Training and education in South Korea. Education in South Korea: features of the system, nuances of admission. Differences between education in North Korea and education in South Korea Korean elementary school

Dong Di-young

I, Don Di-Yeon, was born in Uzbekistan, in the city of Almalyk, Tashkent region, on February 2, 1998 in a family of teachers. I finished first grade there, and when my parents moved to Moscow, I entered second grade at secondary school No. 1086 with an ethnocultural component of education. In this school, from the first grade, Korean is taught as a foreign language, along with English. I found it very interesting to study at a Moscow school. I was not an excellent student, but I never received C grades. There were always two or three “good” grades per quarter, usually in mathematics and physics. In addition to studying at school, I studied sports and ballroom dancing for two years. I didn’t have a regular partner, so I started studying Korean folk dances. In 2009, I was accepted into the women's dance ensemble “Ariran-Rus”, led by Valeria Son. Until I moved to Korea, I was a permanent member of this team. I would like to note that I was the youngest dancer, and choreographer Valeria always put me in the forefront. I love dancing madly, I’m always ready to dance. I have many friends in Moscow, Aunt Natasha and her family live there, as well as my grandfather.

After finishing ninth grade, I wanted to continue my studies at South Korea to become fluent in the Korean language. Moreover, my parents moved to live there last year, and my brother Vladimir studies at Song Kyung Gwan University there. In the summer of 2014, I was in Korea for the first time as part of an excursion group of students from our school. I did not return to Moscow, I stayed to live with my parents in Gwangju (Gyeonggi-do), which is near Seoul. There is another city with the same name in Korea, but it is far from Seoul. I liked Korea right away, but in the first months I missed my Moscow school friends and family. Now I keep in touch with my close friends by phone, SMS and Skype. They ask how my studies are going, how our schools differ, whether I like it here or not? This may be interesting to others, so I decided to write to Korean newspapers and magazines published in Russia and other CIS countries, as well as to the KORE SARAM website. Maybe they'll publish it somewhere. I will be glad if someone is interested in reading my note about the beginning of my life in my historical homeland, first of all, the parts related to studying in high school.

About my first impressions

So, in order. In Korea, the school year begins not on the first of September, but on the first of March, so I had to start tenth grade a few months later. And all this time I studied Korean on my own. My level of knowledge on this subject was very low. Upon arrival in the city of Gwangju, I immediately began visiting the Center for Assistance to Foreigners, where there were courses in learning the Korean language. The center was recently founded by Moon Seon Do, pastor of Gongjiam Korein Kyeo Church, who works as a high school Korean language teacher. The pastor gives me a lot of individual lessons and initially helped me with paperwork when enrolling in school and in many other everyday matters. Classes in courses and independent work on learning the language gave me the opportunity, after four months, to successfully pass the language exam for the third gyp (level).

I go to church every Saturday and Sunday. I attend services, and I also take Korean language courses. Group classes last two hours with a ten-minute break. The classes are taught by the church's pastor Moon Seon Do, who is also a Korean language teacher. This is my third month working at the church as a volunteer. In Korea, such work is encouraged and taken into account when applying for a university or job. The pastor instructs me to conduct classes with students in the elementary group and engages me as a translator. In this regard, I want to tell you the last case.

Recently, the police came to the church to pick up a young man who was taking a Korean language course. Since he doesn't speak Korean well, a translator was needed. The pastor recommended me in this capacity, and also as a volunteer. I agreed and we went to the police station. During the interrogation it turned out that this young man used someone else's by bank card, accidentally left by someone in an ATM slot. I used this card to buy goods in one store and then went to another, but the card was already blocked. He simply had to hand over this card to the police, and he decided to use it for himself. He didn't even know that in Korea there are surveillance cameras everywhere in such places. I was invited to the site several times as a translator, albeit after school. The young man did not admit his guilt and did not repent of his actions. The police have referred the criminal case to court and he is awaiting punishment. An unpleasant incident.

I'm currently in tenth grade at Gongjiam Kodeun Hakkyo School. All students wear the same school uniform. At first, because of my similar appearance, they didn’t understand that I was not a South Korean, and when they found out that I was a foreigner and came from Russia, everyone was surprised and told their friends from other classes about me. Many children came to watch me. They know very little about Russia, except that there are very beautiful girls there, it’s cold and President Putin. Many people became interested in Russia and asked about life in Moscow.

