The tale of the adventures of Sinbad the Sailor. Sinbad the Sailor (The Seventh Voyage) - ArticleMS

Know, O people, that, having returned after the sixth journey, I again began to live as I lived at first, having fun, having fun, having fun and enjoying, and spent some time in this way, continuing to rejoice and have fun incessantly, night and day: After all, I got a lot of money and a great profit. And we were frightened and became as if dead and were convinced that we would die right away. And suddenly a fish, like a high mountain, swam up to the ship, and we were afraid of it, and began to cry loudly for ourselves, and prepared to die, and looked at the fish, marveling at its terrifying appearance. And suddenly another fish swam up to us, and we had never seen a fish bigger or bigger than it, and we began to say goodbye to each other, crying for ourselves. And then I walked along the island and saw at the opposite end of it a large stream of fresh water, but the current of this stream was strong. And I remembered the boat on which I was traveling earlier, and said to myself: “I will certainly make myself the same boat, maybe I will be saved from this matter. If I am saved, the desired will be achieved, and I will repent before the great Allah and I will not travel, and if I die, my heart will rest from fatigue and labor." And then I got up and began to collect tree branches - expensive sandalwood, the like of which cannot be found (and I did not know what it was); and, having collected these branches, I got hold of branches and grass that grew on the island, and, twisting them like ropes, tied my boat with them and said to myself: “If I am saved, it will be from Allah!” And when we left the bathhouse, he took me to his house and brought me there, and the inhabitants of his house rejoiced at me, and he seated me in a place of honor and prepared sumptuous dishes for me, and I ate until I was full, and glorified the great Allah for his salvation. Will you sell it for this price, or will you wait, and I will put it in my storerooms until the time comes for its price to increase and we will sell it?” - “O lord, the command belongs to you, do what you want ", I answered; and the old man said: "O my child, will you sell me this tree with a premium of one hundred dinars in gold over and above what the merchants gave for it?" - "Yes," I answered, "I will sell this product for you,” and received money for it. And then the elder ordered his servants to carry the tree into their storerooms, and I returned with it to his house. And we sat down, and the elder counted out the entire payment for the tree to me and ordered me to bring wallets and put the money there and locked them with an iron lock, the key of which he gave me. And after a few days and nights the elder said to me: “Oh my child, I will offer you something and I want you to listen to me in this.” - “What kind of business will this be?” - I asked him. And the sheikh answered: “Know that I have become old in years and I do not have a male child, but I have a young daughter, beautiful in appearance, the owner of big ones. money and beauty, and I want to marry her to you so that you can stay with her in our country; and subsequently I will give you possession of everything that I have and everything that my hands hold. I have become old, and you will take my place.” And I remained silent and did not say anything, and the old man said: “Listen to me, oh my child, in what I tell you, I wish you well. If you listen to me, I will marry you to my daughter, and you will become, as it were, my son, and everything that is in my hands and belongs to me will be yours, and if you want to trade and go to your country, no one you will not be hindered, and now your money is at your fingertips. Do as you wish and choose." - "I swear by Allah, O my uncle sheikh, you became like my father, and I experienced many horrors, and I had no opinion or knowledge left! - I answered. “The command of everything you want belongs to you.” And then the sheikh ordered his servants to bring a judge and witnesses, and they were brought, and he married me to his daughter, and made for us a magnificent feast and a great celebration And he brought me to his daughter, and I saw that she was extremely charming and beautiful and slender in figure, and she was wearing a lot of different jewelry, clothes, expensive metals, headdresses, necklaces and precious stones, the cost of which was many thousands. thousands of gold, and no one can give their value. And when I went to this girl, I liked her, and love arose between us, and I lived for some time in the greatest joy and fun. And the girl's father reposed at the mercy of the great Allah, and we gave him rites and buried him, and I laid my hand on everything that he had, and all his servants became mine! servants, subject to my hand, who served me. And the merchants appointed me in his place, and he was their elder, and not one of them acquired anything without his knowledge and permission, since he was their sheikh - and I found myself in his place. And when I began to communicate with the inhabitants of this city, I. I saw that their appearance changes every month, and they have wings on which they fly up to the clouds of heaven, and only children and women remain to live in this city, and I said to myself: “When the beginning of the month comes, I will ask; one of them, and perhaps they will take me to where they themselves are going." And when the beginning of the month came, the color of the inhabitants of this city changed, and their appearance became different, and I came to one of them and said: " I conjure you by Allah, take me with you, and I will look and return with you.” “This is an impossible thing,” he answered. But I did not cease to persuade him until he did me this favor, and I met the man and grabbed hold of him, and he flew through the air with me, and I did not inform any of my household, servants or friends about it. “And I approached this snake and hit it on the head with a golden cane, and it threw this man out of its mouth...” And Shahrazad was overtaken by the morning, and she stopped her permitted speech. But I did not stay there, but hired another ship and carried everything that was with me there, and went to the city of Baghdad, and went to my quarter, and came to my home, and met my relatives, friends and loved ones. I put all the goods that were with me into storerooms; and my relatives calculated how long I was away on my seventh journey, and it turned out that twenty-seven years had passed, so they stopped hoping for my return. And when I returned and told them about all my affairs and what happened to me, everyone was very surprised at this and congratulated me on my salvation, and I repented before Allah the Great to travel by land and sea after this seventh journey, which it put an end to travel and it stopped my passion. And I thanked Allah (glory and greatness to him!) and glorified him and praised him for returning me to my relatives in my country and homeland. Look, oh Sinbad, oh landman, what happened to me, and what befell me, and what my deeds were!” And Sinbad the landman said to Sinbad the sailor: “I conjure you by Allah, do not exact from me for what I have done to you!" And they lived in friendship and love and great joy, joy and pleasure, until the Destroyer of pleasures and the Destroyer of assemblies came to them, who destroys palaces and endows graves, that is, - death... May there be glory to the living who does not die!

