Mdc artek children's camp azure photos. Lazurny is proud of them. Lazurny is proud of them

Hello, I have prepared a huge photo report about the international children's camp "Artek", if you really want to be stunned by what you see, please. We can talk a lot about how budgets are “saved” in Russia, but the best proof of how they really turn a fairy tale into reality in Russia is the example of Artek. When viewing, remember that reconstruction began late last summer.

The first photo shows a 3D project, and here is the completed project (by the anniversary of Artek on June 16, the scaffolding will already be removed):

This giant screen has an area of ​​120 square meters. The design consists of 200 thousand LED elements connected by a single control that allows you to reproduce any image. The media facade can work as a full-fledged screen and any image, video or full-fledged film can be displayed on it, including live broadcast. The screen installed in Artek has no analogues in Russia yet, since it will transmit an image of increased brightness both at night and during the day. At the same time, the system includes an anti-vandal coating and a light sensor - at night the brightness of the inscription will be reduced so as not to blind drivers.

In front of us is a sports complex with a huge screen above the entrance.

This is the dining room, we'll go to it later

Children go to lunch

Each camp has its own emblem

Technology, or rather nanotechnology, has changed everywhere at Artek

Let's go to the pool

This is a dressing room, everything is done to perfection

And here is the pool, it’s just mega cool

There are inflatable bathing facilities for small children

But older children swim for a while in the neighboring pool

These are showers

You can see for yourself that everything is made from very high quality materials, only there is still not enough gold, but everything is there

But the gym, the parquet floor is so shiny that it lights up the photos. The gym is simply Olympic level.

The entire sports complex has an air conditioning system; the gym alone has 16 huge air conditioners.

This is the building of the Yantarny camp, we will go there later, but now we are going to the canteen, to be honest, I don’t dare call it a canteen.

And here is the dining room of the restaurant for children. I remember this building was completely different, we also went to eat in this dining room and it didn’t look very nice, to put it mildly (remember the Soviet double-glazed windows)

Here is a squad from our brotherly Belarus, there were also guys from Kazakhstan, that’s right, the camp is international.

Children from the Khrustalny camp eat here; each camp has its own separate dining room.

But the dining room of the Yantarny camp, everyone has a different interior

Meals for children in the canteens of the children's camps of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "MDC "Artek" are provided as a buffet. The children's menu consists of three sets to choose from. The proposed complexes are developed taking into account the requirements of SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of work of stationary organizations for recreation and health improvement of children”, SanPin 9-08 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of meals for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education" and other sanitary and hygienic norms and rules established by current legislation. Meals at Artek are comprehensive, five times a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, second dinner) with strict adherence to the time between meals (no more than 4 hours). On school days, afternoon snacks are delivered to the school.

Form in "Artek" from Bosco

The menu is displayed on LCD screens above the dispensing line

Regarding the quality of the repair, I think you can see everything for yourself, well, for example, this serving table is completely made of artificial stone

The children are all positive. By the way, we asked the children for what merits they got here and there really are no “thieves”, all for achievements either in sports or in some other disciplines. In general, the future of Russia rests in Artek

The furniture is super, we tried it ourselves

Washstands, as you can see, everything is at the highest level

Dryers, honestly the first time I saw such

These are the canteens near the Khrustalny and Yantarny camps.

Let's go to the Morskoy camp

On the way to the Morskoy camp, we saw a monument to the Ukrainian Artek; under Ukraine, Artek survived, or rather survived. Under Ukraine, the camp gradually fell into disrepair.

Each building has the following air conditioning systems.

We arrived at the Morskoy camp

We go to the first residential building we come across.

Honestly, everything is without preparation and spontaneously

6 people live in a room, each child has an individual locker

There is also a toilet in the room

And shower

This is the bedroom

And this is the view from the bedroom window

Monument to “The first Artek Line took place here.” In modern "Artek" they treat the history of the camp very carefully and combine the past with modern "Artek"

There is an olive grove in the Morskoy camp

Children go to lunch

The interior of the Morskoy camp dining room is radically different from previous dining rooms.

At Artek they didn’t forget about people with disabilities, which made me very happy

The menu is also displayed on the LCD

Freshly squeezed juices are poured for children

Everyone's faces are happy, you can't hide it

Clean and tidy, it’s nice to see what we have, and not in some Europe

Whoever says that this is a dining room should throw a stone at me. In reality, we have few such restaurants. Of course it’s cool, a dining room with such a view.