I don’t have close friendships with my classmates yet, but everyone treats me well, especially since I’m a whole year older than them. Here elders are treated with respect. If necessary, they are happy to help, give advice and give advice. Bullying or insults are unacceptable, relations are always smooth and friendly.

I want to say that the education system here is different than in Russia. Firstly, in Korea you have to study for 12 years, and secondly, here education in the senior (10-12) grades is paid. The school day begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m. 40min. Then everyone cleans their assigned areas, I clean the office of the head teacher of the school. He is a very good and kind person, he always asks how I’m doing, how I feel in class, whether I’m being bullied or not, and always treats me to sweets. Each student in the class has his own closet, so there is no need to carry heavy textbooks or sports uniforms. There is no homework, but the children do a lot of self-education and always attend some courses (hagwon). Classes there can last until midnight, and some parents come to meet their children, although the streets are always calm.

The work in city libraries is very interesting. They have classrooms for studying, reading fiction, separate computer classes, a cafeteria and even a relaxation room. Koreans believe that serious study requires an appropriate atmosphere, and therefore, during the period of preparation for exams, everyone goes to libraries, which are overcrowded with visitors and many people study even while sitting on the floor.

Students take exams after each quarter and usually last one week. When taking exams, classes with children are mixed with each other and examiners with willing parents also change at each exam. In addition to quarter exams, there are also current exams in the form of written work. During final exams (USE) there is absolute silence at school, even cars drive around the building. Vacations in summer are short, only three weeks; in winter, children rest for two months. The school does not have a classroom system; each class is assigned one classroom at a time. The school has very strict discipline; being late even by one minute or not wearing a school uniform is punished in the form of forced physical work; there are other forms of punishment.

I like studying in Korea. There is strict discipline here, children do not smoke, do not use foul language, everything is orderly and clean. Schoolchildren study a lot, they have practically no free time for idle pastime. From childhood they are taught to work. The atmosphere everywhere is such that you involuntarily get drawn into the working rhythm. What I like most about school is the friendly atmosphere, the atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding. I live in hope that everything will be fine for me! After all, dreams come true, right?! Thank you! Good luck to all!!!

Studying in Korea can be considered the first successful step on the career ladder. The educational system has received a lot of attention from the state, thanks to which this industry has undergone significant changes over the past 20 years. Today, South Korea is one of the TOP 10 countries where students want to get higher education.

Advantages of studying in the country

Education in Korea is aimed at the comprehensive development of the individual. This is a country with a rich cultural heritage, so studying its traditions will be an integral part of the educational program. Festivals, excursions and other events are held for both preschoolers and students. At such fun holidays you can see...

For parents, the relatively low cost of education will be a good advantage. Although the costs of kindergarten and higher education may be approximately the same, the state is constantly introducing various subsidies and support programs so that children from low-income families can also gain knowledge.

An interesting feature is the date when the school year begins in Korea. For schoolchildren and students, the first semester lasts from March 2 to mid-June or July. Summer holidays end at the end of August - beginning of September, after which a new semester of study begins, which will last until December.

Structure of education in South Korea

Studying in Korea is carried out according to the standard scheme:

  • Preschool education;
  • High school;
  • Higher education institutions.

The education system compulsorily includes only high school, the training period of which is 9 years. After this, the graduate can get a job or study further.

Preschool education

Preschool education usually begins in kindergarten, when the child is 3 years old. However, there is also the concept of a “nursery”, where children can be taken as early as 3 days after birth. Kindergarten teaches reading and writing in Korean and English. Mathematics, music and physical education are taught as additional disciplines.

School system

Each academic year consists of 2 semesters. Summer and the winter vacation in Korea, for most schoolchildren, this is an opportunity to improve their grades, since the country has a widespread system of additional classes and courses during the break between semesters.

Information about what age students graduate from school in Korea may vary. Children complete the compulsory school program by the age of 15. And kids at 18-19 years old graduate from high school.