During the reign of Caliph Harun al-Rashid, a poor man named Sinbad lived in the city of Baghdad. To feed himself, he carried weights on his head for a fee. But there were many poor porters like him, and therefore Sinbad could not ask for as much as he was entitled to for his work.

He had to be content with meager pennies, so that he almost died of hunger.

One day he was carrying heavy carpets on his head, he could barely move his legs, sweat was pouring off him like a hail, his head was buzzing, and the poor man thought that he was about to lose consciousness. Sinbad passed just past one house, and from the gate a cool breath blew on him, and the smell of delicious food made his head spin. There was a stone bench in the shade in front of the house. Sinbad could not stand it, put the carpets on the ground and sat down on a bench to rest and get some fresh air. Cheerful voices were heard from the house, wonderful singing and the clinking of glasses and dishes were heard.

Who needs such a life?

Just hunger and need.

Others, basking in idleness,

They spend their days in joy,

Not knowing grief and

But they are like me and you,

And although their wealth is countless, -

In the end, all people are mortal.

Well, is that fair?

That only the rich live happy?

When he finished, a young servant in an expensive dress came out of the gate.

“My master heard your poems,” said the young man. - He invites you to have dinner with him and spend the evening together.

Sinbad got scared and began to say that he had done nothing wrong. But the young man smiled welcomingly at him, took his hand, and the porter had to accept the invitation. Sinbad had never seen such luxury as was in that house in his life. Servants scurried back and forth with dishes full of rare dishes, wonderful music was heard everywhere, and Sinbad decided that he was dreaming all this. The young man led the porter into a small room. There, at the table, sat an important gentleman, looking more like a scientist than a deceiver. The owner nodded to Sinbad and invited him to the table.

What is your name? - he asked the porter.

“Sinbad the porter,” answered the poor man.

My name is also Sinbad, people called me Sinbad the Sailor, and now you will find out why. I heard your poems and I liked them. So know that you are not the only one who has had to experience need and adversity. I will tell you about everything that I experienced before I achieved the honor and wealth that you see here. But first you must eat.

Sinbad the porter did not force himself to be persuaded and pounced on the food. And when Sinbad the Sailor saw that the guest was enjoying his vacation and was already full, he said:

I have already told you a hundred times what you are about to hear. I have no one to tell about this anymore. And it seems to me that you

you will understand me better than others. Sinbad the porter did not dare to object, he just nodded, and his namesake Sinbad the Sailor began his story.

My father was a rich merchant, and I was his only son. When he died, I inherited all his property. And everything that my father saved during his life, I managed to squander in one year in the company of idle and lazy people like me. All I have left is a vineyard. I sold it, bought various goods with the proceeds and joined a caravan of merchants who were planning to go to distant overseas countries. I hoped that I would sell my goods there at a profit and become rich again.

The merchants and I set off on a voyage across the sea. We sailed for many days and nights, from time to time we landed on the shore, exchanged or sold our goods and bought new ones. I liked the trip, my wallet became fatter, and I no longer regretted my frivolous and carefree life. I carefully watched how people lived in foreign countries, took an interest in their customs, studied their languages ​​and felt great.

And for many more days and nights Sinbad's ship sailed from sea to sea. And then one day a sailor on the mast shouted:

- Shore! Shore!

So we sailed to a wonderful island overgrown with dense forest. The trees were covered with fruits, unprecedented flowers were fragrant, and streams with crystal clear water were rustling everywhere. We went down to the shore to take a break from the rocks in this piece of paradise. Some enjoyed the juicy fruits, others lit a fire and began to cook food, others swam in cool streams or walked around the island.

We were enjoying the peace so much when suddenly we heard a loud cry from the captain, who remained on the ship.

He waved his arms and shouted:

Save yourself, who can! Run to the ship! This is not an island, but the back of a huge fish!

And indeed, it was not an island, but the back of a monstrous fish rising above the water. Over the years, sand has accumulated on it, the wind has carried plant seeds there, and trees and flowers have grown there. All this happened only because the fish fell asleep a hundred years ago and did not move until the fire woke it up,

which we lit. The fish felt something burning its back and turned around.

One after another we jumped into the sea and swam to the ship. But not everyone managed to escape. Suddenly the island fish hit the water with its tail and sank into the depths of the sea. Roaring waves closed over the trees and flowers, and I, along with others, found myself under water.

Fortunately, I clung to the wooden trough that we had taken to the island to get fresh water into it. I didn’t let go of the trough, even though my soul sank into my heels. It swirled around with me underwater until I finally surfaced. I sat astride the trough, began to row with my feet, and swam in this strange canoe for one day and one night; All around, wherever you looked, there was water, an endless expanse of sea.

I was exhausted under the scorching rays of the sun, suffering from hunger and thirst. And suddenly, when it seemed to me that my end was approaching, I saw a green strip of land on the horizon. I strained my last strength and, when the sun had already begun to sink into the sea, I sailed in my trough to the island. The singing of birds and the scent of flowers could be heard from the island.

I went ashore. The first thing that caught my eye was a spring gushing out of a rock overgrown with ferns. I fell to him with burning lips and drank until I fell onto the grass as if killed. The sound of the sea and the singing of birds lulled me to sleep, and the wonderful aroma of flowers acted like a dope.

