Croatia Porec. Porec, Croatia: details about the ancient city of Istria with photos. Accommodation in Porec

Porec is actually a small town located in a picturesque bay in the western part of the Istrian peninsula. However, despite its size, the resort is one of the major tourist centers in Croatia. The tourist infrastructure of Porec is very well developed. City hotels and hotels, in addition to good living conditions and decent food, offer tourists all kinds of excursions and provide assistance in renting vehicles. However, all this is also available in other high-class resorts, but, nevertheless, Porec has its own zest. It lies in the fact that this city is one of the few that managed to preserve medieval buildings and ancient Roman temples in good condition. All tourists who decide to devote their vacation to a trip to Porec will be able to verify this.

First of all, all guests of the city rush to appreciate the local coast, on which there are many secluded bays and lagoons. Only after this do tourists move on to a closer acquaintance with Porec and its remarkable places.

Old town

The Old Town area itself is a landmark of Porec. Most of the buildings in the Old Town were built on the foundations of ancient Roman buildings. Walking through the winding streets, tourists can notice that they all lead to a square located in the center of the Old Town. This unusual street system has been preserved in Porec since Roman times. Also a reflection of those times are the two main streets of the city: Decumanus and Cardo Maximus. Both of them lead to Marafor Square, and are also located almost perpendicular to each other. At one time, Via Decumanus served as an important city thoroughfare, but now it is just a tourist site with houses in the Gothic style. Cardo Maximus and Decumanus streets are very popular among tourists due to the restaurants, souvenir shops and historical buildings located on them.

At the very beginning of Decuman Street, tourists can get acquainted with the heritage of the ancient Romans in the form Pentagonal tower. It is believed that it was built under the direction of the architect Werner de Zhilagov more than six centuries ago. The tower was built in the Gothic style, and its facade was decorated with Venetian lions. Until the 19th century, the tower was part of the city gate and on the opposite side of the street one could admire its reflection in the image of the twin tower. However, at the moment, tourists can only see the lonely Pentagonal Tower and appreciate its beauty from the outside. Those who want to see the landmark from the inside can visit the restaurant serving traditional Croatian cuisine, located inside the Pentagonal Tower.

As planned back in ancient times, a walk along Decumanus Street will lead tourists to Marafor Square. This unusual square-shaped square is not only the center of the Old Town, but also the center of all of Porec. Here, travelers can take a break in one of the cafes, and then take photographs of stone columns and massive stone blocks left over from the pagan temples of Mars and Neptune.

Municipality and Basilica

Yes, you shouldn’t linger on the square for long, as the main attraction of Porec, located nearby, still awaits tourists - Euphrasian Basilica(Eufrazijeva bazilika). There is no way to avoid this place. The basilica is an elegant building with a rich interior design. To be precise, the Euphrasian Basilica is actually a temple consisting of three parts - naves. All parts of the complex are connected together by beautifully decorated columns and arches with amazing frescoes. The basilica chapel houses the relics of saints, and above the altar there is a marble ciborium painted with scenes from the holy scriptures.

The interior decoration of the basilica is luxurious. Mosaics depicting the apostles, Jesus Christ, the Lamb and 12 martyrs are of historical value. While visiting the basilica, tourists will also have the opportunity to appreciate the floor mosaics located in the garden. She is already seventeen centuries old, and she is still “alive.” In addition, everyone can climb the bell tower, which offers an amazing panoramic view of Porec.

At the moment, the basilica is an active Catholic church and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Thanks to its unusual acoustics, music concerts are often held in this place. On the territory of the basilica there is a workshop for making souvenirs. Tourists can buy any item they like for a nominal fee.

While walking through the Old Town, tourists should turn onto St. Maurus Street, which runs parallel to Decumanus Street. It is necessary to make this transition in order to see House of Two Saints(Kuca Dva Sveca). The Romanesque building is decorated on the outside with two figures with cat heads under their feet. The statues are installed in such a way that everyone who watches gets the impression of the integrity of the house and the figures. There is nothing interesting for travelers inside the building. The house is only externally of interest to lovers of unusual architecture.

Will surprise city guests Istrian Municipality(Istarska sabornica) is nondescript on the outside, but originally decorated on the inside. It is located in the very center of Porec at Matka Laginje, 2. In addition to parliamentary meetings, music, art and theater events are held in the municipal assembly hall. The ceiling of the hall is decorated with marvelous paintings and frescoes. Previously, this building housed a Franciscan church. Only the mosaic floor remains as a reminder of those times. Tourists can only visit the building during exhibitions or other events.