This is what the dining room looks like from the outside

Now we will go to the “bonfire”, it is located near the sea, there is also a square with an amphitheater for guests. Artek bonfires were lit here in the early years.

Each camp has service electric vehicles that can be used to move around inside Artek.

And here is the amphitheater

Well done, camp "Morskoy"

This area hosts all sorts of events and also serves as a place for physical exercise.

Now we are going to the Yantarny camp

Creative children relax in Artek

Please, everything is mature, there is a schedule and no one will be left idle

What pleasantly surprised me was that 6 people live in the rooms, and not like before the whole squad

The furniture and the interior itself are simply at the highest level, and from the faces of the guys it’s clear that they like everything

The girls have the same room

And here is my “Crystal”. It’s simply unrecognizable, it’s now like a 5 star hotel

Children greet everyone with their posters

We won’t go inside until it’s quiet time, it’s just as cool there as in Yantarny

And here is the famous Artek school. Children jokingly call it "Hogwarts"


The central stadium "Artek" is probably the only thing that Ukraine, represented by Yanukovych, has renovated and the stadium is still very good. It was made as a reserve for matches during Euro 2012

Summer holidays for children are very important; their academic performance and well-being for the entire next year depend on its quality. "Artek. Lazurny" has been considered the keeper of the best traditions of children's recreation for more than half a century. This is the most famous of the Artek camps; your parents could have spent their summers here. It was built in 1896 as a sanatorium and resort area, and became part of Artek in 1936. This is a world of sun and sea, fresh air, children's fun and endless joy.

General description

"Artek. Lazurny" operates all year round, accepting up to 400 children at a time. The camp consists of four dachas, each of which is named by color: “Red”, “Green”, “Yellow” and “Blue”. The reception building is the first one visited by arriving children. There is everything you need to get out of the way and also place your things.

"Artek. Lazurny" is a cultural center where children gather annually to not only sunbathe and swim, but also communicate, as well as gain new knowledge and develop physically. For this purpose, there is an excellent library and sports grounds. And in the dining room, the chefs prepare delicious dishes for the children.


Amazing and unique places were simply created by nature itself so that the largest summer children's recreation complex would open here. "Artek. Lazurny" is located 12 km from the famous resort called Yalta. The beaches of the camp are located next to Pushkin Rock. The journey takes only 3-4 minutes, so a beach holiday is a priority here. Of course, the camp has certain rules, and you cannot go to the beach on your own, but the counselors take into account the wishes of the children.

Accommodation for children

"Artek. Lazurny (Crimea) offers comfortable two-story dacha buildings for accommodation of young tourists. There are four of them in total in the camp, they differ in color, so from the very first day of moving in, the division of children into groups has already been completed. The buildings have been recently renovated and provide excellent living conditions for children.

Those who come to relax at Artek. Lazurny" (Crimea) are accommodated in rooms of 10 people. Each has a complete set of new furniture. Two-level beds, built-in wardrobes and bedside tables, tables and chairs - everything is made from environmentally friendly materials.

Facilities are located on the floor. This question often worries parents, but children do not experience any inconvenience from the fact that each room is not equipped with a bathroom. All tourists rate the living conditions as very good.

Your children will definitely have good memories of their vacation if they visit Artek once. Camp “Lazurny” is also distinguished by excellent medical care. On the ground floor of the “Blue” building there is a medical room open 24 hours a day, where children can go with any problem.

Children's nutrition

MDC "Artek" (Lazurny is one of its nine camps) is famous for its excellent food. Professional chefs work here, serving delicious and healthy dishes throughout the season. The dining room is a real work of art. It was built back in 1954 in the style of palace architecture.

Food preparation is carried out using modern equipment. A complete reconstruction was carried out in 2004, at which time new equipment was installed. Compliance with sanitary standards is carefully verified by a special commission, and in the entire history there has never been a case where it discovered violations.


Required documents

The last days before your child leaves for camp are usually very busy, but we must not forget about the necessary documents.

