Blog archive Green Island. Green Island Mysterious dungeons and other mysteries of the Green Island

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View of Green Island from the right bank of the Don

The most important mystery of this island is its abandonment. No matter how much people try to develop it, build recreation centers and children’s camps here, Green Island is not particularly successful in this regard.

View from Green Island to the Rostov port

The databases not only become unusable, they turn into complete trash. The island is simply dotted with abandoned base houses.

Few survive here. And then only the bases of rich organizations.

In general, there is nothing surprising in this. People are already accustomed to comfortable hotels, and few people are attracted to spending several days in a crumbling house with rotten floors and outdoor amenities that are scary to enter.

Many organizations probably simply went bankrupt and abandoned their bases completely... A very sad sight. But many Rostovites spent their childhood holidays on Green.

Now it is covered with ruins, fallen trees and debris...

And when you know how other cities (especially European ones) deal with similar islands, what kind of candy they turn them into, and even make money from it, you can’t help but think: maybe there’s something wrong with us?

The fishermen will leave, but the garbage will remain...

Of course, Green Island is a little difficult to explore - there are many wetlands where water stands almost all year round. But if they build entire cities in swamps, then wouldn’t they be able to cope with a small island if they wanted to?

Some attempts are being made to make it attractive to people. For example, a water park was built near the beach. And in the depths of the island there are a couple of restaurants. But this is still not enough.

No wonder people are afraid to walk around the island alone. Its abandonment even gave rise to legends that all kinds of evil spirits live on it: goblins, mermaids and completely unknown creatures.

But there are other creatures to be wary of here—dogs. There are quite a lot of them here. They are unlikely to be homeless. There are even purebred ones - I saw huge Asian shepherds lazily basking in the sun.

Asian man resting (filmed while driving from the car)

But even more mongrels. When they are full and happy, they do not pose any danger, but it is still better to stay away from them. Not a single one even barked at us - everyone lay there lazily.

Crooked trees and will-o'-the-wisps

A lot has been written about Green Island as a anomalous zone. I won’t retell all this; anyone who wants can find it and read it on the Internet. I will only say that there are really a lot of crooked trees (they are most often noted as a sign of anomaly). However, as in any wetland.

It's crooked like that...

What’s even more surprising is that there are a lot of burnt trees – it seems like there are fires here from time to time.

Well, of course, when charred trees stand in swamps, there is nothing strange anymore that at night some mysterious lights are seen on the island.

An expedition of the All-Russian scientific research public association "Cosmopoisk" led by Vadim Chernobrov also came to Green Island - this is a group of researchers studying anomalous phenomena, mysterious places and not only. They carefully examined the island with various instruments and indeed found some unusual phenomena on it: they heard strange sounds of unknown origin, and some expedition members even became victims of a “prodigal place” - an anomaly in which a loss of spatial orientation occurs.

The head of Kosmopoisk Vadim Chernobrov during a visit to the Don

Yes, just in case, I’ll say that there is a strict dry law on Kosmopoisk expeditions.))

Members of Kosmopoisk in Rostov-on-Don (Your author is also in the picture, did you recognize it? 😉)

One of the members of the regional branch of Cosmopoisk, Alexey Baskakov (pictured on the left), explains the strangeness of Green Island by the fact that it is not just an island, but a geopathogenic zone, since it is located in a tectonic fault.

On Green Island, even tree stumps suddenly turn into dogs))

They say that on the island they see will-o'-the-wisps at night - some even resemble the outlines of people.

And even the birds here fly not just in a school, but in the shape of a shark :)

Alexey also says that he saw a bald eagle on the island - a bird from North America, which doesn’t seem to be found in our area. How the eagle ended up on the island is another mystery.

Mysterious dungeons and other mysteries of the Green Island

There are also many rumors about the mysterious dungeons of the Green Island. But no matter how many times I ask my digger friends, they all say that there are no special dungeons there. So, ordinary communications - technical, water supply, no mystery - and especially giant tunnels leading to Rostov or the left bank of the Don. In general, if you think sensibly, then what kind of dungeons can you walk through on an eternally flooded island, where there is water in all the lowlands until the end of summer?

