Swan Lake Tatarstan. Swan Lake. Fishing on Big or Small Swan Lake

Lake Lebyazhye is a small body of water located on the section of the Gorkovskoye Highway between Kazan and its agglomerations Zalesny and Osinovo. Not all Kazan residents know that Lebyazhye is a system of 4 lakes: Bolshoye Lebyazhye, Maloye, Svetloye and Sukhoe Lebyazhye. The closest lake is Small Lake, which is actively developing infrastructure. Over the past few years, the lake began to dry out and become swampy, making it impossible to swim in it. In my childhood it was still full of water.

But the authorities paid attention to the lakes and in 2017, a lot of work was done to clean and fill the Big and Small Lebyazhye lakes. The big one was literally refilled, and a sandy beach was built on the banks.

How to get to Lake Lebyazhye in Kazan?

Access to the lake is only via Gorkovskoye Highway.

Bus routes: 36, 46, 72.

And also scheduled: 101, 400, 552, 554 - depart from Kazan-2 station, can also stop at the stop. Gorkovskoe highway.

Electric train: There is a train station 787 km near the lake, but there are no direct flights here from Kazan. All of them with a transfer in Vasilyevo, Derbyshki, Zaymishche, Observatory, etc.

By bike to Lebyazhye: Usually cyclists simply ride along the Gorky Highway along the same route as cars, besides, there is a backup road in the forest and there is no need to ride along the side of the road.

The second cycling route known to me starts from Levchenko (approximately from the Furniture Grad store), from the road here you can turn into a forest belt and, driving through it, go first to Glubokoye Lake, and then to Lebyazhye. You will have to ride along a country road in the forest, so it is only suitable for suitable bicycles.

By the way, you can also drive there by car, but it’s hardly necessary)

What to do here?

After cleaning, you can swim in the lake; there are 2 good clean beaches - one on the Small Lake, the other on the Big Lake. Near the Dynamo base there are pavilions for picnics, a kebab shop and fast food. Another large kebab shop, shop and cafe are located directly across the road.

It is also very interesting to walk or bike around the beautiful surroundings of the lakes, as they are surrounded by forest.

dam between Small and Big lakes
Bolshoye Lebyazhye

This year (2018) several willows were toppled by a hurricane

By the way, if you cross the road again, you can see wooden figures that were carved by a local resident several decades ago. This place is called "Glade of Fairy Tales".

In winter, there is a large ski slope, and there are cheesecake and snowmobile rentals.

Clean coast and water

12 km from the city center in the western forested part of Kazan is located one of the favorite vacation spots of city residents - Lebyazhye Lake.

Lake Lebyazhye - system of lakes,is divided into four independent reservoirs - Bolshoye, Maloye and Svetloye, Sukhoi Lebyazhye, connected by narrow channels.

The lakes are shallow, the average depth is 1.1 m, the maximum is 3.9 m. The unique feature of the lake is that it is located above the groundwater level and has no recharge from it.

The shores of the lake were once formed from sand dunes. At the bottom of the lake there is also sand and a small layer of silt (no more than 0.5 m). It is due to this that water is retained in the lake.

After the emergence of the lake in the Yudinsky Quarry, as well as the reconstruction of the Gorky Highway, during which the flow into the lake from most of its basin was blocked in the early 2000s, the system of lakes began to dry up, the bottom of Lake Sukhoe Lebyazhye began to be overgrown with forest.September 23, 2008

A pumping station was launched, filling Lake Maloye Lebyazhye with water from an artesian well. At the same time, the flow of Maly Lebyazhye into the drainage of Bolshoi Lebyazhye was blocked by a dam. After this, the drying up of Maly Lebyazhye, which is the main recreational area of ​​the forest park, stopped, and the drying up of the other lakes in the system continued.

The lake is surrounded by centuries-old pine trees and consists of a chain of lakes, which are divided into independent reservoirs - Bolshoye, Maloye and Svetloye, Sukhoi Lebyazhye, interconnected by narrow channels.

A unique feature of the lake is that it is located above the groundwater level and does not have recharge from it, and is fed only by precipitation and surface runoff.
The convenient location of the forest park, clean air, vast territory, tall picturesque pine trees, shallow lakes for swimming (up to 4 m) attract Kazan residents and guests of the capital to spend their free time here. The natural forest park is famous for its swimming and boating and catamaran opportunities.

