VIM-Avia baggage rules. Hand luggage airline vim avia

Overweight luggage at the airport may cause additional costs. Before you go on a trip, you should find out in advance what cargo transportation standards are accepted by Aeroflot, S7, Ural Airlines and many others, etc.

Weighing luggage at the airport

There are 2 systems:

  • weight;
  • depending on the number of seats.

If we talk about the first, then it only assumes that the weight of your luggage will be limited. For example, if you can carry only 20 kg, then without additional payment you can take with you only 2 suitcases, the weight of each should not exceed 10 kg. Anything over 20 kg will be considered by the airline as exceeding the norm. You will have to pay extra for excess luggage.

For example, the airline has determined that 20 kg can be carried. You take 2 suitcases with you. 1 bag - 17 kg, and 2 bags - 11 kg. You need to calculate the total amount, it is 28 kg. Subtract the allowed weight of luggage, as a result you will get the following value: 28-20=8. You will have to pay extra for 8 kg.

There is another system, it takes into account the number of seats. If we talk about a flight in economy class, then passengers have the right to check in only 1 suitcase. Its weight should not exceed 23 kg.

Utair airline baggage fees

For a better understanding, it is worth considering 2 examples.

Situation 1. You took 2 suitcases with you on a trip. You loaded the first lightly - 10 kg, but the second is heavier - 13 kg. Calculating the total weight, you get 23 kg. But it is worth considering that airlines with such a system also limit the amount of luggage. As a result, you will receive an excess of luggage, it is 1 piece.

Situation 2. You have 1 bag, its weight is 28 kg. Although you fit the number of seats, an excess weight of 5 kg will be recorded.

How much does excess baggage cost?

The cost of excess baggage depends on the standards the airline uses as well as the destination. You should always check with the airline for specific numbers. Employees of Aeroflot, Pobeda and S7 companies will always provide assistance to passengers.

The cost of excess baggage may vary from company to company.

If the carrier uses a weighing system, then you will have to pay extra for each kilogram that is recorded above the established limit. Payment is influenced by airline policies and destinations. The cost is calculated taking into account transportation in economy class, and the highest fare is taken into account.

For 1 kg of excess weight, an amount equal to 1.5% of the ticket will be taken. In addition, the air carrier may set a fixed size. Typically, the cost of 1 kg of excess weight varies within reasonable limits; a passenger will be charged from 5 to 10 euros.

For example, you are going to fly from Paris to Berlin. In economy class you can carry a suitcase whose weight does not exceed 20 kg. Your bag weighs 24 kg. We can say that the excess was 4 kg. If the tariff for baggage transportation in excess of the established standard is 10 euros per 1 kg, then you will have to pay an additional 40 euros.

Some companies have adopted restrictions not only on weight, but also on the number of seats. In this case, the cost will be calculated differently. You will have to pay extra for excess baggage space that you occupy and for kilograms carried in excess of the norm.

For example, if you are flying from Milan to London, you are entitled to 23 kg of free baggage allowance. Let's say you have a heavy bag, its weight is 31 kg. The airline has set tariffs: if the weight of luggage is more than 23, but less than 32 kg, you will have to pay 100 euros. Keep in mind how much you exceed the norm does not matter. In any case, you will pay 100 euros for an excess of 3 kg and 9 kg.

What to do if you have several suitcases? For example, you took 2 bags with you on a trip. One weighs 20 kg, the other is a little lighter. Let the second bag weigh 14 kg. In this case, there will be an excess, but in terms of the number of places. You will have to pay for 1 more place, usually 50 euros.

Please note that in some situations it is much more profitable to pay extra for 1 piece than to pay for baggage transportation in excess of the established standards. It is recommended to always have a small amount with you, so that the airport staff’s demands will not take you by surprise.

One more example is worth considering. You go on a trip and take 2 suitcases with you. The weight of one bag is 26 kg, and the second is slightly lighter - 15 kg. We can say that airport staff will record an excess not only in the weight of luggage, but also in the number of seats. You will have to pay 100 euros for transporting heavy suitcases. In addition, be prepared to pay 50 euros for 1 additional place. In the end you will pay 150 euros.

What can be done in such a situation? It is best to put some of the things from the heaviest suitcase into a lighter bag. As a result, you will only pay extra for 1 additional seat.