First stage

Children enter first grade in Korea at the age of 6-7 years. The entire initial stage takes 6 years, during which subjects are taught by one teacher. Most Koreans have mediocre success in foreign languages Therefore, they begin to learn English from the first grade or in kindergarten. There are also Russian schools, where the educational process takes place almost entirely in Russian:

  • Busan Russian School;
  • School at the Russian Embassy;
  • Russian Lyceum TriLC.

Please note that the last two institutions issue a Russian-style diploma of education, so further study in Korea for Russians, even in 2019, is not provided for or will have a number of difficulties.

Secondary education

Secondary education begins at age 12. Korean schools of the first and second stages include 3 years of study, but each stage begins from 1st grade. In secondary schools, compulsory school uniforms are introduced for students. Each public and private educational institution has its own summer and winter uniform with the emblem of the educational institution.

First stage

Primary school students are not required to take secondary school examinations. However, the most prestigious educational institutions with in-depth study of individual subjects conduct selection based on the results of special exams. The program can also be highly dependent on the status and focus of the school.

Second stage

High school in Korea admits students based on entrance exam scores, which will vary depending on the institution. Specialization is carried out among schools, so the student can choose one of the following areas:

  • Exact sciences;
  • Foreign languages;
  • Art.

This is the most stressful time for schoolchildren, as intensive preparation is carried out for admission to colleges and higher education institutions. Students often resort to the help of tutors and also take various courses.

Secondary specialized

After graduating from high school, a student can apply to college, where he will study for 2 years. After this, he will receive a diploma for completing an “incomplete” course in a certain specialty. Despite the entry in the certificate, graduates receive all the necessary knowledge for further work in the industry. This is not only theory, but also practical training, which can take up to six months. Secondary specialized education can become an intermediate step before entering a university. In this case, the duration of college will be 4 years.

Features of higher education

Higher education consists of several stages:

  • Bachelor;
  • Master's degree;
  • Doctoral studies.

Each stage takes 3-4 years. However, obtaining a bachelor's degree can already be considered a full-fledged higher education. To enter the university, you will need to pass a standard exam in English and Korean, as well as mathematics. Additionally, a higher education institution may conduct an internal exam involving writing an essay.

Popular universities in Korea

There are more than 400 universities in the country. Despite the fact that all universities in Korea provide a good education, graduates of certain institutions are more valued when hiring:

  • Seoul National University;
  • Yensei University is the best medical university in Korea;
  • Ewha University for Women;
  • Pohang University

The Korean National University of the Arts can also boast of great achievements., which is the alma mater for many famous artists. Top universities also include Koryo and Kumin.

Seoul National University

Seoul National University in Korea is considered the most successful. It is included in the list of the most prestigious institutions in the world, so a huge number of foreign students come here every year. This popularity among applicants is due, among other things, to the fact that the university in Seoul has connections with international organizations such as the UN, where the best students can subsequently get a job. Most Korean politicians graduated from this particular educational institution.

Korea Institute of Advanced Technology

Korea Institute advanced technologies is known as an institution that emphasizes applied sciences. The constantly renewed faculty boasts that among its staff there were famous scientists. For example, Nobel laureate Robert Laughlin once headed this university. The main goal of the institute is to conduct new research.

Pohang University of Science and Technology

Pohang University is one of the young private institutions with low tuition fees. Despite the fact that it does not stand out on the world stage, in Korea it is among the TOP 10 best educational institutions. The most popular faculties: engineering, chemistry, natural sciences.

How can a foreigner enter a higher education institution in Korea?

The good news for applicants is that you do not need to know the Korean language before studying. In popular institutes, some classes are conducted in both Korean and English. You only need to draw up an individual training program, which will include only English-language lectures.

Exchange studies in 2019 are offered by some universities for Russian students. As a rule, in such programs more attention is paid not to the training itself, but to the interaction of young people, therefore, foreign language faculties are mainly offered for exchange.

Conditions for obtaining a visa

Provided only to those citizens who have confirmation of enrollment in a university. The following additional documents will be required:

  • Valid passport;
  • Certificate of maturity or university diploma;
  • A bank account statement that confirms the financial viability of living in Korea.

All documents must have a notarized translation.

