Which lakes don't freeze in winter. White on white. Blue lake in winter. Lake Baikal, Siberia, Russia

On our planet there are a huge number of beautiful bodies of water, which differ radically from each other in their colors, composition, size and other characteristics.

1. Acid lake, Sicily.

The Sicilian lake is the most dangerous in the world. Its waters contain a high concentration of sulfuric acid, which enters the lake from underground sources. Naturally, there are no fish in the lake and coming close to it is deadly for both animals and humans. Local residents nicknamed this body of water the Lake of Death. However, it is precisely this composition of the lake that makes it stunningly beautiful.

2. Jellyfish Lake, Palau.

In the Republic of Palau there is a one-of-a-kind lake that is home to several million golden and moon jellyfish. Diving in the underwater space of this lake turns into a breathtaking adventure. You will not be able to see such an enchanting spectacle anywhere else.

3. Morning Glory Lake, Yellowstone.

Another beautiful lake is located in Yellowstone National Park, in the United States of America. To be more precise, this body of water is a hot spring, which originally had a crystal blue color. Over time, numerous tourists to the park littered its waters with coins, causing the lake to change color to an emerald hue at its deepest point, and at the edges it became bright yellow.

4. Peach Lake, Trinidad.

The asphalt lake Peach Lake rightfully deserves the title of one of the most unusual lakes in the world. It is located in the crater of a mud volcano and you won’t be able to swim in it. This reservoir contains natural asphalt, which has the ability to attract stationary objects. This is the only lake on which you can walk.

5. Lake Hillier, Australia.

This is one of the most beautiful pink lakes on our planet. The completely unexpected color of this lake attracts many tourists to Australia, but scientists still cannot determine the reason for this color of the water. The landscapes of this place are unique, because the pink lake is located very close to the coast of the Indian Ocean, which creates a sharp contrast of colors.

6. Kliluk Lake, Canada.

Lake Kliluk is also called spotted lake because the mineral rocks contained in its waters, depending on the time of year, form hard mounds on which you can walk. And between such passages there are small lakes that shimmer in different colors from the sun’s rays. Today, the territory of the lake is fenced off, and tourists cannot approach the water, although even the view of such water spots is stunning.

7. Lake Gippsland, Australia.

There is a completely unique luminous lake in the world, in the waters of which bioluminescent living organisms live. Of course, the glow mainly occurs at night, but it can also be seen during the day in the falling rays of the sun penetrating into the depths of the lake.

8. Lakes Kelimutu, Indonesia.

In Indonesia you can see the fantastic landscapes of three crater lakes, which can change color according to their mood. Basically, the lakes take on the color of blue, olive and blood red. To climb to the top of the volcano, a special path was made for tourists, but not everyone uses it, but goes around it along the edge of the lakes, which is very dangerous due to the vapors emanating from the water.

9. Lake Balkhash, Kazakhstan.

This lake is special because it consists of salt and fresh water. A small peninsula divides it into two parts, which are strikingly different from each other. This lake is a popular destination for fishermen and hunters as it is home to many species of fish and birds.

10. Lake Nakuru, Kenya.

This Kenyan lake is considered one of the most amazing sights on the entire planet. Its unusualness lies not only in its nature, but also in its inhabitants. Since the lake has high salinity, there is practically no fish here, but this place is very popular with birds, namely pink flamingos. The number of these birds is simply amazing, because here you can see thousands and even more species of large and small flamingos, which is not something you see every day.

11. Lake of Five Flowers, China.

The lake is located in one of the nature reserves in China, Jiuzhaigou. This reservoir has several features: it is the only local water source that does not freeze in the winter, every season the lake changes its color from yellow to green, and its water is so transparent that through great depth you can clearly see the bottom of this amazing swimming pool

12. Lake Hamilton Pool, USA.

In Texas you can see a very amazing lake, which is both underground and above ground. Hamilton Pool has in its water area a 15-meter waterfall, a beautiful arch made of limestone rocks, and of course, a picturesque lake that many tourists from all over the world love to visit.

Lower Blue Lake (Tserik-Kel) is located in the valley of the Cherek-Balkarian River at an altitude of 809 meters above sea level

"Ogonyok" together with scientists searched for its bottom. So far we have reached a depth of 279 meters, but this is clearly not the limit.
There is an unusual liveliness on the shore. Numerous tourists are vying with each other: “What are they looking for here? Or have they already found it?” The question is relevant, considering that the surface of a small reservoir is literally boiling from air bubbles rising from the depths. Every now and then divers, hung with oxygen cylinders, dive into the lake, here and there bathyscaphes float to the surface, and quadrocopters with video equipment hang above the water surface.