The lake with the romantic name Lebyazhye was a popular vacation spot for Kazan residents back in the 50s and 60s of the last century. In the summer, kindergartens went there for all three months. And schoolchildren rested in pioneer camps.

A bridge was built across the channel between Maly and Bolshoi Lebyazhy between the two banks, and a boat station was located nearby. On the banks of Lebyazhye and in its environs we walked, biked and skied.

The lake was the source of the most diverse life. Wild ducks nested in the dense coastal growth of Maly Lebyazhye. Sukhoi Lebyazhye was home to a lot of all kinds of living creatures, including those listed in the Red Book. Rare and protected species of coastal plants grew along the banks in a lush, bright carpet. Wild irises of amazing beauty, real slipper, and forest anemone made the landscape panoramas of the reservoirs even more picturesque.

The first time I went to the lake was when I was a kindergartener,” recalls historian and Kazan writer Leonid Devyatykh. “At that time it was deep and full of water. It was surrounded by a forest of pristine beauty. At night the teachers told us fairy tales. And in the morning we found ourselves in a real fairy tale, only a forest one: we went to Lake Sukhoi to a strawberry meadow, picked berries, threw pine cones at moose. Forest giants fearlessly came out to people. Later, already in the pioneer camp, we went with the detachment on night hikes with a fire on the shore of the lake, caught crucian carp, and cooked fish soup. Getting to Lebyazhye in those years was not easy. Therefore, if the townspeople ventured out onto the lake, they spent the whole day on its quiet shores. Or even for a day, setting up tent camps. Needless to say, the forest and ponds were different then. It is a pity that we have lost the wealth given to us by nature.

In winter, Maslenitsa is traditionally celebrated here, football is played in the snow, and sports attractions are organized.

Water in a sand bowl

Lebyazhye is unique: it is located above the level of groundwater, so it is not recharged from it, but is fed only by precipitation and surface runoff. These are lakes that formed between sand dunes and are held together by a small layer of clay lens under the sand. Touch this fragile defense and nothing will hold the water in the sand bowl.

Previously, the lakes occupied an area of ​​more than seventy hectares, but now the water mirror of Maly Lebyazhye is about fifteen hectares. In three other lakes of the system there was no water left at all. They say that she went to the Yudinsky quarry located three kilometers away, but this is not true. The quarry was developed for thirty to forty years, and both lakes - Bolshoye and Maloye Lebyazhye - were full-flowing fifteen to twenty years ago. Experts say: the reason is gradual urbanization, the construction of the western industrial zone and the Kazan-Nizhny Novgorod-Moscow highway.

The lakes became seriously ill in the nineties of the last century. The water level has dropped noticeably, especially in summer. It began to bloom and become overgrown with algae. An unpleasant odor appeared due to the silt at the bottom. The lakes began to look more and more like swamps.

Lebyazhye could be restored by returning water from the Yudinsky quarry. The water there is very good, and its quantity is practically unlimited, since there is a connection with the Kuibyshev Reservoir. Artificial recharge of the Swan Lakes is the only way to preserve them, say ecologists and geologists.

Previously, the lakes occupied an area of ​​more than 70 hectares. Today, alas, it has decreased to 15. Dry and Light have practically disappeared. The water has left Bolshoi Lebyazhye. And Maloe Lebyazhye is now in critical condition. As they say, on my last legs.

In nature, all lakes are filtered into the ground all year round. In addition, in hot weather, water evaporates. In our case, in addition to all this, drying out occurred due to the fact that the lakes were almost deprived of their natural catchment area, says Vladimir Sokolov, general director of the Kazangeology research and production enterprise. - In addition, the catchment area is sharply asymmetrical. From the south and southeast, the watershed is located at a distance of 100 - 250 m from the lake. The main part of the catchment area is located in a distant northern direction.

There is an opinion that the lakes went into the Yudinsky quarry. Nothing like this! The quarry was developed over 30 - 40 years. And 15 - 20 years ago, both lakes - Bolshoye Lebyazhye and Maloe Lebyazhye - were full of water. The catchment area, that is, the feeding area of ​​the lakes, extended to the village of Novonikolaevskoye, the village of Osinovo and reached 30 square meters. kilometers. As studies by specialists have shown, gradual urbanization: the construction of the western industrial zone and the Kazan-Nizhny Novgorod-Moscow highway has caused a decrease in the catchment area to 12 square meters. kilometers, which is also currently almost completely populated.