I woke up the next day when the sun was already high. After eating fruit and drinking from the spring, I went into the interior of the island to look around.

I walked under the spreading crowns of trees, made my way through thickets strewn with flowers, but nowhere did I meet a soul. I only scared the timid monkeys a couple of times.

I wandered along the seashore for several days, looking for a sail to appear somewhere. Finally I saw a large ship. The captain of the ship noticed me on the shore of the island and ordered me to stop the ship. Then I went on board and told the captain about the extraordinary adventure on Fish Island.

And my new journey began. The ship sailed on the open sea for many days. Finally, a quaint island appeared in the distance. A huge white dome towered above him.

The ship landed on the shore. Merchants and sailors rushed to the white dome and tried to break through it with crowbars and hooks.

- Stop! You will die! - I shouted. “This dome is the egg of the bird of prey Ruhkh.” - If the Rukh bird sees that the egg is broken, death will inevitably happen to everyone!

But no one listened to me. The merchants and sailors hit the ball even harder. When the shell cracked, a huge chick emerged from the egg.

And suddenly a loud whistle and a deafening flapping of wings were heard high in the sky. The merchants rushed to the ship in horror. The bird Rukh flew high above their heads. Seeing that the egg was broken, she screamed terribly, made several circles over the island and flew away.

The sailors raised the anchors, spread the sails, and the ship sailed faster and faster, escaping from the terrible bird. Suddenly a terrible noise was heard. The Rukh bird flew straight towards the ship. A male Rukh flew next to her, flapping his wings widely. Bali birds hold huge stones in their claws.

There was a deafening blow, like a shot from a cannon. One of the stones fell on the stern. The ship crackled, tilted and began to sink.

I was very lucky; I happened to have a piece of a ship's plank under my hands, which I grabbed with a death grip. I sailed on the open sea for two days and three nights.

On the third day, the waves washed me to the shores of an unknown land. Having climbed ashore, I saw a city surrounded by high mountains.

I decided to enter this city and wander around its streets a little. There was a market on a large square. Merchants from all countries traded here - Persians, Indians, Franks, Turks, and Chinese. I stood in the middle of the market and looked around. A man in a robe and a large white turban on his head walked past me.

I rushed to him:

- “Oh, venerable merchant, tell me where you come from, maybe from Baghdad?”

- “Greetings, oh fellow countryman!” — the Baghdad merchant Mansur answered joyfully.

Mansur took me to his house.

- “Oh, fellow countryman, I want to save your life. You must do everything I tell you!”

In the evening, Mansur and I went to the sea. Men, women and children ran past, stumbling and falling, towards the pier.

“Now the monkeys will enter the city,” said Mansur. “They come here every night, and it will be bad for anyone who stays in the city.” So we quickly got into the boat and quickly set sail from the shore.

And as soon as it got dark, all the mountains were covered with moving lights. These were monkeys coming down from the mountains. They carried torches in their hands, lighting their way.

The monkeys scattered throughout the market, sat down in the shops and began to trade. Some sold, others bought. The buyer monkeys chose clothes, dishes, materials, quarreled and fought.

At dawn they formed ranks and left the city, and the inhabitants returned to their homes.

Mansur brought me home and said:

“I’ve lived here for a long time and I miss my homeland. Soon you and I will go to Baghdad, but first we need to get more money.”

The next day we took bags filled with stones and went into the forest. In a large palm grove, Mansur and I saw many monkeys. When we got very close, the monkeys climbed to the tops of the trees.

Having untied our bags, we began to throw stones at the monkeys, and the angry ones tore nuts from coconut trees and threw them down, trying to hit us.

Each of us quickly filled our bags with selected nuts and returned to the city. We received a lot of money for coconuts, which were very valuable in these parts.

After that, the merchant Mansur and I went to the sea, chose the largest ship and set off for our homeland. How joyfully my family and friends greeted me. For a long time, Baghdad merchants came to me to listen to stories about the amazing travels of Sinbad the Sailor. Sinbad the Sailor finished his story and waited to hear what Sinbad the Porter would say. But he was silent. Then the rich owner poured wine into his goblet and said:

Apparently you didn’t understand why I told you about my misadventures. I thought this would be instructive for you, I wanted to tell you not to despair, not to curse your fate, even if life seems unbearable. Everything I have I earned through hard work. Don’t hang your head, because I had it harder than you, but look around - now I live like in paradise.

Sinbad the Sailor invited Sidbad the Porter to live in his house until his death. “You will compose poems for me,” he told his guest, “and together we will reflect on life.” But Sinbad the porter politely thanked him for this offer and for his hospitality, said goodbye to Sinbad the Sailor and left the house. It was already cool outside. Sinbad the porter put heavy carpets on his head and went his way. Sinbad the Sailor looked after him from the window and heard him repeating his poems:

Who needs such a life?

Just hunger and need.

basking in idleness,

They spend their days in joy,

Not knowing grief and need,

But they are like me and you,

And may their wealth be countless,

In the end, all people are mortal."

During the reign of Caliph Harun al-Rashid, there lived in the city of Baghdad a poor man named Sinbad. To feed himself, he carried weights on his head for a fee. But there were many poor porters like him, and therefore Sinbad could not ask for as much as he was entitled to for his work. He had to be content with meager pennies, so that he almost died of hunger.

One day he was carrying heavy carpets on his head, he could barely move his legs, sweat was pouring off him like a hail, his head was buzzing, and the poor man thought that he was about to lose consciousness. Sinbad passed just past one house, and from the gate a cool breath blew on him, and the smell of delicious food made his head spin. There was a stone bench in the shade in front of the house. Sinbad could not stand it, put the carpets on the ground and sat down on a bench to rest and get some fresh air. Cheerful voices were heard from the house, wonderful singing and the clinking of glasses and dishes were heard.

