The last events of Napoleon's life on Elba. Resorts of Italy. Elba Island. Attractions and entertainment

An endless horizon, golden beaches caressed by clear sea waters, picturesque cliffs immersed in dense greenery... This is Elbe. The island, located in the Tuscan archipelago, is washed in the north by the Tyrrhenian Sea in the south. On the east coast is the Piombino Canal, and the Corsican Canal separates it to the west from Corsica.

Probably Napoleon, who was once exiled here, could consider himself lucky. Today everyone would agree to such an exile. More than a million tourists come every year to plunge into the warm sea waters, wander among the colorful landscapes, and be enchanted by the ancient history of the island of Elba. Reviews from people who vacationed in this attractive corner are most enthusiastic. The climate here is almost everywhere Mediterranean, with the exception of the Capanne Mountain region, where winters are generally cool.

Many Mediterranean civilizations have left their cultural traces. For the Etruscans it was an inexhaustible source of wealth. Already in the eighth century, iron was mined here, processed in furnaces that worked day and night, and iron was exported around the entire Mediterranean basin. The Romans inherited the steel industry, began granite mining, discovered a variety of landscapes and healing muds, and built the Baths of San Giovanni.

History has decreed that the island of Elba has more than once become the scene of important events. It was one of the centers of winemaking and Pliny the Elder called it “the island of fine wine.” Ships loaded with amphorae with wonderful wines transported them to different parts of the vast Roman Empire. Many amphorae can be seen in the archaeological museums of Portoferraio and Marciana, as well as other amazing finds that tell the story of ancient shipping. In enchanting places on the shores of the bays, the luxurious patrician villas of Linguella, Grotto, and Capo Castello grew, the ruins of which still make an indelible impression.

In the Middle Ages, the island of Elba belonged to the Pisa Maritime Republic. The mining of iron ore and granite did not stop during that period. Many columns, created by skilled stonemasons from granite quarried on the island, decorated the Piazza de Miracoli in Pisa. The culture of the Pisan period is represented by some beautiful elegant Romanesque churches and the tower of St. Giovanni in Compo, built on a huge granite boulder, but above all, the powerful "fortezza" in Marciana, the fortress of Voltarraio in Portoferraio, built in Etruscan times and reconstructed in Pisan times.

In 1548, the island of Elba passed to I and built the fortified city of Portoferraio - a true pearl of military urban planning. There was such perfect harmony between sea, land and architectural structures that it was originally called Cosmopoli (Universal City).

At the beginning of the seventeenth century, the Spaniards, who settled on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea in Porto Azzuro, built the impressive fort of San Giacomo, today secluded and proudly rising on a hill, various chapels, the temple of Our Lady of Montserrat on a dolomite mountain.

In the eighteenth century, the island was contested by the Austrians, Germans, English and French through frantic diplomatic negotiations and bitter fighting. In 1802 it became a French possession. After the Treaty of Fontainebleau in 1814, Napoleon, who forcibly resigned his imperial powers, was exiled to the island. During the months he lived here, he introduced a number of economic and social reforms, greatly improving the lives of the islanders.

Today, the island of Elba is still famous throughout the world for its excellent wines and is a favorite tourist destination.

Sights of Elba Island, what to see, how to get to Elba Island, where to stay and where to eat. All information about Elbe.

"Little Paradise" - Elba Island

If Napoleon lived in our time, he would certainly throw conquering ideas out of his head and, of his own free will, without any outside help, move to the Elbe - a desirable place for many today's tourists from all over the world.

However, this question can be looked at from another point of view - if Napoleon had not been exiled to Elba, would it have become so famous? If before the “tourist boom” the island was inhabited mainly by ore miners, then after the stay of the deposed French emperor, it was the visitors who became the main source of income for the local treasury.

About one and a half million vacationers visit the Elbe every year. A developed network of modern hotels and restaurants, comfort and the highest service help you fully enjoy the paradisiacal nature of the island. An endless azure sea stretching into the horizon and clean sandy beaches hiding between green hills - what could be better for modern man, hungry for the silent majesty of Nature?

The island of Elba, with its area of ​​224 square kilometers, is the third largest Italian island and the largest of the islands of the Tuscan archipelago. Getting to the island is not difficult, as numerous ferries and ships dock here every day. The distance from the mainland to the island is approximately 10 km.

Tuscan archipelago. Photo

The population of Elba Island has about 35 thousand inhabitants, the island is divided into eight municipalities, the main of which - the capital of the island, Portoferraio - is home to 12 thousand people.

Despite the fact that the perimeter of the Elbe coast is only 147 kilometers, the island offers tourists an endless variety of different landscapes: romantic fishing villages, small towns, ancient castles, green valleys and enchanting coves and, of course, beautiful sand and gravel beaches.

Romantic village near Marciana Marina, Elba. Photo

The abundance of historical and cultural evidence combined with stunning natural beauty makes this island a magical and unique place to enjoy your holiday.