The condition of the lakes has deteriorated sharply since the 90s. The water level has dropped noticeably, especially in summer. The silted bottom of the reservoirs began to spread an unpleasant odor. Due to the drop in level, the water began to “bloom” and become overgrown with algae. The geoecological and aesthetic condition of the lakes deteriorated, and waterlogging began.


Attempts to restore full water to the lakes of the complex have been made before. Several years ago, according to a project by a Moscow institute, measures were taken to fill Lebyazhye with water by pumping it from the Yudinsky quarry. But the attempt failed. The pipes were pulled down. Reservoirs were again left without recharge.

Our company proposed and built a system for restoring the optimal geo-ecological state of Lebyazhye - creating a source of artificial recharge,” continues Vladimir Nikolaevich. “We set the task first of all to raise the level of the lake. In the mid-90s, two high-yield artesian wells with a depth of 115 meters were drilled here. Unfortunately, they were inactive for a long time. But two years ago the company began restoring them. And today they are ready to supply up to 2.5 thousand cubic meters of water per day to the lake. Thus, in just over a month the water in Lebyazhye will rise by more than a meter. And from 69.2 meters it will reach 70.5 meters. This is its natural average annual level. Artificial recharge of the lake will be carried out from spring to autumn. By the way, artesian water, although somewhat harsh in composition, is tasty.

Undoubtedly, the best fishing in St. Petersburg occurs on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. Based on the presence of salt in the water, the Gulf of Finland is more like a large freshwater lake. Fish typical of fresh water bodies live off the coast of the bay. The following places are popular with fishermen: Vetki Damba, the fairway between the port of Lomonosov and Kronstadt, Bolshaya Izhora, the lighthouse in the village of Prosveshcheniya, Lebyazhye, Dubochki, Strelna, Chernaya Lakhta, Ladoga Bay, Krasnoflotsk and others

Bream on the lake

Bream is very common not only in rivers, but also in most bodies of water with stagnant water - lakes, large reservoirs, flowing ponds. Fishing for bream in the lake is very interesting and exciting, but for successful fishing you need to carefully prepare your gear, choose the right fishing spot, bait and bait. 34fish.ru will tell you everything in order, and rest assured, you will not be left without a catch.

This tricky lake bream

Lake bream, like its river counterpart, is a very careful and cunning fish. Throughout the year, the stopping places of bream schools constantly change: the fish moves around the reservoir in search of food, places where they can hide from the summer heat, predators, and humans. So in the spring, on the eve of spawning, schools of bream come quite close to the shores at the places where small rivers and streams carrying oxygen-saturated melt water flow into the lake. Also, a large accumulation of both small bream and heavy bream in the spring is observed in deep places covered with aquatic vegetation.

In summer, during the hot daytime hours, bream prefers to stay in deep, cool holes, emerging from them in the evening in search of food in shallow waters. In river-bed reservoirs, bream stays close to the banks that abruptly turn into a channel with a depth of 2 to 5-6 meters.

With the onset of autumn, the gradual death of aquatic vegetation begins to prepare for wintering, actively feeding throughout the daylight hours. The most promising places at this time are those with a muddy bottom, a bank overgrown with reeds, edges and slopes near deep holes.

As winter approaches, bream gradually begins to move into deep wintering holes, where they spend the entire winter. Only with a particularly thick ice shell and a lack of oxygen in the water can bream leave their wintering grounds in winter, moving to the mouths of streams and rivers, places where underwater springs flow. At any time of the year, bream does not visit food-poor places with a rocky bare bottom.

Tackle and bait for lake bream

In the lakes, bream fishing lasts all year round. Among the gear in open water, bream is caught with a float rod, bottom fishing rod with a feeder, in winter - with a winter float rod, jig tackle.

At different times of the year, bream take better either on animal or plant bait. In winter, the main bait is a bunch of bloodworms attached to a jig hook. Very often, when ice fishing, good results are obtained by using a worm or maggot as bait.