The expedition of the Center for Underwater Research of the Russian Geographical Society "Blue Lake - 2016" runs for a month - from September 15 to October 15. More than 50 people are involved in the research - scientists, divers, pilots of deep-sea manned vehicles and operators of remote-controlled robots

“Tamerlane’s cavalry drowned here - at the bottom there are a lot of bones, ancient weapons and jewelry,” an elderly Balkar man confidently asserts. “It’s a bottomless lake, there’s so much to be found at the bottom, but you can only get there with such equipment. Apparently, we got there.” “What a cavalry! There’s a locator installed at the bottom, and the lake itself is a big radar. These are turbulent times, so they urgently repair it. Isn’t it clear?” - the woman standing next to her objects with a mysterious look...


The use of deep-sea manned vehicles allows scientists to see the walls of a karst well live, take water samples at different depths and measure temperatures. And all this with great comfort

Tserik-Kel sounds fascinating to the ear, but when translated from Balkar into Russian, the magic of sounds disappears, because Tserik-Kel only means “Smelly Lake”. In essence, everything is correct - there is a smell of hydrogen sulfide, sometimes quite strong. But, being on the shore, you quickly get used to it, and the amazing picture of what is before your eyes obscures everything else: a miracle of nature with a diameter of 235 meters and an unclear depth, unusually clear water with a greenish-blue tint. All this, however, is not for swimming (the water temperature in the lake stays around 9 degrees all year round) and not for fishing (only small crustaceans live in the cold depths saturated with hydrogen sulfide), but the beauty is indescribable.


Divers study the underwater world of the lake. Unfortunately, except for algae and amphipods, no one lives in water saturated with hydrogen sulfide

Rumor has surrounded Blue Lake with many legends, and nature has surrounded it with a lot of secrets, the keys to which scientists have been trying to find for almost 100 years. The first groups of researchers appeared on the shores of Tserik-Kel, attracted by the phenomenon: the depth of the lake exceeded its width. Professor Ivan Georgievich Kuznetsov, one of the first to conduct a detailed study of the curiosity in 1926-1927 (the study was awarded the Silver Medal of the Russian Geographical Society for its special significance), suggested that the depth of the Blue Lake exceeds 250 meters. But to what extent, it was not possible to determine then - the necessary tools simply did not exist. It was also a mystery to the scientist that the lake, into which not a single stream flows from the surface, gives rise to a river that carries 70 million liters of water every day. The professor suggested that Tserik-Kel is fed by underground springs and is of karst origin, that is, washed away by waters rushing to the surface. However, it was not possible to confirm the theory at that time. Many other questions remain unanswered: in particular, scientists still cannot explain the nature of the constant water level, which does not change depending on the time of year and the amount of precipitation. It is also unclear why the lake has the same temperature throughout its entire depth all year round and never freezes. Finally, the source feeding Tserik-Kel is also unknown. Judging by the volume, it should be an entire underground river, but it has not yet been discovered. The current expedition of the Russian Geographical Society should provide answers to these questions.


Ease of transportation is one of the criteria for choosing equipment

This time, the specialists were thoroughly prepared and brought with them the latest equipment: 14 divers, three manned underwater vehicles and two remote-controlled robots conquer the mysterious depths.


Checking batteries and air reserves

Blue Lake is a unique and little-studied object. We are lucky that the research area is convenient from a logistics point of view: all the necessary infrastructure is available, and we are not dependent on weather conditions. Thanks to this, we were able to bring here a whole arsenal of equipment,” says Sergei Fokin, executive director of the Center for Underwater Research of the Russian Geographical Society, head of the group of manned underwater vehicles. “Almost all types of equipment that we have are presented here. The use of underwater vehicles gives scientists a lot of opportunities: with our help, specialists take water and soil samples, measure temperatures, and test their hypotheses. Manned underwater vehicles are the only opportunity for a scientist without diving training to see the underwater space with his own eyes.


Underwater robots are controlled using a joystick

The deep-sea vehicle C-Explorer 3 at the expedition’s disposal (divers affectionately call it “orange” for its bright red color) copes with the assigned tasks perfectly. It can take three specialists on board: a pilot and two passengers (fortunately, one of them turns out to be an Ogonyok correspondent). “The crew is ready to dive, allow us to perform the “bottom”,” Sergei Fokin reports to the shore. Permission was received, and in a matter of seconds we went under water. “Visibility is excellent, CO2 levels are normal,” the captain reports upstairs. It doesn’t stuff your ears, it’s quiet and cool in the cabin, behind the glass there is a layer of water of an unusually beautiful blue color. The walls of the karst well and layers of rocks are clearly visible. The sensations are fantastic, and only the changing numbers on the board bring you back to reality - you’ve walked 30 meters, 60, 90... Diving to the very bottom takes almost 15 minutes, and it will take about the same amount to ascend. And the air reserves on the “orange” are enough for several hours of work at such a depth where it is almost impossible for a diver to get close.