Required package of documents

An applicant who plans to enroll in a Korean university is recommended to check in advance in writing with a specific university about the list of documents required for admission. Most educational institutions require:

  • Statement;
  • A resume in English listing places of study and awards;
  • TOEFL certificate;
  • TOPIK certificate if available;
  • A copy of the birth certificate;
  • Copy of international passport;
  • Recommendations from teachers.

Please note that all documents must be in English or Korean. A copy of the birth certificate must have a certified translation.

How much does it cost to study?

You won't be able to get a free education in South Korea. However, the cost of training is relatively low, although each university sets its own standards. Eg, a semester at Seoul National will cost about $7,000, while Koryo charges over $11,000 for the same period. Studying for a master's degree will cost even more. Prices can constantly change, so it is recommended to find out how much it costs to study in Korea for Russians a year before enrolling in all higher education institutions. educational institutions that interest the student.

Getting scholarships

Receiving a scholarship depends on the applicant's academic performance. However, Korean universities are rarely interested in bachelor's degrees, so study grants are offered mainly for master's and doctoral programs. Bachelors can only count on scholarships in faculties of exact sciences. It can fully cover the costs of not only training, but also living expenses, including insurance.

Where do international students live?

Korean universities provide dormitories for foreign students. It is paid, the cost in the capital is $600-2000 per year. At the same time, students will live in four-bed or double rooms. For comparison, it will cost no less than $6,000 for a year.

It is worth noting that sometimes a foreigner may be refused entry to the campus due to a lack of space. And some students refuse on their own, since the hostel may be too far from the university.

Taking courses while studying

Classes at the university do not take up the entire day, so the student can devote the rest of the time to his own needs. For example, after six months of successful study, a foreign student can get a part-time job in Korea. However, most often, foreigners enroll in Korean courses in Seoul and other cities. Knowledge of the language will provide an opportunity in the future to get a permanent job in South Korea, as well as attend lectures that are taught only in their native language. The most popular are evening group language courses for Russians.

Prospects for further employment

After graduating from a local university, it is also available to foreigners. Moreover, graduating from a Korean university provides advantages in obtaining a legal job. Many foreign students successfully obtain a residence permit and remain to work in the country.


Benefits of receiving higher education in Korea it was appreciated not only by immigrants from Russia. You can often meet students from the USA and England here. A diploma from a Korean university will be rated at the global level, and the cost of education here is much lower than in Europe or America.

Students take a test for admission to higher education institutions

South Korea is proud of the academic achievements of its youth. Every student is held to high standards, and to achieve them, children have to sacrifice literally everything in their lives. One student spoke about the harsh reality of Korean high school that lies behind the country's excellent academic statistics, renowned throughout the world.

The school day in Korea can last up to 12 hours.

A Korean student spoke honestly about his school life and the stress it entails.

During an interview, a student compared the local education system to hell: “When a new semester starts, school gets scary. We always feel enormous stress and endless competition starting from first grade.".

The student also spoke about the need to attend school despite lack of sleep after extracurricular activities.

The student said that they only have 3 hours to sleep: “I have a lot of homework to do the next day, but I can’t do it at night because I might just fall asleep in class tomorrow.”.

High school classroom

Since obtaining higher education is main goal high school students, the South Korean system creates competition for academic excellence among students.

The pressure children receive from school is causing unprecedented levels of stress. A student shared his feelings about studying:

I just want to pass these hellish entrance exams as soon as possible. I still have two years left. I feel depressed because thoughts of suicide occur to me several times a day.

Exam for admission to higher education institutions

South Korea has one of the highest suicide rates among young people. Suicide is the leading cause of death among high school and university students aged 15 to 24 years.

Historically, the higher education system in Korea has developed based on the experience of progressive teaching methods in Japan, Germany, the USA and Russia. It received active development in the second half of the last century. Now the country is among the leaders in the number of students in higher education institutions. Foreign schools in Korea play a significant role in this. They are intended for employees' children and help them understand national culture, learn a language, acquire knowledge. The high level of teaching and technical equipment attract citizens of other countries from all over the world.

