Tower in Paris story. Eiffel Tower. "Iron Lady" of Paris. How to get to the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower has been part of the urban landscape of Paris for a hundred years and has become its symbol. But it is also not only the heritage of all of France, but also a monument to the great technical achievements of the late 19th century.

Who built the Eiffel Tower?

Since the second half of the 19th century, progress has led many countries around the world to build high-rise structures. Many of the projects suffered defeats even at the conception stage, but there were also those engineers who firmly believed in the success of their plans. Gustave Eiffel was one of the latter.

Gustave Eiffel

For the centenary of the Industrial Revolution in 1886, Paris opens a competition to create new outstanding achievements of our time. According to its concept, this event was to become one of the most outstanding events of its time. In the course of this idea, the Palace of Machines made of metal and glass, destroyed at the beginning of the 20th century, and the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris, 1000 feet high, were born.

Work on the Eiffel Tower project began back in 1884. By the way, Eiffel was not new to his business; before that, he brilliantly managed to find solutions in the field of construction of railway bridges. For the design competition, he provided about 5,000 sheets of drawings of the tower parts in the original scale. The project was approved, but this was only the beginning of hard work. There were still 3 years left before Eiffel would forever immortalize his name in history.

Construction of the Eiffel Tower

Construction of a tower in the middle of the city many famous residents were not accepted. Writers, artists, sculptors, and architects protested against this construction, which, in their opinion, violated the original beauty of Paris.

But, nevertheless, the work continued. A huge 5-meter pit was dug into which four 10-meter blocks were installed under each leg of the tower. Additionally, each of the 16 tower supports was equipped with hydraulic jacks to obtain an ideal horizontal level. Without this plan, the construction of the tower could have dragged on forever.

July 1888

250 workers were able to erect the tallest tower of its time in the world in just 26 months. Here it is only worth envying Eiffel’s capabilities in the field of accurate calculations and organization of work. The height of the Eiffel Tower is 320 meters, the total weight is about 7500 tons.

The tower is divided into three tiers - 60 meters, 140 meters and 275 meters. Four elevators inside the tower's legs take visitors up to the second. The fifth elevator goes to the third level. There is a restaurant on the ground floor, a newspaper office on the second, and Eiffel's office on the third.

Despite early criticism, the tower blended seamlessly with the city's views and quickly became a symbol of Paris. During the exhibition alone, about two million people visited here, some of whom immediately climbed to the very top on foot.

With the end of the exhibition, it was decided to demolish the tower. New technologies - radio - became her salvation. Antennas were quickly installed on the tallest structure. In subsequent years, television and radar antennas were installed on it. There is also a weather station and broadcasting of city services.

Until the construction of the Empire State Building in 1931, the tower remained the tallest structure in the world. It is difficult to imagine the city of Paris without this glorious image.

Who among us would not want to be in the most romantic, magical and... beautiful city on earth - Paris?! Here you can stroll along the Champs Elysees and admire the most recognizable landmark of Paris on the Champ de Mars - the Eiffel Tower, an airy lattice beauty standing on the left bank of the Seine.

From the history of creation

How the idea was born

The city authorities announced a competition for the best architectural structure, which could become the pride of France. At the same time, the building had to generate income and be easily dismantled later as unnecessary.

Engineer Gustave Eiffel submitted his design for a 300-meter iron tower to the commission, which was approved by the authorities of Paris. Construction required 7.8 million francs. The state allocated only 1.5 million to Eiffel. The engineer agreed to contribute the remaining amount from his personal funds, subject to the lease of the tower he built for 25 years.

The agreement was concluded, and construction began in 1887, which had to be completed in 2 years, in time for the opening of the exhibition.

History of construction and uniqueness of the project

The tower was built in the shortest possible time. After 2 years, 2 months and 5 days, through the efforts of three hundred workers, its construction was completed. The “Iron Lady,” as the Parisians called her, was assembled like a children's construction set. First, the supports were built, and then they were connected using platforms.

The fast pace of construction is explained by perfectly executed drawings, which indicate absolutely accurate dimensions of all metal parts. Until now, Eiffel’s drawings are considered ideal, and now it is possible to build an exact copy of the iron beauty using them. The assembly required 18,038 metal parts and 2.5 million rivets. The height of the tower is equal to an 80-story building.

Despite its enormous dimensions, it turned out to be light and elegant, as if woven from lace, although the entire structure weighs 10 thousand tons. The weight of the coating paint is 57 tons.
Construction was carried out very carefully. A huge pit was dug into which 4 ten-meter blocks were installed under each leg of the tower.

A special hydraulic jack ensured that the blocks were perfectly level.

