Where is the deepest place? Some of the deepest places on earth. The deepest ocean

Where is the most deep place on the ground? How far is it from the center of the Earth? If Everest was placed there, would it rise above the surface of the Earth?
Today we will deal with the most deep places, holes, wells, caves, wells in the world, natural and man-made

1.8 meters

Graves are usually dug at this depth. It is from this depth that the zombies will emerge when the time comes.

Here are the famous Parisian Catacombs - a network of winding underground tunnels and man-made caves beneath Paris. The total length, according to various sources, is from 187 to 300 kilometers. Since the end of the 18th century, the remains of almost six million people have been buried in the catacombs.

40 meters

The Terme Millepini hotel in Italy chose this bold strategy by excavating a 40-meter-deep tunnel for snorkelers and divers. This is the Y-40 pool. The most interesting thing about the Y-40 deepest pool is that it is filled thermal water and has a wonderful temperature of 33 degrees Celsius.

105.5 meters

This is the depth of the Arsenalnaya metro station of the Kyiv metro, which is located on the Svyatoshinsko-Brovarskaya line between the Khreshchatyk and Dnepr stations. This is the deepest metro station in the world.

122 meters

Tree roots can penetrate to this depth. The tree with the deepest roots is a wild ficus growing at Echo Caves near Ohrigstad, South Africa. This tree is native to South Africa. Its roots go almost 122 meters deep.

230 meters

The deepest river. This is the Congo - a river in Central Africa. In the lower reaches of the Congo breaks through the South Guinea Highlands in a deep narrow (in some places no more than 300 meters) gorge, forming the Livingston Falls (total drop 270 meters), the depths in this area are 230 meters or more, which makes the Congo the deepest river in the world .

240 meters

This is the Seikan Tunnel railway tunnel in Japan, 53.85 km long. The tunnel descends to a depth of about 240 meters, 100 meters below the seabed. It is the deepest under the seabed and the second longest (after the Gotthard Base Tunnel) railway tunnel in the world.

287 meters

Even deeper is Eiksund road tunnel, laid along the bottom of the Storfjord in the Norwegian province of Møre og Romsdal, connects the cities of Eiksund and Rjanes. Construction began in 2003, the opening ceremony took place on February 17, 2008, full traffic opened on February 23, 2008. With a length of 7765 m, the tunnel goes to a depth of 287 m below sea level - this is the deepest tunnel in the world. The slope of the road surface reaches 9.6%.

382 meters

Woodingdean is an eastern suburb of Brighton and Hove, located in East Sussex, England. It is notable for the fact that it contains the deepest well in the world, dug by hand between 1858–1862. The depth of the well is 392 meters.

Of course, it doesn't look so picturesque, it's just an illustration.

603 meters

"Cave of Vertigo" Vrtoglavica in the Julian Alps. It is located on the territory of Slovenia, near the border with Italy). The cave was discovered by a joint Slovenian-Italian group of speleologists in 1996. The cave contains the deepest karst well in the world, its depth is 603 meters.

It can easily fit here North Tower World shopping centers in New York (its height is 417 m, and taking into account the antenna installed on the roof - 526.3 m).

If you accidentally fall into this hole, you can reach the bottom in 11 seconds.

700 meters

33 miners were trapped under the rubble as a result of the collapse of the San Jose mine on August 5, 2010. They were held captive at a depth of 700 meters for more than 2 months and were considered dead for almost 3 weeks. As a result of 40 days of work, a well was drilled to rescue Chilean miners.

970 meters

This is the largest dug hole in the Earth, from the bottom of which you can still see the sky. The Bingham Canyon Quarry in Utah is one of the largest man-made (man-dug) formations in the world. After more than 100 years of mining, a large crater was formed, 970 meters deep and 4 km wide. This unique canyon was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1966.

The entire Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest structure ever built, will fit into this quarry at 828 meters. And not only will it fit, but from its “top” there will be more than 140 meters to the surface.

On April 10, 2013, a giant block of earth broke off and rushed into a huge hole in the artificial Bingham Canyon in Utah. Approximately 65 - 70 million cubic meters of earth thundered along the walls of the mine, reaching speeds of up to 150 kilometers per hour. The event was so powerful that it shook the earth - seismic sensors were activated, recording the earthquake. Intensity was measured as 2.5 on the Richter scale.