  • You must have a completed voucher on hand.
  • At the clinic you will need to undergo an examination and make a certificate of form 079U. You will need to take the document no earlier than 5 days before leaving for the camp.
  • A copy of the compulsory health insurance policy.

All documents must be provided to the camp administrator during registration, so in order for it to go quickly and without unnecessary worries, you need to take care of them in advance.

More than ten years ago I was in Artek. For work. I found out that there are now official tours of Artek, so I decided to see what’s there now. June 2017. You can register for the excursion on the official Artek website. It’s not entirely easy, there are almost always no places there, but we managed to do it. Promised route: Museum "Cosmos" - children's camp "Lazurny" - children's camp "Morskoy" - Palace Square - Park "Gorny" - school - stadium.

For guests of Artek in Gurzuf there is parking, a five-minute walk to the checkpoint, I present my passport, give a photocopy of the passport, 400 rubles and the tour begins. The first point is the Suuk-Su Palace.

Photo from the side. Unfortunately, in Artek, despite the fact that there are few cars, they are parked in the most beautiful places. Here at the main entrance to the palace there was a Zhiguli “six”, and it was not unloading or loading, but simply stood there.

In the palace we go into three halls of the Space Museum. In the first hall we listen to stories and jokes about space, there is a spacesuit of the dog Chernushka, who flew into space and returned, and lived to a ripe old age. And simulators for the vestibular apparatus, and an artificial satellite, and a full-scale mock-up of the GIRD rocket - the first Soviet liquid-fuel rocket, a device for training the stability of switching attention under time pressure

The museum also has a mannequin "Ivan Ivanovich" in Yuri Gagarin's training spacesuit, an exhibition of the nutrition of cosmonauts of the 60s, a duplicate of Gagarin's ejection chair

Lunokhod. Real. At least a museum employee confirmed that exactly the same lunar rovers were tested in the village of Shkolny near Simferopol

Next, our excursion goes to the Lazurny camp. This building, and the residential buildings of Lazurny, the dachas, did not look like this before. I think the facades have been updated

We meet the Artek people, although we are not pioneers, we, together with the guide, shout the Artek greeting)))

We climb the Tower; on old pre-revolutionary postcards it is also called “Eagle’s Nest”. The tower is round, like a nest, and literally hangs on the edge of a cliff. It is possible that the calling card of Crimea, the famous “Swallow’s Nest”, is made in the likeness of this Artek tower; it is much older than the “Swallow’s Nest”

Near the tower there is a monument to Pushkin, who can rightfully be called one of the first Artek residents. He was here at one time, as long as the average shift lasts, and, like a true Artek resident, until the end of his life he dreamed of returning to the earthly paradise near Ayu-Dag.

On the square near the tower, Artek soldiers from the Morskoy camp played tug of war, learned maritime literacy and showed us several sea knots

Summer cinema in Lazurny

Memorial sign with the names of Artek residents - Heroes of the Soviet Union

Dining room of Lazurny

Fresco paintings based on Pushkin's fairy tales in the hall of the first floor of the dining room

Three menu options to choose from

The buildings of the new camp “Solnechny” are being built nearby.

Near Adalary. At the beginning of the 20th century, near Adalar there was an exotic restaurant “Russian Venice”, where seafood taken from the sea was served literally in front of the visitors. Customers were transported to the restaurant by boat. There were plans to build a cable car from the Dzhenevez-Kaya rock to Adalary. A tunnel about 15 m long was even cut into the thickness of Dzhenevez-Kaya. This tunnel has survived to this day; its hole, closed by a lattice, is clearly visible on the rock from the sea. The restaurant was subsequently destroyed by an earthquake. There are legends about the supposedly intact interior of the restaurant, the entrance to which was blocked by a massive rock.

Our excursion then continues by bus. We drive past the gatekeeper's house, listening to the story of Emperor Nicholas's visit to the estate

We arrive by bus to the Morskoy camp. The guide tells us about the oldest and largest olive grove in Crimea. I tried to argue that the olive trees in Aivazovsky look older, she was offended by me))) She said that there are olive trees in the Nikitsky Garden, but this grove is the best))) And we also listened to a story about how children pick olives , pickled and taken home in jars... I don’t know if this is true or fiction

The grove is being restored, about fifty trees have been planted nearby, the trees are named

We went down to the olive grove along Samantha Smith Alley.

