How much does it cost to take money to Thailand? How much money to take to Thailand - how much you need per day

Let's try to calculate how much money to take to Thailand... Fabulous and unpredictable Thailand attracts tourists from all over the world. Thousands of our compatriots flock to the warm Thai beaches to soak up the gentle sun, enjoy unprecedented landscapes and visit the most interesting and unusual places.

What is the cost of a trip to Thailand?

The question of how much money you need to take to Thailand is definitely not easy to answer. The cost of a vacation consists of several components: the level of comfort, length of stay at the resort and your needs. For example, some people like to visit expensive restaurants, while for others it is enough to get by with a budget snack in a cafe.

The most expensive are air travel and accommodation. At the height of the season, the cost of air tickets Moscow - Phuket is $250-300, Moscow - Bangkok a little more than $200. Closer to December-January, the cost of air travel increases, as this period is considered the high season.

Important! If you purchase your air ticket in advance, you can save a lot of money.

The total cost of the trip is affected by the apartment chosen for accommodation. Prices for such a service depend on comfort and distance from the sea.

How much does a trip to Thailand cost?

How much money to take to Thailand is determined by the cost of the trip, which differs at different times of the year. The cheapest tours are in the summer, the most expensive are in the winter, when the country is in high season. It makes no sense to go to the resort in the summer, since the rainy season is coming and a quality vacation will be in jeopardy.

Let's try to figure out how much money to take to Thailand for a week. A vacation lasting 2 weeks will require approximately 25,000 - 40,000 baht (this amount does not include airfare). A week's holiday will cost approximately 15,000 - 20,000 baht.

For a month-long trip you will have to leave 50,000 - 60,000 baht, and the last amount will allow you to live without depriving yourself of anything (without fanaticism).

This picture represents a typical holiday without any frills, but with all the necessary conditions. The most economical tourists can spend a modest amount of 20,000 baht per month.

Don't forget about different ideas about comfort. If you come to Thailand and stay in a 2-star hotel, which will cost 400 baht per day, eat in accessible cafes, are not interested in the sights and do not buy souvenirs, then you can easily spend 10,000 - 15,000 baht in 14 days.

That is why it is necessary to decide in advance for yourself what kind of vacation you need and, based on this, estimate how much money to take with you to Thailand.

Deciding in what currency to take money with you

The local currency in Thailand is the Thai baht. Today the exchange rate is: 1 Russian ruble = 0.52 Thai baht. For 1 dollar they offer 32.68 Thai baht.

When going to Thailand, it is better to take dollars or euros with you. It is recommended to prepare them in advance. There is no need to change money at the airport. Typically this is where the exchange rate is worst. In addition, you need to remember that in this country large and small bills are exchanged at different rates.

If you have nothing to pay for a taxi, then try to negotiate payment for the trip at the place of delivery, since you need an exchanger. This practice is common.

Important! Everywhere in this country, payments are made exclusively in local currency.

Thai ATMs only dispense currency in baht. It is beneficial to use a dollar card, from which dollars are immediately converted into baht. If the card is in rubles, then first the transfer takes place into dollars, and only then into baht, this is not very profitable.

You can take very little rubles, it is possible that they will come in handy at the airport.

How much can you rent a hotel for?

Those who purchase a ticket do not have to worry about accommodation: this issue is handled by the travel agency. When going on vacation on your own, you will have to come to grips with the issue of choosing an apartment to stay in.

The cost of housing depends on the features of comfort. You can limit yourself to a guesthouse for 50-100 baht per person. Or you can stay in a luxury 5-star hotel with security and fabulous service for $1,000 or more per day.

Important! Accommodation in Thailand is considered per night, from 14.00 today until 12.00 tomorrow.

On average, the cost of a 3-star hotel varies between 1500-3000 baht and guesthouses - 1000-1500 baht per day. Let us remind you that this figure will change depending on what season it is, how far away from the sea it is, the number of rooms and the volume of services.

Modern technical conditions allow you to choose and book a hotel via the Internet, while being thousands of kilometers from your vacation spot. It is better to pay in advance, too, using the Internet.

Otherwise, upon arriving at the place, you may encounter a problem such as a lack of available seats, or the prices will be slightly different from those offered online.

Thus, by stating the facts that determine how much money to take to Thailand, you can estimate the cost of living. Staying in a cozy guesthouse for 10 days will cost 10,000 baht, or approximately $340.

In the high season (November-January), the same hotels and apartments will cost you 2 or even 3 times more.

Food expenses: cafes, restaurants, shops

When deciding how much money to take to Thailand, you should first decide what exactly you plan to eat there, and most importantly, where. Calculating the cost of food is easy. You should focus on the price for lunch in traditional Thai cuisine without any frills.


You should also take into account that breakfast is included in the price of your stay at the hotel. If such a service is not provided, then any cafe will offer you a hearty breakfast for 100-150 baht.

For lunch, on average, you will have to pay from 200 to 500 baht, and this does not include alcoholic beverages. Of course, you can get by on a modest basis, having lunch for 50-100 baht, but this is an economical option.

