How to get to Poklonnaya Mount Sheregesh. Kuzbass is picturesque: “Camels” and the Worship Cross in Sheregesh. The history of the emergence of the Worship Cross in Sheregesh

Worship cross

The Worship Cross was installed on Mount Kurgan in 2001, in honor of the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity of Christ. The idea of ​​​​installing the Cross was born in 2000 during the visit of Bishop Sophrony of Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk to the Tashtagol deanery and with the support of the governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev. The erection of worship crosses on elevated places and at road intersections is a long-standing Orthodox tradition.

The height of the cross - according to official data - is more than 15 meters, and together with the reinforced concrete base - almost 20 meters. The structure weighs 7.5 tons and was installed using a helicopter.

With good weather conditions The cross can be seen at the entrance to Sheregesh. From the top of Mount Zelenaya there is a beautiful view of Mount Kurgan with the Worship Cross and camels.

Snowmobile and snowcat tours are organized to the Cross. For lovers walking it is possible to reach the cross from Mount Zelenaya along a snowmobile road or on snowshoes from top station " ".

Worship cross

It stands on Mount Kurgan and is clearly visible from the top of Mount Zelenaya, and in sunny weather it can be seen even when approaching Sheregesh. The cross was installed on the two thousandth anniversary of Christmas, according to the well-known tradition of erecting similar structures on hills. You can get to the cross by snowmobile, snowcat or on foot.


There are rock formations on Mount Kurgan that look like the humps of a lying camel. They received such an unusual shape as a result of the fact that nature acted on these rocks for a long time. In winter you can see “camels” from Mount Zelenaya, but in summer it’s better to get closer, because the slopes are covered with vegetation.

Azas cave

One day, local hunters said that they saw a three-meter creature with fur here. Since then, it has been believed that yetis live in the cave, and recently footprints of Bigfoot were found there. As a result, the cave gained unprecedented popularity, and excursions are now organized to the yeti’s habitat.

Mount Green

In summer, many shrubs and herbs bloom on the 1270 m high mountain - this is how it got its name. And in winter this is where they work. From Mount Zelenaya you can view the panorama of the entire village, see the worship cross and Mount Mustag, which will be discussed further.

Mount Mustag

This sacred place for residents of Shoria. The mountain appears in many local legends and beliefs. Literally, Mustag is translated as “ice mountain”, and its height is 1570 m. There is a ski slope and conditions for freeride. You can also arrange a backcountry - climb the mountain on foot, and then go down on skis or snowboard.

Monument to the Yeti Snowboarder

After traces of Bigfoot were found in these parts, interest in him knows no bounds, not only among scientists, but also among ordinary residents. Therefore, a composition of two large yeti-shaped figures appeared right at the ski resort. They have helmets on their heads and hold snowboards in their hands. Real skiers.

Yeti Park Sheregesh

Great place to visit with children. This amusement park is located at the Alpen Club Hotel. It is believed that the Yeti's residence is located here. Fortunately, they are not real, so no one is in danger. On the contrary, it is very exciting here: children will be told about the legends and myths of Gornaya Shoria, invited to master classes and shown scientific show programs.

Monument to the dog Aisik

A few years ago hotel"Ice" got his own symbol. It was named after the hotel. The exact breed of the dog was not known, but there is a legend that it is a cross between a husky and a wolf. After the popularly beloved dog passed away, a bronze monument was erected to him. The monument was erected, among other things, through donations from the residents of Sheregesh.

Upside Down House

This is an attraction that appeared in Sheregesh not so long ago. As the name suggests, the house is upside down. Moreover, all the objects inside it are also upside down. When you go inside, you step on the ceiling, which is slightly slanted, which makes it even more disorienting in space. In general, the sensations are very unusual.

Sculpture “Golden Shoria”

It is installed in the city of Tashtagol, not far from Sheregesh. The sculpture depicts a girl riding an elk and holding a bowl in her hands. This is Shaurya's symbol of abundance. The monument is cast from bronze, its height is 6 meters, and it stands on a 5-meter mound.

Gulag Museum

His official name- Museum-reserve “Trokhrechye”. It is located 30 km from Sheregesh, in the village of Ust-Kabyrza. A typical prison camp was recreated here on two hectares of land. Inside there is an exhibition telling about camp life.

Museum of Ethnography and Nature of Mountain Shoria

This museum is located in Tashtagol. The exact address- Martha Street, 4. Here you can learn about the history, nature and life of the region. The exhibitions tell about the indigenous population (Shors), Russian settlers, local plants, animals and minerals.