1642 meters

Baikal is the deepest lake on Earth. The current maximum depth of the lake is 1642 m.

1857 meters

The Grand Canyon is one of deepest canyons in the world. Located on the Colorado Plateau, Arizona, USA. Depth - more than 1800 m.

2199 meters

So we reached the deepest cave in the world. This is the Krubera (Voronya) cave - the only known cave in the world deeper than 2 kilometers. The main entrance to the cave is located at an altitude of about 2250 m above sea level.

3132 meters

Today, the deepest mine is the Moab Khotsong mine in South Africa, located southwest of Johannesburg. Its depth is a little over 3 kilometers. The elevator takes 4.5 minutes to reach the very bottom, but you can speed up the process: if a person accidentally falls here, the flight to the bottom will take him 25 seconds.

3600 meters

A living organism was found at this depth. About a hundred years ago, the English scientist Edward Forbes argued that there are no living creatures deeper than 500 meters. But in 2011, nematode worms Halicephalobus mephisto were found in a gold mine in South Africa. The second name for these 0.5 mm creatures is “worm from hell.”

4500 meters

The deepest mines in the world are located in South Africa: Tau-Tona, Witwatersrand - depth more than 4500 m, Western Deep Levels Mine - 3900 m (De Beers company), Mponeng - 3800 m. For miners have to work in extreme conditions. The heat reaches 60 °C, and at such depths there is always the danger of water breakthrough and explosions. These mines produce gold. The journey here takes miners about 1 hour.

By the way, from 25 to 50% of the gold mined in the world is obtained from the Witwatersrand deposit. Extraction is carried out, among other things, from the deepest mine in the world, “Tau-Tona” - its depth is more than 4.5 km, the temperature in the workings reaches 52 degrees.

A piece of gold-bearing ore mined at the deposit:

Let's move on. What follows will be very deep.

10994 meters

Mariana Trench (or Mariana Trench) - oceanic deep-sea trench in the west Pacific Ocean, the deepest known on Earth. Named after the nearby Mariana Islands. The most deep point Mariana Trench - Challenger Deep. According to measurements in 2011, its depth is 10,994 m below sea level.

This is very deep. If Everest, 8848 meters high, could be placed here, then there would still be more than 2 km left from its top to the surface.

Yes, there is a place on Earth about which we know much less than about distant space - the mysterious bottom of the ocean. It is believed that world science has not yet really even begun to study it...

At a depth of 11 kilometers. At the bottom, the water pressure reaches 108.6 MPa, which is approximately 1072 times greater than normal atmospheric pressure at the level of the World Ocean.

12262 meters

We have reached the deepest well in the world. This is the Kola superdeep well. Located in the Murmansk region, 10 kilometers west of the city of Zapolyarny. Unlike other ultra-deep wells that were drilled for oil production or geological exploration, SG-3 was drilled solely for scientific research purposes in the place where the Mohorovicic boundary comes close to the surface of the Earth.

At a depth of five kilometers, the ambient temperature exceeded 70 °C, at seven - 120 °C, and at a depth of 12 kilometers, sensors recorded 220 °C.

Kola superdeep well, 2007:

The Kola Superdeep served as the source of the urban legend about the “well to hell.” This urban legend has been circulating on the Internet since at least 1997. For the first time on English language The legend was announced in 1989 on the American television company Trinity Broadcasting Network, which took the story from a Finnish newspaper report published on April Fool's Day. According to this legend, in the very thickness of the earth, at a depth of 12,000 meters, microphones of scientists recorded screams and moans. The tabloid newspapers write that this is “a voice from the underworld.” The Kola superdeep well began to be called “the road to hell” - every new kilometer drilled brought misfortune to the country.

If you drop something into this hole, it will take 50 seconds before that “something” falls to the bottom.

This is it, the well itself (welded), August 2012:

12376 meters

The Z-44 Chaivo well, which was drilled in Russia on the shelf of Sakhalin Island, is considered the world's deepest oil well. It goes to a depth of about 13 kilometers - this depth is comparable to the height of 14.5 skyscrapers Burj Khalifa, which remains the tallest in the world. This is the deepest hole that humanity has been able to drill.
On this moment, this is the deepest place in the world. And it is located only at a depth of about 12.4 km. Is this too much? Let us remember that the average distance to the center of the Earth will be 6371.3 kilometers...

