Atypical tourist top: an alternative tour of Russian cities. Tourism and recreation - unusual travel, non-standard tourism - gastronomic, wine, health... Non-standard types of tourism - gastronomic tourism, wine tours, cheese tours

Frequently asked questions (Russia, Kazakhstan)

Cooperation information

Information on concluding and renewing a contract, and the work scheme is presented in the "" section.

Information about working with the online booking system, personal account

Information about the tariff system

Only the current price at the time of booking = tariff is relevant.

Tariffs are not stored on the site, we cannot check the old price.

It is not possible to recalculate an already booked application at the old rate.

Tariffs have no expiration date and can be changed at any time without notice.

Changes in the tariff system

  • When adding or removing tourists, changing the hotel, dates, room type, the changes will be calculated at the current rate.
  • when adding a CIP service, individual or VIP transfers, wedding ceremonies, insurance and other additional services, the tariff does not change.

More detailed information on changes to the fare system is presented in the “Rules for recalculating applications when working under the fare system” (for all departure cities, except Yekaterinburg).

Information on surcharges (fuel surcharges, New Year's dinners, etc.)

Information on fuel surcharges can be found in the section "Air travel" - "Air ticket prices". There you can also find information on the cost of additional payment for specific flights (morning/evening).

Information on fuel surcharges can also be found in the IMPORTANT INFORMATION section under the tour search form.

Information on additional payments for an individual transfer can be found in the “Transfers” section for each country on the agent page.

For more convenient navigation, you can use the link “Additional payments for tours”, which is located in the center of the agent page in the “Operational information” section

List of hotels in alphabetical order, with the ability to search by name (you must enter at least 4 characters to search). Hotels from “TEZ TOUR recommends” are displayed outside the list.

The hotel catalog has a filter by name, level, and cost. To filter, you just need to click on the corresponding parameter in the left corner of the catalog.

Air travel information

Booking tours on regular flights is a new exclusive service from TEZ TOUR. (download )

The following subsections are available in the section: Airlines, Airfare, Schedule changes, Check departure times, Flight schedules and air ticket availability, Air ticket sales. They are also available in the center of the agent page in the “Air Travel” section.

Daily prices

Information on daily prices for hotels can be found in the “Daily and non-standard” section on the agent page. You can also find here: lists of hotels that allow pets, prices for lifts and ski equipment rental, tourist tax, hotel deposits and other additional services depending on the specifics of the country.

Cost of supplement for children under 2 years of age (infants)

The cost of a Boarding Pass (air ticket without provision of a seat and luggage) for children under 2 years of age is indicated in “Air ticket prices”.

Despite the fact that in most hotels children under 2 years old stay free of charge, there are exceptions. We strongly recommend that you check information on the cost of hotel accommodation for children under 2 years old by email from your curator or sales department.

Flight crossing information

Information on the possibility of crossing flights and the cost of crossing can be found in the file "".

Non-standard tour solutions (VIP, sports, weddings)

This section presents corporate projects, examples of corporate programs, hotels with conference rooms, non-standard accommodation options, sports projects, VIP recreation and services, VIP meetings and send-offs, wedding ceremonies.

Information on issuing documents

Information on issuing documents is available via the link “Issue of documents” in the “Agencies” section or in the “Operational information” section in the center of the agency page. To find out information on issuing documents from your departure city, you need to change the departure city in the upper left corner of the site and go to the document issuance section.


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No tourist passport data

If at the time of booking there is no OZP number or expiration date, then when booking online, the corresponding fields must be left blank. We remind you that passport information must be entered no less than 3 (three) working days before the departure date. If passport data is not entered within this period, then a fine of 25 USD will be imposed on the application. per person.

A child under 2 years of age must be added to the application.

A mini-group (strictly up to 10 people) flies to one hotel, several applications

To avoid a situation where one request was confirmed and another was rejected, but tourists want to fly all together to one hotel, the booking technology is as follows:

When you book your first application, the system issues an application number. In subsequent applications, in the note indicate “confirm strictly together with application No. (indicate the number of the previous application).