In addition to ancient architectural buildings, Porec is famous for its cozy green courtyards and small squares in which majestic century-old pine trees grow. Tourists can always just sit on benches under the pine trees and imagine that they are in the distant past among amazing houses in an extraordinary city. After which you can continue your walk around the city and take many beautiful photographs to confirm the amazingness of Porec.

Having once been on holiday in Central Dalmatia, for several years I dreamed of being in Croatia again. This time the choice fell on the city of Porec, on the Istrian peninsula.

Porec is a small city with a rich history, located on the western coast of the peninsula. Who didn't rule them? A settlement has existed on this site since prehistoric times. Somewhere around 2000 years ago, during the reign of Octavian Augustus, Parentium (Parentium is the name of the city in Latin) received the status of a city. Conveniently located, covered by the island of St. Nicholas from the sea, the city developed quickly and successfully. From 1267, and the next half of the millennium, the city belonged to Venice, thanks to which the most beautiful palaces remained in the city. But the most important monument was left to Porec by Byzantium: the Euphrasian Basilica has survived to this day and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

At one time, Porec was subordinate to Austria, was controlled by Napoleonic troops, and after the First World War, like the entire peninsula, was ceded to Italy. Only after the Second World War did it become part of Yugoslavia, after the collapse of which it gained independence as part of Croatia. The location and history of the city undoubtedly affected its appearance: do not be surprised if you see not only Croatian, but also Italian on signs and signs. By the way, the Italian name of the city is Parenzo.

How to get there

The city of Porec is located on the western coast of the Istrian peninsula, in close proximity to Slovenia and Italy. There are several ways to get to this glorious city:

  • By plane;
  • By train;
  • By car;
  • By ferry.

You can always choose how to get to the city most comfortably and on a budget. Below I will talk about each type of transport in a little more detail.

By plane

Unfortunately, the city of Porec does not have its own airport. But getting to the city will not be difficult. The nearest airport is approximately 60 km south in the city

From Moscow

From St. Petersburg

Unfortunately, it was not possible to find direct flights from St. Petersburg. You can get to Porec with a transfer in Moscow or in numerous European cities. There are direct flights from neighboring Finland; round-trip tickets on the Helsinki-Pula route will cost approximately 240 EUR.

From Pula airport to Porec

You can get to the city of Porec on a budget by public transport, but to do this you need to get to the bus station in the city. Unfortunately, there is no bus service to the city near the airport, but you can use a taxi, which will be relatively inexpensive. The journey to the bus station will take only 10-15 minutes. The bus schedule to Porec can be found at Travel time is about 1.5 hours. Price – about 10 EUR. By the way, the bus station in Porec is very close to the center: 5 minutes and you will find yourself in the very heart of the city.

From Zagreb airport to Porec

A bus runs to the bus station from Zagreb Airport every half hour, the journey time is about 25 minutes. Buses to Porec leave from Zagreb bus station daily. Travel time is about 4-5 hours. Price – about 25 EUR.

Other options

If you have an open Schengen visa, Porec can also be reached from neighboring countries. The nearest airport is in Trieste. The distance between cities is 78 km. Several buses run daily from Trieste bus station to Porec.

By train

Getting to Croatia by train, in my opinion, is too long and tiring. In the summer, the Moscow-Zagreb train runs, the travel time is more than 50 hours. The rest of the time you can get to Zagreb with a transfer in Vienna or Budapest. In addition, this route is not very budget-friendly; a one-way trip will cost approximately 160-180 EUR per person.

By car

When traveling by car, you can choose the route that is most convenient and interesting for you. For example, take the route:

You can get from St. Petersburg to Porec by an alternative route:

By ferry

You can get to Porec by ferry from Venice. Currently, the route is served by two ferry companies: Venezia Lines and Atlas Kompas. Travel time is approximately the same - about 3 hours. But this type of transport is not very budget-friendly; a round-trip ticket in the summer will cost an average of 120-150 EUR.