Dinner will cost about the same as lunch, provided you don't go fancy.


The prices in the restaurant are different. A meal in a luxurious establishment will cost 1000 – 2000 baht per person.

Thus, through simple mathematical calculations, we can state that it will cost approximately 700 baht to feed a person per day. For 10 days of rest you will need 7,000 baht (about $240).


You can try inexpensive Thai cuisine at markets and makashnitsa - mobile mini-kitchens. There are a lot of them on the streets of the resort. Here you can have a snack on barbecue, sausages, all kinds of seafood, etc.

Makashnits begin to actively trade in the evening, after 18.00. The prices for some dishes in such establishments during the season will pleasantly surprise you:

  • Grilled sausage – 10 baht;
  • Kebabs

pork – 10 baht;

chicken – 20 baht;

octopus – 20-40 baht;

cuttlefish – 30-50 baht;

squid – 20 baht;

  • Large chicken leg, grilled – 30-40 baht;
  • Grilled chicken – 115 baht.

In addition, you can buy leans, noodles and a variety of seafood here.

  • Rice and chicken omelette – from 45 baht;
  • Rice with duck – 75 baht;
  • Noodle soup with soy balls – from 40 baht;
  • Grilled fish – from 100 baht;
  • Tom Yam soup – from 70 baht, etc.

Water in such a place costs 10 baht.

Thus, if you eat in makashnitsa, then it will take about 150-180 baht to feed one person per day, which is equal to 5-6 dollars. At the same time, his daily menu can be compiled competently, so that it is satisfying, varied and, of course, tasty.

For example, have breakfast with rice and duck or an omelet, lunch with Tom Yam soup or noodle soup, and dinner with shish kebab and rice.

Cooking on your own

Some tourists prefer to buy groceries and cook their own meals at home. In this case, if you buy groceries in a supermarket, then for 2 weeks the whole family will need at least 5,000 - 6,000 baht. If you go on vacation to popular resorts, such as Phuket, then you can safely add 25-30% to the prices.

Transport rental and travel costs

When deciding how much money to take to Thailand, you should decide on renting a car. Traveling in a rented car is very convenient and will save time.

The cost of car rental in the low season (April - October) depends on what exactly you prefer to travel in another country. You can rent a bike for 200-400 baht per day. But some people will only be satisfied with a luxury car. But you will have to pay 1000 - 2000 baht per day for it.

Public transport is the most economical means of traveling in another country. A ticket costs 10-40 baht, depending on the route.

For those who do not plan to actively move around Thailand, 1000 baht for transport will be enough.

Prices for entertainment and excursions

When calculating how much money you need for a trip to Thailand, you should also take into account possible entertainment, without which the vacation will not be complete.


Excursions are a very popular business at the resort. This should be taken into account when planning how much money to take with you to Thailand. They can be different, depending on the duration, saturation, availability of food and transport. Therefore, it is difficult to say definitively how much this type of entertainment will cost. Most excursions cost between 500-4000 baht.


Communication will not cost a lot of money. 500 baht is enough for two weeks. For this amount you can call home. But it’s much smarter not to spend any time on communication and talk to your family on Skype. Wi-Fi is free in local cafes and most hotels. But still, before booking a place to stay, it makes sense to ask how things are with free Internet there.


It's better to buy everything you want, but in moderation. How much money to take to Thailand for shopping depends on the tourist’s appetites. For some, 3000 is not enough, while others will be able to meet even more modest amounts.


Visiting Thailand and not trying Thai massage is an unforgivable omission. The cost of one massage session lasting 1 hour is 200-350 baht. One foot massage will cost you 150 baht.

Cost of alcohol and cigarettes

When going to Thailand, you need to learn one unshakable rule - you cannot take more than 1 pack of cigarettes per adult. Otherwise, you can run into a hefty fine. 1 pack of cigarettes in this country costs about 500 baht or 150 dollars.

In Pattaya, 1 pack of cigarettes can be purchased for 100 baht or more. Therefore, it is much more profitable to smoke your own or quit completely.

It's a little easier with alcohol. Firstly, it is not that expensive. For a liter bottle of whiskey you will pay 290 baht. Gin costs about 400 baht per liter. The price of a bottle of beer is from 40 baht. Exported alcohol will be expensive. For example, a bottle of vodka costs 900 baht.

Important! Alcohol is not sold between 14.00 and 15.00 in the evening and in the morning. You can purchase alcoholic beverages from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Running out of money - what to do?

No matter how carefully you plan how much money to take to Thailand, Phuket, it still often happens that the money has run out and there is no vacation yet. This can be fixed. You can use the Western Union service, thanks to which your relatives from Russia will be able to instantly transfer you the required amount of money. When making a transfer, a special secret transaction code is assigned, which the sender sends to you via SMS message. This number and passport are required to receive a money transfer.