A short excursion into the history of Elba Island

When thinking about Elba, the name Napoleon immediately comes to mind, despite the fact that the deposed emperor lived on the island for less than a year.

But the history of this island is not limited only to the ten months of the rule of the French emperor and goes back to ancient times, dating back to the Middle and Upper Paleolithic period, as evidenced by the finds contained in the Archaeological Museum of Marchana.

History has decreed that the island of Elba has always been the scene of major events: there is no civilization in the Mediterranean that has not left its traces on the 224 square kilometers of the island, creating its unique character.

According to myth, Jason came here during his search for the Golden Fleece, Virgil mentioned it in the Aeneid, the Etruscans traded here, for whom the Elbe was an inexhaustible source of wealth - in the eighth century BC the Etruscans extracted iron ore from the mines of the island.

After the decline of Etruscan culture, the Romans inherited the steel industry, and also discovered granite and healing mud on the island.

“The island of good wine,” the Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder said about Elba. Ships calling at the island's port were loaded with amphorae: many of them have been preserved in the archaeological museums of Elba and Marcana.

During the Middle Ages, the island belonged to the Maritime Republic. In 1548 it was the turn of the Medici dynasty: Cosimo I built the fortified city of Portoferraio, a real pearl of military planning.

Portoferraio. View of the Torre della Linguella at night. Photo:

Immediately after this, the Spaniards settled in Porto Azzurro and built the impressive fort of San Giacomo.

In the eighteenth century, the Elbe was fought over by Austrians, Germans, British and French until the island became the “full property” of Napoleon Bonaparte, who did a lot of important things during his ten months in office: built roads, transformed the mining industry, and increased wine production and exports.

Upon his return to France, Napoleon left two residences here, which later became the National Museums.

Holidays and festivals on Elba Island

Visiting Elba Island during events, festivals and holidays will certainly enhance the cultural value of your holiday. You will discover different places of the island, created from music, dance, tastes, colors and sounds.

Why not choose your arrival date based on the popular annual festivals?

If you love sports, you need to get to the island in the spring, during the "Walking Festival", if you are crazy about gastronomic tourism, go to Elba in the fall, when gastronomic events are held, such as the wine or chestnut festival. In the summer, you will visit a variety of folklore and cultural festivals: from carnivals to international music festivals.

Below you will find the most important events held on the island for many years, and sometimes for centuries, captivating residents and tourists in a whirlwind of emotions.

May 5 - Napoleonic holiday in Portoferraio

Portoferraio, the city that was Napoleon's home during his 300 days in exile, pays tribute to the emperor every year with a costume party. A mass is celebrated in the Church of Mercy in memory of the emperor. Costumed actors from Belgium preside over the mass, where the sarcophagus is surmounted by a funeral mask and a cast of the emperor's hand, kept in a nearby museum.

Then there is a ceremonial parade through the streets of the city, leading to the villa where Napoleon lived in exile on the Elbe. This year, on the occasion of the bicentenary of Napoleon's stay on Elba, numerous other events will be held to commemorate the exiled emperor.

Napoleon's landing on the Elbe. Costume performance. Photo

July 14 - Capoliveri - The Legend of the Lover

The Legend of the Lover is a holiday that dates back to 1534, when the fate of two young lovers was tragically cut short due to a Saracen raid. Historical reconstruction was born in the mid-seventeenth century, thanks to Don Domingo Cardenas, an impoverished nobleman of Spanish origin who settled in the place where, according to legend, the girl Maria sacrificed her life to reach the pirate ship that captured her lover Lorenzo.

Today, the parade winds its way through the streets of the city until it reaches the Innamorata beach, where teams from the districts compete to win the scarf of Mary who threw herself into the sea. The winners deliver the scarf to Don Cardenas, who gives it to the girl chosen from the crowd by the winning team.

Maria looks out for a pirate ship at sea. A costume dramatization of the legend. Photo

August 12 - Marciana Marina - St. Chiara's Day

The celebration of Saint Chiara's Day is famous mainly for the beautiful fireworks display accompanied by the music of the concert organized in the town of Marciana Marina. Every year the entire coast is filled with people who, accompanied by a city group, take part in a ceremonial procession to the sea and a magnificent pyrotechnic spectacle.

Saint Chiara's Day. Pyrotechnic show. Photo

End of September - beginning of October - Capoliveri - grape festival

The Capoliveri Grape Festival is an event attended by about 5,000 people every year. Preparations for it take place over a period of weeks and the festival takes place in the four districts of Capoliveri among games and competitions. This is one of the island's best traditional festivals, which brings many surprises to visitors every year. The festival includes costumed performances that recreate the ancient traditions of the Elbe grape harvest.

