Sanitary rules for sea and river ports. Sanitary rules for sea and river ports of the USSR. Requirements for the design, new construction, expansion and reconstruction of ports and marinas



Deputyestatel of the Chief

State Sanitary

doctor of the USSR

A.M. Sklyarov

№ 4962-89


Odessa, 1989

Raearned: All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Water Transport Hygiene of the USSR Ministry of Health

Director - A.M. Voitenko


S.E. Boev, S.A. Vinogradov, A.M. Voitenko, A.A. Volkov, A.A. Vorobyov, V.A. Gofmekler, V.P. Danilyuk, I.N. Lanzig, V.N. Evstafiev, R.E. Kuklov, D.I. Mavrov, G.A. Plisov, L.M. Putko, I.I. Ratovsky, Yu.M. Stenko, V.B. Chernopyatov, L.M. Saffron

Comments and suggestions on these Rules should be sent to the Main Sanitary and Preventive Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Health and the All-Union Research Institute of Water Transport Hygiene (270039, Odessa-39, Sverdlov St., 92).

Public sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-anti-epidemic rules and regulations

Violation of sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-anti-epidemic rules and norms entails disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the USSR and union republics (Article 18).

State sanitary supervision over compliance with sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-anti-epidemic rules and norms by state bodies, as well as all enterprises, institutions and organizations, officials and citizens is entrusted to the bodies and institutions of the sanitary-epidemiological service of the Ministry of Health of the Union Republics (Article 19).

(Fundamentals of the legislation of the USSR and union republics on healthcare, approved by the USSR Law of December 19, 1969)



1.1.1. These Sanitary Rules apply to sea and river ports of the USSR that are being designed, constructed, reconstructed and operated.

These Sanitary Rules come into force from the moment of their publication.


These Sanitary Rules do not apply to:

In the ports of the Ministry of Fisheries for workshops, specific devices and equipment that must meet the requirements of the “Sanitary Rules for Fish Processing Enterprises” (onshore)”;

In the ports of the USSR Marine Ministries and river fleet RSFSR - for port refrigerators, which are guided by special “Sanitary Rules for Refrigeration Industry Enterprises”;

For port buildings and special-purpose structures (shelters, control points, etc.).

1.1.2. Compliance with the requirements of these Rules is mandatory for organizations and enterprises of the Ministry of the Marine Fleet of the USSR, the Ministry of River Fleet of the RSFSR, the River Transport Administrations of the Union Republics, the Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR, as well as Ministries and departments that have jurisdiction over sea and river ports.

Foreign ships located in the ports of the USSR are required to comply with the requirements of these Rules.

1.1.3. Design and estimate documentation for ports and port facilities that are under construction, reconstruction or technical re-equipment, after the entry into force of these Sanitary Rules, must be agreed with the state sanitary inspection authorities.

1.1.4. Coordination of project documentation for ports under construction and reconstruction, piers, industrial transshipment complexes - PPK (berths) and other port facilities with state sanitary inspection authorities is carried out in accordance with the circular letter of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR “On the procedure for submitting project documentation for approval with state supervision authorities.”

1.1.5. Making any changes to port or marina projects approved by the state sanitary supervision requires an additional decision from the state sanitary supervision bodies that approved the project, or from higher state sanitary supervision bodies.

1.1.6. Bringing ports and port facilities put into operation after the entry into force of these Rules into compliance with these Rules is carried out in a planned manner, agreed with the Ministries in the order of subordination, and state sanitary inspection bodies.

1.1.7. Facilities located in ports, similar to the corresponding facilities of industrial enterprises (technological communication nodes, repair shops, garages, power plants, boiler houses, etc.), are designed according to the “Sanitary standards for the design of industrial enterprises” (SN No. 245-71), if in relation to these objects these objects The rules do not stipulate special requirements.

1.1.8. The procedure for accepting the port into operation is regulated by SNiP “Acceptance into operation of completed enterprises, buildings and structures”, “Instruction on the composition, procedure for development, coordination and approval of design and estimate documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures” (SNiP1. 02.01-85).


1.2.1. Responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of these Rules rests with the departments operating ports, marinas and industrial transshipment complexes (PPK) and leading their design, construction and reconstruction.

1.2.2. Control over the implementation of these Rules is assigned to basin, port and linear sanitary and epidemiological stations, and in their absence - to territorial state sanitary inspection bodies - in accordance with the Regulations on State Sanitary Inspection in the USSR.

1.2.3. Departmental control over the state of the environment and production environment in ports is carried out by sanitary-industrial laboratories in accordance with the “Regulations on the sanitary laboratory at an industrial enterprise”, and where the amount of work for their creation is small - port SES and their laboratories.



2.1.1. When choosing a territory for a new port, the development of a master plan must take into account the requirements of SNiP “Master plans of industrial enterprises”, “Design standards”, “Sanitary standards for the design of industrial enterprises”, “Instructions for the layout of sea ports”, “Technological design standards” seaports”, etc.

2.1.2. When designing river ports, one should take into account the requirements of the “River Port Design Guide” and “Industry requirements for the scientific organization of labor, mandatory for the design of river ports.”

