Artifacts from the past. Archaeological artifacts that do not fit into history. Inexplicable, but true The most mysterious artifacts of antiquity

In Siberia, altars, sanctuaries and places of worship our ancestors of the 3rd – 2nd millennia BC. Imagine a temple in the form of a hexagon 13 meters long, oriented along a north-south line, with a gable roof and a floor covered with bright red mineral paint, which has retained its freshness to this day. And all this in the Arctic region, where the very survival of man is called into question by science!

Now I will explain the original origin of the six-pointed star, now called " star of david"Our ancient ancestors, or according to science, the "Proto-Indo-Europeans", used a triangle to mark the pubic part of female clay figurines, personifying the mother goddess, the ancestor of all living things, the goddess of fertility. Gradually, the triangle, as well as the image of the angle, denoting the feminine principle, regardless of position of their tops, became widely used for ornamentation of pottery and other products.

The triangle, with its apex facing upward, began to denote masculinity. In India, the hexagram later became a symbolic image of the widespread religious sculptural composition Yoniling. This cult attribute of Hinduism consists of an image of the female genital organs (yoni), on which is mounted an image of an erect male penis (ling). Joniling, like the hexagram, denotes the act of copulation between a man and a woman, the fusion of the male and female principles of nature, in which all living things are born. So the hexagram-star turned into a talisman, a shield from danger and suffering. The hexagram, today known as the Star of David, has a very ancient origin, not tied to a specific ethnic community. It is found in cultures such as Sumerian-Akkadian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Indian, Slavic, Celtic and others. For example, later in ancient Egypt two crossed triangles became a symbol of secret knowledge, in India it became a talisman - " seal of Vishnu“, and among the ancient Slavs this symbol of masculinity began to belong to the god of fertility Veles and was called the “star of Veles.”

In the second half of the 19th century, the six-pointed star became one of the emblems of the Theosophical Society, organized by Helena Blavatsky, and later of the World Zionist Organization. Now the six-pointed star is the official state symbol of Israel. In the national-patriotic environment, there is a clear misconception that the six-pointed star in Orthodox tradition and in Judaism - one essence and the same symbol. For our Orthodoxy, this is the Star of Bethlehem, symbolizing the birth of Christ and has nothing to do with Judaism.

Also in the Siberian Subpolar region the following artifacts were found and later disappeared.

Why are artifacts hidden, why are some of them destroyed, why are Vatican For centuries, ancient books have been collected in archives and not shown to anyone, but only to initiates? Why is this happening?

The events that we hear about from blue screens, printed publications and mass media disinformation mainly concern politics and economics. The attention of the modern average person is deliberately concentrated on these two areas in order to hide from him things that are no less important. What we are talking about is detailed below.

Currently, the planet is engulfed in a chain of local wars. This began immediately after the West declared the Cold War on the Soviet Union. First the events in Korea, then in Vietnam, Africa, Western Asia etc. Now we see how the war that broke out in the north of the African continent is slowly approaching our borders; peaceful cities and villages in south-eastern Ukraine are already being bombed. Everyone understands that if Syria falls, then Iran will be next. What about Iran? Is war between NATO and China possible? According to some politicians, the reactionary forces of the West, in alliance with Muslim fundamentalists, fed by Bandera’s followers, may fall on Crimea, on Russia, and the final result will be China. But this is only the external background of what is happening, so to speak, the visible part of the iceberg, consisting of political confrontation and economic problems of our time.

What is hidden under the thickness of the invisible and unknown? And this is what is hidden: wherever military operations take place, no matter in Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, northern Africa or in the vast expanses of Western Asia, Ukraine, everywhere, following NATO troops, American, European and Muslim warriors, an invisible army is advancing the force that is trying to rule the world.

What are these, to put it mildly, representatives of the military presence doing, if their main duty is the destruction of museums in the occupied territories? They are engaged in appropriating the most valuable things that are under the protection of states occupied by NATO troops. As a rule, after a military conflict in a particular territory, historical museums turn into a real dump of broken and confused artifacts. Into such chaos that it is difficult for even a major specialist to understand. All this is done intentionally, but the question is, where does the loot disappear, to the British Museum or other museums in Europe? Maybe to the national historical museums of America or Canada? It is interesting that the captured valuables do not appear in any of the above-mentioned establishments and therefore it is impossible to present a bill to any European country, just like Americans and Canadians. Question: where do things taken from historical museum Baghdad, Egypt, Libya and other museums where a NATO soldier or a mercenary from the French International Legion set foot? Now the problem of returning the gold of the Scythians of Ukraine and Crimea, whether they will return it or only part of it, remains in question, and no one is paying attention to this because of the unleashed war of the oligarchic authorities of Ukraine against their own people.

One thing is clear that all stolen artifacts go directly to secret Masonic vaults or to the Vatican dungeons. The question inevitably arises: what are the globalists and their accomplices trying to hide from the public?

Judging by what we managed to understand, the caches of the Masonic Order receive things and artifacts related to the ancient history of mankind. For example, a sculpture of the winged demon Patsutsu disappeared from the Baghdad museum; it was assumed that this demon was the image of certain creatures that came to Earth in time immemorial. What is its danger? It may be that he could suggest that people are not products of evolutionary development according to Darwin's theory, but direct descendants of aliens from outer space. Using sculpture as an example Patsutsu and related artifacts, one can conclude that Masonic bloodhounds are stealing artifacts from museums that tell about the true history of mankind. Moreover, this happens not only in the West, but also here, on Russian territory.