When planning a trip, pay attention to the fact that the weight of 1 suitcase should not exceed 32 kg. If an excess is recorded, the cargo will be considered oversized. Most airports simply won't carry it; you'll have to handle the shipping yourself. At many airports around the world, baggage handlers will not carry bags that weigh more than 32 kg. They are prohibited from doing this. Explore. Almost every airport provides it, but it is paid.

It is worth paying attention to one more rule. We are talking about coordinating the transportation of oversized cargo. Be sure to notify Utair airline or another carrier, otherwise the suitcase may not be accepted for transportation. The air carrier has the right to do this.

Where to pay

To pay for baggage, if you have exceeded the standards, you should contact specialists. Payment counters are located at all airports. You can find out about its location by contacting the employee at the reception desk. Here you will be told about the cost of baggage carried in excess of the norm.

First, your bag will be weighed. Often, passengers do not even have to pay for a small excess of luggage on the plane. Of course, we are talking about 2-3 kg.

Payment counter for additional services at Domodedovo Airport

Review the information provided to clients. Additional payment for excess weight is possible not only at the airport. For example, in 2019, UTair airlines allow 23 kg of baggage in economy class. Aeroflot has established similar standards. But in economy comfort and business class, 2 additional seats of 32 kg each are provided. Special conditions are offered to participants of the UTair “Status” program. For more information, please contact your airline representative.

How to avoid exceeding standards

If you travel quite often, then it makes sense to purchase a hand scale. This way you will always know the weight of your suitcase. To avoid overweight, it is recommended to do the following:

Example of a luggage scale

Find out the cost of business class tickets. Such tickets are offered by Aeroflot, they can be purchased at UTair.

Passengers, having purchased such a ticket, have the right to carry many things. You are given the opportunity to take 2 seats, transport 2 times 32 kg each.

Of course, such tickets are expensive, it’s easier to just pay extra for the excess. Nevertheless, it is still worth studying the information of air carriers.

Explore the offers that are available to airline customers as part of bonus programs. High-status travelers may carry heavy suitcases. With a weight system, you will be able to carry an additional 10 kg of luggage on the plane. With a seat-based system, you will be entitled to 1 additional piece with 23 kg of baggage. Such privileges are provided to participants of the bonus system who have received silver or gold status. UTair and Aeroflot have developed special offers for passengers who frequently use the services of air carriers.

Bring an extra bag with you when traveling. If the need arises, you will transfer things into it.

Or regular flights. Among them is the Vim-Avia company. It appeared not so long ago, but has already earned a good reputation among passengers. Vim-Avia flights are both charter and regular. The geography of flights is Russia and some other countries.

According to passenger reviews, Vim-Avia provides good service on board, but often delays the departure of its flights. This applies to most of its charters. The company is working on this problem, so its passenger turnover is growing every year.

She is based in, in Moscow. It is part of a holding company of the same name with the Russian Sky airline.

The company's headquarters is also located in Moscow. It flies more than in 30 directions.

She sells hers at different rates - “Promo”, “Economy”, “Economy Plus”, “Economy Comfort” and “Business”. The baggage rules of Vim-Avia also depend on them. With “Promo” you can carry 10 kg of luggage and 5 kg of hand luggage, with “Economy” - 23 kg of luggage and 5 kg of hand luggage.

When choosing the “Economy Plus” fare, you can take 2 suitcases weighing 23 kg and hand luggage weighing up to 5. For luggage, the same rules apply to “Economy Comfort” and “Business”, and the weight of hand luggage increases by 5 kg.

Airplane of the Vim-Avia company.

Tickets can be purchased at the company’s offices, on its website or through search engine sites. Payment is possible in almost any way that is convenient for passengers.

It provides and services for ordering charter flights for different numbers of people.

If we talk about what kind of airline Vim-Avia is, it is a large Russian carrier that is actively developing.

The Vim-Avia airline code according to IATA is NN, and according to ICAO it is MOV.

In her entire history it has never happened to her not a single major plane crash. Only in 2017 an incident occurred in the city of Riga. Then the Boeing 737-524 skidded off the runway. None of the crew or passengers were injured.

History of the airline

She appeared in 2002. Its name is derived from the initials of the first director - Viktor Ivanovich Merkulov - VIM. He died in 2006. Whose airline is Vim-Avia at the moment? It is led by Alexander Yakovlevich Kochnev.

In 2007 The company acquired 100% of the shares of Alania Airlines. A year later the company has introduced an electronic ticket system for its passengers. In the same year, fruitful cooperation with the UN begins.

