How does river sand differ from quarry sand? What sand to use: types and characteristics of construction sand Types of sand and their main characteristics

The color of sand depends on the predominance of a particular mineral in its composition and can be white, light gray (quartz sand), green, greenish-gray (glauconite-quartz), pink, pinkish-gray (arkose), gray, dark -gray, greenish (greywacke sand), brown of varying intensity and various shades (other polymictic sands).
Conditions of education and residence. Sands occur in the form of layers and lenses among other sedimentary rocks and are products of physical and chemical weathering of various rocks, long-term and repeated washing and sorting of clastic material by flowing waters or sea surf, and deposition on the bottom of reservoirs. Polymictic varieties are ubiquitous. There are deposits of oligomict (quartz) sands in the Leningrad region. (Sablinskoye on the Tosna River, Kolchanovskoye on the Syasya River, in the upper reaches of the Luga River and in the vicinity of the Luga city), in Valdai, in the Bryansk region, in many districts of the Voronezh (Latnetskoye), Kursk and Moscow regions , in Donbass (Chasov-Yarskoe), in the North. Caucasus (Kayalskoye), in the Urals (Kaslinsky and Magnitogorsk districts), in the East. Siberia (Tulunskoe), etc.
Diagnostics. Sand varieties are determined by the mineral composition of the clastic grains. To clean their surfaces from films of iron hydroxides and other secondary products, it is recommended to wash the sand in water and dilute hydrochloric acid.
Practical significance. Significantly quartz sands are used as raw materials for the glass industry, in the production of sand filters, sand-lime bricks, cement mortars, plaster, as well as carborundum (a highly hard compound of silicon and carbon) and ferrosilicon (an alloy of silicon and iron); as an abrasive material in sandblasting machines and for sawing monoliths of rocks of low and medium hardness (limestone, marble, etc.); as a molding material in foundry. Glauconite-quartz sand contains up to 6% K20 and is a valuable potassium fertilizer. Polymict sands are widely used in road construction. Placer deposits of gold, platinum, diamonds, cassiterite, columbite, etc. are associated with river sand deposits. Placer deposits of ilmenite, magnetite, zircon, rutile, etc. are associated with ancient and modern sea sands.
Name from it. Loss - cliff, due to the ability of the rock to form specific relief forms - stable steep cliffs, deep canyons with vertical walls. The synonym is silt, (from the Greek a^supov - flour).
Characteristic signs. Silty rock (fine earth), consisting of clastic particles 0.1-0.05 mm in size, indistinguishable to the naked eye. Non-layered. Lightweight, porous. Light yellow or light brown. Very soft, easily abraded with fingers into a fine powder; in this case, the presence of grains of sand is not felt. Dry to the touch (not greasy). Under the influence of HC1 it boils. Lime carbonate is concentrated in loess in the form of figured nodules - “dutik” (hollow) or “cranes”. Sometimes shells of terrestrial mollusks and bones of mammals are found. It gets wet in the water.
Conditions of education and residence. The result of the accumulation of dusty material over many millennia, lifted into the air and transported over vast distances by desert winds and sandstorms in hot climates. Similar to loess, layered and denser loess-like loams are formed on a much smaller scale as a result of the elutriation and washing of fine clastic material by flowing waters on the slopes of hills or in floodplains.
Loess is distributed over vast areas bordering the Central Asian deserts. In the southwestern and southern parts of European Russia, it occurs in the form of a thick layer directly under the soil.
Diagnostics. Easily determined by the above physical properties, behavior in water and interaction with NS1.
Practical significance. The soil formed on loess has high fertility under artificial irrigation. The high porosity of loess, its ability to absorb water and turn into a mobile mass capable of flowing (quicksand) cause great difficulties in the construction of buildings and underground structures (subway tunnels, etc.) in moistened loess soil.

RECOMMENDED LITERATURE for independent deeper acquaintance with the basics of mineralogy and petrography POPULAR SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Fersman A.E. Interesting mineralogy. M.-L., 1953; M., 1959. Fersman A.E. Entertaining geochemistry. Ed. ...

Mineralogical Museum named after. A.E. Fersman of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Moscow, V-71, Leninsky Prospekt, 14/16. Moscow State University them. M. V. Lomonosova (MSU). Museum of Geography; Department of Mineralogy and Petrography, Faculty of Geology. ...

E. BY RADIOACTIVITY I. Highly radioactive Gatchettolite Carnotite Otunite (otenite) Torbernite Uraninite, pitchblende II. Weakly radioactive Columbite-tantalite Lovchorrite, rhincolite Perovskite, loparite Pyrochlore-microlite Titanium-tantalum-nobates Zircon (cyrtolite, malakon) Contents of the book - Minerals ...