Please note that if the total number of people for all applications exceeds 9 people, then the applications will be recalculated at the rates for groups (often these rates are HIGHER than the cost in the online booking system).

The cost is not indicated in the application (cost n/a)

If the cost of the application contains n/a and all services are confirmed, then in this case you need to send a letter to the address of your curator (the curator’s email address can be found in the agency’s personal account, in the upper right corner when you click on the agency name or login) with the text “We ask you to calculate (indicate the cost) application No. XXXXXXXX.” You must indicate the application number in the subject of the letter.

You need to make a request for the hotel (country, infant’s accommodation, etc.)

If you have any questions about the hotel, the cost of living for foreign citizens, the cost of living for an infant, the food system in the hotel and other questions, then you need to write a request to your curator or to the address corresponding to your city using the following form:

The subject line of the letter must contain one of the following items:

  • Price for citizens of another country (foreigner + Russian)
  • Price for citizens of another country (foreigner)
  • Infant's cost of living
  • Additional discount
  • Complex placements not under contract
  • Cost of a non-standard room
  • Hotel price without contract
  • Question about the hotel

Body of the letter:

  • Application number: (if the application has already been created in the database)
  • A country:
  • Hotel:
  • Dates of stay:
  • Type of number:
  • Type of allocation:
  • Guesthouse:
  • Question text:

Example letter:

Topic: Price for citizens of another country (foreigner + Russian)

Country: Thailand


Dates of stay: 03/07/2011-03/14/2011

Room type: Club Sea View Room / Grand Building

Accommodation type: DBL+2CHD

Pension: BB

Text of the question: A family is flying, the father is a citizen of Nigeria. Does the price change?

We need to calculate a complex tour

To calculate a complex tour you need:

  1. Request the cost of air tickets for the desired dates from your curator.
  2. View the cost of accommodation yourself in the selection of the tour through “Tour Composition - Accommodation”.
  3. The cost of the transfer must be viewed in the “Transfers” section (Agent page - all directions on the right - Transfers)

If there is any difficulty in calculating, you can contact your supervisor. The name and contact e-mail of your curator can be found in the agency’s personal account, in the upper right corner, by clicking on the user login.

You need to “hang tickets”, fix the price

If there are few tickets left and there is a possibility that they will run out by the time tourists arrive, or you want to fix the cost at the current rate, then you need to make a preliminary reservation with the REAL names of the tourists.

Pre-booking makes it possible to book an application and therefore fix the cost of the tour at the rate in force at the time of booking, and at the same time reduce the risks of having to pay fines if the tourist refuses the reservation and does not pay for the application.

Differences from a regular booking: if within a certain time the agency does not confirm, that is, does not transfer the application from pre-booked to regular, or does not pay, the application will be automatically canceled without issuing penalties to the agency.

Applications are created in the same way as for regular bookings - through the online account.

When booking applications online, you must check the “Advance booking” box.

For advance booking applications, a time limit is set, after which the application will be automatically cancelled.

The time limit is set and checked to the nearest minute.

Time limits are displayed in the online account in the lists of applications in the “Application” and “Finance” sections, as well as on the form for viewing a single application.


  • The agency can set a time limit within two days from the moment of booking the application, that is, the maximum time limit = date and time of booking + 48 hours. The time limit is set according to Moscow time.
  • If the agency has not set a time limit, then by default the time limit date-time = booking date-time + 24 hours.
  • The agency can set a time limit only at the time of booking the application. An agency cannot edit the time limit on an existing application.
  • The agency can set a time limit only in case of advance booking. When booking an application normally, there is no time limit.
  • The agency can remove the time limit from the application, that is, transfer the application from pre-booked to regular applications, if the time limit is valid = not deleted or expired.
  • The agency has the ability to cancel an application with a time limit if the time limit is valid = not deleted or expired.
  • The number of simultaneously submitted applications with a time limit from one agency is limited. The default is 5 requests.
  • It is prohibited to pre-book an application 5 days or less before the arrival date for visa-free countries, and 8 days or less before the arrival date for visa countries.
  • The number of people boarded simultaneously on a flight in applications with a time limit is limited to 10% of the number of available seats on the flight. In the case where 10% is less than 2, 2 seats will be available by default.
  • You cannot create advance bookings for flights with unconfirmed flights. All other flights can be pre-booked, regardless of airline or destination.