2.1.3. The selection of sites and water areas for the construction of a sea and river port, a pier and related service and auxiliary facilities, housing and cultural construction, must be made in accordance with the existing or being developed project (scheme) for the planning and development of a given populated area or a planning scheme and master plan of this industrial area.

2.1.4. The site allocated for the construction of a port and port facilities, as well as a residential settlement adjacent to them, must, as a rule, meet sanitary requirements taking into account:

Past use of land;

Unimpeded flow of atmospheric waters;

Locations in flood-free, elevated, non-swampy areas;

Its direct solar radiation and natural ventilation;

Dispersion of industrial emissions and fog formation conditions in atmospheric air.

The groundwater level must be below the construction of basements, or design options for water-saturated soils must be applied.

2.1.5. When designing specialized ports, marinas and individual processing facilities that process cargo that is characterized by harmful effects on people, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of GOST 12.01.007-76 “Harmful substances. Classification. General safety requirements”, GOST 19433-81 “Dangerous cargo. Classification and danger signs”, as well as requirements - in sea ​​ports- rules for the carriage of dangerous goods by sea (RID); in river ports - rules for the transportation of goods in the ports of the Ministry of River Fleet of the RSFSR.

2.1.6. When technologically zoning a port, it is necessary to provide for the allocation of industrial transhipment complexes (TPC) for processing dust-generating cargoes, which must be located at a sufficient distance from other dry cargo areas; the gaps between them must be taken not lower than the values ​​​​specified in Appendix 1 (separately for sea and river ports) .

2.1.7. It is recommended to provide for the relative position of control stations for various technological purposes in relation to the direction of the prevailing winds in accordance with Appendix 2.

2.1.8. Joint processing at one processing facility of cargoes, the adjacent location of which is not provided for in Appendix 1, is not permitted. In ports and marinas with small shipping traffic (up to 100 ships per year), the processing of various cargoes at one processing facility is carried out in agreement with local sanitary supervision.

2.1.9. When zoning the port technologically and determining the specialization of the processing plant, it should be taken into account that for a number of cargoes similar sanitary processing conditions can be adopted (Coal and ores, etc.).

2.1.10. Sanitary gaps from open warehouses of coal or other dusty materials to utility buildings (workshops, garages, etc.) must be at least 50 m, and to household buildings and premises - 25 m.

2.1.11. The site selected for port construction must have conditions for water supply, wastewater disposal, and temporary storage of solid waste.

2.1.12. When choosing a territory and designing a port, it is necessary to provide for the conditions under which the settlement adjacent to the port will have access to the sea, lake, river or reservoir (upstream).

2.1.13. River ports should be located outside the sanitary protection zone of household and drinking water intake structures and places of organized cultural and domestic water use, as a rule, and below residential buildings along the river.

2.1.14. It is prohibited to erect permanent buildings (stations, workshops, warehouses, etc.) in flooded areas.

2.1.15. The project for the construction of new, reconstruction and expansion of existing ports must contain materials on the protection of the natural environment, providing for measures to ensure hygienic standards and rules, for the sanitary protection of atmospheric air, water bodies and soil from pollution by wastewater, harmful industrial emissions into the atmosphere and industrial waste . The project must provide for a modern level of organization of the technological process that facilitates labor and ensures the highest productivity during loading and unloading operations.

2.1.16. The project should provide for the advanced construction of buildings and premises for medical and sanitary purposes, structures related to the protection of the natural environment, premises for cultural and domestic purposes, premises and areas for physical education and industrial gymnastics.

2.1.17. During the phased commissioning of port facilities by separate launch complexes, all measures for normal sanitary and safe working conditions and protection of the natural environment must be provided at each stage.

2.1.18. The territory of the PPK port must comply with the requirements of SNiP “Rules for the production and acceptance of work. Landscaping." Berths, storage areas, loading and unloading areas for automobile and railway transport, roads, driveways and pedestrian lanes must have hard, smooth, non-slip surfaces with slopes that ensure water drainage.

2.1.19. Master plans for passenger berths, placement of station buildings, pavilions, as well as parking areas for floating passenger and cargo landing stages must be developed taking into account the data of the port planning project and the development of the city or other populated areas in accordance with the “Rules and Standards of Urban Planning and Development”, requirements of SNiP “Master plans of industrial enterprises. Design standards", requirements of SNiP "Sanitary standards for the design of industrial enterprises", VSN "Stations. Design standards".

2.1.20. It is not permitted to erect residential, commercial, cultural, medical or other buildings on the port territory that are not related to production processes in the port and services for port workers, crews and passengers. Accommodation of any personnel in the port and marina is prohibited.

2.1.21. When designing the construction or reconstruction of a port, provision should be made for the allocation of territory for a special quarantine berth (area), as well as premises for a sanitary and quarantine department (point). The quarantine berth (area) must be isolated from other areas and located close to the entrance to the port.