For example, one can recall Tisulskaya find. In September 1969 in the village Rzhavchik Tisulsky district of the Kemerovo region, a marble sarcophagus was raised from a depth of 70 meters from under a coal seam. When it was opened, the whole village gathered, it was a shock for everyone. The casket turned out to be a coffin, filled to the brim with pink-blue crystalline liquid. Beneath her rested a tall (about 185 cm), slender, beautiful woman, about thirty, with delicate European features and large, wide-open blue eyes. It looks like a character from Pushkin's fairy tale. you can find detailed description of this event on the Internet, down to the names of all those present, but there is a lot of false stuffing and distorted data. One thing is known that the burial site was subsequently cordoned off, all artifacts were removed, and within 2 years, for unknown reasons, all the witnesses to the incident died.

Question: where was all this taken? According to geologists, this is the Decembrian, approximately 800 million years ago. One thing is clear: the scientific community knows nothing about the Tisul find.

Another example. On the site of the Battle of Kulikovo, now stands the Staro-Simonovsky Monastery in Moscow. At Romanovs The Kulikovo field was moved to the Tula region, and in our time, in the 30s, at the present site of the mass grave, the tomb of the soldiers of the Battle of Kulikovo who fell here was dismantled in connection with the construction of the Likhachev Palace of Culture (ZIL). Today the Old Simonov Monastery is located on the territory of the Dynamo plant. In the 60s of the last century, they simply crushed priceless slabs and tombstones with authentic ancient inscriptions into crumbs with jackhammers, and took it all out along with a mass of bones and skulls in dump trucks for garbage, thank you for at least restoring the burial of Peresvet and Oslyabya, but the real one can't be returned.

Another example. A three-dimensional map was found in the stone of Western Siberia, the so-called " Chandar plate". The plate itself is artificial, made using a technology unknown to modern science. At the base of the map is durable dolomite, a layer of diopside glass is applied to it, its processing technology is still unknown to science. The volumetric relief of the area is reproduced on it, and the third layer is sprayed white porcelain.

Creating such a map requires processing huge amounts of data that can only be obtained by aerospace photography. Professor Chuvyrov says that this map is no more than 130 thousand years old, but now it has disappeared.

From the above examples it follows that in Soviet time On the territory of the country, the same secret organization operated to seal ancient artifacts as in the West. Without a doubt, it still works today. There is a recent example of this.

Several years ago, to study the ancient heritage of our ancestors, on the territory Tomsk A permanent search expedition was organized in the region. In the first year of the expedition’s work, 2 solar temples and 4 ancient settlements were discovered on one of the Siberian rivers. And all this, practically, in one place. But when a year later we went on an expedition again, we met strange people at the site of the finds. It is unclear what they were doing there. The people were well armed and behaved very brazenly. After meeting with these strange people, literally a month later, one of our acquaintances, a local resident, called us and said that unknown people were doing something at the settlements and temples we found. What attracted these people to our findings? It’s simple: we managed to find thin ceramics with ancient Sumerian ornaments both at the temples and fortifications.

Their discovery was reported in a report that was submitted to the headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society of the Tomsk Region.

The winged solar disk is found in ancient Egyptian, Sumerian-Mesopotamian, Hittite, Anatolian, Persian (Zoroastrian), South American and even Australian symbolism and has many variations.

Comparison of ornamental motifs of ancient Sumerian pictographic writing and ornaments of Siberian and northern peoples. The ancestors of the Sumerians are the Suberians, the ancient inhabitants of Siberia.

The casket opened quite simply, if a small search expedition of local local historians came across the ancestral home of the ancient Sumerians of Siberia - the ancient civilization of Siberia, then this fundamentally contradicts the biblical concept, which states that the oldest bearers of culture on Earth can only be wise Semites, but not representatives of the white race , whose ancestral home is located in northern Europe and the vast expanses of Siberia. If in Middle Ob region Since the ancestral home of the Sumerians has been discovered, then, logically, the Sumerians come from the ethnic “cauldron” of the ancestral home of the white race. Consequently, every Russian, German or Balt automatically turns into close relatives of the most ancient race on the planet.

In fact, we need to rewrite history again, and this is already a mess. It is still unclear what the “unknown” people were doing in the ruins we discovered. Perhaps they hastily destroyed traces of ceramics, or maybe the artifacts themselves. This remains to be seen. But the fact that strange people arrived from Moscow speaks volumes.

About the ancient stone map of Siberia found by Chuvyrov

More details and a variety of information about events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the website “Keys of Knowledge”. All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite everyone who wakes up and is interested...

Forbidden archeology - relics of past eras that do not fit into the worldview of modern people, but not because we - people of the 21st century - cannot comprehend them, but in order not to change the once-rewritten history that took away the greatness of our ancestors .
However, sometimes they are silent about strange Findings also because historians simply do not know how to explain the found artifact, for example, a microchip fused into a stone that is several hundred million years old. And instead of making such a significant fact of the Find a sensation, and the relic itself into the public domain, and making every effort to clarify the fate of the artifact, they are silent about the found object, and accounting archaeologists are not recommended to study further the “Incomprehensible” object.
It is the material objects that archaeologists find that “put a spoke in the wheels” of the dogmas of scientists - historians, because no one has been taking the intangible ones seriously for a long time, classifying ancient history as mythology, and presenting mythology in the form of a literary genre, recommended for reading to lovers of fables. In the absence of ancient books, which were destroyed at all times as sources of “Dangerous Knowledge,” when nothing can be confirmed or refuted for certain based on ancient manuscripts, any fact can be falsified. And only thanks to artifacts it becomes clear that the earth has a different history of the development of intelligent life than the one we are taught.
Next we will talk about some archaeological Finds that are relics of our great past.
(Unfortunately, due to the low quality and lack of photos on the Internet, it is not possible to post a picture for each artifact, therefore, we recommend that you delve deeper into this topic yourself).