92 years ago the first Artek line took place here. In 1924, the chairman of the Russian Red Cross Society, Zinovy ​​Petrovich Solovyov, visited Crimea. He was looking for a place suitable for a children's sanatorium camp. One evening he was walking at the foot of the Ayu-Dag mountain and realized that this is where what he needed was located. The camp was opened on June 16, 1925. The first shift consisted of 80 Soviet pioneers. They lived in four canvas tents on the seashore.

Mosaic panel “Friendship”, 1967. Size 4.7 x 10 meters, lined with white Inkerman stone, on which there is a mosaic of colored Crimean stones.

New modern buildings of the Marine

Stand "it was so". I remember this stand more than 10 years ago. Even then, a new Marine building was built, and even then they were proud of the restoration. Yes, just as in my childhood they compared everything with 1913, in Artek they compare it with... some period of decline. Probably the 90s.

In the sea on oars Morskoy camp

And we are moving to Palace Square. The Artek uniform is new, designed by Bosco, beautiful

The emblems of all camps are located here.

In the distance is a monument to Lenin; unfortunately, no one came closer to it. The height of the monument with pedestal is 19 meters,
the height of the pylons is 42 meters. The monument is part of the Lenin Memorial, which includes a complex of buildings with areas for exhibitions of the Union republics and a lecture hall.

Next on our program was Gorny Park, where we stayed longer. As I understand it, according to tradition, one married couple wanted to combine an excursion and shopping, they agreed with the guide, went to the Bosco brand store, and all the other 25 people sat in the gazebo in the park, waiting. Then we all had the opportunity to listen to how the girl called her girlfriends, saying that she had bought identical Artek T-shirts for herself, her husband and her daughter. Although, the park is magnificent, and even in 30-degree heat it was pleasant to inhale the smell of phytoncides

The Russian glade on the right is a grove of huge Italian pines, on the other side there are figuratively trimmed laurel bushes and jagged mountains on the horizon. In the 60-70s of the last century there were swing-carousels in the Russian folk style: painted horses and other things a la Russe. Today, of all this, only the barely noticeable foundation of the carousel and the strange name have survived.

New to Artek - a magnificent rope park and climbing wall

That's almost all, then according to our program there was a gazebo on which Putin was sitting, a sequoia tree for making wishes and that's all. We drove past the school and stadium. The three hour tour is over. The children were inspired and asked how to get here. Moreover, the guide said that 95% of the trips are free, you need to study well, participate in competitions, and everyone from 8 years old to adulthood has a chance.

Photo report of the Artek children's camp after reconstruction, which began last year.

Original taken from strajj in "Artek of the Future" is already a reality

Hello, I have prepared a huge photo report about the international children's camp "Artek", if you really want to be stunned by what you see, please. We can talk a lot about how budgets are being “saved” in Russia, but the best proof of how in Russia they really turn a fairy tale into reality, I propose to look at the example of “Artek”. When viewing, remember that reconstruction began late last summer. The first photo shows a 3D project, and here is the completed project (by the anniversary of Artek on June 16, the scaffolding will have already been removed):

This giant screen has an area of ​​120 square meters. The design consists of 200 thousand LED elements connected by a single control that allows you to reproduce any image. The media facade can work as a full-fledged screen and any image, video or full-fledged film can be displayed on it, including live broadcast. The screen installed in Artek has no analogues in Russia yet, since it will transmit an image of increased brightness both at night and during the day. At the same time, the system includes an anti-vandal coating and a light sensor - at night the brightness of the inscription will be reduced so as not to blind drivers.

By the way, on June 16, Artek turns 90 years old. On June 16, 1925, in a cozy and picturesque bay, where peace and quiet is protected by the ancient Ayu-Dag, children’s voices began to sound and a flag soared high to the sound of a bugle - this is how the camp-sanatorium of the Red Cross Society of the RSFSR in Artek opened its first shift in Crimea. .

“Artek” is located in Crimea, in one of the most beautiful places on the planet - on the Black Sea coast, 12 km from the famous southern coastal resort - the city of Yalta, in the urban village of Gurzuf. “Artek” occupies an area of ​​208 hectares, of which 102 hectares are parks. The coastline with children's beaches stretches for 7 km from Mount Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain) to the village of Gurzuf. Created in 1925, the small summer tent camp “Artek” has over the past decades turned into a country of childhood - a complex of 10 children’s camps with developed infrastructure.