The demands of travelers are sometimes surprising, sometimes shocking, and sometimes frightening. Each of them has their own preferences for time, place or type of recreation. Everyone is missing something, they want to do, see, try, feel something new, which they cannot afford, for a number of reasons, on weekdays. Some people miss nature, the countryside, endless fields. For some, to look at the starry sky, to “fall through” into the endless, milky cloud of the Milky Way, and at the same time, for hundreds of kilometers there would be minimal illumination of the sky - no cities, no villages, no people... For others, to taste wine while on a plantation or to taste real wine whiskey in the birthplace of the drink. And some people want to fly into space and land on the Moon. All this, and more, is called non-standard tourism and unusual travel.

Some people call extravagance those who prefer something unusual, non-standard and new to standard types of recreation - sunbathing on the beach or sightseeing tours. Not surprising - people who prefer going to art galleries are unlikely to be close to people who organize trips into the depths of the desert to observe the starry sky in absolute, natural darkness. Few can find innovation and motivation in these non-standard types of tourism and recreation. To understand this new round of development of the tourism business, you need to plunge into the world of interesting, unusual ideas and try to find positive aspects in them and definitely something of your own!

Non-standard types of tourism - Village, Rural, Ecotourism

Rural (many also call it ecotourism, but this is not entirely true) type of tourism is one of the most diverse types of recreation. Many residents of big cities, accustomed to the noise of cars, the ringing of alarm clocks, iPhones, tablets and gadgets, try to escape to the countryside at least once in their lives. Closer to nature, to something living, real, that you can touch and feel. Break away, at least for a moment, from the gray, suffocating walls and get closer to nature, forest, mountains, savannah, desert. Relax in peace and comfort. This is one of the most positive features of this type of non-standard holiday. In addition, rural recreation improves human health, its psychological component, and brings emotional imbalance to harmony with oneself.
They wrote about similar types of recreation on the site, however, there is not what in our standard understanding is a “rural” type of tourism, but you can be sure that after reading these articles, you will get ideas for relaxation from the city and from the noise:

Non-standard types of tourism - Shop tours, shopping abroad

No matter how funny it may sound, shopping excursions also have their advantages. Shopturas do not have the same positive cultural connotation as, for example, sightseeing and receiving aesthetic pleasure from viewing original paintings by the great masters of antiquity, but they also play a significant role. Looking at store windows and making purchases, we combine business with pleasure. Our articles on shopping when traveling abroad:

Non-standard types of tourism - health tourism, spa tours, sports hotels and camps

Also, a type of recreation such as health tourism is gaining popularity - spa tours and hotels, wellness hotels and their programs, sports hotels and camps for adults and children. Every year, the healthy lifestyle trend attracts masses of people who care about their health and appearance. Many people are now thinking - what kind of vacation is this, where you have to constantly play sports and tire yourself out!? We dispelled these myths in our articles, where we described in detail with text and video presentations how you can combine a beach holiday with non-exhausting, but very effective and effective natural healing programs, playing sports, visiting spa treatments and eating healthy organic food. Our articles about health tourism, spa tours and hotels, wellness hotels and their programs, sports hotels and camps for adults and children:

Non-standard types of tourism - gastronomic tourism, wine tours, cheese tours

Wine tours may also seem strange to some. Any wine gourmet or simply connoisseur dreams of getting to the quiet corners of Italy, Spain, France, Argentina to feel the taste of real local wine, communicate with winemakers, try their most expensive wine drink and learn about the history of the variety. Our articles about wine tours, festivals of alcoholic beverages from around the world and more:

Non-standard types of tourism - space tourism, astronomical tours

Space tourism is another type of non-standard tourism. Who wouldn't want to go on a long flight to unknown orbits and stars? See the endless expanses of space? Fly around the globe? Today, in the age of modern technology, this can be partially done if there is an amount in a bank account with 5-6 zeros in American currency. Spaceships are being invented for flights of tourist astronauts, new special suits, protective equipment and much more. The problem is the high cost of this flight. This type of tourism is not yet available to everyone. Only the powers that be can still observe the beauty of the starry sky from the window of a spaceship. But there are tours that will allow you to get as close as possible to the eternal - space and its objects.