All wrought iron parts were made in Eiffel's own factory. Several parts on the ground were assembled into single blocks, and rivet sockets were pre-drilled into them. Each of these blocks weighed no more than 3 tons, which made installation at height easier.

While erecting the tower, Eiffel used such unusual construction tricks that the tabloid press predicted that he would be sent to a psychiatric clinic. He installed a small crawling crane that moves up the rails of future elevators. This accelerated the rise of structures to heights and eliminated the possibility of accidents during such high-rise construction.

On March 31, 1889, Eiffel invited willing officials for the first lift. To do this, it was necessary to overcome 1710 steps. The tower was named after the engineer who built it. At that time, he could not even imagine that she would glorify and perpetuate his name.

Architectural features

The base of the Eiffel Tower is a pyramid with four pillars, which are connected by an arch at a height of 60 meters. On it there is a square platform with sides of 65 meters. This is the 1st floor. From this platform the next 4 supports rise. At an altitude of 116 meters they form another vault. There is a second platform on it - a square 2 times smaller than the first. This is the 2nd floor.

The supports that shoot up from the second platform, gradually connecting, form a giant column 190 meters high. On this colossal rod, at a height of 276 meters from the ground, there is a third square platform with sides of 16.5 meters.

There is a lighthouse topped with a dome. And above it, at a height of 300 meters, there is a small one and a half meter platform - the 3rd floor of the tower.

The height of the Eiffel Tower today is 324 meters, thanks to the television antenna installed on it.

In order for the tower to better meet the aesthetic tastes of the Parisian public, the architect Stéphane Sauvestre proposed covering the base supports with stone and connecting them with the ground floor platform with patterned arches. And also place spacious glazed rooms on the floors, give the top a rounded shape, and use various decorative elements to decorate it.

The names of 72 prominent French scientists and engineers, including those who took part in the design and construction of the Iron Lady, are engraved on all four sides of the Eiffel Tower's plinths.

Why the French didn't like the Eiffel Tower

Nowadays no one can imagine Paris without the Eiffel Tower. But it was not always so. After its construction, it caused strong dissatisfaction among many townspeople. Parisian bohemians indignantly demanded the removal of “the ridiculous tower, this clumsy skeleton.” They called it ugly, tasteless, a huge iron pipe, a street lamp and a holey candelabra.

Many were outraged by the shadow of the tower, and were also annoyed by the fact that it was visible from anywhere in the city.
The famous French writer Guy de Maupassant, who constantly came to dine at the restaurant opened on the ground floor, answering the question why he dines here, categorically answered: “It’s the only place in a city where you can’t see the Eiffel Tower.”

But visitors to the exhibition and guests of the capital really liked the unusual structure. The success was deafening: in just 6 months it was visited by 2 million people. During this same time, it almost completely covered the construction costs.

The structure was planned to be dismantled in 1909, 20 years after its construction, but after stunning commercial success, the tower received “eternal registration.” The exploitation of his brainchild brought Eiffel a lot of money.

Time passed and proved that all the protests were in vain. And Eiffel managed to turn his enemies into admirers. The tower received unprecedented publicity from the concert of opera composer Charles Gounod, who agreed to play “Concert in the Clouds” here, accepting Eiffel’s unusual invitation.

A team of workers delivered the composer's piano to a height of 376 meters, and the concert sounded, amazing the puzzled audience. Eiffel himself, in order to finally defeat the skeptics, set up his personal office on the upper tier.

Dismantling was finally abandoned when the Eiffel Tower became the property of the capital. It was actively used for telephone and telegraph communications and the placement of radio stations. Since 1935, television programs began to be broadcast regularly.

Why is the tower interesting today?

Today the Eiffel Tower is the main attraction of Paris. Most tourists always admire it. Even after 120 years, it remains the tallest building in Paris and the fifth tallest in all of France. Despite its majestic size, the structure exerts pressure on the ground equal to the pressure of a person sitting on a chair.

Tourist Information

At the foot there are ticket offices and an information desk with brochures and booklets. There is a souvenir shop on each floor of the structure. A snack bar and a post office are available to tourists.

On the ground floor, visitors are greeted by a restaurant and a center where films about the construction of the Eiffel Tower are shown. Here is also a fragment of the old spiral staircase, leading to the upper floors and to the office of Eiffel himself.

Visitors approaching from the north side will see a gilded bust of its creator with a simple inscription: “Eiffel 1832–1923.”

On the second observation deck– restaurant “Jules Verne” and a small ice skating rink.