Each of the 10 Artek camps captivates with its special atmosphere.
Children's camps "Morskoy", "Yantarny", "Khrustalny" accept children in new comfortable buildings with modern interiors.
In the shady greenery of the parks there are 4 summer camps of the Pribrezhny complex - “Lesnoy”, “Polevoy”, “Rechnoy”, “Ozerny”.
The Lazurny and Kiparisny camps have their own unique history and architecture.

At the disposal of children in “Artek” there are 36 dormitory buildings, 10 canteens, a vehicle fleet for 50 buses, a children's base-hotel in the city of Simferopol with 200 beds, a health center and a medical complex with 145 beds; pleasure boat "Artek" with 150 seats; a yacht club with the possibility of mooring 30 vessels, two Internet clubs, a cinema. There are 20 clubs, 5 libraries, television and the Artekfilm studio for children. The Artek museum and exhibition complex includes 5 museums. Among them is the Cosmos Museum, founded in 1967 by the planet’s first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin. Here are presented unique exhibits that have been in space and were presented to Artek residents by cosmonauts from different countries.

The Artek sports facility meets international standards. For those who are friends with sports and prefer active recreation, Artek has 11 equipped sports fields and courts, 4 new outdoor swimming pools with slides, a Sports Palace with an indoor pool, gymnastics and gyms. The Artek central stadium with 7,000 seats meets all international FIFA standards.

Artek has a new modern school with 1,270 places. Artek students who came to rest at the center during the school year study there.

In the mountains of the Crimean Nature Reserve, Artek owns two tourist bases - Dubrava (1100 m above sea level) and Krinichka (700 m above sea level); each of them can accommodate 40 people at a time.
The safety of children at Artek is ensured by a special police department and the security department of the children's center.

Taking this opportunity, I want to boast that I was in Artek in 1995 and spent a wonderful shift in the Khrustalny camp. Having been there now, I remember what happened then and I simply can’t believe my eyes now. In the photo there is my squad against the backdrop of the Ayu-Dag mountain, and if my memory serves me right, a piece of the sports complex peeks out on the right, now you will see how Russia reconstructed it.

In front of us is a sports complex, with a huge screen above the entrance.

This is the dining room, we'll go to it later

Children go to lunch

Each camp has its own emblem

Technology, or rather nanotechnology, has changed everywhere at Artek

Let's go to the pool

This is a dressing room, everything is done to perfection

And here is the pool, it’s just mega cool

There are inflatable bathing facilities for small children

But older children swim for a while in the neighboring pool

These are showers

You can see for yourself that everything is made from very high quality materials, only there is still not enough gold, but everything is there

But the gym, the parquet floor is so shiny that it lights up the photographs. The gym is simply Olympic level.

The entire sports complex has an air conditioning system; the gym alone has 16 huge air conditioners.

This is the building of the Yantarny camp, we will go there later, but now we are going to the canteen, to be honest, I don’t dare call it a canteen.

And here is the dining room of the restaurant for children. I remember this building was completely different, we also went to eat in this dining room and it didn’t look very nice, to put it mildly (remember the Soviet double-glazed windows)

Here is a squad from our brotherly Belarus, there were also guys from Kazakhstan, that’s right, the camp is international.

Children from the Khrustalny camp eat here; each camp has its own separate dining room.

But the dining room of the Yantarny camp, everyone has a different interior

Meals for children in the canteens of the children's camps of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "MDC "Artek" are provided as a buffet. The children's menu consists of three sets to choose from. The proposed complexes are developed taking into account the requirements of SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of work of stationary organizations for recreation and health improvement of children”, SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of meals for students in educational institutions , institutions of primary and secondary vocational education" and other sanitary and hygienic norms and rules established by current legislation. Meals at Artek are comprehensive, five times a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, second dinner) with strict adherence to the time between meals (no more than 4 hours). On school days, afternoon snacks are delivered to the school.

Form in "Artek" from Bosco

The menu is displayed on LCD screens above the dispensing line

Regarding the quality of the repair, I think you can see everything for yourself, well, for example, this serving table is completely made of artificial stone

The children are all positive. By the way, we asked the children for what merits they got here and there really are no “thieves”, all for achievements either in sports or in some other disciplines. In general, the future of Russia rests in Artek.