Who needs such a life?

Just hunger and need.

Others, basking in idleness,

They spend their days in joy,

Not knowing grief and need.

But they are like me and you,

And although their wealth is countless, -

In the end, all people are mortal.

Well, is that fair?

That only the rich live happy?

When he finished, a young servant in an expensive dress came out of the gate.

“My master heard your poems,” said the young man. - He invites you to have dinner with him and spend the evening together.

Sinbad got scared and began to say that he had done nothing wrong. But the young man smiled welcomingly at him, took his hand, and the porter had to accept the invitation.

Sinbad had never seen such luxury as was in that house in his life. Servants scurried back and forth with dishes full of rare dishes, wonderful music was heard everywhere, and Sinbad decided that he was dreaming all this.

The young man led the porter into a small room. There, at the table, sat an important gentleman, looking more like a scientist than a deceiver. The owner nodded to Sinbad and invited him to the table.

What is your name? - he asked the porter.

“Sinbad the porter,” answered the poor man.

My name is also Sinbad, people called me Sinbad the Sailor, and now you will find out why. I heard your poems and I liked them. So know that you are not the only one who has had to experience need and adversity. I will tell you about everything that I experienced before I achieved the honor and wealth that you see here. But first you must eat.

Sinbad the porter did not force himself to be persuaded and pounced on the food. And when Sinbad the Sailor saw that the guest was enjoying his vacation and was already full, he said:

I have already told you a hundred times what you are about to hear. I have no one to tell about this anymore. And it seems to me that you will understand me better than others. Sinbad the Porter did not dare to object, he just nodded, and his namesake Sinbad the Sailor began his story.

My father was a rich merchant, and I was his only son. When he died, I inherited all his property. And everything that my father saved during his life, I managed to squander in one year in the company of idle and lazy people like me. All I have left is a vineyard. I sold it, bought various goods with the proceeds and joined a caravan of merchants who were planning to go to distant overseas countries. I hoped that I would sell my goods there at a profit and become rich again.

The merchants and I set off on a voyage across the sea. We sailed for many days and nights, from time to time we landed on the shore, exchanged or sold our goods and bought new ones. I liked the trip, my wallet became fatter, and I no longer regretted my frivolous and carefree life. I carefully watched how people lived in foreign countries, took an interest in their customs, studied their languages ​​and felt great.

So we sailed to a wonderful island overgrown with dense forest. The trees were covered with fruits, unprecedented flowers were fragrant, and streams with crystal clear water were rustling everywhere. We went down to the shore to take a break from the rocks in this piece of paradise. Some enjoyed the juicy fruits, others lit a fire and began to cook food, others swam in cool streams or walked around the island. So we were enjoying the peace, when suddenly we heard a loud cry from the captain, who remained on the ship. He waved his arms and shouted:

Save yourself, who can! Run to the ship! This is not an island, but the back of a huge fish!

And indeed, it was not an island, but the back of a monstrous fish, towering above the water. Over the years, sand has accumulated on it, the wind has carried plant seeds there, and trees and flowers have grown there. All this happened only because the fish fell asleep a hundred years ago and did not move until it was awakened by the fire that we lit. The fish felt something burning its back and turned around.

One after another we jumped into the sea and swam to the ship. But not everyone managed to escape. Suddenly the island fish hit the water with its tail and sank into the depths of the sea. Roaring waves closed over the trees and flowers, and I, along with others, found myself under water.

Fortunately, I clung to the wooden trough that we had taken to the island to get fresh water into it. I didn’t let go of the trough, even though my soul sank into my heels. It swirled around with me underwater until I finally surfaced. I sat astride the trough, began to row with my feet, and swam in this strange canoe for one day and one night; All around, wherever you looked, there was water, an endless expanse of sea.

I was exhausted under the scorching rays of the sun, suffering from hunger and thirst. And suddenly, when it seemed to me that my end was approaching, I saw a green strip of land on the horizon. I strained my last strength and, when the sun had already begun to sink into the sea, I sailed in my trough to the island. The singing of birds and the scent of flowers could be heard from the island. I went ashore. The first thing that caught my eye was a spring gushing out of a rock overgrown with ferns. I fell to him with burning lips and drank until I fell onto the grass as if killed. The sound of the sea and the singing of birds lulled me to sleep, and the wonderful aroma of flowers acted like intoxication. I woke up the next day, when the sun was already high. After eating fruit and drinking from the spring, I went into the interior of the island to look around. I walked under the spreading crowns of trees, made my way through thickets strewn with flowers, but did not meet a soul anywhere. I only scared the timid monkeys a couple of times.

It seemed to me that this forest would never end. I climbed a tall tree and began to look around. “Maybe there is some kind of building here after all,” I thought. I strained my vision as best I could, and finally I saw a huge white dome on a sandbank in the distance. I decided that this was the roof of the palace, quickly climbed down from the tree and headed in that direction.

But I had to walk for a long time through the green forest, among lush flowers that were so fragrant that I almost fell asleep again. Finally I emerged from the forest and stood under a shiny white ball, so huge that the top of it could not be seen. I walked around the ball and thought about how to get into it. But there were no windows or doors anywhere. I tried to climb onto it, but the surface of the dome was so smooth that even a fly could not stay on it.

Tired, I sat down near the dome and began to watch the sun set. Soon it would be evening again, and I was obviously destined to be alone on this island until I died. I missed my hometown, its noisy harbors and ships.