The Mariana Trench (or commonly referred to as the Mariana Trench) is the deepest known place on Earth. Based on recent research data, we can say that the depth of the lowest point of this trench, called the “Challenger Deep,” is 11 kilometers (adjusted 40 meters). The depression is called so because of the nearby Mariana Islands(which are part of the State of Guam). It is the most distant point from sea level (even further than, whose height is 8,848 meters).

Geographical position

The Mariana Trench is a deep-sea trench located in the western Pacific Ocean off the coast of Micronesia and Guam. The deepest point in the gutter is Challenger Deep, is located in the southwestern part, 340 kilometers from the island of Guam in a southwestern direction.

It is very difficult for a simple tourist to get to the place where the Mariana Trench is located, since visiting it requires full preparation of the expedition, in accordance with all safety rules, and this costs a lot of money. Therefore, it is not surprising that the depression is visited either by the very rich and famous people(like James Cameron, director of the films Titanic and Avatar), or scientific groups from various countries.

Diving into the Mariana Trench

The first mention of the trench appeared in 1875, when the British Empire corvette Challenger examined the bottom of the Pacific Ocean near the Mariana Islands. Then, with the help of a deep-sea lot (a device for measuring depth), an approximate depth of 8,137 m was established. It should be mentioned that depth studies are hampered by the properties of water, which change depending on the level of the horizon at which the device is currently located .

Man managed to visit the bottom of the Mariana Trench for the first time in early 1960 (01/23/1960). These were the son of the famous designer and engineer Jacques Piccard (father, Auguste Piccard, just designed the bathyscaphe on which the dive took place) and US Navy lieutenant Don Walsh.

The second dive was carried out not by a person, but by a probe of Japanese origin in March 1995 (03/25/1995). Then the device recorded a depth of 10,911 meters. After the device was lifted from the water, pieces of silt were found on it. a large number of living organisms "foraminefera".

The next dive took place on May 31, 2009 by the American Nereus apparatus, which took several photographs at the bottom and collected soil samples.

The last dive you've probably heard about took place March 26, 2012 famous American director James Cameron(directed films such as Titanic and Avatar). The dive was carried out on the DeepSea Challenger apparatus.

Mysteries of the Mariana Trench

The Mariana Trench, if explored at all, is only 5%. According to recent studies of the trench, its area is about 400,000 square kilometers and its relief resembles mountainous areas of the earth.

The Mariana Trench is the deepest place on our planet. I think almost everyone has heard about it or studied it at school, but I myself, for example, have long forgotten both its depth and the facts about how it was measured and studied. So I decided to “refresh” my and your memory

This absolute depth got its name thanks to the nearby Mariana Islands. The entire depression stretches along the islands for one and a half thousand kilometers and has a characteristic V-shaped profile. In fact, this is an ordinary tectonic fault, the place where the Pacific plate comes under the Philippine plate, just Mariana Trench- this is the deepest place of its kind) Its slopes are steep, on average about 7-9°, and the bottom is flat, 1 to 5 kilometers wide, and divided by rapids into several closed areas. The pressure at the bottom of the Mariana Trench reaches 108.6 MPa - this is more than 1100 times more than normal atmospheric pressure!

The first who dared to challenge the abyss were the British - the three-masted military corvette Challenger with sail equipment was rebuilt into an oceanographic vessel for hydrological, geological, chemical, biological and meteorological work back in 1872. But the first data on the depth of the Mariana Trench were obtained only in 1951 - according to measurements, the depth of the trench was declared equal to 10,863 m. After that, the deepest point of the Mariana Trench began to be called the “Challenger Deep”. It’s hard to imagine that the depths of the Mariana Trench could easily accommodate the most high mountain of our planet is Everest, and above it there will still be more than a kilometer of water left to the surface... Of course, it will fit not in area, but solely in height, but the numbers are still amazing...

The next researchers of the Mariana Trench were already Soviet scientists - in 1957, during the 25th voyage of the Soviet research vessel Vityaz, they not only declared the maximum depth of the trench equal to 11,022 meters, but also established the presence of life at depths of more than 7,000 meters , thereby refuting the prevailing idea at that time about the impossibility of life at depths of more than 6000-7000 meters. In 1992, “Vityaz” was transferred to the newly formed Museum of the World Ocean. The ship was repaired at the plant for two years, and on July 12, 1994, it was permanently moored at the museum pier in the very center of Kaliningrad

On January 23, 1960, the first and only human dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench took place. Thus, the only people who visited “the bottom of the Earth” were US Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh and explorer Jacques Piccard

During the dive, they were protected by the armored, 127-millimeter-thick walls of the bathyscaphe called “Trieste.”