In the spring, before leaving for spawning, bream, as in winter, gives preference to animal baits - a dung worm, a large crawler, a leech, and a cockchafer larva. In the post-spawning period, bream continues to peck at dung worms, maggots, bivalve shell meat, and begins to be interested in butter and semolina dough. At times, bream take well on young, tender algae.

In summer and early autumn, the diet of bream gradually shifts towards vegetarian vegetable baits - pea porridge, dough, steamed peas, pearl barley, canned corn, boilies.

In late autumn, fish take exclusively on animal baits such as worms, maggots, and bloodworms.

In summer, if bream begins to feed near the surface in the evening, then it can be caught quite successfully using artificial flies.


Bream is a shy and cautious fish. For successful fishing and a rich catch, the fish must be attracted to the fishing site using bait the day before fishing, and then periodically fed before and during fishing. As bait, you can use both store-bought and home-prepared mixtures of finely ground breadcrumbs and dry semolina. Such bait forms a fodder cloudy spot that attracts, but does not saturate the fish, because it is very important not to “overfeed” the school with abundant bait, discouraging it from any interest in the bait attached to the hook.

Catching lake bream (video)

In winter, both the bait mixture described above and bloodworms can be used as bait.

Cake, bran, porridge, and chopped dung worms are used as bait. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the material about the types of floats.

  • Fishing as a savage ⇩
  • Benefits ⇩
  • What to take with you? ⇩
  • The best places for fishing in Karelia ⇩
  • Lakes ⇩
  • Rivers ⇩
  • What kind of fish can you catch? ⇩
  • Features and tips for fishing in Karelia ⇩
  • Reviews about fishing in Karelia ⇩
  • As a conclusion ⇩

Tell many fishermen about the opportunity to go fishing in the Russian region of Karelia, and you will see their eyes light up. There are the most beautiful places here, eco-tourism is developed, and the abundance of reservoirs and the presence in them of various, including valuable species of fish, will delight even the most demanding fishermen.

Everyone who has ever visited these beautiful places will strive to return to this region again. In Karelia, you can stay on holiday in modern, well-appointed hotel complexes, or you can come here as a wild person, staying in the houses of fishing bases or even pitching a tent on the shore of one of the many lakes or rivers.

The climate in these places is quite mild, although you can easily run into a fairly long rainy period. But this usually does not scare fishermen. We have made an overview of the most popular places for fishing in Karelia with savages - from lakes to rivers, and we will also tell you about what kind of fish you can catch here and what are the delights of fishing in Karelia.

Fishing as a savage

Fishing as a savage has a lot of advantages than an organized holiday in a hotel complex.


  • Small financial investment. This is one of the main aspects. You don't spend a ton of money on hotel accommodations. Setting up a tent on a picturesque bank of a river or lake is completely free
  • Romance. There is nothing better than sitting by the fire, singing songs with a guitar in the evening, spending the night in a tent, and going fishing during the day.
  • Privacy. The tent can be set up in a place where you will not be disturbed by other campers, where you will not hear your neighbors talking behind the wall.
  • Mobility. After fishing in one place, you can easily pack up your things and move to another place.

However, remember some rules so that your holiday is not overshadowed:

  • Karelia is the northern region. When you spend the night in a tent you can get very cold. Take warm clothes with you.
  • Midges (mosquitoes, horseflies, etc.) are very unpleasant company for fishermen in Karelia. Bring insect repellent with you.
  • Be prepared for long periods without showering, as well as cooking over a fire or camp stove.

What to take with you?

Like any fisherman or hiker, you need to be well equipped because some of the places where you camp for fishing will not be easy to get to the nearest store to buy what you need. Therefore, it is better to have everything at hand, carefully making a list of what you need.