Suddenly everything around became dark, as if someone had thrown a huge black blanket over the sun. I raised my head and saw that the sun was covered by a black cloud. The cloud kept growing and approaching the island. And then I began to discern the outlines of a huge bird. Her wings were like clouds blocking the sun. The bird, circling in the air, headed straight towards the dome under which I was resting. I barely had time to bury myself in the sand, huddled in fear and waited for what would happen next.

The bird landed on the island, covered the ball with its wing and fell asleep. I guessed that it was the Ruhkh bird. Sailors often talked about her. They said that she fed her chicks with elephants, and on one island she laid huge eggs. “This ball,” I thought, “is nothing more than the egg of the Rukh bird.” So I lay buried in the sand, and suddenly I thought that with the help of this huge bird I could get out of the island.

I took the turban off my head, unwound it and tied myself to the leg of a sleeping bird. Out of fear, I did not sleep a wink and barely waited for the morning.

When the sun rose, the bird woke up and screamed so loudly and protractedly that it woke up all the birds and monkeys in the forest. Then she noisily spread her huge wings and soared into the air. The roc bird didn't notice that I was tied to its leg. She flew over the endless expanse of the sea, dispersing clouds with her wings, as if they were fluff from flowers. The fast flight made me dizzy, and my heart was pounding wildly with fear. The Rukh bird did not stop until it had flown across the entire sea. Then she sank into a deep and wide valley. I quickly untied my turban and hid behind a large stone. The Rukh bird rose into the air and began to circle over the valley, suddenly it sank and immediately soared into the heights again. I saw that in the mines she was holding a huge snake, longer and thicker than the largest cedar. Before I had time to come to my senses, the Rukh bird was already flying in the distance over the sea.

I decided to look around and walked along the valley. My legs were still shaking after the terrible flight. The valley was surrounded on all sides by high mountains, their peaks touching the clouds. There was no water or vegetation here, the ground under my feet was strewn with stones. I felt uneasy. I already regretted leaving the island. “At least I could eat fruit and drink fresh water there,” I reproached myself. “But here there are no springs or grass. Surely starvation awaits me here.” So I grieved and wandered around the valley, with my head down, and suddenly I noticed, that under my feet there were no ordinary stones: the whole valley was strewn with precious diamonds. And among the stones black snakes basked in the sun. Each of them was larger than the tallest palm tree. “This is where you have been brought, Sinbad,” I thought. “That’s why you so quickly threw your inheritance into the wind so that you could die here as quickly as possible among huge monsters and precious stones, from which you have no use.” Lost in thought, I walked further until I reached the foot of a high mountain. I sat down there on a stone and began to wait for night. “Apparently, this will be my last night,” I thought. “If I don’t die from hunger and thirst, then the snakes will escort me to the next world.”

Suddenly I saw something falling to the ground. It was a freshly slaughtered sheep. She turned over twice in the air and finally fell into the dust right on the diamonds. Several gems stuck to the carcass. And then I remembered how one merchant told me about the valley of diamonds. “This valley,” he said, “is located in a distant mountainous country, where no one has ever reached alive. It is full of terrible snakes. But people have come up with a trick to get diamonds. They cut up a sheep or other animal and throw the meat into the valley. Diamonds stick to the carcass. At noon, eagles and vultures descend into the valley, and people are waiting for them. The birds grab the carcasses and fly up the mountain with them. People attack them with sticks and clubs, the bird releases the prey, and then all that remains is to collect the diamonds stuck to the meat. ".

“I will finally be saved,” I exclaimed joyfully. I quickly collected as many large diamonds as I could carry with me, filled all my pockets with them, and then again unraveled my turban, lay down on the ground and tied myself to the mutton carcass. I didn't have to wait long. A minute later, wings rustled above me, a huge eagle grabbed a sheep with its talons and rose into the air. He sank to the top of the mountain, released us from his claws and began pecking at the meat. But suddenly a crowd of people attacked him. They screamed and pounded the rocks with sticks. The eagle got scared, abandoned its prey and flew away. How surprised people were when they saw that I, Sinbad, had crawled out from under the sheep! I told them about how I ended up in the valley of diamonds and thanked them for saving me. People believed me. They were also merchants and traded in diamonds. The merchants invited me to their ship. Without hesitation, I agreed, because I also now had a bunch of diamonds, a fortune! With new friends I went to the open sea. I was rich again, alive and well, and looking forward to the future.

We sailed from pier to pier, I met new people, black, white, yellow, who spoke different languages, sold and bought goods. Finally, I was able to load my own ship with expensive cargo and send it to my native shores.

But suddenly one night a terrible storm arose, the wind broke the masts, and the rudder failed. When the storm subsided in the morning, we saw that our ship had washed up on the shores of a foreign land. As soon as the captain saw this shore, he began to tear out his hair, moan and cry.

Oh woe to us, woe! Prepare to die! There is no salvation for us,” he shouted. - We are in the land of the “furry”!

From his words we understood that this is an island where people live who look like monkeys, yellow-eyed, covered with black fur. Before we had time to come to our senses, these monsters attacked our ship, surrounded us, began to tear our clothes, scratch and bite. Finally, the enemies took us to the island. Then they raised the sails and sailed away on our ship to an unknown destination.

Unhappy we wandered around the island until we finally came to a huge stone palace. The ebony gates were wide open. We entered them and found ourselves in a large courtyard. The yard was empty. We could barely stand on our feet from fatigue. Everyone lay down in the shadow of the huge pillars and fell asleep.