Recently there has been a change in people's thinking. Those who previously sought well-known resorts are now looking for new experiences, untrodden paths. Therefore, a promising direction has emerged in the tourism business - organizing non-standard tours.

Non-standard trips are different from regular package tours. Here the client's preferences are taken into account more.

An individual approach is manifested in both the choice of location and the choice of transport. The destination of the trip may be significantly removed from usual vacation spots.

The main directions of alternative tourism are:

  • ecotourism
  • agritourism
  • sports tourism
  • cultural trismus
  • pilgrimage tourism
  • educational tourism

Alternative tours include organizing corporate holidays, family trips, various events in interesting places, and travel for people with disabilities. It is simply impossible to list all the options.

For whom are alternative tours developed?

This service will be of interest to people of different ages and income levels who have a desire not only to travel, but also to develop and explore the world. Quite a large number of potential clients of travel agencies are already fed up with standard beach holidays. There are people among them who crave adventure and spare no expense on the most exotic trips. For people who dream of traveling, but believe that it is too expensive for them, individual tours are suitable.

For sporty people who prefer active recreation, tour operators can offer a wide variety of tours: hiking or cycling, extreme travel, mountaineering, diving and others. Sometimes clients ask to plan a trip so that they can realize their unusual interests, for example, explore local cuisine, or plunge deeper into the traditional life and culture of the country they are visiting.

Features of preparing non-standard tours

Despite the increased interest in this service, travel agencies are in no hurry to expand its use. Apparently there are not enough qualified personnel. Before planning an alternative tour, you need to thoroughly research the country. It is advisable that the manager himself has travel experience. Of course, you will have to spend more time on preparation and discussing all the details with the client than when selling a regular tour.

Not every travel agency will help you get to Alaska, or take a hot air balloon trip, or go spearfishing in the Red Sea.

Tourists who choose an individual tour participate in planning the trip and get the opportunity to learn much more about the country. But travel agencies rarely develop alternative tours and prefer to sell tours to traditional destinations. Currently, there are few agencies that are ready to undertake the organization and support of trips of a high degree of complexity. After all, you need to resolve issues with visas, housing, develop a route and constantly advise the client during the trip. Only experienced specialists can cope with these tasks, and training requires time and money.

Perhaps people who want to go on an unusual trip should contact a tour organizer. He goes into more detail into the planning of each trip, helping only two to three travelers at a time. The services of a travel agency are usually more expensive than the services of a tour organizer. Therefore, experienced tourists choose these tour operators, who work for themselves.

A service such as non-standard tours needs active promotion in the market. Potential clients may not even suspect that an ordinary travel agency is ready to help them realize some bold dream. After all, it is dreams that make up the meaning of life for most people. Are you ready to take a decisive step towards your desires?

Non-standard tours are a relatively new direction in the tourism business and at the same time quite promising, since the demand for this type of vacation already exists and tends to grow, and despite this, most travel agencies do not offer this product.


Tourist trips that do not fit into the usual scheme of package tours are considered non-standard. It can be

  • trips to places far from popular destinations,
  • visits to resorts and tourist centers, but without the accompaniment of representatives of the tour operator and accommodation in popular hotels,
  • cheap travel options that the tour operator will not offer.

Not every agency will organize a trip to the North Pole or Antarctica, arrange accommodation in an ancient villa in Tuscany, help you rent an apartment for a summer holiday on the coast of Spain, arrange a week-long diving safari on a ship in the Red Sea, or offer a weekend trip to London for just 10 thousand rubles for two.