The main goal of the overwhelming number of visitors is the third level. Elevators ascend to it, through the windows of which you can admire Paris. Those who wish can climb the 1,792-step staircase. On the top floor, in an elegant bar, you can celebrate your rise with expensive champagne, a glass of which will cost 900 rubles in our money.

The tower has several dozen linear and parabolic antennas for broadcasting radio and television programs. The light of the lighthouse is visible for 10 km. The structure houses cell phone towers and a unique weather station that records data on atmospheric pollution and background radiation.

Original lighting

Immediately after construction, the tower shone with multi-colored lights: a lighthouse was installed on the top, glowing with the colors of the French flag, two searchlights and 10 thousand gas lamps. In 1900, the structure was equipped with electric light bulbs. And in 1925, the owner of the Citroen company placed a grand advertisement on it. With the help of 125 thousand light bulbs, images of the tower itself, the zodiac constellations, and also the products of the famous French automobile concern appeared alternately.

Over time, the lighting of the Eiffel Tower has been modernized several times. In order to save money, in 2015 electric lamps were replaced with LED ones. When night falls on the city, the symbol of Paris lights up with thousands of small lights. This is a spectacle of indescribable beauty, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off.

Usually the tower glows with golden lights. But during special occasions or mourning events, it is painted in the colors of the flags of various countries. Inscriptions are projected, symbolizing the upcoming event. IN evening time The light show continues for 10 minutes of every hour - illumination.

Patented tower color

During its existence, the tower was both yellow and red-brown.
Today its bronze color is officially patented and is called Eiffel brown. Cosmetic repairs are carried out every 7 years and last a year and a half.

Each time, the old layer of paint is completely removed using high pressure steam. During a thorough inspection, unusable parts are replaced with new ones.
After this, the tower is covered with two layers of paint, which requires 57 tons.

The color is not uniform everywhere; it is painted in different tones of bronze color - from dark at the base to lighter at the very top. This is done so that the structure looks harmonious against the sky. Interestingly, even today paint is applied with brushes.

  • During the German occupation, the aggressors could not hoist their flag on the tower. All the lifting mechanisms were removed by the French, and specialists called from Germany were unable to help.
  • The tower is designed in such a way that it is not afraid of storms - during the strongest winds it deviates from its axis by only 12 centimeters. Iron structures are more susceptible to the sun. Iron elements expand so much when heated that the upper part sometimes deviates sideways up to 20 centimeters.
  • In 2010, a record for roller jumping was set from the 2nd floor, from a height of 115 meters.
  • In 2012, Alain Robber climbed to the top of the monument without insurance.
  • Every year the attraction is visited by 6 million tourists, in one day - 30 thousand people.
  • About 2 thousand kilograms of paper per year are required to print tickets for visitors to the Iron Lady.

The most recognizable landmark of Paris, a symbol of France, named after its creator Gustav Eiffel. It is a place of real pilgrimage for tourists. The designer himself simply called it a 300-meter tower.

Eiffel Tower (Paris) - symbol of France

In 2006, the tower was visited by 6,719,200 people, and over its entire history - over 250 million people, making the tower the most visited attraction in the world. Eiffel Tower (Paris) was conceived as a temporary structure - it served as the entrance arch of the Paris World Exhibition of 1889. The tower was saved from the planned demolition 20 years after the exhibition by radio antennas installed at the very top - this was the era of the introduction of radio.

Where is the Eiffel Tower

If we talk about where is the Eiffel Tower specifically, it stands on the Champ de Mars opposite the Jena Bridge over the Seine River.

The question of how to get to the Eiffel Tower is also very simple: you need to navigate to the Bir-Hakeim station on line 6 of the Paris Metro. Another option is Trocadero station on line 9. Bus routes to the Eiffel Tower are: 42, 69, 72, 82 and 87.

If you wish, you can see in real time what is happening around the main attraction of Paris and see others. Webcams of the Eiffel Tower and Paris are not as popular and developed as in New York, so they offer only a limited view of the tower.

Height of the Eiffel Tower

Height of the Eiffel Tower in the spire is 324 meters (2000). For more than 40 years, the Eiffel Tower was the tallest building in the world, almost 2 times taller than the tallest tall buildings world of that time - (137 m), (156 m) and Ulm Cathedral (161 m) - until in 1930 it was surpassed by the Chrysler Building in New York.

Throughout its history, the tower has repeatedly changed its paint color - from yellow to red-brown. In recent decades, the Eiffel Tower has been invariably painted in “Eiffel Brown” - an officially patented color close to the natural shade of bronze, which is barely visible in night photos of the Eiffel Tower.