The furniture is super, we tried it ourselves

Washstands, as you can see, everything is at the highest level

Dryers, honestly the first time I saw such

These are the canteens near the Khrustalny and Yantarny camps.

Let's go to the Morskoy camp

On the way to the Morskoy camp, we saw a monument to the Ukrainian Artek; under Ukraine, Artek survived, or rather survived. Under Ukraine, the camp gradually fell into disrepair.

Each building has the following air conditioning systems.

We arrived at the Morskoy camp

We go to the first residential building we come across.

Honestly, everything is without preparation and spontaneously

6 people live in a room, each child has an individual locker

There is also a toilet in the room

And shower

This is the bedroom

And this is the view from the bedroom window

Monument to “The first Artek line took place here.” In modern "Artek" they treat the history of the camp very carefully and combine the past with modern "Artek"

There is an olive grove in the Morskoy camp

Children go to lunch

The interior of the Morskoy camp dining room is radically different from previous dining rooms.

At Artek they didn’t forget about people with disabilities, which made me very happy

The menu is also displayed on the LCD

Freshly squeezed juices are poured for children

Everyone's faces are happy, you can't hide it

Clean and tidy, it’s nice to see what we have, and not in some Europe

Whoever says that this is a dining room should throw a stone at me. In reality, we have few such restaurants. Of course it’s cool, a dining room with such a view.

This is what the dining room looks like from the outside

Beaches "Artek". There, further where huge stones are scattered in the sea, there is the Lazurny camp, we will go there soon

Now we will go to the “bonfire”, it is located near the sea, there is also a square with an amphitheater for guests. Artek bonfires were lit here in the early years.

Each camp has service electric vehicles that you can use to move around inside Artek.

And here is the amphitheater

Well done, camp "Morskoy"

This area hosts all sorts of events and also serves as a place for physical exercise.

Now we are going to the Yantarny camp

Creative children relax in Artek

Please, everything is mature, there is a schedule and no one will be left idle

What pleasantly surprised me was that 6 people live in the rooms, and not like before the whole squad

The furniture and the interior itself are simply at the highest level, and from the faces of the guys it’s clear that they like everything

The girls have the same room

And here is my "Crystal". It’s simply unrecognizable, it’s now like a 5 star hotel.

Children greet everyone with their posters

We won’t go inside until it’s quiet time, it’s just as cool there as in Yantarny.

And here is the famous Artek school. Children jokingly call it "Hogwarts"


The central stadium "Artek" is probably the only thing that Ukraine, represented by Yanukovych, has renovated and the stadium is still very good. It was made as a reserve for matches during Euro 2012

In the Lazurny camp, we began our journey with a visit to the Pushkin site, which offers a panoramic view of the area and a beautiful view of Mount Ayu-Dag.

"Lazurny" stands apart, let's say, from all the others; it has an interesting history. The Adalary Rocks, a natural monument and the calling card of Crimea, are located in the sea opposite the Lazurny camp. In Aivazovsky’s famous painting “Pushkin in the Crimea near the Gurzuf Rocks” (1899), the poet is depicted on a rock (now Pushkinskaya) in Lazurny. The painting is kept in the Odessa Art Museum. Pushkin's "Azure" grotto is depicted in a drawing by the Italian artist Carlo Bossoli, included in a unique album of lithographs about the Crimea, published in London in 1856. Until 1954, only girls rested in the Lazurny camp. One of the mysterious places of “Artek” is in “Lazurny”. This is the crypt of the former owners of the Suuk-Su resort, the Berezins, built according to the design of N. Krasnov.

Glade of Fairy Tales - a famous excursion site of Yalta - was located in Lazurny until the 60s. In 1985, in Lazurny, students of the Ufa Institute began construction of the fairy-tale town “Pushkin Trail” and completed it in 1988.

The journey through the Artek children's camp has ended. I showed you only the “tip of the iceberg” since it is impossible to walk around the entire territory of Artek in a day and devote time to each object. I only showed you what Russia did in less than a year, it seemed impossible, but as you yourself saw, everything is possible. And yet, the Artek reconstruction program is planned until 2020, but I can’t imagine what will happen by 2020.

