Holidays in Cyprus reviews: which sea, beaches, where is better. Photos and videos. I wonder what the sea is like in Cyprus? Ayia Napa which sea washes

The main center of attraction for the bulk of tourists here is the endless, clean and, importantly, safe sea. Let's see where Cyprus is on the world map and what kind of sea it is there.

What sea is Cyprus located on?

If the first part of the question: “where is it” can be answered unambiguously, then the second part – “what kind of sea is there” – will not work. Formally, from a geographical point of view, the shores of the island are washed by the Mediterranean Sea. However, some of its parts have their own unofficial name. Yes, on to the south is the Cyprus Sea, in the northeast - Cilician, in the east - Levantine.

Geographically, Cyprus belongs to the Asian part of the world, and not to the European part, as most people are used to thinking. Despite the fact that one of them is Greek, there is little associated with this country. In fact, part of the state’s territory is controlled by Turkey and Great Britain. And the nearby countries are Egypt and Syria.

Climatic features of Cyprus

The tourist season on the island lasts from to. In the spring-summer period, the water temperature can reach a maximum of plus 30 degrees. This is facilitated by the peculiar terrain, replete with shallow waters.

With the arrival of autumn, the water in the sea cools down, but not rapidly, but gradually, which makes it possible to extend the holiday season. But even in winter and early spring, the waters of the Mediterranean Sea have a relatively comfortable temperature.

The Mediterranean Sea that surrounds Cyprus is completely unique and is famous for three main qualities:

1. Cleanliness.
2. Security.
3 . An abundance of strange living creatures.

The purity of the Cyprus Sea is an amazing phenomenon. Moreover, we are talking not only about the environmental component, but also about the transparency of the azure waters. In some places, even at a depth of a hundred meters, you can see the beauty of deep-sea marine life in great detail. As for the environment, everything is at the highest level, which is confirmed by a special EU quality certificate - Blue flag .

It is safe to be on the Cyprus coasts - it is impossible to meet sharks, sea urchins, or jellyfish here. But other, harmless inhabitants of the deep sea are worth admiring - lovers will be able to see rare fish, shellfish, crabs, turtles and even coral reefs. The only trouble is that a minor burn can result from an “encounter” with some types of algae growing on the wild beaches of the island.

Where to relax in Cyprus

So, we found out which sea Cyprus washes, now is the time to find out for this or that type of vacation.

The most famous resorts in Cyprus are and. Here, most tourists are attracted primarily by the snow-white sandy shores, gently sloping shallows, and clear water. Fans of active recreation (diving, fishing, windsurfing) will love the beaches, where the water is cooler, but the richest deep-sea world is. There is a beach nearby Aphrodite, attractive to tourists - after all, it was here, according to myth, that the goddess of beauty once emerged from the foam of the sea.

When the main tasks have already been completed, and there is very little left before departure, it’s time to talk about what kind of sea will greet you in smiling Cyprus, and what are its main advantages.

Pick up the atlas and find Cyprus on the world map. Having done this, you will see not only the geographical position of the island relative to other countries, but also find out what kind of crystal sea washes its shores.

What is it called, that mighty sea that greets all travelers arriving in Cyprus? Of course, the Mediterranean! From year to year it pleases millions of tourists and warms them with its gentle surf. But why is the Mediterranean Sea so loved by vacationers?

In which sea do tourists swim in Cyprus?

  • Firstly, only its water can be called truly clean. It is so transparent that every grain of sand lying at the bottom is easily visible through its surface! What other sea can boast of such impeccability? And these are not just observations of tourists, but an official fact. After all, many beaches located on the coasts of Cyprus are awarded Blue Flags precisely for the purity of the water;

  • Secondly, the Mediterranean Sea has a rich underwater world, which you can admire by diving to the bottom with scuba gear. There you can see rare species of fish, sea turtles, mollusks, observe the life of strict octopuses and crabs, and touch dense thickets of coral. Isn't this the dream of every connoisseur of sea pleasures?

  • And finally, the Mediterranean Sea is the most picturesque body of water in the world! Its shores, surfs, tides, storms - all this is so beautiful and impressive that every creative person, as well as simply lovers of beauty, strive to see these delights with their own eyes at least once. You can see how artistic and photogenic the sea can be when you fly to the island of Cyprus and stroll along its discreet embankments and neat coastlines.