Incidental expenses at the resort

When planning how much money to take to Thailand, the temptations that await you on vacation are often not taken into account. It's hard to imagine a vacation without unexpected expenses. Ideally, you should worry in advance about an emergency reserve that will come to the rescue in difficult times. You can put 10,000 - 15,000 baht on the card and use it only in case of emergency.

To Thailand for the winter

When planning how much money you need to travel to Thailand, the duration of the trip should also be taken into account. For six months or even a couple of months, the amount required will be different. How much money do you need for wintering in Thailand and what does it consist of? (Calculations are based on monthly accommodation for 2 people, and how much is needed for six months can be easily calculated).

  • Meals (this also includes alcohol and various delicacies) – about $400;
  • Accommodation - from 4,000 to 12,000 baht. If the rental property is planned for a long period, then the tenant will pay for electricity and water himself. Electricity in this case will cost 1500 – 2000 baht;
  • To rent housing, a deposit is required (this is a certain amount of money that is returned to the guest at the end of the lease);
  • Rent a bike – about 100 baht, plus a deposit – 1000 baht;
  • You can rent a car - from $300 a month;
  • When planning how much money you need to spend the winter in Thailand, it is important to take care of medical insurance. It must be completed in advance. Medicine in Thailand is very expensive. Even for a simple visit to the doctor, the clinic can charge a considerable amount of money. Getting insurance will cost from $50.

Thus, when calculating how much money you need for a trip to Thailand, you can safely rely on the following calculations: per month for 2 people you will need 800 - 1000 dollars. And the basis is not the most economical option.

For those who are traveling to this fabulous country for the first time, it is important not only to know how much money to take to Thailand for a week, but also how to properly behave in a foreign country so as not to get into an absurd situation. There are certain rules that every tourist, and especially beginners, should remember:

  • Under no circumstances should you leave your passport as collateral to anyone. This is a surefire way to scam you out of money;
  • It is very important to take out medical insurance before your trip;
  • In Thailand you cannot drink tap water, even boiled water;
  • There is no need to pay for all excursions in advance. If the excursion agency is normal, then you will be offered to pay for the service on the spot;
  • It is better to take familiar medications with you, especially if children are traveling with you.

How much money to take to Thailand for a trip in total

Thus, using simple mathematical operations, you can summarize how much money to take to Thailand. For 2 weeks of vacation per person you will need from 25,000 to 40,000 baht, depending on the level of comfort.

Moreover, a very interesting fact is that the more days your stay at the resort lasts, the lower the costs will be per day.

When going to Thailand, Phuket, how much money to take is a delicate question. Each person has their own needs, requests and comfort level. But every tourist will definitely be able to choose the most optimal vacation option for himself at minimal cost.

Since we started our YouTube channel, we have made many friends. These are mainly people planning to come to Thailand for vacation or permanent residence.

And almost everyone is interested in the question: “how much does it cost to vacation in Thailand or how much money to take with you on vacation?” Of course, we could answer briefly and clearly, saying that it all depends on your requests, but we still decided to give a detailed answer and name the average amount that your vacation will cost.

So, let's count. Let us immediately note that if you plan to relax here for 8 days, then it will be much more profitable to fly here on a tour. So, an eight-day holiday in the land of smiles with a package including round-trip flights, hotel accommodation and breakfast will cost you about 23,000 rubles per person in the low season.

This is much more profitable than flying on your own, since without a ticket you will have to pay at least 24,000 rubles just for a round trip flight, and you also need a hotel. So for a short period of time it is more profitable to fly on a tour, and even more profitable - a last-minute tour.

And so we will continue, a trip here for 8 days costs approximately 23,000 rubles (this is the minimum) per person (at least this was the case before the ruble exchange rate fell). This includes flights, meals and breakfasts, which you will most likely sleep through. Then we count in baht. You will need approximately 500 baht per person per day for food. This is if you eat in Thai cafes and eat well and varied.

You can also dine at the night markets. It will turn out delicious, exotic and inexpensive.

Next, you will need a minimum of 500 baht per day for entertainment. You will also need to spend money on transportation. Total, 1100 baht per day for a great time. This is despite the fact that you will travel to places of entertainment on your own. It will be more expensive with a tour.

So, one day in Thailand will cost you at least 1,100 baht. Of course, more is possible, but 1100 baht will be quite enough for an unspoiled tourist.

So, to find out how much an average vacation in Thailand costs, add another 1,100 baht to the cost of the trip, multiplied by the number of days of vacation. Also add in about 5,000 baht (don’t forget to convert baht to rubles at the current exchange rate) for gifts for family and small unexpected expenses, and you’ll get the total.

Before the ruble exchange rate fell, prices in Thailand were very pleasant for Russians. Now that a pancake costs not 40 baht, but already 80, many are postponing a trip to the land of smiles because it turns out to be a little expensive. But if you receive income in dollars, then nothing has changed for you and Thailand is still an inexpensive, but very interesting exotic holiday destination.