So, what will you need if you decide to go wild fishing to Karelia:

  • Vehicle. It is better if it is an SUV - in such a car you will travel even to the most inaccessible areas of Karelia. Also, be sure to bring a jack, cable, and spare tire with you just in case. It doesn’t fit an extra flask of gasoline either.
  • Boat. Thus, you will have the opportunity to fish not only from the shore, but also from the middle of the reservoir.
  • Tent, sleeping bag. You will have to wear a headscarf to spend the night, and the nights may be cold. Also take care of warm clothes, they will definitely not be superfluous.
  • Repellents against mosquitoes and other midges. You will need them, as these places are full of mosquitoes and ticks.
  • Camping stove, gas cylinders. A great alternative to making a fire. It is fashionable to warm food and cook it much faster.
  • Canned food and instant food. If you don’t have the energy and time to cook, this will be your lifesaver.
  • Matches, lighters, alcohol burners.
  • First aid kit with everything you need.
  • Soap, wet wipes and other hygiene products.
  • Mobile phone or walkie-talkie.
  • A camera with which you can capture your record catch.
  • All necessary fishing gear. Better - with a reserve. Typically, fishermen take with them two fully equipped fishing rods and a fair supply of spinners, baits, and so on.

The best places for fishing in Karelia

Karelia is rich in various bodies of water - both lakes and rivers. Here are the most interesting fishing spots in this region.


Choosing a lake in Karelia for fishing is quite a difficult task. After all, there are about sixty thousand freshwater lakes in Karelia - from small to quite large, for example:

  • Ladoga lake,
  • Lake Onega,
  • Vygozero,
  • Topozero,
  • Segozero,
  • Pyaozero.

By the way, these popular places for recreation and fishing, as well as other lakes, have good access to the shores. You can also find fishing bases here with convenient boat ramps.

Lake Onega

This reservoir is known for the presence of a large number of fish of the salmon family. However, salmon fishing is only possible with sporting licenses.

The average weight of an individual is five to seven kilograms.

Also, in addition to salmon, fishermen can please themselves with catches of the following species:

  • pike,
  • pike perch,
  • perch

Ladoga lake

This lake is the largest in Karelia. It is home to about 50 species of fish. So, here you can catch the following types of fish:

  • roach,
  • bream,
  • pike,
  • pike perch,
  • palyu,
  • whitefish,
  • salmon,
  • trout.

Basically, fishermen go to Lake Ladoga for trout and salmon. It is best to fish here from a boat, but fishing from the shore is not possible everywhere due to difficult accessibility. People fish here. They fish mainly in skerries - straits and bays of various islands off the coast.


This large lake located in the south of Karelia has about 80 islands, many bays and bays. In Syamozero you can catch:

  • whitefish,
  • vendace,
  • grayling,
  • perch,
  • roach,
  • pike,
  • pike perch,
  • chub,
  • bream,
  • blue,
  • guster,
  • ruff.

This reservoir is the largest lake in the north of Karelia. The average depth here is sixteen meters, and the maximum is about fifty.

Here you can catch the following types of fish:

  • brown trout,
  • whitefish,
  • trout,
  • grayling,
  • pike (some specimens reach a mass of twenty kilograms),


Fishermen come here who love to hunt grayling. This fish is found here in large numbers, and some specimens reach one kilogram.

In addition, this reservoir is inhabited by the same species of fish as in Pyaozero, because both reservoirs are part of the Kum reservoir system.



This river, located in the north of Karelia, is quite stormy, has a lot of bends, turns, and also rapids, because its path runs through places where there are breaks in rocks.

The river begins at the borders of Finland and Russia and is the longest in Karelia. It is better to get to the river from Petrozavodsk.

Previously, this river was used to float wood. You can get to Yelma through the Nadvoitsy station, from which you should go to Lake Yelmozero, and then follow along this body of water until it reaches its source - Yelma.

This is one of the most beautiful and fish-rich rivers in this picturesque natural region. You can get to Shuya by car or by train. However, due to the fact that there are sometimes difficult-to-pass forests along the banks of the river, you can only get to the shore on foot.

What kind of fish can you catch?

When choosing a place for fishing, you should focus on what kind of fish you want to catch.

So, in the south of Karelia they usually catch:

  • perch,
  • pike,
  • bream,
  • whitefish,
  • perch,
  • grayling,
  • sturgeon,
  • roach,
  • pike perch,
  • burbot,
  • bream,
  • chub,
  • other types of white fish.

