timinsky pond behind the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. In the village of Lobanovo, two swimming pools will be installed at once: on the Mulyanka River before entering the village of Kochkino immediately from the bridge and in the village of Koltsovo on the Syra River in front of the road bridge.

    author of the article Marina Zamyatina, photo from personal archive

    Marina Zamyatina