Be that as it may, we hope that we have answered your question, and now you can help us. If you were on holiday in Thailand, write in the comments how much the trip cost you, whether you liked it or not. Thank you for your attention, we look forward to your comments.

I (Christina Endless) and my boyfriend Stanislav are living on Koh Samui (Thailand) for the second time.

Me and Stas on the beach in Thailand (January)

At the time of writing, we have been living on the island for 3 months.

In this article I will tell you how much money you will need for two to live in Thailand for a month, for 2 weeks and for a week in 2016.

First, I will tell you how much and where we spent money for each expense item, and at the end I will sum up all the costs and get a clear result of how much money will be needed in Thailand.


Renting a Honda Click motorbike costs us 3,000 baht/month, taking into account that we rent it for 3 months in a row in one office.

our Honda motorbike (right) in Thailand

On average, renting a Honda Click motorbike for a month costs from 3,500 baht.

When choosing a motorbike, be sure to pay attention to the quality of the tires so that they are not worn out, in order to avoid future tragedies due to unsuccessful braking.

Of course, it is important to check the motorbike before renting it for a long time.

Usually a photocopy of a foreign passport or a cash deposit is enough to reach an agreement with the bike renter.

1 liter of gasoline per o. Samui, at gas stations it costs an average of 27 baht. If you buy gasoline in glass bottles from locals, then 40 baht.


In the left hand is a yellow purchased mango, and on the right side is a mango that we collect near the house


Most often we eat at home, buying food at morning and evening markets and in large supermarkets like Tesco Lotus or Big C.

Also, opposite our rented house, you can buy the following fruits from the Thais:

  1. Papaya ~ 10 baht/kg;
  2. Bananas ~ 20 baht for a large bunch;
  3. Opened coconut ~ 15 baht;
  4. Local small mango ~ 20 baht/kg.

Cafes, restaurants and fairs

About once every 2 days we ate in cafes, restaurants and fairs.

Green curry with rice

Prices for dishes in Thailand are approximately as follows:

  1. Tom Yam soup ~ 60 baht;
  2. French fries with ketchup ~ 60 baht;
  3. Green curry + rice ~ 80 baht;
  4. Freshly squeezed fruit juice ~ 60 baht;
  5. Pad Thai (local noodles with shrimp) ~ 70 baht;
  6. A serving of ice cream ~ 80 baht;
  7. Deep-fried shrimp (4 pcs.) ~ 60 baht;
  8. A glass of cappuccino in coffee shops ~ 80 baht;
  9. Raw green soup ~ 100 baht;
  10. Raw coconut sweets ~ 40 baht/piece. etc.

Rent a house

We rent a house for 10,000 baht/month + pay separately for electricity (about 350 baht/month).

our main room of the house (hall)

The house has everything you need for life:

  1. Large kitchen with cooking and eating equipment, microwave, kettle, gas stove, trash can;
  2. Large hall with large table and chairs, two fans, a lamp, a sofa and a wardrobe (we even had friends from Russia fly to us twice and we placed them in the hall);
  3. Bathroom with toilet, shower, mirror, shelves for cosmetics and household chemicals;
  4. Bedroom with air conditioning, fan, bed, TV (which we don’t watch), nightstand
  5. Balcony overlooking palm trees, with a table, chairs...neighbor's cats included))

our kitchen in Thailand, where culinary creations happen

Get travel health insurance

Entertainment or additional expenses

Additional expenses may include:

  1. Thai massage (from 300 baht);
  2. Sauna (from 300 baht);
  3. Excursions (from 500 baht);
  4. Gasoline (27 baht/liter);
  5. Hairdresser (from 200 baht for a men's haircut);
  6. Attending paid courses, lectures, master classes (from 500 baht);
  7. Additional household items(music speakers, yoga mat, towels, stationery, blender, garbage bags, etc.);
  8. New clothes (from 150 baht per T-shirt);
  9. Cinema (from 120 baht/person for watching one film);
  10. Washing clothes (from 30 baht per load in the washing machine), etc.

Total expenses in Thailand

How much money do you need for a month (30 days) in Thailand?

I'm on Maenam beach in Thailand

I counted all our expenses and in a month (30 days) it turned out that we spend30,000 baht for two including house rental.

You will find out a more accurate amount of your future expenses in Thailand if you sum up your current expenses in your hometown/month and add to them the cost of renting a house in Thailand/month. and add 15-25% on top of these amounts... it will be.

How much money will you need to live in Thailand for 2 weeks?

The exchange rate of 1 ruble to 1 Thai baht is now 2:1

In the first days, when you arrive in Thailand on vacation, you spend the most money due to additional purchases of everything you need for the house, for the beach, and for yourself.

Also, before leaving, many people buy souvenirs and this takes a considerable part of the budget, plus if you rent a house and a motorbike for 2 weeks, it will cost a little more than if you rented for a month.