Flight attendants of Vim-Avia.

In 2011 it was included in the IOSA operator register. recognized it as complying with all international flight safety standards. At the same time, such service classes appeared as “Superior Economy” and “Business”.

In 2010-2011 it specialized only in domestic flights. Then it switched to servicing international flights.

In 2016 and 2017 The company is having problems with flight delays. Its average time was 16 hours, and the maximum was 40. This presented her with the task of updating her aircraft fleet.

Vim-Avia aircraft fleet

The company's fleet consists of 21 aircraft. Of these, 6 Airbuses: 4 - A319-100 and 2 - A330-200 and 15 Boeings: 2 - 737-500, 4 - 757-200 and 9 - 777-200ER.

“Vim-Avia” ordered additional 11 Boeing 777-200ER.

Average age of aircraft - 16.7 years old.


Vim-Avia has only one such company - “AeroBratsk”. This is an airline based in the city of Bratsk. She is also involved in coordinating the activities of the local airport.

The company was formed in 1967, but then became a subsidiary of Vim-Avia.

It covers such destinations as Irkutsk, Krasnodar, etc.

Its fleet includes Yak-40, Mi-8T and Mi-8 aircraft. There are 8 aircraft in total.

All airlines have their own baggage rules. If you are planning a flight, you need to familiarize yourself with these rules in advance so that there are no problems during check-in. Let's look at the rules set by VIM-Avia.

Airplane and new uniform for Vim-Avia flight attendants

In general, the rules of this company are similar to many others, however, they still have their own nuances. You need to know them before departure in order for check-in to be successful.

Let's start with the following types of luggage:

  • registered, who flies in the luggage compartment;
  • luggage that you can take with you to the salon.

If you fly in economy class, VIM-Avia baggage must have certain parameters so that you do not have to overpay. So, luggage weighing up to 20 kg, measuring 203 cm and luggage weighing 5 kg, length 115 cm can be carried free of charge. As for business class passengers, they have their own privileges regarding the items they transport. Thus, you are allowed to carry a suitcase with things weighing up to 30 kg free of charge, and hand luggage - 10 kg.

It should be noted that this airline is different in that it is quite loyal to skiers, unlike other companies. Everyone knows that a skier needs to take quite large equipment with him on the road, for which he needs to pay extra. But VIM-Avia allows athletes to transport their equipment for free. Thus, it adds to their main luggage 20 free kilograms. Such a passenger must transport skis with poles or a snowboard in a special case. This also applies to equipment. Overall, general weight should not exceed 14-15 kg. If a couple of skiers are flying, they can fit their equipment into one case and thus save on luggage. In this case, the weight will double, but you won’t have to pay extra for it.

Transportation of animals

Many people know that not all companies allow pets on board. Unfortunately, then passengers have to leave them alone at home or with friends. What to do if transportation of an animal is necessary? It is enough to use the services of this company. It allows you to transport pets whose weight should not exceed 8 kg. If it exceeds, then you need to pay extra for it. If your pet weighs more than 30 kg, then you will have to leave it at home. The animal must have documents, a certificate from a veterinarian, and also be in a cage. During the flight, your pet will be kept in the luggage compartment.

Cost of excess baggage "VIM-Avia"

Baggage that weighs more than 20-30 kg is considered excess. Baggage heavier than 32 kg is considered heavy. A load is one whose weight is 50 kg or more. It is processed according to the rules for transporting cargo, but not luggage. Note that clear baggage rates are missing. The only thing is that some airports charge 150-200 rubles for each kilogram if the baggage exceeds the norm.

It is important to know that free rates do not apply to animals. Exception: if the passenger is blind and is accompanied by a guide dog. If your items exceed the free weight limit, you must be notified about this when booking your flight tickets. Then you need to pay according to the current tariffs.

Hand luggage and baggage rules: things you can take with you on a flight

Baggage and hand luggage "VIM-Avia" have their own rules regarding the transportation of certain things. First you need to know that the size of hand luggage should be no more than 115 cm in length. All luggage is placed under the seat. This arrangement is necessary to ensure that the cabin is spacious. Flight attendants must move freely around the cabin. Baggage is checked by issuing a special tag to the passenger, on which its parameters are marked. You can’t lose it, otherwise there might be trouble.