2.1.22. The size of the sanitary gap between adjacent production or service buildings of the port, illuminated through window openings, must be no less than the height of the largest of these buildings. High-rise buildings are calculated from the planning mark of the territory to the eaves of the building.

2.1.23. When laying out a port, one should take into account the need for constant exchange of water and the prevention of its stagnation in the port water area and its individual sections (buckets, harbors, etc.).

2.1.24. The port's ship repair workshops and workshops for the repair of loading and unloading mechanisms should be located away from passenger traffic areas and technological complexes for cargo processing, in compliance with the appropriate sanitary protection zones.



Deputy Chief

State Sanitary

doctor of the USSR

A.M. Sklyarov


Odessa, 1989

Developed by: All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Water Transport Hygiene of the USSR Ministry of Health

Director - A.M. Voitenko


S.E. Boev, S.A. Vinogradov, A.M. Voitenko, A.A. Volkov, A.A. Vorobyov, V.A. Gofmekler, V.P. Danilyuk, I.N. Lanzig, V.N. Evstafiev, R.E. Kuklov, D.I. Mavrov, G.A. Plisov, L.M. Putko, I.I. Ratovsky, Yu.M. Stenko, V.B. Chernopyatov, L.M. Saffron

Comments and suggestions on these Rules should be sent to the Main Sanitary and Preventive Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Health and the All-Union Research Institute of Water Transport Hygiene (270039, Odessa-39, Sverdlov St., 92).

Public sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-anti-epidemic rules and regulations

Violation of sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-anti-epidemic rules and norms entails disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the USSR and union republics (Article 18).

State sanitary supervision over compliance with sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-anti-epidemic rules and norms by state bodies, as well as all enterprises, institutions and organizations, officials and citizens is entrusted to the bodies and institutions of the sanitary-epidemiological service of the Ministry of Health of the Union Republics (Article 19).

(Fundamentals of the legislation of the USSR and union republics on healthcare, approved by the USSR Law of December 19, 1969)



1.1.1. These Sanitary Rules apply to sea and river ports of the USSR that are being designed, constructed, reconstructed and operated.

These Sanitary Rules come into force from the moment of their publication.


These Sanitary Rules do not apply to:

In the ports of the Ministry of Fisheries for workshops, specific devices and equipment that must meet the requirements of the “Sanitary Rules for Fish Processing Enterprises” (onshore)”;

In the ports of the Ministries of the Marine Fleet of the USSR and the River Fleet of the RSFSR - for port refrigerators, which are guided by special “Sanitary Rules for Refrigeration Industry Enterprises”;

For port buildings and special-purpose structures (shelters, control points, etc.).

1.1.2. Compliance with the requirements of these Rules is mandatory for organizations and enterprises of the Ministry of the Marine Fleet of the USSR, the Ministry of River Fleet of the RSFSR, Directorates river transport Union republics, the Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR, as well as ministries and departments that have sea and river ports under their jurisdiction.

Foreign ships located in the ports of the USSR are required to comply with the requirements of these Rules.

1.1.3. Design and estimate documentation for ports and port facilities that are under construction, reconstruction or technical re-equipment, after the entry into force of these Sanitary Rules, must be agreed with the state sanitary inspection authorities.

1.1.4. Coordination of design documentation for ports, marinas, under construction and reconstruction, industrial transshipment complexes - PPK (berths) and other port facilities with state sanitary supervision authorities is carried out in accordance with the circular letter of the Chief State Sanitary Inspector of the USSR “On the procedure for submitting design documentation for approval with state supervision authorities” .

1.1.5. Making any changes to port or marina projects approved by the state sanitary supervision requires an additional decision from the state sanitary supervision bodies that approved the project, or from higher state sanitary supervision bodies.

1.1.6. Bringing ports and port facilities put into operation after the entry into force of these Rules into compliance with these Rules is carried out in a planned manner, agreed with the Ministries in the order of subordination, and state sanitary inspection bodies.

1.1.7. Facilities located in ports, similar to the corresponding facilities of industrial enterprises (technological communication centers, repair shops, garages, power plants, boiler houses, etc.), are designed according to the “Sanitary Standards for the Design of Industrial Enterprises” (SN No. 245-71), if in relation to these objects These Rules do not stipulate special requirements.

1.1.8. The procedure for accepting the port into operation is regulated by SNiP “Acceptance into operation of completed enterprises, buildings and structures”, “Instruction on the composition, procedure for development, coordination and approval of design and estimate documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures” (SNiP 1.02.01-85 ).


1.2.1. Responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of these Rules rests with the departments operating ports, marinas and industrial transshipment complexes (PPK) and leading their design, construction and reconstruction.

1.2.2. Control over the implementation of these Rules is assigned to basin, port and linear sanitary and epidemiological stations, and in their absence - to territorial state sanitary inspection bodies - in accordance with the Regulations on State Sanitary Inspection in the USSR.

1.2.3. Departmental control over the state of the environment and production environment in ports is carried out by sanitary-industrial laboratories in accordance with the “Regulations on the sanitary laboratory at an industrial enterprise”, and where the amount of work for their creation is small - port SES and their laboratories.