Grape Festival in Capoliveri. Photo

September - Portoferraio - Jazz Festival "Elba Isola Musicale d"Europa"

For more than fifteen years, every September this important celebration of classical music and jazz has taken place in Portoferraio, bringing international stars to theatres, cathedrals and fortresses of the island of Elba. Over the years of the festival, the island has seen many first-class world-class performers, starting with Yuri Bashmet, who became the artistic director of this festival with his Moscow Soloists orchestra.

The festival is traditionally held at the Teatro dei Vigilanti in Portoferraio, the Fortress of Pisa in Marciana, the Cathedral of St. James the Apostle in Portoferraio and the Hotel Hermitage in Biodola.

The president and artistic director of the festival is maestro Yuri Bashmet. For more information about concert dates and times, visit the official website:

Last weekend of October - Poggio, Marciana - chestnut festival

Poggio, located in the province of Marciana, is the ideal location for the Chestnut Festival, a celebration that has been taking place for thirty years in this medieval village. In Piazza Castagneto, wine and gastronomic stalls are lined up, offering traditional Elbe dishes based on chestnuts, such as chestnut bread, chestnut cake, cheese, pies, noodles and polenta with chestnuts, in addition to the classic roasted chestnuts and red wine.

Chestnut Festival in Poggio. Photo

New Year - Portoferraio

Fairs, tastings, concerts and spectacular fireworks reflected in the sea water - this is what awaits those who decide to spend the New Year holidays in the city of Portoferraio.

Elba Island attractions: museums, ancient monuments and breathtaking panoramic views

This section will be a real surprise if you think that the island of Elba is just sun, sea and beaches.

The island is replete with attractions and interesting places to visit that will satisfy every type of curiosity, be it historical, geological, architectural, religious or naturalistic archaeological sites, landscapes, museums, churches or forts. All you need is a little attention!

As on all islands, the indigenous population of Elba consists mainly of farmers, fishermen and sailors, inextricably dependent on the forces of nature: land, sea and weather.

That is why there are many places of worship scattered throughout the island, dedicated to the deities who protect the land and sea. There are many monuments of Christianity and no less pagan sanctuaries. The temples are mainly dedicated to the Virgin Mary or Ceres, the goddess of fertility.

Church of Mercy

(Portoferraio - Salita Napoleone)

The Brotherhood of Mercy was founded by the Venerable Giovanni de' Medici in 1566. In 1677, a small church was built for worship, which was named the Church of Mercy in honor of the brotherhood.

This cathedral contains the relics of St. Christine the Martyr, patron saint of Elba. Since 1852, every May 5th a mass has been celebrated here in honor of Napoleon.

Of particular value are the organ built in the church in 1792 and the statue of the Madonna and Child, which was created by Giovanni Pisano's student, Tino Camaino.

Next to the church there is a small museum where sacred relics of the brotherhood and objects associated with Napoleon are kept - the flag that was presented to Napoleon during the landing on the Elbe on May 4, 1814, a bronze mask of the deceased Napoleon, donated by Prince Anatoly Demidov, and a bronze cast of his right hand .

Church of Mercy in Portoferraio. Photo

Portoferraio Cathedral

(Portoferraio - della Repubblica)

The construction of the Cathedral of Portoferraio, which began in 1554 and dedicated to the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, began simultaneously with the construction of the Villa Medici in 1548 for Cosimo I.

The cathedral originally consisted of a single nave, which was expanded over the centuries. In the French manner, the cathedral began to function as a parish church, and for this reason the main altar of stone was replaced with marble.

On May 4, 1814, a mass was celebrated here in the presence of Napoleon Bonaparte, the newly appointed ruler of the Island of Elba.

Cathedral of Portoferraio. Photo

Sanctuary of the Madonna del Monte


The church, immersed in greenery, dates back to the 16th century. Bare walls, dim light, silence and cold air that reigns in this sanctuary create an almost mystical atmosphere. It houses an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in heaven, painted on a granite block, probably dating back to the thirteenth century.

During the 1995 restoration, frescoes attributed to Sodom were found behind the church's altar.

The purest drinking water has been flowing from a small spring in front of the church's façade since 1690. Here Napoleon, for a short period in the summer of 1914, escaped the heat of Portoferraio and met, away from prying eyes, with his Polish mistress, Maria Walewska.

The island of Elba, a strategic point in the Mediterranean due to its location, has always been targeted by the largest civilizations in history, who, in order to protect their hard-won territories, created fortified outposts over the centuries.

Sanctuary of the Madonna del Monte. Photo

Medici ramparts

(Portoferraio - Historic Center)

Approaching Portoferraio by ferry, you are immediately struck by the grandeur of these walls that rise above the sea. These are the Medici ramparts, built by the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Cosimo I, to protect against Turkish attacks.

After the completion of the fortresses of Forte Falcone, Forte Stella and the Lingella Tower, in 1555 Giovanni Camerini began the construction of the ramparts of the front of the Earth, developing them about 500 meters in a westerly direction under Forte Falcone. After Camerini's death, Bernardo Buontalenti took over the complex.