Hand luggage can only contain the following items:

  • personal items that a person cannot do without. This category includes personal hygiene items, dietary or baby food, crutches, stretchers, etc.;
  • valuables: electronic devices (smartphone, tablet), camera, cosmetic bag;
  • business papers;
  • books, magazines, newspapers;
  • glasses;
  • umbrella.

They are not weighed, processed or labeled. The prohibited list includes:

  • narcotic drugs;
  • poisons, toxins;
  • weapons, ammunition;
  • wild animals and birds;
  • bees and other insects;
  • piercing objects.

If these items are found during inspection, airline employees have the right to confiscate them and not return them.

Services and rules of VIM-Avia airline

It is noteworthy that this company offers passengers such a function as “seat selection”. Two days before departure, everyone who has purchased a plane ticket has the right to choose and reserve a seat in the cabin themselves. There is a special check-in counter for such passengers. This service is mainly used by people who have a hard time with a flight or mothers with young children. The first category selects places where the waves are not so noticeable and where there is not much shaking, and the second category selects places that are off to the side, as well as those where it is more comfortable. For seats in the first compartment you need to pay 900 rubles, in the second - 200 rubles. When booking you need to pay an additional 40 rubles.

Of course, VIM-Avia offers the service “ return and exchange of tickets» for those who decide to change their flight time, as well as for those who need to return their tickets.

Transportation of pregnant women is permissible only if they have at least 8 weeks left before giving birth. They must have a medical certificate with them that they can go on a flight. Children under 5 years of age can only be transported if accompanied by an adult passenger. Children from 5 to 12 years old can fly without an adult accompanying person, but in this case the carrier is responsible for them. It is very important that the age of the child is indicated on the ticket, otherwise there may be problems. It is also necessary to have a birth certificate so that the carrier can verify the passenger’s honesty. As for people with disabilities, they must have documents with them that confirm their disability. Such people can take a stroller and crutches with them to the salon. A guide dog of any size is also permitted. There is no need to pay extra for it.

As we see, the VIM-Avia company has its own characteristics regarding the flight. Knowing them, you can quickly and successfully register and get to your destination safely. You can get acquainted with this information on the official website of the company or by contacting its managers. VIM-Avia's baggage rules are absolutely not complicated. You don't have to take all your belongings from home on a flight. It is necessary to take only the most necessary ones, without which you cannot do without on the road and in a new place. If you need to transport large cargo, inform us in advance so that the registration process is successful. You need to remember that you have to pay for excess baggage and cargo. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the prices in advance so that there are no problems or surprises later. In general, it is better to plan your trip in advance.

There are two types of shipped items that are eligible for free baggage allowance:

  1. Checked baggage, that is, what flies in the luggage compartment.
  2. Hand luggage that a passenger is allowed to take with him into the cabin.

The free rate for both types depends on the class of service.

So, flying economy Vim air luggage weighing up to 20 kg and measuring no more than 203 cm in three-dimensional dimensions and bags weighing up to 5 kg (115 cm) are entitled to free transportation.

Business class passengers have privileges not only in terms of comfort, but also special luggage standards for them. So, they are entitled to carry 30 kg in the luggage compartment and 10 kg of hand luggage (two bags of 5 kg each) free of charge.

Love for skiers

This air carrier has a very loyal attitude towards ski lovers. He developed rules, subject to which you can transport ski equipment completely free of charge.

In addition to the free baggage allowance, that is, a suitcase weighing up to 20 (30) kg, a passenger can transport a pair of skis with poles (snowboard), packed in a special bag. cover, and ski boots, if the total mass of all this does not exceed 15 kg.

Quite a generous offer. Plus, if you're flying as a couple, you can pack your skis together in one case. And your allowed free weight will double, that is, it will turn into 30 kg.

Only Vim Avia warns how many kilograms of weight will fall under the oversized category: if the ski bag exceeds 32 kg. And for him and you a completely different story will begin. So, be careful!


This airline allows you to bring your pet on board. provided that it is in a container and the total weight of it and the container does not exceed 8 kg.

Animals and birds cannot be carried in business class.

To transport an animal in the aircraft cabin you must pay 1,500 rubles. for one cage/container.

No more than three animals can be carried in one cabin at a time.

If your pet weighs more than 8 kilograms, then its transportation is possible only in the cargo compartment along with suitcases.

Moreover, In this case, you need to find out in advance about the possibility of transporting an animal., since not all types of aircraft, due to their technical characteristics, allow the transportation of such oversized cargo.

Excess baggage

This category includes things that do not fit into the free weight limit - over 20 (30) kilograms.