2.1.1. When choosing a territory for a new port, the development of a master plan must take into account the requirements of SNiP “Master Plans of Industrial Enterprises”, “Design Standards”, “Sanitary Standards for the Design of Industrial Enterprises”, “Instructions for the Layout of Sea Ports”, “Norms for the Technological Design of Sea Ports” and etc.

2.1.2. When designing river ports, one should take into account the requirements of the “River Port Design Guide” and “Industry requirements for the scientific organization of labor, mandatory for the design of river ports.”

2.1.3. The selection of sites and water areas for the construction of a sea and river port, a pier and related service and auxiliary facilities, housing and cultural construction, must be made in accordance with the existing or being developed project (scheme) for the planning and development of a given populated area or planning scheme and master plan for this industrial area.

2.1.4. The site allocated for the construction of a port and port facilities, as well as a residential settlement adjacent to them, must, as a rule, meet sanitary requirements taking into account:

Past use of land;

Unimpeded flow of atmospheric waters;

Locations in flood-free, elevated, non-swampy areas;

Its direct solar radiation and natural ventilation;

Dispersion of industrial emissions and fog formation conditions in atmospheric air.

The groundwater level must be below the construction of basements, or design options for water-saturated soils must be applied.

2.1.5. When designing specialized ports, marinas and individual processing facilities that process cargo that is characterized by harmful effects on people, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of GOST 12.01.007-76 “Harmful substances. Classification. General safety requirements", GOST 19433-81 "Dangerous goods. Classification and danger signs”, as well as the requirements - in seaports - of the rules for the carriage of dangerous goods by sea (RID); in river ports - rules for the transportation of goods in the ports of the Ministry of River Fleet of the RSFSR.

2.1.6. When technologically zoning a port, it is necessary to provide for the allocation of industrial transshipment complexes (TPCs) for processing dust-generating cargoes, which should be located at a sufficient distance from other dry cargo areas; the gaps between them must be taken not lower than the values ​​​​specified in Appendix 1 (separately for sea and river ports).

2.1.7. It is recommended to provide for the relative position of control stations for various technological purposes in relation to the direction of the prevailing winds in accordance with Appendix 2.

2.1.8. Joint processing at one processing facility of cargoes, the adjacent location of which is not provided for in Appendix 1, is not permitted. In ports and marinas with small shipping traffic (up to 100 ships per year), the processing of various cargoes at one processing facility is carried out in agreement with local sanitary supervision.

2.1.9. When zoning the port technologically and determining the specialization of the processing plant, it should be taken into account that for a number of cargoes similar sanitary processing conditions can be adopted (Coal and ores, etc.).

2.1.10. Sanitary gaps from open warehouses of coal or other dusty materials to utility buildings (workshops, garages, etc.) must be at least 50 m, and to household buildings and premises - 25 m.

2.1.11. The site selected for port construction must have conditions for providing water, draining wastewater, and for temporary storage of solid waste.

2.1.12. When choosing a territory and designing a port, it is necessary to provide for the conditions under which the settlement adjacent to the port will have access to the sea, lake, river or reservoir (upstream).

2.1.13. River ports should be located outside the sanitary protection zone of household and drinking water intake structures and places of organized cultural and domestic water use, as a rule, and below residential buildings along the river.

2.1.14. It is prohibited to erect permanent buildings (stations, workshops, warehouses, etc.) in flooded areas.

2.1.15. The project for the construction of new, reconstruction and expansion of existing ports must contain materials on the protection of the natural environment, providing for measures to ensure hygienic standards and rules, for the sanitary protection of atmospheric air, water bodies and soil from pollution by wastewater, harmful industrial emissions into the atmosphere and industrial waste. The project must provide for a modern level of organization of the technological process that facilitates labor and ensures the highest productivity during loading and unloading operations.

2.1.16. The project should provide for the advanced construction of buildings and premises for medical and sanitary purposes, structures related to the protection of the natural environment, premises for cultural and social purposes, premises and areas for physical education and industrial gymnastics.

2.1.17. During the phased commissioning of port facilities by separate launch complexes, all measures for normal sanitary and safe working conditions and protection of the natural environment must be provided at each stage.

2.1.18. The territory of the PPK port must comply with the requirements of SNiP “Rules for the production and acceptance of work. Landscaping." Berths, warehouse areas, loading and unloading fronts of automobile and railway transport, roads, access and pedestrian lanes must have hard, smooth, non-slip surfaces with slopes that ensure water drainage.

2.1.19. Master plans for passenger berths, the placement of station buildings, pavilions, as well as parking areas for floating passenger and cargo landing stages must be developed taking into account the data of the port planning project and the development of the city or other populated areas in accordance with the “Rules and Standards of Urban Planning and Development” , SNiP requirements “Master plans of industrial enterprises. Design standards", requirements of SNiP "Sanitary standards for the design of industrial enterprises", VSN "Stations. Design standards".

2.1.20. It is not permitted to erect residential, commercial, cultural, medical or other buildings on the port territory that are not related to production processes in the port and services for port workers, crews and passengers. Accommodation of any personnel in the port and marina is prohibited.