Porec - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 1

Kazan 1

Samara 2

Ekaterinburg 3

Novosibirsk 5

Vladivostok 8

When is the season? When is the best time to go

Officially, the high season in Istria begins in May and ends in September. We vacationed in the first half of May, and the weather was changeable. During the day it was often hot, but in the evening it was impossible to do without a warm jacket. But there were also some advantages: the city was buried in flowers, and even if it rained, it was immediately replaced by bright sunshine. The water at this time is still quite cool, so if you like to splash around in the warm sea, it is better to choose a time starting from the second half of June and until the first half of September. Although this time also has its drawbacks: in July-August there are a lot of tourists in Porec, therefore prices are also much higher. For us, the May weather turned out to be suitable, since it is not only a beach holiday, but also leisurely walks, sightseeing and afternoon coffee on the boardwalk. The absence of sweltering heat did not upset us at all.

Porec in summer

The weather in Porec in summer is conducive to relaxation. If in June the evenings are still cool due to sea breezes, then in July and August the weather is truly summery and hot. At this time, the water in the sea is already warmed up to its maximum and is suitable for comfortable swimming. In summer, the city has the maximum number of tourists and finding a table in popular restaurants on the embankment in the evening becomes a difficult task.

Porec in autumn

The weather in Porec in autumn is unpredictable. If in September it is still quite warm and the high season is still ongoing, then October and November are not suitable for a beach holiday at all.

In September there are significantly fewer tourists than in summer, there is no longer sweltering heat, and vacation becomes quite comfortable. In October and November, Porec can be quite rainy and windy.

Porec in spring

Spring comes very early to Porec. In March-April the weather is very mild. Nature awakens and begins to delight with its colors. In May it is often already warm like summer. Even if the sea is not warm enough yet, the water is about +18, but the holiday this month is truly special. The biggest advantage of Porec in May is the absence of crowds of tourists that can be found in the summer. And the prices at this time are still quite reasonable.

Porec in winter

Winter in Porec, as in all coastal towns in Croatia, is quite mild. There are almost no sub-zero temperatures, but as in all coastal cities, there are strong winds. There is no need to compare city +5 and +5 by the sea. This weather will in any case feel a little colder than we are used to. However, there are many sunny days in Porec even in winter. If you want to take a break from the hustle and bustle and breathe clean air, you will enjoy winter in Porec. In addition, at this time there are almost no tourists, prices for everything are much lower, and the locals are still warm and hospitable. By the way, despite the almost always above-zero temperatures, it sometimes snows in Porec.

Porec - weather by month


Porec - weather by month

Districts. Where is the best place to live?

The city of Porec can be divided into several main districts:

  1. Old town;
  2. Central part of the city;
  3. Shpadici;
  4. Brulo;
  5. Plava Laguna;
  6. Zelena Laguna;
  7. St. Nicholas Island

Old town

District WITHold city It attracts with its proximity to all attractions, and besides, finding accommodation for any budget will not be particularly difficult. There are both expensive hotels and fairly budget hostels. But apartments are more expensive than in other parts of the city (prices can be compared). The downside of the old town is that you still have to go to the beach; the old town itself doesn’t have one, but there is a port where pleasure ships and yachts moor in the summer.


IN central part of the city the bulk of the population lives. I find this area quite convenient, very close to the old town. A large selection of apartments for every taste and budget. There are many shops, pharmacies, and a city hospital in this area.


About Shpadici I can’t say anything; during our entire vacation we never reached this area. gives out quite a lot of accommodation offers, but, in my opinion, the location is not very good if you plan to spend evenings in the old town.


Brulo– one of the most popular areas of Porec. There is also a large selection of housing for every taste: hotels (see prices) and apartments. Plus the old town is just a stone's throw away. But the main advantage is the proximity of two beaches: the city beach and the Brulo beach of the same name. There are a lot of bars in this area.

Plava Laguna

Plava Laguna– an area located 3 km south of the city center. We stayed in this part of the city and did not regret it at all. In fact, this is a huge park that originates in the Brulo area. In this part of the city there is a network of hotels and campsites "Laguna Porec". Our choice fell on the apart-hotel offered by the chain. We lived in our own house with one room and our own kitchen, but the main advantage was the presence of a small pool on the territory, which compensated for the rather cool sea in May. This location has only one drawback - its distance from the center. But we only enjoyed taking a walk along the shore. The pedestrian path is very well equipped, there are benches and trash cans, and evening lighting. Although there are areas that are quite dark, it was sometimes a little scary to return at night. And how many living creatures there are: lizards, birds, once we were even lucky to see squirrels. I highly recommend this area.