Therefore, to 15,000 baht, which we pay for 2 weeks of living in Thailand (for two), we should add the amount of additional expenses for the first days and additional souvenirs + 2,000 baht + 500 baht surcharge for a motorbike (approximately) + 4,000 baht for housing (approximately).

plane landing in thailand

I would like to note that if you are used to saving on restaurants, additional amenities in the form of purchasing things, cosmetics and souvenirs in stores, massages, on excursions, then you can subtract a little from the total amount that we got (~ about 5,000 baht).

For a budget accommodation in Thailand for 2 weeks (for two) it can cost 15,000 baht.

And if you are used to living in improved comfort, which is what we live in, and not wasting time on cooking at home and living in European houses, then you should add another ~10,000 baht to the amount.

For a comfortable stay in Thailand, the price tag can range from 30,000 baht (for two).

How much money will you need for 1 week of living in Thailand?

Everything is simpler here.

To the amount of expenses for the week 7,500 baht (of the total amount for the month 30,000 baht), we will add the 4,000 baht calculated above for additional expenses in the first days + 500 baht (estimated surcharge for a motorbike) + 4,000 baht for housing (approximately) ~ 16,000 baht.

As a result: from 16,000 baht for two your weekly expenses in Thailand will come out(not including airfare and travel expenses to Thailand).


Thus, traveling to Thailand for a period of at least a month will have a beneficial effect on your wallet.

The more days you stay in Thailand, the cheaper your daily stay on the island will cost.

I wish you a happy journey to this fabulous country!

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments below!

Friends often ask me how much you need to take money with you to Thailand? How to calculate your travel budget? These questions are both simple and complex at the same time. It all depends on where exactly you are going Thailand, how long and what level of comfort you prefer. For tourists arriving in Thailand for a week, money You only need to take it with you for food, excursions, etc. Those who stay in Thailand longer should take money already for other expense items: transport, rental housing, visas, etc.

Budget planning formula from We Traveled-We Know.
How much money you are willing to spend on housing is the same amount you will spend on everything else. No less. If you are traveling on your own, look at housing prices on Booking in advance, and multiply this by two - this is approximately how much money you need to take with you to Thailand. Plus the price of an air ticket.

Let's estimate the average budget for a trip to Thailand. Let's consider how much money should you take? for food, shopping and excursions.

Thailand currency, money

The currency in Thailand is the baht (THB). All prices in the article will be indicated in baht, because... the course is constantly changing. To convert baht to rubles, hryvnias and other currencies, use Google. For example, like this: 345 THB to RUB

Where can I change baht? The easiest way is to withdraw money from a bank card at any ATM upon arrival in Thailand. There are many ATMs and they are everywhere, the fixed commission for withdrawal is 150-220 baht, so it is not profitable to withdraw small amounts. The largest maximum amount (30,000 baht) is issued by Krungsi Bank ATMs, the lowest commission (150 baht) is issued by AEON ATMs. You can withdraw money from a bank card without commission at bank branches. Have your card and passport with you.

In addition, it must be taken into account that payments in small shops and markets will only be possible in baht; no other currency will be accepted. Large stores accept payment.

By the way, many are still interested in In what currency should you take money with you? If you want to travel with cash, then in Thailand it is absolutely no problem to exchange dollars and euros for baht. You can also exchange rubles, but the exchange rate will be very unfavorable.

Advice: We went, we know.
To use cheap 3G/4G mobile internet in Thailand, buy Thai SIM cards at a discount. If you are flying to Phuket, then in advance, and get it at the airport at the DTAC office, International Terminal 2, on the first floor - it’s easy to find, the airport is small (there is a map of the office location at the link). Discount up to 50%! To receive, show the voucher with a code on your smartphone, which will be sent by e-mail immediately after purchase.

How much money should you take to Thailand for food?

In the photo: how much you will spend on food in Thailand depends on the chosen holiday destination.

Mobile communications in Thailand

Lifehack We went - We know.
Want to save on mobile communications in Thailand? It's easy! 3 days before departure, order a Thai SIM card, and upon arrival simply receive it at the airport. There will be such a SIM card twice cheaper than buying without pre-ordering!

Flying to Phuket? Then you can order a 4G SIM card.
How to get a SIM card: at Phuket airport, go to the 1st floor (Terminal 2). Find a DTAC kiosk. Show the employee your voucher with a QR code (printed or on your smartphone) and pick up your SIM card. The dtac kiosk is open 24 hours a day.

Where to get a Thai 4G SIM card at Phuket airport

How much does a solo trip to Thailand cost?

If you are traveling as a couple, an independent trip costs from $650 per person for 2 weeks, including everything (flights, accommodation, food). A visa to Thailand is not required (up to 30 days!), so all you need to do is buy a ticket and book a hotel. And don't forget your passport!