Baggage heavier than 32 kilograms is considered heavy. Heavier than 50 is cargo and is registered according to the rules for transporting goods, not luggage.

And also things that do not fit into the dimensional norm - exceed 203 cm in three-dimensional dimensions.

The free baggage allowance does not apply to animals. An exception is a guide dog accompanying its owner. It is transported free of charge, no matter its weight or size.

The air carrier should be notified in advance of excess weight., better already at the stage of booking a ticket. And pay at excess tariffs.

Information about tariffs for excess weight on the company's official website is strictly classified. There is no clear tariff schedule like other air carriers.

The only figure that was found was 200 rubles for each kilogram of excess weight at Domodedovo airport.

Vim Air: baggage and hand luggage rules

No matter what class the passenger is flying, the size of his luggage remains unchanged - no more than 115 cm in three dimensions.

Even if business class is allowed to take two bags on board, these bags will still weigh 5 kilograms and have a set size (115 cm).

This scrupulousness in terms of size is explained by the peculiarity of the organization of the internal space of the passenger cabin of the aircraft.

Carry-on baggage must be such that it can easily fit under the passenger seat. So that the passenger can easily and independently put it on the overhead luggage rack.

In addition to the designated bag, the passenger still has the opportunity to bring items from a limited list into the cabin.

It includes:

These items are not weighed at the front desk and are not marked with tags.

There is a restriction on transporting liquids in hand luggage - in small bottles with a volume of no more than 100 ml. Total no more than 1 liter.

Transportation of items includes products from a duty-free store: it is allowed on board only in a sealed store bag. It would be a good idea to keep your cash receipt.


  1. Anything that can explode or ignite during flight, causing harm to the aircraft and its passengers.
  2. Drugs.
  3. Poisons, toxins.
  4. Military weapons, ammunition (hunting weapons, crossbows - only in the luggage compartment).
  5. Wild animals and birds, large domestic animals (over 30 kilograms).
  6. Bees and other insects.

According to Federal Aviation Regulations, it is not recommended to place fragile and perishable items, money, expensive jewelry, important documents and other valuables in checked baggage. The airline is not responsible for their damage.

It is prohibited to carry in the cabin: corkscrews, needles, knitting needles, scissors, knives. All items prohibited for carriage may be confiscated by airline employees permanently.

So, from the above it is obvious that, if you are a law-abiding passenger, then you will feel comfortable flying with Vim-Avia.

Vim Airlines or VIM-avia is a Russian carrier operating domestic and international flights from Moscow Domodedovo Airport. When planning a flight, you need to clarify all the information about the carrier in advance so as not to encounter surprises. Like every air carrier, VIM-avia has a number of nuances.

Carrier information

The VIM-avia company operates flights to Europe, Central Asia and the Russian Federation from Moscow Domodedovo Airport. The history of the airline dates back to 2002. “VIM” are the initials of the company’s founder.

Airline code is NN. The carrier specializes in domestic and charter flights. Flights on the airline's planes are recognized as safe, but the carrier cannot boast of being obligatory. According to statistics, this airline delays charter flights more often than others in the Russian Federation.

The number of passengers carried by Vim Avia aircraft in 2016 exceeded 2 million people.

Vim Airlines is a Russian airline, and the official website is made entirely in Russian. The website provides detailed information about the company, as well as contact details and phone number of the service center. Thanks to a simple and intuitive interface, you can quickly book a ticket on the site. The company also offers online check-in for flight NN (carrier code), which saves time for each passenger.

Online registration

Before you check in for a flight online, you need to know the features of this service. Registration on the website becomes available no earlier than one day before the flight and closes 4 hours before departure.

A passenger cannot check in online in the following cases:

  • under 14 years of age if unaccompanied;
  • pregnancy;
  • difficulty moving due to disability or excess weight.

Passengers transporting animals and people with infants must check in only at the airport counter. Restrictions are also imposed on deported, exiled and detained passengers.

When registering online, it is not possible to order additional services, so if you need to arrange an escort or transport animals, you must register at the airport.

Advantages of registering on the company website:

  • no queues and plenty of time;
  • independent choice of seat in the cabin;
  • independent printing of boarding passes.

Important! If the passenger does not have luggage other than hand luggage, online check-in eliminates the need to go to the airport counter.

To register, you must go to the appropriate page. There you need to enter the following data:

  • passenger's last name;
  • flight number;
  • e-ticket number.