School for foreigners in Korea: features of education

Preschool education can be obtained in kindergarten. There are public and private forms in the country. Communication in any preschool takes place only in Korean. In some kindergartens there is a practice of separate groups with English language. Both of these languages ​​are included in the list of core subjects in the school curriculum. In addition to them, the following are studied:

  • Mathematics and other exact sciences.
  • Social Science.
  • Music.
  • Art.

Most international educational institutions operate on a fee basis. Primary school for foreigners in Korea costs approximately 5,000 euros annually. For senior classes, the cost gradually increases to 6,500 euros. There is a one-time entry fee of up to 1000 euros.


Documents are submitted directly to the educational institution. Enrollment takes place on a competitive basis or on a general basis. There are several options for starting your studies at an international school:

  1. Summer programs. Foreign students try their hand at learning languages, get acquainted with culture and traditions, and communicate in a team. Parents, watching their children, decide on the advisability of studying in this particular educational institution.
  2. Short programs. They are designed for 2-6 weeks. During this time, the child adapts to new conditions and gradually gets used to the educational process.
  3. Distance learning. In demand in many schools. This is due either to living remotely or to the inability to actively participate in the development of the school curriculum. Upon completion of this course, students also receive a full Korean certificate.
  4. Full board. Involves providing educational, medical services and food. It must be taken into account that with such accommodation, the student must be under the supervision of one of the parents or an adult guardian.

Almost all of them accept applications year-round. Foreigners are required to have a document confirming their previous education and a student visa for at least the period of study.

How to choose a school for foreigners

The determining factor, of course, is language. Miscommunication can lead to poor performance. You don’t have to worry about the psychological situation. Almost everywhere the classes are small. Therefore, each student is given enough attention. It is recommended to take into account when choosing:

  • Distance from home.
  • Availability of a school bus and convenient route.
  • Language of teaching.
  • Waiting period for admission.

In addition to compulsory subjects, many educational institutions offer a variety of developmental courses. Art courses are very popular. For example, Kirin school. Its graduates are known far beyond the country's borders. After receiving an education, many already become famous thanks to their abilities and promotion system.

Types of foreign educational institutions

Foreign children have access to both traditional and specialized forms of organizing the educational process. Some assume a regular 5-day rhythm, others work year-round or only on weekends. To create a good psychological environment, sometimes truncated programs or age restrictions are offered. Main types of institutions:

  1. In the Hannan-dong district of Seoul, the Yongsan International School operates with government support. It is designed for 1000 students. For children of foreign citizens, there are 30 classrooms, a gym, a swimming pool, music and computer classes, a library, and a canteen.
  2. Intercultural schools. They are designed to adapt to the language environment. Foreign students enroll for 1 year. Often even a class lower. But having mastered the language, they can move from the preparatory class directly to the second. The school for foreigners in Korea also accepts ethnic Koreans. For example, the Dasom school in Seoul is supported by the state. Accordingly, training is free. Mandatory conditions for admission are parents living in the Republic of Kazakhstan, a student visa valid until graduation (F 4-6).
  3. Busan Year-Round Elementary School. It is intended for students from Russia, China, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Indonesia. The educational institution is open all year round, it is believed that this is optimal for adaptation to new country. Korean and native languages ​​and general education subjects are studied for 6 years. There is no payment for training. Teachers also work free of charge and on a voluntary basis.

When choosing a paid or free form, you need to visit the institution in advance and get to know not only the teachers, but also get as much information as possible about the documents, equipment, daily routine, and certificate form.

Selection by language of instruction

Almost any foreigner can get secondary education. It is important to start studying where the native language is present. The Korean language is mastered in parallel and the process of acquiring knowledge is gradually simplified. An example is Seoul schools, where in addition to Korean, their native language is taught, so it is easy for foreigners to study in Korea.

Japanese: Japanese school. Accepts kindergarten, primary and secondary schools.


  • Korean International School. Education is available at all levels - from kindergarten up to the senior school group.
  • Seoul Academy International School. Children are accepted into preparatory, middle and high schools.
  • Francesco's school is designed for children and accepts kindergarten students.
  • 4) Centennial Christian School works with children from preparatory to high school.
  • Worldwide Christian School accepts children from kindergarten through 5th grade.
  • Preparatory Center for Children's Education. Education and training is possible starting from 30 months. – up to 6 years.
  • Seoul International School (SIS) offers education from junior high to high school.