But on your own you will be able to stay not only where travel agencies take you, but also visit the white sand islands of Thailand. For example, we wrote, . Here he is:

In the photo: at Sunrise Beach on Lipe Island

Let's calculate how much a trip to Thailand costs in dollars for 14 days per person:

1. A plane ticket to Thailand costs from $300., back and forth
The lowest prices are from March to November.
View and compare prices for air tickets to Thailand on different airlines.
2. Hotel from 30x14=420 room for two. For one 210 dollars.
Prices for good Thai hotels also greatly depend on the season and location. For example, if you go to the seaside to relax in, it will be cheaper than in. Despite the fact that many people like Krabi more: beautiful nature, a more relaxing holiday, fewer tourists.
Here are the prices for hotels in the south of Thailand:

3. Food from 10x14=$140

Total for 14 days: from $650 per person.

It’s more profitable to go to Thailand for a month (30 days) - you get the same amount as for 14 days!

Phuket is perhaps the best place to experience Thailand. A huge number of excursions, more than 15 pristine beaches with blue water, a variety of hotels, from budget guesthouses to 5-star resorts and private villas. If you are puzzled by the question of how much money to take with you on vacation to Phuket, then now you will find out about it. Together we will calculate the main expenses for an independent traveler and a package tourist.

How much money should you take to Phuket? As much as possible!

Step one. Purchasing air tickets

If you are flying on a package with a travel agency, then go straight to step 5. Information for those flying without a tour. The first thing anyone flying on their own should take care of is air tickets. Where to buy cheap air tickets to Phuket? When should I buy tickets, much in advance or on the eve of departure?

All these questions can be answered like this. Once you have decided on your travel dates, buy air tickets. It is unlikely that their prices will decrease, but an increase is quite possible. Also, there is no difference among the booking sites Skyscanner, Aviasales, Momondo, etc. - they all have approximately the same thing. So, you can buy tickets on any service you like. We use the site Aviasales.

  • Buy air tickets to Thailand >

Airfare prices for the coming year

Tip: the cheapest way is to buy round-trip air tickets. The savings will be small, but several thousand rubles also play a role in preparing for a trip abroad.

You need to track your flight tickets in advance. At least 2-3 months in advance. This significantly increases the likelihood of purchasing the best flight. And with a calm heart, you will fly without unnecessary overpayments, realizing that you paid exactly as much as you expected.

How much money for air tickets

We take the price of a ticket, for example 20 thousand rubles one way. Buying a round-trip ticket at once turns out to be 38,000 rubles per person.

Step two. Transfer order

Transfer from the airport to the hotel in Phuket is included in the price of the tour. But if you fly on your own, you will have to somehow get there on your own. Once you've gotten off the plane, checked in, and picked up your suitcase, the next thing you need to worry about is how to get to your hotel.

There are no cheap taxis in Phuket like in Bangkok. Here they tell you a fixed price at the airport or increase the meter when you travel. Local taxis are always available at the airport.

  • Book a transfer online >

An alternative to taxis are minibuses and buses that run from the airport to the most popular areas of the island. More details:

Minibuses from the airport to popular areas of Phuket

If your flight is scheduled for late evening, then most likely there will be no minibuses. To avoid any complications at the very beginning of your vacation, it is better to pre-book a transfer from the airport to your place of residence in Phuket. We have already had such an experience, about which.

How much money for transfer

On average, transfers cost 1,000 baht one way. If we take a taxi there and back it turns out to be 2000 Thai baht or 4000 rubles. An economy option on a round-trip minibus will cost about 400 baht (800 rubles). Order a transfer >>

Tip: book your transfer no later than 2-3 days before departure.

Step three. Buy insurance

  • Buy insurance in Thailand >>

Cost of insurance to Thailand for 14 days

How much money for insurance

As you can see from the screenshot above, insurance to Thailand will cost 1,200 rubles per person for 14 days of vacation. This is the simplest insurance. If you are going to drive a car or bike, check the appropriate boxes.

Please note that the insurance is not valid if you drive a car or bike without a license. Also, insurance will not be valid if injuries were sustained while intoxicated.

Step four. Rent a house in Phuket for your vacation

Since you and I think about everything in advance, we must not forget about renting housing. And how can you forget! The place that will become your home for the next 2 weeks will leave its mark on the overall impression of your vacation.

Advice: don’t skimp on a hotel, choose a decent option, since a good hotel is 50% the key to a great vacation!

Inexpensive but decent 5 minutes from Kamala beach where we stayed in November

Modern 3 minutes from Bang Tao Beach

Themed, bright and clean for a fraction of the cost and close to the beach

We need to find not only profitable and inexpensive housing, but also beautiful, clean, close to the sea, shops, cafes and restaurants. For a complete list of the best accommodation in Phuket, from apartments to villas, you can follow these links:

The best accommodation options on the island's lesser-known beaches:

For example, look at the hotel for November. The season in Phuket has already begun, but prices are not yet as high as in the peak months of December, January and February. Therefore, the best months for a vacation, based on price, weather and clear sea, are November or March. And in the most ideal months, you will have to pay a higher price for the same housing.