Of course, there are technical dungeons, and I have seen them, but such dungeons exist everywhere where people live. I think there is nothing interesting there and cannot be. Although…

This is what they are, the dungeons of the Green Island... :)

Walking around the island we saw a strange and mysterious phenomenon. In a small hollow there was a tiny lake with a real small whirlpool. The water in it was seething and bouncing, and deep gullies were clearly visible through the thickness of the water.

Not a quiet whirlpool...

As a somewhat romantically inclined person, I was immediately delighted - here it is, another mystery of the Green Island. But my husband was with me; he did not graduate from the journalism department and was not used to looking for riddles and sensations everywhere.)) He graduated from the physics department of our own Russian State University (now Southern Federal University) and is inclined to explain any riddles by natural causes.

At first we assumed that this was some kind of underground spring, in which water for some reason came out in spurts. Then - that maybe this lake has an underground connection with the Don and when a wave comes (and there was a strong wind that day) - the water rises and splashes out.

But why does it spin in circles, like in a bathtub?


We began to wander around and on the nearest hill we found two water supply hatches. Here is the solution. Probably, a water pipe there burst and clean drinking water, for which Rostov residents regularly pay money, just flows into the ground...

Sensations - alas, it didn’t work out... But the spectacle of the seething whirlpool is breathtaking. Someday, maybe I'll post a video of it.

By the way, if you watched the film about Green Island from the “Seekers” series by Andrei I, then you probably noticed the building in which the cameraman of the film crew allegedly failed. So it is not located on Green Island at all, but on the Left Bank of the Don. Here it is, do you recognize it?

Old pier on the left bank of the Don

I don’t quite understand why this kind of falsification is needed. After all, there is always a chance that the program will be watched by one of the locals who knows the surrounding area.

Moreover, the island is interesting without any falsifications or hoaxes.

Creature with red eyes

We saw on Green Island (not on the island itself, but in the Nakhichevan channel) a strange creature with red eyes. I’ve never seen anything like this in our area before, much less in the city.

It was a black-necked grebe. A very unusual bird. Her eyes are red as coals - a bright ruby ​​​​color. And behind the eyes, on the cheeks, tufts of golden feathers puff up.

The outfit of this bird is different in winter and summer. In winter she has no crest. And perhaps I could have seen such birds before, I just didn’t pay attention. Although I would definitely remember such eyes!

The eyes of the black-necked grebe are like two burning coals

Interestingly, black-necked grebes are found in Rostov region closer to the border with Kalmykia - on Lake Manych-Gudilo, in the Rostov Nature Reserve. And here - in the city itself... However, after I saw a kestrel (a bird from the order of falcons) in my own yard, it’s hard to surprise me.

Unfortunately, this toadstool is edible. People hunt these beautiful birds. It's a pity! In my opinion, the bird is very beautiful, no worse than a swan or a mandarin duck.

She ran away... across the water...

Not for the first time, I regretted that I didn’t have a telephoto lens; I wasn’t able to take a close-up shot of the bird with good quality.

Have you seen such birds?

And on the other side is Rostov... a big and noisy city

We walked around Green Island for two days (without spending the night, we came and left). Yet a good place for walks. Maybe someday we will get to see him well-groomed and beautiful...

P.S. Photos were taken in early April of this year. And now this island is truly Green - and looks like this...

Green Island in June 2013

This is it, our mysterious Green Island... And as you can see, it really has mysteries. And even more so, those who want to find them can find them...


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Incredible rumors have long been circulating about this small island, which is located within the city of Rostov-on-Don. And the biggest secret of the island is that it still remains abandoned. Neither the construction of recreation centers, nor children's camps - nothing helps to settle the island.

And no wonder. Even local residents compare occurring phenomena with secrets Bermuda Triangle. Inexplicable events on Green Island became known back in the mid-20s of the 20th century. At that time, townspeople told each other fantastic stories about ghosts, revived drowned people and mermaids who live on the island.