The Russian record for the depth of diving with a breathing apparatus, set by divers Roman Prokhorov and Igor Galaida (they, by the way, also participate in the work of the Russian Geographical Society expedition) on this very lake in 2004, was 180 meters. At the same time, the divers required lengthy training, assistants and several hours of time, most of which was spent on ascent. And Sergei Fokin and I go lower, much lower...


- The capacity of the device is its absolute advantage. The crew may consist of different specialists, each of whom will perform their own functions: control the apparatus, work with the manipulator, take the necessary measurements,” he comments during the dive. “And also inspect the walls of the karst well in detail, take water samples. In the near future, the device will be equipped with a suspended manipulator, this will make it possible to carry out various works at depth. Finally find and explore the bottom of the reservoir.


The last remark regarding Tserik-Kel is significant: there is still... no clear understanding of where it is, this is the very bottom. Almost every new dive brings surprises. Until recently, it was believed that the established maximum depth (for specialists this is a special term) was 258 meters, but during the course of this expedition the figures changed: now a new maximum depth of the reservoir has been established - 279 meters. A sensation, without exaggeration, of global significance was made possible thanks to modern technology: a remote-controlled robot was able to crawl into a narrow cave going deep into the earth’s crust and a new underwater horizon was opened.


- Divers effectively explore depths of up to 100 meters, but further diving is associated with great risks and requires quite a long time. Manned vehicles also have their limitations - they cannot go everywhere,” explains Ilya Korablev, head of the group of remote-controlled uninhabited underwater vehicles. “But our charges can.” "Marlin-350" is a domestic development. It can dive to depths of up to 350 meters. The device is equipped with color video cameras and manipulators for filming and sampling. With the help of "Marlin" we explore underwater caves, scan the walls of the fault and make a three-dimensional map of the underwater part of the lake.

So the new depth taken is his, “Marlin’s” merit. It is obvious to researchers: not the last.


As for the solution to the main mystery - where the water comes from into the lake - then, according to scientists, it is not far off. More precisely, just beyond the mountains: “We discovered a horizontal continuation - a niche that goes towards the mountain range. This means that other horizontal caves may soon be found, through which water rich in hydrogen sulfide probably penetrates,” says Nikolai Maksimovich , Deputy Director of the Natural Science Institute of Perm State National Research University. “So the past season can be assessed unequivocally - it is a success.”


Caprice of nature
The most famous karst reservoirs on the planet / Dossier

Pozzo del Meppo(Italy) - the deepest natural well in the world. A karst cave with a diameter of 20 meters, filled with water, goes 392 meters deep into the earth.

Sunset(Mexico) - the deepest karst lake in the world, whose depth is 339 meters. The lake is filled with thermal water, but is not fed by a spring.

Source Vaucluse(France) - a small (only 25 meters in diameter) patch of water in Provence has a depth of about 308 meters and forms the maximum fresh water reserves in France.

Red Lake(Croatia) - the lake itself, depending on the season, has a depth of 248-270 meters, but the reservoir is “drowned” into a 530-meter funnel - sheer stone walls more than 200 meters high hang over the surface of the water.

Great Blue Hole(Belize) - an underwater karst sinkhole of an almost perfect circular shape, 120 meters deep and 300 meters in diameter. It was discovered by the famous explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who included it in the list of “10 best places for diving.”

The water in this karst lake does not freeze even in winter. Against the backdrop of white snow, it seems even more otherworldly than in summer, and even more beautiful... There are not many karst lakes in the world, and one of them is right next to us. Non-freezing, transparent, dead and

Swift, like a breaking wave, spring rushes to our edges, it breaks off ice hummocks from roofs and asphalt, collects muddy puddles and rumbles in the drainage pipe. Winter is receding, but we still haven’t gone to the blue lake that doesn’t freeze in winter. In the summer it made a great impression on us, and we promised ourselves to return to the dead water in the winter. This means it’s time to open the backpacking season, because you can only get there in the summer. The walk is only two and a half kilometers, it doesn’t seem far, but it’s a little tiring, because the path is completely smoothed over by the wind and snow and as far as the eye can see there are only white hills and valleys with yellow hairs of last year’s grass. And wind.