Blue Lake

If you move 65 kilometers away from Sheregesh, you can see an incredibly beautiful body of water - the Blue Lake. It got its name thanks to the amazing sky-blue water. When you swim, you feel like you are on another planet.

Devil's Finger Rock

This rock outcrop is located on a massive hill and has an unusual shape. The rock can be seen from Mount Zelenaya and can be reached on foot. However, for this you need to be well prepared physically.

Rocks "Spassky Palaces"

The village of Spassk is located southwest of Sheregesh. In turn, 10 km from it there are rectangular granite boulders. This pile of stones is called the “Spassky Palaces”, as well as the “Russian Stonehenge”. According to scientists, the boulders were formed in ancient times.

Built during the existence of the Soviet Union ski resort Sheregesh has now become one of the popular resorts in Russia. The phenomenon of the rapidly growing popularity of the ski resort seems difficult to explain.

Indeed, the following factors cannot in any way contribute to the popularization of recreation in the Tashtagol region, the place where Sheregesh is located:

  • distance from the center;
  • expensive air travel;
  • landscape with a slight elevation difference.

True, skiers and tourists may be attracted by some unique circumstances, such as:

  • no danger of avalanches, which cannot be found in large resorts;
  • natural snow covering the slopes already in November;
  • opportunity (Bigfoot);
  • a series of Guinness and Russian records set recently.

Correctional the colony IR-4

Perhaps extreme sports enthusiasts are also attracted by being located half a kilometer from ski slopes a maximum security correctional colony and a settlement area with almost a thousand places are intended for men who have committed crimes. In the settlement, convicts are unguarded.

You can meet visitors to the colony in the village itself, as well as on the way to it. After all, you can reach the barbed wire in 20 minutes from the ski lift, moving along the left side in the direction of the village. As they say local residents, the majority of the population is closely connected with the correctional institution: some were there by court verdict, some were awaiting the return of a relative or friend, and some.

It is noteworthy that from the windows of one hotel there is a view of the walls of the institution, and the reflection of the inscription “vacant rooms” falls on the building of the correctional institution.

Getting to both the colony and the ski areas is equally easy. Buses, taxis and minibuses run from the local one.

It should be noted that the prisoners of the colony and their relatives were to some extent lucky. After all, the opportunity to find yourself in an ecologically clean area, for which tourists and skiers have to pay significant money, is given to convicts by court decision.

Mount Green

The most popular and visited place for skiers is Green Mountain. It is a real paradise for professionals. Riding on alpine skiing Even beginners will enjoy it here. Wonderful snow cleanest air, the mountains will leave many pleasant impressions.

The mountain owes its name to the bright greenery that covers it in the summer. Officially, the mountain is called Karitshal, which in the Shor language sounds like the edge of a mountain range, the end of a mane. The sign on the Karitshal cafe, which is visible when traveling on a rope tow or chair lift, helps you not to forget about this name.

In addition to the 2.5 thousand-meter long track, freeride lovers can ride on virgin soil. Cozy cafes await guests and athletes.

The tracks on the eastern slope of the Green meet the requirements of the FIS world standard, thanks to which world-class competitions and stages of the national championship are held on them.

Zero probability of avalanches

The uniqueness of Sheregesh lies in its almost zero avalanche danger. This is facilitated by the Green Mountain, which resembles an ant house, having sloping slopes and long rollouts. The slopes in the lower part are densely covered with thickets of fluffy fir trees, the snow from which can only lightly shower a freerider rushing past.

Similar slopes of the Elbrus region or Krasnaya Polyana do not guarantee safety from avalanches. Resorts near Moscow can boast of zero avalanche danger. But it makes no sense to talk about riding in the Moscow region, which will bring satisfaction to riders, due to its low altitude.

But fans of downhill skiing in Sheregesh in different seasons are well aware that there are places near the slopes where an avalanche can become dangerous for a person.

This is well known to local rescuers who warn vacationers about the danger that lurks. Skiing can be especially dangerous in the spring after a sharp rise in temperature. November snow that falls on the ice crust becomes dangerous.

Worship Cross on Mount Kurgan

A visit to Sheregesh will be incomplete if the tourist has not visited the Cross of Worship, installed in 2001 on Mount Kurgan. In good weather, the cross is visible to the naked eye even when approaching the village.

The fifteen-meter cross, according to Orthodox tradition, was erected in honor of the celebration of the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity of Christ. The structure weighing almost eight tons was installed using a helicopter. Since ancient times, Christians have erected such crosses on hills and forks in roads.

You can get to the place of the installation of the Cross either on foot along the road, starting on the mountain, or using snowshoes from the Khlebnitsy station.

According to legend, there is an ancient Orthodox tradition of erecting worship crosses on hills and road intersections.