* Dorchester mystery of history - the oldest vessel from Mount Meeting - House (USA, Massachusetts).
In 1852, in the town of Dorchester, during blasting operations, a bell-shaped vessel made of a metal alloy was extracted from the rock of Meeting House Mountain along with fragments of stone. Presumably, based on the color of the vessel, it was determined that it was made of an alloy of silver with other chemical elements. The beautiful intricate inlay and engraving of a wreath, a vine and a design of a bouquet consisting of six inflorescences was made of pure silver, and was the finest work of a skilled craftsman.
The Dorchester vessel was located in sandstone no more than 5 meters below the surface in the Roxbury rock, the origin of which geologists place in the Precambrian era (cryptozoic) - a period in which the earth lived about 600,000,000 years ago.

* an artifact that does not fit into history - an “Ancient” bolt.
This Find fell into the hands of researchers by accident - an expedition with a telling name"Cosmopoisk" was looking for fragments of a meteorite in the fields of the Kaluga region, and found a completely local, terrestrial object - a stone, from which protruded a part of a long-frozen part that looked like a bolt (a coil.
During a thorough study of the Nakhodka by serious scientists from a number of the country’s leading research institutes, it was only reliably established that the stone into which the bolt was cast had an age of origin of more than 300,000,000 years ago. An obvious fact was also stated - the bolt had been in the body of the stone for a long time, perhaps when the substance of the cobblestone was soft. This means that at the time when, according to the official version of history, the first reptiles appeared on earth, such a technical thing as a bolt got into the soil that became the basis of the stone.

* a relic that refutes the theory of the origin of man on earth.
A human skull, devoid of brow ridges, became a mysterious Siberian find. Archaeologists place its origin at 250,000,000 years old. The absence of brow ridges suggests that this is a humanoid skull and is not related to ancient primates. But according to official history, only the genus Homo, from which modern man descended, appeared on earth 2,500,000 years ago.
And this is not an isolated case of the discovery of an unusual skull. Skull boxes of various shapes, large, with an elongated or rounded shape of the back of the head, are constantly found during excavations, undermining by their appearance the theory of the origin and evolution of man.
Other important Finds are associated with this part of the human skeleton. Images of craniotomy operations that researchers find in ancient manuscripts or carved on stones suggest that the brain ancient man was not small, like a primate. It turns out that knowledge about complex surgical manipulations with the human body arose in those times when, according to official chronology, there was no Homo sapiens on earth.

* traces of feet and shoes from the Mesozoic era are an interesting imprint of the past.
Near the city of Carlson (USA, Nevada) during archaeological excavations Footprints were found - clear imprints of the soles of well-made shoes. At first, archaeologists were surprised by the fact that shoe prints were many times larger than the size of the feet. modern man. But after they carefully examined the site of this Find, the size of the footprint was not important in comparison with its age. It turned out that time has left an imperishable imprint of a shoe from the Carboniferous period of the planet’s development. It was in this archaeological layer of earth that the traces were found.
Of the same ancient origin, about 250,000,000 years ago, were the footprints discovered in California. A whole chain of prints was found there, left one after another, with a step of about two meters, a foot whose size was approximately 50 centimeters. Only if you compare the proportions of a person with a reference for a similar foot size, it turns out that a person 4 meters tall from the ground was walking there.
Similar footprints 50 centimeters long were found in our country, in Crimea. There are traces left on the rock of the mountains.

* amazing historical finds in mines around the world.
The discoveries that ordinary miners make while they carry out their daily work of mining amaze archaeologists - they are jealous that they were not the ones who found such relics.
As it turns out, coal is not only a fuel, but also a material on which and in which ancient traces are perfectly preserved. Among those found on pieces of coal of various sizes: an inscription in an incomprehensible language, a shoe print with clearly visible stitches of a seam connecting parts of the thing, and even bronze coins that fell into a coal seam long before the era when, according to official history, man learned to process metal and mint money from it. But these are insignificant finds in comparison with the one that was discovered in a mine in Oklahoma (USA: there, miners found an entire wall made up of cubes with a side of 30 centimeters, with perfectly drawn edges of the figure.
The fossil beds in which all of the above artifacts were found are classified as sediments whose age ranges from 5 to 250 million years.

* 3D map of the earth from a cartographer from the Cretaceous period.
The Southern Urals - a treasure trove of artifacts - gave the world an amazing discovery: 3D map area 70 million years old. The map is perfectly preserved due to the fact that it was made on dolomite stone combined with elements of glass and ceramics. Six solid huge and heavy dolomite slabs, dotted with signs, were found by researchers of the expedition led by Alexander Chuvyrov near Mount Chandur, but there is historical information that there were hundreds of them.
Everything about this Nakhodka is amazing. First of all, a material that is not found in such a combination on our planet. A homogeneous dolomite slab, the likes of which cannot be found anywhere now, was covered with a layer of glass fused with stone by an unknown chemical method. On diopside glass, which allegedly began to be produced towards the end of the last century, the relief of the planet was skillfully depicted, which was characteristic of the earth in the Cretaceous period, that is, about 120 million years ago. But, to the amazement of archaeologists, in addition to valleys, mountains and rivers, an interconnected chain of canals and dams was drawn on the map, that is, a hydraulic system of several tens of thousands of kilometers.
But even stranger is the fact that the size of the slabs is such that it is most convenient to use them for people who are at least three meters tall. However, this fact was not as sensational for Nakhodka as the correlation of the size of the plates with astronomical values: for example, if you lay out this map of plates along the equator, you will need exactly 365 fragments. And some of the map signs that have been deciphered indicate that their compilers are familiar with physical information about our planet, that is, they know, for example, its tilt axis and rotation angle.