Zelena Laguna

Zelena Laguna located 5 km south of Porec. Like Plava Laguna, the area is surrounded by greenery. Green Lagoon has its own restaurants, bars, sports grounds, shops, and a club. But despite this, there are many secluded bays along the coast where you can relax in complete silence. We loved walking towards the Green Lagoon in the evenings and watching the beautiful sunsets. Getting to the city will not be difficult; a leisurely walk along the coast will take about 30 minutes. And for those who don’t like to walk for a long time, a tourist road train runs along the entire coast from the Green Lagoon. As far as I know, it is also possible to get to the city center by boat.

St. Nicholas Island

St. Nicholas Island– one of the few inhabited islands surrounding Porec. There are several 4* and 5* hotels on the island. If you want unity with nature, then this is definitely your choice! You feel like you are in a fairytale forest: everything is green, birds are singing, you can meet squirrels and rabbits, and there are also peacocks on the island. There is also an ancient tower and a small lighthouse on the island. It seemed to me that this island is a favorite place for the British, there were a lot of them there, but everyone was extremely friendly. Porec can be reached by boat or speedboat, they run every 15 minutes. There is only one minus - a holiday on the island cannot be called budget, the hotels are very expensive.

What are the prices for holidays?

Prices for accommodation, food in restaurants and excursions in Porec depend on the season. In July and August prices are at their highest. In May-June, as well as in September, they are a little lower. The rest of the time, accordingly, prices for everything are the lowest for the year.

  • For example, the price for an apartment accommodating 4 people in April varies around 45 EUR per day, and in August from 70 EUR per day. And in January you can easily find apartments for 35 EUR per day. Good options at a reasonable price sell out long before the start of the season, so my advice, if you are planning a trip to Porec, is to think about accommodation in advance.
  • Prices for food depend on the level of the restaurant; for example, in numerous pizzerias in the city, a lunch of a large pizza and two glasses of beer will cost an average of 12 EUR. Dinner for two in a good restaurant will cost an average of 25-40 EUR. Grocery prices in stores are average across the country. A baguette can be bought for 0.6 EUR, a good red wine can be purchased for 3 EUR.
  • Prices for excursions depend on the distance of the attraction. A boat trip costs about 30 EUR, a trip to Plitvice Lakes costs about 60 EUR.

You can save money on moving around the city. Just simply walk more! The natural beauty of the city only lends itself to this.


Cost of food, accommodation, transportation and other things

Currency: Euro, € US dollar, $ Russian ruble, rub Croatian kuna, kn

Main attractions. What to see

The city of Porec may not be very rich in world-famous attractions, but this does not make it any less attractive for lovers of history and antiquities. Fans of active recreation, as well as families with children, will also find a lot of interesting entertainment.

Below you can find out more about the main ones.

Top 5

Beaches. Which ones are better

There are several main beaches in Porec:

All beaches in Porec are either pebbly or concrete slabs with equipped stairs leading directly into the sea. Some pebbles are quite large and uncomfortable, so it would be nice to have special shoes. The smallest pebbles are on the island of St. Nicholas. I can definitely say that the water is clean everywhere, so transparent that you can see the bottom even at a decent depth.

Churches and temples. Which ones are worth visiting?

The most interesting and must-see temples in Porec include:

Museums. Which ones are worth visiting?

There are two main museums in the city:

  1. Porec Local History Museum – was founded in 1884 and is located in the Sinčić Palace. There is a huge collection of household items from ancient times, including costumes, furniture and much more. The museum also displays a collection of maps, documents, weapons and flags. In the art department of the museum you can see paintings by Yugoslav masters from the 50s and 60s. Entrance costs about 1.5 EUR (10 HRK). The museum's opening hours are from 8:00 to 16:00.
  2. Museum of Church Art-located next to the Eurasian Basilica. It contains mosaics and monuments dating from the 4th-5th centuries, as well as paintings and sculptures from the 14th-18th centuries. Entrance costs about 1.5-2 EUR (10-15 HRK). The museum, like the Eurasian Basilica itself, is open to the public:
  • From January to March: 09.00 – 16.00;
  • From April to June: 09.00 – 18.00;
  • From July to August: 09.00 – 21.00;
  • From September to October: 09.00 – 18.00;
  • From November to December: 09.00 – 16.00;
  • The museum and the basilica are closed on Sundays and church holidays!