There is an established opinion that choosing sand is quite easy: I ordered construction sand - here you have both a raw material component for concrete and backfill for a path. But this opinion is wrong. Since there are several varieties of sand, which have their own distinctive characteristics, and are used to perform certain jobs.


So, according to the place of origin, sand is usually classified into the following types:

river sand

River sand is mined from the bottom of rivers. It is characterized by natural purity and good water-permeability qualities. The size of sand grains in river sand ranges from 0.3 to 0.5 mm.

This type is used for the preparation of concrete solutions, cement screeds, treatment filters, and drainage structures. It is worth noting that when preparing a concrete mixture, this type of sand quickly settles, so the solution must be constantly stirred. The cost of river sand ranges from 600 to 800 rubles per 1 m 3.

Quarry sand

Quite logically, quarry sand is mined using the open-pit method and includes impurities in its composition: dust particles, stones. Sand grains of quarry sand are much smaller than those of river sand, their sizes range from 0.6 to 3.2 mm.

In its original unprocessed form, the building material can be used to construct trenches or as a foundation foundation. Typically, leading manufacturers wash and screen quarry sand. In this case, it can be used when performing plastering and finishing work, to create an asphalt concrete mixture, and to form a screed.

Sea sand

This non-metallic mineral is extracted from the seabed using hydraulic projectiles. There are practically no foreign impurities in it, and salt is involved in purification.

This type of sand is considered the most popular. It is used everywhere, from the creation of concrete structures to the formation of finely dispersed dry mixtures. But, despite the unique characteristics of this building material, there is a shortage of it, since it cannot be mass produced.

Sometimes construction sand is considered a separate type. But, as a rule, it means both river and quarry sand. River sand can be of two colors - yellow and gray, and quarry sand - brown and yellow.

But it turns out that in nature there is also black sand, which shines like metal. It can occur in different corners globe. This type of sand is formed as a result of geological processes.

This mineral consists of dark-colored heavy minerals and is formed by washing out the light components. The main minerals are magnetite, ilmenite, hematite.

Such sands are characterized by high radioactivity - 50-300 microroentgens per hour, but sometimes this parameter can reach a thousand microroentgens per hour. Due to its high radioactivity, this mineral is not used in construction and economic activities.

Artificial sand

It is worth noting that the above types of sand are natural, as they were formed by the natural destruction of rocks. But there is also on the market artificial sand, created by crushing marble, limestone, granite.

The most popular among artificial types of sand is quartz. It is made by grinding and dispersing the white quartz mineral to obtain a homogeneous fraction. From natural species sand, it is distinguished by the fact that it does not contain impurities and has a homogeneous composition. These advantages allow you to accurately calculate the parameters of a structure made on quartz sand.

Sand is an indispensable material in the construction industry. It, like any building material, has its own individual characteristics and application features.

river sand

River sand used by builders has its own fractional and chemical composition; it is the most popular material among its analogues.

Washed sand

Uniform in color (yellow or gray) grains of sand with perfectly smooth surface are located at the very bottom of the river. This sand contains oxides of iron and silicon. In river sand there is practically no presence of clay impurities and other foreign debris, because this type of sand is washed in its natural environment. The size of each grain of sand is small; it is generally considered to be average.

In the construction industry, however, the coarse-grained type of river sand is considered more valuable. Such material is extremely rare, which is why it is expensive. Sand can be found in any dry river bed. This type of sand is successfully used for masonry, finishing, and design work. It is included in highway coating compositions and used to make bricks.

Coarse river sand has unobtrusive color, a neutral shade, it is perfect for decor used in a personal plot.

Coarse river sand

This type of sand is usually extracted from rocks found in rivers. The boulders are split using specialized equipment, and the resulting pieces are subsequently crushed and split. The largest grain of sand can reach 5 millimeters in diameter.


River sand is known in the following fractions:

  • Dust-like.
  • Medium grain.
  • Coarse-grained.
  • Clayey.

The sand is calibrated according to its grain size using a special sieve with cells of different diameters.

Sand mining

River sand is usually extracted using a dredge, which in turn is secured to a barge. The dredger has specialized mechanical equipment, which includes:

  1. Powerful pumps.
  2. Tanks for sand collection.
  3. Sita.

The purchase of river sand should definitely begin with viewing its passport and certificate, in which the characteristics will have to meet GOST - 8736-93.

Areas of application of river sand

This material is usually used for:

  1. Production of concrete and concrete products (sand helps maintain their strength over a long period of time and increases their frost resistance).
  2. Production of dry construction mixtures.
  3. Creation of foundation pillows.
  4. Production of solutions necessary for masonry and plastering work.
  5. Room decorations.
  6. Filling aquariums.
  7. Arrangement of playgrounds for children and so on.