  • A school for middle-aged to older Chinese Koreans.
  • Primary school for foreigners in Korea for Chinese Koreans.


  • Javier International School can accommodate children of any age.
  • French School of Seoul (Lycee Francais de Seoul) from kindergarten to high school.

Mongolian: Mongolian School of Seoul.

To provide children with a decent education, citizens of other countries do not have to hire expensive tutors. South Korean hospitality and attention to visitors allow everyone to feel quite comfortable. Many educational institutions provide excellent opportunities to gain good basic knowledge and develop creative abilities.

Good conditions have been created for foreigners to educate children of any age. Certificates of secondary education and diplomas from Korean higher institutions have long been valued throughout the world. Specialists who have known several languages ​​since childhood and have received an excellent education are in demand in the labor market and can easily be introduced into any field.

South Korea is an industrial, steadily developing state with a strong economy. The country's higher education system ranks modern world one of the leading positions in the rating.

The fundamental advantage of Korean higher education is the high quality of knowledge. Specialists produced by local universities are competitive in all countries. The flow of foreigners wishing to enroll in Korean universities is increasing every year.

Education in Korea is conducted in two languages: Korean and English. Admission to a higher level is possible after completing a 12-year course of secondary education.

The education offered by Korean institutions has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Professionalism of teachers who have passed strict selection for work;
  • High-tech equipment for the educational process;
  • Developed program of scholarships and grants to support foreign students;
  • Opportunity to attend additional courses, trainings, and interest classes.

Organization of the educational process

Students at Korean universities independently choose the disciplines they study and build their study schedule.

There are no lectures based on the teacher’s monologue. Classes are conducted in the form of seminars with a discussion format. Students learn to think, speak publicly, and stand on their own point of view.

The criterion for assessment is the student’s ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

During the semester you must obtain a certain amount of points to successfully move to the next stage. Points are awarded for homework and attendance. Exams are taken twice a semester: intermediate and final.

The school year in Korea begins in March and lasts until February:

  1. First semester - from March to August;
  2. The second semester is from September to February.

From July to August and from December to February, students go on vacation.

The school week is five days long, Saturday and Sunday are days off.

On a note! Strict discipline is the key to successful learning. Failure to comply with the rules of conduct at the institute, frequent tardiness and absences from classes negatively affect one’s reputation and can lead to expulsion from the university and even deportation to one’s homeland.

Foreign students are officially allowed to work after six months of studying in Korea. The number of working hours per week during study is no more than 20. During the holidays, the time limit is lifted. There are no problems with vacancies; the income received helps offset the costs of studying.

Education programs

South Korean universities are divided into:

  1. Vocational colleges;
  2. Universities.

Duration of training:

  • College education - 2-3 years;
  • Bachelor's degree - 4 years;
  • Master's degree - 2 years;
  • Doctoral studies - no more than 4 years;
  • Doctors are trained for 6 years.

Forms of ownership of Korean higher education institutions:

  • National universities are governed by the state;
  • State universities are subordinate to local authorities;
  • Private universities are owned by private legal entities.

The Ministry of Education of South Korea puts forward serious requirements that all institutions must meet, regardless of their form of ownership.

Popular specialties in Korea:

  • International relationships;
  • Economy;
  • Jurisprudence;
  • Medicine;
  • Computer science and IT technologies;
  • Mathematics;
  • Pedagogy.

Conditions for admission

The main condition for admission to a South Korean institute is a good command of English or Korean.

You can confirm your language proficiency level in 3 ways:

  • Having a TOEFL certificate of at least level C in hand;

  • By providing an IELTC certificate of 5.5 points;

  • Having passed at least level 3 of the TOPIK Korean language test.

Russians cannot enroll in the first year of a Korean higher education institution after 9th or 11th grade, just like Kazakhs, Uzbeks and other citizens of the CIS countries. After graduating from school, it is possible to enroll only in one-year preparatory courses at a Korean institute. At home, you need to study at an institute for at least 1 year in the specialty you have chosen to master in Korea.