Gray met the standard for shuttle running with a backpack many times there. I had a full weekend, nothing to say. In places protected from the wind, the path becomes very loose, the crust does not hold at all, you walk, periodically falling all the way to your ass, and this is not a figure of speech at all. In addition, the surroundings are so picturesque in their unconditional minimalism that you somehow look around more than at your feet, which only makes the situation worse.

The lake appears from behind the hill somehow unexpectedly, around the moment when you think that no, there will be no end to these knee-deep wanderings in the snow. It appears on time. So small and so bottomless, with clear, blue and dead water, where nothing lives except algae, which stretch in openwork pillars to the surface and seem to hold it. Such shaky Atlanteans of the underwater world. The lake does not freeze in winter and has a constant temperature of about four degrees; the surface ripples a little from the wind that does not subside around. But this is even more interesting - the other, underwater world becomes a little shaky.

In winter, against a white background, it is even more otherworldly than in summer and even more beautiful. It is among the high snowdrifts that it seems to find its cut and frame. Nothing extra. Sapphire in white gold.

At night, it also flashes with its indescribable glow even from a small flashlight. And it seems that it is not you who illuminate the lake, but it shines for you. Calls you like a fishermen's siren. Let's come to me, okay? What are you doing? And it flickers at you with the most welcoming light that dead water is capable of.

My Nadezhda froze rather cold there in the wind and hid in her sleeping bag to cook dinner under an unknown tree with ribbons. In her own words, she felt as if she were an old woman selling seeds at the market, but no one was buying them.

After dinner, we set off on the way back and the glow of the sunset illuminated our path.

And somewhere behind there was a small Blue Lake shimmering alone.

Gorny Altai is known to everyone for the beauty of its nature. Today I want to show you one of the most beautiful places. Mysterious Geyser Lake. Locals always called it Blue Lake. This name was associated with the color of the bottom. The lake is not very deep, and the water in it is so clear that the bottom is very clearly visible. In winter, this lake does not freeze thanks to warm springs.
Recently, this lake has become very popular among visitors. We can say that thousands of people travel hundreds of kilometers to look at this beauty. The peculiarity of this lake is the patterns on the bottom, which are constantly changing. Many see in them divine faces, fantastic monsters, and even cosmic signs. This is due to the fact that springs flow from the very bottom of the lake, which feed it. During this action, the bottom of the lake begins to shake and blue sand and clay burst out under the pressure of water and form those very mysterious patterns.
You can watch this action endlessly. I myself was stuck on this lake for two hours. I couldn't tear myself away.
By the way, I was very lucky that I was able to film the movement of the bottom, since the spring does not flow constantly and sometimes it happens that you can stand for several hours and still not see any movement.
In general, look and enjoy this beauty.
The lake is located 6 km from the village of Aktash, towards Kosh Agach at 797 km, 500 meters from the road.

If you start from the camp site at 797 km, then you need to go to the right along the meadow, towards the power line tower for 500-700 meters. Not reaching 100 meters from this support you will see logs for crossing the swamp. After walking along them, turn left and follow the wires to the tower (it is located just behind the camp site). Having passed it, go further under the line (or 10 meters to the right). After 50 meters, in low but rather dense bushes, you will come exactly to the lake. Attention, the lake is not located in the forest between the power lines and the mountain, but directly under the power line wires (when photographing, they sometimes even fall into the frame).

The dark bottom rotates clockwise

Geyser Lake (other names - Blue and Silver) is located on the territory of the Ulagansky district, 7 km from the village of Aktash, opposite the Myony recreation center.

The lake is unique for the Altai Mountains and, perhaps, for Altai as a whole. Despite its not at all large size, Blue Lake is very beautiful.

This beautiful and amazing lake is unique for Altai, since it is still unknown how it was formed. The water in the lake is crystal clear, blue in color and never freezes; there are circles on its surface that periodically change their shape.

The water is crystal blue all year round. The lake is so transparent that when a fish swims in it, it seems that it is furrowing the surface with its upper fin.

The depth of the lake is about two meters, the diameter is approximately 25-30 meters. A fairly large stream flows into the lake. The geyser lake is one of a kind - rare in beauty, clean, non-freezing even in winter.

On the mirror of the lake you can see round or oval-shaped stains, which are essentially just a reflection of the processes occurring at the bottom of the lake. Its bottom is covered with a sand-clay mixture of gray-blue color. There, in the mysterious depths, “geysers” come to life from time to time, throwing a mixture of bluish clay and sand to the surface, which form visible concentric circles at the bottom of the lake. These circles are not constant, they change their shape. If you are lucky, you can be present at the “eruption” and capture what is happening on your camera.