Eiffel Tower in Paris: history

Eiffel Tower in Paris was created specifically for the World Exhibition of 1889, which was organized by the authorities for the centenary of the Great French Revolution. The famous engineer Gustave Eiffel submitted to the Paris administration his project for a 300-meter iron tower, which he was not actually involved in. On September 18, 1884, Gustav Eiffel received a joint patent for the project with his employees, and subsequently bought the exclusive right from them.

On May 1, 1886, a nationwide competition for architectural and engineering projects for the future World Exhibition opened, in which 107 applicants took part. Various extravagant ideas were considered, including, for example, a giant guillotine, which was supposed to be reminiscent of the French Revolution of 1789. Eiffel's project becomes one of the 4 winners and then the engineer makes final changes to it, finding a compromise between the original purely engineering design scheme and the decorative option.

In the end, the committee settled on Eiffel's plan, although the idea of ​​the tower itself did not belong to him, but to two of his employees: Maurice Koechlen and Emile Nouguier. It was possible to assemble such a complex structure as a tower within two years only because Eiffel used special construction methods. This explains the decision of the exhibition committee in favor of this project.

In order for the tower to better meet the aesthetic tastes of the demanding Parisian public, the architect Stéphane Sauvestre proposed covering the base supports of the tower with stone, connecting its supports and the ground floor platform with the help of majestic arches, which would simultaneously become the main entrance to the exhibition, and placing spacious glazed halls, give the top of the tower a rounded shape and use a variety of decorative elements to decorate it.

In January 1887, Eiffel, the state and the municipality of Paris signed an agreement according to which Eiffel was provided with an operating lease of the tower for his personal use for a period of 25 years, and also provided for the payment of a cash subsidy in the amount of 1.5 million gold francs, amounting to 25% of all expenses for construction of a tower. On December 31, 1888, in order to attract the missing funds, a joint-stock company was created with an authorized capital of 5 million francs. Half of this amount is funds contributed by three banks, the other half is the personal funds of Eiffel himself.

The final construction budget was 7.8 million francs. The tower paid for itself during the exhibition period, and its subsequent operation turned out to be a very profitable business.

Construction of the Eiffel Tower

Construction work was carried out by 300 workers for just over two years - from January 28, 1887 to March 31, 1889. The record-breaking construction time was facilitated by extremely high-quality drawings indicating the exact dimensions of more than 12,000 metal parts, for the assembly of which 2.5 million rivets were used.

To finish construction of the Eiffel Tower At the appointed time, Eiffel used, for the most part, pre-fabricated parts. At first, high cranes were used. When the structure outgrew their height, mobile cranes specially designed by Eiffel were used. They moved along rails laid for future elevators. The first tower elevators were powered by hydraulic pumps. Two historic Fives-Lill elevators, installed in 1899 in the eastern and western pillars of the tower, are still in use to this day. Since 1983, their operation has been ensured by an electric motor, while the hydraulic pumps have been preserved and are available for inspection.

The second and third floors of the tower were connected by a vertical elevator, created by engineer Edu (Eiffel’s classmate at the Central Higher Technical School) and consisting of two mutually leveling cabins. Halfway to the landing, at an altitude of 175 m from the ground, passengers had to transfer to another elevator. Water tanks installed on the floors provided the necessary hydraulic pressure. In 1983, this elevator, which could not operate in the winter, was replaced by an Otis electric elevator. It consisted of four cabins and provided direct communication between two floors. The construction of the Eiffel Tower required special attention to safety issues of continuous work. This became Eiffel's greatest concern. There were no deaths during the construction work, which was a significant achievement for that time.

The work progressed slowly but continuously. It aroused surprise and admiration among Parisians who saw the tower growing into the sky. On March 31, 1889, less than 26 months after the excavation began, Eiffel was able to invite several more or less physically strong officials to the first ascent of 1,710 steps.

Eiffel Tower (France): public reaction and subsequent history

The structure was a stunning and immediate success. During the six months of the exhibition, more than 2 million visitors came to see the “iron lady”. By the end of the year, three quarters of all construction costs were recovered.
In addition to the Eiffel, there are several more interesting and unusual towers: the leaning tower, the leaning tower and the legendary one.
In October 1898, Eugene Ducretet conducted the first telegraph communication session between the Eiffel Tower and the Pantheon. In 1903, General Ferrier, a pioneer in the field of wireless telegraphy, used it for his experiments. It so happened that the tower was left at first for military purposes.

Since 1906, a radio station has been permanently located on the tower. January 1, 1910 Eiffel extends the lease of the tower for a period of seventy years. In 1921, the first direct radio transmission from the Eiffel Tower took place. A wide radio broadcast was broadcast, made possible by the installation of special antennas on the tower. Since 1922, a radio program began to be published regularly, which was called “Eiffel Tower”.

