Where are the Bahamas? Where are the Bahamas? Capital of the state, attractions Map of the Bahamas in Russian


It's no secret that the Bahamas have long become a popular holiday destination for tourists from all over the world. And even Russians fly there to relax. The truth is that distance scares many people away. Which you have to fly over. But when you get to the islands, you will immediately forget about everything that happened to you before. After all, the Bahamas is a holiday paradise on earth. There is everything you need here and even something you never dreamed of! If you look at the Bahamas on a world map, you will see where they are. And they are located in the Atlantic Ocean.

And if you look closely, you will see that the Bahamas are located somewhere in the middle between Cuba and Miami, which is located in the US state of Florida. This means that the Bahamas is hot and dry.

The Bahamas includes more than 700 islands, but only 30 of them are inhabited or inhabited. Why are the other islands empty? Some are too small to build anything on. And some islands are constantly flooded with water, so you can’t build there either.
But there are separate islands where you can go on an excursion. You will be a modern-day Robinson Crusoe, and you will remember this journey for a long time.

The Bahamas are washed by the ocean on all sides. But there are no rivers on the islands at all! But there are lakes that are connected to the ocean and contain salt water. Mountains are also almost absent. They simply have nowhere to go, because there is so little space.
But the islands are full of green vegetation. And it is forever green, because there is no cold winter here. And the vegetation grows here for a reason. Every bush and tree is under state protection! And all because there are few of them on the islands. That’s why there are nature reserves and parks everywhere, where you can hide from the sun and watch animals.

See where the Bahamas are on the world map. And then you will definitely want to fly here.


(Commonwealth of the Bahamas)

General information

Geographical location. The Bahamas is a country in the West Indies. The country is located on 700 small islands and islets and almost two and a half thousand coral reefs, which stretch over 1,200 square meters. km from the southeastern coast of Florida to the eastern coast of Cuba. About 40 islands are inhabited.

Square. The territory of the Bahamas covers 13,935 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital of the Bahamas is Nassau. Largest cities: Nassau (171 thousand people), New Providence (171 thousand people), Freeport (25 thousand people).

State system

The Bahamas is part of the Commonwealth. The head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor General. The head of government is the prime minister. The legislative body is a bicameral parliament.


Relief. The Bahamas are located on the outskirts of flat-topped seamounts and are composed mainly of coralline limestones. The flooded areas of underwater elevations are vast shallow waters replete with coral reefs. The surface of the islands is flat, the height is up to 60 m.

Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil does not contain any significant resources.

Climate. The climate is tropical trade wind, with a rainy season from May to October. Precipitation ranges from 1,100 to 1,600 mm, and hurricanes are frequent.

Inland waters. There are many salt lakes on the islands (connecting with the sea), and there are practically no rivers.

Soils and vegetation. The Bahamas is a world-famous resort, famous for its beaches, tropical vegetation and the so-called Paradise Island in Nassau Harbor.

Animal world. The Bahamas has many birds and almost no mammals.

Population and language

The population is 279 thousand people. Ethnic groups: black - 85%, white (British, Canadian, American) - 15%. Language - English.


Baptists - 32%, Anglicans - 20%, Catholics - 19%, Methodists - 6%.

Brief historical sketch

In ancient times, Indians lived on the islands. In 1492 the islands were discovered by the Spaniards. Since 1783, a colony of Great Britain. In 1964 they received internal self-government. Since July 1973, an independent state.

Brief Economic Sketch

The basis of the economy is foreign tourism. Enterprises of the oil refining, cement, pharmaceutical industries. Logging. They grow pineapples, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and sugar cane. Fishing and seafood (lobsters, turtles, oysters). About 80% of food is imported. Export: petroleum products, medicines, rum.

The currency is the Bahamian dollar.

Brief sketch of culture

Art and architecture. Nassau. Parliament House and Courthouse; Government House (built 1801) - official residence of the Governor General; "sea gardens"; Fort Scarlet (1789); Fort Fincastle (1793); the Ada Stra Gardens botanical garden, which features many tropical and subtropical plants; Jambi Village is a reconstruction of an 18th century British settlement.

The Bahamas is an independent country that is part of the Commonwealth, which is headed by Great Britain. The second name of the state is the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. It is located on the archipelago of the same name, washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The border between the Bahamas and Florida is the Straits of Florida, and the border with Cuba is the Old Bahamas Strait. Now, I think, it has become clear to everyone where the Bahamas are located. The Bahamas simply do not have land borders, as you probably already guessed.

Yes, by the way, since 2009, Russians no longer need a visa to travel to the Bahamas. But when buying tickets, it is still worth really assessing your knowledge of the English language. After all, the official language here is English, and most vacationers are from the neighboring United States. Therefore, taking good English courses and improving your knowledge of the language will not be superfluous.

Isn't it beautiful?