I express my deep gratitude to the Artek staff who helped me on my journey around the camp. I express special gratitude to our guide to Artek, Igor Vladimirovich Alexandrov. I used technical and historical information from the official website of the Artek International Children's Center. Thank you for not wasting your time, I hope you enjoyed your trip around Artek.

The longing of a significant part of the working people for the Soviet past is becoming stronger and deeper.

Pioneer camps

Even I, being very skeptical about the so-called. Soviet values, I cannot help but admit the obvious fact that these camps were truly an achievement of the system; millions of Soviet children actually rested in them.

I myself was not in pioneer camps, I had enough trips with my parents, I had enough of the gentle Azov Sea, where I spent my childhood, but a huge northern country with a small strip of subtropical coast simply had to give a gift to its little citizens.

Here, in pioneer camps, there was an active exchange of school folklore from different regions, here teenagers had their first sexual experience...
In a word, pioneer camps are a very capacious and important page of our Soviet past.

The most famous of the pioneer camps was, of course, Artek.

It was founded in 1924 in a fabulously beautiful place...

“Artek” was founded as a camp-sanatorium for children suffering from tuberculosis intoxication, on the initiative of the chairman of the Russian Red Cross Society, Zinovy ​​Petrovich Solovyov.

The creation of a children's camp in Artek was first announced on November 5, 1924 at the Moscow Pioneer Festival. The Russian Red Cross Society (ROSC), the Russian Communist Youth Union (the future Komsomol) and the Central Bureau of Young Pioneers took an active part in the preparations for the opening of the camp. The preparation was personally supervised by Z. P. Solovyov. Apparently, this is why some sources indicate him as the first director of Artek, although direct management of the camp immediately after its opening was entrusted to F. F. Shishmarev.

The camp was opened on June 16, 1925. The first shift brought 80 pioneers from Moscow, Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Crimea.

First photo - 1925

1927 Group photo Artek residents, Artek founder Soloviev and the first director of the camp Shishmarev.

The real flourishing of Artek began in the 30s thanks to the tireless care of the Leninist Party and personally comrade...

By the way, pay attention - the face of one of the camp leaders is painted white. Yes, and here there were enemies of the people...

And here’s another interesting point - in the early 30s the name of the camp was written in German

However... I can imagine how many eyes these boys missed))

Even before the war, Artek began accepting children from other countries. So in the years 37-39, little Spaniards vacationed here en masse.
Since then, the camp began to acquire the status of some elitism; it was already difficult to get here just like that...
It was already a showcase. Showcase of socialism.
It was to Artek that high-ranking guests were brought to show them all the advantages of socialism))

Honorary guests of Artek over the years have included Jean-Bedel Bokassa, Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Gagarin, Indira Gandhi, Urho Kekkonen, Nikita Khrushchev, Jawaharlal Nehru, Otto Schmidt, Lydia Skoblikova, Palmiro Togliatti, Ho Chi Minh City, Benjamin Spock, Mikhail Tal , Valentina Tereshkova, Lev Yashin.

Vyacheslov Molotov among Artek members in the All-Union Pioneer Camp Artek named after...V. Molotov. 1954

King of Afghanistan Mohammed Zahir Shah and twice Hero of the Soviet Union S.A. Kovpak in Artek. 1957

In 1965, Iranian shahine Farah visited Artek.

And in 1976, Crown Prince Reza Kir Pahlavi came to Artek. Here he is preparing to fly into space))

And this man has already been in space))

Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie I and twice Hero of the Soviet Union S. Kovpak in Artek. June 1959

Honorary Artek member Bokassa, who later turned out to be a real cannibal)) So the pioneer horror stories are not so groundless))

Well, of course, Dear Leonid Ilyich

Closing the galaxy of honored guests is an American schoolgirl who wrote a touching letter to Mikhail Gorbachev - Samantha Smith

In late Soviet times, Artek was a meeting place for teenagers from all over the world. The progressive world, naturally. Envoys from the countries of people's democracy and freedom-loving Africa gladly exchanged exotic badges for equally exotic chewing gum and other trifles.
Judging by the photographs, young people who were no longer of pioneer age were vacationing here...

Currently, Artek belongs to Ukraine and consists of 9 separate camps.