The city also hosts various exhibitions in the building where the Istrian Parliament meets, as well as in the Small Gallery. It is located at the National Open University of Porec, and is the youngest. Prices vary depending on the specific event.

Tourist streets

The old town of Porec consists of parallel streets, which, when crossing, become regular squares. One of the main tourist streets is named Decumanus.

It starts from the Pentagonal Tower and leads almost to the embankment. Before lunch it is quite calm here, but after lunch and until late at night the street is actually filled with tourists. There are many art salons, various shops and street cafes here. The street is interesting, but there were too many tourists there even in May.

What to see in 1 day

It is quite possible to explore the main attractions of the city in one day. Thanks to the location of the streets, it is very difficult to get lost in the city, and all interesting places are located within walking distance of each other.

If you arrived in the city by bus, you can use this route.

What to see in the area

Vrsar (10 km from Porec)

In addition to the large and fairly well-known cities of Istria, such as, or, I highly recommend visiting the city of Vrsar, located just 10 km south of Porec. You can get there without much effort by bus, they want to do it quite often.
Vrsar is a real museum city; there are attractions at every turn. This city seemed very romantic to me. If you don’t want to go there for the whole day, I advise you to take a boat trip with a stop in this glorious town. On the Porec embankment, there are a huge number of pleasure boats offering various programs.

For example, we went on a “Fish Picnic” for the whole day, with a stop in Vrsar. In addition to the two cities, the program included a very good lunch with drinks. The ship's crew was very welcoming, there was live music and a real festive atmosphere. We still remember this day with great warmth. This excursion cost about 30 EUR.

Food. What to try

When it comes to Croatia, the wonderful Balkan cuisine comes to mind. I have a special and reverent love with her. I even asked my Croatian friends to send me a book of recipes for national cuisine.

  • For meat lovers I recommend trying it cevapchichi: They are grilled minced meat sausages. Very tasty and can be found in the city at a very reasonable price.
  • Of course you have to try prosciutto- delicious dried meat.
  • And of course, all kinds of seafood. Grilled fish, mussels and oysters.
  • Coffee is a very popular drink in Porec; it is really very good there. There is also a very popular drink called “Gemisht” - dry white wine diluted with mineral water. By the way, a very refreshing drink.


Several festivals take place in Porec every year:

  • Folklore festival in June;
  • International Folklore Festival in August;
  • Summer Art Exhibition annually throughout the summer;
  • Music summer festival takes place in Porec from May to September.

During our vacation, we were lucky enough to attend performances twice. A stage is set up along the old town's waterfront, as well as food and drink stalls. The atmosphere of a real holiday reigns in the air! It was a lot of fun!

Safety. What to watch out for

Bars. Where to go

There are a huge number of bars in Porec with different pricing policies. In the morning and lunchtime they usually operate as coffee shops, after which they close until the evening. On average, bars open around 7 pm and work until the last customer, or even until the morning.

I would like to recommend visiting two pleasant places located not far from each other:

Clubs and nightlife

In the city of Porec the nightlife is quite vibrant. I can highlight the three most popular clubs, based on the reviews of my friends, since I myself am not a fan of these establishments:

  1. Byblos– the most popular and largest club in the city. In the summer, foreign DJs and groups of various genres often perform there. Located on Zelena Laguna beach.
  2. Plava– the oldest club in Porec. Located on Plava Laguna beach. Open from June 1 to September 15 from 22:00 to 4:00.
  3. Villa– located in a beautiful mansion in a pine forest next to the city beach. There is also a bar and restaurant in this building. The closest club of the three in relation to the old town.

How to get around the city

There is no public transport in our standard understanding. The city is quite small, and you can get to any point on foot if you wish.

The main tourist transport is a road train. It starts its movement early in the morning and runs until the evening. The fare costs about 2 EUR (15 HRK).

You can also rent bicycles in the city - a fairly popular urban transport.

Taxi. What features exist

I know of two main companies providing taxi services in Porec:

  • Dotto Taxi & Bus provide transfers around the city and surrounding areas. They also provide transfer to the airport.
  • Taxi Miro is not only a regular taxi, but also provide water taxi services. Water taxi is quite popular, however, the cost of one trip is about 7 EUR (50HRK). The operators of this taxi speak Russian well.