In 1925, the first attempts were made to relay a television signal from the tower. The transmission of regular television programs began in 1935. Since 1957, a television tower has been located on the tower, increasing the height of the steel structure to 320.75 m. In addition to it, several dozen linear and parabolic antennas are installed on the tower. They provide retransmission of various radio and television programs.

During the German occupation of 1940, the French damaged the elevator drive just before Adolf Hitler arrived, so the Fuhrer never climbed it. In August 1944, as the Allies approached Paris, Hitler ordered General Dietrich von Koltitz, the military governor of Paris, to destroy the tower along with the rest of the city's landmarks. But Von Koltitz disobeyed the order. Surprisingly, a few hours after the liberation of Paris, the elevator drive started working again.

Eiffel Tower: interesting facts

  • The weight of the metal structure is 7,300 tons (total weight 10,100 tons). Today, three towers could be built from this metal at once. The foundation is made of concrete masses. The vibrations of the tower during storms do not exceed 15 cm.
  • The lower floor is a pyramid (129.2 m each side at the base), formed by 4 columns connected at a height of 57.63 m by an arched vault; on the vault is the first platform of the Eiffel Tower. The platform is a square (65 m across).
  • On this platform rises a second pyramid-tower, also formed by 4 columns connected by a vault, on which there is (at a height of 115.73 m) a second platform (a square 30 m in diameter).
  • Four columns rising on the second platform, pyramidally approaching and gradually intertwining, form a colossal pyramidal column (190 m), carrying a third platform (at a height of 276.13 m), also square in shape (16.5 m in diameter); there is a lighthouse with a dome on it, above which at an altitude of 300 m there is a platform (1.4 m in diameter).
  • There are stairs (1792 steps) and elevators leading to the tower.

Restaurant halls were erected on the first platform; on the second platform there were tanks with machine oil for the hydraulic lifting machine (elevator) and a restaurant in a glass gallery. The third platform housed the astronomical and meteorological observatories and the physics room. The light of the lighthouse was visible at a distance of 10 km.

The erected tower was stunning with its bold design. Eiffel was severely criticized for the project and simultaneously accused of trying to create something artistic and non-artistic.

Together with his engineers - specialists in bridge construction, Eiffel was engaged in calculations of wind force, well aware that if they were building the tallest structure in the world, they must first of all make sure that it was resistant to wind loads.

The original agreement with Eiffel was for the tower to be dismantled 20 years after construction. As you might guess, it was never implemented, and the story of the Eiffel Tower continued.

Under the first balcony, on all four sides of the parapet, the names of 72 outstanding French scientists and engineers, as well as those who made a special contribution to the creation of Gustav Eiffel, are engraved. These inscriptions appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and were restored in 1986–1987 by the Société Nouvelle d’exploitation de la Tour Eiffel, a company hired by the mayor’s office to operate the Eiffel Tower. The tower itself is the property of the city of Paris.

Eiffel Tower lighting

The lights on the Eiffel Tower were first turned on on its opening day in 1889. Then it consisted of 10 thousand gas lamps, two searchlights and a lighthouse installed on the top, the light of which was colored blue, white and red - the colors of the national flag of France. In 1900, electric lamps appeared on the Iron Lady's designs. The current golden lighting was first turned on on December 31, 1985, and can be seen in many photographs of the Eiffel Tower taken in recent years.

In 1925, Andre Citroen placed an advertisement on the tower that he called “Eiffel Tower on Fire.” About 125 thousand electric light bulbs were installed on the tower. One after another, ten images flashed on the tower: the silhouette of the Eiffel Tower, star rain, the flight of comets, the signs of the Zodiac, the year the tower was created, the current year and, finally, the name Citroen. This promotion lasted until 1934, and the tower was the most high place for advertising in the world.

In the summer of 2003, the tower was “dressed” in a new lighting robe. Over the course of several months, a team of thirty climbers entangled the tower structures with 40 kilometers of wires and installed 20 thousand light bulbs, manufactured to a special order from one of the French companies. The new illumination, which cost 4.6 million euros, was reminiscent of the one that first turned on on the tower on the night of New Year 2000, when the tower, usually illuminated by golden-yellow lanterns, in a matter of seconds was dressed in a fairy-tale glow, winking with silver lights.

From July 1 to December 31, 2008, during France's presidency of the EU, the tower was illuminated with blue stars (reminiscent of the European flag).

It consists of four levels: lower (ground), 1st floor (57 meters), 2nd floor (115 meters) and 3rd floor (276 meters). Each of them is remarkable in its own way.