Organized on four levels (Bastions "del Veneziano", "del Casino di Mezzo", "delle Palle", and "della Cornacchia"), the ramparts represented a powerful defense against attacks that could arise from Porta Terra.

Over the years, due to wars and natural destruction, the condition of the Medici ramparts was greatly weakened. However, you can still feel the grandeur of this fortified city, built in the sixteenth century to protect the island.

Forte Falcone in Portoferraio. Photo

Castle Volterraio

(located between Portoferraio and Rio nel Elba)

Visible from the ferry arriving in Portoferraio, Volterraio Castle is the oldest fortification on the entire island of Elba. The origin of its name is unclear: it may come from the Etruscan word "Vultur" (vulture) or from the name of the territory of Volterra, where the architect Gherardo Rau, who was responsible for the reconstruction of the castle in the thirteenth century, came from.

The original Castle of Volterraio, of Etruscan origin, was actually expanded and fortified in 1281 by order of the Pisan State, which used the fort for defensive purposes. Subsequently reinforced in 1440, the castle is one of the few strongholds that the Elbe never surrendered to Turkish pirates.

Acquired by the National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago, today the castle is in a severe state of decay. Despite this, with great care within the framework of the visit, the castle walls are worth a visit to admire the majestic remains and enjoy a unique view of the Gulf of Portoferraio.

Castle of Volterraio. Photo:

Torre della Marina

Torre della Marina or Novaglia Tower is the dominant element in the Marciana Marina harbour. The not very large cylindrical structure still retains elements that indicate its function as a warning and defense of the northern coast of the island of Elba.

Various assumptions have been made about the origin of the tower. Today's hypothesis states that the construction of the tower was carried out by Jacopo Appiano VI between 1558 and 1562, after his family regained possession of the Elbe. The tower may have been built following requests from the local population, who were seriously suffering from raids and devastation at the hands of the Turkish pirate Dragut.

Torre della Marina. Photo

Torre San Giovanni

The Tower of San Giovanni dates back to the twelfth or thirteenth century, when the island of Elba was occupied by the Republic of Pisa, which took the trouble to build a system of fortifications as a defensive garrison.

The tower seems to arise from a huge granite boulder located on Monte Perone, 300 m above sea level, overlooking the Marina di Campo bay, at that time one of the bays most prone to possible attacks from the sea. The tower occupied a strategic position for observation and transmission of optical signals, from where today you can enjoy magnificent views of the bay.

The structure consisted of two floors and a control terrace, unfortunately destroyed after an enemy attack. Despite being in disrepair for many centuries, due to a series of collapses, the tower has often been the subject of reconstructions, which have helped to consolidate the walls, even if access to the interior remains very difficult and dangerous.

Tower of San Giovanni.Photo

The most important museums and residences located on the island

Villa San Martino and Demidoff Gallery

(Portoferraio - San Martino)

Cost of visit - 5 euros

Villa San Martino, Napoleon's summer residence, is located in the countryside, about 5 km from Portoferraio. The majestic monument of neoclassical architecture is associated with the name of Count Anatole Demidoff, the husband of Napoleon's niece, Mathilde, who in 1851 wanted to build a residence worthy of the imperial era to house his collection of Napoleonic memorabilia.

The Demidoff Gallery lies at the foot of the original residence, inside you can admire the original Galatea sculpture for which Paolina Borghese posed.

The original Napoleonic residence extends over the galleries. The external architecture is decorated very simply, inside there are rooms and halls designed by the architect Bargigli and painted by Vincenzo Antonio Revelli.

The most noteworthy is the Egyptian hall located on the second floor, containing papyri and fragments of walls from the Egyptian campaign, and the “Love Knot” room, a dining room, the ceiling frescoes of which symbolize the love between Napoleon and Marie-Louise.

Villa San Martino. Photo by

Municipal Archaeological Museum of Marcana

(Marciana - Via del Pretorio, 66)

The Municipal Archaeological Museum of Marciana is the first archaeological museum on the island of Elba. It was opened in 1968 to house finds brought to light during excavations that took place throughout the island in those years.

The museum's collection consists of many exhibits, mainly quarried around Marciana, arranged chronologically according to the period of their discovery: there are finds of stone production dating back to the Stone Age, Etruscan household items found on the hills near the fortress of Monte Castello di Procchio, remains of Roman shipwrecks, assemblages from the funerary tombs of Monte Capanne, and objects and pieces of equipment found aboard shipwrecks in the eighteenth century.

Villa dei Mulini

(Portoferraio - Piazzale Napoleone)

Cost of visit - 5 euros

Villa dei Mulini - the official residence of Napoleon, today is the National Museum. On the occasion of the bicentenary of Napoleon's stay on Elba, the Villa has just been restored to restore the house to its former splendor.

Villa dei Mulini was built in 1724 by Grand Duke Giangastone de' Medici, then it was adapted to Napoleon's needs by the architect Paolo Bargigli, who raised its central hall to one floor, forming an original connection between the two buildings.