Today, stories about an alien that fell here are extremely popular. spaceship and about the black stone.

According to eyewitnesses, NKVD troops arrived on Green Island before the start of the Great Patriotic War. At night, when the residents were sleeping, the military transported something in trucks. However, they were unable to complete what they started: German troops, in the fall of 1941, approached Rostov-on-Don. And instead of evacuating, the NKVD troops organized the defense of the deserted island. During the defense of the island, almost all the personnel died, ensuring the removal of something mysterious from the island into the interior of the country.

Many stories about unexplained phenomena associated with the “black stone” are told by local residents. But it should be noted that attempts to purposefully find the mysterious stone do not give any results. Although, eyewitnesses claim that they not only saw the black stone, but were also exposed to it.

The reason for the failure may be that the island is covered with rather dense vegetation, and the western side is completely inaccessible. However, it is the western part that, as eyewitnesses say, is an anomalous zone.

Scientific expeditions were organized to Green Island, including an expedition from the Kosmopoisk research association.

Research was carried out using special instruments on the western side of the Green Island. As a result, weak anomalies were recorded, which were possibly associated with underground structures (remains of old trenches and dugouts) located on the northwestern shore, and with small underground structures of unknown purpose. At the same time, the expedition members became eyewitnesses of sound signals of unknown origin and manifestations of the “prodigal place” anomaly (an anomaly in which the most mysterious events can occur, first of all, an absolute loss of orientation in space occurs).

Be that as it may, no one has yet seriously studied the secrets of Green Island. Vadim Chernobrov, a researcher of anomalous events and coordinator of Cosmopoisk, says this about this place: “Anomalies on Zeleny Island have been known for a long time. In addition, preliminary studies were carried out there. However, changes in the mental state of people, anomalies in the composition of the soil, and mutation processes in vegetation require further serious research.”

About Green Island,
dividing the Don River into two branches near
city ​​of Rostov-on-Don, cooling ones have been running for a long time
blood rumors. In the local press even
nicknamed "a little bit Bermudian".

Old-timers say that the bad reputation about
this place has been going since the mid-20s,
when the townspeople began to pass from mouth to mouth
mouth horror stories about ghosts coming to life
on the island, drowned people and even mermaids.
Nowadays the most widespread
got rumors that there used to be
an alien ship crashed or
A meteorite crashed into the soil. Before the Great
During the Patriotic War the island was occupied by troops
NKVD and took something out of there at night
trucks. But we didn’t have time. Already in the fall of 1941
years, the Nazis broke through to Rostov. Whole
The NKVD regiment fought to the death defending the deserted
island, and died almost entirely,
giving the opportunity and time to specialists to remove
From here to the rear there is something mysterious.


Locals about “strange unearthly” phenomena
residents tell many stories. IN
most of them involve a certain black
virtual stone. Why virtual? Because
neither for us nor for many scientific expeditions
it could not be found. Meanwhile
"witnesses of the phenomena" claim that they are not
only saw this stone, but also felt
its impact on oneself, as a rule,
neuropsychic properties.

For example, a group of young Rostovites
testifies that one day, having sailed to
island on a picnic boat, the guys stumbled upon
on an unusual black stone, which seemed to
hung a few centimeters above the ground.
It began to make an unpleasant buzzing sound.
The soil underfoot began to vibrate, and
the outlines of objects around seemed to “flow”,
blurred. All this caused the boys a painful
headache and feeling of panic.
They scattered. And calmed down
only an hour later, when they gathered in the boat
and sailed a fair distance from the island.
A few days later the guys ventured further
visited the island once, but didn’t find the stone
and did not experience any unusual sensations.

A different story happened to the Rostov family.
Father, mother and six-year-old daughter were relaxing on
island. While the parents were making a fire
and cooking, the daughter disappeared. Father and mother
ran around the entire island several times, repeatedly
They searched the tent - the child seemed to have disappeared into the water.
Only two hours later the girl was found sleeping
in... the tent, although ten minutes earlier
Mother looked there again. Waking up
the girl said that, having walked not far from
shore, I saw a “black buzzing stone.”
As soon as I touched it with my hand, I immediately
fell asleep. What happened to her next, and how
got into a tent, the girl couldn’t remember.