2.1.21. When designing the construction or reconstruction of a port, provision should be made for the allocation of territory for a special quarantine berth (area), as well as premises for a sanitary and quarantine department (point). The quarantine berth (area) must be isolated from other areas and located close to the entrance to the port.

2.1.22. The size of the sanitary gap between adjacent production or service buildings of the port, illuminated through window openings, must be no less than the height of the largest of these buildings. The height of the building is calculated from the planning mark of the territory to the eaves of the building.

2.1.23. When laying out a port, one should take into account the need for constant exchange of water and the prevention of its stagnation in the port water area and its individual sections (buckets, harbors, etc.).

2.1.24. The port's ship repair workshops and workshops for the repair of loading and unloading mechanisms should be located away from passenger traffic areas and technological complexes for cargo processing, in compliance with the appropriate sanitary protection zones.

Sanitary protection zones

2.1.25. Port areas, technological complexes, individual buildings and structures with technological processes that are the source of emissions in environment harmful and unpleasantly smelling substances, as well as sources of increased levels of noise, vibration, ultrasound, electromagnetic waves, radio frequencies, static electricity and ionizing radiation, should be separated from residential buildings by sanitary protection zones (SPZ), the dimensions of which are determined by these rules.

See also in other dictionaries:

    Food cargo- 25. Food cargo products, raw materials, semi-finished products used for human, animal and bird nutrition, as well as substances equivalent to them according to sanitary requirements, supplies and equipment for medical, pharmaceutical and food... ... Official terminology

    Living sector- 1. Residential area part of the territory settlement occupied by residential buildings, sports facilities, green spaces and places of short-term recreation for the population, as well as intended for their placement in the future... Source: Sanitary... ... Official terminology

    Passenger berth front- 14. Passenger berth front is a berth front intended for the reception and departure of passengers and their luggage (according to GOST 23867 79)... Source: Sanitary rules for sea and river ports of the USSR (approved by the Main State Sanitary... ... Official terminology

    Pier- 16. Pier is a constructive combination of berths protruding into the port waters for the mooring of ships on at least two sides (according to GOST 19185 72)... Source: Sanitary rules for sea and river ports of the USSR (approved by the Main State Sanitary ... Official terminology

    Freight berth- 15. Cargo berth a berth designed for receiving, storing, issuing and reloading cargo from one vessel to another or to land modes of transport or in the opposite direction (according to GOST 23867 79)... Source: Sanitary rules for maritime and... ... Official terminology

    Port area- 1. The port territory consists of land plots provided for the location of the port in accordance with land legislation... Source: Code of Inland Water Transport Russian Federation dated 03/07/2001 N 24 Federal Law (as amended on 07/28/2012) ... Official terminology

    Port water area- 2. The port water area consists of water within the internal waterways, allocated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation...

I approve

Deputy Chief


sanitary doctor of the USSR

2.1.1. When choosing a territory for a new port and developing a master plan, the requirements of SNiP “Master plans of industrial enterprises. Design standards”, “Sanitary standards for the design of industrial enterprises”, “Instructions for the layout of sea ports”, “Technological design standards for sea ports”, etc. must be taken into account.

2.1.2. When designing river ports, the requirements of the “River Port Design Guide” and “Industry requirements for the scientific organization of labor, mandatory for the design of river ports” should be taken into account.

Class I - with a sanitary protection zone width of 1000 m

II class - - "- 500 m

III class - - "- 300 m

IV class - - "- 100 m

V class - - "- 50 m.

Class I. SPZ size 1000 m

1. Open warehouses and places for unloading and storing apatite concentrate, phosphate rock, cement and other dusty goods with a turnover of more than 150 thousand tons per year<*>.

<*>Group I of classes I, II and III does not include transport and technological schemes using warehouse elevators and pneumatic transport or other installations that prevent the removal of dust from cargo (indicated in group I of classes I, II and III) into the external environment.

2. Places for reloading and storage of liquid chemical cargo from liquefied gases (methane, propane, ammonia, etc.), industrial compounds of halogens, sulfur, nitrogen, hydrocarbons (methanol, benzene, toluene, etc.), alcohols, aldehydes and other compounds .

3. Cleaning and washing and steaming stations, disinfection and washing enterprises, cleaning points for ships, tanks, receiving and treatment facilities used to receive ballast and oil-containing washing waters from specialized floating skimmers.

4. Berths and places of fumigation of cargo and ships, gas disinfection, deratization and disinfestation.

Class II. SPZ size 500 m

1. Open warehouses and unloading sites for apatite concentrate, phosphate rock, cement and other dust-generating goods with a turnover of less than 150 thousand tons per year.

2. Open warehouses and coal transshipment areas.

3. Open warehouses and places of transshipment of mineral fertilizers, asbestos, lime, ores (except radioactive) and other minerals (sulfur, sulfur pyrites, gypsum, etc.).

4. Places for reloading and storing crude oil, bitumen, fuel oil and other viscous petroleum products and chemical cargo.