On the lower level there are ticket offices where you can buy tickets to the Eiffel Tower, an information stand where you can grab useful brochures and booklets, as well as 4 souvenir shops - one in each column of the tower. In addition, in the southern column there is a post office, so you can send a postcard to your family and friends right from the foot of the famous building. Also, before starting to conquer the Eiffel Tower, you have the option of having a snack at the buffet located right there. From the lower level you can enter the offices where old hydraulic machines are installed, which in the past raised elevators to the top of the tower. They can only be admired as part of excursion groups.

The 1st floor, which can be reached on foot if desired, will delight tourists with another souvenir shop and the 58 Tour Eiffel restaurant. However, in addition to this, there is a preserved fragment of a spiral staircase, which at one time led from the second floor to the third, and at the same time to Eiffel’s office. You can learn a lot about the tower by going to the Cineiffel center, where animation dedicated to the history of the structure is shown. Children will certainly be interested in meeting Gus, the hand-drawn mascot of the Eiffel Tower and the character of a special children's guide book. Also on the 1st floor you can admire posters, photographs, and all kinds of illustrations from different times dedicated to the “Iron Lady.”

On the 2nd floor, the first thing that attracts attention is the general panorama of Paris, opening from a 115-meter height. Here you can replenish your supplies of souvenirs, find out a lot about the history of the tower at special stands, and at the same time order yourself a delicious lunch at the Jules Verne restaurant.

3rd floor is the main objective many tourists, in fact, the top of the Eiffel Tower, located at an altitude of 276 meters, where elevators with transparent glass lead, so that already on the way there a stunning view of the French capital. At the top you can treat yourself to a glass of champagne at the Champange bar. Climbing to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris is an experience that will last a lifetime.

If you want to experience this, then it's time to book a tour to the Eiffel Tower:

Eiffel Tower Restaurants

Having lunch or simply drinking a glass of wine in one of the restaurants located on the Eiffel Tower while admiring the view of Paris is the dream of many, so once you get to the top you should not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting a restaurant on the Eiffel Tower. In total, the tower houses two excellent restaurants, a bar and several buffets.

Opened recently on the 1st level of the Eiffel Tower, the 58 Tour Eiffel restaurant offers its visitors both light lunches and classic dinners, which can be enjoyed in a cozy and friendly atmosphere of the restaurant, looking at Paris from a height of 57 meters. It's not a very fancy place, but it's a very nice place. You can book your two-course meal and lift ticket using the link below.

"Jules Verne"

The restaurant on the 2nd floor of the tower, named after the famous writer, is an excellent example of modern and refined French cuisine. A variety of delicacies and unique dishes combined with a designer interior and impeccable ambiance - all this turns an ordinary lunch at Jules Vernet into a real feast of taste.

The “Champagne Bar”, located at the top of the Eiffel Tower, and drinking a glass of sparkling drink there is a kind of logical conclusion to the climb to the main attraction of Paris. You can choose pink or white champagne, which cost between 10-15 euros per glass.

Eiffel Tower Tickets

As mentioned above, ticket offices are located on the lowest level of the tower. The cost of an adult ticket to the top of the tower is 13.40 euros, to the 2nd floor - 8.20 euros. You can find out about other tickets on this page in a separate section. In addition, tickets for the Eiffel Tower can be purchased online on the attraction's website. In this case, an electronic ticket is sent by e-mail, which must be printed and taken with you on the day of the visit. Tickets can be purchased at least one day in advance of your visit. You can book tickets for the Eiffel Tower on the website, where all instructions are also indicated.

Eiffel Tower (Paris) - detailed description with photos, opening hours and ticket prices, location on the map.

Eiffel Tower (Paris)

The Eiffel Tower is the main attraction of Paris, a real symbol of the capital of France. This huge metal structure, over 320 meters high (exact height 324 meters), was built in 2 years and 2 months in 1889. Named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel who built it. Eiffel himself simply called it a “three hundred meter tower.” Interestingly, the Eiffel Tower was built as a temporary structure for the World Exhibition held in Paris. But not only was it not dismantled, but it also turned into a real symbol of Paris and the most visited paid attraction in the world.

When darkness falls, the Eiffel Tower turns on with beautiful lighting.


For the World Exhibition of 1889, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution, the city authorities wanted to build an architectural structure that would become the pride of France. For this purpose, a competition was established among engineering bureaus. An offer was made to Eiffel to take part in it. Gustave himself had no ideas. He rummaged through old sketches and dug up a design for a high-rise steel tower made by his employee, Maurice Keshlin. The project was finalized and sent to the competition.