* encyclopedia of knowledge on oval stones by Dr. Cabrera.
Dr. Cabrera, a citizen of Peru, became famous throughout the world for collecting a huge amount, approximately 12,000, of stones with drawings of ancient people. However, unlike the famous primitive rock paintings, these images were, in a way, an encyclopedia of knowledge. The stones of various sizes depicted people and scenes from their lives, animals, maps and much more in such fields of knowledge as ethnography, biology, geography. On par with dinosaur hunting scenes different types, there were pictures that clearly depicted the process of performing a surgical operation to transplant human organs.
The location of the Nakhodka was the suburb of the small settlement of Ika, in honor of which the stones received their name. Ica stones have been studied for a long time, but are still among the mysteries of archeology, because they cannot be included in the history of the origin of mankind.
What distinguishes the Nakhodka from other surviving images of antiquity is that the man on the stones of Doctor Cabrera is depicted with a very large head. Thus, if now a person’s head to body is correlated as 1/7, then in the drawings from ika it is 1/3 or 1/4. Scientists suggest that these were not our ancestors, but a civilization similar to our human one - a civilization of intelligent humanoid creatures.
* unaffordable and unrealizable megaliths of antiquity.
Ancient structures made of huge, perfectly processed stone blocks are found everywhere on our planet. Megaliths were assembled from parts weighing several tons each. In some masonry slabs, the joint is such that it is impossible to insert even a thin knife blade between them. A number of structures are geographically located in places where the material from which they are assembled is not nearby.
It turns out that the ancient builders knew several secrets at once, which in the present can be associated with magical knowledge. For example, in order to give a block of stone such an ideal shape, you need to be able to soften the rock and sculpt the required figure from it, and in order to then move the finished multi-ton block into the masonry, you need to be able to change the gravity of the part of the future structure, moving the “Brick” to where the builder needs it.
Some ancient structures are so grandiose for modern times that even in our present there are no such cranes or other devices that could lift parts of the building to the height required from the ground in order to place a heavy block in the masonry. For example, in Puri in India, there is a local temple whose roof is made of block of stone weighing 20 tons. Other structures are so monumental that it is impossible to imagine how much material and labor resources they could be implemented in modern times.
Note that, despite their majesty, some buildings are stunning not only for their size, but also because they were built in accordance with certain laws of nature, for example, they are oriented towards the movement of the moon and sun, like the pyramids, or are designed to observe many celestial bodies, like Stonehenge . Other stone buildings, for example, a labyrinth on Solovetsky Islands, is a structure whose purpose remains a mystery.

* calligraphic “Notches” on boulders and drawings of unknown purpose, as well as “magic” stones.
Like megaliths, stones on which ancient writings or images with unknown purposes have been preserved can be found everywhere. The material for such messages from the past was a variety of elements, such as lava and marble, which were subjected to original preparatory processing before becoming the basis for applying signs and drawings.
For example, on the territory of Russia, huge stones are found on which are depicted hieroglyphs that cannot be deciphered, or clearly recognizable figures of animals that still exist on the earth, or images of God’s creatures that no longer live on the planet. Finds in the form of perfectly polished slabs, on which lines are inscribed, the content of which is hitherto incomprehensible, are not uncommon.
And a completely extraordinary fact against the background of this recorded information is the information that in one of the Indian villages, in the town of Shivapur, near local temple, there are two stones that can rise in the air under certain circumstances. Despite the fact that the boulders weigh 55 and 41 kilograms, if 11 people touch the largest of them with their fingers, and 9 people touch the other, and all these people together pronounce a certain phrase in the same key, the stones will rise to a height of two meters from the ground and several hang in the air for seconds.
The era in which metallurgy began to spread on earth, when people began to make tools and weapons for hunting from iron, has approximately boundaries established by scientists from 1200 BC. e to 340 AD e. and is called the Iron Age. Knowing this, it is difficult not to be surprised by all the Finds described below: iron, gold, titanium, tungsten, etc. - in a word, metal.

* metal in ancient galvanic cells.
A find that can be called the oldest electric battery. In Iraq, ceramic vases were found containing copper cylinders and iron rods. Based on the alloy of tin and lead on the edges of the copper cylinders, scientists determined that this device was nothing more than a galvanic cell.
After conducting an experiment by pouring a solution of copper sulfate into a vessel, the researchers obtained an electric current. The age of Nakhodka is approximately 4000 years ago, and it does not allow galvanic elements to be included in the official theory of how humanity mastered the use of iron elements.

* stainless steel 16th century iron "Pillar of Indra".
And even if the Finds are not so old, but have an age of origin of about 16 centuries, for example, like the “Pillar of Indra,” there are many mysteries in their appearance and existence on our planet. The said pillar is one of the mysterious landmarks of India. The structure made of pure iron has stood near Delhi in Shimaikhalori for 1600 years and has not rusted.
Would you say that there is no secret if a metal pole is 99.5% iron? Of course, but imagine that not a single metallurgical enterprise of our time, without making special efforts and resources, will now cast a 7.5 meter pillar with a cross-section of 48 centimeters and a percentage of iron content in it of 99.5. Why should the ancient people who lived in those places in 376-415, were you able to do something like this?
They also, in a way that is incomprehensible to today’s experts, put inscriptions on the pillar that tell us that the “Pillar of Indra” was erected during the reign of Chandragupta, on the occasion of the victory over the Asian peoples. This ancient memorial is still a Mecca for people who believe in miraculous healings, as well as a place for constant scientific observations and discussions that do not provide a single answer to the question of the essence of the pillar.

Many are convinced that it is in our time that the highest point of technical civilization on Earth has been reached. However, the deeper researchers delve into the depths of centuries, the more artifacts they find that contradict this theory by their existence. In connection with this, the term “forbidden archeology” even appeared.