The flight date is also selected in the corresponding window. After identification, the passenger will be redirected to the page to register for the flight. If registration is already open, you must select the passenger’s last name in the appropriate window and click the “Proceed to registration” button. The site will then redirect to a page to select a seat in the cabin. The seat map, depending on the flight, is colored in several colors. Not every sector of seats is available for online registration. Thus, superior seats require an additional fee of 1,000 or 2,000 rubles (depending on the flight distance) and are paid only at the check-in counter at the airport.

Having chosen the place you like, you need to click the button at the bottom of the page and confirm that the entered data is correct. The passenger will then be redirected to a page to print their boarding passes. You can print them immediately or forward them to your email.

If you have a printed boarding pass, there is no need for additional check-in at the counter if the passenger does not check luggage. Thus, for a passenger with hand luggage, online check-in is a great way to avoid queues at the counter. But do not forget that you need to arrive at the airport in advance in order to have time to go through all customs formalities.

Important! Groups of passengers larger than nine people cannot register online.

If a passenger has difficulty printing boarding passes, this problem can be resolved directly at the check-in counter at the airport. You should seek assistance no later than an hour before your flight departure.

Airline fares

The airline has 5 tariffs:

  • Promo;
  • Economy;
  • Economy Plus;
  • Economy Comfort;
  • Business.

Priority during check-in is given to passengers who have purchased Economy Comfort and Business fare tickets. These fares also include improved meals and a larger baggage allowance.

The most budget tariff is “Promo”. When purchasing tickets at this fare, please note that the conditions of the fare exclude the possibility of returning a ticket or changing the flight date.

If you need to return a ticket, please contact the place where you purchased it. In this case, the passenger must have a passport with him. If the ticket was purchased on the website, to issue a refund you must send a request to the email address of the carrier's service center.

The cost of the fine when returning a ticket depends on when the operation was performed. If the refund is issued more than a day before the flight, the cost of the service is 1000 rubles. If there are less than 24 hours left before the flight, the fine is 1000 rubles and half the cost of the ticket. Returning a ticket after the plane departs will cost 2,000 rubles and half the cost of the ticket.

Important! If you need to exchange your ticket, you will have to pay a fine. The company does not provide exchange, so you should issue a refund and then purchase a new ticket.

Special offer from the company

On some routes that involve a long flight, passengers can use the hotel accommodation service for one day free of charge. The service is available only for flights departing from Irkutsk, Yakutsk, Anadyr and a number of other cities. The service is also available for flights to these cities. A detailed list of directions should be found on the official website or at the service center.

Accommodation for passengers flying from Domodedovo Airport is possible no earlier than one day before departure. The accommodation service is not provided if there are less than five hours left before departure.

In order to use the service, the passenger must contact the airport ticket office before or immediately after the flight. The service is provided only if you have a passenger ticket.

Important! Accommodation is provided free of charge for one day, but does not include meals at the hotel.

Baggage transportation

The baggage allowance on VIM-Avia aircraft depends on the comfort class and is:

  • 1 place, weight up to 10 kg for the “Promo” tariff;
  • 1st place, weight up to 23 kg – “Economy”;
  • 2 seats, each weight up to 23 kg – “Economy plus”;
  • 2 seats, each weight up to 32 kg – Economy Comfort and Business tariffs.

The weight of hand luggage for the first three tariffs is no more than 5 kg. When purchasing tickets at Economy Comfort and Business fares, a passenger can carry up to 10 kg of hand luggage.

In addition, when flying in some directions, the baggage allowance changes. On flights to or from Tajikistan, a passenger can carry up to 20 kg of baggage free of charge, regardless of comfort class.

When flying to Pevek, the baggage allowance is 23 kg in the luggage compartment and 5 kg of hand luggage.

When traveling with children, folded strollers are carried free of charge. You will not have to pay for the transportation of skis and additional ski equipment if the weight of the skis together with the cover is no more than 10 kg, and the cover with additional equipment weighs less than 6 kg.

In addition, restrictions are imposed on the dimensions of transported luggage. The total dimensions of each side of luggage must not exceed 2030 mm. The dimensions of hand luggage should not exceed 550x400x200 mm.

When flying with small children and infants, a child's seat can be carried free of charge, but only if the child is provided with a separate seat in which the seat can be secured.