Route and photo from the archive of one of the non-standard routes “Winter in the Tropics 2012” from Shamil Minnullin, creator of, which organizes collective adventure tours

Such tours also include options for organizing corporate vacations, trips for large families or people with disabilities, active recreation for groups of friends, training for sports teams, holding various events abroad, such as weddings, and much more.

Currently, there is a certain problem in the tourism market associated with the lack of an institution of brokers, that is, persons who would undertake the organization and support of trips of any degree of complexity. Most of them are interested in selling package tours and rarely practice an individual approach. There are few agencies offering such services even in the capital; in provincial cities there are none at all. Without appropriate practice, staff are incompetent in these matters. As a result, in the absence of qualified assistance, those who want to travel on their own often give up their dream.

The audience of potential consumers of this service is wide. It covers those who are fed up with hotel holidays at resorts, and those who crave adventure, and those who always thought that traveling abroad was out of their reach due to a limited budget.

A significant percentage of service consumers are people who prefer active recreation. This can be not only hiking, cycling or auto tourism, but extreme sports such as mountaineering, yachting, diving or surfing. In addition, a non-standard approach to trip planning is required by those whose interest in the country is very specific, for example, those studying Italian cuisine or those eager for self-knowledge in Tibet. The service is interested in people of all ages and occupations, who are united only by the desire to travel and the dream of seeing the world.

Among the advantages of such a holiday it is worth noting

  • an almost unlimited degree of freedom (in this case, the only restrictions are the visa regime and the laws of the country being visited),
  • the opportunity to see and learn more about the country than even the most intense tour,
  • unforgettable experience.

As part of organizing a non-standard trip, clients are offered not only the development of a route, booking tickets and resolving the issue of accommodation and transfer, but also constant advisory support throughout the trip via telephone or the Internet. Visas are issued for them, an individual excursion or training program is selected, a schedule and travel pattern are developed.

Features of organizing non-standard tours

Unlike selling regular tours, planning non-standard trips will require deep knowledge of the country, personal travel experience, as well as more time communicating with the client and solving problems than a regular tour requires.

Despite the fact that interest in the service is high, it will take time to gain the trust of customers and disseminate information. That is why at first it makes sense to combine this type of activity with the sale of standard package tours to destinations that are in high demand.

For example, the German residential buildings of the pre-war period are surprisingly well preserved here. Walking through the districts of Amalienau and Hufen, you can imagine that you are in a quiet German suburb. The former mansions are partially destroyed, partially inhabited, but despite this they remain in good condition, which affects their constantly growing market value.

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Kaliningrad can be classified as a popular destination, because it is considered to be “Russian Europe”. Not only the location of the city helps to match this, but also the typically European historical architecture.

For example, the German residential buildings of the pre-war period are surprisingly well preserved here. Walking through the districts of Amalienau and Hufen, you can imagine that you are in a quiet German suburb. The former mansions are partially destroyed, partially inhabited, but despite this they remain in good condition, which affects their constantly growing market value.

© Photo: Strelka Institute

For example, here you can walk around Yaroslav’s Court, which began to be founded in the 10th-11th centuries, walk along the “shopping arcades,” look into the Novgorod Kremlin, and look at the St. Sophia Cathedral, as well as the monument to the 1000th anniversary of Rus'.

2 of 9

Veliky Novgorod is one of those cities in the European part of Russia where Russian historical architecture is well preserved.

For example, here you can walk around Yaroslav’s Court, which began to be founded in the 10th-11th centuries, walk along the “shopping arcades,” look into the Novgorod Kremlin, and look at the St. Sophia Cathedral, as well as the monument to the 1000th anniversary of Rus'.

© Photo: Strelka InstituteFew people know, but Perm is the birthplace of the first master plan in the history of the country, specifically at the Institute of Territorial Planning (formerly BGP), within whose walls everything happened. We remind you that a master plan is a spatial development strategy that contains a clear urban planning concept and is developed by public authorities with the participation of various interest groups. Today, master plans are being created for various cities and regions, but Perm is ahead of everyone.