Phone numbers for contacting these companies can be easily found on the Internet.

Transport rental

Unfortunately, I do not have my own experience in renting vehicles in Croatia, but I will be happy to share the information that I know.

There are two main transport rental companies in the center of Porec:

  • Quick rent a car(Ul. Pietra Kandlera 4) – this organization provides rentals not only of cars, but also of scooters and bicycles. Car rental with unlimited mileage and full insurance of the car and passengers will cost from 30 EUR per day (prices can be viewed). A child seat is available upon request. Car delivery service to the airport is available. Scooter rental will cost 22 EUR for 6 hours and from 30 EUR per day. Helmets are provided and insurance is included. To rent a scooter, a driver's license is required, this is a mandatory requirement. Bicycle rental will cost 6 EUR for 3 hours and 12 EUR per day. Safety helmets are provided, as well as a child seat upon request.
  • Sixt rent a car(Ul. Rade Končara 5) – deals exclusively with car rentals; a car delivery service is available at Pula airport. Price for car rental: from 30 EUR/day.

Numbers for contacting these organizations can be easily found by name in any search engine.

Gasoline prices in Croatia start from 1.2 EUR per 1 liter.

Porec Holidays with children

The city of Porec has several places that are interesting not only for children, but also for adults.

There are a lot of good children's and sports grounds in the city itself. Porec is suitable for families with children.

Anything to add?

Croatia is now very popular among tourists. It allows you to get excellent service during your vacation at a reasonable price, while enjoying the sights. Porec is a major Croatian center. It is located in the west of the Istrian peninsula in a huge lagoon, 25 km long. The resort is famous for its artfully rugged coastline with rocky plateaus and concrete platforms.

History of Porec

More than two thousand years ago, Illyrian tribes created their settlements in these territories. The ancient Romans erected the Parentium fortress here, and right on the coast there were villas that were luxurious at that time. For this reason, tourists are attracted to Porec not only by the mild climate and golden beaches, but also by the remains of Roman cities in the Mediterranean. Here you can see not only houses and churches, but also round towers and fortress walls.

Porec is famous for the Basilica of St. Euphrasius. It aims to see a unique Byzantine mosaic from the sixth century. The city has been awarded UNESCO heritage status.

Interestingly, Porec was given the status of a city during the reign of Octavian Augustus more than two thousand years ago. Its growth and economic prosperity were facilitated by the port's convenient location. After the Western Roman Empire fell, its rulers changed many times. It was ruled by the Ostrogoths, Lombards, Byzantines, Franks, and Slavs. Poreč was destined to become part of an independent Croatia after the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1991.

How to get to Porec: transport in the city and beyond

The resort called Porec is small, with about 8 thousand inhabitants. Another 9 thousand live in adjacent villages. It is convenient to get here by plane, landing at the international airport of Pula, then traveling 60 km by taxi or intercity bus. It should be borne in mind that although Croatia is famous for the quality of its roads, travel on them is paid.

Porec itself also has transport. For the convenience of tourists, a road train constantly runs along the entire embankment. During the journey he makes 3-4 stops. This train operates from 9:00 to 22:00. After its work ends, a water taxi begins operating, which runs in the evenings from the city center to the hotels.

For convenience, you can rent a car in Croatia.

Attractions in Porec

Relaxing on the beach is very cool; Croatia is ideal for such leisure activities. As a rule, this is what people come to Porec for. But why not make your trip interesting and educational? Local attractions also offer a rich cultural program. You should definitely visit these places:

  • Old town

Many modern buildings in Porec were built on foundations built by the ancient Romans. This part of the city is home to many Venetian-era palaces and other historical buildings.

  • Euphrasian Basilica

This complex is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This is a three-nave temple, which has an atrium and an octagonal baptistery. Under Bishop Maurus in the 4th century, a church was built here, and later, in 539, during the supervision of Bishop Euphrasia, a modern basilica was erected. Of particular value here are the ancient Byzantine mosaics.

  • Dekumanskaya street

It was once the main road of the city, the Roman “decumanus”, leading to the forum. Today it is hard to believe that Croatia was such an important place for the Romans.