The entrance is on the ground floor, then through a tunnel you can get to the main rooms of the emperor: a living room followed by a library and a bedroom.

The original furniture made for Napoleon, brought from Piombino from the residence of his sister Elisa, is now missing. The meticulous restoration of the residence included the installation of new nineteenth-century imperial-style furniture, which now recreates the imperial atmosphere. The villa's library, however, preserves Napoleon's books, which the emperor brought with him from the libraries of Fontainebleau.

The garden of the villa, leading to the sea, is decorated with two beautiful statues of Minerva, which are said to have been brought from Ancient Greece, as well as a copy of the Galatea sculpture.

Villa dei Mulini. Photo

Villa delle Grotte

(Portoferraio - Le Grotte area)

Dating from the first century BC, the Roman Villa delle Grotte is one of three villas located on the island of Elba that have not undergone building modification processes over the centuries.

Abandoned at the end of the first century, between 1799 and 1801, due to expansion, it becomes a strategic location where artillery batteries were stationed in the battles between France and the Kingdom of Naples.

The structure of the villa, thanks to excavations carried out between 1960 and 1972, is now well known: the rectangular villa had a swimming pool and three large gardens, one of which is located along the coastline, overlooking the bay of Portoferraio.

Scientists do not know who originally owned this luxurious villa. The only mention of this complex was found in an elegy by the ancient Roman poet Ovid.

Villa delle Grotte. Photo

Where to eat on the island?

Restaurants are a key ingredient to a good holiday: a beautifully prepared and beautifully presented meal is the icing on the cake after a day spent in the company of sea, sun and nature.

Elba's cuisine, simple and natural, stems from the frequently changing dominations to which the island has been subjected in the course of its history. Typical island dishes often combine the flavors of the sea with the flavors of the land. The eastern part of the island is famous for its sweets, while high quality wines and liqueurs, red and white, are always good almost anywhere on Elbe.

In some towns, like Capoliveri or Porto Azzurro, restaurants come alive in the streets at dusk, with the aroma of freshly prepared food wafting through the air. In Marciana Marina and Marina di Campo you can find excellent fish restaurants that overlook the sea, in the streets of Portoferraio such taverns are traditionally passed down from generation to generation, while for those who prefer meat dishes, Marciana Alta is certainly a great place .

Throughout the island, even in less touristy areas, you can find a variety of pizzerias and restaurants to suit all tastes and budgets.

How to get to Elba Island?

The island of Elba, located approximately 10 km from , is easily reachable by any means of transport: cars, trains, buses or planes.

Depending on your needs, you can decide whether to take the ferry with your car, rent a car on the island, or rely on public transportation. You can even come here on your own yacht, as Elba offers a wide range of ports and harbors that cater to tourists.

By plane

Airplane is the most convenient way to get to Elba Island. Numerous daily flights allow you to reach here from major European airports.

In the summer of 2014 a new connection with the national airport also appeared. The flight takes about an hour and 20 minutes.

The airport on the island of Elba is located in La Pila, 2 km from Marina di Campo. It is a private civilian airport open to commercial traffic. Planes from 3 airlines fly here, connecting Elbe with numerous European cities: Intersky, Skywork and Silver Air. You can book tickets.

By train

To take the ferry to Elba Island, you need to get to Piombino Marittima Station, a small train station located just in front of the port where the ferry departs.

For most train routes, both North and South, you should get off at the station in Campiglia Marittima, where there is a train or bus every 20 minutes direct to Piombino Marittima.

Attention! For those coming from Florence: there is a bus from Florence Station that takes you directly to Piombino Marittima.

By ferry

Ferries departing for Elba Island are operated by 4 companies (Moby Lines, Toremar, Blu Navy and Corsica Sardina Ferries), the journey time to Portoferraio is about 70 minutes.

There is also fast water transport - "aliscafo", which in 20 minutes will take you to Cavo, Rio Marina and Piombino, to Portoferraio in about 40 minutes.

In summer (from April to early October) ferries are very numerous and operate almost all day long. In the winter months, transport is more infrequent - you will have to wait 2-3 hours if you are not familiar with the exact schedule.

If you wish to travel with your car, booking ferry tickets is always advisable, especially between 25 April - 1 May and on weekends in the summer.

If you want to leave your car in Piombino at the port, guarded parking lots are available, both paid and free.

By bus

The island of Elba can be reached by tourist buses that connect Piombino Marittima - the port of embarkation for the ferry to Elba - from Grosseto and (buses depart from various points in the province of Milan, such as San Giuliano Milanese, Melegnano, Lodi, Casalpustelgo and Piacenza).

The Florence-Piombino-Marittima route is operated by BuSITAlia Nord, which belongs to the Ferrovie dello Stato company and the bus schedule maintains connections with trains from Milan, Milan and Italy.