Benefits of river sand

  • Environmentally friendly product.
  • Has high moisture permeability.
  • Ideal soundproofing material.
  • Does not rot over time.
  • Meets most technical requirements.

Quarry sand is presented in the form loose rock, in the composition of which grains of feldspar, quartz, mica and other minerals found in natural conditions can be detected with the naked eye.

In the construction industry, quarry sand is a very popular material, which is directly related to its good natural properties and low price.

It is used not only in the field of construction, such sand has also found its wide application in industry and agriculture.

Quarry sand is extracted in the following way: loose rock is dug in large layers. Subsequently, such sand is sifted and washed. It refers to GOST - 8736-93.

Size classification:

  1. Fine-grained - diameter no higher than 2 millimeters.
  2. Medium grain - 2 - 2.8 millimeters.
  3. Coarse-grained - up to 5 millimeters.

Varieties of quarry sand

  • Alluvial(washed sand) - this type of quarry sand is usually mined from water-logged deposits and deposits using hydromechanical equipment. Sand, thanks to this technology, is clean and free of impurities and unnecessary components.
  • Seeded sand– quarry sand is sieved to remove stones and large particles.
  • Sandy soil– Unrefined quarry sand is mixed with various components, the price of the material is very low.

Areas of application:

  1. Construction.
  2. National economy.
  3. Industry.
  4. Applied arts.


  • Sand is sold unpurified, as a result of which enterprises that extract quarry sand and sell it can save on cleaning and sifting.
  • The extraction process is quite simple, as a result of which the material itself is cheap.
  • Quarry sand is delivered at low prices.

What is common between river and quarry sand?

  1. Used in the construction industry.
  2. They have the same indicators according to GOST.
  3. Used for decoration.


  1. There are different methods for extracting sand.
  2. River sand is considered a purer material, since, unlike quarry sand, only fragments of clay can be found in it.
  3. Quarry sand is a cheaper building material.
  4. River sand is distinguished by its environmental friendliness.
  5. For children's sandboxes and aquariums, it is best to choose river sand.

Sand is a loose, loose mixture consisting of small grains that are formed as a result of the natural destruction of rocks. widely used in construction and industry. It has various technical characteristics, primarily due to its origin.

Some features of sand

Raw sand is extracted mainly from quarries. This material has a high content of clay particles and other impurities, so it is only suitable for sprinkling under the foundation of construction sites.

Sand treated with a large amount of water is called “alluvial”. It contains a minimum amount of impurities. Such sand has completely different technical characteristics. It is used for masonry, plastering, and foundation construction. It is also used to produce paving slabs and concrete products.

Types of sand and their main characteristics

Depending on the location and method of extraction, there are three types of sand:

Most often, quarry sand is yellow and gray-yellow in color. Clay and other substances are removed from it in two ways - washing and sifting. Sifted sand is somewhat inferior in quality to washed sand, since it contains more foreign impurities. For this reason, seeded sand is not used for the production of concrete products, which may crack as a result of exposure to low temperatures.

River sand, taken from different rivers, usually has its own shade and can be yellow, brownish, gray or light gray. White river sand is less common. Nature itself, through natural washing with water, ensured that its composition contained clay and other particles in minimal quantities. This sand has a very wide range of applications and is a universal material. It is used in the production of artificial stone, concrete and sand concrete, and paving slabs.

Quartz sand owes its origin to the crushing and destruction of natural quartz. It is a milky white material, but can be easily dyed to any other color. Quartz sand has a homogeneous composition and is a harder substance, unlike other types of sand. It is also distinguished by its sorption ability and chemical inertness. In addition to construction, this material is used in glass production and in the operation of water purification facilities.

Looking at a pile of sand brought to a site, two builders will behave differently.

The newcomer will cast an indifferent glance at her and take up the shovel.

An experienced builder will first take a handful of sand, look at it carefully and rub it in his palms. After that, he will give a verdict: it’s suitable for concrete, but not suitable for plaster and masonry.

What is the secret of construction sand that requires such careful evaluation? We will examine this issue in more detail.

Physical and mechanical characteristics

Volume weight

It shows the mass of 1 m3 of sand in its natural state (wet, with all impurities). On average, the volumetric weight of this material ranges from 1500 to 1800 kg.

The composition of construction sand is assessed according to the following parameters:

  1. Granulometric;
  2. Mineral;
  3. Chemical.

Granulometric shows the percentage of grains of different sizes. To determine it, sand is sifted through calibrated sieves (from 0.16 mm to 10 mm).

