Eve online rare ships. Types of ships. Where can I buy new ships and equipment?

The first task when mastering a new MMO is to provide yourself with resources that will allow you to play comfortably. This was the first lesson I learned from Everquest 2. The constant shortage of cash slowed down the gameplay, so much so that I started buying platinum for real money. The game worked in WoW not least because there was enough money for everything. Quest fees, ore digging and skinning were basically enough.

EVE Online- the game is expensive. Good ships cost a lot, it’s easy to lose them, and the fixed idea “buy plex for ISK” dominates many minds. Therefore, from the very beginning, the goal was to create permanent sources of income for myself, so as not to be too limited in my arsenal and to pay for at least one account with claims. The task turned out to be not too easy. You need playing experience, you need practice. Remembering my experiments with the planetarc in May last year it becomes funny. Then, for the entire month, less than 30kk of claims were removed from two characters in the imp. Now so much is removed from one in a few days. Exploring was profitable, but the Icelandic rand is almost like the Korean rand. After moving to VH, cash became easier, but upgrading skills and investing in characters took several more months and billions of ISK.

In any case, there is no problem with cash flow now. Moreover, it has now become more experience for the game in general. The time has come to get serious about what many people start playing EVE Online for - PvP. As one of the readers rightly noted, people play the game for PvP, and PvE serves as a source of income. Yes, in general I am more of a PvE-oriented player, but, nevertheless, I have always loved PvP. Battlefields and arenas in WoW, warzones in SWTOR, WvWvW in Guild Wars 2. However, in these games PvP is not necessary, but in EVE it is a serious component of the gameplay. And it really gives unforgettable emotions. I have some PvP experience, but it's not quite what I would like. As for me, slamming barges on belts and vagrant explorers is pure ganking, which does not require any special skills.

In other words, it's time to get serious about mastering PvP. The first stage is solo on frigates. The headline includes the number of planned losses - 101 frigates. For now, Tristan with a neutral fit has been chosen as the main ship. There is an idea to use Heron with a combat fit when exploring in VX, as well as Hookbill in low.

The only thing that I don’t really like so far is the ratio of time spent searching for a fight and the fight itself, as well as the banal probability of being drained at the gate. Let's say, the day before yesterday I spent half an hour looking for opponents on the FV - either ganks or emptiness. Yesterday I was looking and as a result I was slammed by Gnosis on a nut decoction. Well, that is, you can spend half an evening flying through the systems and find nothing, or even simply lose the ship. I wonder if there is some kind of system in New Eden where fans of relatively fair PvP gather and where they could gain practice.

In any case, all observations, impressions and conclusions will be presented in a series of postings “101 frigates”. Hold on.

Every EVE Online player can pilot absolutely any ship in the game, depending on whether he has the skills for this type of ship or not. However, many players usually specialize in a certain type of ship, which depends on the chosen direction of the gameplay. It is unlikely that a pirate will study the principles of ore processing, and an industrialist will study the skills of managing strategic cruisers.

Some EVE Online players prefer to choose a ship designed specifically for a specific combat style. As an example, some ships have a bonus for firing long-range lasers, while others have a bonus for controlling drones. Some ships may have more powerful energy shields, others - armor.

Try playing EVE Online and you will see a significant difference from other MMORPGs. Yes, this is not a game for the general public, but every gamer on this planet must try it!

There are many types of ships available in EVE Online. In addition to mining and industrial ships, all warships are usually divided into the following classes:

  • Frigate - frigate
  • Destroyer - destroyer
  • Cruiser - cruiser
  • BattleCruiser - battle cruiser
  • BattleShip - battleship
  • Capital Ship - flagship ships, among which the Titans stand out

Most ships have separate subclasses, which usually consist of specialized ship designs (T2). In the frigate class, such ships are:

  • attack frigates
  • frigates for special operations
  • interceptors
  • electronic-technical patrol frigates
  • special purpose bombers

All classes of ships in EVE Online, ranging from battleship and below, have one or another specialized version and can be used by any pilot as soon as he has learned the necessary skills.

In this section of the site you will find guides to the different types and classes of ships available in EVE Online.

Ship identification system from Interbas Corporation

Ship identification system from Interbas Corporation ( Interbus Ship Identification System, ISIS) will show in detail a diagram with which you can identify any EVE Online ship. All ships in it are presented in an interactive form, demonstrate the skill requirements that are necessary to use them, and also show all available for the player to control on this moment ships.

Using this system, the player can easily and quickly decide which ship of a particular faction, type and class he wants to strive for. ISIS called via a button on the panel on the left side of the game window or by pressing Alt+1.

Where can I buy new ships and equipment?

You can buy new equipment and ships through the contract system or on the EVE Online market. Also, you can search for ships or items that interest you, both in the contract system and on the market.

Using the contract system, you can sell any items - damaged ones, those with additional modules, while only packaged items with clear parameters are sold on the market. Also, some items can only be sold through the contract system.

In the EVE Online universe, a huge range of spaceships awaits pilots. EVE ships Online vary greatly in size and purpose - from agile frigates to giant titans. Each of the game races in EVE Online has a fleet of all the main classes of ships, while maintaining racial specializations and weapons.

Spaceships in EVE Online are necessary for all types of activities - battles, mining valuable ores, transporting goods, and even hacking the technologies of disappeared civilizations. In EVE Online spaceships are tools of creation and destruction, thanks to which capsule pilots can solve certain problems and achieve their goals.

Attention Register in EVE Online to be able to try this masterpiece of digital culture today. Additional experience points for your character will get you off to a good start in your career in space!

Overview of models and actual sizes of ships in EVE Online

Comparison of the sizes of all ships in EVE Online with real objects

Gallente Federation ships in EVE Online

Gallente Federation ships primarily specialize in the use of drones, which are at best secondary weapons for other empires.

Ships of the Caldari State in EVE Online

Caldari ships are significantly better able to use energy shields as a basis of defense and are much better at using missiles as their main weapon.

Ships of the Minmatar Republic in EVE Online

Minmatar Republic ships in EVE Online typically embody speed and firepower, combining lightweight hull construction with firearms.