By car

The port of Piombino Marittima is located on the Tyrrhenian coast between and Grosseto. Easily accessible from any part of Italy, the exit for Piombino Marittima is marked on the SS1 motorway as "Venturina / Piombino / Elba".

Once you reach Piombino Marittima, you can leave your car in a guarded parking lot or transport the car to the island of Elba.

Highways of the north:

Milan - Piombino Marittima

Take the A1 towards Parma/Bologna, exit at La Spezia/Parma Ovest, then take the A15 towards La Spezia. Take the "Genoa / Livorno" exit on the A12, direction Rosignano Marittima. Exit at Rosignano and follow the SS1 to Grosseto until the exit "Venturina - Isola d'Elba"

Travel time:

Milan-Piombino: 5 hours

Turin / Genoa - Piombino Marittima

Hotel Paradiso (Via Viticcio 41, 57037 Portoferraio)

Hotel Desiree (Lido di Spartaia, 57030 Procchio)

Hotel Biodola (Via Biodola 1, 57037 Portoferraio)

Hotel Del Golfo (Via Delle Ginestre N° 31, 57030 Procchio)

Hotel Biodola, Portoferraio

In life Napoleon Bonaparte there were several months during which he chose between a bird in the hand and a pie in the sky. The “Crane” was the crown of the Emperor of France, lost after defeat in the war by a coalition of European monarchies. "Tit" is the small island of Elba, located off the coast of Italy, not far from its native Corsica.

Napoleon I was Emperor of Elba from May 1814 to February 1815, and this period was perhaps the brightest in the history of this small piece of land.

By the spring of 1814, the position of the French Empire was critical. The war was already going on directly on French territory, and, despite all the efforts of the emperor, the enemy was getting closer and closer to Paris.

On March 31, 1814, the Allied troops entered Paris, which had capitulated. The French Senate announced the deposition of Napoleon. The emperor himself with his loyal troops hurried to the rescue of his capital.

Staying at his beloved palace in Fontainebleau, Napoleon I waited for the troops to arrive to resume the military campaign.

However, his faithful marshals, who owed their fame and titles to Napoleon, at that moment were no longer thinking about war, but about how to maintain their position. Having entered into negotiations with the allies, they received certain guarantees from them, after which they offered the emperor to abdicate the throne.

Napoleon resisted to the last. He tried to abdicate in favor of his son, but the victors intended to restore him to the French throne Bourbon dynasty and were not going to bring them to power Napoleon II.

On April 6, 1814, realizing that he had lost completely, the emperor abdicated the throne for himself and for all his heirs.

The court nobility quickly abandoned their beloved emperor; he remained in the Fontainebleau Palace with only the most devoted members of his entourage. On the night of April 12–13, Napoleon attempted to commit suicide by taking poison.

However, the poison had no effect, to which the emperor himself ironically remarked: “Even death betrayed me!”

A small empire overlooking Corsica

An unsuccessful suicide attempt, oddly enough, brought Napoleon back to life, and he began to think about his future.

On the eve of an unsuccessful suicide attempt, an agreement was concluded between Napoleon Bonaparte and representatives of the Austrian Empire, the Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia, according to which, losing power in France, the deposed emperor retained his title and received possession of the small island of Elba with a population of 12 thousand people, where he should was to spend the rest of his days.

Interestingly, the British were against such conditions, considering Napoleon a usurper unworthy of the imperial title. However, the Russian emperor insisted on preserving the title for the deposed monarch. Alexander I. In his opinion, it was strange to deprive the imperial dignity of a man with whom all of Europe not only fought, but also concluded treaties.

The title was retained not only by Napoleon, but also by his wife, Marie Louise of Austria. However, the wife did not intend to share the fate of her losing husband. Since the marriage of this couple was initially political, the Austrian princess felt that there was no point in staying with Napoleon, who was deprived of real power. The son of Napoleon and Marie-Louise also remained with his mother.

On April 20, 1814, Napoleon said goodbye to his surroundings and left Fontainebleau. On May 3 he arrived on the island of Elba.

Napoleon at the Fontainebleau Palace before leaving for Elba. Reproduction of a painting by Francois Pigeot. Source:

According to contemporaries, Napoleon, while on the road, spent a lot of time reading materials about the history of the island and its current state. He hatched plans to turn the island into a blooming garden.

Coming ashore from the British frigate Undaunted, he was very warmly received by the local residents. The mayor of Portoferraio presented the new owner of the island with symbolic keys. Legend has it that, in the absence of real ones, he ordered the large keys to the basement of his own house to be hastily covered in gold.

Over the next few months, Napoleon carried out all sorts of reforms on the island, from improving fortifications to changing excise taxes and duties.

The Emperor prepared two residences for himself, a winter and a summer one, hoping that the family would eventually come to join him on Elbe.

Napoleon's Villa on the Elbe. Engraving. Source:

The activities carried out by Napoleon required money, and the emperor had a hard time with it. According to the agreement, the winners were supposed to allocate funds, but in practice this did not happen. The income of the island itself could not cover Napoleon's needs.