The village of Sheregesh in Mountain Shoria

The village of Sheregesh is located in Mountain Shoria. The village owes its origins to the hunter brothers Sharagashev, who in 1931 delivered stones to geologists that turned out to be iron ore.

After the construction of the mine began and the first ore was mined, the town received the status of a village.

In addition to the mine, the ski complex, which was built for training athletes and hosting the Spartakiad, has become a landmark of Gornaya Shoria since 1981.

The territory of Mountain Shoria is inhabited mainly by Shors, who preserve their traditions and language.

Mount Mustag and "Camels"

After visiting Sheregesh, it is worth visiting some places in this unique region. This is revered by the local population and is the highest in the southern part of Kuzbass.

Many legends have been created about Mount Mustang, among which one can note the legend about a beautiful Shor girl, whose attention two heroes wanted to achieve. The beauty was supposed to go to the hero who defeated his opponent in battle. The battle of the heroes continued for a long time with the use of whistling arrows, stone blocks, but none of them could win. The exhausted men fell to the ground, becoming two humps of one mountain. The girl covered them with a shroud and rose up like a cloud, shedding streams of tears. To this day, clear streams flow from the mountains, carrying the strength of the heroes in different directions.

The view of the rocky formations of Mount Kurgan from Mount Karitshal is impressive. The magma that emerged from the ground, when solidified, took on the appearance of camel humps. The rock formations are called "Camels".

We recommend visiting the following places. Among the most notable attractions of Gornaya Shoria are the Mednaya rock, the Saga waterfall, and many caves in the Mras-Su river basin. You can also visit national park Shorsev, Tashtagolsky reserve. The Tashtagol Museum of Nature and Ethnography is located 21 kilometers from the resort, and the Tazgol Museum of Ecology is 60 kilometers away.

Guinness Record - Descent in swimsuits from Mount Zelenaya

The ski resort is famous for its flash mobs and record-breaking events. Thus, from year to year the number of people participating in setting a record for inclusion in the Guinness Book increases. The first record was when about seven hundred people dressed in swimsuits made the descent. The record became the property of the Guinness Book, gaining popularity among the fans of the Book.

This year, 1,815 people in swimsuits took part in breaking the previous record. The event took place in April during the Grelkafest festival.

Here, a record was set for the Guinness Book by Novosibirsk pilot Alexander Orlov. The paragliding pilot took off from the slope, taking five companions. The flight became the most popular paragliding flight.

There should be a single ski pass

A serious disadvantage of the resort is the abundance of lift operators in the absence of a single ski pass. According to tourists, dividing the trails between different owners often leads to misunderstandings. Having purchased a ski pass for one slope, you will be able to ride on another slope if you only purchase another card. The problem may also arise when going to a ski lift from another company. You have to either spend money on buying another card, or walk down the mountain. Moreover, unused money is often not returned.

The cost of a ski pass for a day, depending on the sector, ranges from 800 to 1000 rubles, and a VIP will cost 4000 rubles.

A consolation for tourists of the new season may be the intention of major ski lift owners to unite and create a single ski pass. The owners of twelve of the eighteen lifts agreed to the merger. Six operators refused.

For the merger, a single cash settlement center will be created, the development of which will take a couple of years. In the meantime, you will have to use the turnstiles of the Cascade group.

Equipment rental

When visiting a ski resort, it is not at all necessary to bring skiing or snowboarding equipment with you. There are several companies operating in Sheregesh that offer equipment rental at different prices. But the largest network remains Ryder rental, which includes various points where you can get equipment for both experienced skiers, snowboarders, and beginners.

Freeriders who want to ride in any weather, even when the lifts are not working, can fulfill their desire by renting snowmobiles at the lower station, which will help them get to the slopes of Mount Mustang, “Camels”, and the Poklonny Cross.

Taiga gifts of Gornaya Shoria

The path to the parking lot from the ski lifts passes through a spontaneous market. Here, local residents offer visitors the gifts of the taiga in the form of badger and bear fat, honey, fox tails, and fir oil. Tourists are offered herbs that grow only in this area, tree bark, and fir oil. It is unlikely that you will encounter such taiga rarities in other places.

When leaving the village to the ski lifts, hotels will not be able to pass by “Kukuruza”. This supermarket, which exists only thanks to visitors, is the largest retail outlet in the village. There is a taxi rank nearby. Here you can also meet grandmothers who rent out apartments to visitors.

Despite the availability of hotel rooms, it is more economical to rent an apartment from a private owner. You can get to the ski lifts by taxi. The distance is approximately five kilometers.