Official science “denies” such discoveries as best it can. Datings are declared incorrect, statements are made that objects came into ancient layers from later times. Archaeologists are declared to be falsifiers, and in the most difficult cases it is pretended that these finds simply do not exist.

However, based on real ancient texts and images, a number of scientists suggest that ancient civilizations had high-tech products. Right down to airplanes and space technology.

Official history defines the boundaries of the “Bronze Age” as 35 – 11 centuries BC. However, in 1966, American student Steve Young discovered pottery in northeastern Thailand, near the border with Laos, belonging to a hitherto unknown civilization, which was given the name Bang Chang after the name of the area where the finds were made.

In 1974-1975, an archaeological expedition worked in this area. During the investigation, several burials were opened, in which ceramic, as well as bronze and iron products of high quality were discovered.

The thunder, as they say, thundered a little later, when scientists Chester Gorman and Pisit Charoenwongs conducted a radiocarbon analysis of the age of the finds and published these materials in a number of scientific journals. The finds date back to the 45th century BC, which pushed the boundaries of the Bronze Age back a thousand years. The Iron Age also shifted, by two and a half thousand years. The place of origin of civilization from the generally accepted Mediterranean, where in those days, as it was long believed, rare tribes of savages ran with stone axes, moved to southeast Asia. The luminaries of historical science immediately declared the inaccuracy of the radiocarbon method. And they tried to do everything so that these finds would be forgotten.

In 1935, during excavations in the city of Eshnunna, near Baghdad, glass was discovered dating back to 2700 BC. and an iron dagger handle. In addition, a house with four arched doors and windows was discovered, which radically changes ideas about the development of architecture. But that is not all. In the excavated temple, six toilets and five bathrooms were discovered, the waste of which was discharged into the sewer. In this case, the sewer pipes at different ends had different diameters and were inserted into one another, just like modern ones invented in the 20th century.

At the Fifth World Petroleum Congress, Italian scientist Mario Fera demonstrated a water tap made of tinned anti-corrosion and anti-friction bronze. The faucet was shiny polished tin and worked perfectly. It was raised from the bottom of Lake Nimi - taken from one of the pleasure boats of Emperor Caligula, who died in 41 AD. Fera also spoke about other Roman cranes. In 1956, the working tap in the water tank located in one of the ancient villas was replaced with a modern one. The old tap served for two thousand years.

In 1968, during excavations in Medzamora, the Soviet scientist Koriy Megertchan discovered the oldest multidisciplinary metallurgical plant. Two hundred domains of the plant smelted gold, silver, iron and other metals. Manganese additives were added to iron. 4,500 years ago, workers worked wearing respirators and gloves. The plant was located 28 kilometers from Mount Ararat.

Aluminum was officially discovered in 1807. They learned to produce it in its pure form by 1857. Even now, the technology for producing aluminum is very complex and requires enormous energy costs. Discovered in the tomb of Chou Su, a Jin era general, the aluminum buckle dates back to the third century AD.

In 1966, an ancient glass slab of crimson color with greenish veins was discovered in a cave near Haifa, Israel. Its dimensions are 3.35 by 2.13 meters with a thickness of 50 centimeters and a weight of 8.8 tons. Only two larger monolithic pieces of glass are known to mankind. Both were cast in the mid-20th century to make lenses for the 1948 Mount Palomar telescope.

In 1938, Dr. Wilhelm Koening discovered clay pots with copper cylinders inside in the vicinity of Baghdad. The edges of the cylinders were treated with solder that is quite modern to us, the bottoms of the cylinders were connected with copper disks. The connections were insulated with bitumen. It was the oldest electric battery. The ancients knew how to use electricity!

Objects with traces of electroplating, a technology for applying metals using electricity, discovered near the pyramids of Giza by Auguste Mariette answered the question: why are there no traces of soot in the dark labyrinths of the pyramids? According to modern history, the Egyptians could only use torches and oil lamps as lamps, which, as is known, smoke heavily. Mariette gives a clear answer: the lighting was electric.

Video "The Untold History of Humanity" by Richard Thompson

Official science is of the opinion that man appeared on Earth relatively recently - about a couple of million years ago. Moreover, it was difficult to call him a person then. Rather, he was a kind of upright creature that had difficulty obtaining food for itself with the help of stones and sticks and was afraid of open fire.

Not only greedy

However, some amazing artifacts, completely falling out of the strict chain of reasoning created by official science, refute this theory. They don’t even just refute, but directly say: human civilization arose much earlier. And its representatives were capable of not only waving sticks and throwing stones, but also mastered crafts. In addition, they created unique alloys and made objects that modern civilization learned to create quite recently, literally a couple of centuries ago. We will talk about some of these artifacts in this article.

Rex with a ball

West Africa, state of Sierra Leone. Workers are digging a mine - looking for diamonds. But in addition to diamonds, diggers discover stone figurines depicting elephants with riders. And these riders are gigantic in stature, and on their heads, instead of hair, there are snakes. But that's not all. In the same mine, workers found a stone figurine... of a dinosaur!

The figurine depicted the most popular and therefore well-known Tyrannosaurus rex, with something ringing inside of it. When the figurine was sent for examination, it turned out that the ringing was coming from a ball sealed in it, made of chrome-plated steel. Bearings, drills and other high-strength parts and tools are made from this steel, and, as we understand, humanity learned to smelt such steel relatively recently. And these figures and, accordingly, the ball enclosed inside the tyrannosaurus, as analysis showed, are 17 thousand years old!