And now I will give you some clear examples that housing in Phuket can be good and inexpensive:

  • Karon area - The Best House, 3-star hotel from $24
  • Kata District - Pure & Pam Village, 2-star hotel from $30
  • Patong District - Nailons Hotel, 2-star hotel from $11
  • Nai Harn District - Palm Oasis Boutique Hotel, 4-star hotel from $32
  • Kamala District - Thai Kamala Village Phuket, 3-star hotel on the first line from $27
  • Bangtao area - Baan Chayna Lounge Resort, 3-star hotel from $14

How much money for housing

On average, normal housing near the sea will cost from 1200 to 1600 baht per day. We take the average price for a good hotel - 1500 baht. It turns out that for a 14-day vacation you will need to pay 21,000 baht. (40,000 rub.)

Step five. How to get around Phuket

An equally important aspect of your stay on the island is transportation. There are options: city buses, taxis, or rented transport, motorcycle, car.

Car rental

A car is the most comfortable option for traveling around Thailand. But it is worth noting that every year traffic jams in Phuket are getting worse and worse. All main central routes are stable in the mornings and evenings. Although, of course, standing in a traffic jam in your air-conditioned car is much more pleasant than sitting on a bench in a cramped bus.

  • Car rental in Phuket >

Bike rental

An alternative to a car in Asia is a moped or motorbike, as they are called here. If you ask our opinion, we will not advise you to rent a bike. And not at all because you can then be accidentally cheated out of money by saying that you allegedly scratched the moped. Now this is more rare than commonplace. And not because in Phuket police raids on tourists without licenses are regularly carried out and everyone is fined. But because without renting a motorbike, you will be safer. After all, you won’t have time to learn new traffic rules. And on the roads of Thailand every day there are a large number of tourists.

Of course, if you already have driving experience in Thailand, then of course you have the right to rent it for the period of your vacation. Only you should decide whether to rent a bike.

On average, renting a bike costs 300 baht per day or 3,000 baht per month. Bargaining is appropriate everywhere, but you are unlikely to find anything cheaper than 200 baht for daily rent. Gasoline costs 40 baht. The average fine is 500 baht.

  • Rent a bike online >

Taxis and tuk-tuks

We offer you two alternatives. The first one is knock-knock. Everyone who comes to Phuket should take a ride in this cozy, bright and musical car at least once. The very process of driving a toy truck brings joy.

Colorful tuk-tuks in Phuket look like this

Once or twice is enough. You will have fun and cool. It's guaranteed! But driving a tuk-tuk all the time will be too expensive. On average, the trip will cost 300-500 baht. For example, a tuk-tuk from Karon to Patong costs 300-400 baht. From Patong to Kata 500 baht.

Taxis in Phuket are also quite expensive. The minimum price for a trip is 200 baht, this is within one city. Although, you can also afford it once, when you are exhausted and get from one beach to another.

  • Order a taxi from the airport online >

Public transport

The most profitable transport remains - buses or songthaew. See article.

Most often you will have to travel on blue songthaews

Local transport, in the form of our minibus, only without glass and with excellent ventilation. A trip to songthaew per person in Phuket costs from 30 to 40 baht. These blue songthaews go to all major beaches from 6 am to 5 pm. These pink buses also run around Phuket Town and cost 15 baht.

And much less often on pink songthaews

Saving money, but not time. So, again, it’s entirely up to you to decide. But since your vacation will be approximately 14-15 days, you will be able to take a couple of trips by tuk-tuk, by taxi and ride a songthaew several times.

How much money for transport

  • To travel on your own, taking into account several trips by taxi and tuk-tuk, 3,000 baht should be enough.
  • Car rental for 2 weeks: 10,000 baht + gasoline (1-2 thousand baht)
  • Bike rental: 3,000 baht + gasoline (500 baht)

Step six. Where to eat in Phuket and how much money it will cost. Eating and going to cafes, restaurants

In 14-15 days, you can easily leave almost all the money in your budget for food. But! If you slow down your appetite a little and don’t constantly order lobster and martinis, sometimes eat not in a restaurant, but in more modest cafes, food courts, makashnits, with fruit snacks on the street, corn on the beach, then approximately the following amount of money will be spent on food in Phuket - 15 -20 thousand baht. That is, 1000-1300 baht should be enough for food per day.

You can eat much cheaper, for 200-300 baht per day, but we are now considering the average option, so that within reasonable limits you do not limit yourself to anything on vacation, try some delicacies in restaurants, seafood, shrimp, mussels, fruits buy on the beach.

This amount also includes drinks, local alcohol, whiskey or brandy, beer, and sometimes cocktails on the beach. Delicious and most importantly fresh food from makashnits - pad thai, noodles with meat, rice with vegetables, tom yum soup, kebabs.

Snacks in a cafe. Drink a cup of aromatic coffee with a cake, eat a salad or sandwich - 200-300 baht.

Snacks at 7-Eleven. Eat a hot ham sandwich, take a plate of heated ready-made food - 100 baht.

And, of course, go to popular restaurants a couple of times and easily leave 1000-1500 baht there for dinner.

How much money do you need for food?