  • City fortifications

Croatia has a rich history; rulers throughout the country, and in Porec in particular, changed very often. The need for defense was constant, so strong fortifications were erected. This system was used for quite a long time, and fragments of the fortifications have survived to this day. The most interesting towers are the Pentagonal, Round and Semicircular. They were erected between 1447 and 1475.

  • Pentagonal tower

This is where the main street of Decumanus begins. The tower stands at the entrance to the historical district of Porec. It is attributed to the Gothic style of the 15th century. The façade is decorated with a Venetian lion. The tower was separated from the city gates only in the 19th century after the French invasion.

  • North Tower

It is convenient to take a walk when visiting the historical center of the city: just walk a little to the northeast. It was built back in the 15th century, but has been perfectly preserved to this day.

  • Temple of Neptune

Located on the northwestern side of Marafor Square. It is quite ancient, so only partially the façade of the building and fragments of the walls have reached us. It is located right in a beautiful park, which makes visiting this attraction of Croatia especially comfortable.

  • House of Two Saints

Beautiful house in Romanesque style. The façade of the building is decorated with two statues of saints. Against its background, we get quite interesting memorable shots.

  • Marafor Square

The largest and oldest square in the whole city. Right on it stand the Temple of Mars and the Great Temple (previously it was the most impressive in the entire Adriatic in terms of size). To the west of it is the Temple of Neptune, famous among tourists in Croatia.

  • Romanesque house

From the name it is clear that the building was made in the Romanesque style. It has an external staircase and a balcony made of wood, which were restored in 1930.

  • Istrian Municipality

The building previously housed the Church of St. Francis, dating back to the 13th century. Four centuries later, the facade was restored to suit the then fashionable trends in the Baroque style. The municipality still serves its intended purpose: it once housed the Istrian Parliament, and now serves as a meeting place for the District Parliament.

  • Round towers

They are located near the People's Square. The sights are perfectly preserved, because they were built back in the 15th century. The objects are open for free visits by tourists who come to Porec.

  • Porec History Museum

Croatia is very careful about its history. The City History Museum is located right in the palace, built in the 18th century. The building is classified as Baroque style. The ground floor is occupied by an exhibition of stone fragments of Roman scriptures. A collection of ancient ceramics is also presented to visitors. The second floor is occupied by exhibits of portrait painting and household items of the famous Kopar and Karli families. The museum also houses a collection of sculptures from the early Middle Ages. Fans of historical details will be pleased with the local library with its selection of ancient documents.

Shopping in Porec

Of course, Croatia has its own unique flavor. To make the trip memorable, when traveling, it is customary to buy something as a souvenir. The small market near Marina is an ideal place to buy souvenirs. Here you can buy T-shirts and magnets with symbols, bags filled with lavender and much more. Porec is filled with many shops with food, clothing and souvenirs for every taste.

They are trying to bring olive oil and wine from Croatia. It is better to purchase these products in specialized stores. The prices there are slightly higher than in the markets, but the goods are certified, original, and the assortment is simply off the charts. Supermarkets also have wine and oil, but the choice there is poor, although the pricing policy is lenient. Local farmers bring fruits and vegetables to markets - where they are always fresh and very tasty.

Hotel selection

In Croatia, Porec is one of the most visited cities. This is explained quite simply:

  • Rest can be diversified by various types of leisure;
  • In addition to spending time on the beach, you can visit famous attractions;
  • The level of services in the tourism infrastructure is very high.

In most local hotels you can order not only accommodation and meals, but also an interesting excursion program not only around the city, but throughout Croatia. On-site services are available for purchasing tickets to the most interesting events, renting a car or reserving a table in one of the restaurants in Porec. The staff is knowledgeable and friendly, so you can find out from the hotel staff how best to organize your leisure time and how to get to the main attractions.

The most popular hotel on the coast is Nautica (Croatia). This is a five-star hotel, opened in 2006, which immediately won the championship among tourists. Also in this corner of Croatia there are hotels focused on the active recreation of their guests. You can rent any equipment and hire an instructor right on the spot. There are also hotels designed for family holidays, where you can calmly spend time with children of different ages.

Very often people go to Porec in search of romance. Croatia, and this resort in particular, is suitable for a honeymoon or a trip for two. In this case, the Laguna Galijot hotel is ideal - it is one of the most beautiful on the entire coast. Here you can deeply breathe in the sea air and enjoy walks along the night beach.