Bridge to the island

Purely externally, the island is sharply different from
neighboring Don banks. It's covered extraordinarily
lush, one might say, gigantic vegetation,
as if she had experienced some kind of mutation
processes. Here, for example, you can find
cherry trees, the fruits of which are 4-6 times
more than usual. Locals only
they are not eaten. There is a belief that whoever tries
these berries, after a while he gets sick
an illness unknown to science and dies in agony.

They also told us about a failed experiment.
Soviet era. In the early 80s at
empty island, local authorities decided
create a "pioneer republic" - zone
recreation for schoolchildren. Construction materials were brought
materials, foundations for future
buildings and sports facilities. But suddenly
work stopped and never again
resumed. Moscow writer Alexey
Priyma, who lived in Rostov until 1973 and until
still studying his problems, claims
that construction has stopped because
rare chemicals were discovered in the soil
hazardous to health. Among them are such
which are not found on Earth in free
condition. Apparently they are participating in
mutation processes occurring in
island vegetation.

We were unable to find documentary
confirmations of those mentioned by Priyma

If construction really stopped
due to dangerous concentration on the island
rare earth elements, then the questions arise:
where did they come from here? May be,
indeed the NKVD regiment protected from
fascists something unusual?

There really is a memorial plaque on Green,
It was installed in memory of the 230th NKVD regiment,
stood here during the war to the death. Already
the mentioned Alexey Priyma claims that
he once got acquainted with the memories
one former NKVD employee. They were talking
about what happened on the island before the war
emergency landing"a flying device without
wings." The NKVD members were immediately transferred here,
because they mistook the UFO for a secret fascist
plane or rocket. Parts of this "thing"
they tried to take them to the rear before the Germans arrived.

We contacted the FSB Central Archive with
request for official information about
"ufological" activities of the 230th NKVD regiment.
They didn’t confirm it, but they didn’t deny it either
probability due to the absence of any
documents in general about the work of our bodies with
UFO. According to the director of the archive, all these
materials before 1991 were transferred to
one closed Ukrainian research institute, and after the collapse
USSR attempts to return them were unsuccessful.

Nevertheless, we managed to obtain an archival
document "Characteristics of combat operations of the 230th
NKVD regiment" signed by the chief of staff of the 56th
army of Major General Arushanyan and military commissar
headquarters of the 56th Army, Regimental Commissar Bransburg.
In it, in particular, it is noted: “The regiment during 7
spent days fighting fiercely for about. Green, where
the enemy directed the most violent blows.
Despite the enemy's obvious superiority in
forces, firepower, as well as beneficial
terrain conditions, the regiment courageously and persistently
defended the defense sector he occupied. Losses
the regiment killed and wounded amounted to more than 90

The document says nothing about other tasks
shelf and "flying saucers". But he's from it
no less important and interesting for us, because
testifies to the great miracle of feat
our people, to the last drop of blood
defending every inch of their native land.

from the Internet

Green Island.