Required documents

To enroll in a higher education institution in South Korea, you must prepare a standard package of documents, which includes:

  • Application for admission to a university;
  • Autobiography;
  • School certificate of complete secondary education;
  • Certificate of study at the university;
  • A transcript of courses taken indicating academic hours;
  • A copy of a certificate confirming knowledge of a foreign language;
  • Motivation letter;
  • A copy of the applicant's passport;
  • Consent to the processing of personal data and verification of the information provided.

The provided copies of documents require certification by a notary.

On a note! Depending on the university and specialty, the list of required documents may be expanded. Exact information should be clarified with the international department of the selected institution.

In most cases, Korean universities make admission decisions based on the documents provided. Some educational institutions additionally conduct interviews or exams.

student visa

After receiving a response on admission, you should attend to the issue of obtaining a Korean student visa.

The type of visa depends on the program of study:

  • A D2 visa is issued upon admission to full-time study to obtain a scientific degree or conduct scientific research;
  • The D4 visa allows you to enter the country for language and cultural courses.

Documents for obtaining a Korean student visa in Russia:

  • International passport;
  • Certificate of enrollment in a Korean university;
  • Document confirming payment for training;
  • Agreement on the child’s departure abroad from parents or guardians (for minors);
  • Sponsorship letter.

Cost of education

A peculiarity of the South Korean education system is the lack of free education. Starting from the preschool level, education in Korea is paid for.

The cost of obtaining a higher education does not depend on the prestige and location of the institute, but on the specialty and program. Training in state universities government-funded education will cost less than private universities.

Approximate cost of undergraduate education in areas per semester:

  • Humanities - from 95 to 460 thousand rubles;
  • Natural sciences - from 115 to 550 thousand rubles;
  • Technical sciences - from 115 to 525 thousand rubles;
  • Culture and art - from 107 to 540 thousand rubles;
  • Medicine - from 270 to 680 thousand rubles.

The cost of master's programs can exceed the indicated amounts by 1.5-2 times.

On a note! Accurate information about how much tuition for the chosen program costs can be obtained by contacting the university directly.

To the amount of training you should add expenses for:

  • Housing;
  • Nutrition;
  • Medical insurance.

Scholarships and grants for international students

The South Korean government provides financial support to foreign students, including Russians, by distributing grants for training.

Government programs that help significantly reduce costs:

  • Government scholarship- 800-900 thousand won (45-50 thousand rubles) are paid monthly for accommodation, flights, Korean language courses, educational literature, medical insurance are paid;
  • Scholarship for exchange students with excellent academic performance- the amount of monthly payments is 500 thousand won (28 thousand rubles) for accommodation, travel and medical insurance are compensated;
  • International Student Support Program Those studying at their own expense are compensated for living expenses in the amount of 500 thousand won (28 thousand rubles) monthly.

Applicants for government scholarships undergo a strict competitive selection process and are required to provide documents according to the required list.

Successful students can count on scholarships from universities. The amount of the scholarship depends on academic performance and ranges from 30 to 100%. Students who particularly excel in their studies have the chance to study for free: a university scholarship will fully cover all costs.

Exchange Study

Students from universities that have partnerships with Korean institutions have the opportunity to go to Korea on exchange. To participate in the exchange, high academic performance and a conversational level of foreign language proficiency are required.

Student Accommodation and Meal Options

After enrolling at a university in South Korea, you need to resolve the issue of accommodation during your studies.

Options for where international students can live:

  • Student hostel- the rooms are designed for 1-4 people, there is no kitchen, meals are provided in the university canteen, the cost of living reaches 85 thousand rubles. per semester;
  • Pension- it is possible to move into a single or double room, two meals a day (breakfast, dinner) are provided at the appointed time, the cost is about 30 thousand rubles. per month;
  • Rented room, apartment- the possibility of separate accommodation, which creates the possibility of self-cooking; the cost depends on the comfort of the chosen housing.

The best universities in the country

The three best universities in the country, united by the abbreviation SKY:

  • Seoul National University- the first university in Korea, one of the 50 strongest universities in the world, is the best technical university in the country;
  • Korea University- a private university with an emphasis on humanities faculties offers the best legal education in South Korea;
  • Yonsei University- an elite university whose main specialization is medicine.