The beach holiday season in Cyprus begins closer to mid-May, when the sea heats up to +22ºС and becomes comfortable for swimming. In the summer months, the water becomes even warmer: so, in mid-July its temperature is already +26-28ºС. With the arrival of autumn, the Mediterranean Sea begins to gradually cool down and by October the swimming season ends. In winter, the sea waves are no longer warm: their temperature is only +15-18ºС.

Which of the three seas in Cyprus is more beautiful?

But is it only the Mediterranean Sea that caresses the coast of the island, or is there some other small sea that is not visible on the map, but rejoices at the guests of Cyprus no less than its larger brother?

Eat! And there are three such seas in Cyprus. They all have their own name, although in fact they are only small parts of the great Mediterranean Sea:

  • Its warmest and saltiest side splashes along the southern shores of the island and is called the Cyprus Sea. Geographically, it is located between two continents: Asia and Africa;

  • The north-eastern coast of Cyprus is shrouded in a modest sea called the Cilician Sea, which connects the island to Asia;

  • The eastern shores are washed by the small Levantine Sea.

It turns out that Cyprus can safely be called the island of four seas!

Come here, to this Asian corner of Europe, relax on the best beaches of Cyprus and appreciate how indescribably beautiful the sea can be, how the sun can please you and how the gentle surf caresses your ears...

All about Cyprus
General and most interesting information for tourists about the island of Cyprus.

On political and geographical maps, Cyprus occupies a place in the east of the Mediterranean Sea. It washes the shores of the island along their entire length and is called here the Cyprus Sea. Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and one of the most popular resorts among European residents, and therefore the best answer to the question of which sea Cyprus washes is answered by tourists who have been there during their vacation or vacation.

Blue flags of cleanliness

For advanced travelers, the concept of “Blue Flag Certificate” means that you can sunbathe and swim on the beach without worrying about the cleanliness of both sand and water. A special environmental commission assigns the highest scores to such places on the coast, and it is in Cyprus that most beaches are awarded Blue Flags. The best of them compete for the right to be called favorites among hundreds of thousands of tourists who visit the island every year:

  • Nissi Beach is famous for its perfectly white and clean sand.
  • Petra tou Romiou is appreciated by fans of small pebbles and clear water.
  • Makronisos is preferred by those for whom a beach holiday is also a fashionable get-together.
  • Governor's Beach in Limassol is a place for parties and celebrations.
  • Aphrodite Beach is famous for the “rejuvenating” effect of sea water, from which the goddess of love herself emerged.

The beaches on the island are mainly municipal property, and therefore entry to them is free and open.
The water temperature in the Cyprus Sea is pleasantly warm in the summer season. Already at the end of May the water warms up to +22 degrees, by July the thermometer rises to +26 and until mid-autumn the waves remain very comfortable for swimming. In the winter months, the sea water of Cyprus becomes noticeably cooler - about +15 degrees.

For gourmets and just lovers

What is the sea in Cyprus without its coastal restaurants, which serve the best seafood dishes! Here you can taste signature meze snacks and treat yourself to a glass of local wine. The Mediterranean Sea gave its name to a whole area of ​​cooking and the concept of “Mediterranean cuisine” has long become international. It is based on products grown on the seashore under the generous southern sun. The main ones are olive oil, fish and seafood, spicy herbs, fresh vegetables and fruits, aromatic cheeses and specially prepared meats.
It is the Mediterranean Sea that has a significant influence on the climate of Cyprus, thanks to which excellent grapes ripen on the island, from which high-quality wines are produced.

Cyprus is a popular island among Russian tourists with an area of ​​9.25 thousand square kilometers. Within its framework there are three small states at once - Cyprus itself, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, as well as the countries of Akrotiri and Dhekelia.

A little about the history of the island

The first traces of civilization that were found on the territory of Cyprus date back to 8000 BC. Moreover, they are 9000 years old. These are traces of the Stone Age, the Copper Period, and then the Bronze Age.

The golden period of the development of Cyprus is its settlement by the ancient Greeks in the 12th-11th centuries BC. It was the Hellenic civilization that determined the direction of the culture that began to develop within the island - the Greek language, their art, religion and other traditions.