Where did the Fayns go when they completed their feats of arms and left the earth? Some say that Fin and all his army fell in a great battle and died as mortals should die. After all, a certain hill in Perthshire is called Seal Fin, which means “Fin’s Grave.” And in Glenarkey, in the county of Inverness, another hill, similar in appearance to a boat, is rumored to be built over the mass grave of all his warriors.
Others say that Fin is not dead, but still lives on a certain green island. This island is somewhere in the far west, at the very edge of the world. It is called Ilen na Hoig, "Island of Eternal Youth." Magic apples grow there and all-healing water flows in life-giving springs. Blessed is the one who is lucky enough to get to that Celtic paradise, to this Land of Light, the Land of Fulfilled Desires. For as soon as a person steps on its shore, youth returns to him. He again becomes the same as he was at twenty years old - his body straightens, gray hair disappears, and wrinkles smooth out.
There is a legend that one person once set foot on this magical shore. He lived on Jura, one of the Inner Hebrides, and his name was Angus MacTregor. He had a small sailing boat and carried cargo from island to island and from the islands on the coast of Scotland.
One day he was standing on the pier in Greenock, and then a man of enormous stature approached him. Engas had never seen such heroes in his life. The man was three heads taller than ordinary people, and his chest was covered with a bright red beard. He patted Engas on the shoulder and said:
- They say you have a boat and transport goods to the islands and the mainland. I need to deliver meat to one island west of Islay. Can you transport me and my cargo there?
They made a deal, and the giant transferred his cargo to Engas’s boat. The boatman only shook his head when he saw the huge carcasses of beef and lamb that filled his boat.
“Perhaps this will be enough to feed an entire army of mountaineers,” he thought.
When everything was ready, Engas raised the sails and sailed in the direction where his employer pointed him. They left the mouth of the River Clyde, passed Arran, rounded Cape Kintyre and entered the Sound of Islay. And then a thick fog fell on the sea. Engas steered blindly, trying to steer west and obey the giant's instructions. For two days they saw neither earth nor sky, and Engas asked himself in bewilderment where they were.
“We must have already passed the furthest of the Outer Hebrides,” he thought.
On the third day, the fog cleared, and Engas realized that his boat was approaching the shore of some island that he had never seen. A gray calm sea washed the island, and to the boatman it seemed like some kind of green paradise, promising rest and peace.

“This is where our journey ends,” said his tall companion.
But Engas understood that they would not reach the shore very soon, and therefore he went to the cabin and lay down to get some sleep. He was awakened by the weak impacts of the boat on the shore. He climbed onto the deck and saw that his boat was rocking on the waves. There is no longer a load on it, and the trace of the giant has gone cold.
When the boatman negotiated with him, he promised to pay for the transportation when they arrived at the place. And now Engas realized that his employer wanted to deceive him, and decided to find him at any cost.
He got out of the boat and waded towards the grassy bank. And as soon as he stepped onto the island, it was as if some burden had been lifted from him. All traces of old age left his body, and it seemed to him as if he had become a twenty-year-old youth again. He was amazed at how easy it was for him to walk; I felt my forehead and felt that the wrinkles were gone.
“Apparently, I ended up on Ilen na Hoig - the “Island of Eternal Youth,” he guessed.
And he also guessed that the giant sitting in his boat was one of the Feins.
“There are no such strong men these days,” thought Engas. “And, therefore, the Island of Eternal Youth is the same as the Island of Heroes,”
Nevertheless, Engas was determined to receive payment from the fein for transportation. And so he went to wander around the island. Soon he came to a house built of huge stones. Its front door was twenty feet high and twenty feet wide.
Engas entered the house and found himself in a vast hall. Here, in a heavy chair, sat a huge old man with a beard down to his knees. On his face lay the gloomy imprint of a thousand battles in which he had once fought, and in his eyes lived eternal sorrow for those who fell in battle, fighting next to him. It was Fin McCool himself. He turned and noticed Engas.
- What do you want here? he asked and raised his huge hand. - However, drink first, then tell me.
And he handed Engas a huge goblet full of golden honey. The cup was so heavy that it was only with great difficulty that Engas lifted it with both hands and brought it to his lips. And when he had drained it, he sat down and told Fin about everything that had happened to him.
Then Fin asked:
- Tell me, resident of the island of Jura, if that tall man who didn’t pay you comes here now, will you be able to recognize him?
“I can,” answered Engas.
Fin shouted the cry in a thunderous voice, and his heroes began to enter the hall. Their arms and legs were like tree trunks, and when they walked, the floor shook beneath them. Among them, Engas saw the man whom he had brought here from Greenock. It was easy to recognize him by his bright red beard.
- This is the man! - Engas said to Fin.
Fin ordered the giant to pay Engas in full, and he paid, although very reluctantly. Then Fin let Engas go, but when he left the house, the giant caught up with him, grabbed him by the shoulder and tore out his right eye. “If I had done this earlier, you wouldn’t have recognized me!” he said.
Suffering from acute pain and bleeding from his eye socket, Engas somehow made it to the shore. The giant walked behind him. When they reached the place where Engas had anchored his boat, the giant ordered him to shake off the dust of the island from his feet - every last speck of dust.
Then Engas got into his boat, raised the sails and sailed home. He saw the Green Island gradually disappear into the fog that rose above the water. And when the island was completely out of sight, the burden of the past years fell again on Engas’s shoulders.
So, the trip to the Island of Eternal Youth brought him only the loss of his right eye.