3 out of 9

Few people know, but Perm is the birthplace of the first master plan in the history of the country, specifically at the Institute of Territorial Planning (formerly BGP), within whose walls everything happened. We remind you that a master plan is a spatial development strategy that contains a clear urban planning concept and is developed by public authorities with the participation of various interest groups. Today, master plans are being created for various cities and regions, but Perm is ahead of everyone.

© Photo: Strelka InstituteYekaterinburg is rich in monuments of Soviet architecture; in particular, a lot of constructivism has been preserved here. The water tower made in this style makes a particularly strong impression. Built in 1928-1931, today it is a cultural heritage site.

4 out of 9

Yekaterinburg is rich in monuments of Soviet architecture; in particular, a lot of constructivism has been preserved here. The water tower made in this style makes a particularly strong impression. Built in 1928-1931, today it is a cultural heritage site.

© Photo: Strelka InstituteAnother visiting card of Yekaterinburg is the building of the Yeltsin Center. This is a cultural, educational and educational complex dedicated to the history of Russia and named after its first president of Russia.

5 out of 9

Another visiting card of Yekaterinburg is the building of the Yeltsin Center. This is a cultural, educational and educational complex dedicated to the history of Russia and named after its first president of Russia.

© Photo: Strelka Institute

Today the city is one of the most important scientific and educational centers in Russia, where historical buildings have been preserved and modern clusters have appeared. To understand how they lived and how scientists were treated in the Soviet Union, you definitely need to visit it.

6 out of 9

Academic towns, science cities and other settlements of this type actively appeared during the Soviet period. Many of them have now retrained into ordinary small towns, many have retained scientific and production functions, but Akademgorodok, located 20 km from Novosibirsk, stands out from the general population.

Today the city is one of the most important scientific and educational centers in Russia, where historical buildings have been preserved and modern clusters have appeared. To understand how they lived and how scientists were treated in the Soviet Union, you definitely need to visit it.

© Photo: Strelka InstituteThe capital of the Chechen Republic also boasts unique architectural beauty. So, tourists here are recommended to look at the watchtowers, which are located on the approaches to Grozny. The very first of these towers began to appear at the turn of the 10th-11th centuries.

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The capital of the Chechen Republic also boasts unique architectural beauty. So, tourists here are recommended to look at the watchtowers, which are located on the approaches to Grozny. The very first of these towers began to appear at the turn of the 10th-11th centuries.

© Photo: Strelka InstituteWell, and, of course, in Grozny it is worth looking at one of the largest mosques in Europe, the “Heart of Chechnya”. Despite the fact that it was built some 10 years ago, the structure has already become one of the best architectural monuments in the country.

© Photo: Strelka Institute “Russian Manchester” was exactly what Ivanovo was called in pre-revolutionary Russia. A large number of factories were concentrated in the city, the lion's share of them were located on the banks of the Uvod River. Confirming the industrial history of the city, it is also indicative that it was in Ivanovo that the first mass strike of the proletariat in the history of Russia took place, of which Lenin was very proud. Now most of the factory buildings are in a deplorable state - production has stalled, the territories are falling into disrepair. Representatives of the architectural community will be interested in studying the appearance of factory buildings.

By the way, all these (and some other) cities will soon be visited by participants in the Architects.RF program, which is being implemented by Dom.RF and the Strelka Institute with the support of the Ministry of Construction. The project is designed for architects, designers, urban planners, municipal employees and senior students of specialized universities. As Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vitaly Mutko reported, participants in the educational program will be recommended to the regions for specialized positions in state and municipal government bodies.
By the way, all these (and some other) cities will soon be visited by participants in the Architects.RF program, which is being implemented by Dom.RF and the Strelka Institute with the support of the Ministry of Construction. The project is designed for architects, designers, urban planners, municipal employees and senior students of specialized universities. As Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vitaly Mutko reported, participants in the educational program will be recommended to the regions for specialized positions in state and municipal government bodies.