"Genetic drive"

In the late 1960s, Luddite artifacts were discovered in the highlands of Colombia. Luddite is a hard, granite-like, black stone with a layered structure. It can be processed, but with with great difficulty. However, the ancient masters succeeded. Among the finds was a Luddite disk, which depicted... the stage-by-stage development of a human embryo! And from the very beginning, that is, from the fertilization of the egg with sperm, which is impossible to see without the help of a microscope. Scientists called this creation of ancient artisans the “Genetic Disk.” There is nothing more to say about him yet.

In 1948, in one of the US quarries, workers split a lump of coal. An iron cup was discovered inside the block. The age of coal is 55 million years. What is the age of the cup then?

There, in the USA, in the state of Oklahoma, also at a coal mine, workers were digging a mine and in its depths they discovered a door made of stone squares, polished to a mirror finish, each measuring 15x15 centimeters. The door didn't lead anywhere. But once upon a time they were included in it? And where were they going? And who made it?

Columbus discovered something there

Thanks to the efforts of the conquistadors and church leaders of the Middle Ages, practically no information about pre-Columbian America has been preserved in the world.

And some finds show that a lot of interesting things were happening on these continents, and representatives of the Old World did not bring culture and enlightenment there at all, but rather the opposite - darkness and ignorance. Let's take, for example, this fact. In 1984, approximately three hundred objects were found in one of the mountain caves of Ecuador that did not correspond either to European culture or to the cultures of the Aztecs and Mayans. One of the items was a very real and practically full map Earth from pole to pole, made on stone. On this map you can easily find the Mediterranean Sea, the Italian “boot”, Greece, the African continent... But the place where Japan, the Korean Peninsula, Sakhalin and the adjacent islands are now located is indicated on the map as continuous land. Obviously, this was a continent that, as a result of volcanic activity and earthquakes, was once split into separate islands. India on this map, by the way, has a much larger area than it does now. Perhaps due to natural disasters it also lost some of its territories.

It is no less interesting to look at the place on the stone map where the Atlantic Ocean is now located. It also has an ocean, but in the middle of it there is another continent. Maybe this is the legendary Atlantis?

Researchers believe that this map is at least 12 thousand years old. Not only did unknown craftsmen carve it on stone, but did they get detailed information somewhere about the location of continents, islands, seas and oceans?

Antediluvian cities

Of no less interest and obvious suspicion about the existence of ancient civilizations is the existence of “antediluvian” underground cities. Turkish archaeologists descended into one such city to a depth of 80 meters and discovered halls with ceiling heights of up to 30 meters and higher. Endless passages and galleries led researchers from hall to hall, from one city to another for tens of kilometers.

The so-called Bell Caves were discovered in Turkey, as well as in Israel. Their ancient origin is beyond doubt, but the principle of creation is still not really clear. If we were talking about using modern tools, the process would look like this. First, a hole was drilled in the rock with a huge drill. Then the hole gradually expanded, and, in the end, a cave was formed in the shape of a giant bell with perfectly smooth walls. But all this is good, although not easy, even with modern tools. Where could ancient unknown builders get a giant drill and grinding equipment? Mystery!

And this is only a small part of the mysterious artifacts, indicating that our distant ancestors had much more extensive knowledge and capabilities than official science claims.

Konstantin Karelov

Over the last hundred years, many artifacts have been discovered that are at least puzzling. In other words, these are those objects that, by their existence, do not fit into any of the accepted general theories of the origin of human life on Earth and all of earth’s history as a whole.

Based on biblical sources, we can find out that God created man in his own image just a few thousand years ago. According to orthodox science, the age of man (say, erectus - upright man) can be dated no deeper than 2 million years, and the beginning of the formation of the most ancient civilization only in tens of thousands of years.

But could it be that the Bible and science are wrong, and the age of civilizations is much deeper in the centuries than it seems? There are many archaeological finds indicating that the development of life on the blue planet may not be as we know it. Here are a few artifacts ready to break the usual pattern of opinions.

1. Sphere balls.

Over the past years, miners in South Africa have raised strange spheres made of metal from the depths of the earth. The origin of objects with a diameter of several centimeters is completely unknown. And what’s curious is that some of the balls have an engraving of three grooves parallel to each other, encircling the entire ball.

The striking artifact balls can be classified into two types: some are made of metal with white inclusions, others are hollowed out inside and filled with a spongy white composition.

How it was cast and what its purpose is is unclear. But what irritates some scientists even more is the date of origin - 2.8 billion years! Erectus, for example, only learned to fry food 1.8 million years ago. It is difficult to imagine who could have made spheres during the Precambrian period (this is evidenced by the rock layers). – unless, of course, it’s the terrible weapon of the mythical aliens who destroyed the dinosaurs.

By the way, criticism regarding these areas is also interesting. Some believe that it was clearly made by an intelligent being. But others claim the natural origin of these unwanted artifacts. By the way, it is precisely such finds that are also called “forbidden archeology” - such objects do not fit into the framework of the outlined theories about the origin of man.

2. Incredible stone balls of Costa Rica.

As you can see more than once, our ancestors liked spherical shapes. So, while making our way through the impassable thickets of Costa Rica in 1930 - which was justified by the development of the territory - we unexpectedly came across perfectly round balls.

The sizes of spherically smooth objects vary, from gigantic ones weighing 16 tons to small ones, the size of a tennis ball. Dozens of Costa Rican stone balls lay as if giants and children were playing bowling here.

The balls, turned from a single piece of stone, were certainly made by an intelligent creature capable of thinking, which happened in the not-so-distant past, but the mystery of the unknown is present - who, why, and with what help did it is unknown. How did the ancient masters manage to achieve the perfect circle without a bunch of necessary gadgets?