There have long been chilling rumors about Zeleny Island, which divides the Don River into two branches near the city of Rostov-on-Don. The local press even nicknamed him “a little Bermudian.” Old-timers say that the bad reputation of this place dates back to the mid-20s, when townspeople began to pass on from mouth to mouth scary stories about ghosts, drowned people coming to life on the island, and even mermaids. Nowadays, the most widespread rumors are that an alien ship crashed here or a meteorite crashed into the soil. Before the Great Patriotic War, the island was occupied by NKVD troops and they took things out of there at night in trucks. But we didn’t have time. Already in the fall of 1941, the Nazis broke through to Rostov. An entire NKVD regiment fought to the death defending the deserted island, and died almost in its entirety, giving the specialists the opportunity and time to take something mysterious from here to the rear.

They say that before the start of the Great Patriotic War a UFO fell here. The unusual aircraft was mistaken for a new enemy reconnaissance aircraft. However, there is an opinion that this was really one of the flying disc-shaped vehicles developed in the 30s by the German Sonderburo No. 13 on Hitler's orders. In 1939, the first “flying disc” powered by inventor Viktor Schauberger took off. In photographs preserved in the archives of the German secret society Ahnenerbe, this device looks exactly like the “flying saucer” described by UFO eyewitnesses. However, some ufologists believe that it was still not a German, but an alien ship. AND further events indirectly confirm this version.

The famous Moscow ufologist Alexey Priyma, who lived in Rostov until 1973, claims that he had the opportunity to read the memoirs of a former NKVD employee about a “flying device without wings” that crashed on Green Island.

One way or another, the NKVD troops launched vigorous activity on Zeleny. The place was cordoned off and security was posted. But the incident itself was classified.

However, they did not have time to finish the work, since by the beginning of the war the island was still guarded, and when the Nazis broke through to Rostov in the fall of 1941, they defended it fiercely. The Germans, no less stubbornly, sought to capture Green, which was of particular interest to them. Probably, a fallen unidentified flying object played a significant role in this interest. Now it’s no secret that Hitler was interested in UFOs, esotericism, extrasensory perception, etc. However, in the case of our island, it is unclear whether Hitler wanted to take possession of the alien device or return the development of his engineers so that the Russians would not unravel the secret of his new weapon.

In memory of the 230th NKVD regiment, which stood to the death on Zeleny, a memorial plaque was installed on the island. Moscow writer Alexei Priyma, who lived in Rostov until 1973, claims that he once became acquainted with the memoirs of a former NKVD employee. They said that before the war, an emergency landing of a “flying device without wings” occurred on the island. The NKVD members were immediately transferred here because they mistook the UFO for a secret fascist plane or missile. They tried to take parts of this “thing” to the rear before the Germans arrived.

There were attempts to contact the FSB Central Archives with a request to provide official information about the “ufological” activities of the 230th NKVD Regiment. They neither confirmed nor denied this possibility due to the lack of any documents whatsoever about the work of our bodies with UFOs. According to the director of the archive, all these materials were transferred to one closed Ukrainian research institute before 1991, and after the collapse of the USSR, attempts to return them were unsuccessful.