It got to the point that Napoleon bought a house for one of his residences with money taken from his sister who was visiting him.

Once Napoleon’s mother, who lived on Elba, reproached her son for cheating when playing whist, to which the emperor calmly replied: “Madam, you are a rich woman, and I am a poor man!”

Napoleon's Choice

The winners tried not to bother Napoleon. He was watched on Elba, but his freedom within the island was not particularly limited.

According to the agreement, he had at his disposal a personal guard of several hundred loyal soldiers and officers who were ready to go through fire and water for their emperor.

Napoleon on the Elbe. Engraving.

Elba is the largest island of the Tuscan archipelago, and among all the Italian islands in size it is second only to Sardinia and Sicily. It is only 10 kilometers from the mainland, and therefore getting to the Elbe is not difficult. The island has long been popular among European tourists, but Russians are still rare guests here. The island is 27 kilometers long and 18 kilometers long.

Taking into account all the tourist attractiveness of this island, you can get to it in different ways, but the fastest and most convenient way to do this is by plane. The island has a small airport, which is located in the village of La Pila. During the summer, this airport receives flights from many Italian and European cities. You can monitor the offers of different airlines (primarily Italian) and it is possible that you will be able to find some interesting offers.

The second travel method is combined, it involves a trip to the port of Piombino, and then by ferry, directly to the Elba. If you prefer traveling by train, then you should take into account that the main route, as a rule, starts from two Italian cities: Pisa or Livorno (they can be reached from any corner of Italy without any problems). You won’t be able to get to Piombino directly; you’ll have to make one transfer (by train). You can find out the route, cost and detailed train schedule on the official website of the Italian railways.

In summer, you can get from Milan, Florence and many other cities in the country to Piombino by bus, but as practice shows, this option ends up being more tedious and expensive. For example, such transportation from Florence is carried out by BuSITAlia Nord, on whose website you can find out a lot of interesting information on your question.

Having reached Piombino you need to transfer to the ferry, which will take you to Elba. Ferry operations are often subject to seasonal and weather conditions, but with four shipping companies serving this route, problems are extremely rare. All ferries are quite comfortable and are on the route from 6 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. The fare for all carriers is approximately the same (about 15 euros), but you can literally save 1-2 euros if you buy tickets from Mobi. Ferries go to Rio Marina and Portoferraio. In the first case, the travel time will be 45 minutes, and in the second it will be 25 minutes longer. When choosing a route, you need to start from where it will be closest to you to get to the hotel.

A ticket can be purchased in different ways. For example, at the ferry terminal, which is located near the exit from the train, or book directly on the shipping company’s website. During the off-season, the ferry service interval is 2-3 hours.

For those traveling without a car, the Aliskafo speedboat can be an excellent alternative to ferries; the trip time is only 30 minutes, and the cost is the same.

Elba Island is famous more as a place of “exile” and at the same time the last reign of Napoleon, rather than as a resort place. However, the place may be of interest not only to history buffs and connoisseurs of Italian architecture, but also to those who want to spend their vacation in a calm atmosphere, basking in the rays of the gentle sun.

Elba Island, Italy

Elba is the third largest island in the Tuscan archipelago. Its area is 224 km², the population barely reaches 32 thousand. The closest maritime neighbor is located at a distance of 35 km - this is Corsica. For a long time, the island was of interest to everyone for its rich iron deposits, which is why the capital was named Portoferraio, which translates as “port of iron.”

Climate and weather on the island of Elba

The climate does not differ significantly from the mainland. There are practically no cyclones here. The high season begins in May and lasts until the end of September. The average air temperature in summer is +25 °C…+27 °C. The sea water temperature rises to +26 °C.

How to get to Elba Island

Elba Island is not easy to find even on a map of Italy

The fastest way to get to the capital of Elba is to fly to the village of La Pila and land there at the only airport on the island.
The most popular way is to take a ferry (it also carries tourists’ personal cars) to Portoferraio. As a rule, all ferries depart from the nearest mainland port of Piombino, which is 10 km away.

Attention: There is a visa regime between Russia and Italy.

Historical information about the island of Elba

The first mentions date back to the 6th century BC. e. Even then there were the first ore mines here. In the 5th century BC The Romans settled on the Elbe. Until the 14th century. The Greeks, barbarians, Saracens, and Italians managed to rule. At different times, noble families ruled: the Visconti (from Milan), the Appiani (from Piombino), the Medici, then the Appiani again (1577). The reign of the exiled Napoleon Bonaparte, who later fled the island, was very short-lived.

In the XVII - XVIII centuries. Elba was owned by Philip II of Spain. And only in the middle of the 19th century. the island became part of Italy.

Shopping on Elba Island

Not many travel agencies offer shopping tours to the Elbe. This can be explained simply - little is produced here, except that souvenirs are made from shells and local wine is bottled in beautiful bottles. However, going to shops and supermarkets will not be superfluous.