3. Incredible fossils.

Archeology, paleontology are very important sciences that reveal to us the secret of the life of the planet in the past. However, sometimes the depths of the earth reveal something amazing. Fossils - as each of us knows, this formation occurred thousands and millions of years ago, and it is pointless to object to this, but it is also difficult to believe in the finds stuck in them.

Here, for example, is a fossilized human handprint found in limestone whose age

dates back about 110 million years. So the question arises: who could have imprinted their imprint on the Walk of Fame when there was no trace of the person yet? Here's another case from the same category of forbidden archeology: an "abnormal" find of a fossilized human hand was discovered in Bogota (Colombia).

The rock formation that “recorded” the remains for centuries dates back to 100-130 million years ago - an unthinkable date, since humans could not yet live then. This is truly an artifact from the category of “forbidden archaeology.”

4. Metal objects before the Bronze Age.

A piece of pipe, 65 million years old, is kept in a private collection. According to all theories, man is a young creature on earth, and in theory could not process metal. But then who made the flattened metal pipes that were dug up in France?

And in 1912, workshop workers saw a metal pot fall out of broken coal. But nails were also found in sandstone from the Mesozoic era.

However, there are many other anomalies of this kind, which are not clear how to deal with, since they clearly fall outside the general idea of ​​human development.

5. Discs of the Dropa tribe, ordinary stones or an alien artifact.

The history of Dropa discs is very, very mysterious (they are also known as Dzopa, who call Dropas), their origin is unknown, and often their very existence is for some reason denied despite the facts.

Each disk, 30 cm in diameter, has two grooves diverging towards the edges in the form of a double helix.

Hieroglyphs are applied inside the grooves, as a kind of marking carrying the source of encoded information. According to various sources, at least 716 stone disks were discovered, approximately 12,000 years old.

The discovery of the Dropa stone disks occurred in 1938 and belongs to a research expedition led by Dr. Chi Pu Tei in Bayan-Kara-Ula, a place lying between Tibet and China. It is believed that the disks belonged to an incredibly ancient and highly developed civilization.

From conversations with local residents, it is known that previously the stone disks belonged to the ancestors of the Dropa tribe - who were aliens from distant star worlds! According to legend, the discs contain unique recordings that could be reproduced if there was a “phonograph” - the discs are unusually similar to small vinyl records.

According to the legends of the tribe, approximately 10 - 12 thousand years ago, an alien ship visited these places emergency landing, - (the event successfully echoes the global flood). So, the ancestors of the current Dropa tribe arrived on this ship. And the stone disks are all that has survived from those people.

Briefly speaking about this find, we can note the following; The disks were discovered in rock burial caves, which contained the remains of small skeletons, whose height of the largest during life did not exceed 130 centimeters. Large heads, fragile, thin bones - all those signs that are formed from a long stay in weightlessness.

6. Ica stones.

Since the early 1930s, the father of Dr. Javier Cabrera, while studying Inca burials, found stones with engravings on the sides in the tombs (now there are over 50 thousand stones and boulders). Dr. Cabrera continued his father’s hobby and, cataloging andesite artifacts, amassed a huge collection of amazing objects from ancient times. The age of the finds is estimated to be between 500 and 1500 years, and they subsequently became known as the “Ica stones.”

Very interesting and curious stones, it must be said, were found near the Peruvian town of Ica, small, weighing 15-20 grams, large ones weighing half a ton - on some there are paintings of eroticism, the sides of others are decorated with idols. Still others depict the absolutely impossible - a clearly drawn battle between man and dinosaurs. It is completely incomprehensible where the ancients learned about brontosaurs and stegosaurs in order to so clearly draw animals that became extinct a hundred million years ago.

It’s scary to even think about how to relate to other images - these are heart surgeries, as well as the practice of transplantology. Agree, such finds are shocking, and of course contradict the modern chronology of events; more precisely, such pictures completely destroy the entire chronological chain of earthly history. There is only one way to explain this: listen to the opinion of Professor of Medicine Cabrera, who says that a powerful and developed culture once lived on Earth.

The doctor's stones, and in ten years the collection has grown to 11 thousand copies, have not received recognition, and are considered a modern fake, but this does not apply to all copies, some actually came from the depths of centuries. And yet the paintings on them do not fit into the framework of current theories about the age and development of civilizations on Earth, which means they also fall into the “forbidden archeology” basket.

By the way, Dr. Cabrera is a descendant of Don Jeronimo Luis de Cabrera y Toleda, the Spanish conquistador and founder of the city of Ica in 1563. It was M.D. Cabrera who made the artifacts widely known.

7. A spark plug for a Ford that is thousands of years old.

Of course, the internal combustion engine is not a new device. Although when Wallace Lane, Maxey and Mike Mikezell stumbled upon an unusual rock in the California mountains in 1961, they had no idea that the artifact lying inside was about 500,000 years old. At first it was an ordinary beautiful stone for sale in a store.

It was only later that something made of porcelain was discovered inside, in the center of which there was a tube made of light metal. It is unclear with what technology this could have been done about half a million years ago. But experts noticed one more thing - some strange formation in the form of a nodule.

As further work with the artifact, including x-ray examination, revealed, there is a small spring located at the end of the found riddle. Those who have studied this find say that it closely resembles a spark plug! - and this is a little thing that is estimated to be half a million years old.

However, the investigation carried out by Pierre Stromberg and Paul Heinrich, with the help of American spark plug collectors, the artifact can be attributed to the 1920s. Supposedly very similar ones were used in Ford Model T and Model A engines, made of stainless metal. So, in principle, this artifact can be considered critical in terms of age and origin. Although it’s surprising how she managed to petrify in such a short time of 40 years?