Porec, like Croatia in general, will appeal to any tourist. Travel can be turned into a vivid, unforgettable memory. Leisure can be so diverse that everyone will find something unique and congenial here. I am especially pleased with the level of comfort and infrastructure of this European resort.

Porec is the largest tourist center in Croatia. The city is located in the lagoon of the same name on the western coast of Istria, 60 km from the airport. Porec is one of those few Mediterranean cities in which medieval fortress towers and walls, and even ancient Roman houses and temples are well preserved.

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The city itself is small, about 8,000 people live here, and together with the villages adjacent to it - 17,000 inhabitants.

The tourist infrastructure of Porec provides services of a very high level.

Almost all hotels, in addition to food and accommodation, offer guests a variety of excursion programs, can help you rent a car or reserve a table in your favorite restaurant, as well as book tickets for some entertainment event.

Many hotels in Porec are family-oriented. Also, many hotels are intended for lovers of active pastime; here they can rent equipment or hire a good instructor. For those who prefer a romantic getaway, the Laguna Galijot hotel is one of the most beautiful on the coast.

The length of the Porec coastline is almost 65 km. There are many secluded bays and lagoons here.

The beaches are mostly concrete, but there are also large pebbles, and you can also find a descent into the sea from stones.

Sights of Porec

In the old town, many buildings were built on the foundations of ancient Roman buildings. Tourists here can visit Decuman Street (Roman “decumanus”), the main city road leading to the forum, as well as explore the forum itself on the square. Marathor.

The main attraction of Porec is the Euphrasian Basilica, built during the era of the Byzantine Empire. Other attractions: ancient remains of the Semicircular, Pentagonal and Round Towers, the North Tower of the 15th century. You can also explore the Istrian municipality, whose building once housed the Church of Francis. The oldest square is also interesting to visit. Marathor. Here is the Great Temple and the Temple of Martha. In addition, you can see the ruins of the temples of Neptune and Mars, the Roman forum, and palaces built in the Baroque and Gothic styles.

On the island of St. Nicholas there is a 19th-century castle made in the Tuscan style, as well as a lighthouse dating back more than 6 centuries.

The city museum has a good collection of antiquities. These are sculptures created during the early Middle Ages, ancient ceramics, stone fragments with Roman texts.

One of the most visited and noisy resorts in Croatia. You can always see a lot of people on the streets of the city, cafes and restaurants are always full, and on the beaches you can hear the cheerful laughter of children and the splashing of water. Porec is ideal for active recreation; there is plenty of space for walking and all conditions for sports are created.

There is a promenade along the coast, which offers beautiful views of the nearby islands. Here you can rent a boat or yacht and go for a walk through the most picturesque places. Besides nature, Porec is very interesting architecturally. The main streets are built in classical Roman style; at their intersection is one of the most beautiful squares - Marafor. There are many religious buildings preserved in the surrounding area, the most famous of which is the Basilica of St. Euphrasius. The halls of the Basilica are decorated with beautiful Byzantine mosaics, which have become a landmark of world significance.

The main entertainment for visitors remains relaxing on the beach. There are cozy small lagoons and spacious beach areas stretching for several kilometers. Like any major beach resort, there are many restaurants and discos in the coastal area, which makes your vacation even more enjoyable and comfortable. The most popular discotheque is Club Internationa, but gambling fans should visit the local casinos located in the Roges and Parentium hotels. Copyright

Several tourist electric trains run around the city. During the excursion you can see the most beautiful buildings and many monuments, and the guide will tell you many interesting facts from the history of Porich. Since tourism began to develop in the city a long time ago, vacationers will be pleasantly surprised by the high level of service at fairly low prices for accommodation.

A unique ancient landmark is the Great Temple; it is usually considered as a single historical ensemble with the nearby Temple of Neptune. They were built almost 2,000 years ago; during the construction of the temples, huge stones were simply stacked on top of each other. It is surprising that these buildings managed to partially survive to this day; the ancient sights are located next to one of the city squares.

Fans of architectural attractions will be interested in visiting the House of All Saints. It was built at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries and is located on St. Maurus Street. The beautiful Romanesque building owes its name to the fact that its façade is decorated with two elaborate figures. They remain one of the main mysteries for the city, since the author of this decoration is not known for certain. According to some reports, the sculptures were brought by the first owner of the house from another country.