You can buy cheap souvenirs on the main street of the capital

What to do on Elba Island

Here everyone can find something to their liking:

  • The most popular diving club - Diving in Elba - is located in the capital. There is a school for beginner divers, modern equipment, only experienced instructors, and even master classes for children.
  • The Bike Park in Capoliveri has a total of 100 km of winding trails for bikers and (separately) for cyclists. Speed, sea breeze and heady air of the foothills with its unique vegetation - this is only possible in this park on the island of Elba.
  • The elite Hermitage golf club near Biodola Bay includes (in addition to golf courses): tennis courts, a swimming pool, a restaurant, a bar, and a 4-star hotel.
  • On the beaches they readily offer rides on catamarans, banana boats, and play beach soccer and volleyball.

Sights of Elba Island

Despite the fact that the island is barely one-third the size of St. Petersburg, you will need at least a week to see the sights.

Architectural and historical sights of Elba Island

Most tourists' acquaintance with the architecture of the island begins with the contemplation of the mighty fortress walls of the old city in the capital of the island. They were erected by order of the Medici family in the 16th century. to protect against attacks from “neighbors”.

Villa San Martino

Villa San Martino - the luxurious mansion of Napoleon's niece (Countess de Montfort) - is now the historical museum of the island of Elba, which houses unique items of Napoleon's family and other cultural values ​​of that time.

One of the most beautiful architectural monuments, the Mulini Palace (Piazzale Napoleone), was built by the Medici family in 1974 on the remains of a destroyed church. Later it served as the residence of Napoleon.

The Church of Santo Stefano alle Trane (XI-XII centuries) is a historical architectural monument of Portoferraio, built in the Roman-Pisan style. There are images of animals on the walls.

Open air museum - Museum Italo Bolano. This huge artistic complex (10,000 sq. m.) is dedicated to the famous Italian artist Italo Bolano, who was born in the 20th century in the capital of the island of Elba. His unique works have been preserved here.

Good to know! On the island of Elba, most museums are free of charge.

It might be interesting to visit underground museums. For 2 millennia, ore was mined on the Elbe. Now most of the mines are closed or “re-qualified” as museums. By the way, in addition to viewing amazing underground finds in such museums, you can ride on real trolleys.

The Ottone Botanical Garden will provide a pleasant escape from the scorching sun. Many rare plants are collected here, some of which are listed in the Red Book.

In a small church in the Mon Serrato gorge, the highly revered icon of the Black Madonna is carefully preserved. The inhabitants of the island firmly believe in its miraculous power.

Natural attractions of Elba Island

Lake Terranera appeared as a result of the flooding of the mine. It is attractive because its fresh yellowish-greenish waters are separated from the salty sea by land, in some places barely reaching 3 meters.

The beach of blue stones is located on the islet of Porto Caccamo, next to the beach of Marina di Campo.

The highest point on the island of Elba is Monte Capanne, 1019 meters high. Wildlife lovers will be interested in its unique vegetation; it will give athletes and “athletes” the opportunity to practice mountaineering, cycling and race walking for free (there are several trails of varying difficulty levels).

It is impossible to bypass the typical Italian church of the Madonna del Monte of the 16th-17th centuries, which Napoleon often visited during his “reign” on the island of Elba.

Visit the beach located in a cave, perhaps finding yourself at the entrance “to the rock” of Grotta dell’acqua. By the way, the water there is fresh.

Healthy know! On the island of Elba there is a “beach of blue stones”. Thanks to the rare composition of the pebbles, from a distance the shore really appears blue.

Top 5 best beaches on Elba Island

There are about a hundred beaches on the island of Elba

  • Seccheto beach will be to the liking of those who like a “free” holiday. There are no annoying tourists, no sun loungers, sun loungers, or smells from nearby coffee shops and eateries. But there is space, white sand, a gentle slope into the sea and crystal clear water.
  • Small, almost lost between the rocks, Zuccale beach attracts with its natural beauty, untouched by civilization. Despite the relatively small area, there are places on the beach with and without sun loungers, there are rocky areas and places with light yellow sand.
  • “Green Beach” - Marina di Campo - one of the longest and widest on the island of Elba. Immediately after the coastline, dense thickets begin, bordering a small village on one side and the airport on the other. Thanks to the gentle slope into the sea and the wonderful ecosystem, families with children come here.
  • A distinctive feature of Procchio beach is its “wide scope”. The sand line goes several meters deep into the island. All conditions for a beach holiday with children are created here. Perhaps the “minus” will seem to be the absence of life-saving vegetation at a sufficiently large distance.
  • Fans of beach volleyball, football and noisy night discos, theme parties at the very edge of the water should know about the existence of the “youth” beach of Elba Island - Lido di Capoveri.

Once alluring with its underground riches and glorious viticultural traditions, Elbe today mainly replenishes its budget through highly developed tourism.

* Prices are current as of September 2018