Long flight

You can get real pleasure from visiting Sheregesh by spending a significant amount on a flight to Novokuznetsk. The airport closest to the resort is located here, accepting flights from Moscow. Buses run from Novosibirsk to Sheregesh.

Conclusion. The fabulous sensations you get in Sheregesh are difficult to convey in words. The mountain slopes covered with the purest snow, the dense forest surrounding the tracks, the blue sky remain in the memory for a long time and make you want to come back here again and again to experience the pleasure of speed, level of comfort, and the friendliness of the local population.

Today, after 4 days of non-stop skiing, we decided to go to the nearest local attraction - the worship cross on Mount Kurgan (northwestern part of the Mustag massif). You can get to it by snowmobile in 15-20 minutes and 500 RUR, but we, damn it, are fans of the backcountry, so with legs, legs... Below is a small photo report, with comments.

1. Don’t think that the weather is like this every day, not at all. We've been waiting for it like this for a whole week, and finally it happened)).

Only a small part of those who come to Sheregesh to ride get to the cross (not to mention something more remote and confusing). And of this small number, an even smaller percentage of those who move there on foot. We, we know, are one of those people who have been hit on the head. And for a reason... because when you walk with your feet, you have time to see everything, let it pass through yourself, merge with reality... not to mention the convenience of photography and the health benefits)).

2. So, having risen at about 8 am, we slowly get ready (it’s getting light around 9) and move towards the bosom of nature... past such absurdities in the form of the Texas cafe...

3. There are countless pretentious hotels here...

4. And tempting offers for investors (don’t forget that Sheregesh is one of the most dynamically developing ski resorts Russia over the last 10 years).

5.The cross is located behind the mountain, so the easiest way to get to it is to climb to the top of Mount Zelenaya.

6.On a lift, of course. There are already almost 20 of them, and a good half converge at the top on a patch with a diameter of 200 meters, so which one to climb doesn’t matter which one you like best/which one works.

7.Well, then, we move towards our goal, ignoring the suggestions of the snowmobilers. We have backpacks on which we can conveniently attach boards, as well as telescope poles, which make walking in the snow and mountainous areas much easier. Snacks, warm clothes, etc., of course, are also there)).

8. On the left along the way is a beautiful ridge of rocky outcrops bearing the telling name “Camel”. They are very beautiful. By the way, they say there are rock climbing paths there and in the summer people climb there (climbing routes on the Camel rocks). But this is in the summer, and in winter their eastern leeward slopes are collected a large number of snow... so it’s not surprising that immediately after snowfalls these slopes are painted with special gusto, even if they are very tiny)).

By the way, pay attention to the upper right corner of the photo - although there is still no snow at all (according to Gesh concepts), avalanches are already falling. Classic board though. And they say “there are no avalanches in Sheregesh”)).

9. A more general plan... the rocks themselves and the mark from the fallen board (covered by recent snowfalls) are better visible.

10. Directly on the course is a hill towards which we are heading. Over the past few days, of course, things have been left behind here... but there is nothing to be surprised about, this is the main local destination.

11. It’s so beautiful that you forget about everything... (the view of the Camel is only from a different angle, as if along it).

12. The central part of the Mustag massif is actually a plateau, a flat place between the peaks Zelenaya, Komsomolskaya-Mustag and Kurgan. On the last one, in fact, is the Cross. In the far northern part of the plateau it is almost bald, but in the southern part, closer to the cable cars, it is overgrown with not dense, but very picturesque forest. The forest is generally the main theme here... Siberia, after all. But I will write about this again, in a detailed mini-guide about Sheregesh, which is just around the corner)).

13.Friend-Lenka)). We met three years ago, when she came to study at our alpine school, then there were two or even three freeride schools, but now she just comes and rides with us for company. Great.

14.View of the surrounding taiga, already on the approaches to the Cross.

15.And here he is. It was staged in 2001, in honor of the 2000th anniversary of R.H. So healthy... (almost 20 meters). And everything would be fine, but it is located on a mountain which is a holy place for local Shor shamans... no comments. Shamans sometimes try to restore the status quo. Thus vandalism begets new vandalism. Still, we are interesting creatures, people... but oh well, that’s not what we’re talking about. It’s beautiful here, that’s what I wanted to say.

By the way, we walked for 1.5 hours, leisurely (but this was on a snowmobile trail and good weather). The most important thing is to load up the body, but not get tired yet)).

16. Meanwhile, while we were drinking tea, a paramotor man was spinning light aerobatics over the slope, suddenly reminding us that we didn’t fly this fall, although we had planned... it will be necessary, but apparently in the spring. It’s very cold now, and it’s not clear where and when.