A sieve with aperture sizes of 5 and 10 mm reveals gravel granules. GOST allows the presence of grains measuring 1 cm. However, their quantity should be no more than 0.5% of the total mass of sand.

Granules larger than 5 mm are normalized as follows:

  1. Maximum content - up to 10% in natural;
  2. up to 15% in crushed;
  3. up to 5% in enriched sand.

Mineral composition

Chemical composition

It plays an important role in determining the suitability of bulk material in various fields of construction. Red, yellow, and orange shades indicate the presence of oxidized metals. Green and blue colors are characteristic of river sand, which contains aluminum salts.

Types of construction sand

The classic definition states that sand is a mixture of mineral particles (quartz, mica, limestone) formed as a result of natural or artificial destruction of rocks.

GOST 8736-93 lays out the most important properties of sand “on the shelves”. According to this standard, sand is divided into two classes:

  • Class I - very coarse, then comes sand of increased coarseness, coarse, medium and fine;
  • Class II - very large, extra large, large, medium, small, very small, thin and very thin.

The main difference between these classes is that lower quality sand (second class) includes three additional fractions. Fine dust particles are an undesirable component of mortars. They impair the bond between the large sand granules that the cement binds.

In real production there is no such fine gradation.

Here the extracted sand is conventionally divided into three fractions:

  • 0.5-1 mm – small;
  • 1.5-2 mm – average;
  • 2.5-3.5 mm – large.

Sands with a particle size modulus of 2-2.5 mm are used for the production of concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Bulk material measuring 1.5-2 mm is used for making bricks. The finest sand is used for preparing dry construction mixtures.

Having taken note of the GOST classification, let’s move on to the practical aspects of the origin and use of construction sand.

Based on the type of production, they are distinguished:

  • Career;
  • River;
  • Nautical;
  • Quartz (artificial) sand.


The name clearly indicates the origin of the sand. It contains clay and stones, so quarry material is used to a limited extent: for site planning, backfilling under concrete screeds or foundations.

To improve its properties, quarry sand is washed with water right at the mining site, freeing it from dust particles and clay. This is how alluvial (washed) sand is obtained. It is suitable for plastering and masonry mortars. In addition, sifting through sieves can be used to remove clay.

Important practical conclusion: If you are offered to buy quarry (gully) sand, do not forget to check whether it has been cleaned (washed, sifted) or not.

Areas of application of washed (sifted) quarry sand:

  • cement screed, masonry and plaster mortars;
  • Finishing work;
  • brick production;
  • foundation installation;
  • preparation of concrete.

river sand

This building material is extracted by a dredger from the river bottom. There are no clay particles and very few stones in river sand. This allows you to use it for concrete work without restrictions.

It is very valuable that medium-sized river sand (1.8-2.2 mm) practically does not shrink. This makes it ideal for masonry and plastering.

Quarry sand is more difficult to use in this capacity. In the solution it settles to the bottom and has to be stirred periodically.

Areas of application of river sand:

  • concrete production;
  • brick production;
  • masonry work and cement screed;
  • preparation of asphalt concrete;
  • drainage device;
  • filler for paints and grouts.

Sea sand has similar properties to river sand. It is also highly valued in construction for its high purity and uniformity of particle size distribution.

Quartz sand

This material is obtained by mechanical crushing of quartz-containing rocks. It is homogeneous in structure, chemically inert and pure.

The main area of ​​application of this type of sand is the construction materials industry. It goes into dry building mixtures, sand-lime bricks, blocks and concrete, and is used to prepare grinding compounds. Landscape design, expensive interior and facade plasters also cannot do without quartz sand.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question which sand is better., since each material is intended for certain types of work.

Still, the main conclusions are already obvious:

  • for brick and large-block masonry, it is better to take river sand. If you mix it with a small amount of unwashed quarry sand, the solution will become more plastic (due to clay particles);
  • for concrete, coarse or medium river sand is better suited (you can add a little fine washed quarry sand to it);
  • For plaster, washed quarry sand with or without a small addition of river sand is better suited.

Approximate prices

Obviously, the cost of sand is higher, the more manipulations had to be done with it during extraction and cleaning.

The cheapest is quarry unwashed and unsown. Its price per cube ranges from 300 to 400 rubles. Quarry sand purified by water or sifting for construction work will cost from 550 to 700 rubles per 1 m3 with delivery.

River sand is significantly more expensive than quarry sand. Its price starts at 750 rubles and ends at 950 rubles/m3.

Fractionated quartz sand is the most expensive. When purchasing from 10 tons (1 KAMAZ), its price with delivery is from 4,500 rubles per cubic meter.