5. Open and closed warehouses and places for transshipment of pitch and pitch-containing cargo.

6. Places for storing and reloading wooden sleepers impregnated with antiseptics.

7. Sanitary and quarantine stations.

Class III. SPZ size 300 m

1. Open warehouses and places for unloading and loading dusty cargo (apatite concentrate, phosphate rock, cement, etc.) with a cargo turnover of less than 5 thousand tons per year.

2. Closed warehouses, places of reloading and storage of packaged chemical cargo (fertilizers, organic solvents, acids and other substances).

3. Ground warehouses and open places for shipment of magnesite, dolomite and other dust-generating cargo.

4. Warehouses for dusty and liquid cargo (ammonia water, fertilizers, soda ash, paints and varnishes, etc.).

5. Open ground warehouses and places for unloading dry sand, gravel, stone and other mineral construction materials.

6. Warehouses and areas for transshipment of meal, cake, copra and other dusty plant products by open method.

7. Warehouses, reloading and storage of waste materials.

8. Warehouses, transshipment and storage of wet-salted raw hides (more than 200 pieces) and other raw materials of animal origin.

9. Areas for permanent transshipment of livestock, animals and birds.

10. Warehouses and transhipment of fish, fish products and whaling products.

Class IV. SPZ size 100 m

1. Warehouses and transshipment of raw hides (including wet-salted hides up to 200 pcs.).

2. Warehouses and open grain unloading areas.

3. Warehouses and open areas for unloading table salt.

4. Warehouses and open places for unloading wool, hair, bristles and other similar products.

5. Transport and technical schemes for reloading and storing apatite concentrate, phosphate rock, cement and other dust-producing goods transported in bulk, using warehouse elevators and pneumatic transport or other installations and storage facilities that prevent the removal of dust into the external environment.

Class V. SPZ size 50 m

1. Open warehouses and transshipment of moistened mineral construction materials (sand, gravel, crushed stone, stones, etc.).

2. Areas for storing and reloading pressed cake, hay, straw, tobacco and tobacco products, etc.

3. Warehouses, reloading of food products (meat, dairy, confectionery), vegetables, fruits, drinks, etc.

4. Areas for storing and loading food cargo (wine, oil, juices).

5. Areas for unloading and loading refrigerated vessels and wagons.

2.1.28. When reconstructing ports and port facilities located within populated areas, the size of the sanitary protection zone should be established by a joint decision of the Ministry of Health and the State Construction Committee of the Union Republic.

2.1.30. The sanitary protection zone from ports, PPK, marinas to sanatoriums, holiday homes, pioneer camps, beaches, medical institutions, etc. should be taken with an increase of 1.5 - 2 times in agreement with local sanitary and epidemiological stations or the USSR Ministry of Health.

2.1.31. The dimensions of the sanitary protection zone from port areas that are sources of noise are established in accordance with acoustic calculations carried out in accordance with SNiP "Protection from Noise", and from port areas that are sources of electromagnetic fields - according to the "Sanitary norms and rules for working with sources of high electromagnetic fields , ultra-high and ultra-high frequencies."

2.1.32. The territory of the sanitary protection zone must be landscaped and landscaped in accordance with the requirements of SNiP "Master plans of industrial enterprises. Design standards", SN "Sanitary standards for the design of industrial enterprises" and "Technical conditions for the design of green spaces and sanitary protection zones of industrial enterprises".

2.1.33. The SPZ or any part of it cannot be considered as a reserve area of ​​the port and used to expand the industrial area.

2.1.34. It is allowed to locate port facilities that do not pollute the environment (fire station, bathhouses, laundries, security premises, garages, warehouses, service buildings, canteens, technical communication centers, transformer substations) in the SPZ.

2.1.35. In order to improve the health of workers and the requirements of SNiP "Sports Facilities" in ports, in the immediate vicinity of production sites, the following must be equipped: a site for playing volleyball and industrial gymnastics and general physical training at the rate of 1 site per 250 people; table tennis area (2 tables for 250 people, 3 tables for 500 people, 10 tables for 1000 people). Basketball courts (1 per 250 people) should be provided on the territory of ports or in the immediate vicinity of them; sites for preparation for passing GTO standards - 1 site for 250 people, 2 sites for 1000 people; in large and non-category ports - swimming pools, a gym, a stadium, a psychological relief room.

2.2. Industrial reloading complexes (PPK),

warehouses, bases, other services and facilities, transshipment

cars, stations

General requirements

2.2.1. In order to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere from ship engines, port berths must be equipped with specially designated electric columns to supply power to ships during their stay in ports.

2.2.2. Gaps between dry cargo areas for various technological purposes must be accepted in accordance with Appendix 1 (separately for sea and river ports).

PPK for transshipment of dangerous and harmful goods

2.2.3. When designing and constructing ports where loading and unloading operations with dangerous and hazardous cargo will be carried out, it is necessary to take into account the requirements - for sea ports - of the "Rules for the maritime transportation of goods in ports of the Ministry of River Fleet of the RSFSR" and "Rules for occupational safety during loading and unloading operations in ports and at the piers of the Ministry of River Fleet of the RSFSR." In addition, it is necessary to take into account the methodological recommendations on the “Organization and implementation of sanitary and hygienic supervision during transshipment and transportation of dusty bulk cargo in ports.”