Nevertheless, we managed to obtain an archival document “Characteristics of the combat operations of the 230th NKVD Regiment” signed by the chief of staff of the 56th Army, Major General Arushanyan, and the military commissar of the headquarters of the 56th Army, Regimental Commissar Bransburg. In it, in particular, it is noted: “The regiment fought fierce battles for 7 days for Zeleny Island, where the enemy directed the most furious blows. Despite the enemy’s obvious superiority in forces, firepower, as well as favorable terrain conditions, the regiment courageously and persistently defended the defense sector it occupied. The regiment's losses in killed and wounded amounted to more than 90 percent."

The document says nothing about other tasks of the regiment and “flying saucers.” But this makes it no less important and interesting for us, because it testifies to the great miracle of the feat of our people, who defended every inch of their native land to the last drop of blood.

However, the tenacity with which the regiment defended the island can also be explained by the important strategic significance of the island - it remained the only springboard for our counterattack troops. Also, reconnaissance and sabotage groups from the 230th regiment were transported to the city every night, giving no rest to the Germans.

However, besides UFOs, the island has other secrets. Strange things happen on Green from time to time.

Black stone

Local residents tell many stories about “strange unearthly” phenomena. Most of them involve some kind of black virtual stone. Why virtual? Because neither we nor many scientific expeditions were able to discover it. Meanwhile, “witnesses of the phenomena” claim that they not only saw this stone, but also felt its effects, as a rule, of a neuropsychic nature.

Here is one of the typical stories. A married couple with a six-year-old daughter were vacationing on the island. While the adults were making a fire for the barbecue, the daughter disappeared. The parents, having checked the tent and made sure that the girl was not there, ran in panic through the thickets, trying to find the baby. After a couple of hours unsuccessful searches they decided to go to the police. And then suddenly they saw their daughter... sleeping in a tent, which they searched more than once. When the girl was woken up, she said that in the thickets near the shore she saw a large black stone and, barely touching it, fell asleep. The girl did not remember what happened after she ended up in the tent. But she insisted that she did not return there herself.

Here's another case. A group of young Rostovites testify that one day, having sailed to the island on a boat for a picnic, the guys came across an unusual black stone that seemed to hang a few centimeters above the ground. It began to make an unpleasant buzzing sound. The soil underfoot began to vibrate, and the outlines of objects around seemed to “flow” and blurred. All this caused the boys a painful headache and a feeling of panic. They scattered. And they calmed down only an hour later, when they gathered in the boat and sailed a decent distance from the island. A few days later, the guys ventured to visit the island again, but did not find the stone and did not experience any unusual sensations.

Interestingly, attempts to purposefully find the mysterious black stone lead nowhere. However, the island is covered with dense vegetation, and its western part is completely impassable. But it is this area that eyewitnesses most often speak of as an anomalous zone.

satanic cherry

Purely externally, the island differs sharply from the neighboring Don shores. It is covered with unusually lush, one might say, gigantic vegetation, as if it has experienced some kind of mutational processes. Here, for example, you can find cherry trees, the fruits of which are 4-6 times larger than ordinary ones. Only the locals don't eat them. There is a belief that whoever tries these berries after some time falls ill with a disease unknown to science and dies in agony.

They also told us about a failed Soviet-era experiment. In the early 80s, on an empty island, local authorities decided to create a “pioneer republic” - a recreation area for schoolchildren. Construction materials were brought in and foundations for future buildings and sports facilities were erected. But suddenly the work stopped and was never resumed. The already mentioned Alexey Priyma claims that construction stopped because rare chemical elements hazardous to health were discovered in the soil. Among them are those that are not found on Earth in a free state. Apparently, they participate in the mutation processes occurring in island vegetation.

Several scientific expeditions landed on the island, including those of the All-Russian Research Association “Cosmopoisk”.

Instrumental studies were carried out on the western tip of the island, which revealed weak anomalies, probably associated with underground structures existing on the northwestern shore - the remains of old trenches and dugouts, as well as small underground structures of unknown purpose. The expedition members witnessed on the island sound signals of unknown origin and manifestations of the properties of a typical “prodigal place” - an anomaly in which the most incredible incidents are possible, primarily a complete loss of spatial orientation.

However, no one has yet seriously explored the secrets of the Green Island...