Here are tips for organizing a fishing trip in this picturesque natural area:

  • Due to the fact that there are a great many lakes and rivers here, it is necessary to draw up a travel route in advance. However, remember: it is unlikely that you will be able to visit all the places.
  • Talk to more experienced fishermen who have already been to these places and listen to their advice.
  • If this is your first time at the reservoir, it is best to use the services of a guide. He will show you which places are best to fish and also give valuable advice.
  • Not all roads here have good surface. It is better to go to Karelia by SUV.
  • Take a boat with you to reach hard-to-reach places by water... Then you are guaranteed big trophies.
  • Be sure to take care of protection from insects - mosquitoes, horseflies, midges, ticks. Their season is from the end of autumn to the beginning of autumn. Regularly inspect yourself for an attached tick, and if you find one, seek medical help.
  • Warm clothes when fishing in Karelia are required.
  • There are nasty things in Karelia. Try to be attentive and not disturb them, then you will not feel any discomfort from such proximity.
  • If you are going fishing in the north of the region, then arm yourself with a navigator.
  • Remember that in Karelia a license is required to catch certain salmon fish.
  • To preserve fish longer after catching, it is best to salt it.
  • Remember that many plants and animals of this nature reserve are in the Red Book of Russia. Treat them with care. Also, do not litter, clean up after yourself, and preserve the beauty of this picturesque region.

One of the favorite vacation spots of the townspeople is located - Lebyazhye Lake.

The lake is surrounded by centuries-old pine trees and consists of a chain of lakes, which are divided into independent reservoirs - Bolshoye, Maloye and Svetloye, Sukhoi Lebyazhye, interconnected by narrow channels.

A unique feature of the lake is that it is located above the groundwater level and does not have recharge from it, and is fed only by precipitation and surface runoff.

The convenient location of the forest park, clean air, vast territory, tall picturesque pine trees, shallow lakes for swimming (up to 4 m) attract Kazan residents and guests of the capital to spend their free time here. The natural forest park is famous for its swimming and boating and catamaran opportunities.

The Naratlyk restaurant, located on the territory of the park, as well as many summer cafes, will happily treat vacationers to delicious kebabs and dishes of Tatar cuisine.

Lake Lebyazhye

Not far from the lake is the Glade of Fairy Tales, decorated with sculptures of characters from Tatar and Russian folk tales and fables.

Every year in June, the beloved national plow festival “Sabantuy” is held here. On this day, various theatrical festive performances, folklore venues, exciting competitions, children's Maidan, and shopping arcades of craftsmen are organized. In winter, Maslenitsa is traditionally celebrated here.

In addition, the city administration holds weekly folk festivals with mass skiing, football games in the snow, and various sports attractions.

Lake Lebyazhye

There are shopping arcades where guests are offered hot tea and national dishes, as well as a large cultural program, performances by creative groups, dance ensembles, and theatrical performances with the participation of fairy tale characters.

Lake Lebyazhye


Very soon beloved by many residents Kazan Lake Lebyazhye, located in a picturesque place in the forested park area of ​​the Kirov region, will find a second life. The other day, the research and production enterprise “Kazangeology” presented the mayor of Kazan, Ilsur Metshin, with a project for its restoration.


The lake with the romantic name Lebyazhye was a popular vacation spot for Kazan residents back in the 50s and 60s of the last century. In the summer, kindergartens went there for all three months. And schoolchildren rested in pioneer camps.

The first time I went to the lake was when I was a kindergartener,” recalls historian and Kazan writer Leonid Devyatykh. - At that time it was deep and full of water. It was surrounded by a forest of pristine beauty. At night the teachers told us fairy tales. And in the morning we found ourselves in a real fairy tale, only a forest one: we went to Lake Sukhoi to a strawberry meadow, picked berries, threw pine cones at moose. Forest giants fearlessly came out to people. Later, already in the pioneer camp, we went with the detachment on night hikes with a fire on the shore of the lake, caught crucian carp, and cooked fish soup. Getting to Lebyazhye in those years was not easy. Therefore, if the townspeople ventured out onto the lake, they spent the whole day on its quiet shores. Or even for a day, setting up tent camps. Needless to say, the forest and ponds were different then. It is a pity that we have lost the wealth given to us by nature.


The natural complex - Lake Lebyazhye - is a whole system of lakes. Three or four independent reservoirs connected to each other by narrow channels: Sukhoe, Svetloye, Bolshoye Lebyazhye and Maloye Lebyazhye. Previously, the lakes occupied an area of ​​more than 70 hectares. Today, alas, it has decreased to 15. Dry and Light have practically disappeared. Two months ago, water left Bolshoy Lebyazhye. And Maloe Lebyazhye is now in critical condition. As they say, on my last legs.