From 107 diverse projects, 4 winners were selected. Among them, of course, was the Eiffel project. After changes were made to the project to improve its architectural appeal, it was declared the winner. In January 1887, an agreement was concluded between the Eiffel Bureau and the municipal authorities of Paris for the construction of the tower. At the same time, Eiffel was provided not only with a cash payment, but also with a lease of the tower for 25 years. The agreement provided for the tower to be dismantled after 20 years, but it became so popular that it was decided to preserve it.

  1. More than 5 million people visit the Eiffel Tower every year. Over the entire period of its existence, the tower was visited by more than 250 million people. A colossal number!
  2. The construction cost amounted to 7.5 million francs and was paid off during the exhibition period.
  3. More than 18 thousand metal parts and 2.5 million rivets were used to build the tower.
  4. The weight of the structure is more than 10 thousand tons.
  5. The creative people of Paris reacted negatively to this building, believing that it did not fit into the architecture of the city. They have repeatedly sent petitions to the mayor's office calling for the construction to be stopped or dismantled. For example, one of her famous opponents, Guy de Maupassant, often dined at a restaurant located in the tower. When asked why he eats here so often? He replied that this is the only place in Paris where it (the tower) is not visible.

Eiffel Tower opening hours

The Eiffel Tower's operating hours are as follows:

  • From 9.00 to 12.00 from June to September.
  • From 9.00 to 23.00 in other months.

Ticket prices

To the 2nd floor by elevator

  • Adults - 11 euros.
  • Youth from 12 to 24 years old - 8.5 euros
  • Children under 12 years old - 4 euros

To the 2nd floor via stairs

  • Adults - 7 euros.
  • Youth from 12 to 24 years old - 5 euros
  • Children under 12 years old - 3 euros

To the top by elevator

  • Adults - 17 euros.
  • Youth from 12 to 24 years old - 14.5 euros
  • Children under 12 years old - 8 euros

How to get there

  • RER - line C, Champ de Mars - tour Eiffel
  • Metro - line 6, Bir-hakeim, line 9, Trocadero.
  • Bus - 82, 87, 42, 69, tour Eiffel or Champ de Mars

The sand therapy method - Sandplay - is based on Jungian analytical psychology. Jung's research showed that a person's inner world is rich and diverse, although a person often does not realize this, and that, by creating conditions for the manifestation fantasy, you can become aware of previously hidden or suppressed feelings and ideas. This inner space of a person is unconscious, and he is not amenable to logical rational knowledge, his language is the language of images, ideas, sensations.

The connection of these two worlds - the conscious and the unconscious - occurs through the process of symbol formation. The energy that arises in the unconscious is first transformed into images (visual, auditory, tactile), which can then be designated by words - that is, translated into the space of consciousness. It is precisely on the border between creation and the unconscious that symbol. It always reflects an experience that has meaning for a person.

The sand therapy room has a sand tray, sand, water and a variety of miniatures representing real world objects. All these objects, on the one hand, have their own everyday meaning, on the other hand, they are filled with collective meanings (social, cultural, regional, national, gender, etc.). When the client interacts with sand and figures, he comes into contact with these energies and complements them with his own meanings.

The use of symbols helps the psyche realize its desire for development - self-knowledge and fulfillment, and in the case of psychological trauma - for healing. The images and symbols of the unconscious are effective factors in giving impetus to the inner life.

In this article I want to describe the study of one of the symbols that became an important element in the therapy of a seven-year-old girl. I will not describe in detail the problems with which the family came to me and the therapy process. I want to demonstrate how much information we can gain by listening carefully, feeling and living the symbol.

Silence in Jungian sand therapy has more value than analyzing and discussing figures in the sand. The silence of consciousness allows you to hear the voice of the soul.

I have two Eiffel Towers in my sand therapy collection. One large metal (about 18 cm) bronze color is very realistic, and the second is smaller, plastic, white with backlight. The second tower often attracts children's attention due to its lighting. The first one remained untouched until recently.

And then one day a 7-year-old girl, let’s call her Maria, entered the office and began her dialogue with me by telling me that she was planning to run away to Paris to the Eiffel Tower. She finds it on the shelf and puts it in the sandbox in the far upper corner (she herself is on the right). She bends diagonally across the sandbox, and her body seems to repeat her words - this tower is very far away and difficult to reach.

What attracts attention is the desire to escape - to break the rules, to show one’s independence, to insist on one’s own. On the other hand, why exactly to the Eiffel Tower?