As winter approaches, the land and many lakes around the world are covered with ice and snow. Some of them create stunning patterns - be it incredible air bubbles at Lake Abraham, ice flowers in Antarctica or a natural ice rink in the Netherlands. Check out the 10 lakes we've selected for you this week.

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Lake Paterswoldse Meer, Netherlands

The lake is located in the southwestern part of the city of Groningen, which is one of the largest cities in the country. While during the summer months the lake is a great place to relax, boat and kayak, in the winter it turns into a huge natural ice skating rink. The lake attracts a large number of visitors, both locals and tourists. The skating experience will be made special by the spectacular surroundings.

Why should you go here?

The lake is a great place for fun all year round. And in winter it promises to be one of the best skating rinks in the country.

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Lake Superior, USA

When the temperature drops, Lake Superior freezes, allowing you to walk across its surface and reach the ice caves of the Apostle Islands. The remains are frozen far and wide, from huge ice structures covering the rocks to frozen waterfalls inside caves. Since the National Park Service opened the site last year, about 10,000 people have visited the caves.

Why should you go here?

An excellent opportunity to see beautiful rocks covered with ice.

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Lake Michigan, USA

During winter, the lake is exposed to low temperatures. Thanks to this, the lake freezes and reveals an impressive sight. Lake St. Joseph North Pier turns into an ice sculpture. Or Chicago, whose shores are covered with a thick layer of ice.

Why should you go here?

Experience the true vitality and ferocious nature of nature. Ice skating and hockey are some of the most popular winter sports here.

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Lake Ontario, Canada, USA

On the one hand, this is one of the five Great Lakes in North America, on the other, the lake is located near Ontario, one of the largest cities in Canada. It offers an active pastime in the summer, where city residents tired of the heat flock to cool down a little. At the same time, during the winter, the lake becomes a battlefield for snow and ice. It also hosts winter fishing competitions.

Why should you go here?

The lake is one of the five natural wonders that lies on the border of Canada and America.

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Prags Lakes, Italy

Located in the municipality of the same name in South Tyrol, the lakes offer one of the most beautiful views in the area. Surrounded by the Dolomites, the Prags lakes offer seclusion for romantics who decide to visit the lakes in summer. In the meantime, they boast spectacular views in winter too.

Why should you go here?

Prags is a place where you can retire in the mountains, while not taking your eyes off the natural beauty of the lake. If desired, tourists can also go to the mountains in the Dolomites.

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Abraham Lake, Canada

An artificial lake in a quiet area turns into a spectacular place in winter. Temperatures can drop to -30C, causing this large lake to freeze. Unique circles of frozen bubbles of flammable methane coming from the depths are the result of the action of bacteria decomposing organic matter. This creates an extraordinary phenomenon that looks so amazing in winter.

Why should you go here?

The lake and its surroundings provide a wonderful place to immerse yourself in nature. And, of course, see these inimitable bubbles.

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Lake Friendship, Antarctica

Situated in a distant land of eternal snow and ice, the lake truly is one of the wonders of the world. It became a real sensation after Matthias Wietz captured frozen flowers on a lake - a unique mixture of ice scattered on the surface of the water. Also here you can see bubbles, like on Lake Abraham.

Why should you go here?

Visiting Antarctica may be your life's goal, but it is definitely worth doing.

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Lake Baikal, Siberia, Russia

The deepest lake in the world, reaches 1,642 meters in depth, and turns into a magnificent place once it freezes. This freshwater lake is one of the oldest lakes in the world: it is at least 25 million years old! The lake also contains about 20% of the world's freshwater that does not freeze. This photo was taken during the winter season and shows amazing ice engravings.

Why should you go here?

Visit Siberia and enjoy nature, practically untouched by man. You can also go ice skating or take advantage of the unique opportunity to drive around the lake by car.

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Lake Chaqmaqtin, Afghanistan

The valley of the lake cuts into the Pamir Mountains, and is fed by several rivers. At the same time, in winter the lake freezes and becomes suitable for travel, both for people and for animal migration.

Why should you go here?

The Pamirs are a magical place - a remote world, far from civilization, where the local population has preserved their traditions.

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Nam Tso Lake, Tibet, China

The lake in the Himalayas is an important spiritual place. For centuries, during the winter, when the lake froze, pilgrims went to the islands that lie in the middle of the lake. Today, the Chinese authorities prohibit this practice.

Why should you go here?

Tibet is a truly special and sacred place. The country and its surrounding landscapes are worth seeing at least once in your life.

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This was an article Top 10 Most Beautiful Frozen Lakes in the World. Thank you for your attention!