We were awakened by a terrible noise; it seemed as if a thousand winds had conspired and blew all at once. We jumped to our feet and saw a giant in front of us. His skin was dark blue, and his eyes sparkled like fire; his teeth stuck out like the tusks of a boar, and his fingernails were wide and sharp, like those of a lion. The giant slowly descended the huge staircase straight towards us. We huddled together like frightened chickens; we didn’t utter a sound out of horror. The monster bent down, moved its fingers over a group of frightened people and grabbed me. The giant looked at me with his sparkling eyes, probed me from all sides, then let go and grabbed another, then a third, until he had examined us all. Finally he chose the captain, the biggest and fattest of us.

Yep, you'll make a good roast! - said the giant in a thunderous voice. He lit a fire in the yard on a brazier. Then we recovered from our fright and ran away. And the giant burst into terrible laughter. He knew that we could not escape anywhere. All the same, he will gather us all, like a dove to a pea.

We hid in hollows and climbed into animal holes, but this did not save us. Every evening the giant came out of the palace and caught one of us. Then he lit a fire in the yard, and in the morning we heard terrible sounds, it seemed like someone was shaking the rocks. This giant was snoring after a hearty dinner.

Are we really going to let him hunt us down like rabbits? - I said one evening to the surviving merchants. And I told them what I was planning to do. We ran to the shore and began pulling thick tree trunks into a pile and tying them with ropes made from palm bast. Soon the raft was ready. When the giant's snoring was heard, we went to the palace. The giant stretched out on a stone bench and slept like the dead. We took two spits on which he fried meat, heated them on the fire and put them to the eyes of the cannibal, and immediately, with all our strength, we ran to the sea, where our raft stood.

The cannibal screamed in a terrible voice, it seemed that the island would fall into the sea from his scream. With his arms outstretched and stomping like a herd of elephants, he set off in pursuit of us. The enraged giant uprooted trees, scattered them in all directions like twigs, and broke huge rocks into pieces, but we were already on the shore and lowered the raft into the water. “Now the blind giant will never catch up with us,” we rejoiced.

But before we had time to sail from the shore, we saw next to the giant his wife, who was even more terrible than him. Our hair stood on end with horror; after all, we didn’t even realize that there was someone else on the island. Then she noticed us, grabbed the giant by the hand and dragged him to the sea. On the shore, they began to break off huge boulders from the rocks, the size of a camel, and threw them after us. One of the boulders fell onto the raft. The raft shattered and we all found ourselves in the sea. Stone blocks rained down on us as if there was an earthquake. It seemed that we were all destined to die. But still, one of us was saved, and it was me. I climbed onto the logs that remained from the raft. They easily kept one person afloat. Fortunately, a high wave came and carried me and the raft into the open sea. And the stones kept falling into the sea, but now they did not reach me. The waves carried me further and further, but for a long time I heard the roar of the blinded giant. Again I was left alone in the endless expanse of the sea, ragged, like a beggar, without food and without fresh water.

And why did I need all this, I scolded myself. - Why didn’t I stay at home? What drew me to foreign countries? Now I would only need one date and the shade of the trees along the road just to be at home. Why do I need wealth, because the homeland is the most precious thing a person has.

These thoughts never left me, but I should have thought about it sooner. And now I was alone in the sea, the sun was mercilessly scorching overhead, and there was not a cloud in the sky.

I wrapped the remnants of my clothes around my head so that the sun would not deprive me of my mind, covered my face and eyes and relied on fate. Finally I fell asleep. When I woke up, I heard wonderful music and birdsong. Under the rags with which my head was shrouded, the scent of flowers penetrated, and somewhere nearby, streams sang like silver bells. I was scared and thought that my end was near. “It’s obvious that this is all nonsense,” I decided and tore the rags off my head. I didn’t want to believe either my eyes or my ears; my raft washed up on the sandy shore of a wonderful bay. Tree branches bent over me, thousands of vines hung over the water, and luxurious orchids and other rare flowers sparkled in the sun. Transparent mountain streams fell from the rocks into the valley. I got up and with difficulty reached one of these streams. My legs were shaking and my head was spinning. I washed my face with cold water, wet my hands and back and drank greedily. Refreshing with water and refreshed with fruits, I began to sing and jumped for joy like a kid. What a blessing that I am alive and well! But I was even more delighted when I got to the green lawn and saw there an old man with a long gray beard. He seemed very kind to me.

Finally I see a person again! - I exclaimed and ran up to the old man. I spoke to him and told him about all my misadventures, and the old man began to praise the beauty of this island, extolling to the skies the huge pier where ships from all over the world come.

“Take me there,” I asked him, “and I will remember you with gratitude until I die.”

“I would be happy to take you there,” said the old man. - But I can’t walk, my legs have stopped obeying me. I'm waiting for my grandson to come for me. But you know what, put me on your back and I will show you the way. We'll get there in an hour.

I put the old man on my shoulders, and he showed me which way to go. We headed to the pier. But as soon as I took a few steps, I was surprised to feel that the old man was very heavy. He wrapped his legs tightly around my neck, pressed his knees into my chest and began to laugh.

Gotcha, you simpleton,” he shouted, “now you’ll drag me to death like a donkey!”

He pushed me in the back and forced me to run faster in one direction or the other, or simply spin around in place. I tried my best to throw off the evil old man, but nothing worked. So I became his slave. The old man didn’t even get off my back at night. I slept sitting up, and he woke me up every minute and tormented me. We wandered for many days and nights back and forth through beautiful forests full of birds and flowers, through shady groves, through fragrant meadows, and I did not notice anything around me. I was tormented by terrible pain in my back and lower back, I felt that I was getting weaker every day , and the old man became more and more unbearable and heavier, as if he was squeezing all the juice out of me.