2.2.4. In ports with large oil depots, with berths serving gas carriers, chemical tankers, and with regular processing of other dangerous goods, gas rescue stations must be provided.

2.2.5. When designing and operating ports, it is necessary to provide devices that completely or maximally eliminate the release of dust (vapors) and gases into the atmosphere. This should include:

Integrated mechanization, automation and remote control of reloading processes, as well as automatic signaling of the progress of individual works and operations associated with the possibility of releasing hazardous substances;

The use of standardized special dedusting technical means, protective devices, sanitary installations, highly effective emission treatment means, the creation of sanitary protection zones;

The use of devices and instruments for measuring and constantly recording the amount of harmful substances entering the atmosphere and water area and devices for regulating emissions by changing the degree of purification and the technological mode of the reloading process;

Automatic blocking of reloading equipment with cleaning aspiration and other sanitary devices.

2.2.6. When reloading bulk and bulk cargo with grab cranes (cyclic installations), the following conditions must be met:

Ensuring the smoothness of the reloading cycle;

Preventing the grab from being overfilled with cargo;

Availability of appropriate seals on grabs, buckets and other containers in which cargo is moved that prevent cargo from spilling out;

Limitation within 1.5 - 2.5 m of the height of the fall of the load in places where it spills out of the grabs;

Use of special dust-suppressing nozzles on bins into which cargo is poured.

2.2.7. Conveyor transport installations to combat dust suppression must be equipped with:

Automation of the process of unloading (loading) railway cars and vehicles, which eliminates the presence of people in a dusty area;

Localization of dust in unloading (loading) units of cars and vehicles, as well as in transfer units by installing appropriate shelters, using aspiration units with purification of the removed air;

Application of special dust removal schemes (hydro-dust removal, treatment of cargo with special substances that reduce its dust-forming ability);

Dust suppression nozzles on unloading arms at the points where cargo is transferred to the ship.

2.2.8. In pneumatic transport installations for reloading bulk cargo, the following conditions must be ensured to combat dust emissions:

High degree of tightness of pipelines, absence of internal roughness, sharp bends and transitions;

Compliance with highly efficient operating modes of blowing machines with the ability to regulate the parameters of the pneumatic transport process;

Efficient dust separators.

2.2.9. In port projects where hazardous chemical and dust-producing fumigated cargo will be transshipped, it is necessary to provide installations for dust removal, degassing, decontamination of work clothes, safety footwear, personal protective equipment, cargo areas and handling equipment in accordance with the rules of RID.

2.2.10. In control rooms where there are dust-producing loads, dust removal devices must be provided in the sanitary units.

2.2.11. Projects for new, expanded, and reconstructed ports must provide forecast levels of air pollution in populated areas, taking into account background (existing) pollution.

2.2.12. The project must provide solutions to ensure compliance with the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the atmospheric air of populated areas during meteorological conditions unfavorable for the dispersion of industrial emissions (calm, inversions, fog, etc.), when a sharp temporary increase in atmospheric air pollution may occur.

2.2.13. For the collection and storage of barrel containers intended for fuels and lubricants, specially equipped areas must be allocated in ports.

2.2.14. Storage of toxic cargo (RID class 6.1) and food, grain, food, chemical and pharmaceutical cargo, clothing, dishes and other household items in port areas and security control points must be separate.

2.2.15. When storing toxic goods in open areas, it is necessary to ensure their protection.

2.2.16. Control points, platforms, cargo areas for transshipment of liquid dangerous goods, as well as liquefied toxic gases, must be equipped with mechanisms that completely eliminate manual operations.

2.2.17. In the processing facility, which provides for the regular processing of dangerous goods, specially equipped areas must be allocated for the repair of containers and repacking of these goods. The site location and its equipment are agreed upon with the state sanitary inspection authorities. Repair of containers and repacking of dangerous goods in places of storage and loading and unloading operations is prohibited.

2.2.18. The placement of equipment on special control stations for crushing, mixing and sorting dusty cargo should be carried out taking into account the maximum reduction in the length of paths during their transportation according to schemes that ensure minimal dust emission.

2.2.19. The drop height of dust-laden loads in reloading units of continuous installations should be as low as possible. Places where dusty loads fall must be covered to prevent dust-contaminated air from entering the worker’s breathing zone.

2.2.20. Stacks of bulk cargo, as well as dusty cargo in containers, should be protected by portable dividing and retaining walls and shields.

PPK, areas for food products reloading

2.2.21. In a processing facility where constant transshipment of food cargo is planned, it is necessary to allocate specialized areas or processing facilities for the processing of these cargoes.

2.2.22. In the BCP, where the transhipment of food cargo is envisaged, a special parking space must be allocated for the transport used for this transshipment.