Bathyscaphe was named after Italian city Trieste, where the main work on its creation was carried out. According to the instruments on board the Trieste, Walsh and Picard dived to a depth of 11,521 meters, but later this figure was slightly adjusted - 10,918 meters

The dive took about five hours, and the ascent took about three hours; the researchers spent only 12 minutes at the bottom. But this time was enough for them to make a sensational discovery - at the bottom they found flat fish up to 30 cm in size, similar to flounder !

Research in 1995 showed that the depth of the Mariana Trench is about 10,920 m, and the Japanese Kaik? probe, lowered into the Challenger Deep on March 24, 1997, recorded a depth of 10,911.4 meters. Below is a diagram of the depression - when clicked, it will open in a new window in normal size

The Mariana Trench has repeatedly frightened researchers with the monsters lurking in its depths. For the first time, the expedition of the American research vessel Glomar Challenger encountered the unknown. Some time after the descent of the apparatus began, the device recording sounds began to transmit to the surface some kind of metallic grinding sound, reminiscent of the sound of sawing metal. At this time, some unclear shadows appeared on the monitor, similar to giant fairy-tale dragons with several heads and tails. An hour later, scientists became worried that the unique equipment, made in a NASA laboratory from beams of ultra-strong titanium-cobalt steel, having a spherical design, the so-called “hedgehog” with a diameter of about 9 m, could remain in the abyss of the Mariana Trench forever - so it was decided to immediately raise apparatus on board the ship. The “hedgehog” was extracted from the depths for more than eight hours, and as soon as it appeared on the surface, it was immediately placed on a special raft. The television camera and echo sounder were lifted onto the deck of the Glomar Challenger. The researchers were horrified when they saw how deformed the strongest steel beams of the structure were; as for the 20-centimeter steel cable on which the “hedgehog” was lowered, the scientists were not mistaken in the nature of the sounds transmitted from the watery abyss - the cable was half sawn through. Who tried to leave the device at depth and why will forever remain a mystery. Details of this incident were published in 1996 by the New York Times.

Another collision with the inexplicable in the depths of the Mariana Trench happened with the German research vehicle Haifish with a crew on board. At a depth of 7 km, the device suddenly stopped moving. To find out the cause of the problem, the hydronauts turned on the infrared camera... What they saw in the next few seconds seemed to them a collective hallucination: a huge prehistoric lizard, sinking its teeth into the bathyscaphe, tried to chew it like a nut. Having recovered from the shock, the crew activated a device called an “electric gun”, and the monster, struck by a powerful discharge, disappeared into the abyss...

On May 31, 2009, the automatic underwater vehicle Nereus sank to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. According to measurements, it fell 10,902 meters below sea level

At the bottom, Nereus filmed a video, took some photographs, and even collected sediment samples at the bottom.

Thanks to modern technologies, researchers were able to capture few representatives Mariana Trench, I suggest you get to know them too :)

So now we know that in Mariana depths different octopuses live

There is no world more amazing than the underwater world. The ocean occupies 2/3 of the earth's surface, and its biomass is tens of times greater than the biomass of land. The oceans and seas of the planet are home to both the largest animals on the planet - whales - and the smallest microorganisms. The top layer of the ocean is essentially a soup of plankton, which is the starting point of a complex food chain.

But this is on the surface of the water. And the depths of the world's oceans remain the most unsolved mystery of planet Earth.

Exploring the depths of the ocean involves a lot of technical and psychological difficulties. A person has learned to climb upward quite confidently, and even conquer highest point planet - Everest - does not cause a storm of delight among the average person. In the 57 years since the first conquest of the Roof of the World, dozens of daredevils have reached the 8848-meter mark. The same can be said about all other peaks. But people have only visited the opposite point of the Earth - the bottom of the Mariana Trench - once. Needless to say, the heroes, who sank to the very bottom of the Pacific Ocean, saw only a small fraction of what the almost eleven-kilometer layer of water contains.