Transportation of animals, except for a guide dog, is not included in the baggage allowance and is paid separately, regardless of whether the pet is transported in the cabin or in the luggage compartment. At the same time, the carrier imposes a number of requirements that must be met when transporting a pet.

Excess baggage is paid for when purchasing tickets or during check-in at the airport. It is necessary to notify in advance about the carriage of excess baggage, as well as pay the cost of carriage.

Important! Baggage fares may vary depending on the flight, so you should check with airline staff for this information when booking your tickets. Transportation of pets is also paid in advance.

Meals during the flight

Despite the negative reviews that can be found about Vim Airlines, this airline pays attention to food on board. It depends on two factors: passenger comfort class and flight duration.

Business class passengers receive a hot lunch or hot breakfast. Portion size and diet depend on the duration of the flight.

In economy class on short flights lasting up to 3.5 hours, passengers are offered a tea set - pastries and a hot drink (tea or coffee). For flights that last longer than 3.5 hours, the passenger receives hot meals. The choice of non-alcoholic drinks on the airline's planes is small - tea, coffee, water. All food is served in standard plastic boxes.

On regular flights, each passenger can pre-order a special meal. The range of special meals includes food for vegetarians, food for passengers with religious restrictions, and special food for children. Special meals are available free of charge, but only upon reservation in advance and on flights longer than four hours.

Important! The airline staff should be notified of the need for special meals at least 24 hours before departure.

Flying with children

If you are planning a flight with a child, parents should book tickets in advance and make sure that they have the baby's birth certificate with them. If a child is under five years old, he can only fly with adult relatives. When checking in for a flight, staff often check your age by asking for your birth certificate.

Children under two years old can fly free, but only on domestic flights within the country. In this case, the baby is not provided with a separate seat.

For international flights, a child under two years old will have to pay about 10% of the cost of a full ticket, but only if the baby is not provided with a separate seat.

The need to travel with an infant must be communicated in advance. If you need a bassinet, you must inform the carrier at least two days before the flight date. The number of seats with bassinets on airplanes is limited. In addition, not all aircraft are equipped with seats with bassinets for babies. This information should be clarified when booking tickets.

The company provides a service for accompanying children flying without parents. For children aged 5-12 years, ordering this service is required; older children can fly alone.

When flying with a baby on the plane, you can take baby food. You can also order food for babies from the carrier. Requests for baby food should be made no later than one day before departure.

According to the airline's rules, pregnant women are allowed on the plane only if there are more than eight weeks left before giving birth. At a later date, the carrier may refuse check-in for the flight.

Company aircraft

In total, Vim Airlines has 21 aircraft operating domestic and international flights. Flights are operated by Airbus (models 319, 330) and Boeing (models 737, 757, 777).

The planes are presented in different cabins. The cabins of some aircraft have only one comfort class - economy.

The Airbus A319 is designed to accommodate 150 passengers. VIM-avia owns four such aircraft, whose age ranges from 9.5 to 12.5 years. The Airbus A330-200 aircraft is designed for an average of 250 passengers. The company owns two such aircraft.

Boeing aircraft are presented in the following quantities: 2 aircraft of the 737-500 model, 4 aircraft of the 757-200 model and 9 Boeing 777-200ER airliners. The average age of these airliners ranges from 5 to 15 years.

The company's small aircraft fleet imposes restrictions on the duration and range of flights, but despite this there are quite a lot of regular flights. The average annual number of passengers is more than 2 million people. However, the shortage of aircraft causes repeated flight delays and rescheduling of flights.

The "headquarters" of Vim Airlines is Moscow Domodedovo Airport. This airport ranks second in the Russian Federation in terms of the number of passengers served. Domodedovo took 12th place in the ranking of the busiest airports in Europe.

A special feature of the airport is the presence of two runways, which are located two kilometers from each other. Thus, at this airport it is possible to simultaneously take off and land aircraft on different runways.

The passenger terminal is certified according to international quality standards. The concept of the airport is “everything under one roof”. The huge area of ​​the passenger terminal is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable time while waiting to board your flight.

Passengers with children under eight years of age should know that the terminal has a free room for mother and child, where the child can relax, eat and play. Domodedovo also has a mosque, a synagogue and an Orthodox chapel.

The airline does not have regular discounts or loyalty programs. Flight tickets can be booked on the official website, in Euroset stores or through Qiwi terminals.


The airline operates scheduled and charter flights to more than 30 destinations. The company's disadvantage is the regular delays of charter flights and changes in departure dates due to a shortage of aircraft.