One day we stopped on a hillock overgrown with vines. Then I noticed a dried pumpkin on the ground. I picked it up and filled it with grain and grapes. Since then, I carried the pumpkin with me and from time to time exposed it to the scorching rays of the sun. After a few days, the grapes fermented, and its juice turned into strong wine.

Now at least I have something to eat, I thought.

But when I brought the pumpkin to my mouth, the old man snatched it from my hands and drank all the wine in one breath. Then he began to sing, laugh, clapped his hands, pounded my neck with his fists, hit my sides with his heels, pushed me, demanded that I dance with him. The wine affected him so much that he stopped thinking. But he soon calmed down. I suddenly felt that his legs were gradually unclenching, he was no longer squeezing me as tightly as usual! I straightened my shoulders and threw the old man to the ground like a pear.

I suddenly felt so light, as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, I sighed with relief and looked at the old man. He lay in the grass completely helpless and slept like a marmot.

“You’ll jump when you wake up,” I laughed. - Now wait for the second fool like me to pass by!

Then I left the old man and cheerfully headed in the direction where flocks of pigeons often flew. I walked for two days and finally came to a big city with a harbor. I walked the streets, stopped at markets, but everywhere I heard someone else talking. And only in the evening, while relaxing by the well in the market square, I heard someone speaking my native language.

I jumped up and ran up to the smartly dressed people, spoke to them and saw that they understood me. But these people looked at me like I was crazy. And if I could look at myself from the outside, I would not condemn them for this. Instead of clothes, I had only a bandage around my hips, my face was wrinkled, my cheeks and chin were overgrown with thick stubble, and the scorching rays of the sun turned the skin on my body pitch black. This is how I changed over the years of my wanderings. I had to talk about myself for a long time, and finally they believed that I was not lying. And when I remembered about the island that was on the back of a monstrous fish, the merchants looked at me in surprise, whispered among themselves, and then suddenly one of them asked:

Listen, are you by any chance Sinbad, the merchant from Baghdad?

How did you recognize me?! - I exclaimed joyfully.

Then the merchants began to hug and congratulate me, I recognized them as my friends from the first ship, those who managed to escape and swam away before the monstrous fish plunged into the sea. Their ship was anchored in the local harbor. The next day they took me onto the ship, showed me my goods, which were still lying in the hold, gave me expensive clothes, and I became a merchant again.

And since my comrades had already sold and bought everything they wanted, our ship headed straight to our native shores. We arrived safely in Baghdad. There I sold my goods and bought myself a house with a garden and a vineyard. I was a good merchant and after a few years became one of the richest men in the city. It also helped me that over the years of wandering I had studied life so well. But I no longer dared to travel by sea. “It’s good everywhere, but it’s better at home,” I say. When I need to sell or exchange goods, I send one of my assistants in my place to foreign countries. I have three large ships and they plow the sea all the time, but not a drop of salt water gets on me. Sinbad the Sailor finished his story and waited for what Sinbad the Porter would say. But he was silent. Then the rich owner poured wine into his goblet and said:

Apparently you didn’t understand why I told you about my misadventures. I thought this would be instructive for you, I wanted to tell you not to despair, not to curse your fate, even if life seems unbearable. Everything I have I earned through hard work. Don’t hang your head, because I had it harder than you, but look around - now I live like in paradise.

And then Sinbad the porter asked Sinbad the Sailor:

O lord, how long have you carried this old man on your back?

“Many, many days, no less than four weeks,” answered Sinbad the Sailor.

Do you think you could wear it for a year or even your whole life?

At most I could stand it for six months,” answered Sinbad the Sailor. - Maybe I would have died earlier than in six months. Then Sinbad the porter said:

You see, my lord, I’ve been carrying such an old man for thirty years. Every day it becomes heavier and heavier, it drives me here and there, tears a piece out of my mouth, at night I feel it on my back, but I can’t get it off.

Sinbad the Sailor understood his namesake and invited him to live in his house until his death. “You will compose poems for me,” he told his guest, “and together we will reflect on life.”

But Sinbad the porter politely thanked him for this offer and for his hospitality, said goodbye to Sinbad the Sailor and left the house. It was already cool outside. Sinbad the porter put heavy carpets on his head and went his way. Sinbad the Sailor looked after him from the window and heard him repeating his poems:

Who needs such a life?

Just hunger and need.

basking in idleness,

They spend their days in joy,

Not knowing grief and need,

But they are like me and you,

And may their wealth be countless,

In the end, all people are mortal."

The tale of Sinbad the Sailor takes children and adults to the distant world of Asia and introduces the main navigator hero. Sinbad loves traveling very much. At the beginning of the tale we learn that he is rich, lives in Baghdad, owns ships and manages trade. At the same time, he listens to many stories about sailing from sailors and dreams of going to see the world. Finally, the dream comes true and Sinbad sets off swimming. We offer you a brief retelling of The Tale of Sinbad the Sailor.

The Tale of Sinbad the Sailor: read the retelling

Island. Sinbad loaded goods onto the ship and took merchants with him on the journey. They sailed for a long time on the sea and saw an island. Having settled on it, Sinbad and the merchants realized that they were not trampling the earth at all, but a big fish. The fish began to move and dived into the sea waves, plunging the merchants with it. Sinbad swam well, so he remained alive and surfaced. He wanted to swim to the ship, but the captain quickly swam away, without even looking at Sinbad and the others in the sea. The main character fell into despair for a moment, it seemed that his life was over. All night he floated on a trough on the sea, but in the morning he found himself on land.