The Greeks also founded ancient cities in Cyprus, some of which still exist today.

Many peoples and civilizations tried to conquer Cyprus - the Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians and others, but no one could master it for a long time. As a result, the army of Alexander the Great liberated the island from foreign invaders, after which the philosopher Zeno (a student of the famous Ptolemy) founded the famous philosophical school of Stoicism in Cyprus.

For many centuries, Cyprus was part of Greece and then the Roman Empire. But in 1571 it was conquered by the Ottomans, after which Cyprus was included in the Ottoman Empire, which interrupted the island’s connection with the rest of Europe. Then, already in 1869, after the opening of the Suez Canal, the British Empire began to show interest in the island, and Cyprus came under its control in 1878.

Already in the 20th century, many countries laid claim to ownership of Cyprus, and even now the relatively small island is often simply torn apart by conflicts between Christians and Muslims.

Mediterranean Sea

The only sea washed by Cyprus in the north-eastern part is the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, this island is the third largest in this salty basin. Cyprus is located 380 kilometers from Egypt, 105 kilometers from Syria and 75 kilometers from the Turkish border.

The geographical location of Cyprus places it in the Asian part of the continent.

The very name “Mediterranean” was first coined by the ancient writer Gaius Julius Solinus, who called it “the sea in the middle of the earth.” It was the Mediterranean Sea that connected such different European and North African civilizations.

Within this basin there are also a number of smaller and not always officially recognized seas - Alboran, Balearic, Ligurian, Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Ionian, Aegean, Cretan, Libyan, Cypriot and Levantine. The same basin as the Mediterranean Sea also includes the Marmara, Black and Caspian Seas.

Cyprus is a popular resort where people go, among other things, for the clean sea and beautiful beaches. The island is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, but they are usually called the Cyprus Sea, which in turn is divided into the Chilia Sea (North-East) and the Levantine Sea (East).

Features of the Cyprus Sea

Only one major river flows into this sea - the Nile, so the concentration of salt in it is high - this is the saltiest part of the Mediterranean Sea. The water is clear, even at great depths you can clearly see the bottom. There are no algae here, and you won’t find schools of colorful fish here. No matter how strange it may sound, the inhabitants of the island buy fish and seafood from neighboring countries: local waters are not rich in commercial species of marine life; everything that is available is grown on special farms located in the open sea. Nevertheless, tourists are always offered to go fishing as a form of entertainment - there are no illusions about the number and size of fish that can be caught.

The Cyprus Sea is very warm: the tourist season on the island officially closes on November 1, but you can swim until December; the water maintains a comfortable temperature of about 20 degrees. This is one of the few resorts where you can safely go swimming in November and April. But the highest season here is from May to October, when the water temperature is 23-24 degrees.

This sea is not suitable for surfing; the water is very calm and “gentle”. One of the important characteristics of the sea in Cyprus is its cleanliness; many of the beaches here are awarded the Blue Flag, an award given to beaches with the most environmentally friendly water. In 2013, 57 beaches were awarded this honor.

The largest concentration of famous and popular beaches is in the city of Ayia Napa - the beaches here are sandy or a mixture of sand and pebbles. The most famous is the local Nissi Beach.

Legends and myths

The Cyprus Sea also attracts tourists with its rich history. According to legend, it was from its waters that the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite emerged. Now this place is called Aphrodite's Bay, it is located near the resort of Paphos. There are many signs associated with swimming in it: women, having plunged into its waters, gain youth and attractiveness, and lovers who swim together will always be together.

A large layer of legends is associated with the caves that dot the coast of Cyprus, and the pirates who stored the loot in them. The image of gentlemen of fortune will accompany you on the Cyprus Sea, on which stylized ships with a black flag still sail today.

For whom

The Cyprus sea is calm, clean and warm - ideal for families with children. There are no extreme entertainments here, but you can pleasantly relax to the sound of the surf. This is an excellent choice for a romantic getaway for a couple in love. However, in many resorts, especially in Ayia Napa, the sea becomes the venue for fun parties, people dance right in the lagoons!

The Cyprus Sea attracts divers: here, in addition to the underwater world, you can see sunken ships, including one of the most famous and largest, the second Titanic - the ferry Zenobia, which sank near the port of Larnaca.