A more or less detailed study of the ocean and the Mariana Trench as its deepest point began in the middle of the 20th century. First, an American expedition on the converted military ship Challenger measured the depth, showing a result of 10,863 meters, as evidenced by a documentary book that can be purchased on the website vipbook.info. A few years later, the Soviet expedition clarified the result - 11022 meters. In addition to this, Soviet scientists pulled from the abyss evidence of the existence of life at depths where nothing living can exist in our usual understanding.

In 1960, a year before the first man flew into space, two heroes in a specially designed bathyscaphe sank to the bottom of the Challenger abyss, becoming the only people to this day who have been to such a depth. The depth they measured was 10918 meters. The water pressure here exceeds atmospheric pressure 1100 times, and temperatures are close to 0 Celsius. And in such incredible conditions, the pilots of the bathyscaphe saw life! Unusual to the eye, luminous monsters feel great where more than a ton of water presses on every square centimeter! Mutant octopuses, terrible glowing one and a half meter worms without a mouth, scary-looking angler fish with a “lantern” on their forehead... Such creatures in the familiar world can be found, perhaps, only in science fiction films.

All subsequent dives were carried out using unmanned vehicles. High-quality photographs and soil samples from a depth of 11 kilometers were delivered by the Japanese bathyscaphe robot Nereus. But all attempts to learn the secrets of the ocean brought more mysteries than answers. During some dives of deep-sea vehicles, contacts were noted with hitherto unknown and inexplicable from the point of view of modern science forms of life.

Thus, the expedition of the Glomar Challenger vessel, during the next dive of a deep-sea “hedgehog” developed by NASA, began to receive sounds from a depth of several thousand meters, similar to the grinding of a saw on metal. Large silhouettes appeared on the TV monitor, looking like fairy-tale dragons with several heads. It was decided to save the unique equipment, and after 8 hours the device was raised to the surface. It turned out that the beams of the structure, made of titanium-cobalt steel, were significantly deformed, and the 20-centimeter cable was half sawn (or chewed?). Details of this expedition were published in 1996 in the newspaper " NY Times".

A similar encounter with the inhabitants of the abyss occurred with the German crew of the Haifish apparatus. Having dropped to the level of 7000 meters, the device began to float. The hydronauts turned on the camera to find out the cause of the problem - and... At first, what they saw was taken for a collective hallucination - a huge prehistoric lizard tried to chew the bathyscaphe with its teeth like a nut! Fortunately for the researchers, the device was equipped with an “electron gun”, and the lizard that received the discharge disappeared into the darkness.

Here we cannot help but recall the huge, half-decomposed carcasses of unknown sea giants that are periodically thrown to the surface. Perhaps the size of the blue whale is not such a record for the world's oceans? Before modern whales, killer whales, and sharks, megalodons swam in the ocean - huge predators, whose mouth width alone reached 2 meters! As was previously thought, these giants died out 2 million years ago. But recently, megalodon teeth were recovered from the bottom of the oceans, the age of which was determined to be 24 and 11 thousand years. In 1918, Australian lobster fishermen saw a transparent white fish at least 35 meters long, which exceeds the maximum known height of a fin whale! The lack of pigmentation is also characteristic of deep-sea animals. Perhaps megalodon did not go extinct, but adapted to life in unbearable conditions at a depth of 10 kilometers? By the way, the coelacanth, which Europeans considered extinct in the Mesozoic era, was periodically caught by Indonesian fishermen and sold at the market. Only in the 19th century did Europeans “discover” “extinct” fish from the Mesozoic era at the fish market. So, maybe we shouldn’t bury other prehistoric animals?

Be that as it may, the World Ocean still contains many secrets and mysteries that we have yet to answer.

The bottom of the world's oceans is uneven; it is cut by gorges, the depth of which is tens of thousands of meters. The relief was formed millions of years ago due to the movement of tectonic plates - the “shell” of the earth’s crust. Due to their continuous movement, the location and shape of the continents and the ocean floor changed. The deepest ocean on the planet is the Pacific Ocean, which at this stage of technological development cannot be fully explored.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest on the planet. In its western latitudes lie the continents of Australia and Eurasia, in the southern - Antarctica, in the eastern - South and North America. The length of the Pacific Ocean from south to north is almost 16 thousand kilometers, and from west to east - 19 thousand. The area of ​​the ocean together with its seas is 178.684 million kilometers, and the average depth is about 4 kilometers. But there are amazing places in the Pacific Ocean that make it the deepest in the world.