2.2.23. In ports where transhipment of perishable goods is envisaged, which are not always transshipped directly, refrigerator rooms should be designed to ensure temperature conditions and the corresponding requirements of the “Sanitary Rules for Refrigeration Industry Enterprises”.

Container terminals

2.2.24. When designing and operating container terminals, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of RD 31.44.04-80 "Large-capacity universal containers. Rules for technical operation and occupational safety in seaports."

2.2.25. Warehouse facilities of ports must comply with the requirements of SNiP "Warehouse buildings and structures for general purposes. Design standards."

2.2.26. Gates or other opening devices in warehouses must be designed to prevent the entry of rats, and in heated warehouses they must be equipped with thermal curtains.

2.2.27. The use of forklifts not equipped with exhaust gas neutralizers in warehouses not equipped with forced ventilation is not permitted.

2.2.28. The structures and equipment of warehouses for storing dangerous goods must comply with the requirements of the “Rules for the Maritime Transportation of Dangerous Goods” (RID) and the Labor Safety Rules in Seaports; in river ports - “Rules for the transportation of goods in the ports of the Ministry of River Fleet of the RSFSR” and “Rules for occupational safety during loading and unloading operations in ports and piers of the Ministry of River Fleet of the RSFSR”.

2.2.29. It is prohibited to combine warehouses and areas for food, poisonous, dust-producing and sanitary-hazardous cargo.

2.2.30. When combining different hazardous cargoes in one warehouse, on one site, cargoes with the same harmfulness should be grouped and placed adjacently, separating more harmful areas from less harmful ones.

2.2.31. In special warehouses for storing toxic, dust-producing, radioactive and sanitary-hazardous goods, it is necessary to provide for the automation of ventilated devices and the use of alarms for emergency increases in the concentration of hazardous substances in the air of warehouses.

2.2.32. Warehousing projects for newly constructed and reconstructed ports submitted for approval and coordination with the bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service must contain devices and measures to eliminate the possible impact of harmful substances and dust on workers.

Reloading machines

2.2.33. Crane operator cabins must meet the requirements of the “Sanitary Rules for the Construction and Equipment of Crane Operator Cabins” and “Changes” to them.

2.2.34. The cabins of reloading equipment must meet the requirements of the “Sanitary norms and rules for limiting vibrations and noise at workplaces of self-propelled technological and transport technological machines.”

2.2.35. The cabins of reloading equipment must be equipped with vibration-absorbing devices, insulated from the penetration of exhaust gases, dust and noise, and equipped with canopies that protect from direct sunlight and blinding spotlights.

2.2.36. The control station cabins of reloading machines must be thermally insulated, glazed, have heating devices and mechanical ventilation that provide a microclimate in the cabins within the limits of regulatory requirements.

2.2.37. The temperature of the floor and other internal surfaces of the cabin in winter should be no more than 3 °C lower than the air temperature in the cabin.

2.2.38. Cordon container reloaders of container terminals must be equipped with elevators.

2.2.39. The design and internal dimensions of the cabins of reloading machines should provide workers with an unconstrained position on the seat, free and convenient control of levers and pedals; full review work area and working parts of the machine, reliable protection from adverse meteorological conditions, dust, exhaust gases, pesticides and other unfavorable factors.

2.2.40. The seating in the cabins of reloading machines must meet the requirements of GOST "Man-machine system. Human operator's seat. General ergonomic requirements."

Food port bases to supply the fleet

2.2.41. When designing sea and river ports or large transit piers to provide catering for crews and passenger ships it is necessary to provide for the construction of special food supply bases.

2.2.42. The design and operation of food storage facilities is carried out in accordance with the “Sanitary Rules for Refrigeration Industry Enterprises”.

2.2.43. Food depots must be located in a specially designated area of ​​the port.


1. In some cases, with the permission of the state sanitary inspection authorities, the operation of small bases that do not have an adjacent territory is allowed, provided there is a special room for storing containers and household materials.

2. In small ports (marinas), small food depots are allowed to be located in office or residential buildings. In this case, it is necessary to provide for them a separate entrance that is not connected with the entrance to residential, public, office or industrial premises and has access roads.

2.2.44. It is not permitted to place food depots in the immediate vicinity of piers and warehouses where dust-producing, toxic, or biologically hazardous cargo is processed, as well as near enterprises associated with the processing or use of toxic substances or materials hazardous to infection. Newly constructed food bases (warehouses) must have appropriate sanitary protection zones provided for in the “Sanitary Standards for the Design of Industrial Enterprises.”

2.2.45. The territory of the food base yard must be paved or asphalted or have sidewalks. Unpaved and unpaved parts of the territory must be landscaped.

2.2.46. The following premises should be provided in the food base:

Refrigerated warehouses for storing perishable goods, including for separate storage of meat, poultry, meat products, fish products, milk and dairy products, oils and fats, fruits, berries and separately vegetables;

Chambers (rooms) for storing non-perishable food products (bread, flour, cereals, salt, sugar and other groceries);

Premises for storing salted and pickled vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, etc.);

Storage for vegetables and fruits;

Warehouses for storing soft drinks, juices, wines;

Administrative and service premises.