Total, according to rough estimates: 15-20 thousand baht will definitely be enough for food in Phuket in this situation. In my opinion, this is a normal amount, taking into account a combined diet, without infringing on seafood, fruits and drinks, with trips to cafes and restaurants.

Step seven. Book excursions in Phuket

A vacation without excursions is money down the drain. But there is no need to strain yourself and go on excursions almost every day. You came on vacation. Swim, sunbathe, go for a massage and watch the sunsets.

5-6 excursions over 15 days of vacation are the optimal amount. Why not more? Because for the first 2-3 days after the flight you will enjoy the sea, go to the beach, and on the third day you will completely acclimatize. And the last day of your vacation will be spent getting ready and saying goodbye to the island with a bottle of something strong. There will definitely be no time for excursions on the last day. There are 10 days left over which all excursions need to be distributed.

How much money for excursions

For excursions, budget approximately 7-10 thousand baht. This is enough for 5 excursions. It is very possible that you will not even spend the entire amount. On average, excursions in Phuket cost 1000-1500 baht. It depends on what excursions you take. Prices vary. You can go to Racha Island for 1,100 baht, or you can go to the Similan Islands for 3,000 baht. It's up to you to decide and choose.

Ride elephants

Visit the bird park

And go on an excursion to James Bond Island. The market is suitable for buying clothes, magnets, fruits, elephants and whatever your heart desires.

You need to target around 3,000 baht. This is the optimal amount. Because everything here costs pennies. An elephant costs 250 baht, magnets for 30-60 baht, shorts, T-shirts, dresses, men's T-shirts, T-shirts for 100-350 baht. If you have a limited budget or lack of space in your luggage, you can spend 1,500 baht to buy all the essentials. But I gave the average amount, if you really want to buy a lot of souvenirs.

Bottom line. How much money do you need for an independent holiday in Phuket?

We have an estimate of the amount that you approximately need to independently organize your two-week holiday in Phuket as a tourist.

Approximate calculation

  • Flights: RUB 38,000
  • Transfers: 4000 rub.
  • Insurance: 1200 rub.
  • Hotel: 40,000 rub.
  • Travel 6,000 rubles (buses, taxis)
  • Meals: 40,000 rub.
  • Excursions: 20,000 rub.
  • Souvenirs: 6,000 rub.

Total: 155,200 rub.

For a tourist on a package tour: 72,000 rubles……..- take so much with you (not counting the cost of the tour)

With car rental……… + 20,000 rub.

With bike rental……. + 6000 rub.

According to rough estimates, this is the amount of money you need for a full-fledged, eventful vacation without special restrictions, in good living conditions, within walking distance from the sea, with excursions, trips to cafes and shopping for things and souvenirs, along with round-trip air tickets and included transfer, you have will come out to approximately 150 thousand rubles per person. But if you fly together, it will be cheaper for everyone, since the costs of hotels and transfers are divided in half. Also, the cost of food will not increase much.

If you go to Phuket for a short period of time, 7-10 days, then it is more profitable to buy a tour. But if you want to live on the best beaches of Phuket, such as, or. Moreover, to live in a decent hotel, close to the sea, a trip here alone will cost at least 70-80 thousand rubles per person. And add here the costs of food and excursions. And this is at least another 60 thousand rubles.

It is better to go on your own and for a longer time. For the same money you can vacation twice as long, 14-15 days. During this period of time you will have a great rest and explore the island at your leisure. And most importantly, you will not be dependent on the tricks of travel agencies.

Come to Phuket

How can you save money?

You can spend much less money, we present here an average calculation for most vacationers who want to live in good conditions, eat delicious food and go on excursions. Budget travelers can save on the following:

  • transfer to the hotel by taxi is replaced by a bus..... - 3,200 rubles
  • rent a room in a cheap guesthouse for 500 baht..... - 26,000 rubles
  • travel by bus and on foot, never take a taxi...... - 4000 rubles
  • eat in convenience stores, food courts and 7-Eleven for 500 baht per day..... - 26,000 rubles
  • do not take any excursions……… – 20,000 rubles
  • do not buy souvenirs……. — 6,000 rub.

Total with super economy option: RUB 70,000(including flight and accommodation)

Minimum budget for a tourist on a package tour: 16,000 rubles(not including the cost of the tour)

As you can see, if you wish, you can relax for 2 weeks in Phuket for 2 times cheaper. What is the minimum amount of money to take to Phuket? For an independent tourist, the amount of 70 thousand rubles is the most budget option, in which you can fly to Phuket and modestly stay in Patong, eating more or less normally and variedly. And even grab a beer a few times or try Hong Thong Thai whiskey. A package tourist who wants to save money needs to take at least 16 thousand rubles with him to Phuket - with this amount you will not go hungry. The main thing is that the sea is nearby. You can save another couple of thousand on food if you eat noodles, rice, and kebabs for 10 baht throughout your vacation and don’t drink alcohol.

In conditions of total economy, the quality of rest, of course, is greatly reduced. But still, such a trip will be remembered for a long time as a great adventure.

How much money do you usually take for a trip to Thailand?