8. Antikythera mechanism

This perplexing artifact was recovered by divers from the site of a shipwreck in 1901 off the coast of Antikythera, a place located northwest of Crete. Divers, extracting bronze figurines and looking for other cargo of the ship, found an unknown mechanism covered with corrosion mold with a bunch of gears - which was named Antikythera.

As it was possible to determine, the ancient device with many gears and wheels was made from 100 to 200 years before the birth of Christ. At first, experts decided that it was some kind of astrolabe instrument. But as X-ray studies showed, the mechanism turned out to be more complex than thought - the device contained a system of differential gears.

But as history shows, at that time such solutions did not exist; they appeared only 1400 years later! It remains a mystery who calculated this mechanism, who could have made such a thin instrument about 2,000 years ago. However, it can be assumed that this was once a completely ordinary technology for manufacturing complex devices, they just forgot about it one day and then rediscovered it.

9. An ancient battery from Baghdad.

The photograph shows an amazing artifact of quite ancient times - this is a battery 2 years old.

000 years! This curious artifact was found in the ruins of a Parthian village - it is believed that the battery dates back to 226 - 248 BC. Why a battery was needed there and what was connected to it is unknown, but a tall clay vessel had a copper cylinder and a rod of oxidized iron inside.

As the experts who studied the find concluded, in order to obtain an electric current it was necessary to fill the vessel with a liquid of an acidic or alkaline composition - and here you go, electricity is ready. By the way, there is nothing surprising in this battery; according to experts, it was most likely used for electroplating with gold. Maybe it was so, as experts say, but then how could this knowledge be lost for 1800 long years?

10. Ancient plane or toy?

Yes, looking through the artifacts under the heading “forbidden archeology” you never cease to be amazed at how advanced the civilizations of antiquity were - for example, the Sumerians ruled the world 6,000 years ago - and where, and most importantly how, these important technologies for the development of life ended up forgotten.

Look at the artifacts of ancient Egyptian civilization and Central America, they strangely resemble the airplanes we are familiar with. It is possible that in an Egyptian tomb in 1898, they found only a wooden toy, but it very clearly resembles an airplane with wings and a fuselage. In addition, experts believe that the object has a good aerodynamic shape and is most likely capable of staying in the air and flying.

And if the issue with the Egyptian “Sakkara Bird” is quite controversial and is subject to criticism, then a small artifact from America made of gold about 1000 years ago can easily be mistaken for a tabletop model of an airplane - or, for example, a space shuttle.

The object is so carefully and carefully designed that there is even a pilot’s seat on an ancient plane. Ancient civilization trinket, or model real plane

 6.11.2017 12:28  0

from ancient times, how can you comment on such finds? - Knowledgeable people speak simply; intelligent beings lived on Earth much earlier than we think about it. Ufologists offer a version with an extraterrestrial civilization that allegedly came to Earth and gave people a lot of technical knowledge. Did our ancestors really possess the greatest secrets and knowledge, which, under the influence of a mysterious factor, were forgotten/erased from the memory of mankind? Back at the end of 2016, news spread around websites and blogs about mysticism. It said that a strange Greek coin was found during construction work in Egypt (it is known that Ancient Egypt

 5.11.2017 21:20  1

traded with the Hellenes) with the image of an alien. The image of the alien was very close to what is shown in modern science fiction films. This is the image. It is unlikely that such a coin exists. Numismatists have already determined how and what it is made of...

 17.07.2016 07:33  2

A sensational film about the mysterious civilizations of bygone centuries and the ancient little-studied history of planet Earth. Numerous archaeological discoveries, eternal mysteries and secrets of the architectural structure of megaliths, alternative history and archeology that defy logical explanation. New unique and unusual finds of archaeologists and artifacts from the ancient civilizations of our forefathers from the cities of the world of bygone centuries...

 14.07.2016 04:43  0

A report from the Russia 24 channel about one of the most famous mysteries of the 20th century - the “Kyshtym dwarf”, whom local residents nicknamed “Alyoshenka”. It is still unknown where he came from, but to this day those who saw him in person live in the city of Kyshtym. True, they saw him already dead, in the form of a mummy. And only one pensioner, who suffered from mental illness, claimed that he lived with her for a whole month. At the same…

 24.06.2016 11:42  4

Everyone knows about the famous Easter Island with its mysterious statues, but few people know that in Russia there are even more Mysterious Island. Russian Island Champ (Franz Josef Land) is very popular among tourists sailing on Arctic cruises. And it’s not surprising that there are objects on it, the origin of which is still not clear - these are mysterious stone balls of quite impressive size and a perfectly round shape, which make you get lost in numerous...

 19.03.2016 22:57  0

Since 1922, two British men, Carter and Carnervon, opened the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun (object KV62) in the “Valley of the Kings” near ancient city Thebes, this object presented many surprises to several generations of researchers and continues to present them today. In 2015, Japanese archaeologists brought a ground penetrating radar there, which they used to scan the space of the tomb and discovered that it had at least one secret room, the purpose of which is unknown...

 4.03.2016 16:26  1

The discovery made during excavation work became the reason for archaeological research. In Kuban, during the construction of an energy bridge to Crimea near the village of Ilyich, a unique hydraulic structure of ancient people was discovered. According to archaeologists, it was erected on Taman 28 centuries ago and belongs to the civilization that existed on this land before the arrival of the Greeks. The device is a structure for water purification. It was badly damaged, but after it was dug up, it again...

 11.02.2016 13:57  0

The mummy, named "Princess of Ukok", was discovered on the Ukok plateau in the Altai Mountains in 1993. Locals They believe that the peace of this mummy cannot be disturbed, since it is protected by an ancient curse. Archaeologists considered it one of the most significant finds of the 20th century and intend to leave it in the museum. None of them, after years, changed their point of view, so they decided to seek the truth in court. AND…