The archipelago extends in a northwest direction and slightly to the southeast for 1,500 km; the area of ​​all the islands of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas is 13,940 sq. km, and the inhabited islands are approximately 11,400 sq. km. It consists of about 700 islands and 2000 coral reefs. Of the seven hundred islands, only thirty are inhabited. The capital of the Bahamas is the port city of Nassau. It is Nassau that receives the first wave of vacationers, since it is here that hotel ships dock, bringing numerous tourists from all over the world. There is no shortage of vacationers, so prices for tours are in a fairly wide range. The currency of the Bahamas is the Bahamian dollar (BSD).

Bahamas on the world map, map in Russian

The Bahamas will undoubtedly give you a huge amount of impressions. Indeed, in addition to the opportunity to sunbathe under the tropical sun, you can also experience more exotic types of entertainment. For example, one cannot help but admire the exciting swimming next to dolphins or the opportunity to feed great white sharks.

Diving enthusiasts admire the magnificent dives that allow them to observe the colorful and diverse diversity of life in the underwater world of coral reefs. The uniqueness of the islands is that their beautiful nature and rare animals that live in nature reserves, magnificent sandy beaches that smoothly turn into the blue ocean, can be perfectly combined with luxurious hotels and shops.

It is also worth visiting the Bahamian restaurants, which present both the exotic local cuisine and the classics of world achievements in the field of cooking.

Local delicacies include baked shells of almost all types, as well as seafood salads, and, of course, the traditional huge lobsters and lobsters.

Undoubtedly, the Bahamas are one of the few true paradises on our planet.

This one will be in front of you map of the Bahamas in Russian, both in image format and an interactive satellite map.

Just as the flag and coat of arms of the Bahamas define the essence of this country, so its map allows you to get to know this country better. Below you will see map of the Bahamas in Russian in JPG format. the image is presented in a reduced form, you can open it with the left mouse button on the entire screen, or save it by right-clicking and then “save as”.

Below you will see what the Bahamas look like on a world map.

Below you can use satellite map of the Bahamas. The map was kindly provided to us by Google Maps. If you don’t know how to use them, then I’ll be happy to tell you, just go to my Google Maps article, where I tell you everything in detail. Well, in short, using the “+” and “-” buttons you can zoom in and out on the map, by holding the left mouse button on the map you can move around on it, and in the upper right corner you can change display modes.

And one more opportunity to show a map of the Bahamas - this is a wonderful program for displaying a complete three-dimensional model of our planet, you can even see the terrain, the mountains are high, the water in the seas is swaying, and special cultural monuments are presented in Google Planet mode. If you don't have Google Earth, you will be prompted to do this. If you are logged in through the Opera browser, viewing is impossible. This is best done in Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.

Where are the Bahamas on the world map. Detailed map of the Bahamas in Russian online. Satellite map of the Bahamas with cities and resorts. The Bahamas on the world map is an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, which includes approximately 700 islands and is located only 90 km. from the east coast of the USA, Florida. Of the 700 islands, only 30 are inhabited. The largest islands of the Bahamas are Cat, Berry, Biminis, Grand Bahama and others. The capital of the archipelago is Nassau.

Map of the Bahamas in Russian:

Bahamas - Wikipedia:

Population of the Bahamas- 391,232 people (2016)
Capital of the Bahamas- Nassau
Internet domains of the Bahamas- .bs
Language used in the Bahamas- English language

All the Bahamas have a tropical climate, which creates the most favorable conditions for a beach holiday. Kilometers of white sandy beaches, coral reefs, turquoise ocean waters - this is what the Bahamas are all about. The same summer weather always prevails here, the average air temperature is +26 C. From May to October is the rainy season. The official language of the Bahamas is English, which is spoken by almost 100% of the island's residents.

Bahamas First of all, they are famous for their exotic nature of amazing beauty. But there are also historical monuments that tell about the archipelago’s past. For example, in the capital Nassau you can see a 17th century fortress, a staircase of 66 steps, from the height of which you can see an amazing view of the island, the central square and even a labyrinth with the ruins of ancient Atlantis.

Resorts of the Bahamas- one of the most prestigious and fashionable. Tourists from all over the world relax here. The most visited and main resort of the Bahamas is New Providence. There is a cluster of the most luxurious hotels, many restaurants, a sea of ​​cafes and boutiques. But the most attractive thing here is the snow-white beaches, where you can not only passively relax, but also engage in various sports. Bahamas- this is a real mecca for surfers and lovers of diving and spearfishing. Other famous resorts in the Bahamas are Long Island, Great Abaco and Andros.

What to see in the Bahamas:

Sinkhole, Boiling Lake, Royal Staircase, Long Island, Nassau, Lucayan National Park, Atlas Ocean, Paradise Island, Water Amusement Park, Garden of the Groves Park, Pink Beach on Harbor Island, Straw Market, Fort Charlotte, Mount Alvernia Hermitage, South Andros.