In nature, all lakes are filtered into the ground all year round. In addition, in hot weather, water evaporates. In our case, in addition to all this, drying out occurred due to the fact that the lakes were almost deprived of their natural catchment area, says Vladimir Sokolov, general director of the Kazangeology research and production enterprise. - In addition, the catchment area is sharply asymmetrical. From the south and southeast, the watershed is located at a distance of 100 - 250 m from the lake. The main part of the catchment area is located in a distant northern direction.

Lake Lebyazhye

There is an opinion that the lakes went into the Yudinsky quarry. Nothing like this! The quarry was developed over 30 - 40 years. And 15 - 20 years ago, both lakes - Bolshoye Lebyazhye and Maloe Lebyazhye - were full of water. The catchment area, that is, the feeding area of ​​the lakes, extended to the village of Novonikolaevskoye, the village of Osinovo and reached 30 square meters. kilometers. As research by specialists has shown, gradual urbanization: the construction of the western industrial zone and the Kazan-Nizhny Novgorod-Moscow highway has caused a decrease in the catchment area to 12 square meters. kilometers, which is also currently almost completely populated.

The condition of the lakes has deteriorated sharply since the 90s. The water level has dropped noticeably, especially in summer. The silted bottom of the reservoirs began to spread an unpleasant odor. Due to the drop in level, the water began to “bloom” and become overgrown with algae. The geoecological and aesthetic condition of the lakes deteriorated, and waterlogging began.


Attempts to restore full water to the lakes of the complex have been made before. Several years ago, according to a project by a Moscow institute, measures were taken to fill Lebyazhye with water by pumping it from the Yudinsky quarry. But the attempt failed. The pipes were pulled down. Reservoirs were again left without recharge.

Our company proposed and built a system for restoring the optimal geo-ecological state of Lebyazhye - creating a source of artificial recharge,” continues Vladimir Nikolaevich. - We set the task first of all to raise the level of the lake. In the mid-90s, two high-yield artesian wells with a depth of 115 meters were drilled here. Unfortunately, they were inactive for a long time. But two years ago the company began restoring them. And today they are ready to supply up to 2.5 thousand cubic meters of water per day to the lake. Thus, in just over a month the water in Lebyazhye will rise by more than a meter. And from 69.2 meters it will reach 70.5 meters. This is its natural average annual level. Artificial recharge of the lake will be carried out from spring to autumn. By the way, artesian water, although somewhat harsh in composition, is tasty.


Recently, with the participation of the mayor of Kazan, Ilsur Metshin, and the head of the Kirovsky district, Airat Nurutdinov, a presentation of the water supply restoration system took place. It consists, as we have already said, of two artesian wells, mounted power lines, a pump control station, submersible pumps, and a protective dam built on the isthmus from the Small Lebyazhye and the former Greater Lebyazhye Lakes. The most obvious one that promises to once again become a popular vacation spot for city residents is an artificial stream bed for aeration (oxygen saturation) of the supplied water. It is a small lake, where a pipe from the wells, a cascade and the stream itself are led.

It was very interesting for us to work on this project,” admits Elena Falina, director of Tozelesh Land LLC. - The satisfaction is double - restoring the water balance of the beloved lake and creating another recreation area for Kazan residents.

The mini-lake and cascade act as a kind of damper. After all, the flow from the wells to the surface will flow at a capacity of 100 cubic meters per hour. The stream, about 70 meters long, is needed so that the water has time to warm up at least a little and be saturated with oxygen before entering Lebyazhye. When developing the design, the designers sought to bring it as close as possible to the wonderful natural landscape of the lake. Therefore, we chose the appropriate materials for decoration: sand, river pebbles and rubble stone.


Artificial recharge of Lebyazhye is the first step in the lake’s revival program, says Kazan Mayor Ilsur Metshin. - The next stage is the creation of a modern, multifunctional and convenient park area around the reservoir.

Most likely, these works will be entrusted to the enterprise of Kazan City Duma deputy Valery Kalmykov, which has proven itself excellent in the large-scale improvement of Petrov Park.







Andrey Slastenko