The island of Cyprus cannot boast of being large in size when compared with other islands on the planet. Its area, amounting to just over 9 thousand km², is much smaller than the area of ​​Greenland (more than 2 million km²). But Greenland is the largest island on Earth. And if we consider the Mediterranean region, then Cyprus closes the top three there, second only to Sardinia and Sicily.

Cyprus, what kind of sea is there?

There are resorts popular among tourists on the island of Cyprus. An excellent climate, warm waters, beautiful scenery and clean beaches make up a good place for a relaxing holiday. The island fully meets these parameters. The surrounding water area is of great importance in the formation of good climatic conditions in Cyprus. The island is washed by the Mediterranean Sea. But perhaps many have heard about the Cyprus Sea. It is logical to assume that it is somewhere nearby. Why is there such confusion? Let's try to figure it out.

Cyprus is really located in the Mediterranean Sea, more precisely, in its eastern part. But the water area of ​​this sea is so large that geographers divide it into several more water bodies. And one of them is the Cyprus Sea, on whose territory the island of the same name is located. But that's not all! Cyprus, in turn, is also divided into seas: Cilician (northeastern part) and Levantine (eastern part). Thus, when wondering which sea Cyprus washes, you can get two answers at once: the Mediterranean and the Cypriot. Both of them will be correct, because the Cyprus Sea is part of the Mediterranean.

Climatic characteristics of the sea

The Cyprus Sea has a whole set of unique characteristics that affect the climate of the entire island. And basically, this is a beneficial effect. But the coastal area also determines some characteristics of the sea. And this also has a positive effect on the surrounding waters. So, the Cyprus Sea:

  • salty,
  • warm,
  • clean,
  • calm.

Cyprus is washed by the Mediterranean Sea and it is the saltiest. This is mainly because the only river that flows into the Cyprus Sea is the Nile. Consequently, the freshwater influx is low and the salt concentration is high. Of course, it is not the same as in the famous Dead Sea, in which fish and plants cannot live (in fact, that’s why it got its name). But the salty water of the Cyprus Sea is also not very comfortable for many living organisms. This results in the absence of algae. Also, in the coastal waters you will not find jellyfish and sea urchins, which can cause injury to swimmers. Sharks that are dangerous to humans also do not swim to the shores of Cyprus. So high salt concentration has a positive effect on coastal safety.

But there are also disadvantages from salt water in the Cyprus Sea. Schools of colorful fish will not please those who like to scuba dive and explore the beauty of the underwater world. Fish and seafood on the island are mainly imported, since catching on an industrial scale is difficult to organize. But do not be afraid that the gifts of the ocean in Cyprus will not be entirely fresh; transportation from nearby regions takes a little time. In addition, there are special fish farms set up right in the sea. From them, the freshest fish reaches the kitchens of local restaurants almost immediately.

Cyprus offers traditional entertainment: sea fishing. But tourists shouldn’t expect a big catch. You especially shouldn’t have any illusions about the size of the fish you catch. But for avid amateur fishermen, the process itself is important, so this can turn out to be quite enjoyable entertainment. And you can get a lot of pleasure from a boat trip.

The Cyprus Sea is the warmest part of the Mediterranean. This determines the long beach season. It is comfortable to swim here from May to October; the water temperature at this time does not drop below +23°C. But often the sea warms up already in April and remains warm until November. So it could be even longer.

All tourists note the cleanliness of the coastal waters. Transparent water allows you to see the bottom even at great depths. This is partly due to the lack of algae. The beaches of Cyprus are also clean, despite the fact that they are very different in composition. Some are sandy (and there are some with imported sand), some are sand-shell, some have pebbles. The cleanliness of the water and coastal area is one of the parameters that allows beaches to be awarded the “blue flag” special distinction. More than half of all beaches in Cyprus have received this award.

Many resorts in Cyprus are located in bays and are protected from the winds. This determines the calm nature of the surrounding waters. There are few waves here, so even kids feel comfortable in the sea. But what is considered an advantage for some can be a serious disadvantage for others. The too calm water of the Cyprus Sea is not suitable for surfing. Although board rentals are available in almost all resort areas. It will be even more convenient for a novice surfer to comprehend the basics of this sport. But for professionals it is better to choose another sea for training.