The Mariana Trench is the deepest place in the ocean

This deepest chasm got its name in honor of the nearby Mariana Islands. The depth of the Pacific Ocean in this place is 10 kilometers 994 meters. The deepest point of the trench is called the Challenger Deep. Geographically, the “Abyss” is located 340 km from the southwestern tip of the island of Guam.

If we take Mount Everest for comparison, which, as is known, rises 8848 m above sea level, it can completely disappear under water and there will still be room.

In 2010, an oceanographic expedition from New Hampshire conducted research on the ocean floor in the Mariana Trench area. Scientists have discovered four seamounts, each at least 2.5 kilometers high, crossing the surface of the trench at the point of contact between the Philippine and Pacific lithospheric plates. According to scientists, these ridges were formed about 180 million years ago as a result of the movement of the above-mentioned plates and the gradual creep of the older and heavier Pacific Plate under the Philippine Plate. The maximum depth of the Pacific Ocean was recorded here.

Diving into the abyss

Deep-sea vehicles with three people descended into the depths of the Challenger Deep four times:

  1. Brussels explorer Jacques Piccard, together with American Navy Lieutenant John Walsh, were the first to dare to look into the face of the abyss. This happened on January 23, 1960. The deepest dive in the world was made on the bathyscaphe Trieste, designed by Auguste Piccard, Jacques' father. This feat, without a doubt, set a record in the world of deep diving. The descent lasted 4 hours 48 minutes, and the ascent lasted 3 hours 15 minutes. The researchers found large flat fish at the bottom of the trench that looked like flounder. The lowest point of the World Ocean was recorded - 10,918 meters. Later, Picard wrote the book “11 thousand meters”, describing all the moments of the dive.
  2. On May 31, 1995, a deep-sea Japanese probe was launched into the depression, which recorded a depth of 10,911 m and also discovered ocean inhabitants - microorganisms.
  3. On May 31, 2009, the Nereus automatic apparatus went on reconnaissance and stopped at 10,902 m. It shot a video, took pictures of the bottom landscape and collected soil samples, in which microorganisms were also found.
  4. Finally, on March 26, 2012, film director James Cameron accomplished the feat of diving solo into the Challenger Deep. Cameron became the third person on Earth to visit the bottom of the World Ocean in its deepest place. The single-seat Deepsea Challenger was equipped with advanced deep-sea imaging equipment and powerful lighting equipment. Filming was carried out in 3G format. The Challenger Deep is featured in documentary film James Cameron for the National Geographic Channel.

This depression is located at the junction of the Indo-Australian plate and the Pacific plate. Extends from the Kermadec Trench towards the Tonga Islands. Its length is 860 km and its depth is 10,882 m, which is a record in the Southern Hemisphere and the second deepest on the planet. The Tonga region is notorious for being one of the most active seismic zones.

In 1970, on April 17, during Apollo 13's return to earth, the spent landing stage containing plutonium fell into the Tonga Trench to a depth of 6 km. No attempts were made to remove her from there.

Philippine Trench

The second deepest place in the Pacific Ocean is located in the Philippine Islands. The recorded depth of the depression is 10,540 m. The depression was formed as a result of the collision of granite and basalt layers, the latter, being heavier, was undermined by the granite layer. The process of meeting two lithospheric plates is called subduction, and the place of “meeting” is the subduction zone. In such places, tsunamis are born and earthquakes occur.

The depression runs along a volcanic ridge Kuril Islands on the border between Japan and Russia. The length of the trench is 1300 km, and the maximum depth is 10500 m. The depression was formed more than 65 million years ago during the Cretaceous period as a result of the collision of two tectonic plates.

It is located near the Kermadec Islands, northeast of New Zealand and in the southwest Pacific Ocean. The trench was first discovered by the Galatea group from Denmark, and the Soviet research vessel Vityaz studied the bottom of the trench in 1958 and recorded a maximum depth of 10,047 m. In 2008, an unknown species of sea slugs was discovered at the bottom of the trench, as well as deep-seated crustaceans long up to 30 cm.

Video: inhabitants of the Mariana Trench

Our blue planet is full of secrets, and we humans strive to comprehend them. We are curious by nature, learning from the past and looking forward to the future. The ocean is the cradle of humanity. When will he reveal his secrets to us? The greatest depth of the Pacific Ocean that is known to scientists - are these figures true, or is there something incomprehensible hidden under the black water?