On the new land, the sailor meets the king, they develop a trusting relationship and Sinbad becomes his close confidant. At the same time, he misses Baghdad very much. One day he meets a ship on the shore and realizes that it is his ship! The captain does not recognize Sinbad at first, but later understands everything. Sinbad goes home and decides never to leave again.

Meeting with the roc bird. The main character could not stand it and went on a new journey. Once, tired from a long voyage, he and the merchants moored the ship near an amazing island. Sinbad fell asleep on it in the shade, and in the morning he realized that the ship had sailed away without him.

While walking around the island, he saw the roc bird. Having taken off his clothes, Sinbad tied himself to the bird's paw. When she took off, she took the hero with her. So he ended up in a mountain gorge, where it was even worse than on the island. But after looking carefully, the sailor saw a lot of diamonds. He collected them in the mountains and then took a long time to get home.

The Tale of Sinbad: Summary and Moral

Meeting with the cannibal. For a long time, the navigator decided to be at home and not leave his native walls. When friends came to him, he talked about wonderful travels, the roc bird, the fish island, diamonds. Everyone listened in amazement. Once Sinbad met a wanderer who told about the island of Serendib. The colorful descriptions forced the navigator to set off on his journey again. But the ship was wrecked, and the sailors ended up on the island. There they met a giant who ate people. Sinbad gouged out the monster's eyes and disappeared. Soon he was home.

The moral of the tale of Sinbad the Sailor is that travel can be dangerous, but it always brings bright colors and inspiration to life, helps to understand the world and strengthens the spirit.

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But soon Sinbad got tired of sitting in one place, and he wanted to swim the seas again. He bought goods again, went to Basra and chose a large, strong ship. For two days the sailors put goods in the hold, and on the third day the captain ordered the anchor to be raised, and the ship set off, driven by a fair wind.

Sinbad saw many islands, cities and countries on this journey, and finally his ship landed on an unknown beautiful island, where clear streams flowed and thick trees grew, hung with heavy fruits.

Sinbad and his companions, merchants from Baghdad, went ashore for a walk and scattered around the island. Sinbad chose a shady place and sat down to rest under a thick apple tree. Soon he felt hungry. He took a roast chicken from his travel bag and some flat cakes that he had taken from the ship, and ate it, and then lay down on the grass and immediately fell asleep.

When he woke up, the sun was already low. Sinbad jumped to his feet and ran to the sea, but the ship was no longer there. He sailed away, and everyone who was on it - the captain, the merchants, and the sailors - forgot about Sinbad.

Poor Sinbad was left alone on the island. He cried bitterly and said to himself:

If on my first trip I escaped and met people who brought me back to Baghdad, now no one will find me on this deserted island.

Until nightfall, Sinbad stood on the shore, watching to see if a ship was sailing in the distance, and when it got dark, he lay down on the ground and fell fast asleep.

In the morning, at sunrise, Sinbad woke up and went deep into the island to look for food and fresh water. From time to time he climbed the trees and looked around, but saw nothing but forest, land and water.

He felt sad and scared. Do you really have to live your whole life on this deserted island? But then, trying to cheer himself up, he said:

What's the use of sitting and grieving! No one will save me if I don't save myself. I’ll go further and maybe I’ll get to the place where people live.

Several days passed. And then one day Sinbad climbed a tree and saw in the distance a large white dome that sparkled dazzlingly in the sun. Sinbad was very happy and thought: “This is probably the roof of the palace in which the king of this island lives. I will go to him and he will help me get to Baghdad."

Sinbad quickly descended from the tree and walked forward, not taking his eyes off the white dome. Approaching a close distance, he saw that it was not a palace, but a white ball - so huge that its top was not visible.

Sinbad walked around him, but did not see any windows or doors. He tried to climb onto the top of the ball, but the walls were so slippery and smooth that Sinbad had nothing to grab onto.

“What a miracle,” thought Sinbad. “What kind of ball is this?”

Suddenly everything around went dark. Sinbad looked up and saw that a huge bird was flying above him and its wings, like clouds, were blocking the sun. Sinbad was frightened at first, but then he remembered that the captain of his ship said that on the distant islands there lives a bird called Ruhkh, which feeds its chicks with elephants. Sinbad immediately realized that the white ball was the egg of the Rukh bird. He hid and waited to see what would happen next. The Rukh bird, circling in the air, landed on the egg, covered it with its wings and fell asleep. She didn't even notice Sinbad.

And Sinbad lay motionless near the egg and thought: “I found a way to get out of here. If only the bird didn’t wake up.”

He waited a little and, seeing that the bird was fast asleep, quickly took off the turban from his head, unwound it and tied it to the leg of the Rukh bird. She didn’t move - after all, in comparison with her, Sinbad was no more than an ant. Having become attached, Sinbad lay down on the bird's leg and said to himself:

“Tomorrow she will fly away with me and, perhaps, will take me to a country where there are people and cities. But even if I fall and break, it’s still better to die right away than to wait for death on this uninhabited island.”

Early in the morning, just before dawn, the Ruhkh bird woke up, noisily spread its wings, screamed loudly and protractedly, and soared into the air. Sinbad closed his eyes in fear and tightly grabbed the bird's leg. She rose to the very clouds and flew for a long time over the waters and lands, and Sinbad hung tied to her leg and was afraid to look down. Finally, the Rukh bird began to descend and, sitting on the ground, folded its wings. Then Sinbad quickly and carefully untied his turban, trembling for fear that Rukh would notice him and kill him. But the bird never saw Sinbad. She suddenly grabbed something long and thick from the ground with her claws and flew away. Sinbad looked after her and saw that Rukh was carrying away in his claws a huge snake, longer and thicker than the largest palm tree.