I thought about its symbolism. First of all, this is a tower. Of all the architectural creations of man, the majestic and unshakable tower is an important and meaningful symbol that embodies power, pride, vigilance, spiritual uplift, inaccessibility and chastity.

In mythology, a famous plot is the myth of the Tower of Babel, which has become a symbol of human pride and madness.

Many stories are dedicated to one or another innocent maiden imprisoned in a tower, as a result of which the latter began to be regarded as a symbol of chastity.

There is a "Tower" card in the Tarot. It depicts a tower struck by lightning. The meaning of the card is twofold. It can foretell failure, warns of impending danger, the dangerous consequences of excessive arrogance. There is also a positive meaning - it is a sign of revelation or emotional release.

In military affairs, the fortress watchtower is a universally recognized symbol of vigilance.

The lighthouse tower, which shows the way to ships and warns of danger, has a similar meaning. Also, for sailors, the lighthouse has long been a symbol of hope, announcing the proximity of their native land and the end of a dangerous voyage.

In emblems this is a frequently used symbol. Uniqueness matters here architectural features, which clearly emphasizes their individuality.

In the Egyptian hieroglyphic system, a tower serves as a sign denoting height or elevation above the ordinary level of life in society, thus symbolizing ascension. Since the tower rises above everything else, here its symbolism intersects with the staircase - a reflection of the connection between earth and sky.

Now let's look at the history and features of the Eiffel Tower.

Eiffel Tower is a metal tower in the center of Paris, its most recognizable architectural landmark.

Here, the symbolism of the tower itself is joined by the symbolism of Paris, France, where the main lines are love and romance.

The tower, which later became a symbol of Paris, was built in 1889 as an entrance arch to the 1889 Paris Universal Exhibition. At such a competition, it was necessary to create a structure that would visibly demonstrate the country’s engineering and technological achievements.

Thus, the symbolism of exaltation, superiority, intellectual progress, and the triumph of engineering genius is reflected here.

The Eiffel Tower is called the most visited paid attraction in the world and the most photographed.

It acts as a symbol of public appreciation and recognition, social superiority.

It is interesting that, both at the time of construction and to this day, the creative intelligentsia of Paris and France are outraged by Eiffel’s daring project and believe that this metal structure suppresses the architecture of the city and violates the unique style of the capital that has developed over the centuries.

Here we see an underlying conflict between the true spirit of the city and its modern, progressive vision, which can be seen even deeper - as a conflict between the sensual and the logical.

The Eiffel Tower is called the "Iron Lady" of Paris. She is credited with feminine traits - grace, beauty, elegance. At the same time, it is made of metal - an iron alloy, which carries masculine symbolism - immutability, reliability, hardness, density, strength, stability, strength, intransigence, resilience, inflexibility, strength, perseverance, patience, cruelty, punishment, shackles, captivity, weapon.

The Eiffel Tower is the embodiment of the combination, opposition, and struggle of male and female energies.

The tower, which later became a symbol of Paris, was originally intended as a temporary structure and was to be dismantled after 20 years. However, the structure was a stunning and immediate success. During the six months of the exhibition, more than 2 million visitors came to see the “iron lady”. Its construction paid off already during the exhibition. Then they decided not to dismantle the tower, and it still brings in good income.

This fact of history can, on the one hand, embody a rational approach - why break something that brings benefits. On the other hand, this can be considered as commercialism - where profit is placed above moral principles (its appearance is very different from the architectural ensemble of the city), as well as betrayal - violation of obligations and promises.

An interesting cultural feature of the perception of the Eiffel Tower by Russian people, reflected in many anecdotes and stories and perfectly expressed in Vysotsky’s song:

"I've already spat from the Eiffel Tower

On the heads of careless Parisians!"

Expression " don't care about anyone" means to treat with indifference, contemptuous disregard. Paris like western city is perceived by many as a place where everything is much better (especially in Soviet reality, where Vysotsky worked). This is the center of culture, science, developed economy, freedom. At the same time, when entering this city, one’s own worthlessness, uselessness, and inconsistency with the greatness of the city become obvious. And as a defense against these feelings there is a desire to demonstrate one’s indifference - “but I don’t care.”

Here we are dealing with the theme of the unattainability of something important that provides self-worth, inner confidence in acceptance and belonging.

It is also important to note that Paris was one of the centers of white emigration after the revolution.

And this connects it for Russians with the symbolism of abandonment, inaccessibility of home, longing and nostalgia for a lost home.

Thus, the image of the Eiffel Tower is very multifaceted:

  • it is associated with maternal symbolism in its scarce aspect,
  • the contradiction between the sensual and logical, feminine and masculine,
  • the confrontation between true values ​​and external diversity.